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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1907)
'THS OREGON; SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY .MORNINO, APRIL 3, 1CC7. Tmvn-Thnfps v a m w . I i It was a fortunaU day (or the clerk in in mret National bank of this elty when ha mad tha mova that cleaned up 'for him 1106,000 and an ebled him tha other day to atari out on a tour of tha world. Including tha Holy Land, Thibet, tha Mohammedan oounlrlea. Central and South America, and alt ether reclona reachable by man. Tha gentleman had been working for ears at 1100 per month, but In that wlaa moment he acquired tha same amount of money that his salary would have amounted to In IT , years and 4 months. The total eoat to tha clerk ' w& mi, ovuiigrwuit iutiuii, w mm . meager salary for six weeks II day a ' or tha same aa If he had been paid a day nearly 14 for every hour of tha day and the night while waking and sleep - lng. And beat of all, a similar propo- . . . " . mi v i m . . Is explained in tha Butte Boys Coneol , tdated Mining company's advertisement In another part of today's paper. The parson who falls to look It up wtQ not tunata bank elerk is well known In Portland. . Hla not soma mythical personage) and has not been Identified -''With, some mythical bank. His home '' mtmm A ThlM m A TTa ..I inn taw mAM .: than seven years. . . .-, .a . . i Tha Ladles' Auxiliary to tha Order t , Railway Conduotors gave an afternoon : at home to their friends In tha Knights ' of Pytbiaa hall Tuesday, Tha oocaaloa was tha seventh anniversary of their fanlxatlon. - An addresa made by Mrs. Frank wimAmn trim T v.M 1 n w nmtmr. 'related tha hletory In .brief from tha data of receiving tha charter to tha present time. Mrs. Frank "Wledea la a well known and Intelligent writer of current topics. Farewell was bidden to m ru. msuie riuanve, an addii mm ', Crocker and ' Mra. 8am Taatch, , who leave May t tor Memphis, Tens In which elty tha Order of Railway Con ductors of America and tha auxiliary . meet In biennial convention. In the receiving Una were Mrs. Harry K. ' Craw, Mrs. Qeorgs Dustin. Mrs. Frank Wleden, Mra. Mattla Hughes, Mrs. J. McKinney, Mrs. Sadie Toung, Mrs. 3. B. Howland. - Numerous friends called between I and I o'clock and many happy return wished. - You . won't f ihd any flaws in our ' work. Discriminating- people all ever ' tha city have patronised ua for years people who demand perfect fit and blghlas workmanship above all else, and our work . baa - always satisfied - them.. Wa bar built up and are car- W MHVW S1UW IV MBM W menis, nave ma isciuiies xor mating "" them and want to make them. You have the choice of any pattern In tha tore made to your order for 111, no more,, no leas. Unique Tailoring com pany, 90 stark street. ... 4 . "Tha Rosa City: Its Possibilities and ' Ylnl I wilt t.m 4 - mM dress to be delivered this evening at it, rrancn surniu oogru vt. snori ' has Just returned from a visit to many tell tha people of Portland where their city baa advantages over others he haa visited. - Its present day politics will lend additional spice so that a very In teresting : evening is looked forward to. ;' "At the next 'meeting of';'the Home Training association Judge Fraser will addresa .the mothers on "Tha Training of Children." He haa had wide oppor tunlty to Judge of training from results and haa studied the subject from points Judicial, philanthropic and parental. prompiea oy a strong love or me young . and a disposition to give thera ail op. port unities for a lair start In Ufa with m lunoioip, in, lecture u i p, n In tha oommlttee-room of tha elty hall, ..Thursday, nay, a, -v ..-. -. ,-: . ' Tle Young Men's Christian Associa tion, Fourth and Yamhill streets, will hold meeting for men at a p. m. to day. .