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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1907)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, ' SUNDAY MORNING). APRIL 3. ICC7. HEEDS RELIGION ON THE GREAT WHITE WAY iJI.Jan Russell Declares No Girl of Sixteen Should Go on Stage In' v New York Without Abiding Faith In Something, and y-V A Good Mother. Nw.Hw; wlta a good brain. All she bas learned , or ana en the. Great Whits Wsy ehs ; hu pet away for future uh scd refer ' not, Ben ta the cold philosophy of a typical New Torker on tie need of a -chorus flrl for a religion and tha lea on of tha Thaw ease:' ' "No girl of 1 fought to be allowad to , oomi to New Tort aad (and (or herself oa tha stage, who baa. not a strong religious Influence to carry liar through ' temptation. - Especially If aha la beau tiful. It may b a convent education. It may be Christian Science It nay i ba Mohammedan. Oh, anything, if aha ; knows the dlff erenee batwaaa right and -wrong and bellevea something. 1 think a girl ol 1C ought to believe in something aad bellere la it hard. Also aha ought to hare a mother around. ; "Mothers are good ta . sotreeaee to . have them near; until, they are at, and arte that they are apt to be a nul- MRS. OSBORNE DIES AT L . SALEM OF PARALYSIS SJperJal Dfcrpetrk ta The Jesraal.t 1 fealem.. Or, April JT. Mrs.. Jobs Cm- ' borne) la dead at bar home oa South Hlga street ta this lty at tha age of Tl years. For tha past eight years aha baa beea afflicted with paralysis, and for the last tour year was entirely , helpless. She was born at Lafayette. Indiana, la 1 110, and vaa married to Oliver 8. Johneoj la 114a. They moved , to Oregon in 1181 and located oa a home teed aear Monroe, Benton eonnty. Her husband died ta lilt aad two years later ebe was cnlted la marriage with Rev. 7. 6V Osborne of the United Breth ren church, who survives her. Her sur viving children are Douglas Johnson of Wyoming, Herscbal Johnson and Mrs. THE BIO . : Any T.B.S ;- em- . 5. , "' SAiSBUIlY A $3 Hat, Any Style, Any Color, for $2.50 HEADQUARTERS FOR QENUINE : PANAMA HATS FAMOUS i eanoe. Tha mother of aa actress doea not belong on the stage except aa a sort of maternal polloemap. If a woman la not old enough to leave her mother aa a general thing, aha ought to leave the stage. . . "I knew EJvelya Neeblt 1 George Lederer tntroduoed ma, - He amid he bad a new beauty. . She .certainly - was a r beautiful i girl, but not . bow. Her mother was and atlU ll t. beautiful woman.. It la too bad aha did not bring up her daughter better. She probably did tha beat aha could, being poor. But aha ought to have given her soma eort of rellgloa to carry . her throuah. i " . ; "Rellgloa doea not coat money. When aver I see a pretty young woman going into the Qreat White way or Mew jora, I -always hope la my heart that aha has ooma from some convent or haa been brought up with some strong religious Influence t to - which aha will cling la time of temptation." - . Rattle Curtis of Junction City and Pater Johnson , of Colorado. Inter ment will be at the old home at Monroe. Rev. Cuttings pastor - of the Leslie Methodist Episcopal church, will hold services at the homo here. : ; CAMPAIGN ASSESSMENT " - STORY FROM SPOKANE 7:"-vr ..:,r" (Steele- Trlaaeteb e Tee JearasL, Spokane. Wash, April 17. It Is said that a big campaign, fund of 117.100 la being raised By Mayor Daggett and his machine, .. The money la alleged to eome from saloons, dives and variety theatrea An employe of the dty hall gave out the alleged scheme because. as reported, he lost his job. Tha story Includes the statement that employes are being assessed It per cent of their salaiiaa. - ' STORE WITH THE LITTLE PRICES ri?T For a Nobby Spring Stii That will fit andlook as if it-was . : madcf to your order and if you ! don't get better values here than anywhere else in town don't buy. 4 i We want to make a steady cus- 3 tomer of every person who enters our store and if "GOOD GOODS" ; at right prices will do it, we are - ; going to succeed. 