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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1907)
TUn OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, 'PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL' 3, 1087. The Cream of American Auionioi ' 1 r Our Motor Cart do the most at the least expense; recognized by experts aa leaders in their , ... - . class; cars. to suit every man'e pocketbook. v5," - yt are Northwestern Distributor for. -1 I The Fred A. Bennett Company Reeelree ft 8trlnc of Reo Cere From the Factory. i . one tw rnvorc NEWS AND INFORMATION ; ABOUT THE AUTO TRADE Nugget of Advlc to Young Chauffeurs and Trite Suggestions to . A!I VVho Follow the Entertaining Automobile for. M i,: ? Pleasurs and Profit : .." . ' Qesollns costs twlos as much at Part aa In this eountiTi ui the price le rising steadily. . ... - "Mooars"' Is the odd but ' euphonloue rm now used by eutolsts in cngiaad and Scotland.. - r A davica haa bean patented which la eeid to take ths hunt out of tha gear i of high-powered ear. There ara (4 tradaa or profaaalona - raprasentad In tha work . dona on an automoblla before It la completed. In Mexico noat of tha locomotlra engineer and firemen wear motorlata goggles as a protection against dual. ' Tokyo' a flrat tnotorbus proving a suo- eess front.. a financial standpoint, ser ral mora will aooa be placed la I 1Ce. --.. N ,. - . Great Britain Imported $10,009 worth f automobile leaa in February than la the corresponding month last year. - The Chtneae government baa coneent ad to a eenes of trials and ooatest of automobiles In Peking- on June 10. t. A Franklin eoanty (Maaaachuaatta) farmer Uses an automoblla to di-lre his sows to and from pasture, . two miles from hta home, ... -'. - The Italian Import duty on ears Is 140 up to 1.100 pounds weight, $S0 up to 1200 pounds and Us for all orer the ton..v v1'' ' Until the wanderers learn tha fact and shun tee city all tramps who visit Marlon, Indiana, will bo put to work on tha streets. - . -. - . t '' An enterprising preaa agent of a rae derllle abow which la touring the coun try (ires an elephant a dally airing In "a motor car.';- .. . ' As an evidence of the demand for cars In' Mexico, one American firm re eeatty sent II in a single shipment to Mexico- City. - v -:'- "' ' . '. Familiarity with motoring breeds, not contempt, but a demand for oomplete neaa, and aatuto manufacturers ara rap Idly realising thla. ' - Thar are but four lines of motor ora lbusesat Berlin. . The two-cant fare which prevails In the German capital alao appllea to tha 'buses, - There will be a meet on the Ptmltee track near Baltimore next month, a fea ture of which will, be a 100-mlle race for atrlppad touring cars. Cleveland autolats subscribed 110.000 for the 110,000 necaeaary to earry out the model road project proposed by to Cleveland Automobile club. ' At tha present rata of Increase In the number of automobiles tranaported acroaa the ocean, garages on big liners will become a prime necessity. . . - . The Royal Automobile club of Great Britain la In a curious dilemma, being unable to find a bill within easy reach f London suitable for bill-cllmblng eon teats. - ' The inability of the railroads to fur nish enough aultable ears for transport ing automobiles, has driven many manu facturers to the expense of shipping carloads by express. . Mora than 1710,000 worth of com plete machines And their parts and ao oeeeorles were exhibited at. the flrat commercial vehicle ahow at the Olym pla, London, last month. , The Automobile club of Maryland, a Bel tl mare organisation, and clubs at Hagarstown and Roland Park will form a stat association and eater the Ameri can Automobile aaeoclatlon. To Increase the foreign display at the Madrid show, tha Spanish govern ment will admit exhibits fro of duty provided they are takan from tha coun try within thro month. - "" On Bunoreo ana uirew uwmooiiw, Invoiced at IISI.TOO. war Imported at w Tork la March, against lot, wortn TS.T la Maroh, lios. ana at, vajuaa at $117. TIT, In March, 1101. - The leglalaturva conaant secured, a yndloat of Iowa capitalists will con-, nect over 100 towns with cement roads and operate a system of big motor ear for passenger and freight traffic - - The road from Atlantic City to Philadel phia la now marked with signboards, and the route "from the resort to Nsw Tork will soon be. The work has ben a one ty Atlantio City motorists. . The German military authorities are eatabllahlng an automobile section as a part of the army transport department A epeclal body of man, known aa the automobile corps, is in training. Counsel for the defense In a law suit for damages Arrowing out of the skid ding of a London motorbus contended that the plaintiff could not recover be cauae tha skidding was due to an-"act