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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1907)
i f. "rK . .'hi Issus of ( Tbo Gunday Journal - ; Comprises 5 Sections 50 Pirs Journal Circulation The Weather Fair; northerly winds. ' ''.' - " ' . ' PORTLAND,'. OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, r. APRIL , 28," 1907. PRICE FIVE CENTS. VOL. IV. NO. 7. i urn i VO' ft 11L ' , . WIPED OUT nf pwinnr U UlULUIJL Eight .Persons Killed by Storm at Gains j ville Five More at u W(rrrf rf Llnnn'tinrr Snowstorms in Centra! West Block Traffic and Cause ln - mense Damage to Farmers ; Worst Blizzard of Season Rag v Ing in Minnesota and Dakota. (Psblbhers Trim by gpeclal- Ituri Win.) Fort Worth. Tsxaa, April JT. Advlcss ; hero by tolepbono state that eight per aona wore killed by a terrtfla wind and rain atorm near Qalneavllle, 60 mllca north of thta city today. Boon after the Information reached thle city wire com' munleatlon with Gainesville waa cut off and no confirmation of the report could be obtained. . - ' ' It la known, howeverthat a eovere aale aoread over the country in the ! olnity of Oalnesvllle and It la believed that the atorm blew down the telegraph and telephone wlrea, severing eonnectioa with the dlstriot Tralna are arriving here behind schedule time and the crews bring word of the storm, but details aa to the loss of life and damage are lack- in c. .'. , . - - . Later advieea state that the hail was the heaviest that ever fall In that sec tion. Ball fell so thick that trains for Delia ars Indefinitely delayed and In- dlcationa are that the storm will con tinue throughout the night. ,- .' Pallas. Texas, April ST. News reached here at 10:10 that the village of Hennlng, la Cook eounty, was destroyed by a cyclone this evening.: Five per sons are dead and nearly , It Injured. The dead: . : '- . ... ' William Alexander, II yearn old; la- fant daughter of Mrs. Jennie Wilkinson t i two men. names unknown; jonm ,ldcnu fled airl about years old. ' - 1 ; No list of the Injured baa yet been received., ' .'"'' - 4 ""' The village of Hennlng la located, sev eral miles from any railway Una and as wires were all prostrated news had to be aent by courier to Oalnesvllle, the county oeat. . - I . Belief la being sent from Gainesville, Henrietta and other towns. The path ' of the atorm Is said to bsve been 600 yards wide and nearly a mile long and - everything was swept . clean. It . la feared that other disasters have oc curred. - . ; BUZZARD RACING ,Froin Six to Ta inches ! Snow v " Coven Central West. , -faeint Kewe r toegnt Lmm4 WTre.) v ' BL Paul. April a?. The moat furious snowatorm - that has occurred In the northwest thle season baa prevailed for 14 hours. All over the Dakotae aa far weet aa Montana the around la covered with six to ten Inches of snow. Rail road traffic is delayed five to It noura. Farmers have been delayed-in their seeding and will be forced to replant. Jn Minneapolis and St. Paul the street (Con tinned on Page Seven,) IntMD'Q QTAfin wLf.uuu u: uifi iu ' if nnn co Tcnnv Administration Already Seeing v Signs ! of Rich Man's Con - splracy In Attitude of Union ' Ists Over Moyer Incident. r J v frMhrw' Pnm by apeiei teawd Wire.) Washington. April 37. Administra tion leaders are, growing fearful aver the attitude of organised labor In the Moyer-Ilaywopd oases. Those cloee to the president have already been In formed that the criticism by labor lead en of the president's reiterated denun ciation of these officials of ths Weetern Federation la merely a part of the "rich men's conspiracy to undermine Presi dent Roosevelt. ' dent K fainted that the latest opposition found Us main source in the head quanci iah a' quarter of certain corporation specula tors sad politicians who are .bending every energy, to Inflame labor. Efforts have been made recently to secure ji expression from President Compere of the American Federation