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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1907)
CllLlt DAILY JO U io:;tla::d. moijday eve;jii;q. aphil cd. i:.7. L'J. U L1.J! t Ihe Store- .Noted for llrst Gmm1 at Lowest Prices. lorn ic;.:c3 Ik TOVIOHri AlTDiEMIBTS. " Hellt B.r Kspm ............. BUT . Oraed Ljric "The M le M lodv' "The Plctntnr' . . . " of Men "For ldutlif"a ,' "Healed LUm' Martha T. Trimble of Bridal Veil filed at the Good Samaritan hospital last Wednesday morning- after a Ion Illness nd the remain were taken for burial to her former home at Bmlth River la 1 Norte county. California. Mrs. Trimble was the wife of Mao Trimble, a well-known locser who ha worked for the )umber company at Bridal Veil FallaJ . I or ins past is years, inure wai one ', daughter, aged I yeara who with the . husband and a alster-ln-law, Mrs. C, u, . Will lame, accompanied the remains to California. Mrs. Trimble was born January It, 117, at Smith. River and married Mr. Trimble about zo years aco. She had been In very poor health for a number of yeara and became, mortally III last October, since which time she had been at the Good Samaritan hospital, ". She was a Christian Scientist and very patient in all her misfortune and was ' very well liked by all with whom she earn In contact, , ' '. , William Mitchell and associates have , purchased from A. M. Thompson 100 ' feet fronting- on the west side of East Thirty-third street near Belmont for ' 110,000. The property Is substantially Improved and brings In a fair return On the investment. Mrs. AdeUae M. Under .r wood has purchased an acre In King's second addition. west' of the Cornell road. ; The property was sold by . filler runtgaa and brought 16,260. . The revival services at the Central Christian church. East Twentieth- and Salmon streets, have been very suceess ' f ul thus far. . The trustees of the church by the generous contributions of the members and friends, have been en abled to pay off the 1 1,100 mortgage on the property. Special services will be held Tuesday evening, to oelehrate , ins event. The chorus under Mr. H. a. 'Baston, on next Sunday sventng, gives id sscrea cantata. The Wasarene." First edition exhausted In-two days . Is ths record made by the Bkldmore urug company or the sale OI Hawks new pocket map of the city. The see- ond edition will be placed on sals Hon ; day morning and will bs on exhibition Six the Pkldmore company windows to- amj at loi 'intra street - 'f i- : . : ii pi i --i ' 4.-- A i' ? 1 A basse is blng held at St Patrick's ' hall. Nineteenth and Savler streets, for the purpose of reducing the debt of 10,70. a remarkable ouauty of Irish ;l needlework Is oa exhibition which has interested many. . Those who are inter sated in reducing the debt ar invited attend.. . ' Dental work at ths rental eollege 1 Persons desiring dental work and oral surgery , will receive prompt attention at the Infirmary of the . North Paolflc college, which la open to the publio the entire year. .: Corner Fifteenth and ' Coach streets, Telephones; Main 11!; Home AIM. v A.V--.'-. l Theouth Portland Republican elub 'will xlve a rally and smoker Wednesday ; evening. May 1. 107, at o'clock at : Artisans' ball. Front and Glbbs streets, A fine musical and literary enterteln roent has 'been prepared.) W, P. Llllls ,! la president and B. F. Jones la secretary. Dr. W. T. Cottel, Republican candi date for the council for the fifth ward, -was nominated by ths South Portland ' Republican club to succeed W. T. Maa ; tnra. He understands ths situation and ' will represent ths people f elected. . Steamer Jesse- Barkina, for Csmaa, Washouts! and way landings, dally ax , c pt- Sunday. JLeavss Washlngtoa street dock 1 p. ,)'.. -' Have you joined the Hi. Bide' Ath- - letie elubf 11.00 entrance fee. saved If you Join this week. Professor Rlngler, ; director.. '"". V; .. -i -y i ..j U ' For Sale -A few second hand Inouba. - tors; good as new. . Ill East Morrison, ' corner First street. --. ; t, '. Optician or oculist wanted to share excellent office with physician. O 11, Journal. v. . , i;..