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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1907)
TIIS OHIZCOIT SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY I.IORNTNO, 'APRIL' 23, 1CS7. The beat assortments of kinds and patterns ever shown hi the cltyNat prices that are unmatchable. Every woman who has homo sewing to1' do re quires a liberal supply of exactly these goods before . the summer season starts. Every Item here represents good worthy embroideriesTand lacps that you can Y depend upon, and when you consider how much of these goods you will use during the season it is well worth securing them now at these low prices. .- Flouncing Embroidery in a, beautiful assortment of dainty patterns, 18 inches wide; regular 60c values. Spe- QQ " cial, Monday and Tuesday. J.,.. 00 C Embroidery With Insertion to match, 2 to 12 inches wide, beautiful patterns ;. regular 25c grade, Special price -1 C Monday and Tuesday. ......... X o C- Embroidery Edging In a rare collection of pretty patterns, 8 to 6 inches wide, excellent-values; always sold at 20c Special price, Monday and t Tuesday......... ......i...... 1JLC LIcchlin Laces lib.. 5,000 yards of very fine Mechlin Laces, Including all the clever new novelty patterns as well as every one of the staple designs; comes 1 to 2lt inches wide; sells regularly at prices ranging from 18 to 85c The entire lot 1 1 ' at one price, per yard .......... 1 1 C. v Torchon Laco 4o : 10,000 yards of new fresh Torchon Laces, over 200 new exclusive patterns in the assortment; every edge has an' inserting to match ; widths from. 1 'to '8 inches; prices range from 8c J to 15c yard. Special, per yard. ... ft C Piatt Valenciennes 12o Another beautiful assortment of pretty Piatt Val. Laces, used so much in trim-; ming fine white underwear; '2 to . & inches wide; regular 20c to 85e grades. On specia) sale, Monday and iniA. 1 Tuesday, per yard . ....... . . 1 C 'I Pretty Dresden .Ribbons - 4-Inch Floral Ribbon, wide range of patterns ; regularly, "sold at ; 25c.' ? Spe-' cial at ...v. ...;;.i.:....,v:...18 4jInch .Dresden: Ribbons. ! beautiful dainty colorings ; our 80c grade.1 Spe. cial at . .v: 7.7 .", .23t VAIITED ---Experienced Salesladies for Laces, . Hosiery, Underwear and Suit Dopt,; Also Boys Prom 10 to 18 The Best in QualityThe Host in Values H'-I.'liflii! V "V. -iJ Portland's Fastest Growing Store We wish to emphasize the word VALUE and define its true meaning as it is employed in this announcement. The prin-' ciple upon which this business is built is .VALUE-GIVING " the best quality and the greatest quantity for the lowest price -' consistent with modern merchandising. t Such has been our , v method of winning the confidence of the public and such will always be our plan of holding that confidence. The following ' , ; hems clearly bear out our policy of "Giving the Best Values" ' and ought to meet with your approval, we think.1; ;;;V-liake':This Store the' Base of Your y Dry Goods Supplies and See How. Satisfac . torily You Will Be Served -y ;S -M SL3DL01 ; ETotioiQlD r, ' If anything,' were needed to further demonstrate ' the saving advantage that accrue from buying in these popular sections it's found In this sale to morrow. A few of tho many items follow: Dress Shields' , Specially Reduced We have r Just re ceived a special underpriced purchase of light weight Dress Shields, suitable for use . with shirtwaists and light dresses ; every pair fully guaranteed ; assarted sizes; specially priced as fol- loWS ' v ;f ' ' Size 2; 15c kmd.;.....y...;;10t Size 3; 18c kind.. ............... 