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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1907)
A1 LitUc Ad h TIIE JOURNAL Journal Circulation Lrins Results. Costs Only One Cent a Word. The Weather Fair tonight and Wednesday; light frost tonight. II r; It ' - 3 VOL. VJ. NO. 48. PORTLAND, OREGON. TUESDAY "EVENING, APRIL i $3,' 1907. EIGHTEEN PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS. OK TIAMri AND fw lAkbS. tlVC GKll OTTO: rprprpr' iilillii - . ,-m.. - t, . ,' , , ; , . i . ... . - .i i ' 1.1'. '. ". m ' pnn -.."p .JjL J. jJj TO SHELL HITS CITY STREET Workmen Hear Whizz as It Goes Over Their Heads Found in Basements : 'Monster Bullet, of Kind Used to Carry Line From Vessel to the ' ,i Shore, Lands at Fifteenth and Pettygrove Streets About the Noon Hour Today. , A huge lt-pound ':T steel ..'projectile, presumably flred from on of the ship in the harbor, landed on a oement aide, walk at Fifteenth . and ' Pettygrove ' etreets at noon today, glanoed acroas , the street where it tore a hola throuah a picket fence and after plowing- its war through the frame foundation of a - vacant dwelling . house at 1S Fifteenth street, lodged in the base menL - . No one was injured by the monster .bullet, though a half dosen workmen on a scaffold of the two-story MoCraken warehouse at Fifteenth and Pettygrove streets barely escaped destruction. The . ball went singing Just a short distance above their heads. . .j., KUJ Worker Hear hall. . ' , Attached to the proJecUle In ita flight was a small wire some six feet in length at the other end of which was tied a ' small piece of rope which had evidently been broken off. The wire was broken loose from the projectile when it struck the pavement, but H caused a peculiar ly dangerous sound' as It whlssed through the air close to the workmen on the ecnffold. Employes it the planing ". mill of George Ainslne Co.. Sixteenth and Pettygrove streets, heard the noise and . commotion following the flight of the projectile as it smashed through 1 the fence and foundation of the dwelling bouse at tit Fifteenth street, and ran to the plaoe to learn the cause, . . Weighs Eighteen roe ads.. . The projectile is steel, weighing' II : pounds. It is It inches in length and ' J1 Inches in diameter.; It tore a hole three Inches deep and several Inohee 1 in length In the concrete sidewalk aa it struck and glanced aoroes the street Fortunately, no one was in ita path. It tore a large gap in the fence, tearing away several paillnga and tor a hole (Continued on Page Two.) BUILD RAILROAD EUREKA TO COOS Southern Pacific and Santa Fe Dunce Extension of Joint Line Which Will Give Coast 'x ' - S " Route to San Francisco. , ;, ' . ' (Joernst Special Berries.) ' Ban Francisco, April SO. Whsn the : directors and nominal stockholders of the Northwestern Paclflo met yesterday in Secretary Wllllcutt's office in the ' Flood building and voted .to mortgage the property for 136,000,000 and sell in New York,, it wss merely a formality In obedience to the orders of President , E. H. Herrlman of the Southern Pacific . end President Ripley of "h Santa Fe, i mho are1' the real controlling owners -of .'the property snd its proposed extensions. ' The Important fact to the people to . be served by this road la that Ita owner . Intend to make a comprehensive exten sion Into new territory end that the suspiciously large valuation on which the bonds sre to be Issued. Is based on ;. the Joint reports of the Southern Pacific -and Sunta Fe engineers as to the value - of the completed system which la to be ' conetmctod with the proceeds ef the ' bofli'SU. -. "' J .' - ';: -a-"Tt Is.' not often that Chief Engineer Hood of the Southern Pacific admits ' sny plans that are not already puhllo ' Information, but today he declared that the company's engineers had run sur veys to Kureka up along the coaat to Marshfleld o Coos bay and that men were out re-collecting th data of those ; surveys, as the records were destroyed .. in the big Are. ; Hood 'also announced that a line was being built weatwsrd from Drain, on the Shasta route, to Winchester bay, ' about 10 miles north of Marshfleld, to ' which a Southern Pact (la extension la .' also being built. Theaa proposed roads and surveys. In dicating the connection between Eureka end Marshfleld, are admitted to be a ' part of the plan of extension in addl- tlon to the building of th lOS-mlle gnp ' between