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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1907)
13 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL' 3, 1CC7. . UiJNEL 8,000 FEET LONG TO REACH WATER LEVEL Harriman Roads Making Final Arrangement to Meet Hill Com petition Between Portland and Sound Points by Paralleling ' r N. P Everything Read for Peninsula Construction . j Beclnnlnr of construction 01 peninsula tunnel of the Hanimaa roads null awaits final orders from head quarters. Tha survey Is completed and everything is la readiasss to begin work. The attention of the management tor the laat taw Veeke ha bean concen trated on final arrangements ' for the Tacoma tunnel.' where tte rmm wUl drlva a tube through the hills mora than .00 feat to reach lta downtown tar- ninala on a water grade. - It la believed the minds of the con struction forces, under direction of J. I. Karrell and Chief Englnser Haw Una, will now be directed upon the Portland end of the problem and that action will aoon be started. It la not yet determined whether the Oregon end of the line will be eonatructed by Mr. Hawkins, or left la the Jurisdiction of C. W. Boscke, chief engineer of tha Harriraaa Unea In the northwest, who ia rushed with a large amount of work now under hla charge. The peninsula tanaet will be about a mile la length and will . be. comparatively sasy con struction. , ' . The Harrlmaa companies are planning to virtually parallel the Northern Pa clflo traoka from Portland to Tacoma and Seatalau. There are HO condemna tion aulta to be filed In the United States oourt at Tacoma within the next few days, papers of which ahow the route of the right of way. After crossing the Columbia oa lta way north the road follow the North ern Pacino to a point north of Kerne, there crossing that road's right of way and track, and continuing northerly a short distance eaat of the Hill line. Between fiopenah and Toledo It re- eroaaea the Northern Pacific, and par allels It on west to Crego, where it makes a detour and swinge Into Che- hails. The Ccntralla at Tenlno branch of the Northera Paclflo la crossed and the Union Faeiflo then swings eaat and follows the Northern Pacino to Tacoma and Seattle. . '.:- . IN ITS NEW HOME ; O.N TUESDAY MORNING Auspicious Opening of the J. M Acheson Co. in the Imposing Steel and Terra Cotu Structure , at Fifth and Alder Streets. , FINE WEATHER BRINGS OUT LOVERS OF AQUATIC SPORTS It Is expected that a great number of launches will be out today, because owners of pleasure craft bare been busy since the weather cleared up getting ready for the opening of the season. Last Sunday waa a fine danffor boating, but only a small percentage of the launch owners had prepared, and ' so thry were compelled to remain ashore. , Kowboatlng will also be a popular CITY'S on EFFECT GOOD WIFE Mrs. Duval's Husband Says $he Changed After Coming to Portland. , i. FROM MATRON SHE BECAME A CAY YOUNG THING In Peaceful Yamhill 6he Would Not Look Twice at a Handsome) Man, but Here She Proceeded to Have a Good Tlme."! ' v; -.. The story of a faithful and dutiful farm wife whose head was turned by the gay life of the city is told In a divorce suit filed in the circuit eourt today . by Charles E. Duval, formerly a Yamhill rancher. ; Mrs. Nettle M. Duval, a matron on the shady aide of thirty, was anything but indiscreet during her twelve years of married life on the farm. She held vp her end of the farm responsibilities, and when younger and handsomer men -than her husband paased by ahe turned her head and looked the other way. But ae soon as the ' Duval family moved to town all was changed. Mrs.. Duval discarded her matronly dresses for the garb of the gay young thing of It. Bhe spent more time Interviewing the mirror and the powder putt,' and when ahe went down town she went to kilt , -. . . Gay Ufa Begins. The result was that soon other men sport today and tha boathouses have prepared to handle aa much business as possible. )ld boats have been over hauled and many new ones added. Sev added to the fleet In the harbor. John Larson's new catamaran will make a trial trip In the harbor and her owner expects her to perform better than had abs been built on the old established lines. She has two hulls and gains momentum from a single propeller. , v of more leisure than Duval ' war visit ing at his house while be was away. and 'that there were Umea when the woman of the house did not return home until the morning alarm - had Bounded. . At the present writing, says the husband, lira Duval Is vain, frivol ous, self wuied and dominated by an abnormal deslrs for tha admiration and attention of other men. Charles Adams Is one of tha men Mra Duval la accused of being over friendly with while the Duvala were residing at 11 Bast Fourteenth street. 