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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1907)
U v A Utile Ad in THE JOURNAL ! I J j V r -"'Vvi ' r " 7r -- O ' ('NV. 'iAA QA I -i- One Ccd, . Word. , :: X-tJ- ' SAC rlvAMI Journal, Circulation , Sunday Q r- 9 NOV 47. PORTLAND, OREGON. MONDAY . EVENING. APRIL 1907.FOURTEBN PAGES. PRJCE TWO CENTS. Ow TBarjfS vp pvwa si tvii. mt Ci.i V' 'I - Th Wether--Flr tonight and X : ' L """T. 1 ' N yll ; r J V Tuesday ; northeasterly winds. " ., 1 . ' ' ?'-,' - ' - '- " "''', ' ' 4.. ' ' "---. :"'. ..-,' v ' ' ,1 ,...- " , , ,,, , , 5 : ' , 1 " 1 ' r- 111 ........ v . . . .VOL. VL n s f t" n m rr n II 1 1 1 1 I ill Ji III i.iuiut mm f PLAYED SPY FOR BURNS Pretty Heroine of Ore gon Land FraudsGave AwaVS''etsof San Francisco Grafters x i u-- - ia;u n.- ei unit - e;i for the Orient on Friday 'to Join Husband Who Deserted Her for Woman ' Known ? as HP- rhml httkl hnV. ) ' Francisco, April It. Pretty Marie. War. McKlnley, heroine of the romantic conspiracy of the Oregon una oum, IS another of the woman whose services bared th ; secrets of boodlihg auperrtaoca and administra tion graf tare foivt he schemes of Da rt teotlve atirnt, She la 1a this city at present, bat bar work for We prosecu tion - having been computed, aba will . II.. I tar the orient to. loin bar husband. H6rao Q. McKlnley. ' : Bha and bar husband partad oompany I rur ago, McKlnley oii tin orient with "tattle Egypt,", but .tha dancer has returned, to America and tba ' McKJnleye have beam reooooUed- . It la ' not fo be expected that aaanr regrets . will follow her through 1 tba Golden Gate, although ' two months a to her leave-taking probably ' would have eur naaeed tha farewell bade Mayor Schmlts when ha want away to Europe for tba rest inec wii o ruu.ij- yi.iuiww j tha actlvltlew of Honey and Burn a i 1 . '. Boodler, after - boodler' nought'' the , g rsclQus oompanr of tha - fair Maria ' when the first one whose acquaintance ' a he bad manipulated passed the newa that ao attraotlre 'youns - one had ; asada bar debut In craft society. There were many Jolly iaunta la automobiles to beach re aorta; .there were alnnere with never a thought of expense, for the supervlsora were free with the money after It bad begun to reach them.. .,, Tba girl with tha sparkling eyes and rich brown hair, 1 with plump, graceful figure and handsome gowns, was tha queen of . the boodlera, and . the result was that ' whan the time earns 'Burns waa able to reveal romances that ware almost aa perauaslve as promisee of Immunity. Marie .Ware . McKlnley hat been In San rranclaco with Albert Mo Klnley, a cousin of her husband, and one of Burns' chief stool pigeons In the new tenderloin....'''" .- Bha rendered valuable aslatance to ths prosecution, and with tha mysterious Mrs. TUtchle and aes-eral other attractive women of the InVeatlgatora' detective forces she deserves a large ahare of tha credit for - the prosecution's auoceaa. STOLETO REflCHlllHi Ernest 'Anderson Arrested for Taking Erpr ployer'S'MoneyrrWas;oHis Way,-to ueatn bea in v rairoanKs, 'AiasKa .... -.-. -. ' , rlfcf-i f-atricken ,. upon ' tha receipt af tidings from tha frozen, fields of the far nprth that his young wife was In tba throe of death, Erneat H." Ander aon," a Ban Pranclaco bartender, set out on a mad race against time to reach tha badalde of the woman ha loves be fore thd grim reaper , had wielded hla Bcythe.-. i '""'.'-' , Without ; f unda to make tha trip to Fairbanks. Alaska,' where on a pallet of pain Ilea tha woman of hla choice, Anderson converted to his own use 1600 in cash and a diamond ring be longing to hla employer,- and aa a re sult now lies in the -city prison on a charge of felony embesxlement. . - Anderson was arrested laat night' by Detectives Mallet and Hill upon, the arrival of tha Southern Paeifto express, in response to a telegram from Chief of Police . Dln&n - of San Francisco.. Ths Bay City authorities ; hare ' been . ap prised of tha arrest and tha prisoner will be held pending the arrival of an Of. leer with requisition papers, Tha aoeused man,-who la nnder SO HEN DS WAR UPON TAIY1 IYI AN Y ?.' Mayor McClellan of New, York and Boss Murphy Have Buried the ; Hatchet- Corporation Counsel Ellison as Prime Minister for 1 - - .. . . . - ....,(..