-After tha half-hour concert by the association orchestra, J. E. Wolfe will deliver an address on "Tha True Nobility." Mr. Wolfe haa been a mis sionary to tha Cherokee Indians of In dian Territory, and is now on tha coast holding special evangelistic meetings. Mr. Wolfe's- long; experience In tha work makes him a most interesting speaker. Tha exhlblttona of arte and crafts In tha galleries of tha Portland Art asso ciation have been eloaed and will be reopened to the - holders - of students' tickets next Wednesday afternoon. Tha exhibition will cloaa May It and will be open from a. m. onttl I p. m. Tha paintings to be exhibited will be se lected from the exhibit of tha Arts and Crafts society f Boston and will -Include the work of soma of tha pest American artists, . " - . Baseball, baseball I !:! p.' m.' sharp. L. 8. Frekee vs. Portland Trunk com- mi. ' Twentv-fourth ut VhhwVim streets. Admission, IS esnts. Grand stand free, Baseball, baseball today Mile Bllberstsla of New York haa been employed by ' th Rhaf er Whittler company as head deslgnsr and buyer for tha St. Francis Millinery Co, which opens next Wedneaday morning T DIAMONDS APRIL Sh who frexa Arll daea net rears -',-.. XHamoada shall yet' Tain sepentaaoe flow this - wjablem ft bin Is kaws" .t Our diamonds are Uis top notch of perfection. - They are per fection in ahape, perfection In cutting and perfection In bril . llanev, reached by tha moat pains taking ear In ' their selection, Wa Import our diamonda, and with tha modaat profit that wa add, makea It a certainty that you can buy them right. It yon buy a diamond from ue you will be satisfied aa to quality and price. . Stop and think, did you ever see a Heltkemper custo mer who was dissatisfied with a purchase made beret ' Coma In and see what we have to offer In diamonds. ,. . .. . . TheGellcltRcmperCo. as. Komauov st. "Lowest priced jewelry house for . , fine goods." Sentiment in Coon Song A lively- lorn story with a plalntiv strain th feature) of our music supplement today. - : '-f ' : ' v ; Melody comes naturslly to the African races. It is this faculty -which makes th coon song popular with th great maises ofvths peo ple ths world over. The song writer who is able in catch the spirit of ths negro songster may always' depend on ths public to make his ' work successful Hsrry Breen hat don this to a marked drgre and as a result his latest coon song "HONEY," which is a feature of this week's music section, bss gone straight to the hearts of the people wherever it has been sung. Not only has the melody of the sons; thst peculiar combination of rollicking spirit combined with ths plaintive undertotne which is the peculiarity of negro songs, but the wordl of the song itself tell in poetie lsngusge which would do credit to sny sweetheart, the longing of the love stricken swain for his Dulciteia. . Ho young man who has truly loved a sweet girl but can sympathise with the sentiment expressed by the song writer when he ssys: . "When her eyes to me am turning, with the light of love a homing,' Then I get an awful yearning to be kissed; . ' X can't help it if I show it, and I don't think ID outgrow it, 'Cause I wsnts her Just to know it, I insist," - "Honey" is bound to be popular with all to whom it comes. It will be found in the music section today. . ' stein is well known In the millinery Una and her servioea are saw w stand fancy salary. . i " The Amerloan Bailors' Friend society will hold Its opening exercises Tuesday evening at s crciooa at me - xr,w rhimt atreet 'A mull cat program haa been arranged In which soma of the leading atngera of the elty wtU take part. Addreases will be made by a number or tna prominent Kerreanmenia win om irw. .... . I of Mua ribbon horse sale 110 roadsters, saddlers, show horses and race prospects. Young stsnaard- a m wn.MM atalllnna . mAA resiS- BIWJ s teredjnarea, to be sold at pablls auo- uon ai irvingroo rmce u-mk r and I. Send for full eatalegua. Port land Horse Sal Cv Hamilton build lng, Portland. . , ' First edition exhausted tn two days Is th record mad by th Nkidmor Drug company of tha sale Of Hawks new pocket map or tn uy. in eiui wiition will he nlaced n sale Mon day morning and will be on exhibition In th B kid more company windows to day at 111 Third street. The directors of th Ollbert school dlatrlct hav not been far behind th Lents district In electing their teachers foe tha naw school year. Mrs, M. a. Hogu and Roains CrUler, tha present teachers, have bean re-employed and will - hav charge next winter, begin ning in September. . , . - Dental work at th Dental college Persons desiring dental work ana era suraerr . will receive prompt attention St th Infirmary of the North Pacific eollege, which la open to