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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1907)
QUE ' OREGON : DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 25, MOT. SPEEDY LAUNCH A, YOUK EYES MuaouW ' Insufflelenolea, which .. are uaualljr , Ignored by moat optometrists, are especially and carefully eonaldered '-p '. . ' y Our system" of optical muscular treat mant Insures your perfect sobfort, It doea not follow, aaooeaarUy, that you wilt have to wear elaaaea. ,. ,'.-,,. It will require but a very tew minutoa of your tint to call and talk tham attar over with w -., .. '- mi mmmw wim mm 01) 1LH TRIAlrTRIP John E. Wolffs Nsw Motor 0oat ' , Performs Well Despite Obstacles. FASTEST CRAFT OF KIND ON WILLAMETTE RIVER Although Bwllt Along; Lino Injuring ' , Speed, Boat Is AIm Equipped for Comfort and Win Cwrjr JFlfteen PeoplsMako Run to Lightship. . Tho Vlnn, John B. Wolff now motor lost, wag launched yotray morning and tier trial trip proved eoneluelVely that oho Is the fastest motor boat on the Willamette, j Within to mlnutca after being placed In tho river tha Viaen, 'wit flTa pereoris on board, wont ver ths two-mtla courao. bolow tho atoel bridge, In I minutoa and 1 aeoonda or t tho rata of 11. 11 mtlaa an hour. In tha afternoon with eight peraona n board the Vixen made the run to Vancouver, a dlatanee of II miles.. In II sataatee. It took kit IT minutoa to run to the mouth of '4ha Willamette.' II I tnlWor almoat to miles 'an hour. ' In larHhe trial trlpa no attempt was made to uoviiujj ine nw imiwi rou Bf eauaa of the newneaa of that engine. "Store" gasoline, of very poor, quality, waa uaed ia tha teats. . Mr. Wolff built and deafened tha Vtxea. He worked On her during eren ings and Sundays and la not a profee alonal boat builder. Bhe la II feet on the water Una, la IH foot beam, haa a l-hereepower three port Bmalley engine ead haa a oommodloue cockpit, enabling her to earry eomfortabljr about II peo pie. While aha la a speed craft, the Vixen ia not a racing boat. To prove seaworthiness Mr. Wolff will make a trip In the Vixen to the lightship off the mouth of the Columbia, or about 11 ml lea out to aea. "I thoroughly believe." aays . Mr. Wolff, "that when the engine haa Urn .bared up a little and the boat fa at ripped for racing, the Vixen will make 21 milea an hour. Yseterday aha went to the mouth ef the Willamette without mak ing a little "mlssflro,' and I consider that a vary remarkable performance." r Munsell Optical Co. Z.a Beaaa KuaseU. Befrastloalst, ' . Maeleey Balldlag-. Voctlaaa, Oregon. her MORE CEMENT COMING Fuller A Co Will Bring a Shipment From London. W. P. Fuller St Co. will bring another eargo of oement out from Europe, the French bark Jane Guillon having been laid on at London to bring about II, 000 barrela of the material to thla port The Jane Oulllon haa never been here before. . Indications are that more cement will be brought here thla aummer from Eu rope than ever before In the htetory of the port, there being mora cement car rier headed for Portland than at any other time aince veaaela began to ateer out thla way round the Horn. Whether ' the Eifropean aupply will bo aafflclent to aupply tha demand la an open ques tlnn. but It la auppoaed that Japaneae oement , will also be Imported. Last yea thousand of barrela were brought nertf 'on 'oriental" liners." tW traffio eeaaed when the Japaneee factortee finally ran ehort and became unable to fill erdera - - Notice to the Ice Trade From and after Hay t deliveries from the Independent Coal A ,Ice company, Portland Artificial 'to company. Crys tal loa At Storage company through our delivery will be aa follows Restaurants, boarding houses and sa loons, too per hundred. ; ' Residence route, TOo per hundred. Today the grreajtest yetNo need for long