- McClellan to Meet Big Tim Sullivan and Arrange Peace. : fJeersat Koedai Serriea.) .' New Tork, April 21. Tha hatchet has f been buried by Mayor McClellan and Charlea Francis Murphy, leader pf Tammany Hall, and the warfare which the mayor haa beea waging against the regular Tammany organisation is over; A number of pollttclana had been plan ning to capture certain districts for McClellsn at tha next prtmnry. but he haa dropped them now, and Corporation OREGON CIRL BECOMES A DETECTIVE Marie War McKlnley. Who Hu Aided Burn la Roundlnr TJp tha San "-' W Xv-: 7- Vv ' rranclsoo Owftera., . ' I -' Z I ' POSSE BATTLES - " - .' - I'M Unknown -Outlaw Commits Sui cide After Running F!;ht Ex tending Over EigM Miles- Defies Posse to Take Alive. ' V?'"'C '.. . ' ' v. V v- ' '. ' .. " .. a ' Moeraal Rperlal Strvto.) Wlllowa.CaL. ADrll 2. In a battls flva mtlea north' of bare 'last night be tween a posss and an nnldentlfled dea. perado, the latter waa w killed after an eight-mile chaee. Over 100 ahota Were fired.' Two revolvera and a ' sandbag were found on the corpse. i The desperado defied the officers and cltlsens to take him alive and al though wounded several times he Con tinued (be light untU ha waa brought to his knees. Seeing that capture waa Inevitable he shot himself In tba breaat and then through the head. Before killing himself the desperado destroyed a number . of letters. ' 4, years of age," waa"ln tha , employ of James Moran, ' proprietor of a Saloon at Third and Townsend streets, San Fran cisco, y The prisoner's explanation1 .ow ha came to be a defaulter Is pathatlo in tha extreme. - g "I received a letter stating that my wife, .who Uvea In Falrban.M Ata"ka. waa dying,' Bays Anderson, "and with no Intentlon'of becoming a, (hint I took, the money and the ring which Moran had intrusted to my keeping and boarded a train for Seattle. . It waa my latention to return all of the money with tha ex ception of sufficient funds 'to -"pay 'my wsy to Alaska, when t reached Portland, but I did not have an opportunity. The money I Used for the trip I expected to repay to'Moran'aa soon-a possible, r want to continue my. Journey northward, but I expect that X will. have to abandon my plana now." . And the despondent young mansith visions of the pale, ' emactafM face 'of tha girl h had sworn to love and, pro tect, beckoning him onward .'to' the land of tha midnight sun, bowed hla head Jn grief.-. ,-.. . ' , a.O. o ! (Counsel William B.i E3l1san, who Is for pence, la now tha mayor's prim m In- later. . . ,;': ',-,.." c Tomorrow Ellison ' will ' meet "Big Tim" Sullivan, Murphy's representative, to agree yi terms, of amity, between Tammany end. the ' city . herr"..The mayor win e free heresfter from the embarrassments . of factional politics, Ellison said todV, and will devote him self entirely to the duties of hlasd ministration. ' DESPERADO 5 k y GOULD AND IVIFE ARE ESTRAHGED ; .V.. t. "' 1 hi : Woodward Brings Suit to Collect - for ; Securing Eviden,ce ,That Howard GoufcTS Actress Wife Had Married a Tramp. ' ' f Journal Bsacial ierviea.l ' New ToricAprll j.-.Tha estrange ment of Howard Gould and hla wife, who was Katharine Clemrtona, the actreaa. haa been dlsclowwl through the demand of William Carrell Woodward against Gould for 1860.000 for eervlcea alleged to have been performed by Woodward in securing evidence for use In a legal-action which Gould contem plated bringing. -- , Notice that the Butt would be begun at once by Woodward for that, amount waa served by Woodward's attorney on De Lanoey Nlcoll, counsel for Gould. No definite statement waa made aa to tha nature of Gould'a Droooaad action. hut tha fact that Gould and hla wife are separated Is mentioned prominently In connection with tha matter.' - i . Woodward is . a , notorious character who haa a record r for awlndllna- and blackmailing on. a large scale In thla and other couatrlea. It! la atated that tha Gmilde have been living anart since laat September, and that tha quarrel began-ovr the place for-the construction or caatle. Gould, on tha Long Ialand estate, . which waa to cost millions. Mora - than 1600.000 had . been, ex pended .on the stable alone when tha work, waa stopped.