of Labor. Fail ure haa been assumed by soma to mean that labor doea not stand aa a unit for the Idaho men. ' It waa pointed out. tonight,' however, that at the last meeting of the executive council of the North American Federa tion of Labor e resolution was unani mously adopted. It characterised the arrest of Moyer, Haywood and Pettl- bona as bratal kidnaping without- any decent regard for their lawful and nat ural rights; declared that the operation of the legal machinery justified the be lief "that a conspiracy exists to con vict them of the heinous crime regard less of their conscience," extended the men the sympathy of organization and assurances of as. etanoe. "Besot wdeS Klamath Brave Offers Fifty, Thousand Dol lars for Sori-in-Law With White Skin Henry Jackson Disowns His Dis . ' solute Son, Who Is Slowly Dy v Ing ; in ' Murtnomah County ;;jalf. While Awaiting Trial for . Stealing a Cow.": " "I will give any white man 160,000 who marries my daughter," Henry Jackson, a wealthy Indian living on the Klamath Indian reservation ia reported to have said. ' v; Here is an opportunity open- to any preeentabla, matrimonially Inclined Ore gon youth who la willing to take for hla wife s handsome a young squaw aa any Indian ever offered to a pros pective son-in-law. v ., . ,-. , Stranger yet, Jackson haa a eon lan guishing In the Multnomah county jail because the young man cannot furnish ball In the aura of $1,000 for stealing a cow on the Indian reservation. 'And why ahould young Jackson want to steal a cowt , - ' . C . n-. ' ; r ...waa Sfmea OatUaw, ' " -f. V.' 'Jackson pare la repuated to own more cows than any Indian can count yet the young man who waa indicted by the ' federal grand . Jury last week la waating away from eoasnmptlon at the rate of H pounds a month, bscause hla father .refuses to . post ball - In the amount named by Judge Charles E. Wolvertoh of, the United BUtea dis trict ' court.' .' " . ' , .,,.-- ... Toung Jackson la aaid ta have eauaed hla father muck trouble from the time that firewater first touched the lips of the young brave until the preaent day. Time and again the youth la said to have fought brave but hopeless bat tles sgalnst the. lnsldlewa beversga.ot Ms white brethren,' always van quished. ., Now . comes the time that ha needs hla father most His liberty Is hanging upon the word of the old brave, and yet the aoa la allowed to apend hla time In the eounty jail, a prisoner to the federal authorities, while the father offera 160,000- for a white aon-ln-law. Despite the. apparent lack of Interest the old brave take In . hla eon,? ouch cannot be said of the daughter. (Continued on Page Seven.) OFFER LIVES Twenty-Five4 Peasant Deputies in , the Douma i .Visit Czar; and Swear to ! Spend; Last: J ; Drop of Blood Fighting for Autocracy St Petersburg. April ST. Tha delega tion of St peasant deputies of the douma who today waited upon caar mcnoias over the protest of other douma mem bers who Insisted a oaucua anouia seteo the deputation, so that It might accur ately represent the views of the depu ties, declared that . the peaaanta are ready to give their last drop of their blood to preserve the autocracy. In" a formally prepared address presented to the monarch the peaaanta deputies aaid: "We are poor and have no land. But w believe your majesty's word can ao compllsh mlraelss. We are ready to give the last drop of our blood for the preservation of tha autocracy." i - . Thla ewearlng of allegiance , to the eaar, hla absolute government and tha autoc ratio regime which haa been the Whisker have always been 4 sacred matter te those who possessed thsm, Thsy must be reverently - mentioned la the presence of the growers. "Oh, my ears and my whiskers!" cried the Whits Rabbit to Alice in Wonder land to express ths almost concern ss to his fats If he did not hasten. "No, not Not by ths hair of my ohla-ry-chin-chlnt" swore each t the three SPUE