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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1907)
TIIC OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL rOHTLAin). CUNDAY T.IOIWINO, APRIL 3, 1SC7. ASKS SHIPPERS TO UNLOAD CARS PROMPTLY Chamber of Commerce Request Every Receiver, of Freight to Do His Part Toward Relieving Congested ' Terminal 'Conditions.-. '. - y c-. . A lf-car team track baa been laid By tha Harrlman llnea on East Second a tract, for ua of Portland ahlppera. Tha transportation commlllea of tha Port land chamber of commerce urges that ahlppera at ones - notify tha railroad authorities: that thry can take cars on thla track, and In that way many ahlp pera will b able to cat cars that tbey hava baan watting' for. . "Tha oommttte la particularly anx ious that no blame ean Justly be laid at tba door of any Portland shipper for ' tha ear congestion or tha car shortage." ' say Chairman Henry - Ilahn. "Tots committee la acting In Tour Interest, to help, your baslneee. but you must also help yourself. Will you do ltr', .' sTevev aclnd Time Limit, - ., It Is said there ' are soma shippers who are sot unloading; or loading; oars promptly, and who are not - moving freight from warehouses with despatch, and soma who do not expedite tha un loading of trucks at their respective warehouaea as they should. Those who are at fault know lt 'aa well. If not better, than the committee, and It Is vrawd that each on should remedy the rouble a far as it applies to him. -Chairman Hahn, In a circular Issued yesterday, saldt . " r - "The view la somewhat prevalent that : so long aa ahlppera unload or load with in the free tlma-limit no delay occur.! This la hat ao ; Under present eondl-' tlons free tlma should not be taken where It la posalble to avoid It, but cars ahould be unloaded or loaded and goods taken from the warehouaea as rapidly as poaalble. The committee AMnnnt ImnrA.a . iinnn V D II (M emDht- Inallv th.t m. moat aerloua condition ex-! lata, and unleaa relieved your bualneaa, aa well aa . that ef othera. , will suf fer. ' Each one must do hla part, : might Loag Delayed. ' '' - "Yesterday more than 400 loaded cars war on the Alblna tracks, aod the yard was blocked. Upwards of 100 more cars were on the road between Huntington and Portland, west-bound. A large number of loada deatlned to Portland are being held on Northern Paclfle tracks, for lack of terminal fa cilities here. - .- "Ho amite has the congestion become that the O. K- N. company has been obliged - to " laaus orders to hold all I freight on. sidings for three days, or n- j til the local blockade Is. broken. Slnoal tha first of April the transportation I oommtttee has been making a full in vestigation of the cause of congestion In tha terminal yards. In order to de vlae soma meaaurv of relief. ' Tt would serve no useful purpose at thla tlma to make an extended report," said Mr, Hahn. ."What Is mora import ant now Is to expedite tha loading and unloading, of eara and tha moving of freight.! t . .-,..; v-' :: WIFE OF ADAMS' HURT IN . THE WOODS, CANNOT BE FOUND -;.;';. . I '...- , Charts J. Adams Is lying at the Oood ,aamaritaa bospltal . desperately wounded while his friends have been unable to locate his wife and two chll . dren, who ' are living somewber tn Portland entirely Ignorant' of - the se Moua . condition of the husband and father.