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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1907)
THE OREGON SUNDAY ' JOURNAL; PORTLAND, SUNDAY - MORNINO. APSXt 3, IZ7T. ,5 DEUIES THEODORE 18 LIKE A CHILD leverldge Defends Roosevelt In Speech aV Grant Memorial Exercises at Galena. COMPARES PRESIDENT ;WITH ABRAHAM LINCOLN gy Roosevelt Hu Brought to Real Ixatlon Century-Old Dream of American People of Atlantic and ' raelfle Oceana Joined. :'f -: I v'., '-' JraMWwt , nm W special u-t wire.) r Galena, IIL, April 1-A defense of ktTesldent Roosevelt by Senator Bev loiidg and a comparison of the attack on Washington. Jackson, Lincoln and lUrant were tha features of ths V. B. Orant birthday celebration here today. Severidga went aftar Colonel George BEARDED PORUAKOEBS "Continued front Page Ona) i V It 'Senator Albert 1. Ravaridr:- of In. . dlana. Rooerelt'g Defender. 1 I Harvey, tha New Tork magaslne editor (who recently in a speech referred to -tha president aa a -child. ; ' w im vu , wtiu w, ww wm um , )nrltti a comparison of Orant and Lin ".(eoln, saying that each had stood in his j particular field for tha Idea of national supremacy as against tha etatee right .'theories. Coming Into tha Rooaerslt ', circle tha Indiana senator rerlewed tha ' . fdeede of -tha president and caustically .inquired If .they . measured , op A to , the j Harvey Idea of childishness. ' - 'The president.' ha said. "Is realla- .. jtng tba century-old dream of tha Amsrl t ' 'can people that th Atlantic and Pacific , ' oceans should be Joined and now la making tha Panama canal a fact Ra i created a new department of govern- tnent devoted- to com me roe and labor ' and brought together warring capital ; and labor whose conflict bad created the coal famine of l0t. ' ' "Ha brought to their knees tha kings i";f the railway' "world and caused tha '"passage of the law for pure food and : j healthful meats. He took Russia -and -.Japan by the hand and . ended tholr ' awful conflict." ' . The speech waa well ',' reoelved,- . . . -KAISER TO SUBMIT TO ; f : "'r BEING TALKED : ABOUT perman Monarch to Relax Strin- V gency of Laws Relating to t-'TV'V -ese Majeste. . rjr.ll.brr" Frees by Special Leased Wire.) Berlin. April J7. You may talk la Berlin and not go to Jail perhapa Tha kaiser appears to have - relieved tha "; stringency of less majeata law. Ho .aeverlty. It la not announced that his , ! promisee are being fulfilled. :. A bill Introduced In tha relchstag pro .' jWefite prosecution under . tha lesa "majeata law except "where tha offense Is u&llclous and' premeditated. Tha tQl also Drorldea that where tha ttr ; fan sea are of a private character prose ','cutlona caa only, be pursued, through Rafter fourteen years v! body is like stone '( I A 4a a"W 4.41 . aVIi I t Miurua li.. javiu auii niurnui ax Cadertaker Pohl exhumed tba remains lf Captain 1. O. Hastier from Hillside i eemetery for Interment at Greenwood. !Wbea tha eaaket waa opened tba ra roalas were as lifelike as - on the day be died, fourteen year ago. Tba body r-waa apparently almost turned to atone, i dni to tha action if the embalming '-fluid.- ' ..! ! as IGpring Ailments 'J rimplra, boila, ecsemi asd other ernpUonf, loaa of appetite, that tired 'feeling, flu of trfllotuneaf, indigestion ftnd headache, ara gome of them. '.. . ; They ara all radically and permav ' fcently cored, hy food's Saxupgrillg. ; Thig great Medicine thoroughly ' cleannes the blood and restores healthy ' fanctional activity to th whole system. It makes peopto well. ' "1 hare been aging Xlood'f 8tmpft - rllla a a spring medicine tor tea years, and have never found anything better." .Joha Fleming, Campbell Hall, B. T. - J Aoorpt