tn puono uie entire , rear. " Comer Fifteenth and Couch streetn, Telephonea: Main lilt; Home AlUt. . t , . , Leon Cohen of this elty has opened th Dexter stable, corner Fourth and Ankeny, formerly th Portland 14v Stock Exchange A. nn lot of driving horaea will be kept on hand had aneelaltr mad of boarding horses. Vs. Cohen wUl be pleased to see all his friends, . ' Ml , ... , w " f U V 1VI w,.w. . - - . Republican club to auooeed W. Y. Mas ters. Ida nnaersxanas xam nneuon ana will represent tne people lr sieoiea. x TTia fanrteentH Beast on of th Wll lamette Methodist , connection (or church) of, America will convene at rma Mf, U S. Rend card to Rev. C. W. Wilts, Santa Crus, Califor nia, u Fan expect 10 atteno. ... , i TBafor onrehastng vour lawn mower yon should call and see th "Palatine" mower wltn roar niaaea; ii-incn, 14-lnch. 11.10; 11-Inch, IS.TS. For sale bv . Kroohman . at Hartmas. lit. First Street. . . . . :. This wffl remind yon that naw la ths time to have your hair mattreese reno vated and returned the same day. Phone Mala 41. The Portland Curled Hair Factory, H. Matsger, proprietor. , Steamer lass Harktns. for Camas, Wsshougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washlngtoo.atreet dock l a a . . nr..i,wiflM hnndrsd bovs and sirts at th nsw -East Side Athletlo club, aymnaslum and swimming. Professor Rlnglsr, director. - Grand avenue and Bast Morrison street. Vmma antamabllea meet trains from Portland at Ores ham for Castle Kdet Bran. Balloon ascension and pera chut jump at $:I0 today. Have you Joined the S. Bid Ath letlo eluht IB.tS ntranca fee saved If yon Join this week. Professor Rlngler, director. ' : - f, v, , , ' m nlnnlll Twiwter DpeciM um,7 Oystsr parlors, lit Morrison, rive-course turkey dinner. Ic I to p. m. Muela 3. ii. iLmm' hotel en WaShtng- a.' . . i mm ' Bii-kneBsi a ton "WW. , - . , , agents., , Addraas X , Journal. ? The Loos Card Book eompany. n . rtmmitim 414., Orflae and society printing ft specialty. . , . . I . mwtn aneak tiDon ' ' i he Triumph of "siilmn" ftt hall tonight ftt S o oioca. , wo Sale A few second hand Incuba tors; good as new. til Bst Morrison, oorner First strt- . t ,.;' v . w rmmMmr. amoved to 401-4-1 Bwetland building. DUaasas of tha atomacb. - John Cran. Bwetland building, waist- Inga. drees linens, nanaaercnioie, linens.,' -,. v."'; Acme OH Co. sells ths beet safety eoal 11 and fins gasoline, Phono East tss. Hustling Merrfir for eounollman ftt large. ; ' . : " " , ; ' ,. mm limn- mi tihatAirraBher. Elks buUdlng. Seventh snd Stark St. t asHB-sssasssax Hnstllng MsrrtU for eounollman at large, - . : , . . Dr. W. B. Knapp has returned from east; office If, Hamilton building. Cedar park open today., Dancing aft. moon and evening. . No Uquore. , Why tV mora? Metiree fTt your ayea for 11. Ill Sixth atreet . i Dr. William- House, nervous diseases. 1U-4 Orsgonlan. . . Hustling Merrill for councilman at large. th dedication of th new Baptist church at Arista. Rev. A. La wren oe Black of th Calvary Baptiat church Is to preaob the dedicatory sermon. Dr. Brougher and Rev. W. T. Jordan will also have part la the program. . - A meeting of the Jewish voters of the South Portland district will be held today at t o'clock la Jones hall. First and Olbba atreeta. It Is said that ths object of th meeting will be th in dorsement of Devlin for mayor. The meeting will listen to addresses by several ef ths prominent candidates. Dr. Frank Q. Freeberger, IOt-1 Bwet land building. v y ' Bustling Merrill for councilman ftt targe, ,. Klser scenic photos. Zmpertal hotel. . Bar gr Signs 1 1 4 Yamhill Pben. ' j . in ii D. Chambers, opt 1 clan, lit Seventh. ; OPENS NEW OFFICES cg B. trndesweot Braachs Oat fet , Xlmaelf U ths mal Batata wesld, . . Oe. B. Underwood, well known In th real estate circles of San and associated recently with one ef the moat prominent brokerage Arms of Portland, haa opened pretentious offloea on the corner of Stark - and Fourth streets, i He enters the real estate field In this city well equipped with experi ence and frtanda. Mr. Underwood promises some Interesting developments In his Un In th near future, and as he Is man who doea things, ths public may expect to read ef htm frequently and favorably. . ,i .. : Whfjiw to Dine. Watson's Restaurant will serve fin chicken dinner today. It cents. 