4 r f. ' " . - i ; . - ' ' . i -, SOME STORES ASK J $15 FOR THEM AND OTHERS EVEN MORE STETSON HATS Style, Any; Color, CLOTHING COMPANY Corner Porriaon and Second Streets road helotUP r.:o:iTHS BY RIGHT-OF-WAY FIGHTS Ditch Company and Uncle Sam's Fighting Man Halt the , , Portland & Seattle. Spokane, Wash, April 17. No settle ment baa been reached by the Portland Seattle railroad and tha Palouae irri gation A Power oompany at waantuona, The ditch oompany wants the road to make i hi eurvey. but the only eon cession the road will make la a guaran tee that It will cement all walls and ditch aides where they cross the ditch. The road and the ditch run parallel for some diataaoe. This controversy will causa a delay of about alz months. Tha road has also met anotnar aeiay by a new ayrver at Fort Wright, at the reauest ox Major ' nans, to urewiun right of way out of the fort grounds. The roaa la now graded to Marshall, a small town aear Spokane, and further construction la awaiting tha decision oa tha fort proposition. BL J.i Cannon, local attorney for the read, aald: - "Eighty-live per icant of the road la dona and we are waiting aow to aee what route we will take to enter Spo kane. Whoa we find oat It wUl take four months to draw tha plans and tha order for the bridge Iron must be. In a rear before delivery. This will make about 11 months yet before we caa nil trains from Portland to Spokane. Concerning the new route, w. L. Darl ing, chief engineer of the Northern Pa- olflo. said! - "Any route la feasible What we want la to ret the ehorteet route for the l money. We want to make a snort oaui and do It aa easily and aa oneapiy aa we can. I think tha cltlsens of Spokane will And more objection to the route proposed by Major Harts than tha old oae. we would nave to croas more realdenoe property." CUNNINGHAM DIES AT ASTORIA OF A FALL Astoria, Or, April 17. James Can- nlnrham. who waa badly Injured yes terday through falling down tha stepa while leaving sc. Mary a nospiuu, ciea last night at that Institution. His skull waa fractured. - , . $4.00 HATS BIG' .lOIffifIT OF BREADSTUFFS Another Large Tramp Steamer Engaged to Load Here , ; 1 for Orient ' ' HAS CAPACITY FOR TEN -r, THOUSAND TONS WHEAT Addltloa of Knight Templar to the ' list of Tramp Steamers Headed Ttiis Way Brings Total Number to an Even Dosen Vessels. . y :. v ,,.. . . . Still another large tramp ateamer will eome here la a few weeks to carry flour and wheat to the Orient She la the British ateamer Knight .Templar, with. . a capacity for' 10.000 tons of wheat The vessel Is bow ta Calcutta, having Juat arrived there from Europe by way of tha Sues eanall She la tha largeat tramp to come here slnoe the Suverle in February, which took a cargo of wheat and flour to Shanghai in the Frank Watarhyuae lino. The Suverlc's capacity waa 11.000 tons of wheat- and aba haa the reputation of being the largest tramp ateamer la the world. - ' . .'--. . i -jt . . Including tha Knight Templar there are now aa even dosen large tramp steamers headed for Portland to load braadatutra and lumber for the Orient The combined carrying capacity of this fleet Is approximately . 