no sabstitaU for r ' " ' IIcDd'o Garsaparilla JarH on having Hood'a. ; Get it today. I i'iU of tablet' fona,, 100 Poaea U be of any Interest to the people of Port land." said Councilman Thomas Oray "I have always worn them because I liked them." and Mr. Oray affection ately stroked a pair of burnsldea. "I grew them myself; they are mine, and no one can take them from me eioepl the barber." -My wb lakers ara private -property, and are non-assessable and non-later viewable," said Councilman Wallace, aa ha stroked his gray beard. They ara my own, and I refuse to let them talk. "My board has attracted tha atten. tlon of hundreds of people, and so I am not surprised at the request of Th Journal for an Interview." said Coun cilman aeorg a Dunning. "Did you ever know that some people have mis taken me for Uncle Sam? They have. said Mr. Dunning with a stroke of hi long white chin whiskers. "Seriously, though." resumed Mr. Dunning. "I waa whiskers because I like them." , , ' look Uk ! Ham. .' - "I wear whisker- for three reasons," aid ex-Councilman George B. Shepherd. "First, they cover up a fellow's face. flecond. thev make ma look like Jim Ham Lewis, who was a eongreasmao i from Washington, and upon whose looks I Ilka to travel. Mr. Lewis was a hand, some man;' by the way r what brand do you smokeT My third reason Is that I can't use a rasor, and the barber 1 pretty expensive." -' ' "Four shave a week cut Into a fel low's salary," said Councilman Robert A. Preston, who wears tha heaviest whiskers of the bearded member of th council. "If I were to have myaelf smooth shaved I would have to go to the barber ohop four time a week. 14 money the cost would amount to aoth- . . ... . i , . ... 1 ..nniinl tn A ing, out in urae 1 1 wwu ."'-.. , great deal. I would have to be absent from my drug ator from two to tnree hour a week. I aav time by wearing a beard, because I do not have to get It trimmed more than on a week." ' . Too tasy ft Shave. " T O. "Greene, the attorney. ' ahame lessly confessed his reason: "I am too lasy to be shaved three times a week; that's all. . But whisker ara some pro tection agalaet sore throats and colds, and many wear them for that reason. But I do not think they enhance a man' beauty."-.. Dr. C A. Woody, who wear th "or dinary beard." announced: "Some wear them to keep their face warm, and that's a good reason. But with me. It's merely a matter of comfort. , But don't you think It Is aa awfully personal question?" .... "Mike" Wisdom, whose patriarchal deooratloa 1 known to everyone la Portland, would be nnreoognlaabl to hie friends were a lawnmower applied to his physiognomy. v Wladosa in Vbia Xapl-y -When too ask me why I wear . a beard " said Mlk. lovingly ringing some of th longest hair around and around) hi wrists, "Til aay, go farther back' and ask tboo that made ma. That question make me think of th man who a eked why a rabbit's tall ta abort. A .iwu iu tint anA I'll answer vour question. I do not go ta church, but I j have beard of certain biblical people wh were whiskers, and I thtnJi It la good to Imitate them." l Dr. Clarenoe True Wilson did not seek for aay such "good" . reaosn, but lan guidly declared r "I don't Ilk to above; that's all. and that la sufflolent reaeon," tit I. , Levlnaon, journalist, Jusuflax himself and bis whiskers with elaborate reasons, and. Ilk th child who wlahee to b exempt by special permit from taking the full course of study In school, b brought tn a doctor certificate. . V',r ; Tora) ft nm -'' -. "Tn my own easa." ka said. "I dent mind saying that I have to, and I aup-j pose It 1 th aams with many otbera , It I exactly aa though we wore a com forter . around our - throat, . A lady