- v.,-, ' t f Adams ta an -employ of the B. C Bhevlln Timber company and bag-been at work on tha Coweman river below Kalama. Washington. Three days ago bo was knocked oft the log railway and fell, striking his head on a logging truck. ' Hs had not regained conscious ness tjp to last night and his friends hava not been abls to find hla family. It Is known that Adams has a wife and two ohlldren here, . of - whom he frequently spoke while working: in tha logging camp, v. -," ; ,. UIITIMELY DEATH DEEPLY ndURflED Sketch of the Notable ; Life ' of ;y'- Mrs. . Washburn ? of . . Brownsville. y, . ... MSneelal Dispatch t The Jeeraal) '" Brownsville, Or., April IT. Mrs. Elea nors Davis Washburn, who died April II at Portland, was born near Primrose, Lao , county, lows, February , lit. ' r ... J. i testa remainder of bar Ufa was near Brownsville, , - - 4 ; - Mr. Washburn became a Chrlatlaa in early life and for jnaay years had been aa honored, respected. Influential member of the Christian church of BrownsvUla,. fine. waa a Christian workar beyond her. physical atrength. the loved and honored .vice-president of the Endeavor ooolety and . the last work of her Ufa was to direct and ad vla In the saanaarement of a fair tha Eadeavorar war giving. - Although aha was on a sick bed the financial tug. oea of the fair waa largely due to her ad vie and help.; - :,- ' Mrs. Waahburn filled a prominent plaoe ln-aoclal and religious olrciea and will be greatly mlaeed.- Her body now reats la the oemeUry north cf Browns vUla. . - . r A- . . v ' ' CHARGE REGULATED BY ' : AREA OF- BASE UNO Land Board Makes - Rule for Fractional Selections Great Rush for Base. c Mrs. Eleanors Waahburn. , She crossed tha plain with her parents la crossing first to Jackson county. yon. - The two years roaowing were In California. The family then ettled at Corvallla, Oregon, where ahe arew un to womanhood. 1 Her she wag married, March T, 187S. to W. D. Waah burn. a member of a very prominent family of Linn county. " To them were bora three children, of whom on daugh ter, Mrs." Joseph C Smith of northern Benton county survives.' Her horn eur- gii I L - ' 1 l-l L- v -? r-r Miss Gra Elehaaa. nCSTORES your HAIR to 113 NATURAL COLOR. kuwaaaaiaM seMMI "ITa4 been tronhlwl with dandnift a lonr time. Aftr lining one bottle of Ilalr - '. r'Hlth I found the dnndruff gone and my ' fair, whli-h waa two-thlrda gmy (I am 1 til rears ol'O, rorid n i natural au- burn O'ior.-ORAC1J EIC1IMANN. L . Crosse, vv la." - - Ouaranteed perfectly pur, rhllo-llay Fpfe. Co., Newark, N. 7,' r:c. at d:;uggi5TS. . . ' (eseda DtJsawft ' the taraatt " Salem. Or, April tT.-rOn account of the numeroua applloatlons for tha. se lection and ; purchase, aa Indemnity lands, of fractional tract of odd acre age, and sine tha amount of base avail able for such selections ' 1s practically exhausted, and that It will soon become necessary in the making fit such selec tions to 'assign aa balsa full 40-acrt tracts, tha state land board has mad an order la substance aa follow: That where an Indemnity Mlectlon la made by the state land agent and It beoomee necessary.' for him to assign aa baa a tract of greater acreage than that selected, the charge for said selec tion shall be determined by the aereag of the tract assigned a baa Instead of by tn acreage of the selected tract Tha board has fixed a price of 17.69 per- acre for thee has lands. From tha forest re ee tree formerly created the stat has remaining some 40,00 acre or has stiu unused. , But there Is a flood of applications pouring into ths land offlc. Sine Stat Land Agent Charles V. Oalloway ha aasumed the duties of the offlc more than 140 select tlons hay keen mad. Mor selections ar coming tn on account of th thou sands of acres, of additional baa that have been mad available by th recent creations cf new forest reserve. ' Th additional bus acreage to th bid rtaervc Is distributed aa' follows: Cas cade, 11,110: Slakiyou. z0.M0; Ashland, 1.120; Blue mountain, T, 140, and Wene ha. 400. Th acreage of th new for est reserves ar: Irnnaha, , ll.izo; Umpqua, MM; Coquine, S.S20; Tilla mook, 100. ' ' ' . ,-. . Sine February It of th present year between lt.000 and 11,000 scree of in demnity selections have been sold by th department. -, INFATUATED GIRL TAKES v ; P0IS0NxF0R LOVE'S SAKE ..,' " . ' ("psetel Mapatch te The saraaL " Taooma, Waah, April 17. Caught In th act of eloping; with bar