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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1907)
19 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. fORTLAND,- MONDAY, EVENING, APRIL 29, , 1907. ' I San Traricisco Office Oregon Journal 789 MarketSL, bet 3d & 4lh inmwilimTI AWD STJB ACJLLFTIOAS UCJUTU, Oregnnlans wkM in Baa Francisco ma nave their mall Mat la ear of The Journal office. . . , . ARTHUR U rVSH. Representative. J WHEN AWATFRQM BOMS Copree ef n Inml ess to MiM b the followtag cities sad town oe tattle at Oiif. I.e JoermaT apprseisBa the receipt ef reports ef (allure ta obtain, espies at (to i say of these places: ' tOLFAK. WASHINGTON A. B-'KraaT. WALU W4LLA, WUlllUXVn wall Wlin Stationery Gompaayi Rogsrs-Hoeweii wa- ; - pen ny ; uorsl nsrres r ew. niane, vigor- Stand; Central Nova Com pa of. TAIIIMt, W, AorllNUTOrl HOM . stano, 11H Bouts rouna a street; - Central r.ewe Co. I people a News oa IE1TT1X WAHHIKOfON Rata leg . Newe Stand; IntsraetleesJ Nawa Agency Newspaper Wagon; Hotel Besttaa News etaau r eetern mews to. BAN diroo. CALIFORNIA Arses News Mnv. Nowntan Wina. ? RPOKAKB, WASHINGTON John W. Graham Co. MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA M. , Osva. Bench, M Third erreet, acuta. ST. LoUIA MIKSOCai T. J art. SO Olive 5 street: George L. ArberTasa. A W. Cor ITIehtik imI Olive arreata. KANSAS CITT. MISSOURI Terse Haw" Ooee- , peay. Newepaper Wegoa. Union Aveae News Os.. opposite TjDloa aapot. CHICAGO. ILUNOIRP. O. Xiw OBmpaay IT Daatwni arraat. DENTRB, COLO ADO Unto Thqc Kal Rlaad. " l.O ANQBLBB. CAUrOBWIA a,ajw Mawi OAKLAND. CAUrORNIA Aaaaa Wawa Ok. miiv Kmntnar Waaoa: Hak Favpa Oa. AN FKANCKhJo. CAl.irOBNl A N. Whaatta Nawa Compaay. Nawapaaar Wacea; raatar A Oraar. rm totldlaai iakoaf Haara Oxaa. panr. KM nnaaofa atraat; Aaaoa Mawi Co. AI,T TARS riTT, VTAB BaaanfaM Haa - ana. Nawapapar Waaoa; O. U Daataa. Hotat K)n; Barrow Broa., ad Watt ttrrit. Sootk. ' . OODKN. UTAH Ora Wow Ooakpaal', Nawa atana. CM aba. J,gBBAMA HUlard Batal Rtaad fiCW irOKK CTTT Arthmr' BotallaA. Ii pa par Waffflaa. TcnnyoT.K. VA. Rwif A flwiM m NEW TODAT. nc. Junction ; The Tunnel Townsite and Im s provement Company will offer for .sale for a short time a limited ' number of lots at McKenna June . tiori. ': ' yy-; McKenna Junction is located on the, Columbia boulevard at the crossing on the main line of the O. R. ft N. from the east with the main line of the Harriman system to Puget Sound. ; - 7 .Packing-houses, stock yards, railroad yards and other great in dustries are planned for McKenna Junction. .-.,..-! ,,,.r For platS and Prices, Call On Or . . ' address - W. H Grindstaif 510 COMMERCIAL BLOCK PHONE MAIN 6009 ,$lj)D0WN $5 A MONTH WHY PAY RENT?' One block from Tremont station. Mt. Scott line, lots 40x120, 60-foot streets, alleys and water mains. Nothing cheaper in this section. -We will be pleased to' show you. Office at Tremont station or 315 Chamber of Commerce. -' ' ; v- 1 PURSE & CflC A New House and Large Lot Two and a half blocks from the canine lor ; , $8SO ; Half Cash , ; rr $D00 on the installment plan ; $100 down and $15" per month. See Joe NASH. OWNER; at Mil lard ave., on the. Mount Scott car- line. Also some building lots for $123 each $20 down and $5 per month. Call Sunday p. m. or Bruce's Addition S160 $175 $200 aiter. '.:.' r 1 : KKW TODAY. . . . NEW TOUAY. - f UNDERTAKERS, i. ' . tELr WANTED MALE. I ' HELP WANTED FEMALE D. E. KEASEY & CO. rtlahd t ' s FOUR NEW COTTAGES $3,750 to $4,000 On car line, 5, 6 And 7 rooms, gas ind electric lights, sewer and city , , . 1 ,, , , . . - icuum uuiicni, tuiuacc, fireplace, etc, .fine view.ofMt. Mood, li lots with eacn house. Terms to suit. D. E KEASEY & CO. Exclusive Dealers in ' Heights Property. Office on the Heights and 7 Chamber of Commerce. , ' Main 2159 Breeders' Blue Ribbon Dorse Sale 150 roadsters, saddlers, . show horses and race prospects. YOUNG 'STANDARD 1 BRED AND MORGAN STALLIONS AND REGISTERED MARES To Be Sold at Public Auction 'i Inlngloa Race Track Mayl.2;j Portland Ilorse Sale Company Send ' for Free Catalogue. ; Hamilton Building, Portland , HOMES FOR 10,000 GOOD, PEOPLE Improved farms, dalrr rancbea, aero tracts, near Portland and In Willamette valley; a great deal of the land is on electrlo roads, with 10, 10 and 10-mlnute oar service. The price will be rlffht and on easy terms. City lots In every part of the city" Sot sale. Also residtnlcea. OXXTKIsTO JTBW 09 TMM HAtDl COLWELL'S ADDITION :'. , to romnvajTB. Lets COxlOO: each lot Is covered with bearing fruit trees: lt-mlnute ear. tide to can tar of city; 10-mlnute car service; one of the most sightly locations Inside tna city limits, on east aide; Bull Run water: no grading to do on streets. For the first ten days we will give you your chotoa