wears a boa, and I do the same, only I never take mine off and leave It at home. When I waa a young man I caught ' a, violent cold, from which I finally recovered, but the doctor told me I must always wear a beard to pro teot my throat because It waa liable to a return of tba trouble. " . , i : : 4 ., "Others may wear them for oma menk but I don't. . I have noticed that from Washington's urns to uneoin not a single president wore a beard. Lin coln wore one probably to protect hi throat, and from that time till Mc- Klnley presidency they all wore ; beards. I think iprobably tha president set ins styles ror men i mwr pwnvo, for lno McKlnley ana Bryan came to th front beard have not been th thing. Orant undoubtedly aet theftyl for th short, stubby beard that -waa worn throughout - the, army. But for cleanliness I must aay tba smooth shaven face 1 unquestionably batter." Beard Adda Dignity, '' W. Wynn Johnson doea not agree with Mr. Levlnaon exactly, for ha aay that a handsome beard adda dignity and a look of distinction to a man. and men tions Dr. 8. B. Joaepbl la particular. - "Thar are many reason a," ha said. "Soma wear them because they grace tba face, and ether wear them because they need tuem, for a beard cover a multitude of sin. There ara crooked mouth i and weak chin that people know nothing about because they are so well covered. Mine U th abort Bd- ward VII beard, which X prefer for com fort and cleanliness, though It may not bo. a striking-looking aa th flowing beard." ' : Dr. J. R. Weatherbee laagnad aa b aid: "I wear a beard simply because I haven't time to shave every day. It 1 force of habit- But there ara no ad vantage la a beard: It la all disadvan tage. A clean shave la tha moat hy gienic and tba bast thing, but I havant time to go and wait around at tha bar bar shop three or four hour a ay." , Sear Thirty Tear Old..' .v Dr. S. E. Josephl has much th asm feeling about th matur. "I wear a beard," bo said, "simply becauae I have worn It -ror, in last se yeara, ic ra much less trouble to cut It down now and then than to shave It off every day or two. It la merely a matter or sav ing time. In tmy youth young men wore beard' much more than they do now. and It I more than to year since I began wearing mine." . MAYORS WHO HAVE NO r RIGHT TO CASTING VOTE '" CSeeetiil Wit tell, te The earsal.) Olympla, Wash, April 17. In an opin ion addressed ta Colonel J. M.' Flah, mayor of Kettle Falls, Washington, At-torney-Oeneral Atkinson bold that mayor of fourtn-eiass town in wean- In K ton. while called to preside at coun cil meetings, do not have tha right, a such presiding officers, to east tba de ciding vote In eaaa of a tie. Janwa Foraker Die. . (PeMlskers Press ey Rperid Leeaed 'wire.) Cincinnati, , April 17. James B, Poraker, brother of Senator Joseph B. Foraker. died this afternoon at his resi dence In this euy after a lingering Ill ness, aged It years. Ha leaves a wife! and flaugnter. torpey. Liberal Dltcoant for Cash ; ! " .r ' ' CUX.N? ggj " . That is what you are doing; when you pay more fof furni ture than EDWARDS charge. The worst of it Is you do not know it unless you come In and see for yourself, which la ex actly what we want you to do. Whether "you want a rocker or a whole houaefull. or Just aa idea of what your goods will cost, come in and look over our stock, and compare prices and values. It will cost you nothing, and is almost sure to be a saving fof you. As an extra Inducement we offer a nice lot of specials this week, every one of which is a genuine bargain. AC0 Hammock are open gausa weave, have concealed spreader at bead, continuous stringing, and- wood bar a foot with patented tips and adjustabls hitch and rings re quiring no adjustable rope or knots. Sis tlxTI. Price 0 BIO Hammocks are close aanvaa and twlU weave. Other wise aamea AfiOO. Bias MxSO. Prloe ....... .91.58 'C100 Hammock are close canvas and rww weave, quard design In body ana vaiancea, nava "." at Jiead. Otherwise similar to previous numbers. Slse i7x. Tno.,...i.......'