12 Size 4; 20c kind ..... ......... ,14e 15o Tablets lOo V 15 dozen best quality Irish Linen Tab lets, ruled or, unruled, full count; our best selling number at 15c, Spe- 1A cially priced tomorrow at...... 1UC 35o Wash Belts 25o l White Duck Wash Belts in a large as sortment, of this season's best styles, neatly embroidered in the newest de ; signs, finished with adjustable buckles ; other stores ask 80c for this-' Of ' grade. '. Our' special price ' ... . .uC 75o Wash Bolts 50o White Linen Wash Belts, the newest styles, hand embroidered in pretty floral designs, finished with large pearl buckles; sold all over the city, at 73c. Our special price. ...... DUC Special Sale Hand Ba3 $2.00 Values at $1.19 The price ougb to attract attention, but the bags then selves will fix it and make it impossible for you not to buy one or more. A great assortment of all the newest styles to. choose from in all the best leathers and colors, well made .with riveted frame, moire lining and coin purse ; regular $1.50 to $2.00 J ' - ft values at one price. . Choice. y X k 35o Cushion Slips o Tapestry Cushion Slips in an expensive line of patterns and coloring; attract ive and durable; just the thing for out ing use; regular 35c kinds '. .OC now .............. t ...-. . juj C A; Grand Exposition: and v.' . Salo ; of h : y Suits'- at $15.00 : ,'v Of fancy ' checks, stripes 1 and plaidt, beautiful .colors in lieht and .dark t hadei, alto plain Pan-' atnas in blue, black, red and brown; they come in Eton, pony, semi-fitting- and loose coats and latest pleated skirts. , .H ... foments; vdy-tp Representing the best efforts of the world's leading tailors. All 'womankind in search of rhodish, ' correct dress should see this exhibit and these unusual bargains. We want it thoroughly understood by, the people that we sell them the best, mdst perfect fitting, most wanted and best styles of . tailoring, and' guarantee such low prices that all can share in these really handsome gar ments. There's not a garment in this stock that cannot be bought for less money here than equally good ones could be purchased i or elsewhere.' We buy largely we have Uie advantage of every possible, price conces sion -and we, in turn, give this benefit to our patrons. Splendid Assortment Tailoxd Walldngr Suits On Sale This Week at Manufac turer's Coat. Drummer's Sample line of Silk Coata. . Suits at '$19.50 Tailored jacket and Etoa mod els of plain Panama, check and stripe worsteds in light and dark colorings. Some are elaborately braidtrimmed; extra full pleated skirts- fn . the newest shades of brown, tan, nary, red sad black. A grand selection of the prettiest suits you hare ever seen for the j money., ... -'?'.V.. .-';' ' Suits at $25.00 ' Women's nobby - Tailored Suits, made of soft chiffoo Panama, in new browns, gray, navy, black, beautiful stripes, checks and mix tures made in smart cutaway, pony coat, Etons and tight-fitting models, taffeta lined and - hand somely trimmed. These will com pare favorably - with anything shown anywheres at from $35 to $40. ;" ;;' ;1v;vx'.---W ! -' Apparel of Quality and : .y. . Distinction :r':-' ; That Will - Appeal ' to Every Smart , Dresser, and ", ' .i Are- Moderately priced. . , '.-",-;"'.-, .New Spring and Summer Coats ' ' Women's and Misses' Nobby All-Wool Coats, In semi-fitting and loose styles, ,m stylish checks, plaids, stripes ' and mixtures, - also all-wool Tan Covert ' Coats, in loose and fitted models. Extra special values this week at f lO.OO, r (r ST.SO and .O.VU " Special Skirt Values" - r VWS llUSi $3.50 Three styles of fine ' chiffon and worsted Panama Skirts in the new cluster and side-pleated models, also several styles in checked and striped worsteds. Specials for this week at and ....... r' New, Suits for Young Ladies ' Of 14. to 18 years, have just been received, made of plarn gray Panama, fancy worsteds and worsted plaids; in nobby box and semi-fitting