of. Inside tots at $40. , Cor- nara 9000. I' to 000 area at timber land that will fbaar InaDartlon. This land will ba aold oa easy terms to responsible people. Dean Land and Improvement Co. M.M. DBA, leaser - SI Obaraaer of Ooxrurerea Bldg. 50,000 Oi'lOO.oloee In end a aplen did buy. The lot next to thla held at ltO.000. This will make yon money. Half cash, balance ta suit. ' . ' ' , v ,; ' 930,000 Wall improved lOftxlO and paying T4 per oeot on the Invest ment. - Half cash.,,,,',.', t f 60,000100x100 on centrally located. ' In east side' and Let us show thla .. terou. ' , Sphinx Agency ' ' ' SOSH RAKX STBBZT. Quarter Block $34,000 1 The railroad eornpanles are now pend ing on millions dollar right by this property. It must Increase rapidly In vaiue; watcn it nouoie in value. Quarter Block $22,500 Thla auarter Is on Northrnn atraat. An offer la made of I1TI per month rent for t years, which owner declines. It's in tna ngnt piaoe to rasas money. J. P. COMPTON 100 Ablsgtosi Bldg. Jraelfl lSdi. srrrEC!A.LIBTS Id Hawthorne nrorjertv. Lots, houses and lota,' and aareagd throughout thla dlatrlct for sale. HOUSES' DESIQVKD and built, plans and spsclflcatlons furnished to noma baildera. non tabob toe. ottxob. maa ssts amo saw. " TIOBII ATB. - '' --.' . i. - ' - ' I Have One Acre . i i ..'.. . ... V "- And one-half acre for sale cheap for cash or half cash.'; See me, the owner. JOE NASH at Millard ave, Scott carline. on the -Mount Beautiful Souvenirs In OREGON HARDWOODS Flaln and . ornamental wood turning. LOUIS BOWEgHAN . IJ4 AUk BLnaaC Salmoa. Height CooldinBros "A $10,750 Home t Idrge ' rooms, spacious hall, solid stone i and cement foundation, cement cellar floor; attlo celled and varnished; porches large and neat, with manntve ; alone plllara; outside and Inutile In per- rwL niMnrl aroiinrla 1 OUs 1 DA. jrradi'n luflf rlht. beautifully keut; location pereci Tenna reasonable. J. F. CPMPTON 100 Ablogtoa Bldg. raalflo 1S4S. An improved quarter-block I blocks from Hotel Portland, and near the pro posed new V! At. C. A. bldg.. now pay lng good Interest on money Invested. For sale by owner for f 46.000. A very desirable site for a family hotel., . ( Inquire A. O. TIIM, 107 North Third Street; pbona Main 1681. . , , .. WEATHER REPORT. The preaaare renaloe aearly atet ternary ever tnia rorecaal dlatrlct, and tna atnwapberle 41a- criuuiuta -ia rarj eraa. ciaar aaiea prevail, with temnerararae saoerallr baluw tne nortattl. eaneHalljr eaat of th aHmntalna, where fraealng weatna acrnrred. A wall-denned blab area orerliee tne Dakotaa, and to apparently raovtnr aaatward. Teaiperainraa In tna rear of Uila fciKh area thnMiakmit Mnatana hu ra rlaaa da- eldeilly alnea yaatarday auornkif. The low area notee rnr aome una eror tka eoatkweat Da at leiialh developed Into a atorm area, altboaiik or moderate euararter. - It a) BioTtns alowlv eaatward. batna central thla mornlns over Maw Meilco. I.lKht to amderate prerlDltatloa from aoatheaatera California to Oklahoma haa narked Ita eaatward euarae.' Know waa falllna at time of obaerTatlaa at aaata re and rata at Aa. rlllo and Oklahoma. A tbandaratora waa re ported from Pnoealx, Arlaona. N Fair weatber ia dinocted to Brevall ever thla forecaat dlatrlct tonlxht and Tneaday, with hlah taniperatnrea tonlaht except aloof the coaatsad a nortnweetern Oregon. L, LOOHOLC, Actlne Platrtct Ptarecaater, remporarlly is Charga. -Tamp.- Max. . Mtn. Preclp. . 49 - -,r t 40 .- t. . M vO.. .00 . M , St i .84 . s ; ; 11 .- .00 . T M , T. . 63 ' M .00 . , M .00 , 00 .. 4 ,.00 , M 3 - i T. , oT , 4S . . '.00 ., TO V M . T. , 84 - M .01 , 00 ' -' 00 ' .00 W ft! T. Bra tea. Chlcaeo uenver. Onleraae Helena. Mnatana Kanaaa Cltr. Mlasorai.... Las Ancelea H, N'aw Orleans. Leulalaaa... New York, New York , Oauha Portland. Oraena , St. Lonla. Mleeoart Ht. Paal. Mloseaeota gas KraaetBee. (Jallfonrls.. Waahib(tn, D. 0... REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. rnfnk sad Aana to Peter Olbnai. lot 1, block IT. Can tar addition I , 10 Lone Pir Ceroetary company to A. B. oa, diocb a, eaia came- -tery i .77. ,u Prod and Berths Welch te Mathilda , Blnmbarf. lots 1 te s, block M, Penla- ralar addHraa He, 4 000 Seorae W. and Nora Bells McAfee te Bursa K. McAlplae. lot 14, block a, Maesly Hlcklaad 1.BO0 Ellen Plaaagaa te Adeline M. Csderweod. eeiriaBUif at sertaweat corner of lot la block A KmCe Beoand addltloav 1 ' sere a.twH fames P. MeOUnehey te Oenrse W. rone, aete a. a, a, 14, ia. Mock 11, Portaraoath Tllla annex No. 1,030 Kenneth. A. 7. and Marlon Marfeaaaie ta Ora Brown, lot A, block 18, Ken 11 worth addltloa tn Byeamere Real Batata company t Mabel ' narnagtoa, lota i aae a. block 4, Kara ' Pnrk SOS Btrhard William te P. 0.