4 Ed King is the name of a frequent visitor when the Duvala ware 'living at 701 Mlnne aota avenue. Finally, a short time ago, the wife decamped with all the furni ture, which the husband desires the oourt to help him get back again. The couple were married In Sheridan, Yamhill county,; In 1101. They vhave two children. Bernhardt R. Woldt, a cigar dealer of St. Johns and the owner of farms and real estate In various parte of the stats. Is the defendant in a divorce suit filed yesterday by Bertha Woldt. Cruel ty forms the basts for. tha complaint. ana tne piaintm asks for 1100 ner month alimony.- The couple were mar ried in Kaclna, - Wisconsin,- In U8S. They have two children, one It and the other 10 years of age. ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND " ' - - . V.. ... -r' . WW Photograph lo at Cards Beoelyod a tha postal B&op. -.'. :; The postal shop at 124 Fifth street (SweUand building) has Just received one hundred thousand new photograph post cards. These are the highest grade post cards published In aU -the world and the addlUon of this 11ns gives the postal shop the largest and cleanest assortment of post cards outside of New Tork to select from. ' Price, from 1 cent up. - Special cards for all occa sions mads to order while you wait, ; ; We Rent Good Pianos. - v Small cost 14 to ft a month no charges for cartage if kept stz months. Ellers Plane House, It! Washington, corner Park." . Tuesday morning the doors of tha new. store of the J. M. Acheson com pany will swings open to the public From tha day this steel and terra oot- ta brick structure of six stories began to rise the expectant public has cast a longing glance at the corner, knowing full well that such a fins structure would be the home of a handsome and Important mercantile establishment The supposition has come true, and expectations will doubUess be surpasaed in every perticular. All the furnish ings and fixtures speak for exquisite taste in dealgning and a most liberal expenditure of money. Usual -designs of fixtures only made of expansive materials havs been -Improved upon by the head and founder of - the concern J. M. Acheson. In several Instances patents have been se cured upon the innovations. This is notably true of the fitting stands and the skirt and coal, hangera Tha ep- ntlMtlnn- kAth lit .-.,. . w - to be fully appreciated, , . , The mirrored doors.- of the octagon cabinets are so arranged that they may be opened and readily afford triplicate mirrors. . In fact, there Is a profusion of mirrors throughout ths establish ment that reflect and re mirror the luxurious fittings, draperies, carpets and under 'the blase of electrio lights one becomes entranced with the har monious beauty of the establishment. The brilliancy of the lighting effect is very greatly enhanced by the dealgns of the lighting fixtures., which were also planned by Mr. Acheson. A wide sweeping stairway leads to ths second floor which Is richly carpeted with the finest velvet covering. Oa this floor were noted originally designed quarter sawed oak cabinets for suits and skirts that economise both room and tlma Everything has been provided by Mr. Acheaon that will expedite .the handling of trade pnsumatlo cash carriers, fit ting stands that msy be la a moment transformed Into settees snd with an other slight adjustment turned into a beautiful UtUe table on which to spread out a garment which a clerk may be desirous of showing, and, furthermore, there are plenty of trylng-on or fitting rooms, so that any, lady may have the Individual attention she desires. On this floor there Is arranged a nloa lit tle waiting apartmeu for lady ehop pera who may have a friend to meet or a letter to write. Nothing apparently has been omitted that will enhance the beauty of the store or provide comfort for patrons of the establishment. , .