Wlllltta and Pepperwood on the rim from Tlburan to Kureka. These now lines will add 400 miles to the jvorth western's trackage. ICE TRUST TO PUT UP CITY PRICES One Company Alone to Deliver This Summer And No Competition . Seems Possible , Ice Delivery Company Formed to . Handle the business of Prac , tically All the Plants in Port land Seventy Cents Per . Hundred for Residences. ' An tee trust has been formed in Port land. Prloea will advance and house wives who last summer bought ice to melt will : now have to - economise or And ' themselves confronted wKh bills that point to the bankrupt court - But there will be plenty of Ice, so It la , promised, and all . because of the trust- Last summer ice was not in frequently hard to get ' because the drivers of th wagon were indifferent ' VOae Oompa&y vn XJallver." " Thia summer everything; will be dif ferent The lc .manufacturer . have not merged - their interests, but they have entered Into aa sareement with a delivery Arm to handle the entire out put of the various plants ao far aa the local plants . ar. concerned, -Better service ia promised, and It 1 believed that It can be given, bat naturally price -will be higher. They will revert to the standard f two summer ago (0. cents a hundred, .'for restaurants, boarding houses and saloons; ,70 cents par hundred on residence routes, and IS a ton for meat markets, these .rates to hold within reasonable, limits. Last year Ice ' sold ' for ' ft a ton- flat during the strike, but there, waa no service. and often consumers would have been glad to pay double the price. - -,- The formation or the trust Is briefly told, for it Is simply this: That, the Crystal Ice A Storage . ' company, .. the Portland - Artificial lee -company, and the Independent Ice 4k Coal company, without consolidating, have made an arrangement with the Ice Delivery com pany, a new- corporation, for the de livery of their entire output The Liberty Co l aV Ice company, by ami cable arrangement will attend to the distribution of the Front street plant ef.W. N. Daniels, also proprietor of the La arenas creamery Ice, and will deliver to for no other company. ; , Sarlar to ape a. V '. - Ia this way there will be no competi tion In delivery and the independence of the drivers of the ice wagons, . which had become a feature for the maaufao- ( Continued On page Two.) GOFFEY SCORED ALIUS Labor Candidate tor Mayor Recently. Reslgned -From Citizens' Alliance of WhicWHeWas: J i ; f an Enthusiastic Member.1.;, John B. - Coffey, labor candidate for mayor resigned from membership la the .Cittseno' alliance January ; I be cause of his approaching entrance Into municipal politics. This is the. state ment made in political circles today and la backed up by the authority ef differ ent member of the alliance. 1 According to the atory now going th rounds Mr. Coffey prior to the close of last year waa an enthualastle mem ber of the Citlsens alliance, which is the chief foe of the labor unions In Portland, It 'Is related that he ad dressed a meeting of the alliance during- one of th labor trouble period of th past end, at that time denounced the unions In no measured terms for the etand taken by them In their con tentions with the employers. - During the Utter months of the year Mr. Coffey grew less, enthuajsstlo and PENROSE PROMISES ; i: TO ' INDORSE TEDDY 1 AND ABANDON KNOX flosnial ftneHal Kerr tee.) Washington, April 10. President Roosevelt's onslaught upon Senator Pen rose, who was threatened with the loss of his seat in the senate,', haa brought Matt Quay's successor to time, and he la reported to have promised that Penn sylvania will Indorse - Roosevelt's . ad ministration, and that ao Knox boom Will he launched. It is reported that Senator Crane of BANK CUPID CAPTURES L. Pugilist,' Actor and Lecturer Falls , Victim to Neaithy.New Yoric , WomanReward for Staying . ; on Water Wagon Long Time. v ; ; V . , . . - ' r. ' J . . (earsal Raeend Servlea.) . ' New Tork, April 10. The.Wortd says: John L. I Sullivan, the pugilist, aotor. lecturer i and- tnonologulat. 1 aout to claim a matrimonial prise aa his reward for -a successful engagement of 111 weeks on board the water wagon; Aa soon ae he gets a divorce from Annie Bate. the- handsome .woman whom he married In Providence. In 1811, John L. will sign articles-of agreement' with a wealthy. New 'Tork woman' who haa suf ficient, confidence' In' that big fenow. to share her -fortune with, him..