- - Chandler, A Oakea, to whom Woodward referred tha news paper . men, said Woodward bad . bean employed to produce evidence that Mrs. oouid waa married ' before - aha met Howard Gould,, and that her first hus band had been aj tramp., ... ., , ! -f ,' A '. 1 l ' "' i - t t Bond Theft Grows. ' I' " f 1 rrr BpecUl" aarrlee.)- 1 ' : ; NeWYork. Apnr J The bond rob bery of the Trust Company of Amertoa la growing until today It appeara that bonds worths $ were taken by William O. Douglas, the bond clerk now underarrest, and bla assoctatsa. MAYOR SCHMITZ GOES OYE ' -1 ., .-k i, , - eenia gpeesil Berviee.) Sen. Francisco. , AprH- II. Principals In .'the graft prosecution refuse to con firm, the , report .circulated- yesterday that- Mayor Schmlts'-offer to make - a confession aad, resign ; from - of floa , In return- for a grant- of - immunity bad been accepted, but there la reason to believe that the 'Indicted mayors la ao anxious to Join' ths ranks of tha 're formers" that "ha baa given the graft prosecution much valuable Information without any promise of freedom from prosecution.. ., , . ,.- .. ; . ' j Negotiations for tha affiliation of Mayor Schmlts with ' tha graft prose cution were -conducted by a high city official who la In close touch with As sistant District Attorney Francis . X Heney, "and la completely dominated by the big stick. This official waa form erly very Intimate with Mayor 8chmlta and Boss Rusf, but-bla reformation haa resulted in an estrangement. He waa In a position; however, to conduct, th pre liminary arrangements for ths eonfea flon and resignation of Schmlts. Information" ,he prosecutor .are -said to have, obtained from Schmlts' is matei riaf in the chargnr of bribery, against President Put rick Calhoun of the United Railroads. Schmlts la aald to have ad mitted that previous to the passage of the overhead trolley franchise ordinance MEn Willi GUHS READY FOR ROGSER Leave Beds and Stand on'. Guard AH Night Protecting Home on Portland Heights Wife of Architect' Raymond and . Her Daughter Fearlessly Rush , , Toward the Sound of Break ' Ing Class, - Frightening the ; Burglar Away. '. --- V.: Two brave women, awakened fey a burglar who waa trying to enter the home of li E. Raymond. 414 Chapman street, Portland Heights, . rushed down stairs with revolvers In hand at an ear ly 'hour tbta morning In the face of possible death or Injury, at the bands of the housebreaker. ' The latter waa frightened away, how ever, and Mrs. Raymond and her daugh ter had no occasion to show their marks manship, although they remained on guard in the parlor of their home dur ing tha rest ot the night for fear the burglar would return. . Thla la tha. flrat time that the faah lonabla realdence district of, Portland haa been Invaded .by robbers, el nee the arrest some days ago of Ernest Iane, the Nob Hin burglar. .. That thla one failed - In . robbing tha , house - in which the two women were alone, la due to tha fact that tbay, acted quickly when awakened by. hla ,nolse, at tha , dining room window. . : V !