description or much talk THE PRICES TELL TnE TALE Tomorij)v the sixth day of the terrific slaughter of Symes Bro le mm Ice Delivery Co. Temporary weat aide office III Stark; phone Main 780. " ... w Eaat aide office III Eaat Morrisert; phone Eaat ITS. '. bargea and other paraphennalla to be' used In loading tha vessel. No word haa been received from the overdue British bark Zinlta. She should have arrived several weeka ago but nothing haa been heard from her aince ahe waa reported off the Falkland ti end a on New Tear's eve. Tha Zinlta comes from Antwerp with a eargo of cement consigned to W. F. Fuller Co. Reinsurance waa quoted at II per cent, na other day. lira r in i tYirn thai i . Crowds , 11- I' .... .. '.. ! . r : ! : Do Hero J Ecrly Tomorrow Values that eclipse and put to 6hame all contemporary sales. Thewhole town as toundedli The entire Symes stock goes at one quarter, one third and one half price. Doors Open At 8:00 Tomorrov Hornlnn l CALIFORNIA BOATS IN. Craft Experience Beautiful Weather Off the Coast. The Ttarriman Ban Francisco liner Costa Rica, Captain Maaon. arrived thla morning at t o'clock from Ban Francisco and thla afternoon the North Pacific Iteemshtp company'a Steamer Oeo. W. Rider. Captain Jeaaen, will be In the harbor. The steam schooner Nome City, Captain Hansen, arrived at Stella thla morning from the Bay City to load a return cargo of lumber. The Incoming veseela report beauti ful weather at sea, tha water smooth aa glaaa and light breeies blowing. Aa a reault of the fine weather both north and eouth bound craft have been mak ing time. The Costa Rica made the run from the Bay City to Astoria In it hours and the Nome City covered the aame dla tanee In ST hours, remarkably feat time for a veaael of her claaa. SHIP ECLIPSE SAFE Arrives Overdue Lumber Carrier From San Pedro. The overdue American ship Eclipse crossed In over the bnr this morning and thereby allayed all feara for her aj'r. She hna been out more than a TiiTTikk from 8an Pedro and her char terers felt some concern for her. They made arrangements to load her with lumber at one of the lower Columbia mills several days ago and In the mean time they have paid demurrage on CONCERT FOR SEAMEN Weekly Entertainment Tomorrow Night at Institute. The weekly concert at tha Seamen's Institute, 100 North Front atreet. wtU be given tomorrow (Tueaday) evening at o'clock Instead of Wedneaday. Tbla change la necessitated by tho sudden de parture or the British Ship Dlmadale. which will be largely represented on the occasion. Mrs. W. H. Nspler haa arranged the following program: Piano aolo. F. Beuckner, Britten ahlp Dlmadale; aong.'Mlaa Toette Shlvely; son i, H. Pattank; violin aolo. R. Hen deraon, fourth engineer Biitlah steam ahlp Irian Monarch;aong, T. W. Jones, British ahtp Tola; vocal trio. E. Kayaer, H. Schadler, V. Wenk, British ship Dlmadale; reading. Miss Eugeala Craig; piano aolo. Miss Young; song, H. Hoist, engineer German steamahlp Aragonla; aong, Mlsa Hattla Brandt; oornet solo, E. Kayser, British ahlp Dlmadale; piano aolo, A. Turley. British, ahlp Tola: piano aolo. Mrs. H. V. Napier; song, Mlas Ben. netf Johnaon: reading, Mlaa Chamber lain; song, Mlaa C. Bussall; plans solo, Carl ' Mett; chants. W. Brews, M, C. Wright. Brtttah ship Dlmadale. Aooom panlat, Mrs. H. N. Napier. ALONG THE WATERFRONT The ateamer Alliance Is loading at the foot of Couch atreet for Coos bay. Captain P. J. Werlloh. lighthouse In spector, returned thla moraine; from Puget sound, where he went to replace a number of buoye." The Inspector says the Puget sound tugboats are In a measure reaponalbla for the loas ef a number of buoys because) la towing log rafts they run over them and drag them out of position. The a team schooner Sollpss sailed yesterday for San Franolaeo with (10. 