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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, APRIL D. MISTERS STICK PRONG DISLIKES JOB PRISOII'S DOORS' M7AIT r.lELDRUr.l CO PAT upon DEULIiTS. OH HIGH SECRET SERVICE . M HERE TO TESTIFY INTO BAKER'S CANDIDACY OF A EDIUi.l Pastors Oppose His Nomination for Councilman and Indorss . Rufus C. Holman." ' v CHURCHES AND SUNDAY : THEATRE NOT CONGENIAL Object to Fourth Ward Aspirant o Ground That Ho Voted With tbo "Solid Sl" and Is Not on City's ; Tax boil v-":'vj'':''i';t: Several ministers of the City are after the scalp of- George I Baker, who aspires to be a oouncllman from the Fourth war. Yesterday la tha pulpit they hJ4 hi sum P to unfavorable romment ana ine " " " - They -nave delved down Into hla pet history and addaoe from It that ha la not the right hind of a man to repre sent the Fourth ward la tha legislative bndy of tha city and have gone on record as favoring tha candidacy of JRufus C Holman. Dr, J. WhUoomD Brougher, Dr. Clarence True Wllaon , and Vr. F. Burgett Short all took a shy at Baker yeswrday. v r ..'' Object to Show Mam. Dr. Brougher In bis sermon aald that Mr. Baker might make a good repre- senUUve of tha north end but waa not luted to represent tha fourth ward where were some of ' the largest , churches and best residences of tha city. Ir. Wilson read a few points gleaned tfrom the recordi relating1 to Mr. Baker and Dr. Short said that a man who opened hla show every da In the week that he could get It open waa not his lda of the correct representative from the Fourth ward. '' t This morning Dr. Broughar told of th different ministers came to nt.i iiita tha discussion.' . 1 "I am not basing my opposition to ' Mr. Baker alone on the fact that be keeps his theatre open on Sunday, but upon other grounds," he said. W ministers met on Saturday afternoon and discussed the matter aa a result of which we drew up tha statement relative ta the candidacy of Mr. Rufus C Holman for tha council. - ' "At tha time of our meeting wa dis cussed the record of Mr. Baker and de cided he waa not a fit roan to represent tha fourth ward by tha showing made in (that record. ,..'..',";.--'.. ,. ., Also a Bankrupt. . "Mr. Baker for one thing Is a bank rupt, having been discharged aa such February it, 10. He filed his peti tion In bankruptcy September 11, 1906, alleging that hla liabilities were 111.- The only assets not exempt were S.007 shares of stock of tha Northwest Vaudeville com puny, of the par value of 16 per share. These shares were then on deposit with tha London, Paris and American Bank limited, subject to a pooling agreement, tha terms of which were not stated.. He had no other prop- ,' erty except household furniture, which ' he claimed aa exempt. "The stock listed waa appraised at f St and aold for that amount and tha pro- Auita uaaJI nta rks Vl at -- - t evug vam4 v oe.-T a w miw y a vuvMuiup Out of tha sum John P. Logan, his at torney, received 138.80 and the rest went 'to pay tha expenses of tha trial. ' The creditors received nothing. - "George L. Baker's name does not ap pear upon tha tax roll of 1101," con tinued Dr. Brougher. "Bealdea that the ; files of the Oregonlan-f or April II, U9, : April It and May 17, tell of the details of the election of William Storey aa mayor by tha "solid six,' Mr. Baker being In the chair and putting the deal -through. . -. -,, ,.. . " ( : One of tha "Solid Six." "Again In the sama paper' on April t, 100. It la ahowa that tha .council WRITER OF OBSCENE LETTERS ". : GETS OFF WITH LIGHT FINE .. Peter Feldhausen' s previous good character stood him In good stead this morning when he -pleaded guilty before Judre Charles E. Wolverton In the Unit ed States district court of sending ob scene letters through the .mail, and waa fined- only tl&0. His tine could have been, had Judge Wolverton seen fit to ' give him tha maximum penalty, tit, 000 and nine years In prison, - Feldhausen sent letters to Myrtle ' Tomllnson, a young-woman living at Mount Hood, In which ha atated things that are prohibited by the federal atat utea. He waa Indicted on three counts; on each of which ha could have been ' given the maximum penalty of 15.000 1 DRY MAINS ARE VERY WET AFFAIRS; SAYS 'The "provision of the bill providing for dry mains for tha Are department do not seem to ba understood by the people,' said Fir Chief Campbell this morning. "JAt meetings of