.'-'-'i'-''i''''W'y RSFRICERATORS tt season w nad ab lately tha loweet firteed Ra Trlgeratora la Portland, and : they generally ' gave eatlsfao " tlon with tha excepUon that .the finish was not quite aa good a It might have been. This aeaaon our oheapeet Re- ' frigerator la finely polished and muoh superior - to last yeara pattern, ; Galvanised lined Rafrigerator, ll-lb. capacity....... f.0 Qalvaalsed lined Kefrigerator, -lb, capacity.. ..15.T5 Oalvanlaed lined Refrlsorator. Tt-lb. capacity f 10.50 Enameled Refrigerator a. It-lb. capacity. ... $21.00 Enameled Refrigerators, , ' f-lb. capacity 24-00 Enameled Refrigerators, -lb. capacity .f2S.OO Enameled Refrigerators. . le-lb. eapaolty....B3-a.OO UIIU .. Best mL. - . J Wa pit ) . ..... euji,ii(.iaafc.twlfiiw4:-V c. . sy-" """sst' !" ... . -i'CUT Nt eiA. DID Hammocks ara close canvas and t-will weave, Jao quard design In body and valanoea, have oonoealad spreader at hf ad, continuous stringing, pillow, wood bar at foot with patented tips and adjustable hitch end rings. Sis of woven part Stall. Price ...4V..,.......;,......(pa,0O FIDO Hammocks are open Bruaaele leno weave, Jacquard design, divided suspension. Otherwise same aa Dloo. 81m' of woven part 41x81. Price .....,.,....,..a)2.'is O100 Hammock are close canvas weave with fancy and embroidered designs la body and valance. Otherwise same a F10. Bias llxll. Prloe vS2.T0 Above la a picture of the celebrated Caateel Cook Steve, made with an asbestos lined abe ataal body. Top llxIT. ' Oven II . Incbaa wide,.- Mounted on a handsome baa. ' Ornamented with nickel trimmings, fitted with a ataal oven, which can never eraek. Light In . weight, and vary suitable for the' beach or camp. Prloe ...... ..... .....,.,. 16.50' M Stay Stufat-totrXtaat, ' Tba smooth polished top of the Monarch Rang. : requiring no stove blacking to keep It looking nloa ; I a great pleasure to the housekeeper every day of th year. Top bss no Indentations to carry airt,-- ( , The large, roomy firebox la made especially for th F Western trade, and la the only one that we know of that gives satisfaction for both wood and eoei. . The ovsa thermometer will tell you at aay (dm th temperature of your oven.' " V If you wish to move' away.1 or break up ' .. keeping; you can send your range down to us, and r we will give yen llk.0 for It- If the range should drop off from 4b moving van It would not break, ', becauae It la made from wrought or malleable Iron. ..." '-.. Wa sail Monarch Range as low aa lli.00. " , . ' mmmmmm Of SAFE QASOLira STOVES A Gasoline Stove to be absolutely af must have ton device to automatically shut off th supply under suoh condition. The Safe. Gasoline Stove 1 the only ana ' wnioa n is impos sible to explode, aa wa wlU show you . if you call. Any person who ean explode one of these stoves will be presented with 110.60. - - .. We have many . styles, the most popular la shown In tha picture, haa twe burners, 1 14 Inch high, with top aurfaoe ' 17a 1H In. v- - .. Prlo ,....$2.T5 'jLa'wA.'sitYt 3JC i: - '" Porch Furniture wllj he' On display Tuesday morning. AJugcxAiaa am tow as.;.. aiTx-jua as -v w ais mooxxma as zow aj ............... .vt ..... ..,...,.,.....,.f $2.50 85.00 f2.05 Gas Plates Special Sale ; Blae Flame OlWoves Heavy black enameled , .two - burner Oae , PUte, regular tl.ll. '. Spaolai prloe. $2.55 Klckl - Plated O aa - Plate,' two burner, ' regular ft.)0. Speoial price . 