- r .Sullivan denies that he Is contemplat ing a return engagement twlth-the par-, son, Former Deputx Police. Commis sioner ' James '.5 F. Mack, ; attorney for John L. in- the divorce proceedings,' and Frank- Hall manager, "of '. the .- former champion fighter, admitted that John L. waa about.toobe-marrieounut rerusea to give the'name"oth1s prospectrve bride; Sullivan-lived with, his first wife but a ' short tlroe.. "When they agreed to separate John L. gave' her ' a - bouse in Boston and "went bla'Vay, ' ' .t.5 . j '' , ' - ' his Interest "flagged, according . to . the story. .At the meeting during the first part of January he severed his oonneo- tlon with the alliance and began' to cul tivate th union labor sld of th popu lace. ..... - .. 't , - '. " x '. t Immediately . afterAhe. close of the legislative session his boom for -mayor waa launched and haa been backed from the first by the labor element Whan asked this morning-whether or not he had been a member of the citl sens alliance and had resigned the flrst of the year. Mr. Coffey became angry. "Let the man who told you that come down to my office and tell his stories like a man," he aald to the questioner. "Well, were you, a member, and .did you realgnT" he was asked. ' - "I say let the man1 who said it come down hern. and tell , it to me," 'and the 'phone banged up and. grew- silent Massachusetts and -Senator Keen of New Jersey.' alleged to be' planning to have (heir state convention take a fall out of Roosevelt, will have some bombi exploded under them unless, they! swing into the administration line. This may help te show why the third term talK Is getting stronger, and from many quarters Is heard advocacy that hitherto had repudiated th doctrine, , , ' , 0II! SULLIVAU CLERK, STOLE, NEARLY A Ml H: IGAUSE nOTHERTO f V mm Profile and tide view ot W- OiDoug- la. MrtC' Douglaa.. ts . below.,- f STOLE. 8800,000: : WORTH OF BONDS Assistant Loan Clerk Involved in ; Enormous : Theft of Bonds From 'Company for Which He WorkedWants No Bail. " " (Jearaal' Special lervtoe.) ' . New r Tork. , AprU 10. It developed this. morning that more than 1800,000 in bonds were stolen' by William O. Douglass, ' assistant loan dark of the Trust Company of America. . from his employers. One of his . associates ;ls O. M. Dennett, a broker, who ' la under arrest charged with having received,' a large share of the booty. . . 4 A- third man supplies a mystery 'in connection with the case. . He haa been named to the prosecuting attorney and the trust officials, but. they ' have re fused to divulge the name. - It la aald to be synonymous with high finance, and a sensation is anticipated when the name is given out - -- Douglasa waa arrested , by Oaklelgh Thorns, president of the company.- after a IS-hour chase across New Tork City, la which he waa assisted by It of. the company's employee Though Douglas peculation reached nearly a million dollars, there was no suspicion of , th theft until the day preceding his arrest when be went to lunch- early, and. failed to return. A hurried investigation disclosed the fact that Douglass had'defaulted with a considerable amount though the- com pany officials at first 'refused to belter that ' Douglas had . taken . more than 150,140. . i i v . .When Douglass waa arrested, It hours later, after a ehae- across ' New Tork city,- he denied the thefu He was taken to the police station, where he wee given th third, degree before he confessed. He said that he Itad stolen bonds worth mors- than 1200,00 with which to en gage In .speculation on the stock ex change. .- - 1 --"Douglass' wife waa with him when he was arrested at the Hotel Portland, on West Forty-seventh street ' Whon the detectives told Douglass to get his hat and , accompany them,' Mrs.-, Douglass turned to him and exclaimed: - Continued on , Pag Two.), LLION LOSE HER SUIT Mrs. Smith's. Daughters Contra- .dipt..Hr .Statements and the 'Judge Decides In Favor of the Husband.' r :v - ' -Two young women gave testimony In the circuit court this . morning which resulted in ' a judgment ' of divorce against their mother. In rendering hi decision . Judge Oantenbein stated that until , the two daughters took the stand there waa doubt in his mlnd as to who was 'the culpable ' party,' bnt" that the stories 'of-the children tipped the scales againkti their- mother.