various Im provement clubs the main haa been dis cussed and noma of the people who bava epofcen of It have been underAbe Im pression that they are to ba empty mains and are therefore not a necessity. "In fact tha mains are to be tilled from tha tlma they are built. I They NEW.YORK COPIES THE FIREBOAT OF PORTLAND -V. i, -I According to tha New Tork papers, . th Empire City will Imitate tha da S1rn of the Portland fir boat and In stall Bra towers In two of the boats Which It la now building. Tha flrat Are DEMENTED ITALIAN t ROAMING IN MARION Salem, Or,' April X Anton Scap pooil. a demented Italian from Sacra mento, California, who got off the north hound I'allfornla overland train yeater rixy afternoon aa It was pulling out of 4ha reform school station. Is still at Wire, Scappoosi I shout (0 yeare eld. He on hi way to .1 larrisburg. Idaho, to Wale on a timber claim and became otmnied en route, lie waa accompanied V ... granted- tha street railway company a franchise on Fifth street - eouth from Jefferson gratia On May . 100, Is shown tha details of the 1 1.1 00 graft on street 'Improvements, while on June I la noted tha laat vote of tha 'solid six.' "In my opinion.". Dr. Brougher con cluded. "Mr. Baker does not want to get Into tha council so much to repre sent the fourth ward as ha doea to rep reseat himself and sea that no ordi nances are passed providing, for Sun day closing or other curtailment of his theatre business. It la on account of this record that I and the rest of the ministers are opposing him. and not simply because ha keeps hla theatres opea on Sunday." '..i'. ' r Mr. Baker makes reply to tha state ments of tha ministers, evidently believ ing that the aoft answer turneth away wrath. Be aays that he Is a theatre manager and that ha ha always tried to make his productions clean and wholesome. - - He takes tha stand that it tha theatre la Immoral oa Sundays It Is Immoral on Monday and that It ta a harsh criticism to Impugn the morality or tha thousands of theatregoers of tha city by as attack on the motives, of those who attend tha theatre. " " Theatre Serve purpose. . I am a theatrical manager and know nothing else." said Mr. Baker this morn lng. , "i have bean brought up la tha theatre business. , I have always tried to make tha productions sat out by my companies an agent for morality and not ' the reverse. My audlenoea are made up of th beat and most promi nent people of the city and were my plays not moral In toae thasa people would not patronise them. - -4. "There are amusement-loving people lust aa there are cburchgolng people. Thousands have but one day to attend the theatre and I can aee no harm In providing a place for their amusement. If these places produce playa which are morally , uplifting In my opinion they serve a good-purpose for they keep those who would attend -some place of amusement -from going to a place where tha Influence-was not good. . "I think tha ministers are unjust In their criticisms, for whea they censure tha Sunday theatre it la tha patrons and not tha managers who are being castigated., .. oa xxa owm scents. , ... "I am making my race for tha coun cil upon my record aa a councilman In 1191 to 1100, and at tha present tlma. If I am nominated and elected It will make tha third terra I have served the city In the council and had I thought that my business aa a theatrical man ager unfitted me for a seat In tha coun cil I would never have come out aa a candidate for- tha nomination nor al lowed myself to be elected to serve out the unexpired term, of . Councilman Shepherd." The Indorsement of Mr. Holman by the ministers Is outlined la the follow ing statement drawn and .signed' by them: ..... - .. vina Minister Sign. -. Z ' "Tha fourth ward has within ' Its bounJs six of the Ymost . prominent churches of Portland and a large num ber o. the best residents. It Is extreme ly unttlng that such a aectlon should be represented In the council by - one who stands tor tha open - Sunday thea- tis, open sunday saloons and open gam bling, ana whose record la against v ery thing that w stand for In U.iS com' munlty. In bur Judgment, tha best ln- terests of this ward would be served by the nomination of - Bufus C- Holman. Signed: Francis Burgette Short, pas tor First Methodist church; Clarence True Wilson, pastor Grace Methodist church; Daniel Staver, assistant pastor First Congregational church; William