-- Dr. George F, Koehler, removed' to 40S-4-I Bwetland building. Dtseasag of . the stomach. , . ?; .... ' Acme Oil Co. sells ths best safety coal all. and fin gasoline.. Phone Kast Tit. ' Woman's Exchange. 131 Tenth' street, lunch 11:10 to I; business men's lunob. Dr. W. B, Knapp has' returned from east; of floe 10, Hamilton building. ; ; r ' Why pay moreT Metager fltg jrsur yes for $1. Ill Sixth aueet Dr. William Bouse, nervous diseases, tll-4 Oregonian. - -:. ' Dr. Frank Q. Freeberger, t0l-l Bwet land buliaing. (,. v - .- :, . :,: soenlo photos. ' Imperial hotel. , Brf Signs lit TamhIliPhene. KELTY OPPOSED TO 1 PERPETUAL FRANCHISES J. M. Kelty, who has announced his candidacy for nomination for - council man from ths Eighth ward, has taken ' his stand upon ths following platform: "I have resided In the eighth ward for 14 years and have had experience In publle affairs. I served in the union army through ths war c the Rebellion. I believe In the enforcement of the .laws, am in favor of organized labor and am opposed to ths granting of per petual franchises. it elected i will b ; fair in my of Octal capacity and will give my attention to the betterment of the , city and ward In which X live.' THE LIVES if our millionaires. . Read them you will find that almost all tf them worked and struggled to save the ; first thousand dollars. Are you struggling hard enough? Start now with a dollar. Oregon Trust & Savings Bank f , .Sljtih and Wvthlngton Strut ' qesourcea Over ?2,SC0,CCa :4 interest paid en -aavinira ; accounts BEST SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS W "PORTLAND '., ' i ii I ...1. I I ' J-LJ IL-L.JL', J. -XJ-'Ifl Lil SUMMER WEATHER YESTERDAY TOOK THOUSANDS INTO OPEN AIR Teatarday was Ideal for outings and thousands of city folk took ad vanUgs f the glorious sunshine and the re freshing brasses th to, fanned the ele vated altitudes. Uks busy ants rushing to their hillocks, peopls headed for the surrounding heights la arch of rest and recreation, They ; wers well re warded, for. never did ths mountain peaks loom up la ; greater brilliancy. Mount Hood stood out clearer than aver In an almost Immaculate ahroud against an Immaculate sky and seemed near enough to touch or at least 10 bo within walking distance. - ' Hundreds of people took to the river, thousands patronised the streetcars. while hundreds' again enjoyed tneir existence behind a team of prancing roadsters or before a cloud of dust and gasoline smoke. Ths day waa perfect for anything and so far no complaint has been received at the bureau where the exquisite mixture of weather waa mada The temperature was not op pressive and ths dust seemed to know ite place. - . , ' A delightful and appropriate climax waa reached last night when the full moon like aa immense orb of Ore rose above ths eastern hills. Its upward flight waa ao rapid that It could be plainly noticed and ths gloomy hour of darkness Was brief. While Old lot dipped la the sea to ths westward (.una appeared In the east, bringing a new day with softer rays sf light.' PEACE ASS0CIAT101 VILL ELECT OFFICERS Permanent Organization to Bi Effected at Meeting Called vfor Thie Afternoon. " Ths board of directors recently ap pointed te , bring about a permanent organisation of a branch in this city of the National Peace association will meet this afternoon at the auditorium of the T. M. a A. Perannt-Officers wiU bs elected at this time and standing com mltteeo appointed, and