lover and Importunec" by her aged father to go back homo with him, Mabel, th beauti ful ' IS-rear-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oeorg Weather of Klrby, Waah lngton, preferred death to auoh pa ra tion and committed auldd by drinking rarbollo acid at th Nineteenth street depot. ; K rby is a suburban station on th Tacoma Eastern road. - . . Several montha ago Mabel met and fell In lev with a streetcar conductor here, whoa nam neither th police nor her family have been able to discover. The police are endeavoring to identify and locate him. Mr. , Weather la , a proaperoua logger. - , . . - . , , a, . Dayton Odd Fellows CeleRftate. - tftpMia! tHspatrh t The JMraaL ' fay ton. Or., April 27. The eighty eighth anniversary of Odd Fellowship was suitably observed lest evening at Odd Fellows hall by th Odd Fellow and nebekah. An Interesting program was rendered and a short address giv en by Rev. Chase. Refreahment war served.' r m , ,',", V 9 .ill 5 12 V ff jr s. , I t "Linen vFibre Artistic Summer Turniture Linen Fiber Furniture is very novel in appearance and possesses many ' advantages over any other class of goods of similar style. It is made from hemp fiber, twisted into cords or braided into strands and is very strong and durable. : This s fiber takes a most beautiful finish, and )'hJJr J.. -V , the shades in which the various pieces are finished are both appropriate and harmonious. All chairs and other pieces ar made on malacca frames, which is far superior to any other frame for this class of furniture. The designs especially will appeal to those who wish to select some thing more artistic and comfortable than the severely plain designs so common in outdoor furniture. . . ,": '. 0 '. S, "Hofi" and Kabaf I Carpets and Rugs New Designs and Colorings in These Ideal Summer 1 ' ; : floor Coverings XJ';: The "Hofi; and "Kaba Carpets and Rugs are made in many combinations of colorings and distinctive patterns -designs adapted for every possible use and in shades to har monize with the various artistic decorations In the home and 'especially. In the'.bedroom. ' 1 ,v Hodge's Carpets and Rugs are woven In two ways and deslg nted respectively by the brands "Hofi" and Kaba,H the former being made5 entirely, of fiber arid the latter of half -wool and half-fiber.' In our carpet department we are showing the lat est and most novel designs and colorings in , these sanitary floor coverings. We have fiber carpet from 35c yard up to 80c. LAWN MOWERS GARDEN HQSL CRASS CATCHERS WASHING MACHINES -- Basement Department WALL PAPERS We " show an ex clusive line of for-1 eign wallpapers in ;' dainty chintz effects ; quaint Old Eng- llsh J reproductions): v;-.floral -j. designs . tapestry ef f e c t s hand .block de- sigjs leather, met- :-r, t - . ai, siiK; ana aam- , . ask reproductions -designs and col orings to be found in no other place In the west. - Drapery and Decora tive Dept. Sixth floor. ; ; - f Specials in the White and Blue ILnamelware High grade ware in the turquols blue and white the following utensils for tomorrow and Tues day's special selling in our basement department. Your credit is good. '. , ' . ; l-qu&rt Milk Pari Special ...... r......lS . 2-iuart Milk Pan Special 204 ' 8-quart Milk Pan Special ......... ................23 4-quart Milk Pan-Special ............ 30 ; N9. 18 Pudding Pan Special ...........20 No. 20 Pudding Pan-Spcclar.,........M.... ...... .25 No. 22 Pudding Pan Special ..i..35 . No. 180 Preserve Kettle Special ......30 ; No. 200 Fresenre Kettle Special ... . . . i . .401 , No. 220 Preserre Kettle Special .......... 50 ; 17-quart Dlshpan Special ..,................ .. ; . . .05 21-quart Dishpan Special ...............?15 PARLOR CABINET SPECIAL $7.75 An attractive Parlor - Piece In highly pol ; Uhed mahogany fin ish 63 inches high has . three ' shelves and bevel-plate mlr ': tot. ; A piece that ' will appropriately fill a corner in tha parlor. ' Offered for tomorrow at ths above special ' price. Your credit Is good.;TX.:-.;. 