Hiram Foulkea, pastor First Presbyte rian church; Andrew W. Wilson, pastor First United Presbyterian church; li 8. Muckley, f pastor First Christian church; J. Whlteomb ' Brougher, pastor the Whit Temple; J. R. Wilson, 'princi pal Portland academy; Ban-Esra Stiles Ely, - pastor Calvary Presbyterian church." . . .' and three years In tha penitentiary. Attorney John H. Hall made an ear nest plea to Judge Wolverton , asking for clemency for Feldhausen and pro duced letters from- a number of prom inent citizens of Portland, testifying to the good character of Feldhausen. , In announcing his decision. Judge Wolverton atated that because of Feld bauscn's Ignorance of tha law and be cause be had been a law abiding clti- sen previously, he would deal lenient ly with tha prisoner. He then announced tha penalty and Feldhausen promptly paid tha fine. He left the courtroom with a smile on his fao and glad be cause ha was let off so lightly. CHIEF CAMPBELL will be high pressure main, and tha fl re boat can connect with -them at any street in the mill, factory or business district in which they ar laid. Ne Tork Is now putting In a system. Mil waukee, Philadelphia and Detroit have tha system Installed already and Cleve land, Ohio, has appropriated for mains. Buffalo, New Tork, put in tha main some tlma ago. The mains ar a pro tection to property ana they are needed almoat aa much aa tha second fl reheat" , . v - - ' TOWERS ON . : towers for a boat were designed by Fir Chief Campbell of Portland and were placed en th Oeorge H. Will lam a The design was copied by Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and now. New Tork baa taken It up. . , .,. by hi sister-in-law, Mrs.' A.' Babboni, and her 11-year-old daughter, all of Bacramentn, Scappooet wa laat seen st t 10 last evening two miles north ot th reform school. Mrs. Babboni and her daughter spent tha night at the re form school. The Tennessee house, Just before Its recent adjournment, adopted a resolu tion declaring William J. Bryan th logical candidate of the Democratic party for president In 10. There was some opposition to the resolution, but th majority n final vet waa large. Mrs. Smith Did Not Cars to Bs . ; Called Out of Bsd by 7;r-. ' Husband. . ' A. spiritualist with a mania for buy ing clothes for other women than hla lfe and allowing tha latter to 'dress In raga, who was so proud of his mis-. conduct -with' other women that - he boasted of it to hla employes, and even to his wife's brother and sister, who had no use for hts wife except to call her out of bed at unaeemly hours of the night to Interpret spirit messages for him such la R. B. Smith, better known as "Buck" Smith, a half century old butcher of St. Johns, according to testi mony Introduced at his divorce trial to day. - - .. wife Calls Mint Masher. , Smith waa married In Vancouver, Washington, In 187t. -Five yeare ago hla wife left him at Rainier, Oregon, and a short time ago ' he - sued for' divorce. alleging desertion. " Mrs. Smith came back with a croae-com plaint In which she charged her husband with being a spiritualistic- crank and an Inveterate masher. - . - , The; only sweetheart named by Mr. Smith is a Mr. Bowers of Tillamook, of whom Smith bragged to J. H. Miller, his brother-in-law, and Anna Pomeroy, hla sister-in-law. Once, for example, the wife aent the man of the bouae to town to market some eggs. Ha returned without the eggs and without any cash, and it developed - later : that he had bought a pair of fane?, slippers for one of. the "neighbor's wives, with the egg money. At another tlma he ordered a dress from Mra Smith's own sister, who kept a store, and had It delivered to another woman. - ' . Made Say Talk 'to Spirit.. .' When Smith "got" spiritualism he tried to convert his wlfa Ha Insisted that she was a medium and eould con versa with the spirits if she only would. She obeyed his directions for a time, but he would regularly call her out of bed la tha middle of the night, make her strike the proper atltude and halloo for tha ghostly being to coma flocking around ner. en anally tired of this and left him. ...... i The couple have one minor child. Marie, a gin or is, wnoaa custody each one wanta. TWO-CENT FARE LAWS " r AFFECT niLEA6E tfOOKS Interchangeable Tickets Not to Bs Honored In States Hav ing Two-Cent Laws. '. tJostaal Special aerrlea.t Chicago, April .