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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1907)
WATCIi FOR PORTRAITS' OF. BEAUTIFUL WOMEN IN THE FASCINATING (SUNDAY JOU. U little Ad tn THE JOURNAL Journal Circulation. Brings Re sum. Costs Only One Cent a Word, The Weather Fair tonight; Sun- day Increasing cloudiness. VOL. VI. NO. 48. PORTLAND. OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 27. 1907. TWO SECTIONS 18 PAGES. onrrp -Wn rtPMTC '- ow rs. awn ri -xwu v ii ax 14. riva cists i ,.- 1 mYmnmmm r yy kjj n n vvj '1 X ' MMSMMMWSSH ; ; v , ; ; f jucw mm SAYS.DEFE VERDICT Took Jury Twenty-one At Conclusion and . ' " - . - .1... ions Were AskedMuch Evidence Introduced by Prosecution Considered As Not Bearing on Questions Involved. (Journal neelst Berries.) : . San Francisco, Aprtl IT. Francis 3. fleney today declared that Blnger Her mann acquittal lnr Washington will have no effect upon his trial at Port land tinder the Indictment returned against bin (or complicity In the land fraud. ;. . ' i .-, j, r" dearest gpeeisT servtes.1 '"- ; . Washington, April IT. Not anility was the verdict of the Jury after 11 hour deliberation In the ease against Blnger , Hermann on the charge of de stroying government records by burn ing it letter-presa copy-books when , Hermann left the general land office, of which n had been commissioner. goon after Judge 1 Stafford reached the court room this morning the Jury filed la 1 and asked for additional in structions. They again retired and re turned . at 11:46 ' this , afternoon , with St. Paul's Extension to Abandoned, But Wise 'Commercially A sensational but persistent rumor that the Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul Railway company has sold its Paclflo coast extension to ; the Union Paclflo and will coma no farther west than Butt to partly confirmed today by a report from Chicago to .The Journal. said a St Paul director at Chi cago made the statement that the com pany's. Pacific coast extension would , probably be abandoned - "on account of high cost of construction." ; . -- , - Waa to Shake Xarrtaman. .. I In official circles It has for- some weeks been known that there was dis sension In the St. Paul directory, some of the member of the board Insisting that It was costing too much 'to build the extension from the east side of the Bitter Root mountains to Puget sound. In spit of these reports construction ' work hu gone . steadily forward. Fol lowing these rumors came a report that . a break had occurred between Harrtman and ols Standard Oil friends In the St Paul directory, and that the syndicate that has lent Harrlman his principal aid In wielding almost limitless railroad powers . was determined to get arid of him. . .,...(. ... , It Is believed that Harrlman ha so entrenched himself, with the Union Pa clflo interests solidly back of him, that he has been sble to make terms with the Btandard Oil party, and that they ROAD AY Millionaire BEING AN ANGEL: COST HIM S200.000 t " fjMraal gpeHal Serrk-e ' - New Tork. April 17 M. Sellers Lar . gey, a young millionaire banker and inrne owner of Butte, Montana, who has become a familiar figure along Broad way, has applied for ths appointment of receiver for the Will J. Block Amuse ment company, of which he I backer, nd a temporary receiver was -designated by the New Jersey court. Attor neys state that the company owes him 1200, 006 for cash advanced. Iargny Is considered the blr.xest Inning "angel''" on record, although various theatrical managers have ben out mora smwm IMNTQ RENDERED Hours to Arrive Additional Instruct , . V . , the verdict of acquittal, . having been oat since 1:80 yesterday afternoon. r -After the verdict was.. read Hermann said "It ta what X expected. . I am In nocent and my friends always believed me so. - -J-m- greatly pleased. have my nonor vindicated. ' r . ,. ; . , Asked ' XBstnattoni. ; The Jury ta their 'request for Instruc tions - asked Judge Stafford to repeat again - the definition of a government record. . tinder the , definition given them by the court, the Jury found that the letter press copy book were not government records. . According to a statement mad by on of the Jurors after they were dis charged, a larg mass of the testimony Introduced by the prosecution waa given (Continued en Page Two.) END AT BUTTE the Coast Reported Ones Declare This Impracticable . have agreed upon a separation with the understanding that the Paclflo north west territory will be left to Harrlman and Hill to light ever.. The abandon ment: of the 8t Paul' extension wfest of. Butte -could be explained In no other logical way. '"Mas XiuoraCtT Trams - Portland men who- are', regarded as waU Informed on the Milwaukee's