It will be one ef ths os Important meetlSara to bs held. Rev. K. 8. Muckley, chairman of . the board of directors, has. called tag meet ing for S:l. o'clock. vi ! . : The most Important oommlttes to bs appointed will be the committee on con ciliation and arbitration. ' The associa tion' ia anxious to procure as efficient a committee aa possible to oonduct this department because an opportunity has already presented Itself . in . this city whereby the asnociation . can prove to employers, to employes and to. the pub lio the practicability of the organisa tion. - Following arc ths members of ths board of directors: 1 Representing the People at Large- Judge A. 1 Fraxer, 3. Hennessey Mur phy. Rabbi Wise. Rev. E. o. lfuckley, Dr. Andrew C Smith. J. B. ?aber, B. B. Vlnoent and E. C OHtner. Representing the Employars C . T. S wigert, W. P. Olds. R. U Epdlman. Paul Wssslnger. F. H. Stewart and Theodore B. Wilcox. - l ; ' ' Representing Labor Societies W. to. Pltschke, secretary Stats Federation of Labor; P. McDonald, editor Labor Press; C A Foster, delegate Typographical union; Harry Chester Quit, Bricklayers union; W. H. Pltsgerald. vice-president Clgarmakera' union; C H. Oram, presi dent State Federation of Labor; W, A. MoKenaie, delegats Stationary Engi neers' union; P. H. Kelly, delegate Barbers union, and R. A. Harris, . dele gats Typographical union. . DENVER RABBI ' . WILL COME HERE r;" :;vl, ' -'' '' Rev. L OvsowlU Aecepts Charge of J. first Street NSjrnagog for One ', Tear TelpgTama Read. v; F.W.BALTES GOnPAEJY MAIN 105 INVITE YOUR niQuiniEs Fon PRIfJTIflG Finn AID OAK STREETS ' A meeting Of ths committee ef the Machaiki Arav waa held yesterday even ing ar ths First street synagogue and congratulatory telegrama -war road from all parts of the oountry ia regard to- ths new rabbi. Rev. i. ovsowlta. u. D., who has accepted the charge of this congregation for one year. . Dr. Ovsswlts comes from Denver. ' Ha Is ths son of the Denver rabbi and the secretary of this congregation, I. Wain stein, says tbat he is warmly recom mended by prominent, rabbis from all parts of the country- -! .' Soma of the telegram received wers aa follows:' --' -v.,;-'. Rev. Dr. Samuel Rappaport of Spring field, Massachusetts, said: "The young rabbi, Drs I. Os vow its, ia one of the coming prominent . orthodox- rabbis ot ths oountry and ha and his congrega tion have my bast' wishes la their undertakings."' - Rev. Dr. B. Muth of New Tork said: "Rev. Dr. I. Ovsowita was on a of my pupils and In his tims ha waa my best scholar and J feel aura that ho can full fill all duties in the real orthodox way." - Rev. Dr. O. Ilalpern of Seattle, Wash ington, remarked: Rcv. Dr. L Ovao wlts, American born orthodox, will help American Judaism to uphold sains in Ita proper manner.', . The meeting closed with resolutions to call a mass meeting ' tfext Sunday, May I. at 4 o'clock p. m., for the pur pose of reading all congratulations re ceived and also empowering ths rabbi to fulfill his duties according to his own ideas. Ths mass meeting will bs held at ths First street aynagogue, , SEAOEN'S FRIEND SOCIETY VVJLL HOLD EXERCISES Well Known Local Talent; Will , Appear on Program To- morrow Evening. - Ths opening exercises of theBeaman's Friend society will be hold at their halt, 161 Flanders street, tomorrow evening at I o'clock. Soma of the best local talent has been secured by E. It Roper, the superintendent, and a very attrac tive ' program hfts been am n red. - The 'following well-known artists will take part: - " "- ,- - i - . ' Mrs. Fletcher. Linn. ' Mrs - B. XL . Ely, H. CUuatnnetus Jr., Dom Kaar and James Turner. Mrs. D. S. Williams and W. S. Magulre will recite, while ths fol lowing ministers will deliver short ad dresses! - - . -s Z- Dr. t. Whlteomb