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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1907)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, , FORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL rV 1507. -1 ' - Edited by l A. HORAN ... ,r; .11 , -.. College Widow Wins .Lorna Doone M. A. A. C. Beats Salem High Portland Loses News of the Tri-City Teams Sunday Jotmarspage of goivs Everything in Sportdom American and Northwestern Games Racing and .Bowlinj UL1P1RE DERRICK ENRAGES CROWD Poor" Work of Los Angeles Of ficial Incites Fans and Of-" ; ficial Seeks Police. -: v PORTLAND DROPS ONE MORE CAME TO ANGELS MHYedie I Driven From Ground for CalUng Karnes to Umpire and His Teiun la Unable to Pull Oat a Victory. ' ,- f ' ' .;.' ; (Hearet News hr .Lenfwt Leased Wire.) -Los Angeles, April 2". Los Angeles, 4 ; Portland, Packlng-hou rules' reigned at the Chutee today, everybody In the park, lM.-hidlng the player of both the Port land and the home team, and the spec tators, trying to get their bands on Um pire Derrick. ,Ths old boy wu very bad. He got oR with some weird de risions on balls and strikes and then made matters worse by his work on the lases. As a net result of Derrick's af ternoon's work McCredle, the Portland captain, was thrown out ot the fame end put off the field for Incessant kick ing, and, as Derrick claims,' profane lunguaga Happy Hogan was plastered with a $10 fine, and Derrick himself was surrounded by a mob after the ramt and required police protection to t-scort him from the grounds In safety. Callff did the pitching for the visitors and Carnes was on the mound for Los Angeles. Dillon's men broke the tie und added a run In the sixth Inning, when they came through with a brace of tallies. , Brashear beat eut an Infield liit. Smith sacrificed him,- Dillon hit to Kliinn, was out a first, Brashear eoor lng. The claimwas made, but not al lowed, that Dillon Interfered with the throw at first bane.. Cravath walked, unle second and went to third on Dono liue'a wild heave to second base. Del ma singled to left, scoring; Cravath, Hogan made the third out. One more run was added by the Angels In the eighth. ' ". . Summery of the game: ' LOS ANGELES. ARRIL PO. A. B. Bernard, cf. 4 6 11 0 i arllult;. If. ......... t J Ira shear, 2b. ....... 4 i 4 i 0 10 ' K-nith, 8b. 1'illnn. lb. frsvuth, rf. 1 'elmin, ss. Jiumn. c. . . Carnefc, p. Totals , ., it o '......,.t7 4 4 17 II I PORTLAND. ' " IE n. H. PO. A. E- 8lilnn, ss. J.ovett, rf. 4 4 S 4 aeey, Sb. . . , .McCredle. rf. . 1 "unleavy, If. hinnhue, c , . 'arMn. lb. . . MrClelland, Ib. 1 1 (T. p. F-himriff, Moore , Totals T, 0' ........ 1 rf. ........11 1 14 II I -Batted for Callff In the ninth Inning. BCORB BT DTNINGB. Loe'Angeles ..;..0 1 9 t 1 4 Hlte . . .....'... 1 H 11 t i Tortland . , .,;.. 0 0 0 I 0 0 1 lilts .".... .....1 OtMlCI 043 - ' SUMMARY. ' ' Two-base hits Casey, Brashear. flae rlfice bun Dillon. Cravath, McClelland, ' t-iolth. Left on bases Los Angeles, 6; I'ortlnnd. 12. , fltolen bases Bernard, J it lorv, Lovett. McCredle. Bases on balls Off Callff, 4; off Carnes, . Struck out By Callff, ; by Carnes, I. Doa ble plays Carnes to Hogan to Dillon; ai mas to uraeneur 10 iiuon; ai octet' Innd to Carson. First base en errors Portland, S; Los Angeles, 1.-. Balk Camea Hit by pltohei" Carson. Time if game Two hours. Umpire Derrick. YESTERDAY'S SCORES IN TEE AMERICAN LEAGUE Detroit, Chicago, Washington and Boston Come Out -y Victorious. : ' ; ; s Won, r-hleae . . ............ Iwtrolt . . LosC P.O. .760 .144 .064 .III .too Pnlladelphl . . T New York . ............ T Cleveland ............ I Vvaahlngton , . 4 Moaton , , .............. 4 ht. Louts . ............. 1 .114 .114 .011 DstrolC MlelL, April 27. Although t Ionls started off 'with a lead of three runs in the second inning today, tils Detroit took the game easily. The j.ini was called In the eighth inning to allow 8C Louis to catch a train. The swore: - R. TLVk trolt . 