plans say there is ao truth tn the - reported abandonment of the Paclflo coast end of the line. They say It would be suicidal for the Milwaukee to const rue t its line from Everts. South Dakota, to Butte and there give up the golden prise of the lumber traffle just as It . was al most within reach. It I asserted that the only way the Milwaukee could com mand a fair division of trafflo would be to push its Un at least over the Bit ter Root to Spokane, and there It could demand and receive a division of traffle with the Union Pacific system and the Hill line alfke. ' - .. , . It 1 further urged la refutation of the abandonment story that the Mil waukee has .made enormous purchases of timber, at high prices. In Clallam county and In ths territory of the Ta coma Eastern, and has virtually pur Chased the latter road. The reported purchase by Harrlman of th Milwau kee's Paclflo coast extension Include all rights of way, construction work and terminal west of Butte. tired 1. am not quitting the theatrical business,' Largey said, "but I have stopped being a theatrical good thing. I will take , up shows as or sold .business proposition and attend to th manage ment myself. I do not want to be an angel any more." ; " Large, whose father was killed at a Butte bank. Inherited many millions from the paternal eelate, and wss once engaged to Nina Blake,: a handsome young actress In a musical -comedy. He dmpped 1100,000 In flnanolng her the atrical ventures 'T Y:y:r - m- X ' :VV iff '''Wi : ' ;f ' p 1 : i-w.'-l i'.iV iU'i - Bristol Will : Not ' Sreak 1 .V" CALLS UAIlfi VERDICT Believed Congressman Must Stand ; .7 c Trial i v f .7 r - Th verdict of not guilty , In th Blnger Hermann trial 1 a miscarriage of Justice and. show th necessity of having Juries of the highest standard in th trial of cases,' said United States District Attorney , William C. Bristol when informed of the verdiot at Wash ington, " - "I ear this because there la no doubt tn my mind that the evldimce presented st the trial, waa conclusive proof of Hermann's guilt"' continued Mr. Bris tol. ."When I say. this I. do not mean to cast any reflection on the honesty of the lurors. but I do believe that In caaes of aimllar nature .they, should be locked up during the trial." .- XermaaJi to' Ooaaa Hera, ' Mr. Bristol refused to talk further for publication about the trial, and when asked whetier Hermann would be tried tn Portland, stated that Francis 3. Ho ney was in charge' of the Oregon cases and ' that he. could not apeak for Mr: Heney. It I considered certain, however, that th Oregon congressman will be brought to Oregon for trial In th Blue mountain case. In which he waa Indict ed with Senator John H. Mitchell; State Senator Franklin P. Mays. Oeorg Sor ensen, Wllllard Jones and others. Maya. Jones snd Sorenson were found guilty In the trial of the Blue mountain case last summer tn Portland. : ' Hermann was not tried, having secured a sever ance because of his trial In Washington. (HUM FOR OREGON LASSIES : " : ..... ; ' Girl Visitors to Jamestown Will Wear TraVeling Suits De- ' clsion Reached a Meeting With -Their Mothers. - Oregon girls who will go to James town to represent this state. at th ex position which opened yesterday' . will go in modern attire, without any accou trements to designate the section of the country from which they com. ' in short, Oregon beauty will rely upon Itself to gsln the front Tank, and Ore gon's daughters wtll visit th Virginia rltv dressed in natty brown traveling suits. A whit lingerie waist, pony (Continued Pag TwexX BOOKS L ' - i'f)VYYv for Heney, But ; It Is Here Just what disposition will be made of Hermann's, cases in Portland la doubtful because of the fact that much of the evidence that' was used against Hermann In Washington was to have been used agatnat him In Port land. Hundreds of exhibit ware sent to Washington from Portland, together with much testimony. In fact, it haa been considered by- those who bar fol lowed the ease closely that the strong est, evidence given against Hermann cam from Portland. , All this evidence) i still In Washing ton and -until It. arrives In Portland there will be no disposition taken of the ease. It la not believed, however, that Mr. Heney will allow Hermann to get off without a trial. If Mr. Heney turns over the eases to Mr. .Bristol it Is considered certain that Hermann will be given a chance to prov his Inno cence to an Oregon Jury. In addition . to th Blue ' mountain easa, -Hermann was Indicted. In two other land fraud caaes. Jt9s Real Humor The Sunday" Journal's funnies make you laugh those of other papers bore you. : ' ; -. ., : , ' " ' . V ' ' '.' ,' ; ;. Tomorrow . Maud helps St 5 take a photograph. Papa butta Oeorge like a btllygoat Happy Hooligan Off at last. -Adventures of Bunk A - new series by -Tad.". ;' . , ' Something ; ! : ; 1 for Everyone The' Song' of -ths Shlrf In Portland. Th paaslng of th wooden wind ' Jammer. : ..'' Unique hotel for ban lea only. - ' The world's war on drunkenness. I th step-mother a good mother fill in The Sunday Journal Turning" wafer on KTamalTf laad. -Irrigating Umatilla desert landa ' Curious circus freaks by Tody . .Hamilton. ,J On thousand threaten death for love. Painting beauties of the harem. The 11.000 prise song "Honey," In the musle supplement took for it in . - . v The Sunday Journal EMiyiR ERMES GIVEN ABSOLUTE DIVORCE .' t .