- This store began business about seven years ago with two of Its present de partments in a smaU building oar Its present alte. In the -new store there will be well defined departments for ladles', suits, cloaks, gloves, handker chiefs, skirts, furs, corsets, underwear, hosiery, millinery, waists, besides the manufacturing 1 departments for ladles' garments,' and the men's tailoring department In the annex now be ing ' erected to the south of the main building. Outside of the ladles' suit department no part of ths big es tablishment makes such a good show ing as the millinery, which occupies ths entire north end of the lower floor. . The stock throughout will appeal to the critical ladles of Portland as com prehensive In both quality and quanti ty and a most welcome addition to ths best shopping resources of the city. This stors wlU Oe welcomed - among the first-class mercantile houses of the city. Its building Is certainly one of the most Imposing and Its exterior ap pearance does not In any manner im press the visitor as being too - fine a homo for tha Acheson company, ;, ... , (i 6f (ci)rt iJ Limited Special Offer New Columbia Graphophone (type BN) and Complete Outfit $28.60 including your 'i choice of six 10-lnch Colombia Disc Records This handsome new Graphophone has a large quartered oak Cabinet, a noiseless Motor that can be wound while running, and a beautifully decorated flower Horn black or red It is equipped with 5 the same patent aluminum Tone-Arm and the same ; Reproducer that have made the Graphophone famou3 for mellow resonance and sweetness of tone. , The six records are regular 10-inch Columbia disc records, beyond comparison for purer) ess of tone, ; faithful reproduction and absence of foreign noise. " That's the outfit that costs you J28.60 and is sold under our written guarantet which accompanies each machine. Come in and let us show you. Columbia Phonograph Co J I Waahlnston fitreot ENTERTAINMENT OF : HEBREW YOUNG FOLKS Intellectual Section of Assocla ' tlon Work Closet Next Tues day Evening. ' J ' ' ' j . ' ' ' ' . "tt IsV-sJ sa nO0 f-ssaa ' " " ' ' If f ' ' f W v ' :7 v:s v m r -jx - - - - - ' - v- .'"'t'.v 'r-.-- ' ' " t i.t:''. .; ".' 'v . -; -,'' x"."' 'A-''.'''" ?.N-''"..-r, ;" '" - MADE BY MEN WHO ' Among the cluba organised this year for intellectual and social .purposes wss the Toung Folks' Hebrew association. This club waa -organised by Rev. Mr. Wilner. , D. D, who has since gone '.oS Texas. ' Tha Intellectual section con. slsts of lectures by able speakera. among whom are D. Bolls Cohen, Or. Jonah B. Wise and Dr. Wilner. - Owing to the fact. tha. so many of tha- members - are preparing . to - leave the ' City for the summer. It has been decided that the Intellectual - section close Tuesday, April SO, with a program to be given at the Ahava Bholom syna gogue, earner of Park and Clay streets. Mrs. & M. Blumauar will be the speaker of tha evening, and a vocal solo will be rendered by Mias Harwas, accompanied on the violin by Mies Abrahamson, also a Violin solo by Miss Abrahamson. TO.. PAVE SECOND WITH BITULITHIC '.'' -f' ; ' . . , . , , ' , High Class Pavement Soon to . Be laid on a Street Long ; f':- Neglected. . The Warren Construction company has a crew of workmen tearing out the old cobble-stone pavement on Second street, from Morrison to Columbia, pre paratory to laying a bltulithlo pavement on tnat tnorougniare. For. the past several years Second Street' south Of Morrison has been one of tha worst streets in Portland. Two or three dif ferent kinds of pavement have been laid there, all of which have been neglected and allowed to go to pleoea. , It is planned to continue the hard psvement south along Second street to Grant, unless the city engineer's plans ars blocked by ths action sf abutting property owners. ,,. Women Tige Hunters. '.' .1 ' V From the London Standard. . The wife of the governor-general of India, Lady Mlnto, and her daughter. Lady Eileen EUlot, have been distin guishing themselves aa tiger slayera Shooting at Kolabarl. Lady Eileen and Lord Mlnto killed a -tigress and two cubs one forenoon, snd out of four ti gers accounted for In the ' afternoon. Lady Mlnto and her daughter each shot one. . ;.. ; United States Senator A. jr. McLaurin of Mississippi, in a recent Interview, affirmed confidence In the belief that with Bryan as the standard bearer next year, and the Republican party continu ing Its "stand-pat" policy on tha sub ject of tariff revision,' theDemo cratlo party will send Its leader to the Whit House by. handsome majority. EXCLUSIVE PATTERNS MODEST PRICES ! ; ,v.'v - ....... - v S15.t6 40 1 '.V .' ..;-i ' . ,T- . ', . , ' . ',w ' Jl -LL-JL Leading Clothier ' it; BUYS LOT OH FIRST STREET Eastern Syndicate Spends Forty. :;J'',, 'Five Thousand on In- A ' vestment. ; ";. A syndlcats of eastern Investors has purchased a (0 by 100 foot lot on ths west sids of First street, between Wash ington and Alder, for f 45.000. v The property belonged- to H. Weroms and was sold through ths agency of Whit ing at Rountree. The same Investors are contemplating Investing about $371, 00 la other choice business locations. James la.Flynn has purchased from Ous Rosenblatt the northwest corner of Fourth and Harrison streets for 18,. - Tha sale was made through