20 TBI "Oldest Trust Company In Oregon" Was 20 yesrs old a few dsys sgo. - Its annual statement has been audited and verified by the well known Public Accountant, MX. OEOKOB BLACK I A copy will be given to 'sny man or woman who will ask for same in person or by mail. It is an interesting statement. dWL When you read it, you will know, thst your funds will be When you deposit thera with Portland Trust Company of Oregon B. I. Comer Third end Oak tta. .' ' hee Sxesaage.Tt, BSlff.'k. rOBBN ......Ire.ldt H. L. PITTOOK... TIee-Preelaeat B. UB FAOKT.. Secretary J. a OOLTBA..i...aeilstaBt secretary A Marvelous and Magnificat Sale of Metropolitan Millinery! A MASTERFUL MAY-pAY tYtNf W0HIH WAITING T031 Will Be Open r Evenings -it w A Grand Day and Night MilUncry Sale Twill Pay Portland. Women row 10 'if nit Till Wednesday to Duy NEW M I L.1LI N'.E RY On account of ths dels In building operations In San Francisco, and consequent non-competition of building. l - istz zjt LT.V, fTTr.T.TTTnrw jo. n 4 Of that city, manufactnrers, importers and wholesalers of tine millinery, unable to find suitable salesrooms for cusplsy ' tti their monster linca in San Francisco have decided to elace their entire BDrfalsT and summer stocka of RARE AND BEAUTIFUL MILLINERY, consisting of Imported Pattern Hats. Tailored Street Hats. Exquisite Trimmed Crea. tions, smart snspes, nowers, rouags, reatners ana Mag nuicent flumes, Aigrettes, suDMns, urn amenta, jrramea. Braids, etc, in the hands of the SHAFER-WHITTIER COMPANY S&?M,S FOR SACRIFICE AT FORCED SALE FOR 10 DAYS IN PORTLAND AT "i-,v From tyi to V2 Actual Cost to the Manufacturer ' Style Individuality will be th keynote of the showing. . Not an old hat or ahape in the collsction, but every hat and article of the brightest, newest spring vintage, gathered fresh from Fashion's gsrden ; , - - : 10,000 HATS, REPRESENTING $50,000 CAPITAL INVESTED ' . ' MORE MILLINERY THAN ALL OTHER PORTLAND STORES COMBINED COULD SHOW t' COVERING OVER 6,000 SQUARE FEET OF FLOOR SPACE TO OVERFLOWING ALL' TO BE SACRIFICED AT FROM 25 TO 80 PER CENT OF FIRST COST IN THIS V ; STUPENDOUS MILLINERY BARGAIN CARNIVAL! r Sale Opens Wednesday READY WEDNESDAY MORNING TO ADMIT THE CROWDS TO THE BARGAIN AND ' i ,'..::.t r:-.?t'.v; beauty FpT at v -j u,..,: ,:. -z;Kvw.-;: : JCntraiace 326 WASHINGTON STREETi This City V Two floors Stores formerly occupied by the K. P. Charlton CompanyV S, 10 and lSe ' stores, ever Qoddard ft Kelly's shoe store, 1 . ,;''- " '? "v THE SHAFER-WHITTIER CO., Mgr's. '' . ' V" ' . WATG TOM TTmSmAT' riPBBS TOM BZO AB AJTD TAMTtOmAM OT TSnB BASJ. SPECIAL SALE PRESERVES and JAMS ranrBatDAT, rmrAT, gATtrm.' 1 DAT Ajm KOVVAT, Ana, as, ss, ar ajts as. 1 ' Qlass Jars. Long's Apricot Preserve and Jama ISO) Lens's Blackberry preserves j and Jains 204 Lens's Losanberry Preserves and Jama 20 Lons s Rsspbsrry. Preserves r and Jama 20) Lene's Strawberry Preservas and Jama 20) Southweire Ensllsh Orange Marmalade-. 20e) Keller's Dundee Orange Mar malade . , .30e) BURNS CO saoozu 10 Talrd Street, raoas Mala) tie. THE HOUSE OF HIGHEST QUALITY TUB UHR OF HIGHEST MERIT The name "Chickering" upon a pianos-like the Govern ment's imprint upon a gold piece is a guarantee of fineness. There is but one standard in Chickerlngs that which repre sents an absolutely perfect product. That standard is the highest in the piano world. Superb In tone incomparable as ' it were magnificent in finish, the Chickering leaves nothing to be asked for. ..'. ''-. ' i f ; f CHICKERING PIANOS ARE SOLO EXCLUSIVELY THROUGHOUT TEE . ' PACIFIC NORTHWEST BY EILESS PIANO HOUSE 1 jf s-ri V v: ? V -?ZZr&, J" a--- eJi.H - Another Picture Chickering Art Content ' And bow ws enter upon the home stretch in the contest between the girls and boys who are working for the splendid prises offered in the test of artistic skill with the crayons or wstsr colors. Today's sketch is the fifth to appesr in Tha Journal Only thrse more. Be sura youVe clipped all that have been printed the past four Sundays. Dont miss any of those still to come, Color them as artistic aa you can, and bring them to our store, signed with nsme, address and age. 353 Washington Street, Corner Park Today ftt S y. nv Is ths time set for