coat styles; food vsriety of styles to choose from. Cf A PA pecial prices this week, 12.50 and. JlU.OU , rV New Taffeta Jumper Suits v PA very pretty one of blue, brown, red and black taf feta, with plaited skirts and handsomely trimmed.' Special this week at, 18.50, S10.00 jg CjQ , v v. J Lingerie and Lawn Waists: . We have th most complete showing Of dainty waists of 1 any 'shown in the .city. Special values will be shown all of 'this week at 8f, SJUJ5, Jl.SO, 91.00 and .50. jfv rand showing of Tap Silk and 'Net Lace Waists at fa.SO, S3.50, 4.50, $5.60, , Q 6.5. St.50 and ............ ..........MU ! Children's Spring Apparel j ; See onr lim of Children's Spring Coats, in light and dark colors, three-quarter and seven-eighth lengths, plain man-tailored effects; also pretty models trimmed with braids and velvets; all sices from 2 to 1 years. Priced at 3-BO, S3.90, v ., f- SS.OO, fS.60 and ..'..T...;... ...... .OU Styllah New Models In Children's Wash Dresses; dainty white lingerie effects, pretty plaid ginghams, solid color linens, black and fancy plaids, in sires 2 to 14 years; large assortment of styles Q CA from SO to 4J.)U We are now showing a complete stock of In fants', Wear at exceedingly low prices. . Infanta' Silk and Lawn Bonnets, Infants' Long and Short Cloaks, Infants Short and Long White Dresses, Infants'. Bibs, Infanta' Bootees, etc -. r v - ; Children's Tarns, 35cr ; - There are about 5dosen hi this lot and they are all 'this season's.,- These Tarns are made from good quality serge, in navy and red; some are embroid ered, others are plain. Regular price 50c and 65c Your choice Monday, while they last.... OuC That's the Secret of Onr Linen Section Our Linens Wear 1 We have linens from. Ireland and Ger many, woven from eood, clean, round threads that will wear into the next generation, linens,, whose prices have grown smaller mm" ; L7 ., ',' f if "XU f f 3 our purchases become larger. Our linen .business has grown by .- (fwkt YSCw) 1 aI selling linens at reasonable prices, guaranteeing ererytning- , -iu giving satisfaction; whatever you"pay you get the best that can I be had for your money. A few price examples follow: v V '-' , a At 60c yard liieacnea uamask, jy tncnes wide, assortment of. neat designs. --.;' ;s"-'''r,-,y-v '-w' U",yr-: -''y''.-- . At 75c yard Bleached Damask, 6 inches wide, all linen assort ment of dots, figures and flowers. . ' : , ."o,; . V-,''. I L-At $1.00 yard Bleached Damask, 72 inches wide, eixtra 'godd A $3.50 doxen Bleached Napkins,' 24 inches, extra good linen, . neat designs.' y -'-n '-'t v.-'--'- "" At $1J23 yard Bleached Damask, all linen, .72 Inches wide,' as sortment of handsome designs. v v" ' At $100 dozen All Linen Napldnsr-24 inches by 24;. to match damask. . . v'' ' ' ; '- " ; ,. . ';,..';'' .'',; ' 1 . : At 60c yard Unbleached Damask, 62 inches wide, all linen, excellent wearing quality. At 75c yard Unbleached Damask, 64 inches wide, all linen, good assortment of desiens,' ex tra good quality. " ',. ;;, At $1.23 each Bleached Damask Table Cloths, 66x83 inches, . good, heavy , quality regular price $1.50. ; , ' ' .' At 50c yard Colored Damask, 60 Inches wide guaranteed fast colors unexcelled quality. At $1.05 dozen Bleached Linen Napkins, as sortment of ' pretty designs regular $1.25 quality. '.'.V"'v ' At 21c each Lben Huck Towels, site 19x38, all white, neatly hemstitched our regular SOc quality...