40.000 tons ' of breads tuSa and 10,000.000 feet of lum ber, the entire lot of which goea to aupply a amall portion of the demands la the Orient ' " . Steamship representatives are Arm la the belief that tha flour and wheat trade la the Orient will draw heavier upon the auppllea la thla section of the country than ever before ao long aa there Is anything to be had la the ware houses. It waa for that reason chiefly that repreaentatlvea of the trans pacific liners operating out of Paolflo ooaat ports d. elded the other day at a meeting la Vancouver, B. G to return to the old freight rate of 14 per toa to Japan and 14.60 and IS per ton to ports along the Chinese ooaat They aee so much business la sight that even with tramps entering the Held they ex pect to run capacity cargoes every aalllng. . . '.. ' The Portland ft Ablatio liner Aragoals la now hare completing a cargo of flour for China and Japan at the flour mills, and aha will hardly be out of the harbor before the Nlcomedla of the aame line will be hers to engage the attention of the longshoremen. The Nlcomedla la scheduled to reach the mouth . of tha Columbia river today and aha will be looked for In the local harbor tomorrow. In addition to the Aragonla three tramps, the Russian steamer Selene, the German ateamer Eva and the Nor wegian steamer Norman Isles, are load ing wheat and flour hers for porta ta China aad Siberia, . ; " TWO VESSELS OVERDUE Bark Zlnlta and Ship Eclipse Are ! .; StOI Missing. ' -.: No word has yet been received from the British bark Zlnlta or tha American ahlp Eclipse, both several days overdue at thla port The Zlnlta Is cement laden from Antwerp and has been out too days, while the Eclipse comes In ballast from Baa Pedro under charter to load a return cargo of lumber. - Reinsurance is being quoted en the Zlnlta, and It will rise rapidly Should the vessel fall to ahow up within the next couple of weeks. So far there la little cause for deep anxiety because vessels have beea out much longer than the Zlnlta and turned up all right and without having ' enoountered particu larly bad weather either, yet the parties vitally Interested are not pleased with tha delay.' . . I The Eclipse sailed from Ban Pedro 11 days sgo. Bho has not been heard from slnoe with certainty., but It waa reported several days sgo that she had beea sighted oS the month of the Columbia river Just before a storm, , ALONG THE WATERFRONT ' The schooner Sehoms will leave Stella thla morning for California with a cargo of lumber. . ,, . The steamer Telegraph wtll leave for Astoria this morning on the first e ours Ion of tha aeaaoa. The oil carrier Maverick arrived at Portsmouth last night with a cargo of ou. . The British steamer Strathyre will arrive here soon to load lumber for Shanghai. She Has arrived at Ban Francises aad will start for this port anoruy. Oeorge Taylor of Taylor, Young A Co. Is going to California for a visit Ha will be accompanied by his wife. . The ,J; British steamer Starthelyde, which recently reached Ban 1 Franclaoo from Antwerp, la under shatter to E t wunama or mis city to carry's cargo of lumber from this port to tha Ori ent ' . .-, - , MARINE NOTES Astoria, Or., April IT.- Conditions of the bar at I p. nv, smooth; wind, north west; 10 miles; weather. . clear... Ar rived at 1 a. m. and left up it I a a, ateamer Maverick, from Ban Franclaoo. Arrived down last sight and sailed at 1:41 p. mN ateamer Berwick, for Rogue river. . Sailed at ii:io p. m., ateamer South Bay, for Ban rranctece. - ' ,- Ban Francisco, Cal April 17 Ar rived, steamer Roanoke, from Portland and way porta Balled, berkentlne Makawell, for Columbia river. Eureka, Cat, April 17. Passed, ateanwr Whlttler, for Portland, - from Harford. S ' , ..- Brb Pedro, CaL, April 17. Balled yes terday, schooner W. It Hume,, for Co lumbia river. . TIDES AT , ASTORIA BtJNTTAT. -High Water. . ' Ixw Water. ' 0:1 a. nu 4 feet 7:11 a. m, 0.S feet 1:11 p. m.. I t ftet 7:1 p. m., 1.1 feet Hoqulam, wash.. April 27. 