000 feet of lumber from the mills of tha Portland Lumber company. The barge Walacot la en routs for Astoria in tov of the tug Samson. F.1H1 Ends J5c Long Cloth per yd 9c 5,090 yds 6c and 7c Calico per yd. 2!c Laroe 5c Bar Laundry Soap Uc Finest 12V2cyd Wide Silk'lene 5c Men's Best 5c and 10c Oandk's 2c 15eFancy Hosiery An Colors 6c Large 5c Box . Parlor Matches 2c And Just Look at These-You A Clean Sweep of Thousands of Plecos of Women's Can Hair wood Symes finest 30c and 35c Brushes, ebony and natural backs, good bristle. Bankrupt Q ' price .1JC Standard Transparent Glycerine Soap, the famous Gillette brand, large j double bar, worth 12c, for..... C Women's Novelty Bust Forms, in neat figured and fancy lace, ruffled effect; splendid 45c quality, cut 25 C Women's Pure Silk Girdles, in white. pink and blue, all sixes; Symes sold these at $1.25. Bankrupt Price.. : 79 c All Symes' finest. Men's and Women's Umbrellas, paragon rust-proof frame, pure dyed taffeta .covers, 'tape edges, sterling and gold-plated handles. One .year's guarantee with every- AO CQ one and all $5 values. Choice )aWeDe7 FOOD ECONOMY Sow te Save Money and 0)rt Strong. i Nature always economises. There Is no waste In nature except as msn brings 1t about. In keeping up life and energy, nature requlrea Juat ao much of tha aimple clementa that go to make up 'proper food man often cauaea wVste of en ergy, by over eating. A Minnesota man cut down on his food schedule and waa able to get rid of a lot of Ilia and be comfortable. He writes: i "For SS year I suffered from chronic rheumatism, and many other serious Ills, Including Indigestion, headachea and elugglahaess of mind and body, Which were very trying. "t waa advised by a doctor who la an atAerfTadvocate of Orape-Nuta. that ray efreuble lay In too much food too much ' meat eaten too fast without proper maatlcatlon. He advised me to try Grapa-Nute. "An experiment of only a few days convinced roe that he waa right. "1 made the change and have found Orape-Nuts not only available as a food, but extremely helpful to perfect diges tion by thorough chawing. "Two eggs and a handful of trape Nuta. with a little cream, thoroughly chewed, for breakfast now take the place of four eggs; some bacon or ham and a lot of pancakea or fried potatoes.. "With a corresponding change In my ether two meal I find myself, for the first , time In It years, entirely free from 'rheumatism, indigestion and med ical attendance. And my wife declares I am .more -agreeable and Intelligent than avert" Name given by Postum 'Co., Battle Creek, Michigan. Read the ? ' book. "The Road to Wellvllle." In pkgs. Tbero's S Reaaon." t ' ' MARINE NOTES Astoria, April tt. Arrived at 0:40 and left up at 7:11 a. ro., steamer Oeo. W. Elder, from San Pedro and way porta. Outside at 11 a." m., schoon ers Annie Larsen and Sailor Boy, from San Francisco. Arrived at 10:11 a. m gasoline echooner Dehll. Arrived at 11:30 a. m., American ahtp Bel! pee. from San Pedro. Sailed at 10:10 a. m.. bark entlne Chehalla, for San Frandaoo. Ban Franclaco, April tl. Arrived, steamer Washington, from Columbia river. Astoria, April t. Arrived In atl:80 and sailed at 10 a. m., steamer North land, from San Franclaoo, for Puget sound. Sailed at , 0:10 a. nu, steamer Maverlok. for San Franolaeo. Arrived down at 10 and sailed at 10:40 a. m., ateamer Excelsior, for San Franclaoo. Arrived down at 10:10 a m barkentlne Chehalla. Arrived at t:IO and lett up at 4:10 p. m., ateamer Coata Rica, from San Francteco. Arrived at 4:40 and left up at p. m., steamer Noma City, from San Franclaco. San Francisco. April . Arrived, steamer Columbia, from Portland, and barge Walacot In tow of tug Samson, from Astoria. Balled, ateamer Tiverton, for Aetoria, Arrived, ateamer Coaater, from Portland. Sailed yeaterday, ateamer J. B. Stetson, for Astoria. Buy ttsea I hancy Wash Neckwear IS Made of fancy laces, linens and novelty styles, many em broidered, others plainly tailored the newest of this spring's novelties, and all Symes best 25c grades. Choice Symes' finest, pure SflkNeckwear, newest stock effects, all colors, ribbon, OA lace and bead trimming; every one worth 39c up to 50c Choice, i ........ . xC Every th ing at Bankrupt Prices OlTrPF ifTTTt iSc yard-wide polka dot Percales at 12c; 15c If Hifci ill I Cretons, 9c; 15c Brass Curtain Rods for 9c; large v" wv 6x9-foot Rugs at $2.75; regular 25c Dress Lin ings at 10c; best 6c CrasH at 3c; regular 15c Mohair Lustres for 10c; wide 25c Colored' Dress Sateens at 12c: best 15c Dotted Swisses for 8 l-3c yard; finest 18c Taffeta Union Plaid Suitings for 14c yard; finest 18c Challies. WC fill 20c 'PmhmiArri 11r vrarvl i-eeni1av Q mfA Kfs . P f m W - sssaaya W vaw W e e Uaf J a 0 s VjMiat 00 aUAM WVui Silverware at lie; odd lots Women's Shoes at 69c u and ten 'thousand and one other bargains equally as great Women's Fancy Hosiery, black ground, beautifully silk embroidered, full regular made, double heels, toea and soles; Symes 89c gjr grade..........,..........;. J. Ladies Muslin Skirts, with 5 rows of insertion, full sixes;. Symes' best $1.89 special Bankrupt no price..:..........;: 98c All Symes finest $1 wide 60-inch Wool Batiste, in cream, blue and - . tfreen, yard. .AWZ 38-inch All Wool Panama, in all col ora and black, made to sell at ja 65c. yard ............. ........4UC See the window full of silks of every kind, 27 to 88 inches wide and includ ing all Byrnes', finest $1.50 ' rjt grades, yuxl...........i...... ;! 27-inch white silk finished figured Dress Ooods, looks just like silk; Symes sold this at 85c Bank- Qy rupt Price, yard.......,,. ZaiC Tomorrow the Great Suit Room Will Be the Most Exciting Place Yet THE CLOAK You never, never, never in all yourife have seen anything to compare with it Thousands upon thousands of garments Syniei' finest and best, the cream of this season's tyles all going at one third to one half price. Bargains SO: great that youll hardly believe it But come and see for yourself . In many cases youll find the values even greater than advertised.' Ladies New $10 Spring Jackets In tha newest styles, checks, plaids and (txipei, braid, strap and button trimmed: all colors. Symes sold them op to $10; choice. ..f 3,98 Ladies $1.00 Waista Itaa waite lawa, taVay trlaael aU elseei Srmea' sesl SI WalatS. Oaoloe 39 Ladies' $5-$6 Skirts Ladies' Finest 14.03 and $5.00 Waists In newest lingerie models, lacs and embroidery trimmed; over 50 different styles, and all $4 and $5 waists; pick of the lot ..1.08 $11 Ladies'915.00 Suits 3.98 V sweet sy rlaf styles, la faaey eheekei also BoUd oolovsi all Sla, 91S Salts.. Ladles 97.50 Jackets 3 la dress and walking styles, made of checks. piaias, stripes ana vanama it utter, all fancy trimmsd. Regular $5.00 and tfl.00 sum. cnoics $2.98 mass ef covert ia ill staea, aU S7-M Oeats. . Women's $4.00 and $4.50 Usprin.g...$1.09 $1.25 Black Sateen Petticoats at atecn79c Women's Jllk Waists I57 Ladies' $5, $6 and mm ZaaWkls ealri f all faaeyj' teiaiBaeai worta e Women's $40.00 and $50.00 Pattern Suits All on of s kind: Syncs' finest and most exquisite . models. ' Suits made ' to ' self at " - ..fl9.9S Silk Jumper vSuits 12-4J $40 and $50; choice... Chndr&'i?5c Dresses c mm glmfhBXB, faaer VraLuar stees 1 to 4 year! cheap a TSa. Chats. . 