-Q"ff, lot S, Mock a. Wlluaais' addltloa No. S ' 1 Lewis Kerns te A. 0. Wells, lot It, block a, Stewart rare inn . L. snd May W. Holhrook to Simnel , Glbha, lot 4. hnrk 1, Daet Bt. Johns.. ' 060 Theodore Bracker and Catharine Winter. balder te Oeoraa W. Gorton, beclnnlng St aiMtheaat . earner of lot A block IS. Portland Homeatead .' 100 t. P. Kennedy sad Leara Kennedy te S. C. Beark, Ms 14 snd Is. block 14. Arbor Lodse . S00 Blbernla Savlnra Bank te S. C. Beach, lota lO. 11. 11 and 11. hlork IA. Arhor Lodfe l.tM Tell end A. M. Thomnaoa te Tborsroa snd William MltchelL eaat half of arts 14 and 14. block IS, Saaayalae ...... 10.000 Anton snd Ann! Bendrlckaoa te Anthony Meyerthoiea. sneth SO feet of lots 1 and A blork tt. anbdlebkal Bi Tmw addltloa te Alhlna 1AS0 Jennie O. and J. A. Bheffteld te L. P. . B. LsOompte. lot 1. block 12s. Btsnh- . eoe' addltloa l.TOO Jobs GIU te Lias D. Gill, lot M. block IS. Burs Beeeaa addltloa A BOO Klnr'a Beeoad addltloa A. Down los te Parry T. snd Bat tle B. George, lot 11. block 1, eabdl Ttstoa ef Browa's tract Mary B. Pletoher te Jooeph M. and Ross K. Woodwortb, north half of lots 11 snd 13, block IB, Msegly Blghlaad ad dltloa Charles B. and Lssrs Bailer te Kels M. 1,000 S.OfJO Ualvorsoa, let a, block , Llncols Park annex , 1 Beee City Cemetsrv seaorlatlos ta John H. Olbaoa. lot 30, block 4A ssctloa "D" said eemetery - Lenta and Margaret Nteolal to George R. King, lot 14, blork 4. Mendoe Park.. : Portland Trust company to Mabel B. ire- ' land, lot 8, block en, Woodatork W. M. sad Dors Kllllngawerth te Mrs. J. . . Proaaar. smith kslt of loU T aad 10. ' block 10, North- Alblna Union Trust A Investment company te " Mary B. Looaila, lets 1 aad 2, bevk -A Ivankos ' Geneeleve O. end B. G. Cotton ts Will lam El He tot 10. Browne addltloa . ... . Point View Beal Estate company te M. . C. sod L. B. Souh, lota 27 aad 38. ; block 80, Point flew Ksts L. ssd Georgs H. Temple te Oharlea . P. and Godfrey Ehmas, west half ef Iota I sad A block 4, Bracks Square addltloa - A. J. snd Tldt O. Far mar to J. A. Ward, lots 8. 0. 10 snd 11. blork S, Avaloa. . M. L. and Blase he Casa to Jnha Bus- sing, blocks 1, A A 4 sod i, Berne sddltlea Bophroala snd Wesley Allen ee D. L. . Pllley. sostk half ef aertbesst enartes , sf northeast quarter ef sort h west qnar- ', tar ef ssctlos tl. towaahts 1 south. BOA BOO 350 380 SM 00 DOS 10 00 10 range t cast Charles K. aad Bngsels Henry te B. S. Oreeslaaf, s atrip lying seatb ef south Ime ef block 4 is Besry's Plfth addl tloa snd north of north lias af block ' 11. Lextngtoa Btlgbu Portland Maaoala Cemetery eseinesy te Jamee J. Ellis and William Park, lot 37, scctlna A Greenwood eemetery . . . . A. W. sad Balls L. Lswbsrt te Jobs Aa . drew, lots ssd A block SO, Stephens' addltloa William A. ramming to Amelia B. Riley, 00x100 .feet, begtrmrng at point , la sooth 1ms of Hoyt street, 80 feet east of lntersertlea with seat Use of - Twsnty-ftrst street Prank R. ssd Ora B. Summer te I, B. Chambers, lots lit snd 30, block 8S, Treasont Arlera Lssd com panr te John 0. Basey, lots 13 sad It, block A Arlets Park ; no. s A0O0 I, BOO 300 Par sbstntrts, tit Is tn vera nee er mart rare loans, call on Pari fie Title A Treat eampsny, SOe-s-A-t railing bldg. . Oct yoer mearance and shettscts ts real satats from the Title Gsarestee A Treat eore pany, 340 Waahtogtoa st corner BecoaA " MARRIAOB LICENSES. Brace James Mardeeald ef Prist. Michigan, SS, sad Grace Whlamaa Balrd, 3A P. litre, ee, ana nettle uoonwtn, 3. Ed noffamlth of Oreenwooe, Washington. SO snd Minnie rVhnrta. 18. . D. C. Covey of Salena, Orrgca, 48, sad Mrs. Battle K. Gotark, 4A t hrtst rJairecir. ami aiarr aecer, as. Wedding Cards. W. O. Smith A Co.. Wasn- Isgtoa bMg comer pearth ssd Waahlnstoa ate. All kinds ef plsnts for sals st 413 Vanroovor see.; prices reaaDoaoio. rnw aaat osru. Toasstb A Co.. florists. ef sU kinds. . 133 Sixth St. narks Bma.. Plnrtets Pros flowers ssd floral seetgne. 3W Memaoa st wn M aulta for rent, sll el see. Unless Tailoring tie.. Stsrk st. DEATHS DIPD la Gold field, Nerads. Aprn . 100T. Jamee Bradforu. priovaa ana or watnea n, and Lola Bradford McOowaa asd grandaon of w. R. and raaule fl. Jarsdfsrd, assd S jsars. IunalDa, MaJCntea A OUbaafk, aodartakara ad embe lima raj oHKlaro la a.err data II. aa.raUi and I'lna. Mala am. - Lady aaabiaot. " Ertcbaon Undertaking Co., and embalming, dot Aider St., Phone Mais OlaA Lady saeletaat. 1. P. riul.r A Bona. TUIrd sod Mallaoa eta. Orric of county coroner, fhone Mala i Eeller-rirraaa Co., fanenil directors, eeibalaf i era. a.s aoMau. Eaet iota). Lady aaa'ataat A. B. Hemetnrk. rnnaral director. Beat lRtk aad Umatilla. Pboae Ballwood Tl. Lady aaatataat. Kit ward Hnlman. a,iartaker. S30 Third at. . CEMETERIES. RIVFB V1PJW Ulaela traraa. 