--s'v''jAwaltana Vy aTeiaat ' I Mrs. Raymond and bee daughter were asleep In aa a ps lairs apartment When the former waa awakened about ;i:l0 o'clock - thla morning by - -the - house brealLkr. who wma ettenptlne- to "pry up the sash. A moment afterward aha heard the crash of breaking glass, t . Realising that an entrance te the house was being effected, she called to Bier g.uut.r; - jiiuiym vui,iiiejr beds and .firmly grasping revolvera which were on the bureau made their way through the dark hall and rushed dowathe front stairs. . ' -. - An aro light at tba comer of Chap, man and Clifton streets, nearly opposite tha house.' threw Its rays into the din ing room and In the semi-darkness they aaw the half-raised Sash and the aplla tered pane, the broken glass having fall en upon the dlningroom floor.' Mrs. Raymond and her daughter went to the window, but -could aee no one about the premises. Fearing,, however, that he might return, they stationed themselves In tha parlor and remained there on guard until daylight came a few houra later. Thla morning they found the footprints in tha lawn where the burglar made a hasty exit from the yard down into the canyon half A block away. It la probable that ha ran at tha flrat sound of voices overhead. ' The dining-room faces the north, where the lawn alopea away, and the window, through which the burglar at tempted to force an entraaoev is a con siderable distance from the ground. He had overcome thla difficulty by secur ing a ladder from the back yard, which he had leaned against tha side of tha house. :. .-. - A large amount of silverware waa sett ting on tha buffet, nearly In front of the window where the aro rays fell upon it. ' The sliver plecea are probably what attracted hla attention.- , Mrs. Raymon la the wife of H. B. Raymond, a member of tha firm of Mao- Naughtcn, Raymond at Lawrence, archi tects in fhe Dekum building. He haa been out of the city several days, and It 1 possible that the burglar knew of hla abaenoa when he attempted to enter the houtta. . .. - . . . ,' The attempted burglary was reported to the police thla morning by Erneat B. MacNaugbton, a son-in-law of Mra. Ray mond and detectives were detailed. . v. R TO PR OSECUT-ION Indicted. Mayor ITells HeneyotTroljeyFrarvj chise Graft ResigT nation to Be Tendered i . . d ... ." - '- he had a 'number, of oonveraatlon with Calhoun and.camvto an -understanding- with hint regarding, tha passage of the ordinance. ; ' . -.Thar I no intimation given that Cal houn paid Schmlts directly any money. On the contrary, thla la apeclflcally de nied. The financial and of tha trans action Is said to have been handled entirely- by Ruef. Exactly wnat waa .the nature of, the understanding which waa arrived at between Calhoun and Schmlts la not' stated.' " ; , It la expected that the formal reals nation of Mayor Schmlts aa ehlet executive-of the city -will soon be tendered to th graft prosecution,, out this step a .- v V, i , . "r- ' ( . i ' -' ': ' ' '' . PHOTO USED TO i: 9 I Quoeo Carmen Sylva of Roumanla and. Her .Royal Spouae, SEES HUSBAND I Invalid "Wife of Haywood Greets Federation Leader for the First ( ' Tlrhe t' Since His Arrest, and :" incaixeratloru;?;..:-.''; " i ; (RDsdal IMseateb te Tse JeoraeLl i Bcrtee, Idaho,- April II. There waa a DBthi-tlo meeting at the county Jail to day when Mr-W. i. Haywood, tha In valid wife of one of the .imprisoned officials of the Western Federation of Minora, waa permitted to aea ber hus band. ' She waa accompanied oy ne l laua-h'rt- and it iwll't-firs meeting .since tha arrest of her husband In Denver a. year agOi ' r '' 'Mrs. Havweod arrived laat night from Denver. See was taken, to the county Jail where' aha remained with her hus band until noon., W1U1 ner nuaoana ana two daughters she consented to bare a family plotur. taken.' a- i , . ", ' '" Senator. W. E. Borah returned from Washington late last night, Hs refused to discuss the nature of his Interviews with ths president, but committed him self strongly in favor of President Roosevelt's renomlnatlon. " The senator -. talked .briefly OH ' the subject, of hla rumored indictment,' but aald nothing of , particular importance to the case. Ha has returned to Bolss to assist, in the prosecution of Moyer, Haywood and Pettibona. ' j FROST BLIGHTS FRUIT- -- ABOUT LEWISTON, IDAHO ' s . 