- - ' - . The, case waa that of R.' B. Smith. bettarT known' as "Buck"-Smith,- against Mrs. -Rosetta -Smith.'-Mrs.- Smith con tested i the sulk Jon' a.cposs-complalnt and th auestion as to which would get the divorcer depended upon -which could lay the more blame-upon the other. ..' - - Wife Alleged Cruelty.' ' . . The plaintiff -alleged desertion and hinted at misconduct between his wife and". her ' son-in-law, Clarence Riley, after the' separation of theSmltha, and (Continued on Page Two.) Reported in. New York Bell .'Company- Has Swallowed Home ;.; Automatic- System in Portland - it.'. 'nAf '(Jnanaal Bpeeial. Berries.) X ( New. York," April 10. Just as the mar ket waa. closing' yesterday afternoon a widely-circulated, report gained much credence in I electric-circle and among Lthe brokersr handling electric securities. to the effect - that the long-looked for coup: In : swallowing- -up- of -principal in dependent telephone systems of the eountvy,' Including the Home telephone, th new-Portland, autoraatlo independ ent company, and moat of the Independ ent, systems on i the coast had finally been accomplished -by Preeldent Frank P. Fish ef the -American Telephone A Telegraph company .In the Interest of ths big Bell merger. - This report could not be verified at Fish's office by any one in authority. Fish being out of th eity. However, It. account for the .vast bond issue of t4O.000.00O of convertible 4 per cent bonds sold last month,, simultaneously PLUNGER GATES TO QUIT WALL STREET AND LIVE IN FRANCE (Jearaal " Rperlal gerrke.) New Tork, April lO.-Jobn W. Gates, th millionaire pbjnger. i and his son, Charles O. Qateev are to : retire from Wan street' Friends ssy; they have toaaed an Immense hunting preserve In France, for a number of yeara, and Charles Gates Is desirous of living abroad for some time, ' M, ' .'V ' CLOSE 10 ROADS HEAR IMPOST Officiafs Plan to 'Drive Vancouver Tender loin Away From Their Homeson Reservation City Council Did Nothing Be- . cause. It Is Rumored, Mem bers ' Were Lage " Property Owners in the Newly Created White Chapel District. ; ; ? The ordinarily quiet city of Vancouver Washington, haa been plunged Into furore of excitement ' because of the order Issued by Colonel Woodbury, com manding the. department of the Colum bia, directing Captain Bradley, acting judge-advocate, to close the Fifth street road and Reserve street both of which are- a part of the government reserva tion, and are among the most, important thoroughfare In the city. - The cause of this action by the army official 1 the presence of a recently created tenderloin district facing on Reserve street and directly oppoeite the officers' quarters, where the midnight orgies have proved oatremely distaste ful to the oftioere and their families, . - OowaeU al4 aVtaeavUem. -- -- Th army officials for some time past have bean making an effort to have the city council of Vancouver remove the occupant of the district to a neigh borhood more distant from the army post Captain Bradley, who has the matter in hand, baa repeatedly brought the matter to the attention of Major Harvey and . the members ef the city oouncll, but so far hla urgent and re peated requests have been laughed at Failing In their efforts to receive any satisfaction from th Vancouver au thorities, the army officials took ths mstter into their own hands, and acting upon hla . own responsibility, Colonel Woodbury issued the orders yesterday which. If carried cut, ,-wlll result In closing the two streets and seriously Interfering with business life of the en tire district below Fifth street Prop erty owner assert that their property will be reduced 0 per cent In value If Fifth and Reserve streets ax closed to traffic - Kaaeorn for Xnaetloa. , - Inaction on th part of th city" coun cil to make any move toward removing the obnoxloua district la laid to tne fact that two prominent members of the city leglslatlv body own a large interest In th district in question from which they derive a large revenue, one member of th council converted hia old (Continued on Page Two.) Financial Cir.clesjThat her and at. Boston. London, Parle and Amsterdam. It account aa well for the fact that the American Telephone A Telegraph stock jumped from lis th day before the bond sele on March X(. to lit Saturday. Onlylt eharea were traded in during- the week, .though It ha on of th largest stock issue on the market - - " Confirmation of the reported consoli dation eem to be