10: family lota . tioo to 11,000. The only cemetery la Pmk. land wklch tterpetnallr' malotalna and earae fur lota. Par fall In forma (ton. apply to W. B. Markeaile. Wereaatar block, city, W. 11. Ladd. praaklent. . BOHt CITT lnle (raTea, I0; family kta, $20 to T5. 8upertntendeot at -cemetery, eoe- ner of Irramout at. and Cally road. Pboae Tabor 2o. par roll Informalloa apply re riau muiani, VA JOUiaWCVHil VIA. Mala tcs. NOTICES. SEALED blda will of the school clerk city h.ll.'up to 13 .. veaaay, mi lllatlnc the Turaday, Mai 21. 100T, for heatins and v.n rt'imvin a arbool bulldlnam. vlat The Vernon erhnor bulldiiie. Crraton arhool building, Terwllll(er school hnlldlnf. Plana of the buildings and (pacirtratloua of re- qnirementa ran be aeeo at office ef architect. 34 Eaat Third street. All propoaala maat be accompanied by eertined check , for lo pee cent of the amount of nropoaaL The school board reserves tne right te reject any sad m uroa. THOMA J. JOKB, Architect. TUB partnerahlp la the machtnlat'a baatnees . heretofore existing- berween James T. Murphy . and H. J. Praex.r, under the firm name of Murphy A Praeeer. at Bt. Johns. Orefos. nia oar oeeo aiaaoivee ey mutual consent. Jamee T. Murphy haa become the sole sro- prtetor ef said bnalneaa and will collect all socouats aad pay all billa. , . ' JAMES T. MTRPHt. i v- 11. J. PRAKGEB, rTOTTCB Te Eddyvllle atohalr pool ef (,000 - fleeces will ba aold April SO, IOTT.SN the hhrheat bidder, cask Is band. Blxbt reserved to reject ssy er all bids. . I. Q. Staadard, , Secretary. . . TO whom M may son rare I wfjl not be re sponalble for any debts contracted by my wife. Mrs. K. Boot. Slfned, Harry B. Root. MEETEVO NOTICES. A BABMONT LODOB, Ma IA A. P. A A. M- Special eoramanlcattoe thla fUmiriirl mmI.. . v.aO rfllL. '-eacleek. Work la the M. M. de Xw " erao. Tflaltora aro amll.llv nw Tlted. By order of the W. U. W. M. DB UN. Secretary. BAWTBOBNf LODOB NO. 111. A. P. A A. M. -Apeelai coramnnloa tloa thla (Monde?) evaaing at T:0. Borkhard - bulldlag. Work t ts the B. A. Degree. Tsltlng - brethren welcome,, Byv order ef the W. M. 0. B. MILLER, See'r. BLLISON ENCAMPMENT, NO. 1, I. O. O. T. Membrra requeetee to meet st corner Third sad Alder streets this (Monday) evening st . T .80 o'clock, sad take eat for Bt. -Jonas ts ' pay fraternal visit te Laurel Lode No. 188. NOMA CIRCLE will rive s Maypoto danea st seat side W. o. w. rau, Kaat niitn ana Alder ets. Admlasloa S5c. Pea's sreasstrs. 1,1 1 j 11 U. W. A. BVEBGRBEN CAMP. ,4M. meets Wednesday evenlsg. Allsky bldg.. Third and Morrlsoa sts. M. W ; A. Oresrne Grape Oamp No. O.STs. Moa a, 17th and Maraballi Tlsttnrs welcome. esys. LOST AND FOUND. " Lost 3,000 Snares Butte Boys Consolidated gpf tBpllmt artOCka' sMr1aMVh9lJ ltTl H4n"TMsBVa Waahmgtoa. Second ssd 10th sts.' Plsaae rstura ts The Journal office sad receive re wsrd. ,, POUND A place te save hair attraaaia reno vated and returned asms day . 328 Front at. . Main 4T4. Port 1. ad Uurled-Halr rectory. ' Metaget POUND A ladles' parse containing s Richland county teacher's , certlftcetes Owner eaa have sams by applying te fee abler Joarasl office. r HELP vf ANTED MALE. "N. WANTED Bmrs about It rears eld t Is factory: good wages; steady work. Apply at sues. Amas-Barrls-Nevllle Co Plfth snd . Dsns sts. -. - . - i 1 . . ''''' WANTED Stats ssd local managers for as ue-to-date alrk and accident aaeorlatlon: par trig weekly benefit) to Its swmberat fnralah. Sf Tree saecicai arrenoaDre; ao examination required. Liberal contracts te good agents. Americas Blck a Accwenr. asaocutiea. Bar fak. N..T. - - . . - -. SEVEBAL tn pre i A re tVe? Pertlsnd peetr atlon. May 11: s few days ernes .iinionixn, m 7 taw u . 7. otriy. ' Writs Psdfle SUtss Bcaoels, McKay bldg. : , . ' - . J-H ' '' PACIP1CI arTATIONERT A PBINTtNeJ 00- 300-30T Second St. Phone Musi Ml. Ws dealsa and hratall the BMst modern ssd Improved office aritaaoe; complete line anoee leaf filing aevKee. WANTED--rslssmes: mssy make 1100 ts 1150 per saonra; seme sees morel, sicca eiean, crown ea lain latlow. far from old sreharda: ceah advanced weekly; choice of territory, Address -waanmeme rti foraery sempsoy, lop. pen lab, Waeblngtoa. I(EN AND WOMBN to leara the barber trade m Signi weeaa; winiin vara pvo i o re 1 29 weekly: expert Inatrsetora: eat. loan a free. Mdler Syatem of Colleges,, tt North poorth St., Portlsnd. - , - ' ' '- WANTBD nigh 'class salremas for choice ter- litorlte: bignrac commiamon paia, everytning furnished; ceah advanced 'for expenses.. A Mrs ei)por(nlty Address, quick. Oregoa Nsreery, Salrra, Or. - DO yea wast .te leara good trade, hare short sonra, eeay woriT men leara to operate motion p let urea: gradnatrs earn (20 weekly. Terms reasonable. School 4SH Sixth at. WANTBD Young area ts sttead our day or nlsht arbool In seosieeping er ssorthand. Will hlaca yoa In good position wbea qnalt fled. Eclectic BbsIimss Inlverrlty, OS Third St. .:..,. STTDENTS ef iie Interna flenal Corraapundases schcola deal ring praerieai rxpenrnee are re seated to Hat nam st oar local ernes. 