00I40S1- II H 0 BL IulB . .... .01002000 I 0 1 Batteries Mullln and Schmidt; Petty ana tsueiow, -i . . -' .,, . .. .... , ' ' ' ' k" ; At' dereUa. Cleveland, O., April 17. The WhltO Box took the third game f the aeries today. . Tho scores , k . r ' R. H. B. Chicago ...... 40020000 9 I ,41 Cleveland . . ,...1 10 0 0 0 0 0 01 7 1 Batteries Smith, Altrock and Bulll vn: Hess, Rhoadee and Wakefield and Clarke. ' At Vew York! "' ?, v New York, April 27. Bunching their hits In the tenth Inning today the Wash ington Americans won a hard-fought an me from the New Yorkers. Score: tv n.hlnrton . .0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t-3- i .- York ....000040 1 0011 7 0 I ttrte Patteq and Warner; Hoag hi-t end Klalnow. At 2oseom, April 27. Dating work on the ...a won to1ay s game for the Boston mrr!-ana The score: n. h. k. i '... n . . . .... .4 0 0 1 1 1 0 i 6 2 1 r ..iiihl4v, ..000 1 01 0002 I t I hi. Ma (!!ie and Shaw; Vlckers "I IJerry. A Bepubllean elub of Kansas City IS ..lain a fund of 1160.040 to secure the j .puhilran national eoaveaUea f 1101 I .r that elty. KATIOilAL LEAGUE TEAMS flay: brilliant, ball Chicago, New York, Boston and ,:- Pittsburg Were Winners In ; V Yesterday's. Contests i Won. Lost; V ' A I PC. .81t .692 .63d .64$ .444 .456 -.147 ,115 Chicago . New York Boston . .......... riiiHiiurK . ... Philadelphia ; . .. Cincinnati St. Louis , Brooklyn . '. At Brooklyn. - -. '.', rPahlMiers', Pren bf Special Lease Wire.) Brooklyn, N. T. April 17. After pitching superb ball and with Brooklyn a run to the rood their pitcher hit two batsmen In the final Inning, enabling the New Torkera to score two runs. The score:: , ' R. H.B. New York .v,-. 0 4 4 A 0 t 6 0 t I 8 Rrooklyn . 77. , .0 0 0 1 0 1 T t Batteries- Wiltse and Breenahan; Btrickiett ana Butler. ' At rbiladelpbia,' 'v '. Philadelphia, April 17. Boston . de feated Philadelphia today 4 to I. . In the eighth inning Bradwell of the Bostons was put out of tbs game for disputing a decision at third base. Magee and Dooltn were put out of the game for kicking too hard against Magee being called out at the plate. The score: .v.'V , 1 B, H.BL Boston . . . . . f 1 1 0 1 1 0 4 i Phlladelnhla . ..10 It 1001 I Batteries Young and Brown; Lush, Kiicnie ana jackjuscn. ; . . " ; ' At Vtttsburr. ' Pittsburg, April 27. Cincinnati made lts-Drtt appearance of the season here today and was defeated by the score of 4 to L It was Hltt's first big league trial.. The score: ;- -. ; : ' - R. H. BL Pittsburg . . X 1 1 11 4 f t Cincinnati .000 000 100 1 7 0 Batteries Lynch and Qlbson: HltL imil ana ttcniei. .. , , . . , , ' ' ' At MX Xtonlm. ' K" Bt Louis, April 27. The Cardinals and Cubs battled 12 inning before 4.000 fans this afternoon.' The locals had the bases full In the twelfth, with none out, but were unable to score, '. The score: R. H.B. fit. .xmls...0000 100001 10 I 10 2 Chlrsao . ..0 0000001010 1 4 g I '.Batteries McOlynn and Noonan; Pfetster and Kllng. , , ... . -t : . PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE!: ! ' Won. Lost. 0 ' 10 4 , it p.c .084 .650 .r24 .227 Loa Angelea .11 Oakland . . .11 , Ban Francisco ..,,.....11 Portland,,'.....,...... chemawa Indians . , scalp mt. angelites - ' (Special Dlipateb The tamL) '' Chemawa, Or., April 17 The Che mawa baseball nine were too much for the Mount Angel college team, who played on the Chemawa diamond this afternoon. The feature of the yam was the henry hitting of the Indiana. . The score was as follows: ;.. CHEMAWA.'''". ,- ' ; i- . ' aE R. H. PO, A. XL Poland, p. 4 ( ( 111 0 David, rr. o Casey, lb. Teabo, e. I rsen, lo. ......... o Sorter, ss. . 6 Ornham, It f J. Lone, 2b. ......... t McCulley, cf., ....... lit ToUlS . .......... .40 11 II 17 IT I ,; ' '; , MOUNT ANGEL, ' ' ""''' ' '. f-- AB. R. H. PO, A. E N. Babler. cf......... 6 2 I 10 0 A. Pashek, lb. I 0 0110 Melchlor, rf. ........ 1110 0 0 Pondorf. It I 1 2 1 0 1 Devereaux, 3b. ...... 4 1 1 2 I I Kenney, lb. ......... 