8 1 earner Helen P. Drew arrived here today from Ban Franolsoo to load s mixed cargo of lumber, shingles and Isth st ths North west Lumber company's plant Tha In ward cargo consisted of a large amount of freight for- harbor merchants. : . MARINE INTELLIGENCE lermlu LIimts Doe to Arrrre. ' "1ieie1le. froe erlrat Aprfl H Ceata r, frna Sea rraiMMe. ..kprn IS 0 W. Klder. fram Sen P.dre sod way.Apiil t CnhimMs. freej Pes mnetmto.... Mef Alllxnc. from Coos Rar ........Mar I Roseeke. fraai a. PrArm sag way. ...May I r. A. Kllbnm, tram Sea Iraa, asd way, Ma 0 Keeiastla, tnm erleat ............... .Yr n Atable, fraej erlant ,...inne at alesls, frma erlant.. ....Jsly IS tUsvlar Ihaaia e Depart ' -AUIaaee, Cot Coos Bey.. .jiji..4prtl SO. lowers Great Oullil TERMS: SS.C9 Down $150 a Week ' This is an exact nicture of the outfit and it consists i of the following :P v pieces: One Oak Buffet, $23.50; 1 clawfoot pedestal ; extension Table at' t M T ' aT1 ft iW P 3 at s-i el j-a sva . . u.uu; t joining vnairso cacn; ana i xapesny Brussels ug, , ; -v.'; $20.00. (Golden 'or weathered finish.) ;.".),: v:j;.-,'!v:l;;vi::iv. We" are sole agents for this, famous line and have just sampled "WO?" pat terns. Seven Walls to Preserve the Ice: First, outside hardwood case; second. prepared building paper; third, mineral, wool fourth, prepared building paper;, fifth, air space: sixth, inside odorless wood case; seventh, metal lining. The only . Refrigerator made with furnished with metal shelves, cleanliest made, and so open as to offer no obstruc tion to the circulation of air. The white enamel lining is applied upon galvanized steel in several coats; it is absolutely odorless, thoroughly sanitary and will not ' : peel or flake.1 ; . ' V 1 ' " ; V This Refrigerator is made with J . removable I flues and drain-pipe i5 which can be easily tak en out for cleansing., ; ' ? PRICE $8.75 mk PRICE $19.75 ms O. W. Elder, tar lu Fedre aad way,.Aprt SO Oats Rlcs. for Saa lrasclsoe...... May 1 eraaivie, ww vnwmi. ........ na, Columbia, tot Baa rreaslaee.. .May S Roaauke, for Saa Padre end War. .....Way f r. a. Kllbara, for Sa rraa. sod war. .May I Mleoaaedla, fat erlent ....Ma, II N aman tie. for erlest ..............Jan. S Arabia, rraa, ertenl. ...... ,....Jaae IS aiesla. for erlent Jul Tesseb a Vert. Areronlai, 0r. str at fkaf ndls. - A ' '. Onniil. aire, la. et. at 8L Joksa. Irtah MonsrcB. Br. str, laoan-fealaea Baffle. . J. Msrboffer, Am. atr., st wii. iraa Weeks, . T1e Vises, tier tr., at Ba1tlr. . arena, rr. kk., at Utnuf eork. Baronoe, ft. eh, at Maai-nai.r dert He. t, Dlmaoala. Br. kk, at Slenders Boa deck. ' Kirk lee, Br. etr.. a Oeeaele dork. - Hiekel.t rr. bk at Colombia Ne, ft. .. . ' Tola. Br. eb st Elevator Aonk. ; AIom Beeee, Am. bk., at Wallaea sloe ft. Cb.balla, A Da. bate., at Stella. " , , lordanhlll, Br. bk, at Oreeswleh. ' Lool.lana. Am. eh., at Stella. A lire MciXinaM. Am. seta., at Vasen.Ter, lma. Roes. atr.. at 0. It. 4 M Alblna. - Morsias lekM. Nor. str- st Mentgosterr Me. B. re, uer. etr.. si irvins eors. Kiel. lor, Ae. str., at Portlaal taeaber Skills. Thee. L. Weed, Aa. etr., st Una torn - Aaralla, Am. str., st Rahitar. ' - Alliance, Am. str st Coerb street',' i MaTarlck. Aa. str.. st Bwrtsmoath. j , .' taskber Oarrlsia Sa Boats. - A sole tareea. Ass. eeh. Sis Tnnrlam .. Dkamentl HhJ, Aef. kk. Baa Peilre., . B. r. Wkltnar, Ank. bk.. MakaweU. - Erllpes, Am. ahu. Baa Pedre, . ' . , Elw.ll. Aa. eh- Bas Periro. ; Llltrhoene. Aaa. srb.. Mantis. .-' . . Lerllle, Ask. ah., Bas Praicie. Man.1 Oale, Aa. sch. Baa PraaeJaea, ' Northland, Aa, str. Baa rrenelaco. J. M. Orimth, As, bkta.. Sea Pren tntm Palmer, Aak bkta.. Bee PranrtMe. . Rtrl.r, Am. bhhi, Saa Praalao. .. 