14 McKay building... WANTED At once, fl rat-clave pin m her snd fsr- sace mas ip nostnios town, gono wages snd steady work for right party: prefer man with family. Address P. O. box 007, Colfax. Wash. MEN asd boys wanted te learn plnmrdng, plas tering, tprjeaiarmr. eieerricai rreeee) rcee calelogue; poalttona seeured, " Corns Trade Schools, New York and Sas Praaclaeo. WANTED As elderly maa ts milk t raws and do eboree srousd board Inghouee; wacea Sro s month snd mat. Addreas N. H. Nelson, Dee. Oregea, via Hood River. MAN WANTED -One-third Interest eetabll.h-d real eetats office: money ne oSfeet ; experi ence not aeeeeeeryi rail Immediately, OdVb Sixth, near Pine. Alexander Ijncte. . . WANTED Two experienced men for cracker factory. Apply We. tern Baking Co., Ea.t Third a no r-mrt uaria. y EXPERT salssmsa raa mats $100 a week. Address T. a., sae uhasxisr at uemmeree bldg. , ' WANTED A good, bright boy 1 good wages. Ht-" a utka amass, sia as HIOH CLASS aaleaman: ao raaTaaaara wanted right maa can make MI0 a month: fire - reference. Addreas B 171, care Journal. A BTIHLTI.V hlrhar.d. aollpltiir: eanabal maklna J..IO no a month. all ronm 42i Chamber of Cuiumerce bltlg." Tyler rlcovllla, WANTKD Huneat niaa with amaH atnonnt of - money ror motion plrture anow; profits Ul o iiw Aailraaa B 17a. rare Journal. WAKTBD Ple Bea (married) to work ha tile pirtory: alao rive alnala men. Apply office Dtamond Brick Co., Aukeny et. dock, WAKTRD Tonne; men to atudy telefraphyj poaiMona at food wfia wbra comp'teBU uracva collrge, 001 Commonwealth bldg. WANTKU lloneat maa with small amonat of moner ror motion picture ehuw; prof Ita iq u ei'Ju oairy. Adilrcaa 170, care Journal, AKVERTIKIMJ enlicltora. commlaatMi, tneatri eal nroarama. IS datly: experience ennecex- -mrr. wa unoonnnicn OKlf. ' - i WANTFD Teams' te haul eravel. Apply Stev, ena Bros., Jd Eaat Tenth St. , Phone Bast SliH. , . Vv-A NT ED. Rrlxbt bor te work Is store and annver (ooda; eaat aids boy pre furred. P 17T, to solicit sdvertlslns: those with expert, encs only need 'apply. Call after ft p. m. 218 ouoonunxa Mag. V TWO anlMtprs, household specialties; sued pay, ue iniroA OOOD, steady barber wanted, barber ahop. . Portland Botsl WANTED A stronf boy at Oddcsbbob's Bar- act. -.iiat and jobssoa sts. WB want a frrat-elaas enatmaker. The 8. D. WUIa Tailoring Co., IViH Fifth St. SION PAINTER wanted. 284 lamb til. . Apply Bsrgsr A Soe, WB ret work for our awmhera; special mem bkra. A T. 14. C. A.. Posrtb sed lamhlll. BOTH wanted te work la fdrnttni r factory. 100 Kortn nth at. SIGN painter wanted; steady lob te right Apply to W. Prank Paine. 010 Pins at. WANTED Bora seer 10 years to work la randy - rectory. a lore vanoy u.( iota ana wubbw BOAT buUdsrs Wanted. Graham boat yard, foot aw at. . WANTBD A boy for work ts Hbrsry. poblle library, seventh sad Stark sts. Apply WANTED At once,' s flrst-clsas earrlsgs painter, ins uaioa see, - WANTBD Strong boy for work la Public Li brary. Apply Public Library, Tth sad stark. WANTBD Boy ts ma machine, 404 Davla. WANTED As upholsterer.' 828 Williams see. BABBEB wasted at BOH North Third St. BOT wanted for delivery. 404 Jsftersea. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRLS WANTED POB PACKERS, LABLERfl. TO. , . . - . j . WORK CLEAN AND LI9HT GOOD WAOBS CAN BB MADS ' PACIPI0 COAST BISOTJIT COMPANI TWSLPTH AND DAVIS STS, WANTEIV-Toang ladles te - learn telephone operating; good salsry, short hours, pay while learning; luncheon - served free of charge snd lounging snd rest rooms la , connection. Apply eh let oner' ' , a tor. Telephone bldg.,.. Wast . ' Park snd Alder sts. . LADY demorietratora, boose-te-Booss work; salsry tit per week snd sxpenass; short boars; sxperlence desirable bat . . Bat sbsolstsly seeentlal. Apply before 0 a. as. as sftsr 4 p. ra. ' W. Palmer Cev, 108 Oolnra- bis St. WANTED Orris ever IS yesra eld to work ta . factory; good wages; steady smpkrymsat. Apply st once. Ames-Rania-Nevllle Co., Plftk sad Davis sts. WB arant 38 millinery trimmers eagbly sxpsrleneed, first-lass snd ssed ts ths finest work la the craft; good wages'. Ap ply st 820 Wsahmgtoa St., next door shoes ' Godderd A Kelly's shoe, stare. The Shsfsr- Wblttler Co. - . LABGB tmstaees firm da alias a weenaa not under SO who Is trustworthy ssd saergettr: ' sxperlence - unnecessary, Addreas by letter . only, riving telephone. M. Kslgbt, 307 Til ford bldg. - - , 100 . MILLINERY ssleslsdles wanted Women svperlescsd Is selling medium snd hlgh-elaaa millinery. Apply st 320 Wsahlsgtoa aU, nett door te Goddard A Kelly's shea store. The Bbsfer-Whlttler Co, WANTED Experienced and