92.05 Kxtra ! ': heavy ' O a a s Platan, nlekeVplatad. . -two special burners, " regular 14.10. Special prloe ...... S3.35 I K-i 'iy', ;.':. .;-- ,..,.,.1AtaS!i - v ' I it . a - Mi V ' The kind that jrlvi the moat heat and us tha least fuel. ProveC to So the boat by the test of time. Can b adjuated to three ca pacities. ( - .-V-v -t . ; . Staamertng' rlasae. ' : Working Flame, Quick . Flame. , Fsacrss.' ' One Burner .. 86.00 Two Burner.. .88.50 Three Burner JM 1.2 5 PRICE LIST ' Folding Ooearta with - steel wheel... 82.05 ', Folding Ooearta with rubber Urea ...$3.25 Folding Reollnlng ' Oe r carta rubber tire, ad- ' . . Juatabla back and foot . -and .,..... $-4.05 i Folding" Reclining Oo , carta, rubber tires, ad- . : Justabla back and foot ' end and paraaol$4.75 '' Large' Basket Folding' - Reclining Oeearts, rubber Ursa, adjust- : able back and foot end " and parasol .,,$8.00" No. ! Basket frame v Plat Mirror, 14x1 i, with i-tn. , foot end and para- ,. tn Picture, worth ItlO, ' aol -' $ 13.50 tor , .........$ l.TS reibr UST Framed Amerl- . can Plate Mir- IxlO . ...25 Framed Amerl-, can Plata Mir- HALL CLASS SPECIAL. tall . ...85 Framed Ameri can Plate Mir rors, . 10x14 V..48f Framed Ameri can .plate Mir ; Tore, -. llxi . ..59) French bevel Mirror la handsome frame, regular ' !.. ' T hi a week ape- - -, elal . .$5.05 lonitd Matlla Uc Carta! m Thl week v only, ' pair of Muslin Curtains with ruf fled tope, I H yard long, regular ?lo, wUlb sold at 49. . , Whit Motmtala los t . Cream Procters ... ' The beat proof of the ' superiority ef the White Mountain Froeser Is the , fact that more ef this make 1 sold than all ' other ' make 1. put , te- ... gether. ',- -V t-t Prloee are as foQowat -at. W. K. - Freeser ; , ...$2.50 . S-qt W. kf." . Freeser . $2.05 4-qt. W. M. ' Freeser , ' , .. .$3.40 , l-qt- W. M. ' -, Freeser ; ..'..$4.10 1 MATRXSSES It I not our policy to try te make and sell or ' recommend . low prided Mettrasee. We have the great advan tage of our own manu facturing plant In thl Una and xnow exactly what goes Into th mattresses wa sell Our, workman are paid by tba day and not by tha piece. If We -bought ear Mat tresses from - other, th manufacturer meat have at leaat 10 per cent ' profit. - and this would have ta be taken out of the quality of the mattress. Cotton Combination Mattrsssea ..$6.50 Floes Combination . , Mattresae ..$8.00 Heir Hattresses , .$10 For the summer season w have tn a stook ef floor covering a, especially sultabls for the aeaalda eottaa and country nomas. ... . . '"' - - Japans- Matting are always goad ao4 wall "'known to everybody. Priced at ISo, . , China MatUng of .the extra fin quality, weigh. t 0 Iba to the roll, per yard. 35V : -, ... Rag Carpets, durable, fast colors, one yard wide, i pr yrd, 45. ' "'."' : . . .. Flbro Carpets, very heavy and durable, ta tight : finished colors, made from the oeleb rated Ajaarloaa grass fiber. Pr yard, 50. ' t . .- Regular Fiber Carpets, same aa th ether etore ask To for, we sell at 50e. . ., ; ' Fiber Ruga, TH1H ........,..-..,,...$T.85 We have hundreds ef room Rug tn ethet atyie "and alas and quality v. , . ,', , MEDICINE CABINETS R Oolda Oak with ' Mirror,. $5JS0 , Ooldea Oak CabtnAU with . brnah and eoiafe, ...,.$3.95 . , . . .-. OFFICE DESKS Ash flat-top Desks. I ; ft. In..... $10.00 O rained ; oak 1. flat-top ' Peak. 4 ft-$21.00 Roll-top - Peaks, solid oak . ......... $22 J0 -Typewriter Decks, flat : - top . $20.00 Typewriter Deska. roll , top . $42.00 ' 'V My . . Hi X FOLDING FURNITURE ; v 1 Kot the cheapest, but the strongest and nioet durable goods that have ever bean placed on tha . market are now being opened by u. - PRICE LIST Easy Camp tUeela, guaraa' teed to support 10 Iba. malleable f HUnga. prloe . 