4 t t II 1 I W. Pashek. p. ...... 4 . 0 0 111 McKlnnon, o. ........ 4 0 0 7 0 0 A, Haook, sa. ........ 4 11 4 4 Totals . . i . i "i . i . . . . 40 1 1 14 10 vf v: SCOBJB BT INNINGS. - v Chemawa . . .....1 10 114 14 It Hits .- ...... ...I 114 114 4 11 mu Angel 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 V I - Hits I 1 0 I 4 1 4 1 t I 8TJMMARY. " - .: - ' Struok out--By Poland, f ; by Paahek, I. Horn run Poland. Two-baa e blta Poland. David, Casey, Teabo. Three baae bite Poland, Casey, Larson, Bab ler I, Devereaux. Time of game One hour and 40 minutes. Umpires . Smith and James. . .-a-. , OREGON VARSITY IS SHUT OUT BY WHITMAN (ieelal TMapsteli e The JeoraaL) ' Walla Walla, Wastu. April 17. The University of Oregon suffered a shut out at the hands of Whitman this after noon. Hathaway was tne only Oregon man to reach first. ' Marqulaa fanned nine Webfootera. . Whitman played an errorless game. The Oregon team left for Portland tonight. ' ;v . " floors by innings: '. R.R.B. Whitman .. 0.00? 0100 14 it Oregon .... 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 60 4 " I Batteries Msrqulsa and Brown, Clif ford and Johnston. ' ;' v. , - .:, JOHNNY TAUSCHER IS V i .- ROUNDING TO FORM Johnny Tauscher, the fast little right fielder Is one of the younger graduates into minor league company end his work In last Sunday's game against the Trunkmakera stamps him aa a comer. Last season Tauscher played third base unon the hUrh school team and later played field for the East Portland Greys. He batted 14 in is games ishi Rmra and had 11 stolen bases to his credit. Manager Smith has signed him for his Cuba thla season and la coaching him along lines that will make hire the lead ing right fielder of the league. WHITE SOX MANAGER V ' HAS BEEN SUSPENDED t.. ... i . (PntilMiers Prws hr Spertal taped Wlral j Clirveland; O., April 27 Fielder Jones, manaaer and captain of the White Sox, was notified today of his Indefinite sus pension by President Kan Johnson of the American looaite. Jones was benched yesterday by t'mplra Stafford, who aluo put him out of the game at Detroit, April 17. Johnson concluded that these two benchlnge inside of a fortnight war ranted draatle action,' I y Johnny Tsnscher. KUST CLUB HORSEFJEN v V EKJOY A RARF CHASE Mrs. Ambrose Cronln Wins Yes terday's Run In a Very Ex- ; ; citing' Finish. V: The Portland Hunt elub members en joyed a splendid paper chase yester day afternoon. The day was Ideal for both horses and rldera and the chase proved to be one of the most enjoyable of the entire season. The trail was laid by Mrs. 8. C Spencer and Mrs. F. Q. Buffum and it was planned with rare judgment, , affording the riders plenty of ohanees for taking the fes tive blinds and caUna- the hasardous hurdles. . ; . - . n ... The course wa nearly six miles long and contained seven jumps. The atart waa made at Bandy road one-half a mile from Ba rr and the finish was on Sandy near West avenue. The run In waa spectacular and exoltlng, six horses oomtng in neck and neck. When they crossed the wlr.Mra Ambrose Cronln on. Johnnie was first. Miss Wrenn on Tom waa second and John Chapman on Lady Myrtle waa third. Those rode through: Mrs. J. O. Downing. Mrs. P. H. Blyth, Mrs. W. M. Wood, Mrs. A. M. Cronln, Miss Hahn, Miss Catherine Cronln. Miss & B. Wrenn, B. M. Lasar- ua, H. H. Herdman, Frank Robertson, T. T. Strain,, Ambrose Cronln, James Nlcol, B. C. Kerr, Dr. A. W. Cummlng. J. W. Chapman, Mr. Holder, Dr. Emmett Drake, Walter Bollmann, E. R. Eldrtdge, P. O. Downing and F. W. Wilder. . COLLEGE OARSMEH HAVE ; ? VERY v HARROW ESCAPE During Intercollegiate Race at : San Francisco Three Boats Are 'Swamped.' - (Hearst News by Leacssf Leased Wire Ban Francisco, April 17. Elght-oared rowing got an awful .setback today when the crews of the University of uaiuornia, the University of Washing' ton and .Stanford university tried to row, a two-mile race on Richardson's bay., .The race did not finish because the boats were swamped and the swamp ing of these three boats waa probably aa dramatic an affair as ever happened in any line of sport, ' Stanford waa leading by about a half length with Washington pressing them hard.