beglsners la book keeping ssd shorthand te taka sua,- rapid drill work fee" paying pasttone: ess eaat I y place yen: dsy snd night elaases. Eclectic Baalaess Dnlverstty, OS Third at. GIBIA WANTED Operators ts work ea shirts end-ovsrslls. , ieseous given te iMTperleaeed. Apply st Standard factory No. A Grand srs. end Eaat Taylor et. WANTED Experienced - pr.eaci ea ladles' garmentsi good wages ana permanent pe al t Ion for right party. Berlla Dye Wwka, PIRST-CLASS aslsswomen te solicit orders from conBumsrs. Bsreresces reqoirea. sal ary to right party. Belfaat Importing Co., tit Preach bldg.. Tar ma, Wssh. ... WANTED Machine operators, attrchers, troners snd mangle girie. icaar nine t-aonary Co.. East Aah aad Sixth. Phone East 800. Ia sll day Sunday. IALFSWOMEN, experienced, competent snd re liable wanton in an nepartmenia; gooa, per manent . positions to ths right persons. . Olds. Wortrssa A King. ... WANTED A family cook; win psy t a montB, or more irpervicaa are exceptionally good; B people w' family. ' Apply OS 7 Plaa ders, or phone Msla HSi. DRESSMAKER wests gtrle te leara eewlngl will do wen of gooa (iris, usu, rront room. Bpetalrs, 108 11th St. WANTBD Young ladles to study telegrspby) poalttona at good waged wbea qualified. Ore goa x.oura, 000 mnimtwaui. oiag BANSKN'B LADIES AGENCY, 8481, lngtoe at romer oeventu, sperairs. Mais 80Z Female help wanted. Psoas STRONG girls for randy fsetory. George A. McNeil company, wnoieeaie conractlerjera, no North Fourth, near Oilcan. WANTED Woman or girl for general hreree- work. 0 room cottage. 110 Bmsraoa at. Take L csr. W A NTEll Girl to do general honaework; fam ily of three adults; 2S per ssoatk. Apply TI0 Plsnders at. COMPETENT girl for genersl la family ef two; most know bow to cook ; good Waxes. 804 North 34th' St. WANTED Good girl fnt I booaework : good wages snd fins room St., north, near Broadway. 175 Kent 11th GIRL to do general hoearwurk: family of three, ne children: good wages. Inoulre Dr. Lab be' a residence, bead of Lot a Joy at. WANTETV-Skirt and Walat flBlahars. ford bldg. Sit TU- WAM'HD4)rrl te do booaework la small fant 11. TvUphoas Seat eeuu. WANT s lady er gaat to learn and taka char-e .. of a purtueiapk gallery la Portland. L 170. ' ears Journal. WANTED lllrl fi- cooking snd ganeral bonne, work, family of 4 sdulta; good wages. 670 , WANTED Three experhraoed dining-room glria; j good waa-ee. In-inlre Htewanlraa. Norlouls ' Hotel, 14th snd Waeblngtoa sts. OlBLS WANTED Apply Standard factory bio. - A Oread sve. ssd Eaat Taylor St. OPERATORS snd flnlahers os pants; ateady work; beat pay. 2"T Cammoaaealth bldg. WANTED Girl for general housework.. T8I Irving st. Apply WANTED A lady bookkeeper) ai perl .need. 17. care Josoual. WANTED Girl tallnreea on mats snd Teats Laulenachlager. tailor, 320 Ooodnougb bios GIRLS to tears work, good pay. finl-htng en panta: ateady !itr7 Commonwealtb bldg. WANTED Oood girl 128 14th. for general boosework, GIKL for aecond work. Main 3M1 2.M King st Phone CiRL for general honaework, three la family, 204 Montgomery. - - WANTEIV Walat ftnlahere, alao apprentleea Mrs. Zeltfurhe. Waamngtoa at. WANTE1V-Girl general booaework; Be cook ing. 0T4 lloyt at. WAIST hand, experienced. Madame Co., Marqoam bldg. McClure WANTED Walat hands ssd apprentices; pay. 128 10th St. good TOUNO gxrl te asrdat Is housework part ef day, sleep st boms, 48 Lucre t la at. WANTrnv chocolate and bonboa dipper. Ap- ply 833 W aeblngtos street. WANTED A girl te do chamber work snd help wait table, meats oosraiiig-nonas, lse nts. 4 WANTED Girls for tsllog shop. 1S8V4 Plrst, so. GIRL wanted, te help trad tailor a tore. 148 Park at. . HELP WANTED I'nloa Laundry eornnsny. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED Mrs ssd women ts preoere for the civil eemee; gooa poeinone ronarantiy to be had by those who are qualified for thers; we make Sa apeclalty of preparing yea. I. v. a .,ihs Flits at. , WANTED Immediately, performers, aovslty sees, mnaicisna. etc.. ror carnival -eotttpanyj alas for dramatic snd vaudeville stags. New man a xueatricsi Agency. 140 Sixth et. BELP wasted snd supplied, male er female. R u. erase, zosh waahmgtoa sr. fa cine 1STO. WANTED Mas ssd wife ts work on an farm aear city. 833 Jobasoa. opposite depot, "ARDMORB COPPER," S pounds for 1, .that's su. ooya xws is., sv rrrst ex. . SITTJATTON WANTED MALE. W A NTE rs-Poalttoa as dark ta sis years' siperaaes; refsrsacsa fsralsbed. rhsns Bast aisa. YOUNG colored its paslttoa sa las teiarisrn. Ceil inltor, ISO Jtverett st. SITUATIONS WAI1TED---FEMALE. LADY wants 4a asetet ta running a Address V 17s, care Journal. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES: RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Logging cams ssd farm help a eoeclattr. 