-On and after Mav 1 the Interchangeable mileage books of the Western Passenger association will not be aold or honored for local trans portation in tha states which have passed laws making's cents a mile the maximum rat of far. . The- . tickets will ba good for Interstate tripe when one. or more of? the - states through which the trip is made ha a legal rate higher than t cents mile. On 1,000-mile books good for t60.- or at the rate of IM cents a ml la, there will ba a refund of tt.(0 made to tha .purchaser who complies with all the conditions of the ticket. jTrons-Mla- sour! Interchangeable mileage - books will not be good for tripa wholly In the state of Nebraska, but may be used between points In other state and Ne braeka. . : .....--, . . : ; . Practically tha same restrictions will be made aa M tha use of Interchange able mileage book of eastern railroads so long as there la a single state which allows a higher rata than 1 cents a mile. It la likely that tha Interchange able mileage tlcketa of eastern roads will ba discontinued within two years, but the western roads may retain them longer.'' '",.:', , '; 7 ' ', ; HERF0RD DIES .. IN BALTIMORE Word waa received in this city yes terday morning from Baltimore that AL Herford, one of the best known prize ngnt manager in th country, was dead. The message announcing hla death came to Chief of Polio Ontaraieher. who wa asked to locate Harford's brother, W. M. Herford, Who la supposed to bo living In this part of the country. Al. Herford waa Joe Gens' manager up until a year and a half ago, and also had control of young Peter Jackson. me visited Portland with these fighters about tnrea years ago. M'MANUS VERDICT -: . EXPECTED TONIGHT (Special Dteaateh te the JerjrsaL) : ' Pendleton, Or, April Arguments were begun In th McManus murder trial, ez-Judg Samuel Whit of Baker City taking th floor for th state. Io his review of th case he stated that when McManua abet Eatea he waa eight or 1 feet In th rear of hi vlctom and killed htm In cold blood for revenge. He declared th story told by. McManus on the stand could not ba true. In view of the arrangements of tha place where Est was shot , Ha said further that even If tha atory were true and Bates was attempting to pick the pocket of McManus, tha latter .had no right to shoot as the law declare a man mat only do o In case of atrocloua felonies or self-da'enae. -.;.. v At 10:10 Whit concluded and after a short recess Attorney I a. Esteb of tha defense took th stand la behalf of McManua Ha said McManua shot a man who had attempted three time to rob him. and McManua ws afraid of being sandbagged and robbed and probably killed. Judge Fee will speak for the defense, after which District Attorney Pbelp will conclude for tha state. Tha ease will then go to tha Jury. A werdlct Is expected tonight - WESTERN STATES HAVE SNOW AND SLEETST0RMS ' ' . Jnanul Bperlal terrleD. ' Des Moines, la.. April St. Heavy snow has boon falling here since f o'clock this morning. . Kansas City, April -If .Snow, sleet rain and freetlng tempera ture are - gnneral. throughout Mlaanuri, Nebraska, Kanaas and' northern Texaa today, " Ey-Surveyor-CeneraJ Will Be Ar. rested and Taken to McNeil's Island This Week,., When Henry Meldrum. ex-surveyor general of Oregon, returns from Wash ington where he haa been testifying In the Blnger Hermann trial, he will be taken In custody and aent to McNeil's Island to serve the sentence which waa Imposed upon him last July for forging applications for government surveya. f Meldrunj was aentenced to serve three year in mo penitentiary ana to pay a fine of tS.tOO. ... Meldrum la supposed to, e oil' his way home from Waahlngton and United States Attorney , William C Brtetol asked ' tha court this morning that he be apprehended Immediately upon his arrival here and conveyed to McNeil's Island. - ' . ' Mr. Bristol baaed his request .upon the fact that the United States circuit court of appeals had confirmed the de cision of the, local court. - Judge Wol verton directed that an order ba Issued aa requested by Mr. Bristol and Mel drum will be taken -to prison .when ba arrives In Portland. , -.' . COFFEY HAY BE Union Republican Club Likely to Pour Hot Water on Him V: and Parsons.. . ; Fireworks and oratory ar scheduled to be turned loose tonight at too meet ing of tha Union Republican club when the organisation takes up tha considera tion of candidate for municipal office. especially that of mayor. Tha report of tha city central committee will be read and it la promised that tha name of John B. Coffey and H. O. Parsons will come In for some special attention by the members. It la possible that still others down tha Una will ba frowned upon. .'