Brougher, Clarence True Wilson, B. E. B. Ely, Daniel Stover and William Hiram Foulkes. Muslo a 111 bs furnlahed by Cllfford'a orchestra. After the program refreshments will be served. No admission will be charged and all who aro Interested In the work ef the Seaman's Friend society will be coraiaiiy weioome. SPINAL MENINGITIS ' ATTACKS GARDENER Another stforadl case of aplna) men- ingitia was 'reported yesterday when Richard M. Hlghamlth. a gardener em ployed bv Mrs. R. L. Hawthorns, fill Belmont Street, was stricken. Within a abort time after being stricken. High- emun 10m . eonsciousness.- It IS ot known If be baa any relatives In Port land. An effort was made to reach his mother, who Uvea In Eugene, by tele graph, but no reply waa received. - City Health Officer Wheeler la In tele graphic communication with aa Ohio specialist, who has met with consider able success la treating the malady with aa antitoxin. Dr. Wheeler has written for a supply Of this remedy and expects to nave tt here in a xew days. - Dr. Wheeler Is confident that a con tinuation of the warm weather will soon result in ths complete disappear ance si the disease. . .-.i ii i n -.1, ' ; . A SDeclfid for te!n Dr. Thomas' Ks. lectric OIL stronsest. cheapest liniment ever devised. A household remedy In . . .. Old Sores Oared by Th Household Burgeon." Druggist refund money If Dr. Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil falls. 16c m ' "" " ' a 1 Preferred Stock Oanned floods. . Alloa Lewis' tst xaraaa. , - - iwr"y -Ts. rj) Collars y jm i i i isssw. - fSiggsress. Mvasv MVt oaaoa as auma- n fXsve-tooKIrn., age. r. i oo, , ,. t. ORMOSID) 1 1 FOR WOMEN ONLY , Dr. rtandersae's OMssoesd' Berts , Cottae Root rills. Tlae swH - sad enl? rlUhi. rMdy lor bav LAfkU PgaiOUS. care the moat ebstlBste eaM la te IS dare. Pries U sar box, smiled la Dials wrapper, I Addraaa Dr. T. I. ttfKCI. 11 rirst Street. I roriHise, Save TI:l3 list for Future It Will Snve Yea T'cncy Special Sale n Ti TT77 n ,: Starts Tomorrow , House-cleaning time is now at hand and with it comes the demand for new fixings for the home.' Our annual sale of household supplies start tomorrow morning. ' Extraordinary bargains in Table Linens, Towels, Napkins, Fancy' Linens, Crashes, Sheets and Cases, Bedspreads, Comforters, Blankets, " Pil lows, Curtain Swisses, Lace Curtains, etc, Special attention given to out of .town orders. Head the following carefully : : ' ; v . . yJy V;'"-y; Table Linens Reduced The good, reliable kind that you have always bought 53-inch Bleached Table Damask, extra heary, dou ble warp; 0c grade. 'Special............. ....20 53-inch Turkey Red Damask, fast color and best 45c grade. Special . . . . ... . . . . .;;. . i . . . . . .... . . .20f 58-inch Silver Bleached Damask aplendid wearing quality ; 50c regular, , .'.V. i . .. .7. . . . . . . . ,', ,35f 66-inch Bleached Damask, weariand washes well: regular 60c valuer"" SpecialT, , . , . . .T . ..... .45 72-inch White and. Silver Bleached Damask, extra Suality and 75c value. Special. ......... . , .50d 0-lnch Satin Finish Damask,' in beautiful floral de signs; regular 75c grade. Special .50( 72-inch Pure Irish Linen Damask, a beautiful smooth surface,; and a standard $1.00 value..... 75 X6xl6-inch Loom Dice Napkins; 85c value. Dor. GO 18x18 Table Napkins; good $1.85 quality. Do2.t5 20x20-inch Napkins, extra heavy; $2 quality. 81.15 22x22 Table Napkins, fine quality; $2 grade. $1.47 i Curtain Swisses 88-inch Lace Stripe Scrim ; 10c quality. Special ,7 40-inch Striped Swiss, ' i white only; 12lc grade.-Special. .7? 36-inch Dot and Figured Swisses ; 15c and 18c grades,.. ... .12 28-inch Woven Dot Swisses for sash curtains. '- Yard . . ..... i 10t 3-inch Qriental Madras ; 20c quality, yard W. . . . ,13 Bed Spreads v F,ull size hemmed Bedspreads in good quality; regular $1....75 Hemmed Bedspreads, .full ; size, and $1.35 quality. . . . . ..... .08 Full size Hemmed Spreads, Mar seilles patterns; regular $1.50 grade. Special ........ . .91.29 Full size Fririged Spreads, extra quality. Special ......... 815 Towel Specials 13x24-inch Hemmed Huck Towels. Special, each , , . . . . , . . , i . . !. i 17x34-inch Hemmed Huck Towels j 10c grade, . Each. . . . .7 17x35-in'ch Bleached Turkish Bath Towels. Special . , . . . , .... ;-.10 18x36 Hemmed Huck Towels, fast selvage; 18c grade..,. ,.......11 20x50-ioch , Unbleached " Turkish Towels. ; Special . . .... . . . , .12 22x40 Bleached TurkishTowels, ex tra quality 17f Crashes j 0' ' ' - . t . , ' 18-inch Russia Crash, very absorb ent, linen; regular, 10c 4Trde limit 5 yards ....... ...... ,..5 16-inch1 Bleached Toweling, in dice pattern ; good 10c grade, , Spe cial . . .-.., . ..... t7yi 18-inch Pure Linen Crash, brown, extra heavy, and regular 15c -.Trade ... .;;...i,,i.,....;:i0a Bargaips in Curtains Hundreds of money-saving chances throughout this popular department. .Bring this list with you ''.V': ''-'V' '' t for reference. z; Plain Ruffled Swiss Curtains, 2f4 yards long, good width. ' Special . .; .... ... , . . , , ,38t Ruffled Swiss Curtains, fancy stripe patterns, Y Sards long. A pair 50e luffled Swiss Curtains, 3 yards long, fancy stripe patterns; $1.50 value... .05 Ruffled Swiss Curtains, in fancy stripe and dot patterns. Special . . 81.15 Ruffled, Bobbinet Curtains, linen lace Insertion and edge, VA yards long white and Arabian; $2.00 valve. Pair ... .,,....,. .81.38 Bobbinet Curtains, with Battenberg insertion and edge, white and Arabian. Pair. . . . i .... . .8 1.63 Scotch Lace Curtains full 8 yard long, 60 inches wide; regular $2.00 grade..... .......... ..1.47 Corded Arabian Curtains, 3 yards long, 45 inches wide; regular $2.50 grade.. ...,81.63 White Nottingham Curtains, 24 yards long, 30 inches wide. While they last, a pair. ; . . ... .381 Scotch Lace Curtains, 8 yards long, 40 inches wide; regular $1.00 quality. Special.....,,. 75j Scotch Lace Curtains, fine selection of new pat terns; best $1.50 values. A pair.. 05ft Damask Squares ; 44-fnca tsunask Squares regMljir prloe spe cial .....73 S-lneh ranor Pamass Squares, Ho rads; spe cial ,,.4.,... 14-Inch Hemstitched Damask Squares; special,. 35 18xl7-lnch Hemstitched TrayCletaat saeeial. ..254 HxtT-la FiinteS Vomle Trar Cloths; special.. 1S Sheets and Cases ? Unsn Finish Sheets, TtsM, extra heavy, reea- torced ..60s Extra Qualltr Sea an less - Sheets, , f JxM; apeolal. each.t ,.,,.354 Xxtrtj QuaUtf Seamless . Sheets, llxt; special eaeh ...700 Pillow Cases, extra heavy, alse 4lxl; special. flllow Cases, extra heavy. 4(il; special. ,..13Hs Burean Scarfs and Squares. 35c to 5Cc Valocs, Special 25c Ecch "..:.-.- CORNSR THIRD AND MORRISON STREETS. etrmTAXV . ' xjtss , ITa, ls S3e ro BACX. OS tOBTlAHB OSMoa Innrttmfi mti CI n SnsWir W Ltmt a 14 StM a Ot rxsrRi axju kinds or 1 xjvk utockaoainht dka.t1i from any ; cause , I. f. WiB.B.taUtkT.rna. t. H. Crass Ca1 Mr, e,M.OerSecitrv S-S.tusilwOssni . , : Umt It aMrsl Cemael - Pwlaa4 CaaariMT ef 'censMfce . taiWiel ear ef Twes . i ( f .'-'(. MrtalavCIs ...... 0fM T. t4 sVtKca Hk rotVmnt On, . , - . Tke InimiM Coe,."r ' k. O. Paa Ce. Caeaserclal Agescv ..,', . . - :.. ' ' ' r BJS . Ws SMhs as ii iln we a a fclsl m '! Vsfhee eataass east teak as a BOM I OFftCt V4 LAFA TFTTB ttJa Cm, rsOteaVae aW Aar Wlsaaf ft SPECIAL SALE PRESERVES TsnritrrDAT, tmbat, sa.nrau . batAits moitsat, - APKI& SaVSS, ST AJTD S. . . " le-oa. ' -j.;. v. Glass Jars. Long's Apricot Preserves and Jams . ............... .. 20e Xsonr Blackberry Preserves and Jams ......104 tn-s Tiranbrry Preserves knd Jams . v. ............ 