0 North Second at, Pboae Msla S2M. We pay all He'raph esargas. ., BAN8BN S EMPLOYMENT OPPIOB I POB KIN. 30 North Second at. Phone Mars 1838. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OPPICB. tOOu Morrlaoa at. ........Phone Pad no tSA ST North Second st Phase Pacific , 1SO0 OBRMAN-AMBRICAN EMPLOYMENT CO. fsr- Blahes male help sf sll kinds rrsa. auvk Burnarae st. - 1 bone Ham ease. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED Cea yea sen goods 1 if so we aeeq yoa. uompiets setnt rree ease weekly. Writs tor choice ef terHtory. . Cap ital city nursery usmpssy, oaiem. irr. ONB knstler la each town er locality -. haadle sordid nee er snap; wrtts qaleki money. B. M. PrsmsM. too Third at. WANTED TQ, RENT. WANTED TO RENT Booses, asttsgss. flats. stores, offices, rooming bbs a ag. ate. Lsad- lorda will do well to cell as : PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP ON BOON. Phone Es. 72. B. B. Cor. 84 sad Osk. WANTBD TO rent furnlahed bouas er fist sf shoot 4 rooma, vicinity of .Aonnyelde p f erred ; ao chlldrea. Address T lot. Care Journal. . WANTED FINANCIAL. tied te 81 or) ACCEPTED ta building sltlos. Profits greater than 80 per rest. w Absolutely safe, gilt-edged Inveatment os market. After six months. If deal exchange suhsciiptloa and - accumulated , profits as " part payment on bones snd lot snd ess nay hall ace In small monthly 1n ' stallments. For further parttculare send same and taaress te N its, ears aonrasl. 'WANTED REAL ESTATE. WILL bey 4 or 8-room modern bohes. Addn what yoa have, where and whst pries, ts uurer x. nsaa, nox us, city. IP tin, went te sail quick, lhrt with P. Pscbs, H Morrlsoa et. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. - MAIN SrSS. - ' -' . CASH, AND LOTS OP IT, FOR FURNITURB. rs PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS, -" 311 FIRST ST. MAIN E0II8. MAIN BOSS. WANTED Furniture snd household goods ef every description bought, sold snd exchanged. The t. K13 Plrst st. Mala 0874. I WB haul dead horses snd cattle free. . Oregon Fertiliser Werka, or notify Carney's Veteri nary, Fourth and Gllsan eta Mala 1000. CAN ess tn.000 worth furniture this week; high set prices paid la city. . W eaters Salvags Co. raclfjle TS8. , t WILL bay from 000 te 1.000 a he res ef Nevada Walkover Mining Oo.'a stork; atsts beet ' terms. Address N. D. Box V 170, Journal. WE WILL BUY, SELL OR TRADB ANY OLD THING. WESTERN SALVAOB CO., 027-020 WASHINGTON. PACIFI0 TM. WHAT have yoa ta good cigar bselneas? Will , buy If locatloe Is good. Addrees C 170. cars Journal. WANTED 4 er 8 furnlahed rooms or flat; need 8 bnlrorirne: ndnlts: references exchanged. - W 1N2, - Jffhfnal. WANTED Snot cash paid for your furniture, etc. Prompt attention always given. 894 Beat Clay at. Phone Eaet inT, WANTED A good reemtng-honae from owner; state price snd terms In reply. Addreas B 18. care Journal. . , I WANT to hay direct from the owner s good grocery business. Address Q ITS, Journal. CASH for boaeehold goods. Savags A Pennell, Pacific SOS. 845-847 First et, - rboae B1GHE8T cash price paid for all kind second bend goods. Phone Meln till. 82 N. Third. 8SM FOR years. Improved Hty lots. Addreas M 1177, Driirer sv. principals only. SECOND-HAND trunk wanted,' ao dealers. Ad- dreea p. . nni w, nty. - FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. PT'RNISHF.n first rloor eetlsga. V a4tA St. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. ONE 1 room eulte, partly furnlahed. corner, bay window rooua. nl'-e Bruaaela carpel; suit able for office or parlor sad bedroom : Asm rur al. bed houaekrriilug-rnoui; no children. Ths t.'rduiann, corner Kat Burualds St. ssd Grand IT a THS GLADSTONE. MJH Savler at. Nice elesa y- rurniaued roosia, alngla or oosoie, rom Sl-J per wees up; rree pooss, gss ssa parrav. COMKORTABI.B furftlnhad large treat sad sther. - oataMa room a i double bedaj traaslaat snd weekly. IrCi Third St. ' rt'KNIMMKl) or snfurnlabed large frost room, bay wlmlow, In. hiding bath, bet ssd sold water. Phone Kill Yamhill. THE TAMI11LL, 311 Yamhill at., earner ef West Park Nicely furnlahed reome. alnele I ssd sa suits: Itranalenl solicited. Pacific lsfrfjS7' , TUB KlcrtKMED, 88 H North Sixth et, 1 sanlly furnUued; stesoi best ssd hatha. TBB GRAND. 4-H North Third at. I gsptlemen, 1.20 per week snd SB. a THE ARCADE. IvflU First et..' near Furnlahed rooma, 25c to tl: translsBt. TJNFURNISIIED ROOMS. ITNFl'RNISHED" flat, 0 moms, hot snd sold wster snd bath; ground floor; reasonable rent. II TJnlus are. TWO unfurnished rooms for rent. 60 Best 12tb St. Eaat 8841. Inquire at ONB unfurnished room, tO-00 per month. 844 H Front st. ROOMS AND BOARD. THE PARI. ETON Ths most desirable faarlry hotel la the city; It has ths location; well , furnlahed outelde rooma, stngls er en ealtei eteara heat, hot snd cold running wsts tn ; rooma. and the beat table heard tba,t found anywhere. TsL Mala tlOt. - 13th sad Alder sts. , BOSEDALB . 