- California was trailing about three' lengths to the bad when the California boat sank undsr the men and the Berkeley boys stopped rowing. The spectators hardly had time to aay "hJ" whan the Stanford boat sank and in less than five seconds the. Washing ton men were seen so oe sitting in water, tnetr Dost disappearing , from view. ,-' . ... . - Launches and rowboata started ior the crews at once. ' The California and Stanford crewe - left their . boats and hung on to the sides, but the Washing ton men, filled with the desire for vic tory, tried to force their boat ahead, even when their oars were submerged up to tho handles and the water was washing a foot above the gunwales of the boat.-- , . '." It waa of course a futile effort and the crew was pulled from, their boat by willing hands on launches, while others oared for the water-logged oarsmen of California and Stanford. . ' , INTER CLASS WATER PLO V MEETT TUESDAY NIGHT ' The annual tnterolass water polo meat will be held at the T. M. C. A. on Tues day night between the High School Water Rats and the Bualnese- Boys' Beavers.- The trophy for the meet will be a handsome eup. The contest Is an annual affair and will tie held at I o'clock, the result de termining the interclsss championship. The line-up of the Business , Boys' Beavers .is as follows: Anderson and Freeman, forwards; Latimer, half and captain; .Tlhbets and Walters, guarda; Penaon, goal. ; '. MULTNOMAH WINS " : FROM SALEM HIGH i The Multnomah club baseball nine de feated the Salem high school team yes terday, I to 1. Batterlea, Morris and Ringer; Stearns and Jones. t. . .4 , WIH I'lay fr Purs.' . If!. P. Hennln cf Kansas and Thomas Sullivan of I'ortlnnd will piny a match art me of pool for a purse offered by the HrHnawlrk Halke-f'olleiider company at the opening of llandlry's nsw billiard parlor, corner'Thlrteenth and Washing ton streets, Monday evening at I p. m, Hennlng will play 110 balls to Sulli van's 100., A TRI-CITY LEAGUE BOYS ARE BUSY All Teams Are' , Scheduled 'for , - Regular Contests This ".' r .. , Afternoon., ; - -1 TRUNKMAKERS AND : FRAKES AT LOCAL PARK Young Organization : la ' Furnishing Plenty of Newt ' and T Oosalp for Their Friend BecreUrj Smith ' Approve List of Contract. ; Trl-Clty game scheduled for today: Bralnard Cuba at Wood burn, ' Trunks and Frakea at Vaughn atreet, Brewera at Bt. ' Johna ' UniDlres assigned 'for these gamea: Cheyna at Vaughn, atreet, Rankin at St. : Johns and Coleman at rWoodburn. .V - i .;.. .. u--- ;. .. .... ,..'... . .e .e ,. .... -,; Secretary Smith report the approval and flung ox tne touawing . oontraou with play era for past wsek: Portland Trunk Co-C. A. Partlow, manager. Jameson, Taylor, Ball, Harn dea, Smith, HeiUman, Fleming, - Day, Van Northwlck, Brlgga. O'Brien. Pollta. St John Charlee Moore, manager, Bert Adams, B. B, Parker, R. Lee, W. Lea, R. H. Norena, F. C. Kinney, H, Loy, N. Sealea, Clark Moore, Otto Moore, Pat Oalnea, Fred Oalnea, C Baboook, C M. Smith, A. PelUm. i' Astoria Fred Brown, maaagar, Oeo. Jaokaon. W. Hoover, W. Painter, A. Te bo, Peter Brachka, W. Wroten, E. Weatherford. Oeorga Wright. Oeorge Bugnoni, Alex PotU, P. Morton, A. J. Cooper, Henry Flfer. He also reporu the releasing of Leon ard Brock, who signed a Bralnard elub contract. . Brook was released upon his own requeet. . ; -':;.-?,'.',.'''. ,. ..; - -e e .... r. . ., Manager Whitehead ia having some little trouble keeping hie team of bush era together. Newell and Johaaon have left him temporarily and are playing in Colfax. Idaho, and Catcher Whit ha gon to Natnpa, Idaho.- ' i : . , - .'