."" . The executive committee or the club ha decided that It will ba unwise to In dorse any candidate for mayor or to se lect any ticket to ba worked for by the club prior to . tha primaries. "It will however, take some decided action re garding those candidate who have not pledged themselves to support the nomi nee of tha Republican party. It 1 not likely that tha official action of tha club will make any direct difference to Mr. Coffey -or Mr. Parsons or others, but tha disapproval of those who have re fused to stand br tha ticket will be made plain to every one. , Besides tha meeting of tha Union club to ba held this evening In tha Sell- ing-Hlrsch building the Nolta Improve ment association will meet on Killings- worth avenue-to discus charter amend ments. ' ,..,;...,...-,..'!,..... - Tuesday night Democratlo rally In Selllng-HlrBch' building.' East Side United Push club at; tha headquarters of tha information bureau , on East Morrison : street - to discuss ' charter amendments. Northwestern Improve ment association to catechise prospec tive eouncllmen at large on gravel pita Wand to .discuss charter amendments. Republican -club meeting Manley ball, William avenue and Knott street - Wednesday, night Independent ' He-' brew Improvement club - at - Artisans hall. Front and Glbbs streets. . Thursday night Republican . club meeting, Allsky ball. Third and Mor rison streets. Rally by tha Brooklyn Republican - and Improvement , club at the Sacred Heart ball, Claywood and Mllwaukl atreeta, i , ;; . , FLIRTING NEGRO " PAYS $40 FINE Q. Xaurence Joell, colored advertising manager of tha Advocate, a weekly pub lication devoted to the interest of the negro community, who waa arre sted upon complaint of pretty Edna Haua ot 1810 TUden street for Insulting her on Fifth and .Waahlngton atreeta about 10 days ago, waa found guilty In the polios court this afternoon of disorder ly conduct and . fined tit by Judge Cameron. .. The complainant In the caae Waa a strikingly handsome, tO-year-old white girl of tha Gibson type. According to her testimony Joell approached her at Fifth and Washington street after fol lowing her for several block, and tip ping hla hat said, "I'd Ilk to meet you In half an hour." . td gun paid ao at tention to the negro and upon reaching Third and Alder street tha Insolent fellow deliberately stepped In front of her end batted hist left eye In strict ac cordance with tha rules of flirting. Misa Hau reported the matter to- Patrolman Nelson and - J cell's arrest followed. - Upon taking tha stand In bis awn behalf' the defendant praotlcally convicted himself. Joell promptly 'paid his line and will not appeal. ', v - ' '. DOSE OF. DEADLY DRUG ENDS LIFE Sam Grover, an aged driver 'em ployed by tha Holman Transfer com pany, died at tha Good Samaritan hos pital last night aa tha result of an overdose of laudanum, For noma rea son the caae wa not reported to . the coroner and that of f leal waa unaware of the matter until apprised of - the matter through tha dally. press. Aa In vestigation will be made, but aa far as haa. been aaoertalned a rover's , ' death waa due to an accident Tha unfortunate maa waa TS year of age and had been residing at the home of Mra. B. A. Qlntr, 114 North Ninth street. Ha complained of being 111 during tha past week and had been using laudanum for his ailment. Yes terday morning Mra Glnty found her roomer In a stupor and aa ha did not regain : consciousness after several houra sne notified tha" police, drover waa removed to the hospital yesterday afternoon In the patrol wagon and re mained In a atata of coma until th time of hla death.- ---- ' Kpaagh W1U Ik Hangt-d. Washington, April t. The supreme court today affirmed the lower court's conviction of William Spaugh, aentonred to hang for the murder of Sheriff Folk of Iron county, Missouri , COILED IIIGT South Portland Hebrews May v Indorse Zimmerman for ' Mayoralty Instead. . " ' The South Portland Independent Hebrew club escaped being a part, of tha Devlin Organization by tha skin of Its teeth when It waa .created yesterday sfternoon at-.Artisans hall, First and Glbbs streets. A a It Is now the object of th organlantn Is th betterment of the members liid the formation ot a body which can 'make united objection to tha enactment of a 1 100 peddler's license and various other things not to the liking or advantage of th person net of the club. - .