BEARDED PORTLMIDERS T$HY: 0EyimiSKE& mM h-k '--4 iUM Auh w- . v EmmaEames'Husband DefiantbfCourt'sRul- ing Forbidding . His; N Again Marrying . Sculptor Says Songstress Lts- tened to Tales Told i by , Idle Gossips While His Ups Were Sealed by Honor Snaps Fin- . gers at Referee's Ruling. . , , ' (Hearat News by Umgeet Leased Wire.) - PhUadelphla, April J 7. Julian Storey, artist and divorced husband of Canta rice Emma Eamea, returned late tonight to that sams suits at the 8t James ho tel where, in bitter anger, his famous wife bad parted from him on the night of the famous bait last spring when shs hsd heard the story of hla devotion to a beautiful Philadelphia debutant. ' - "It la all over," he said with a shrug of hla shoulders. - -t . V'V "I am very sorry. Msdame Eamea waa wrong.- She-wea ot injured. I give my 'word of honor that never in act Waa aha injured. I am a gentleman. She did not understand. That : la all. I am aorry. . it ; ,.. " . . "I cannot tell you of the proceedings before-Referee Buck, I waa not there. It was not possible for me to be there. I had agreed not to contest the suit of Madame Eamee if aha mentioned no names. I did not fear for myself, you understand. bufStjould not have any innocent woman brought Into tola ter-4 rlbl--affair.--,t.v .,-!,. ,fc-,-..v. -4 JBamee ta a- wnlna. . ."Madame Eamea is la great artist MadamO Eamea la a genius. . Madame Bamss baa imagination in the superla tive degree. Faced with all theee at tributes of genius, what la a poor- gen tleman'wltb, the ewputatloa of Innocent ladles to consider, to. do?,. Nothing- bat keen quiet Therefore I kept quiet and Madame Eamea' ta' free once again. Had- it net -bees that' the- reputation of innocent womejt would have suffered I essure yon that I would not have kept quiet Never, never; no, never. I would have fought this thing, to the atmost , ' '" i ' '.' ' ' , "What a sentence; what a penalty. Consider : Madame Eamea may do aa shs pleases, but I must- live ta single (Continued on Page Beren.) v . ' ' , , ' , t ' . object of attack of the reform parti ee and terrorists haa created a great sen sation. - Reeetlonarlee and aupportera of the old regime are overjoyed.- . . They declare the address of the pees, ant deputlea clearly Indicates that the government now dominates tha douma. which waa expected to beoome. revolu tionary ta its tendencies. . Without, the support -of the peaaanta. It ta declared the enemlea of the government can do nothing.', n.-1 . -- ' - ' It ia predicted In elrctea friendly to the government and. tha autocracy that the douma, aa a power in the atate la a thing of the past - Consternation , haa been Cauasd among the opposition par ties in tha douma. and It la feared they may be driven to radical measures to offset the motive of the peaaanta. ..i FOR Rfltlf Y . HOW SOME WELL-KNOWN P0RTLJLNDER3 WOULD IX50K, IT THET WOULD LET THEIR little plga whea the occasion warranted hla moat solemn swear. Knowing the aaeredaeea of the sub ject . humaoltr In general mentions it only In hushed whlspsre. - But now the New Jersey legislators have dared to rush in where angels feared to tread and proposed to tax beard a They eacrillgiously classified thsm as liable te a aJaher or lower rate af taaa- ENJOIN MRS. MACKAY ; - h j A This picture la. from a snapshot of Mrs. Clarence W. Mackay, who baa been enjolied from tearing down an old church .on Long. Island which hsd been replaced by a new one at her expense. " .7 , , i ' POItlT SCORED F0RMIIU3 State Witnesses impeached who v Swore McManus Made Una ' aulvocal ' Thre'ats to : Kill-- Illness Lengthens Triat . Pendleton, Or, April IT The ad journment of the MoManua trial at a late hour thla afternoon became neces sary because of the Illness of Jurors W. W. Atherton and Charlea McBee, a Dhvalctan being called for ' the ' flrat named. . The jurymen were dlamlseed Immediately after the defense rested, at the request, of eounsel