. e . , . Rich Parrott lead the Trl-Clty league with the willow, hla four hits out of five time up last Sunday at St Johna did tna trick, , -. i t .t . e e . ..,'. ' :. , Vmplrea and manager in the Trl- Clty league should enforce the rule whloh prohibit persona not in uniform from occupying a place on the players' benches or gathering around the field Inside of the playing line. - Last Bun day at Vaughn atreet- the epece back of the catcher and around the players' benches waa overrun with small boys and partlea not In uniform. Fane soon notice theao thing and remark about It ! ' '..: .,'-.-.'. The three game played In the Trl Clty league series last Sunday demon, strated that one never can tell bow a baseball game will come out until every inning 'I played. Each- gam started out. Ilk a real major league eoatest, plsyer war on their toe and were using good - need work. This lasted for seven or eight Inning and then lack of training or condition told th tale and three team failed to hold tne pace and a little luck enaoled the vlo tor to win out. Patron of th Trl-Clty league gamea are securing th . worth of their money, however, and . every gam la played for blood. , . - - ,j. v vv.r,..,..,V... a : t '-. Manager Brown of Astoria ha signed Flfer, th big fellow from Fort Stev ens, to help out on th slab. Flfer Is a good man and will undoubtedly win his ahar of th gamea In Balmonvllle. ..; v. V. ,- i . '- ' Manager Smith left this morning for Woodburn with hla bunch of Cub to play th first gam with th Indians. Krugsr and Street will do th twirling for th Cub. ,." ',.'.'".. ' -. - .' e - i. 7- ' ; Charlie Moore had a' little bad luck at 6t John last Sunday In th latter part of the gam and th dainty Mllllrara Jumped onto him for a big bunoh ef ewats, when he wasn't looking. - - r- - - .- A-r-' . . ; "A y Three thousand three hundred people attended th Trl-Clty league game last Sunday at Portland, St Johna . and Woodburn. Not bad.-ehT -. . .. . .-' - ' V " e e . ' ' ; Ball, the big California twtrler for the Trankmaker. waa in pretty good form last Sunday and kept the hit wall scattered. '-- v, , e e . ''. . Ash Houston of th Frakea team Is bound to make on of th big minor league this season. He 1 striking th form or a big leaguer rapidly. . - Van Xortwtck lead hla team fn feat ting thus far,' although Brown Is not far behind. Van was credited with a three-baca-er in th Cub-Trunkmaker gam. This was an rror; th drive waa a clean two-bagger, but he was al lowed to advanoe another baae. on ac count of Magneas letting th ball bound throngh hla hand and feet to th fence. i ' ' , ' : e - ' ' No complaint was heard from ahy of the league umpire" work last Sunday. 'Hugo Stabels ha resigned- from regular umplr staff. ' the Manager -Whitehead ha secured One of the Parrotta from Newberg to help him win th pennant . Thla will make three Parrotta on the Milliner team., e e . , ' Saturday, May 4 and 11. are th only two data which will be used by th Trl-Clty league on the Portland grounds. Kelso and Astoria figure In th schedule for May and the four Portland teams will fill datss out of town during ths month, although there may be a change In the schedule after May II. Next Sunday th batting averages of th league players will be published for the month of April. ' Juvenile Play Ball. One of the most exciting games played by the juvenile devotee of the national game took place yesterday aft ernoon in th lot at Fourteenth and Washington streets when the St Da vid's choir team defeated the Hawthorne Juniors after nine spirited Innings. The score wa II to IT and the struggle for supremacy between th opposing nines waa replete with 'innumerable sensa tion al plays. The two elubs will meet again la the near future. . I 1 1 I -, A . ; , ;Q. M. McElwaln. : COLLEGE 1710(117 WiltS : LOBSA DCOIIE EVEFiT Nine to Five Shot Captures Yes . terday's Classlo at Oak- . V , -land Track. ' ' - fHeant Raws hr Lsnaaet Leaaed Wtra.t San Francisco, April J 7. Collars idow. held at to In th betUng, easily won tha Lorna Doone handicap for 1-year-olde by two engtha from Creston and Husky today at Emeryville. The event waa flrat on the card. College