20A liong Baspberry Preeerves and Jams ..301 lanCa Btrawberry Preserves and Jams ..-20f Southweirs English Orangs Marmalade 2041 Keller's Dundee Orange Mar . mslade , ......... ...... .304 D. CHURNS CO. exocna - SI trfclxS Street. Pbeae SCaU SIS. w-hta. CIILIG TCATS iST, TOnOKT, 1:11 O'CXOCX. : ttaraesn Veesassay, Theny Vtrktai Seeatal rle slH., Weemeay. . ... IJERt.rts. a m . WALKfR WKIFESJDE Is tbe CssMay-DtasM Soecess, , , THB MAOIC MELODY Varlaes VrtM-Sao to II. SATS SUJLUIS AT XKXATAS BOX OfTIO BAKEH TEEATRE SMSii feiuisuently Uieateil The rameus Baiter Tkea- Willlaai Ooltl- e (irt V.n,rty Soseeas. -1KB DI0T4T0A." . Sy Rlcaare llanllns Davta. One of tbe fnnnleat coowdlM erer wrlttea. Feraenal fllreetUm Mr. Arthur Mel.r. UaUaae Satnreay. XTeslns fTlree Me. Ma. Start Waa "Tss Cewsoy eat tke lasy." UTk sad . rinla Tl,..t.. I uuwe W. aaaua. Masairer. The Home ef Toaliht, eiaitty. All Week In.truit Hit. Isnsensa Poo leeann Htork Vmipanr la the Thrill. - Honii M.ioamma. . . "BXWAAX Of k." ' : ' . taced enrter dlractloe Mr. Herbert Artew. wennewMy ana PMtnriar. Nlrlit Matin frleee ..1.JJ!AS CLOSINQ-OUT aaasr obass aits, tasu SISSOU, BBUBMSS, STAZsTS AIB Oai. ,;',', r ; : We are selllnsT eur entire stock at low cut prices, which we know will eause It te sell. Now Is your opportunity to ' ret good Faint or Varnish at low prloe. Store for rent, flsturesfer sale. Ws An eratnr Oat of tas aUtaU .;' R. N. NASO:. & CO, OO aa PaUt makers, : , 4 sr. mttk sv, sa ose m. Free tally-ho rids every afternoon. It costs you nothing, 'Reserys your seats now. .v.'rv ; :. H. W. LEMCKE COMPANY Main B50 SIXTH A!D WASHINGTON I. t-. : . . . .. . ; "' . i ' . ' . 3 ' czssszzszzzzsxsxsxnszna rxzrsszr Homo Phone A 337 M srgixzizzBsszzar-mriMMKsmsrsr Our Predictic)ris REQARDINQ the mammoth minq Have Come True . - s ' The mine is developinf better than we e?er dared predict, The Mammoth Company is not selling any stock. It has been fully financed ; the floating; stock Is being purchased by men wno realize us vaiue. xne pnee is rapiaiy advancing. If you are interested now is the time to investigate and in vest :.--';.rv ,v, -;:;;';.;..' " The Bunker HM and Sullivan Mine, (a lead property) paid $2,340,000 in dividends last year wd has already dis tributed to stockholders $720,000 this year. The Mammoth ia now producer and will pay dividends within one year. We believe we have Bunker Hill and Sulli van No. ti enough ore in sight to pay dividends for the next thirty years. .-:t --," ' , - ,'- : '' ' "-,'; V Let us tell you what engineers have to say about the Mam . moth Mine. . TIic L Y. Kcctly Inv PHONE MAIN 1238 n M M -10a, . , tw-i Matlewa ' 10. juc. est Waaa "Wlakad Imnais- lyiic theatre: rertUat Veyalar "teek Kesss.' tntr Aft. erases aai Svmlae Tkia Week. Ivrie Sleek Caaayeay ia tke FtMu aTaleenusa . "AA1.EB tlPA" , - Keaerred seeu raa so hs eem is eare troen 10 a. m. te 1 a. m. Daily matlneea at amal On Rvealnf eernnnanea at !. Sataraay and Saaday evealsaa. nrat ewtarai. aae at f :1s. , The GRAND vxix f Aran M. Veaesville ; De . teas. AACKIX SOTS, pTeeestlSg jf' ' The BtrnU Sketea, "Arte Kaay Vaafa." 0aat44g ave4t49si Faaturei ;. Tae Thne " , " Valenteeeaa. . CdsMnae, laier. soa Xdnwaaa. Entlv Klee. ' The Oaaattaa. Frte Beawts. , 4rtaa41aease. TMCr OT A D Taliskiea a a is-, o a nr ,, M. Week ef Afttt r, Thvj aulik ktw k ro. i Tke Ureat Reral OemeH.r rwaaM. roa sf0THE t saki." by Carrie Aahley Clarke. Hat. TtMS., Thar Sat, and SaiMlaea at I 1 art 10 sue SO seats. Im erenltur at t lt tr1e 10, 10 am) SO eenta. fteaerved Seats aune klata MM -SUver Alar" Vest Week. SOCIETY nigh r io:c:iT OAits RiVri : ti. keslsner's class Tues day afternoon. Ghost CariiivT.1 rilASQUEOAr Sheet sed plllw-ae psrty. Wonderful eiectrt-l effe-. Thursday alh. May !. Z:7 FAILING I w e