504 Folding Camp Chair, same aa above .TO Folding Cot, ean be folded Into anug package, S ft. long, weighs It 11ml, sap aorta 100 lb $2.75 Fnldlna Cans Chair, alse when folded, I ft. long byll 'I la. - aquare. very oom-n - fortable, weight I Iba.. x Price . $1.45 Folding, ' .durable . Camp Table, I ft. by I ft. opened, S tn square by ; I ft. olosed, weight II Ibe a ......S3.00 Folding - Rocking Chairs, weight 7 Iba, ....$1.25 AERONAUT SAILS OVER . : IlllliOIS IN BJULOOH ;V-'f i ; ' mwmsmsaa)BmBMwsm' Hawley Makes Successful As cension at St Louis and Sails V Away to Northwest. ' (PeM-ahere "Tress t Sserlal Lease Wire.) BL Loula Aeril 17. Aftar a thrUUng He wa a ucoeasful at- start from th Laeled Oaa company For aeveral wek thl winter ; yard at Main and nutger streets today he was at the University hospital In Philadelphia undergoing surgical treat ment for a oancsroua growth en th Jaw. ' 'V r . ' " at 1:11 p. m. the balloon "Orient," bear ing Alan R. Hawley alon In th ear aaUed gracefully away front St Loula toward tb northwest. SFar kanared peraona, Including a number ef members Of the Aero elub, saw the ascension. The balloon rose to a height ef about MOO feet, continuing la a northwesterly direction antll lost t view. At 1:41 p. aa. It paaaad ever Alton, Illinois, at an altitude of 1,100 feet. It appeared then to be going about 10 mile ao hour, Th aaoenalon waa th seven th that Mr. Hawley ha -made. He te required to make at leaat 10 milea aa hour to quali fy In the St. Louis entry at the Inter national entry at BL Louis next Oc tober. On ef the flight must b mad alone. . , . '..' " .' . Voters Attention. t wish to have It distinctly under stood that In aaae I am elected mayor 11 th saloon 1 will doe en Sunday un til 1 e'dock peon. ' . ' LOOTS ' KTUMXaMlW. 1 STEM MINTS fOS SOAP. "JO CIEASSE CHICAGO London Editor Visits Windy City Second Time. and Still Be . liem It Spotted. (Pabaabirf Press sy Seelal Uaee Wire J Chicago, April 7.-Wllllam T. Stead of London, perlpatetle peacemaker and editor and erltte ef thing In general, who once found fault with Chicago' moral In a book, If Christ Came to Chicago,' I her g1n and say Chi cago la net ret tpUeu ins Ida net out ; Mr. Stead whan here before wa pi loted about th city by Hank North, a saloonkeeper, wh knew some thing that do not occur la drawing-room Hank did not meet Mr. Stead, so Mr. Stead announoed hie intention to find Hank and ask htm why he sell liquor. . "Hank promised ' me he would quit th nefarious pursuits,' says th London editor. Mr. Stead I ' conferring with Jenkln Lloyd Jone and other reformer aa to th particular brand Of soap Chi cago needs. LAWLESSNESS SPREADING IN KINGDOM OF SERVIA ( . Preee by ort.l Leaee Wire.) Vienna, April 17. Lawlessness Is spreading In Servia. D1atlsfaetlon with ' U arrays 'the toveramaat and thing in general exlsU throughout th country. Murder and robberies are practiced everywhere. The state prop- ' erty 1 plundered and tha foreate devas tated. Peasant are starving and the cost of living haa Increased threefold. Newspapers are censured and the truth uppressea. - Good Service .1 I only one ef the talking points en Schaefer eorreet elothea, Thar are others gocd style, good tailoring, good colors, good design. These are ths feature th careful dreeeer expect to find la hi suit b purehaaes. And r th feature be will find la Schaefef eorreot elothea. Whether yon pay It! or II for a suit at Schaefer correct nss I In every detail. J. C 8chefer ft Co., snooessor to Armstrong, tha Tailor. Rooms 10 and 11 Raleigh build- . leg. III i-S Waahlagtoa atreeV J