Widow carried a good bunch-of money, being backed from I to 1 to t to 6, go ing to th post favorite. . Away In sec ond position, she simply tiptoed to her field, winning ui a gallop by two length, Only two favorite won . today, but well-played second choice managed to capture three of the other vent, " but on long shot (coring. Judge Nelson, backed from II to 1 to I to 1 la the last raoe noelng out Bedford, th favor- it for flrat money. Kokomo waa third. ' t Summary of Baee. . P)7 fur!ona th Lorna Dodo handi cap College Widow (Orosa), I to I, tront Creston (F. Kelly), 14 to I, seo ond; Husky (C. WlUlams). II to t X. third. Tune. 1:01 1-e. - a On mil and five furlong Byroner- dale A. Rrown), II to I, won; Ben vol lo (Oross), It to I, aecond . Adonla (W. Kelly;, t to L third. Tim. 1:41 1-1. six rurlonga Koyal Rogu (Keogh), I to 1. won; Nonle Luolll (Buxton). II to L econd; Nothing (W. Kelly). II to 1, third. . Time. 1:14 1-1. s ;. Five funongs LJsaro (F. Kelly), . 4 to 1, won; F- Nugent (Sandy), I to 1, eoondt Entr Nous (WKUy), II t6 , third. Time. 1:14 1-4. ; . - Six and a half funongs Ooeel per (Sandy). I to 1. won: El Otro (Qroes). I to t, second; Nappa (W. Kelly), to 1. third. Time, l:t -(. One mil Judge Nelson (Sandy). to L won: Bedford (Borel). T to ft. eo- ond Kokomo (Davis), 4 to V' third. Ttm. 1:4 t-f. -Ai-f GLARftER LOWERS THE i gf ;W jE H1HETY RECjDRD Interesting Events Hetd Yester- day Under Auspices of Pa-. V ' clflc Athletlo Association. San Francisco, April ' IT. A. Glamer succeeded today In hi attempt to lower th world' record for 100 yard a ' He accomplished thla . feat at the tat championship meet of th Ja clflo Athletlo association, held.. on to Berkeley ovL He clipped th former mark of 1:04 t-S, held by Valentine of the New Tor Athletlo club to 1:01 l-S. He ran In th 10-yard run, and after winning that went on 10 yard farther for the record. The events of th day opened with th five-mile run, which eoon developed Into a raoe. between Ilon, th English champion, and time. Nelson covered the first mile In th phenomenal Mm of 4:47, tho two-mil pole waa reached In ai:0T, three-mile In 18:11, four-mil In 11:01 and he then finished In 11:11. Nelson clipped I minutes and I seconds from th previous . record. . King and Garcia finished about 400 yard behind th champion. ; - Parson a, the aouthem ; California crack, covered the hundred yard In 10 flat la the first heat, and won- the final In 10 1-6. The spectators were favor ably Impressed with the work of Par sons and by hi style it is evident that he can cover the 100 In faster Urns than wa accomplished today. Neusbaumer, th speedy Jltw sprinter from Holtt's school, rsn second, beating Gerhardt of the Olympla and Croeafleid of Unl versity of California. The sharp turns at the corners ' of th track bothered Parsons In the 110, and he was not able to get up speed until the last 100 yarda He finished one second behind fh eoaat record. . . . After winning th 110-yard Glamer showed his great endurance by winning th quarter-mil run in 63 seconds, beat ing McNamara, the crack runner of the University f California Both Billy Powell and Herbert Cheek o the Olym pla cluy auoceeded In either breaking or equaling the coast records In both hurdle event In the high hurdle both aura ran neck and neck until within a . " yards ef the finish, when PowellJ forged ahead and won by three Powell unfortunately knocked down a hurdle,' ao the record waa not allowed to stand. -- Cheek equaled hi own record of II second for the low hurdles and broke the track record by three fifth of a aec ond. Padllla secured aecond. In the Banker Leafrne. Toneoll(la ted nine waa defeated by the First National, bank by tn score of T to,l. '. First National,.... ..wyJ Ittl 0 7 Consolidated ( I 1 M . liattertes Nat Kerrigan and Bennett, Con Bishop and Sperry. . The next game will be May T, Mer chant vs. Nationals. - - . COLLEGE ELEVENS 10 : FLAY liJFCmO Oregon and Idaho Will Meet This