'Sailor Hot, Am. sch, Bas Pre seises. Blotraia, Am. eb., ReOonile. ' - Anrara, Am. bkta. See Prastiaee. . Colombia. Am. erb. Has Prasrlare, - James Holph, Am. eeh.. Baa Pwve. ' . Jobs Smith, aa bkta., gas Padre. Makaw.ll, Am. bkta. Baa Praerteea, ' Banta Ass. Am. str.. Baa Prsselece. .' - - Abrane, Am. ers.. Baa P4rn. Imllr R-mi, Am. str., Bea Pedro, W. R. linae. Am. ack.. Ban Pedre. . Polaris, Am. srb., Ban Padre. Uttltls. Ae. erb., Bas Prasrleea. - MdtIsI. Am. seh., Bas PruclMe. Ea stoats With Oemest aad Oaaeial ' Bei.leaxn, Br. ea., Bsmkars, Brme. Pr. bk- Hall. " ' Omwar Caatle, Ilr. bk, Anrwsra, latc-nar, Br. eb., Hamburg, Bnrone, rr. bk., Antwwy. eMTlere, aloUaoa, Tx. bL, teaeea. 7 BOOH B ifeW yeveyev It this perfect construction. The provision chambers are. 5 " 7 ' eM - ; Golden oak finish and white enamel lined ; mineral wool insulation. Ice capa city 90 pounds. , J2? Qv&M uQKO j Rene Rerrnar, Ic eh.. Btmberg. . - -Laenner, Fr. eh., Bwanasa. ' , . La p tiler, rr. bk, UmeVm. Martba Beaa. Pr. bk, Bamherg, r , Moaatnblqae, Br. sh, Kewesstle, B ,. . ' Barnes, Br, bk, BfaltMe. . . Biem, Oar. ah, I omtoa. ' Boras, Pr, ah., Hee-paatw; BV " ? alias. er. k, UHB. Inornate. Pr, bk, Claagow. tlnlta, Br. bk, Antwerp. -Mareehael Tnmae, Pr. hk., Rambers, Villa e Melhonae, Pr. bk, Aakwerp. ."..." ' On.thary. Pr, bk., Antwerp. Plerrl tetl, PT. bk., Antwerp. VaMen Abb.,, Br. sh, Antwerp. Oils mils. Br. eb, Antwerp. . i : . . Coal Balpa ZS ReeSa, , rtalea. Pr. bk, Mewcaatle, A, Col. e VUlebols Msrenll. Pt. bk.,Nawesstv A, Clarerdos, Br. ah, Newesatle, A, St. Leais. Pr. bk, Meweeatle, A. . , " - Treaap Bteemers Ea Resto. -, Asaot, Br, eu., Beaa n a Arras. - , - ' ' tirndferd, Br. str,, Bas Prsselsea. , Dmeaa Wars, Jap str, Japan. . Afrleas Monarch, t. err. Has rYeantees. . Berrales. Mor. str, Mararea. Btratbclrde, Br. str. See Praiwlsea. ' , Strsthrre, Br. str. Baa Praselaes, . . - Tellaa, Nor. str. Baa Pranetere, ' - t ' Tottenham, Br, str, Oomos, B. C ' Bark, Nor. str. Baa Praneleco. Maert Kln, Ba atr, Shaacbal. '-' . Kalgkt Templar. Br- str., orleat. , -00 Btsamer Ba Rests. .- v Whlttler, Asa, atr. Port Barters. WHEN WASHINGTON'S . NEW LAWS ARE LAWS - rSnerhl rrlapeteb ta The loereal.) Olrmpla, Wash, April 17. According to s decision rendered bp the Washing ton supreme court In 101. ths Isws en. acted br the recent leglalature will go Into effect on June 11 next. Ia 1101 ths regular seeelon adjourned on March 14. the same as this peer. A speolal session wss held In una. and on June IS the special eeeaion passed an sot re pealing the capital punishment aot of the regular aenaloa of that rear. The aueetlen arose as - to when ths laws snaotad st the regular session. which did not carry an emergency elavuae. became effective. - The matter waa ear. rind to tha supreme court and that body held that under the laws governing com putation the eets which became effect ive It days; attar ths adjournment of the ml 1HEJG mm Powers' Great i DInlna Room v Oatlit S79J2 TEliniS: SS.C9 Down' $2.58 a Week Golden oak finish and : white enamel lined ; min eral wool insulation. Ice capacity, 160 pounds. V: PRICE $29.75 lp GSM THE. v7si a big nit, ao is our new lias of Oxfords for men or women.' la tans, blacks and psteats." .... ; ",; $3.50 and $4 ' QUALITY SUPREME : T1-Siar ir!rAio ; lIJHorrUoB St., mmr rwjt lerlalature, ea March It, would v go Into effect oa June 11. . ; . It . has heretofore been computed that the hwe paaaed by the renent legislature would go tats effect ea June 1 i;f. ' y- Society Circus ,.--,. i - , 4- r . ; . ,-, aw wymr UiA qmsw eWe? LWt WITk