- . -According to th story-regarding th formation of tha club eom of Mr. Dev lin's friend conceived th Idea that It would be a good thing for tha Hebrew residents of South Portland to take a stand Indorsing Mr. Devlin's - candi dacy. A meeting waa therefore called and Mr. Devlin, Mr. Kavanaugh and some few others -were -Invited to at tend. Mr. Zimmerman, however, dis covered that tha meeting was about to ba held and ' soma of his friends were In attendance at th appointed time. While Mr. Devlin waa apeaktng from th platform Mr, Zimmerman's friends war dlaoufalng -the situation In the native tongua with the moat influential members of the audience and aa a re sult when th , Urn, for organisation came I, Friedman, th Zimmerman can didate for. president of tha 1 club, re ceived SI votes over thre competitor, all of whom war only accorded tl votes. . N. Abrahams ws then elected secretary upon the motion of Mr. Fried man. '.-.' -"r " Following the - organisation ' tha can didates were . asked to retire and the subject of Indorsement came up. After some extended oratorical efforts it was decided not to Indorse any candidate at the Drat meeting and an ' adjournment waa taken until Wednesday night The Zimmerman foroea now say that If any candidate receives an Indorsement It will ba Zimmerman and not Devlin. TELL JURY OF ROBBERS9 GANG Federal Authorities Are Placing Evidence Against Men Who" Robbed Postoffices. - ; Members of tha federal grand Jury commenced to hear tha evidence which Aeslstant United Statea Attorney Jamea Col haa prepared in tha famous Sell- wood and St Johna postofflce robbery caae tut morning, when' William J. Mitchell, who ran down the gang and solved their operations, : appeared toe- fore tha Jurors and told them what ha knew about tha robbere. - Mora than SO witnessed lined tha cor ridors of tha poatotflea. building thla morning -ready, to testify against the robbers. . "Among these were men from all walk of life. Including Folic Officer Sorenson, who waa shot In a duel with tha robbers when they robbed tha Bell wood office; Archie Turnbull, who waa arrested with tha gang and confessed to all he knew about the crowd; Claude 1. Eggleaton, who bought torn of tha stolen goods; Mlna Faubian, tha young girl who found several of the shells used by tha robbers in their light with th officer; E. P. Marts, cashier of th Southern Pacific Railroad company Jefferson street station, to whom Wayna tried to sell soma ot tha stolen stamps; Assistant Poetm aster Moxoa of tha j t Johna office, and . Conductor Morgan. who ldentled Anderson aa one of tha men he carried. out to Sellwood 'on the night of tha robbery. , ,. In addition to bearing avldeno In th postofflce robbery cases, the grand Jury la supposed to bare taken evi dence today In a minor postofflce case in which the offender haa Jiot yet been a treated. When the Jury convened this morning,- Foreman Ben Selling reported tha indictment of Joe Day, an Indian ac cused of carrying whiskey , upon the Umatilla Indian reservation. '..Day waa maictea (Saturday. -;- ..-,v t , CONSIDER FUNDS FOR CONVENTION Baptist minister of th Willamette association held their -regular meeting thla morning at the T. M. C. A. building, Fourth and Yamhill streets. The prin cipal item of business was th discus sion of th method to be employed in raising the fund for th atata con vention which must ba dona during tha months of May and June. Last year tha amount raised by tha churches of the Willamette association totaled mora than $900 but It la pro posed this year to . raise more than 1.-500. ' ' v v "." - r-j- The erection of-.tha new Bunny side mission to be known as th East Forty fourth -street mission will ba begun this week and will cost about 100. There will be about 109 children that will at tend this mission aa soon aa It la ready. The new chapel of the Grace church In .Montavllla will soon be completed at a cost or looo. it wa also announced that a church la to be wrgaaised at Lenta next Sunday.