1 w ill i -. S J. ' ' -' v ' DR.' PERKINS SANITARY REFRIGERATORS McCRAY RETRIGERATORS Basement Department nrrY styles IN GO-CARTS tv CARRIAGES' ; .'.' .,, Terms? ;;V $1 Down $1 Week, mm. YooacaxwTjl " ISSOOO J C0MPLETE-lt005E-FUmiI5tER5 nt rous j) NEW PROCESS- GAS RANGES $1 Down $1 Week l EXPLOIT EMPIRE OF ROGUE RIVER VALLEY ; '. -' , : - - Medford Commercial Club Advertises In Booklet the Resources of - Great Southern Oregon Districts-Five Thousand Acres Sst Out In Apple Orchards Last Year. - - "Ore iron has majir valley. ha only mi Rofti river valley," say a new booklet that Is belnt Issued by th Med ford Commercial olub. 1U area I ,( squar mllea, aa tare a th state f Rhode Inland, a lanr as vaiawarv, and on half aa larg as Masaaohusetts of ronneetlcut."" - ; . Across th northern nd th valley flow th Ron river, a wild, torouient stream fed by th Cascade rant s's nsver-cndtng snew.' esrry1n water en ouch ta Irrigate an empire, and sower nough to turn all of Oregon' wheela f manufacture and trafflo. Down th center of th valley flows Bear ereea, off th Alpine elopes of, th Siskiyou, with water In abundance.' " Th soil' Is rich, deep and alluvia, and even th higher ground, th benches and plateau, ar highly productive. Th frult-produclng power ofvthe slope ha tong sine been demonstrated to th satisfaction of th fruit eater of Chl- eago. New Tork, Montreal, London, Toklo and Peking, to which xar-orf point- tn product of th Rogn river valley are shipped annually, in in ooiaen weainer th teaiperatur seldom touehe lower than 10 degre below sero. On th warmeat afternoon of July and August It ranges between 10 and 1Q0, but drop to t or TO at sundown, leaving th night to b enjoyed with cool, refresh ing sleep.' ' i : : Joaquin Miller aptly called th Rogu rlvsr valley "America's Italy." ' Th to ord of th weather bureau atatlonad at th upper end of th valley show an a vara g mean temperature of It degress for the past It year.' But th greater area of the vellev He 100 to 400 feet ooos nrooirEjrT , . la tb eeaentlaJ charaoterlaUo of men and women. Invaluable to good bust nee men and neceaeary te bouaewlvea A womfan "how good judgment when ahe buy White' Cream Vermlfug for ber baby. Th beat worm medicine ever offered to mother Many, Indeed, are th sensible mothers who write express ing their gratitude for th good health of their eh'ldren, which they owe to the ue of White's Cream Vermifuge. Sold by all drusslata - - 3 lower thaa th point where th weather elation la located, and ha aa average mean temperature ef IS to 10. Th avarag Uraperatur of norenoe. Italy. I 1 1.1. Th average rainfall at Modford la 11 Inohes, whloh is t Inches lea than that of New Tork City, i Th lowest colnt In th valley la 1,000 feet abov M level, -v ' Surrounding th valley ar Mount Pitt. Cowhorn Peak. Union Lift, Ashland Butte, Mount Sterling, Wagner Butt and - other tntarestrng peaka. ranging from T.009 to 11.040 feet lavfctlon. At th northern end of th valley Table Rock, a groat flat-topped mountain tow er over th surrounding , hills. Ilk pm glgantlo eastl of fairy talea It wall ar aheer, It top broad and levl, nd It form a landmark inteneely in teresting. . Within a radius of 10 miles around Medford som larg Industrial develop-, ments have bean taking plae la th last two years. Th Blue Ledge copper camp I becoming on of th moat Im portant In tb state. Larg dspoalta of oonl bar been uncovered a hort dis tance from Medford. Som of th moat remarkable gold dlscoverl tn th his tory of th stats hava been mad In thla region. Th fruit industry of Jsokson county Is assuming enormous propor tions. It, I estimated that 1,000 aores of commercial apple orchards have been planted wtthla th last year. WHAT IS DOING HIS All E Over Three and a Quarter MR- V