- . . - - Men's We ar Fine Values , We never had a more attract Ive gathering of Men's Furnish ings, Hats and-Underwear than you'll find here nowand never have you " been , able ' to buy to such t advantage. These - few Items that follow aren't all we have, though. No, Indeed, plenty more here so many we can only ask you to come to the store and examine for: yourself. .V ' Men's 15c Half Hose 11c Fancy Half Hose in a large assortment of dainty embroidered patterns in colors, black, tan and blue; just the thing to wear with low shoes ; new. and, nobby; best lpc It' kinds. Specially priced at. . H C Men's $1.00 Shirts 69c Tomor row we place on sale another lot of Men's White Dress Shirts, made' of excellent' quality muslin. with . full pleated linen bosom, custom made; all sizes ; best $1.00 grade. Specially v ' fiA. priced at ; VuC Boys' SOc Shirts 35c Boys' soft bosom neglieee shirts, made with detached cuffs, good assortment of new patterns in blue and gray all sizes from 12 to 14; . r. np -regular 60c values at.....OuC Men's Underwear Men's Spring -weight elastic ribbed balbnggan Underwear, in all size shirts and drawers, form fitting; shirts are made with silk faced front and silk taped binding on the neck; extra good. $1.00 value, rjQ Special at, garment. . . . . .'. f 5C Suit Cases and Bags Just re ceived, a large invoice of Suit Cases and , Hand Bags ; prices marked far . below the advanced prices asked elsewhere. Suit Cases from S2.00 to ? 12.50. Hand Bags from " ' f0'r?A 60e to.............. 00. J U Ivluslinw'ap V: ; Specials - . 9M . ' ,r v i . .. . w i For Monday and Tuesday.. Muslin Drawers 35c i-Made of ex cellent nualitv - muslm, umbrella Styles, shaped waistband, neatly, trimmed with) lace, embroidery and tucks; our best 50c . QC grade. Spedally priced St.. ODC Corset Covers 35c Made - from ' extra fine , nainsook, '- full ' front, trimmed with two rows each of Val lace and ' insertion in ' front . and 1 one row . each in . back and armhojes, also beading and' rib bon; no better- values anywhere for less than SOc or 65c Of? Special at. . ; . . . . . . . ... . . OuC Chemise at 59c These garments are made from cambrics and mus lirf, and trimmed with torchon' lace, VaL lace and embroidery in sertion, full 6kirt length with ruf-' fie, either. plain hem or finished' with lace; best 75c val- Cft ues, only . . . ....... w . . . . . .D7C For 01.25 and 01.50 Values ss (brOOdl B For 01J25 and 01.50 Values In This Season's Host Beautiinl Plain and Fancy Suitings . These are beautiful goods woven of mixed yarns in plain shades of blue, tan, gray, green and other wanted shades; soft and fine; just the right weight and style for summer wool dresses. Fancy Novelty Suitings, spick-span new in various shades of tan, brown, gray, etc, in broken checks, stripes and plaids. All are this season's most popular patterns, axe extra wide and cheap at their regular price of $1.25 to $1.50. :,.' :--: .:-; . Moonlight Mixtures 4A inches wide, strictly all wool, -firm, hard twisted weave; very suitable for shirtwaist suits (J or jacket suits, $1.50 quality, Monday and Tuesday .vleUU Silk and Wool Novelties 12 inches wide, beautiful assortment of pretty ahades, every one the newest coloring; very pretty for summer gowns; our $1.25 quality. Special, Mon- rt day and Tuesday.. .................. ..............Ol.lilJ Novelty French Weaves 42 inches wide, beautiful sheer fabrics ; one of the finest foreign creations; first time shown in this City; regular $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75 values. Special, Mon- f )f day and Tuesday.. ................. ............,.oi)J $1.50 Novelty Suitings $1.00 All our 54-inch "Priestly and Jamestown in every late style, de sign and weave; all the fashionable color combinations in gray, tan, blue, green, (J-t ff brown; also pretty line of block checks.; Specially priced at, ....... .O-lelil ; . fllireo Eirtxaordinory Silk Values 19-Inch Black TaffetaPop ular buckskin finish, warrant ed ' all silk, spotless ' black ;. good 75c grade. Special, Monday and Tues- r?f day. :59c $!. for Fa3liionablo Dress Goods; Worth 