10th snd rtrat-elsss. (ths BsrreB satate), Madison, yuat opened! Mswly rurslshsd tbr WANTED Small child te care ran feed! 41 East 1SU St. BOOM snd beard for two yeai sng ladle Oke Best ladles sr assn. reasonaoaa; gooa aocatioa. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPER. GOOD furnlahed sr Sn turn la had suits, flO month: half cottage, I rooma, IS 4-rnotn eottsees, til asd tlO T-room oottaa-e, ' with yard, 828: all ta good neighborhood. Boat , fins shsdy grove, ea weat Bids ef liver, Apply S4 North 20th St., W ears ts SOth, Urn south half block. ., 404 esraeg I eeerythlag ; II 0. II ONE-ROOM salts; partly fsntsbed. aomor bay I window rooms, bios prasaeis sarpscs salt- T eble for office er parlor snd bedroom. 'Alee furnished Bsesskeeplng-rooaisi ne chDdrea, . The Rrdmans, earner Grand ave. aad Bast Burnable et. ( 1 tlAO WEEK UP Large, etaea fersaahed geeving-rooms, rsuadry and Beta, ltd maa st., soath. Portia so. tits WEEK UP Clees Pure rased iBg-reoms. parlor, bats, isandry, rarneea seat, yard. SOSxt Staatoa St. 0 ear. POB RENT TJBfarnlshed hntTikasptng insaiei walking dlataacs trass soetofrioe. Apply t4 Sixth st. , TBBRBi fUre lined bnasakeiutosewsme. tlSl yard, woedehed, free phone. Call Phone Pad fid 34PA . . . , BRBB farnlsbed baeswkaeemgeawaa, S Bsarrs ea salts, ground near, 12.50 per areeA. MT Eaat Oak sC . . COMFORTABLE Boessksspuig sbls party, "ne snlmaU." P0 Nebrsaks St., war vrarvw rwniwv lanorr. TBB IX3WNSDALE Large, light, a leery. fm , aienea suites ana stngls rooma. aeaaekaeplag snd trsBslsati gas, water, 008 H Alder at. TWO ales eouacetlng hooaakeeprag-roosns, cheap; gaa ee wooa awves. oos savisr, ens, 11. iita, - A SMALL t-room bonaekeeplng suite, , en vealencew, at 80 Jefferson et. TBB MITCHELL Housekeeping and traxanwat eosaoie. eeventa ana rkaaosrs sts. PTJRNISHBD bovmksepnaatawtoa with 104 North 10th st. TWO rooma slcely faralsbsd tor houaekaepfsgl FURNISHED housekeeping sg single 1 msrs sx. , FURNISHED HOUSES. I BAYS s fine S-reoea hoses nicely faralsbsd la ths country near ssr line, Se fare from Part land, will rent to a reliable couple for 3 er 8 rsonths. Cell st moss 8A SOS Stsrk Bt, FOR BENT Furnlahed Aresra boose. Bast 1087. S lots. 820 par month, rsoM A ROOM cottage. Curat, hed. yard sad barn, for 0 months, cheap. . now xJouDky St. 10 Three-room ferBtehed SaA closs tn Asa view, rooee aaei jooi, ess aeveata sc. FOR RENT HOUSES. ITRICTLY modem Aroora esttage, Bsanyeldei oowa, Bstsnce asms as rant, A. r. mlth, owner, Old Commercial blk. GOOD 7-room cottage, with yard, ea west aide, t2S; will fern Mi 1 ret mere. . sot Savisr st. Sethi T-ROOM house with bath, food sesemsst, ITta sne (joiumnis sis, szo. aearaas a. Ill, tare Journal. PORT BRNIV-Modera 0 room et. Inquire 084 roasts, at. bet' 7:80 p. an. I BOUShX 623 Kssrnsy St. 14 resens, sll Bandera , coavenlencee. B. L. Ollaas, 420 ObSBibst sf Commerce bldg. ( , . POOLROOM end a grocery store. See lee Naah, owner at Ml liar 4 sea, en the Meaat Scott csr line. POB BENT Good T-room 827 Kelly SM rent reasonable. Teas B ear. NEW T-room modern bouse, ynst fin sesirahia. rboae Bast mu. ra rest aad A Co. Qay POB BENT d-roors cottage. ISO N. Hat St. FOR RENT FLATS. A BOOM fist for rent, or t rooms BrwtsJra, et will rent whole bouse. 134 Knott st, Tel. Ksat 3020. HEW 4-room fist, Resly bldg.. Grand ave. and B.sst siorrisoB. inquire rrot. Ring lee, , NEW modern 4-mors flats, fit net A Ibtna svs. snd Stanton at. FOR RENT 3 flats, furhkrhed sr Pbona Kaat rmoo. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICE-ROOMS, auroral: Bed mens sad sacs. pie-rooms for rent, ttoodseagh bldg. Apply, elevator. OFFICB and desk room rent ea grwoad sleo private office. 84 Third SA HOUSES FOR RENT FURNTTURll FOR SALE. ' BACBIFICB ssls: party leaving eitfrtinr. Furnllnre 7-rnom bones, all or pert, boo bad. S rents M; swdern, sightly view; gas, alee. i trie lights. , mi rront st, Psclfle SoOd. tnoa 11 ROOMS, .-good furniture, near Third ana Washington; gono Mass; cheep rest. Baer- farer A Co., 107 "a Third. A ROOM cottere. rent tit; furniture for sale. 28 North 10th st. - AROOM honss for rent, furniture for salet 2txi. rnone sisia ciw, er cell 3A8 Mill et. WB seed furniture et nny pries. Poetlsad Ase tloa Rooms, 311 First st. Mars tOOA. 111 1 a 1 n f a ewiai.1i ii- , ai 1 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. rARM lORRENT-lOO seres, T scree hops.' t scree atrawherrlee. sons prunes snd other (rnlt. lots of paatnrs, os bench of (jrlehalers mountain. Moat any kind sf terma for the riKMiman. m. n. xiaaiey newbsTg, Or, raa BUSINESS CHANCES, BARBER RI!tiP-3 loodera ssUbllsAaisats, suO Lata bar Aiahaogs. r