1 . . v. i . ' Lewlston, Ids-,, Api1 It. -Thousanda of dollars' worth of fruit was damaged in 'the Lewlston-Clarkston oountry by a killing frost Sunday morning and prominent fruitgrowers fear the entire crop haa been blighted.. The buds were at an advanced t stage and fit was thought all danger of a" killing frost had passed, .the latest killing data in the :past aeven',yearet belnjr April O I. From 11 o'clock Saturday night until o'clock - Sunday morning the tempera ture ' rested at ' II degree above aero. The exact extent 'of the damage will not be -known" for' several 'days. . .Fruit growers this tear -looked for- the largest crop-in the 'history of 'this region;.-of peaches,1 cherries, apricots,' almonds and primes. - Strawberries land garden plant were also affected by Me frost.', 1 I m ' ' ' ! r" WomablJnrng tw lVatJU Phiiadelphlaf April.' 1 9 Mrs Kate Kerner, aged - 40, poured , oil into the stove, this morning, and was: bnrneltto death-with 1700 In cash that she car ried In. her. dress. She had been saving tba. family's earnings to bur t horns i . I. .. mky .W "deferred 'until', plana are made to taa-a over tha city .government. The report. that Sehmlts.had reached an un- deratandlng with, tha prdsecuUon caused great , excitement In graft circles.. Con sternation reigned -among the headarof mo various aepartmenta of the-clty gov ernment , and .. there was much specula tion aa to the impending changes among, the 'Officials -who. are the per sonal appointees of . the) mayor.' . J t,. la. expected - that. the. fall of the mayor will . bring a- boat of. other seek ers after immunity, to, the office of the district attorney with offers to confess and reform. But. tha supply of Immun. ty. Is -growing short and there may be many, who will be bitterly disappointed. The report . of, the , confession of Schmlts did not disturb i the equanimity, of Patrick Calhoun, president of the United Ratlroade. He had beard It ear- ly in the. day and while he did not credit It, he declared that It waa a matter, of complete Indifference to him what Schmlts might tell' th graft pros ecution. ; .1 . : ; . , " "It la quits immaterial to ma what Mayor Schmlts. telle Ihe-graft prosecu tors,, bm-anse 'he'Csnnot. truthfully tell them anything which can support afiy of the charges made against the United Hailroada," said Calhoun. - ' ' v. t - - - -1 ,'" '. I I- " ' ' ' i HliOUGI BARS PACIFY PEASANTS if rA JG QUEEN SUBJECTS' IDOL Carmen Sylva of Roumanla Pop- ular - With Every Classtier Photograph Used to Pacify Peasants at a Crisis. tieemal Special- Barrtce.t . ' - Vienna. April l.Thl. 1. tha, latest photo of King Charlea of Roumanla and his wife, known tha world over as Car - men Sylva, seholar and poet. Ttie photo waa taken during th recent uprising of the peasants and spread broadcast over the kingdom to pacify the peas ants, ,wno adore their king and queen. .' carmen Sylva's reputation for obllan thropy la world-wide, but In, her own country she Is dearly loved by her sub jects,, among whom she mingles reely. Her latest act; and one In which nearly svery! magaslna and. leading, newspaper of tha world has published,, long ar ticles "with pictures. Is about' the kind ness she haa shown to a little blind girl of Roumanla.; The queen haa taken the little girl into the royal household and la, providing her with an education. quite a rise for a poor little waif who naa neither home nor frlenda. . Whenever i trouble arises amonsr her subjects, a la the rule for tha people to mane uieir wants known to Carmen Sylva, If they do -not obtain their de mands from - the government.' Ther abide , by her counsel and - decision im plicitly. She. la credited with having done more for her subjects by personal conferences than any sovereign who haa ever ruled In Europe, .t --.. LOVIf UHIS DEFEND Jhousahdsof Workmen Retuse to March in Moyer-Hayvyood V:: '(Journal iBpeeikl Ssrvle.) : ( New Tork. April 'II. Thousanda. of Vrorkmen refused to participate In tha Moyer-Haywood-Pettibone parade Sat urday. . Federated unions are about equally .divided upon th queatlon aa to whether the president1 did wrong, In writing the. letter to Honors Jaxon. ,, A committee of , three was appointed to visit Roosevelt, but It la no longer a com mittee of denunciation.. They were In structed to obtain, an Interview and have a "heart-to-heart" talk with; the president. ' ': " .