29" vest Swlaar Styles at Sees. ' eD?sa faaey su a Sa&os. $7.50 Fine Silk fc9 HQ Waists at. . . . )-W.yO Ladies' $50 CI A OC Pattern Suits iDl V!0 1G9 Ladies9 Dresses 98c Ladies' Wash Shirtwaist Eulta, fancy styUs, so-ipca, encen ana aots. ail colors; none worth less than $Z Pick 'em out st. cnoic And thousands of other bankrupt bargains all over the housePrices ripped and slashed to pieces for this week is to surpass all former low price records Come. U.0FO.IDIGS.H01D EXERCISES TONIGHT , The commencement eserelee of the medical department of tb, TJnlvsrelty of Orefon will take place at tha Hlsb school aaaembly ball. this evenln. The following protram will be given: March, selected; cells solo, "Evening BtarS (Wesuer): annual sddress, Hon, John M. Oearln, sx-Unlted States sena tor; (a) "Heather Bloom" (Klnssbury); (b) 'Cherry' (Albert): eonferrlns; e rrees. Professor p. Ia Campbell, praal. dent of university; "The Ameer" (Uer. bert); presentation of Saylor and Ana, nmy medala, Oeorse M. Walls. M. D.; "Sersaada'' Oounod); ohargs to gradu ates. Kenneth A. J. Mackensla, M. D. finale, selectee valedictory. Benjamin Louis Norden. M. "Simple Aveu" (Thome) ; Konrad s orchestra. Tha olaaa of 10 consists ef tha fol lowing: John George Abele, Henry Vlo tor.Adla. Oro Ie Garmo Rabcock. Adal. bert O. Bettman, Jo Bennett Blair, Frd Bunnell Cnaney, B. Kllxaneth Drake, flamuM Horse Oellert. Carl Crawford Griffith, Carl Julius Hoffman. Joaepb Kdwerd Kane. William Milton Killings- worth. Augustus Marshall Kinney, Herry Stanley Lamb, Emma Rllht Makl, WUlard Needham Moras Jr., Benjamin Iula Norden, Clara w. I oung-neam.a, WUllam Evert Smith. John Stephen Thomas. BOILERMAKERS WHO STRUCK RETURN TO WORK Boilermakers who went out at ' the Willamette Iron Steel company'a ahona are returning to work. Soma of then resumed their pisses Saturday, and a few returned today. Soma have secured places elsswbers. They de manded a uniform wags of M per day, which tho company refused, Tho wages ranged from ll.Bt to tt per day for "handy men" and tt for boilerraakere. Tho anion proposed to plaoe all on 14 pay. They also aaked for ehaagea In shop conditions, " which wars refused, The com pan v conceded a reduction of hoars from nine to eight for a-days work on outside repair work. PIONEER G. W. AREHART V DIES VERY SUDDENLY - ' I 11 Mil (Spoelil IHtoetra te le Joareal.) Junction City, Or., April IS. George W. Arehart, an old pioneer of this eity died very suddenly Friday while sitting in bis chair. He was TT years old. The doctor pronounced death duo to hem orrhage of ' the brain. The ' deceased leavea a wife and seven children, J. W. Arehart of Lebanon, Mrs. Ella Frura of Coburg, Mrs. Johnaon of Plalnvlew, Mrs. J. IX teem Of Albany, Irvln Are- Go with Us to Waverleigh On the big tsllywho. Pre sests to H, only reserve them in advance. Let us know when you can o. : s H. W. Lcmckc Company SIXTH AND WASHINQTQN Main 550 . Hom Phone A 235 p uiiiiiniuuniuum Kzxzzuzzzzzzzzxxiuznza Go in Our Free Tally -Ho TO WAVERXEIGH 'Reserve your seals now for any day. ; H1 W. Lcmcko Company - . SIXTH AND WASHINGTON ,MaIh 550 ; ; , i" ... Home Phone A 2357 nnminimmmnn nininmnnmnmni li hart ef Dallas, Mrs. Etta Perry of Lowell, Wsshlagton,- and Mrs. Armlnta Kaiser of thla olty. Mr. Arehart wae A pioneer of IT years, emigrating Tto Oro- goa la list front Lees Creek. Cllatoa sounty, Ohio. Ha settled la Linn coun ty, where ho resided for years. The re saains wars laid away yesterday la the si nn a week will do qi n YOU WtAD TH t D I AH ON D . While Paylnfor It " And this applies to anythins; too boy ht this store. We carry a beautiful line ol diamonds, watches, jewelry, etc. , You pay us $1.00 a week nutil paid for and. wear It while paying for it. WE SELL ON INSTALLMENTS AT PRICES LESS THAN OTHERS ASK WHEN YOU PAY THEM CASH. Call and .' look oyer our stock. Ask us our prices and terms . on which we sell and then compare these prices with others. Ypu will find that we sell cheaper than any of .pur competitors. STANDARD JEWELRY STOHH Odd Fallows' eem.t.ry. T' services wer. roni i.-i.-) ,r i f 'nrl Atr.rla F $(0,600 botne. V.