-v . . . Rev. Oeorge W. Griffin announced that h had resigned a pastor of th Immanuel church and would leav for Chicago on Wednesday, II ha not made any plana for the Immediate fu ture, but will try to regain his falling health. . Gov. Oilman Parker presided at th meeting thl morning. , COLDEST APRIL NIGHT ' -FOR THIRTY YEARS ' (RpeHal Dfepatch te Tee Joan I.) Th Dalles, Or.. April t. Laat night waa the coldest. In April for 10 years. Tha thermometer fell to . 30 degrees above aero. Early . vegetable were damaged, but the fruit Is ail right Laat reports say . peaohea and cherriea are uninjured. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. , , Ut Kir.. Yea Haw Ataj; Ectjtl Bears tha Signature of UtiSStt Captain Flynn of New York and Captain Bell of Seattle Among Skilled Sleuths of Government Who Worked on Coon . Counterfeiting Case. That Asalatant United States District Attorney Cole doea not Intend to allow any member of the famous Coon coun- . . . . . , A . , terfeltlng gang to escape Indlotment th federal grand Jury wa shown when It was learned today that in addition to Secret Service Operative Thomas B. Foster. Captain Buahrod W. Bell of Se attle and Captain W. J. Flynn of New York are In the city to teatlfy against the counterfeiters. N Captain Bell Is In charge of th Se attle district and the counterfeiting case will be the last one he will have any thing to do with in an official capacity because of his resignation from the ser vice May . 1. Captain Bell had .charge of the Coon caae and waa aaalsted by Mr. Foater, who roundod up th crowd near Huntington, Oregon. Captain Flynn Is In charge of one of tha . moat Important districts in . th CAMPAIGN OF REFORM BUREAU IS LAUNCHED AT SELLWOOD Dr. O. U Tuf ta of the International reform bureau discussed th leading so cial evils of today at different place a Jn tha city yesterday. In tha morning ha discussed tha queetloa at Calvary Bap tist church and . laat night before- the Trinity Methodist Episcopal and tha First United Evangelical congregations. In th afternoon there was a general meeting of the residents of Sellwood when a clvlo movement waa organised with William Irle. chairman; R. V. BREWING COMPANY BREWS- " -. TROUBLE OVER ATTORNEY A row among tha board of directors of th Portland Brewing company got Attorney J. I Taugher a client at 150 par month. In two week the prevail ing element on, tha board was ousted and Taugher was told that hla services would ba needed no longer, in - at torney had hla , contract for seven montha service In hi pocket however, and ha now Insists that tha full amount agreed upon, ba paid. Hla ault for that aum la being tried tma axter noon In Judge Sears' department of the circuit court - :' - Ben B. Btaudenraeyer, proprietor oi I. eomnanv. resist payment oa to ground that th action of tha board of READY TO HEAR OF SOLIB NINE District Attorney Manning Invites Councilman Cray to Sub- f 'V J mit Hit Testimony.1 District Attorney Manning today an swered th letter sent by Thomas Gray, counollman-at-larga, demanding that the district attorney submit charges made by Thomaa Qulnean to the grand Jury. Th demand made by Mr. uray ta oaaea unon a speech mad by Mr. Guineas al leging that a combination known aa "the aoltd nine" existed in tha council and that It had bean formed to thwart tha will of the' -paople. In hi reply Mr. Manning oalla at tention to tha fact that there la now no grand - Jury In session except tha federal grand Jury. Ha states that he will not call-a 'grand Jury until after the June election. - Ha aaya, however, that If Mr. Gray Is In possession ot any facta concerning the existence of any such illegal combination and will come to hla office ha will sit as a grand Jury and hear tha evidence. He will also la su a subpoena for Thomaa Guineas and sea If ha know anything concerning th combination. - ' The letter close with an explanation of the law regarding criminal libel and Invite Mr. Gray to call at tha district attorney office and discuss tha matter further. ..' . , , ' ; ' - . (, CLOUDBURST FORCES TEN TO PASS NIGHT IN TREES . ' " ""5 v v '. '"' (Jeernal Special gervka.) Oklahoma City, April- l.-even were reported dead aa th result of a cloud burst this morning at Capital Hill, a suburb. ' Tha Canadian river la bank full and la still rising. All the missing have been found ex cept one man. Twenty - houses were destroyed. The los waa $60,000. .Ten passed tha night In treetopa on the low lanua. " ' , "-: -,''.' :i ' i FATHER OF MONTANA . : MASONRY IS DEAD ' (Special Dwpatch te The Joeroel.) . Helena, April K.