F. O. Northrup a Co. "The purchaser will erect an apartment-house on the corner within the year. Ths Moors Realty . company reports tha sale of. a Cf-foot lot , on Everett street, between 'Twenty-first and Twenty-second, to Nathan Harris for $11,000. Two eight-room houses now occupy the lot. ; Ir. J. B. Olmstead has purchased a residence site on the peninsula from the Topnl Lend company for 12,500, on whlrh ho wUl Immediately erect a $5,000 residence. YOUNG W0MEM TO MEET TODAY Association Win Be "At Home to . Mombera of T. W. O. Av Pro- r .: gram of Mnalo and Bong. . : TheToung Women's Christian asso ciation will bs at home to young women today from 4 to o'clock. One of the attractive features of ths days program wll be soma darky stories by Mrs. O. W. Magulre. '. The musical program la as follows: Piano solo,' 8 11 via" Cracknsll, pupil of Mlas Grace Kemp; baritone sola, W. O. Haines; soprano solo, Miss . Ethel Lytle. ' Tha drop-In Bible class Is a regular part of the afternoon. The next Sun day's leseon Is discussed for the bene fit of Sunday school teachers who have little time to prepare for their work. The address of tha day will be the beginning of ths aeries of talka by Miss MaoCorkle, general secretary - of the anoclatlon, on "The Life of Abraham." The social time during ths informal supper is one of tha pleasant parts of the afternoon. . " , . Mra J. L. Patterson will ba hostess, assisted by Miss Kuke. W. H. Haskell of .Muskogee snd Thomas Doyle of Perry, 'two of the can didates for the Democrstlo nomination for governor of Oklahoma, are now en gaged in a series of Joint debates. Lee Cruce of Ardmore, another prominent aspirant for the nomination, declined to enter ths Joint, debates on the grqrund that h desired to go It alone, V HEAVY OFFICIALS 1T0OT1LL ouncllmen and Assessor Plan Came for Benefit of the Old . ;-v'-:'. Ladies' Home. ' To provide a fund for tha malnten anoe of tha Old Ladles' horns. It coun cllmen and all the employes of the county assessor's office will play a game of baseball at . 'tha professional grounds two weeks from today. Mayor Lane snd City Auditor Devlin will be asked to umpire the game, each taking a turn with tha Indicator. Sam Lotan, Oscar P. Millor and A. L. Itsraur have been requested to sat a of f lolaracorera Tha game will be between teams of giants. Wills, who will captain the council team and who will play first base, weighs 160 pounds. . Vaughn and Menefee, the change pitchers, weigh re spectively Sft snd HO. Bennett, who will do ths catching, weighs S20. Baker, who will do work in center field, hit the scales this morning st $10, . "and I didn't blush when tha number turned up," said Mr. Baker. Mr. Boothe. 10 pounds, and Mr. Annsnd, 12 pounds, will cover left field. . ' Mr. Kellaher. Ill pounds, will take care of the right. Mr. Rushlight will look after left field. He weighs 1(0 pounds. Mr. Preston who weighs 10 pounds, and -Mr. Bharkey, weight 19H, will take turns at ths shortstop's posi tion. Mr. Beldlng will play third base and Messrs. Wallace snd Dunning will act as 'substitutes. ' ' :'',' , , '".-'; -' r - . .' . for tha assessor's team County Asses sor Blgler will, ba . tha .pitcher with ' Deputy Assessor Jones , as : a 'relief. , Pratt will ba tha catohar. Jonea weigha ' 160 and Pratt, aooordlng to the official-' statement ' Issusd . by Deputy. Aseessor North this' morning,' $10, Toung, who wilt play first base, weighs ltO; Lewis, second base, .140 Welch, fielder, 280; Beach, fielder, 180; Maxwell, short fielder, 15&; Clark, outfielder, 100; Funk, fielder, 180; McDonnell, fielder, 180 and . North, .manager and' substitute, 228 pounds. . .. , - ; Milwaukie Country Club. - Eastern and California races, " Tske Bellwood and Oregon'Clty cars at, First and Alder. -... - - . ..,-.. v-, .,. Rattler Under Telegrapber'a Desk. ' From the Carmen Headlight . A' rattlaanake was killed under the' telegrapher's desk at the Orient depot Saturday morning. -Agent Lucas wss sweeping and discovered the reptile, but did not know It was' a rattler until a stroke of the poker bad dispatched It. i Five rattles and a button are kept by Lucaa as a souvenir of the . occasion, and it was ths first rattler he ever saw. Such snakes are rare for this part of ths country. ' ramt bsoavis your cough is only in ths thmt snd does not trouble you now, don't thlnlc that It needs no attention. When It haa pot b-id mn"li of a start la the time to cheh It. The allghteit eonsh ess lly lends to Pneumonia. BrotichKls snd Consumption. A bottle of hailnr.1 a Mnrehound Hyrup will rnre Dint rnnrh. 1 he price puts It within reach of k.L Sold by all drugglsta I-