- - -. - .-.;- ' When the Moyer-Haywood matter was brought up st ths meeting. of the Cen tral Kedersted onion's yesterday after boon en-unexpected sentiment in Presi dent Roosevelt's favor- waa manifested. - ' ' AdvcrOsing llccord for Ihe Wee': . -.f '' The' 'ord ;o;adviprt jsine ,fo.t the week. ending April : aerain shows a 'gain for The Journal over the previous wc ' J:The gajn this time is 36? inches. - Over-the corresponding week of Apnl of l.i?t ycir t'. records show' a gain of 4,363 inches or a gain of f. ) per cr in. a- year... : Local, Inches ., Foreign, inches v.. ........... Classified and Real Estate, ins. The daily average circulation of The Journal h r ly .over. 2!) ,000. No .other daily newspaper ra .i several, thousand. of this average. , and use The Journal with profit to th : - iiS Philadelphia Man Is Elected Today to tho Presidency of Port land Railway Co. Is Member of Quaker City Bank ing Firm and Visited Portland in October Actual Manage ment Will Remain In Hands of Fuller, and Reed. ' The presldencr of the Portland Rail way, Light 4k Power company, made va cant by tha death of H. W. Goods, haa been filled by the election of C. M. Clark of , the banking firm of EX. W. Clark A Co Philadelphia. Action waa taken today at a meeting of the direc tors, a majority of whom are residents of Philadelphia and New fork. It ia intimated that tha - election of Mr. Clark may not bo a permanent arrange ment, and .that some one may event ually be aelected who will become aj resident of Portland. " 'r ' C - M. Clark la a young man, one of the Philadelphia party who visited Port land In March and October laat year. Ha haa taken more Interest than any other of the eastern investors in the Portland street railway system. - He is not expected to come to Portland at once and the actual management of tha company's large properties will prob- ""J7 " ' mu"'1 ol ." ""'. 'i Z ""f" " .- a. . Reed looking after the nower 1 and lighting and tha financial depart ment. .. These two men have long possessed the mnet familiar knwledge of th affairs of the consolidated . companies plans for improvements formulated un der Mr. Goode's administration will be carried, "forward. . ' COSTS A THOUSAND TO --.KILL MAN. WITH AUTO Kernoaha, WJs., April 19. Ted Collier waa fined 11,000 and costs this morning upon hla conviction for. killing Ed Dryer of Wbeaton, Illinois, last July with aa automobile. .. , - '. . .. Entombed Miners Are Alive. Johnstown. -Psl, April II. Seven men are atlll Imprisoned at ther Foustwell mine.- Some st least are known to ba alive aa the tappings continue. The rescuers sre still fighting tha water and have nine pumps working. There ia plenty of air. If the rescuers ran reach the Imprisoned miners soon they may prevent their death from starva tion. , . - Parade toJJe Held D .Saturday ; , . - Thla anion represents more than 100,01 of tha workers of - the city. ' While speeches against Roosevelt were made, ha had numerous defenders. Socialist members and ex-Assemblyman 8a tn Prince aald they were using the Moyer Haywood case to spread their own prop aganda. . ....I.', r Herman Robinson, general organiser of the American Federation' of Labor, said he objected to any demonstration to condemn President Roosevelt snd all that the tradea unlona asked- for Moyer and Hayarood waa a fair trial. Robin son declared the parade ' next Saturday would not represent . organised labor. Timothy Healy of a 'stationery 1 rlrm. resolutely supported Roosevelt and sai l the .whole movement is to boost a po litical party. . Journal. c,f)2a 1,2: Oregonian. Tt ' 1,2'.):: j, vt t '