-Tornellu Hedges, "father . of Montana Masonry," dted hero today, aged 75, from heart dis ease. He was a native of Maasachu sett. ' He Was graduated by lei and afterward by th Harvard law school. He came west and located at Independ ence. Iowa, where for several year he published ' newspapers. H , reached Montana In I860. szzxzsxzixxxxzxxszxxzxsxnxzxxi-zxsxrxxxzxxzxxxxxsas m '... " '. '.; - FREE TALLY- Reserve your seats now for a delightful afternoon's ride. H.,W. LEAICKE COM PANY 'K , ; SIXTH AND WASHINGTON . Main 550 Home Phone A 2337 M...Hwr mr maw i rir, mnn i m i.lui m iu m ... -- - . as nn. of th- moat erricienc oiiuiri - In the service. f"& Dial n fiynn rovwuwy wv,w " -. rTChfp,wllk,a00 tn- Honduras lottery oaaea at Mobil. Alabama. While la th city he Is at the Oregon hotel. Mr. Foster will succeed Captain Bell as the bead of the Seattle district Cap tain Bell quits tha eervtce to assume his duties aa president of the Puget Sound Wood Products company. 1 Another secret service offloer In -Portland Is Steve Connell. who escorted Prince Henry of Germany on th trip around th country. Mr. Connell waa also in President Roosevelt' party that came to Portland. . He will leav Port land tomororwk- r. ' r Mr. Cole wlrt probably present tha evidence against tha counterfeiters to th grand Jury tomorrow or Wednes day. . Bel ford, secretary : R. Flnley, urer, and an executive committee eon slating of C J. Bentley. E. O. Millar, A, N. Poole and C V. Petach. - The plan la to select Si or mora of tha moat aggressive eltlsena of tha district to work for a pur ballot and a morally clean community. In a reao- : lution th meeting axpreaaed It Indig nation at tha Illegal voting at Sellwood at tha last election and denounced th proper offlclals for lack of seat in pros ecuting tha offenders. - . v. .. - dlreotors In hiring Taugher was Illegal and without foroa and affect Ha aaya that Jacob Meyer and Georg Wllhelm. who, with hlmsalf, formed tha board at that tlma, combined against him for tha purpose of running him out of ui Wlrm To help them do this they hired Taugher, but be beat them In a tw weeks' fight - . August It Btaudenraeyer bought them out became aol proprietor of th con cern and notified Taugher that his services would ao longer bo needed. Ho declare that th company need ne lawyer and that Taugher waa hired io further the personal Interest ot Meyer and Wllhelm and not that of the brew ing company. , ' SELL BONDS FOR DEVELIMIEIITS Portland Railway, Light & Power Company Files Deed to Cover Cost of Improvements. A trust deed by tha Portland Railway. Lltht dc Power company for tl.000,000 waa filed with th county clerk today. 8. O. Reed, treasurer of the company, aays:- , ' ." "This la to cover th expense of fu ture development work, such aa under ground systems etc. " Tha earnings of tha company themseive ar Insufficient to make the necessary extensions pro posed, and these bonds will be aold aa needed during' the next It or 11 year. Thla trust deed haa nothing to do wttTF othera ' filed by the Portland General Electric company or tha Portland Bail way company, which are underlying Is sues on tba properties of - those corn pan lea. - "The bond of tha company will ba placed on the eastern exchanges for tha first time, and .will ba advertised In the bond papers and thus placed regu larly, on the bond market ao that east, era Investors may purchase them, Tha bonds bear 6 per cent Interest" . This deed la for ona of tha largest amounts that haa been named in any Instrument filed with tha county clerk for a long time.- GONG GONG ROBBED : ONLY HIS HELPLESS WIFE I '. An Investigation 'by Detectives Prlo -nd Baty of th reported theft ot 1(00 : worth of gold Jewelry and Ito in cash from tha rooms of Gong Gong, a ' Chines merchant at" It Second street ' last Saturday, has revealed that the , Chinaman robbed himself and pawned . tha article In a Second street loan of fice. Gong Gong waa taken Into cus tody by the police, but a no charge could ba lodged against htm ha waa re leased. It Is understood that the Mon golian carried away his wife's Jewelry V. to secure sufficient fund to :buck the. tiger" In Vancouver, Washington ' .y. TEA ;Vv:- ." ' How has so dainty, i a ; drink as tea gone over the world so 'far, and made i v friends so many ? Tear grocer reran roar moy If res deaV axe acomisf Beet: tr T sia. ... - . ; '..... HO TO PRETTY r