Season on the Multnomah' Club Gridiron. - Captain Gordon C. Moore and Man ager Orover Ksstly -of the University of Oregon football team were In' the city ! yesterday, when ; provisional arrange- ments were mad for th playing of the Oreeon-Idaho game In this city on Pc- tober 24. ArranKemcmta wre made . with the management of the Multrioinah 1 Amateur Athletic club team whereby Multnomah field waa secured for the above date. Th Oregon-Idaho name la .one of the most Important games of the northwest each year.' Last year's game waa played' at Moscow, where Oregon ! won by a score of IX to 6, the points I being made by three place kicks by Moullen. This year s game between Oregon and Iduho promises to he closer than ever, and a both teams will be fltchtlng hard for the college champion hip of the northwest, the contest wjll be one of the best of the year.' Oregon will lose four of. her best men Chandler, Hug. Latouretts and Mc Kinney by graduation, but Captain Moore said last night that there will V. ., . , n 1 1 . . . V. a au vim U . UVI UIA.VI I uw 'varsity next autumn, and tba a strong team la -assured). " - i . ( i The Idaho eleven will be captained by George Armstrong, '01, and coached by J. O. Griffith, th man who ha acted as head coach at Moscow sine 190t. Only two of th Idaho players Larson and Robertson will graduate thla year, o the eleven from the Gem-atat 'varsity will be composed of veterans. Idaho is noted for her fighting spirit and the high Quality -' or ner .aportsmansnip. . Football enthusiasts of tbs Multno mah club and of th city generally will be glad to learn that one of the big col lege game- at th northwest will bs played In Portland. While Multnomah and Oregon are keen rival on Thanks giving day, ths local clubmen will line up aolldly behind Oregon . In a gam with an outald team. Manager Keatly stated laat evening that he had arranged game with Cor vallla. Willamette and Washington, in addition- to th gam with Multnomah and Idaho. ' One or two early season game will also be arranged, r Oregon 1 about to apply for member ship in th A. A. U. An application will be made by th athletic council of th university of Oregon aner that body meet next wek. ' - -' .. OAKLAND GIVES SEALS A SOUND TROUNCING (Heerst Kews by Longest Leased WtoeJ San Franolsoo. April 17. Th Com muter surely had their batting ward rob with them this avsntng at Rsorsa. ob perk. They walloped Ashley, out of th bos tn th fourth inning and late took quit an earneet elowt r two at th delivery f Hoag, who wa eat tn to fill th gap. ' -The result wa that Tan Baltren' outfit got Just Bin run whll th local bunch had to oon tent themselves with a pair. ' m. M.I liMMharimMt mmwttm In th fourth tram; with on man down. Hackatt was slipped a aaunter. Blgbee cam through with hla aaoond two-bag ger and "Tub" rolled la. Haley rapped another on rtarht- out In left where Blgb' had gotto and Blgbee romped paat third and want all th reat of the way. Devereaux elngled. Oat track out and "Red Dog" mad third on Smith' lngl. . ' - By Inning: - ' " . , San Francisco 1 1 0 I Hit Miiim ii Oakland 1 0 I I I Hit ....'..... 11 0 I 1 1 M 0 II BatteriesAshley, Joy and , Street; Cat and HaekatC Umpire Perrlne. , M'llWAIN MAKING . " " - GOOD AT THIRD BASE . G. VM. McElwaln. th clever player who made such a ood showing in th Cub-Trunkmaker game laat Sunday, '1 holding down th third station for th Cube thla year and for a novloe Inflelder shows up with any of th local- play ers -in the aem position. . McElwaln cam her from Chloago two year ago and laat Mason plsyed the outfield on the Oun Co. and East- Portland Grays team. . Last season hla batting average for 11 game waa 4IT and fielding lot. While a reeldent of the Windy City he played . left field" for on f th fast city league team and mad a - good reputation. "Mc" ha a good whip and 1 fast on th base. . i Warerly Vlctorkm. Th Wavarly Juniors -defeated the Stephen nine yesterday by th scor of I to 4. v - ,. f rr ? f v I 'I 1 A , M aA. '. ' : AsskAwav.'J .'