lions " of Business f or , the ' v ''. . . '. , ' Year All Classes. ; SALEM SIGNS FOR THREE ' , BLOCKS OF BITULITHIC '! . ;'. i ':. ... f . ' tSpectal BlapatcB te The Joernal.) Salm, Or., April IT. 8aJera I to have three block ' of bltullthlo pave ment on State street, from th east line of Commercial street to th wast line of Btate atreet. Th contract with th Warren Construction company of Po-t-land baa been signed by Mayor Oeorg F. Rogers and Recorder W. A. Moo res on behalf of th city and 3. O. Iloyt, vlo president of the construction com pany Th contract provides that the work shall begin within 10 days and completed In 10 working daya. Allow aao Is made, however, for rainy, stormy and unsuitable .dare. - Five dollara a day I to b paid aa penalty for all Um la exoeas of th ill day. fBaeeial Olaaanm te Iw JanaL ' - Salem, Or April IL Tb annual re port Just completed by th secretary of stat show that insurance busln for th past year I largely Increased over that of th piwrlou year. A ' sums of th varlou line ef ineurane transacted la the atat during th year ending with 100 show net premium amounting to 11,211,001.11 were re eetved, divided aa follows: Life, I1.I01, 061.01 r aooldent. 14S.II1.8; plat glaaa. steam boilers, tS.Ttl.TOt Burs ty, 144,010.44; ltveatock. fir., .and -mutual lnsurane. 114,041.14. ' . '-. . .'- ' . , Th number ef companies ef th ve il ou classes operating In th atat fol lows: Life, IT; aocldent, 14; plat glaaa, I; steam bollera. It surety, I; Uveetock, i; nee, o; manna, Tl mutual flr,tf. Bind April-1 1ght companies were author4aed to tranaaot business . and eight have ceased business. ' ,kr . , , ..... . ...... .. - ) ' ' 4- i "v . ' : -v i . ' -'."' '. '-'':.' ' ' - ' ' '...;'!., " v. ' . MINING AND FRATERNAL CONCERNS INCORPORATE (Special Wapate te Tb VoareeU Salem, Or., April IT. Articles of In corporation hav been filed aa follow with th county . clerk ef - Marlon oqunty: - , ; . - . T-he Black Eagle Mining and Mining company will have It headquarter at nates, and ha for Us Incorporator R. P. Rhler, 8. C. Borensoa - and IV. C Smith. Tba capital stork of tf com pany la II. 000. 00. , " N.:-' Th Catholic Forster Han Associa tion of Sublimity has a capital stock of 11,000. Its ebject sr th educa tional, literary and fraternal benefit of It members. Th trustee sr Frank A. Bell, Phillip Melr, John Kuber and John P. Dlttar. '. , ' - , PLEASURE RESORT IS OPPOSED AT CHEMAWA ' (Hpeelal Dtanalr Tbe Joarael.t Kalem. Or April T.The propoaed building of a pleasure reaort In th vicinity of Chemawa on th slectrlo l.n from Salem to Portland 1 already meet ing with opposition from some of th people of that section, for It la feared , Its: texture, sweetness and flavor please the palate, and Its crisp, nicely browned crust rounds out a list of 4ts' merits which makes lts eating altogether satisfying. ' ' V 5 cents y,. z ?7u$Atin. X: ' : per loaf y fJF f C:' grocers -.""f -; yXi;: , ;Kv;::;-rv- :v ;:; . r - ' - .- ; t s j ': Look for. this label on 'every loaf. All loaves of genuine Butter Nut bear it It .will draw an ' undeslrabl element Into the vicinity of the Indian training school at Chemawa. - Superintendent Si. L. Charlcraft la among those up rn arms agnlnat the pleasure reaort 1 not that be beliavee In a regime of bluv lawa. but rather that he wlahes to keep out all evil or quea tionabl Influence from th vicinity of th government achool. The . achool- management believes in social and pleasuree and propoeea to cleartip a portion of lis land for the es tablishment of a park that could be naed for quiet plrnlr an.l for pcful Mrinv tlon. tv iry Sunday during tb smn mer month hundred hi away fii HOTIZL AUDUI a yAKCisco itaof r r: FltigU roma t tn ift t ... entr. Cm (1 r." !'.. ltu-1 ainl 'Iiwr..,n1 il. -i l -. , WJ ICilli , i,.., - , ... C. K. I, AS 1 r . Salt-m to the v(. ' recreation, and prove Inviting t t : 1 1 a