for both eldea, with the Injunction to reappear at t a. m. Monday, when arguments by coun sel will begin. . - Sensational 'featarea developed dar ing the last day of the Introduction of testimony in the Impeachment of tha teetlmony of the state's witnesses, John Keas and Ed -Money. The former tes tified during . the trial that MeManue told him he wanted to bny a pistol with which to kill a man who had robbed him Keea said he refused to let him hmve' the weapon. . The Impeachment consisted , in proving that Keea at the Inquest held over Eatee body testified merely that MeManua ' told him he wanted a pistol to kill a man who had robbed him. In ease the man made an other attempt to rob him.' The Impeachment of Money consisted in proving by three witnesses that after being summoned to testify he decjared be knew, nothing about - the ease what ever, and did not know why he had been summoned; whereas. In the trial. Money teatlfled that MeManua told him on. the day of the killing of Eatea that he intended to kill a , man , who had robbed him. .. -., - -.-.).,' ' v, '. The wltneeeea by whom Money waa impeached were George Cairns. BV U Morse and H. H. Mc Reynold a, the latter marshal of Pilot 'Rook, MoMaaua' home town. ,: --'' ..... , i ., .'p'Thaw Slater, Sails. Abroad. . i, ; V New .York. 'April IT-aning on the American Uner Philadelphia for South ampton , were Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge L. Carnegie, en route for. Parle , Mrs. Car negie la a. sister of Harry K. Thaw and the Coanteaa of Yarmouth. , j T tlon, according as they are ordtnr-y whiskers, aide whlakers, Vandykea, "muttenchoss," or -blUygoata," and ao eordlag aa they are red, black or white, No statement haa been made concerning what Class of assessable property they will fall (literally) under household goods, Improvements, merchandise, . per sonal effects- or livestock. - Sverreae jrhe weara a bears has hla ilAClH DF SSI Railway . on Fourth Street Declared to Be a Nuisance and Menace to the Public Mais Meeting -In South Portland Denounces Members of Court cil as Dangerous' Representa tives of City and Appeals for Defeat at Polls. Portland's dry council was eondsmned In no uncertain terms last night at a meeting of cltlsene of South Portland t inn,.' hiL ; '. The oounollmen were specifically condemned tor their action on the Fourth street rrancnise proposi tion and a aat of scathing resolutions waa adootsd by a unanimous vote. , r. J, Mann was chairman. '- -. ' "; i -- : Ths meeUnv waa called to ardor ay Attorney Robert CNell. who waa the author of the resolutions. There were between TS and loo eiusena present, snu among the speakers were Mr. O'NeH, Dr. Cottsll, P. J. Mann and Colonsl Thomas Qulnean. The reeolatlona fol low? ; ; . "Whereaa. the Southern Paelfle Rail way company, an unscrupulous, a grasp ing ana iaw-aeiyin mirvnuoa ww operates and haa tor more than a euar tsr of a esntary operated Its steam ears. HAth Mauniiir and frelsht on Fourth atreev'ur tnta citv, at tu umss ourmj night ana aar, untu ins same u eome a pabllo -nuiaanoe and a menace . n.iKiif, . ufatv mnA ' tnlntt tha protestation and wishes of the ottlaena of- portlana. ,;'.- . :",-. , ; ; Ottlssms -SUM Igaorsa, nn,nu . (hla lnAnrrleiMs eeraara. tlon has Influenced many of oar present ornciata m supponing iu irvnio uu in Ignoring the rlghte of the eltlsena at our manimpauty: 1 1 ' ' J i vurheMea .haul It maHtlui SM an ordinance- waa aubmltted to our eity council providing for the abatement of thle publio nuisanoe; . e ' "Whereas, many of the oounollmen now seeking renomlnatlon. thsn had an opportunity to vote for the suppression ana aoatsmsni vi uis puouo nuiMnuo, (Continued on Page Seven.) Entries Found in Home MYSTIC FIGURES LINK BRIBES respond to Amounts Supervisors Con ; . jessed to Haying Takcjn . (aTsirst Sews by tisaeest WVe.) -' San Francisco, April ST. To explain discrepancies found in the hooka of the Home Telephone company by the grand Jury expert, J. A. Brown, secretary of the corporation, and E. M. Martin, treas urer, ware called before the inquisito rial body today. r The , period during which the men were on the stand was stormy. They objected to answering ths queatloas put to them by Honey. When pressed by the assistant district attorney. Brown declared ha . would not . Incrim inate himself.