- LATEST "PHOTOGRAPH PIER. COLLAPSES BURYIFiG FIFTY I. -' - ssasssssissnwj mm ' Many - Workmen 'Are Killed, by - Sudden Collapse of , Unfin ished Steel and Concrete Pier Foundations Not Firm. ; (Journal flpeclal .Bervles.) .'" , Baltimore, April 2T. Fifty workmen were carried, water, and many killed 4y.. the collapse of an unfinished Baltimore A Ohio pier here- this morn ing. . . , , ft: ,.......' '. Divers were hurried to the snen from various wrecking companies. . The first ones who .went down reported that many bodies are In sight pinned by the mssses, of steel and concrete. There have been many narrow escapes. On of th fore men On th iron work who waa carried down by a huge girder. managed to work his way from under it and reach the surface. He will ' recover, . . , Four dend bodies have been recov ered from th debris. A steamer at a nearby, pier wa lifted eight feet by the upheaval caused by the collapse. (Continued on Pag Two.) N EW ROAD TO KN APPTON MEET PORTLAND STEAM Orders' wars ' received - yesterday to drive a 000-foot tunnel under Fort Co lumbia for the Columbia Valley rail road, and crowd work on the lino to completion from Knappton to Ilwaoo by July 1. s ... The first shot, was tired on ta tunnel work yesterday, under Instruct ions of th chief engineer of the O. R. ft N. company. Krlckson Peterson have the contract for' th tunnel and rail road. - .. This means that Portland people will be able to go to the north beaches this season in three hours' leas time than was required laat yenr. and that ths boats will be run regularly, revarrilen of tide conditions, between Portland and the rail connection, at Knappton, A .'v I -i-:'Y .;'; ;4'T ' -Y-rr - - - . ........ ."'' - ....... ' . - r; K . V' f'-'K XVrY:Ht?.Y OF EMMA EAMES. COPYRIGHTED FORBIDS STORY ' J TO WED AGAIil Famous Singer Gets Decree and Right to' Resume ': Maiden ,. Name Proceedings Secret Throughout. . . ' '-Y'.-Y ' . (losrsal Sna-ii I tla if, "m 1 ' ' ' v White Plains. N. T, April'1 17. It was learned today that the decree Has been slsned ar1v1na .t. At Emma Fames Story from Julian Story, restoring ner maiden name and giving her th right to marry. Story Is for bidden to marnr durlnv' he 1ir of Madam Fames. ' .Madam. Blames', divorce . proceedings has been conducted secretly before nereree r: m. tjucg or Mount Vernon. Madame Eamea ,ia in Chicago, where she 1s finishing the season-ln the, title role Of Tosca. and Julian . fltnrv kr husband, la In Philadelphia. , Referee Rtink wratM u-,nthtti gardlng th. nature of the testimony or mm name or - me- fntladelphla - Women whom .Madam Earaes named as oo- (Contlnued . on Pago Two,). Harriman Improving North Beach Facility . to Compete With Oregon Resorts Now ; v v - Reached by Hill's , Line deep harbor ha been secured at Knapp ton and first-class facilities for pcn gara will he put In at thet point, where the transfer will be mud hfrwtf'T In stead of at thn old 'flwu'i t-Minln ii. The n..w- It"". in ( ' " I. Will Of't. r , lm-.. 1 ""'. " will br , . ii'yi BY AIMEB DTJPONT DIVERS ' SEIZED BY. CUTTLEFISH f . .!" r Revolting Sea Monsters - Attack ! Salvage Workers 'Who Ar i i ' - . . Trying to Raise the Steamer Northwestern. Off Alaska. '.. " (Jneroa! flperlal ti ilea.) ' ' ' ' Ban Francisco, April tT. A report iW ceived by Edmund U" Wood, secretary of the board of marine underwriters la this city, from the wreck of the steamer Northwestern, yesterday contained th matter-of-fact but- shnddery statement to the effect that swarms of 'cuttlefish; are making salvage operations difficult and dangerous and that It' was only with the. greatest difficulty that divers can be Induced" to make more than one descent into the sea-monster-lnfeeted waters. ' ' J The. Northwestern,' formerly the Orl aba, the larg steamer recently brought around from th Atlantic . and now owned In Seattle.' went ashore on March. tO on La Touch Island tn southeastern Alaska. . Marine underwriters were In- (Continued on Page Two.) TO ERS of 1'ortland. F i" f'ir b"t ai. 1 tru'n Into ! t ' ' The ! ' I