01.25 and 01.50 86-Inch Black Taffeta War ranted all silk, spot-proof, pretty Swiss finish ; , good $1J25 trade. Special, Mon-' day and Tuesday, per yard. 198c 27-Inch ; Black Taffeta Fine rich lustrous finish, pure Silk; well worth $1.00 yard. Our - price, Monday and Tuesday, yard - .. . ..75c Uh&erwear Hosiery . We have prepared to take care of your Underwear and Hosiery wants this season better than ever. . Stocks are larger, assortments better, and the following interesting numbers at very Interesting little prices will greet you for the first time tomorrow:: - " , Women's Union Suits 80o "wy: DlfAfnM'i fin VivYiit llnirm TriftHe ftf liftln thread, trimmed tutK . fine , Val. lace, silk tape, low neck, sleeveless, umbrella pants ; one of the I best wearing garments ; usually sold at $1.60. Special Monday , . QQ and Tuesday at v. i OSJC h t Infants' Puritan Vests 25o Larsre line of Infants' white mixed wool and cotton Vests (Puritan make). warranted the best and most durable garment made; our regular Of 85c and 40c garments. Special Monday and Tuesday, at. ......... . jC I'l . v 1 - f . Women's Summer Vests, lOfV J 800 dozen Women's white, Swiss ribbed sum mer Vests, prettily trimmed with lace;. have low neck, short sleeves ; an exceptionally fine garment; sold , elsewhere at 20c each. Our special price, Monday and Tues- V ia day, each. . . ..................... . . . . . 1 UC . . Women's Lisle Vesta. 50. Women's Imported Lisle Ribbed Vests with pretty hand-made lace yokes, low necks, no sleeves, silk tape values up to 85c only about 80 dozen in the lot specially priced for . C A Monday and Tuesday, each ......... . . OUC - Boys' Stockings, 23. . , . Have just received a full line of boys' armor clad and athletic Stockings, best stocking ever made for wear have four-thread heel and toe, three-thread knee, are reenforced throughout well worth 85c and 40c our price Mon- Of day and Tuesday ............ . . . . . i . . . o C " : . New Lace Stockings, 3S. , An exceptionally pretty line of children's and misses' Lace Stockings; large variety of styl ish designs, regular made, double sole, high spliced heel and toe , colors, white, pink, bluev and black good SOc " values special Of Monday and Tuesday, per pair . ....... OOjL Misses' Lisle Stockings, 17. About 200 dozen - misses' fine Lisle Ribbed Stockings In black and . tan ; made full fash ioned ; nave high-spliced . heel, extra heavy double sole excellent wearing quality well worth 25c special , Monday 17f r S pairs for OUC . , v , Women s Fancy Hosiery. An unequaled .showine of women's fanor hos iery. Every desirable shade and pattern in lace, embroidered and polka dot styles. Col ors, black, tan, pink, blue and white nj prices range from $1 down to , A- Sale of Good Shoes Great Honey Saving ' Opportunities - When we come across an especially desirable lot of shoes at an especially low" price we con sider ourselves fortunate. vWhen we turn the shoes over to you on the same saving basis, wj expect you to feel gratefuL Here's a chance for you to show your appreciation of our effort-. 1 ior uirir L : Worth 51.50 , A j.yvvy 7orth Boys' All Solid Shoes . . 7 I Girls' Shoes, V'th D Made to stand hard wear, in' both calfskin and vid kid, oak tan soles, 'solid heels, leather counters and Insoles, regulation boys' shoes with hooks : all sizes up to 134 ; other stores ask $1.50 for 7omcn'Clioet f f sy f this grade. Our special and Qslords atOi i SdcT .7cndcrful Vn!c! Choice of hundreds of pairs In all the best s';Vs a- Irs' ; ? , . ., ....... 4ips ;uaae n a nun-,.,er r! styles, with fall-l-n ' vamps li. ted down utv! r t: tips, ir,3unn d. wear of "cut-off Th'e shoes are fine vici ki-l, v 6olc3 ; are ( j'.iy v all : " ' i t . jit' 1 f r : ? ' v r- i ' f