-- 1l .Lllllaa Buiiell. In Her. 60riepowf Thomaa FIyi, OIG KIILKIO Oil n FLEET ATHLETE Burlew, and ; O'Neil's " Horse " Makes Big, Cleanup for , Backers at Jamaica, , WISE BETTORS PLAYED : HEAVILY ON ENTRY St.-, Valentine Wa - Ioadcd Down i With the Talent' Money but Wa "Unnble to . Come Within Hailing Distance at the Finish.' A; - -v .7--V':;-r.., .. . (Beant New by Longest Laand Wire.) New York. April S7. JSJurlew and O'Neil's Athlete turned a disgraceful somersault . here this afternoon-, Jla won the second race in saay styl att having been backed for thousand ot dollar by some ."wiss" bettor, who put their money up with auoh confidence that It waa easy to ae they knew a good race could be expected on the part of AthLeta . Whll th "lnldr'' wr 1 putting- down their check on th Bar- ; lew and O'Nell horse th publlo pies- '; tared th ring with money on St. Yal- ' entlne and backed him from T to I to II to L : - - . . :,. Fully. tSO.OOO want In th market on , St. Valentin. It stayed there, too, for Bt, Valentine finished outside the money. " Athlete's victory wa a stunning blow to th rank and fila Miller rushed Ath lste to th front and kept him there to th end, -winning In a romp. In th laat atart Athlete waa beaten ' off by ' such -poor-class horses ss Heaallp, ' j. Workmald and Hyperion. ' In that event , ' St Valentin beat him by Ave .length. ; Ei gene Wayland'a Tartan waa Jumped" ; on by Dlahabllle at th clubhouse turn, . ' where he suffered such a cut-down that ' . he may have to be destroyed. Brusaelt dismounted after th flrat quarter, e The Elmhuret atake. for 1-year-old at five furlong, developed a sensational : , acoldent. . Jockey Garner wa thrown from th back of Olvonnl Bagglo short- . ly after th atart, sustaining a hard fall. Hs managed to eecape the 'vrvtsh , of"-"-horses In a mlraenlou way. After th , mishap h aroae and walked to the pad dock gate, much to the relief of the . hyaterioal women In th grandstand. . ''".-' ttunaary ef Baem,,lT '- ,'v,' Jamalea, . N. T, April IT. -Six futC .. tonga Tony Bonero (Preston), S to 1, won; 'Clolsteres (B. Smith), T to, J, seoon,d; Shenandoah (Miller),. 11 to 1, ' third.. Time, 1:14 1-. ' ' " , Mil and 7 yard--Athlete (Miller) 1 4 to 1, won; Orbloular (Nlcol), I, to 1. second: Dishabille ( Farrow ), , 4 . to .1, . third. - Tim,' 1:41 l-l. fir furlongs Laura Clay (G. Burns, II to I, 'won; Blue Heron (Notter), 11 to I, second; Rustle (Swain). -I to .1, third,'. Tim, 1:61 t-S." J v- rr,-t , ... Six furlong, handioap JUd River (Lowe), II to L won; Snpemtan : (Mil-' ler). I to a, eond; La Lond (Swain). 44 to 1. thlr. Time, i:ii -. 1 Mil and en sixteenth Marathon (Swain), 11 to 14, won; Gilpin (Mue grave), I to 1, aecond; Gold Clrcl (Sum ter), 0 te 1, third. Time, 1:1. - Five furlongs Sepoy (Miller), 11 to ; I, won; Woodlan (Nlcol), I to 1. o ond; McGregor Shilling),. 4 to 1, third. Tim. Utl --. - ST. LAWRENCE TEAM- -H : WINS ONE MORE GAME Tka at. lamm team won It sev enth atralght gam yeaterday from th Irrlngtona Th scor wa I to I. Ken nedy was th star for th St Lawrano m. The line-up: St Lawranc. ... i,-' V ,. Irrington. Lartn ............. ........ .Traynor Twltchell ....... .p. ;.......Flttgrald Masoott,,...,. Barn Meagher .', .....Gill Carmody ........ .2. Jenaln- Kennedy ..i,,.iD...... . . a.y Hoffman If , ...Klrkland , Sawvaln .....----cf, ..Peterson Sullivan .........rf ..............Bean : Thompaon School Wine. ' Th St Petersburg nine waa defeat ed by the Thompaon team yeaterday by the ecore of 14 to S. The llne-upi Bt Petersburg. - . Thompaon, Deslata ................Toehl Grayson ........ .p. ...1 ..... .Henstetn Moor ,..,....,.Ib.........Hortrrd nvmywwM '-..-. ....... -jp. O'Connor ......... !b. ......... Conrad Held .;-.,....;..,........... Petron Pearl If ............ Maaon Thompaon ..... 4 .rf ........... .Henery Carlisle ....... . cf ........ . .William "1 i -'n ' ' , r. mm.01' ''V , ,..A yi . l