- -. It was tha evidenoe turned u . by William Stuart, expert accountant, who waa aent to JLoa Angelea to gtk over the books-' of the oompany, that brought the two officials before tha body. In tha report made by the expert It waa WUIBKER3 GROW. reason for so doing, and Portland men, proud of their possession, have experi enced some fears last the arwntng epi demic: come westward aad 'thsy be forced to remove their hirsute append ages, or find their household expenae account greatly increased. They have been given a chance to record their feel Inge on the matter, and have replied what thex geeae geod eng.. guflioient OF Mill Mrs. E. J. Hadden Was Deserted in Chicago by Notorious Sharper in Quaker City Jail 'St. Johns Woman Confers With V; Portland Victims and Finds That They Were Fleeced by Wily ' Rotrues .That . Looked . Very Much Alike. . . Married to John Mathlee Williams. the Philadelphia aroh-blgamlat. who robbed her of 2.C0O, took her to Chi cago and swindled bsr out of 1100 more, then left her penniless In the Lexington hotel, where aha waa thrown upon the mercy of the guests. Mrs. E. J. Hadden of St Johns la waiting patiently ths time when aha can bring a. formal oharge against the man arrested ia the eastsrn elty a few weeks ago on a charge of having 110 wives. . - As the weeka paaa by Williams vlo tlms are being found ia all parts of the United States. Mrs. Hadden admits that aha Is one of them, She came to Port land about four weeka ago, since which time aha haa taken ap her residence In the suburb. Juat now ahe la msklng aa effort through Chief of Police Tay lor of Philadelphia to ascertain whether any of hen letters to Williams have been found In hie possession, thus drawing tighter the evidence against tha man Mrs. -Hadden corresponded with 1 Wil liams for five months before ahe be came hia WifOi . '-..'? . '..s WOUama Baa Smreem, ; '' Mra. Haddan'a marriage to Wllllama Who, went under the name of Charlea Williams, took place : in Colorado Springe, JoJly 11, 1(04. Some months prior to that time ehe bad begun a cor respondence wun mm tnrougn a matri monial bureau la New-York City. Since hla- arrest 'In Philadelphia It haa been dlseovsred that Williams himself con ducted this bureaa through which ho swindled so' many of the victims who becams his wives. .-- " n .- The oorrespondsnoe between the two was carried an for several months when Williams wrote that he waa mak ing arrangements to ; visit . Colorado .(Continued on Page Seven.). Telephone Books Cor found that there ware la tha ledgers of the corporation several mysterious entries whoso amounta tally with those sums the supervisors confessed, to hav ing received for their votes. The manner of the wltneeaea waa each ' that they were . frequently warned. ' Their voices were raised in anger from time to time, and aa the in quisitor continued to push thsm for re plies the word "perjury" wee fre quently' heard. - The official e. hi the face of the fact that the books of their company had ' showed the ' mysterious sn tries of -slgnlflcent amounts denisd that-they had any personal knowledge of the bribery. For half aa hour they continued to proclaim their Ignorance and Innocence until Anally - they were dismissed. It la probabU they will be called again. ''"; reasons why their beards ahould te re tained. Their reeeeaa ere varied, but not one among them 'a.ed thut he waa a young practitioner and wan'-i ts tmpres hie clients or patients wua tls extreme maturity. rT t t-ew Hi Cwa ' -Vers, tl don t