afforded by the far- reaching curtailment of new construc tion work by the Bell Telephone com pany, not only n - the Paclflo coast but In the east The Western Blectrie company of Chicago, which -manufac tures all the telephones .ana .equipment of the Bell company. Shut, down Its works, last month, throwing 4.000 men out of employment' Contemplated im provements and extensions In a num- (ConUnued en Page-Two.) ; V- tt , Their retirement will be accomplished by withdrawing from the stock broker age firm of Charlea O. , Gate ft Co., which- has -11 members and ha three seats In the stock exchange. The firm's offices cover, almost an entire floor In the Trinity buildlna, one of Uraodway a big skyscrapers. Oates.A Co. tiave d.nte a very larga btmlnesa since tl.e org&n isaUon of tUe firm. t'e s esat s Jury Finds' Editor Not Guilty After Taking Seven Ballots Given Freedom at Once Defendant's Story That He Shot Bob Estes to Keep From Being : Robbed and Perhaps Murdered Believed by Jurors, Who Dis credit Prosecution's Theorye ', (Hpsetal Dispatch to Th Journal.) Pendleton,' Or.,- April JO. John P. Mo. . Menus, who was charged with the mur der of Bob Bates on February a, was cleared, the Jury bringing in a verdict of not guilty at 1:15 thia morning, after being out - since t o'clock last night The case has been on trial In the clr- cult court since Monday; April 12. McManus, who la editor of the Pilot Rock Record, ' told on the stand that be killed Bob Estea at the Pullman, saloon to keep Kates from 'robbing or perhaps killing -him, -a Kates had his hands In hla . pockets and . McManus feared being sandbagged or killed by Estea, aa he had boon robbed twice bo fore, j . ; v. v- ' ' '"...-' Th trial was a hard fought legal bnt. tie in which District Attorney Phelps and Samuel White of Baker City ap peared for the' proearu tlon and Colonel J. U. Baley and Judge Jamoa A. Fe for the defense. . .- ' , ;'. Defendant ftr'Free.' . The prosecution tried to show that the editor shot the wrong man and that McManus had no right to shoot unlexs his life was threatened. The defense maintained that McManus was on ih point of desperation from being burg larised and bluffed by gamblers, who . had been robbing him while Intoxicated. McManus is already free and probably will begin work on hla paper at Pilot Rock Immediately. ... Seven ballots . were taken before an agreement was reached. It was agreed. - by the jury not to divulge how the va rious individuals voted, but the totala were announced as follows: First ballot Not guilty, : - man slaughter, 4; murder second degree, i blank. 1. Second Not guilty, Si manslaughter. Third Not guilty, T; manslaughter, E. Fourth Not guilty, 7; manslaugh ter, S. . Fifth Not guilty : manslaughter.!. Sixth Not guilty 10; manslaughter, 1. Seventh Not guilty, IS. . Aoqoittal a Surprise. The acquittal of McManus Is a great surprise to the people of Pendleton, al though It meet with general satisfac tion. . McManus had been a victim of. drink for many years before going1 to Pilot Rock, but for some time past had been leading an upright life, Less than, a year ago he fell In with evil com panion and his old enemy once mora got the upper hand. He waa making; (Continued on Page TwexV IfilPEACHfilEIlT OF' Radicals Among Chicago Labor - , Leaders - - Agitate '' Movement Against . President- Charged With Seeking , Subscriptions , t Journal Special Berries.) Chicago, April 10. Radicals among; Chicago labor leaders -are agitating to secure the presentation ' to the senate next w.ater of a platform for the im peachment of President Rooer-it. Some leader with eoclullstlo Inolinn tions are at th bead of the movem. t-f. Whether the petition i filed with t t senate depends upon the reception It n given by the main labor bo.i'.e w th committee completes the tlona , The legal committee hna b.-n t Lin ing for two weeks preparing the rl,r to be considered. As a tmls are: That the prpaldent eouKl.t, r"i--ivi- ! or caused to be received and uvl f r palgn expenses and the promo1 1 -m hla own candidacy, I2&0.000 ronii: by E. II. llarrltrun and otlx-i i . entlng corporation, That he vtolHted propr1l jlvx Ing an opinion pr In. II. ! , I t Haywood and pettibone. That he , Is guilty of f , : dllng in s'ate polltl. n. That he efeedrd hU seeking the (l. fwit of i , to aim. A. "tliir rliarre frr . i . 1t'xve)t s CHl.hmt i- i i gub nat'ii ',ul cen ; . . I , " ROOSEVELT ASKED