ee r my V! r v ' 1 i ca 1 ) BYBI61IS1 CONTROL : ? , Shuberts Join Octopus vGiving. a Knockout BlowiaJndependents Fighting Combine Number of Theatres to Be Cut Down and Many Playhouse L Closed Hard Times Ahead for Many Actors Delasco Left In Lurch. " (Cesrat Ksws by Leo feet Leased Wire.) Mew York. April 17. The anticipated merger of the Shuberta and Klaw A Erlanger, the theatrical managera, came to paaa today with the incorporation of the United Statea Amusement company in Now Jersey. By ths terms of the amalgamation Klaw eV Erlanger add to their interests ths if theatres with, which the Shuberts have heretofore fought the syndicate. . The "legitimate" and vaudeville enter prises throughout the country are equal ly affected by the merger. A. I Er langer is president of the new corpora tion. Lee Shubert vice-president and Mara Klaw treasurer. The nominal amount of capital stock Issued to cover the new trust ia tl.000.Qs0. "paid in," the incorporation papers say. to cover the. transfer of theatres to the amuse ment -company by the partlea - to the contract'"' "'. s - From Shubert Bros, the trust geta playhoueea in 'the following cities: Brooklyn, Buffalo, Chattanooga. Colum bus, Denver, Kansas City, Louisville Milwaukee, New ' Orleans, ; Pittsburg, Rochester, Springfield, Worcester and the Majeatia theatre in New York. Klaw It Erlanger contribute - the Tremont theatre, Boston; Grand opera-houm, Brooklyn; New Forrest theatrs. Phila delphia, and the New York theatre here. . . - Win Paralyse Independents, 'just what a blow tha merger strikes at the independent theatrical managera of the country Is shown by the fsct that Shubert Brothers were the main depend ence of Belasco. Henry Miller and Mrs. Flaka In ths fight they made against Klaw and Erlanger, ths Frohmana and, other members of the trust Not long ago It waa announced by David Belasco that the Shuberta were with . him and hla colleagues, and that the trust would be fought with their aid) to the bitter end. ' Owning so many theatres , in the weet, the Shuberta. standing neutral, controlled the balanoe of power between the trust and tha int. dependents; They were able to give any manager with whom they threw their lot enough playhouses to book any number of attractions throughout the. entire dramatic season. Now that thsy hare enured the trust, it la said the Inde pendent managera will be compelled either to stand Idle half the season or else build nsw theatres in all the print clpal cltlea. Store lovala Prioe Hoaaea. ' In an announcement made tonight Klaw and Erlanger declared: The new management will at once clear the theatrical atmosphere. , There 1 ' (Continued on Page Seven.) BOURNE OUT OF CITY CilLlPllGO Senator Denies That Hs Is Build ing Up a Political Machine, but Makes Loyaity to Himsell a Qualification for Office. Washington, D. C April ST. Senator Bourns tonight gavo oat the following statement pertinent to the allegation that he was taking a hand In the mayoralty contest in Portland publish? l la the Portland Spectator: "I am not taking and have hot bn Invited to take any - part In the mayoralty contest In Portland. Kelthor am I attempting to bullit up any Bourns machine. I am simply trvln to attend to- official dutlsa here to t , extant of my ability. "Under the Oregon primary law t-- oaa be no machine except the r- . i macnina . wo man la strong em. : , i go against the win of the f. - i have any following with t e i , The sola duty of every p,,; ,, ri '.. la te maks good to t e r,..r,;, it , . does his retention Is inevitai,!. m . , as hs holds his ninntiUUy " l r- ' A united corKrn-lonnl oo-operatlon with the M-,,.,,:, . , must give the bent poni r. , , Oregon. In. fcdrAi eiii.. t- , i favor candlite po,., . i Ing enallficauona: li -' , party loylty, nyi!ls i .. t rat nn and loya.ty to t: gat'-n. This Is sn er V ' prlnr-'t.l-e to t'e t - mrvt. 'I 1 e rt-lr-.!--i ; Ri le to t - ' f-' ' ' f i