Of GOd." : .; Camels laden with petrol 4 and sta tioned at Intervals where tho Toad lies through a desert country snd far from tha Siberian railway will supply the tl competitors In the Peking to Parts race with fuel. . Participants In this year a Glldden tour will be ahlelded from - the rapacity of botelkeeper along tha route. The committee will make definite contracts with all hotels before announcing the stopping plaoae. . ' Several newspapers or pans r aged t get out their edition a during the recent atrlke of electrical worker by utilising auto motor ,t . drive their presses, ' Fashionable . cafes - war lighted by automobile searchlight a , Manufacturer of commercial motor vehicle, feeling that their exhibit fall to receive due attention at the pleasure ear abow, plan to hold a . aeparate how at Maw Tork early in the fall, making four ahow for that city. Under tha worst possibi weather and road oondltlona a touring ear carry ing two men and half a ton of Sunday newspaper recently - waa driven the II 1-10 miles from, Camden, N. J to Atlantio City In II minute. Muffler that become clogged wltj dirt or oil cause back pressure In the cylinder and consequent los of power. The muffler ahould -bo cleaned regu larly. One cans of mufflers becoming clogged Is too much ell In tha cylin der. - ''.! '. ' It Is the experience of demonstrator and road teachers that by keeping the eyes on a distant -point la the road ahead the In expert en oed driver will- do much better than If be keep them glued on - the tip of the fender of hi ear. Kurop ha fear that the price of. gasoline wUl Increase to such an extent! that It will be costly matter to aatlafy j the moderate demand of a modern motor.. The cauee I ascribed to the extremely rapid growth f antomobil Ing. -', i Not only i the United State the largest producer of petroleum, but It alao Is tha greatest exporter of gaaollna. la 1101 It exported 114.T0I.OOI barrels. containing II gallons each. Russia, the next nearest, .exported 14.100,000 bar rel a . When enca It ( decided to bar a tire rerabbered. ft- I well not to delay matter, a a rerabbered tire will wear all the better, for having two or three montha la which to become thoroughly eaeoned prior t doing hard work on the road--:-. . 4 . . 1 - Smart little) . motor ear have been adopted by the London police to sup plant the dog carta, ac long need by Scotland Tsrd. They artr finished In chocolate, picked out with red and bear the royal arm, while tha driver are uniformed in blue. To teat the value of tha motor oar In war a military courier will be sent from Kiel to Vienna with a messsge front the kaiser to Emperor Francis Joseph. Extra ears will be stationed along tha rout to be used aa ralaya in caee o breakdown. . , - Mabelle Oilman, the American actress. te - ----- - - I II I -' - - -J H. W, Mannlng'i 1 0-Ho-Horsepower Tbomaa Flyer. who nam frequently baa elated with that of a ateel magnate, and who l living near Paris, recently pur chased her fourth automoblla She uaa a a table onoe owned by Jerome Bona parte as a garage. . .. , ; In addition to three ear which ara being built In Burdpe for persona who hop to daah over th lc to th north pola, three more are under way at New Tork. two for Dr. Frederick Cook of Brooklyn and ft third for Anthony Fl- aia, the leader of tha Zelgler expedition. Automobile owner are not responsi ble for all aeta of their driver, accord ing to a declaloa baadsd dowa by Judge Griffin la the King county superior court at Seattle, Washington. While a ault for damage against an aatorao- biust waa on trial It waa ahown that th chauffeur waa out driving for hi own pleasure when the machine atruck th plaintiff tn th ease. Judxs Grtf, fin at onoe took the case out of th hand of the Jury and ordered th salt aismnssd. An English devtee to minimise tb duet nuisance consists of thin elates of metal about m foot squar. en aid of wmch i shaped into eml-clrel fit- ting close up behind th back tire xnes niiaa are auyed out from th back axle about II inehea from th ground, and aa th dust la drawn tip by the tlrea they catch it and deflect It toward the earth ae-aln.- wtthm al lowing a to rise to th level of tha i eddie eauaed by the vacuum formed Un meaiateiy nenind th backscth ear. STANFORD DEFEATS . BLUE AND GOLD NINE jTflearrl "ewe by teogeet Lewd Win. I Ban fran Cisco. April . IT. atanfoml won the third and deciding gam of th annual base ball series frm California tooay in on ez the moot sensational gam of year. Berkeley had a 1 to I lead up to tha last half of the ninth and It looked go much like a blue aad goia victory that hair tha crowd started home. With two eat In tha last half nf the closing Inning. Sampson, aad Stott singled for Stanford aad Owsa slammed out a three-baggar. acoring two ran and winning the game for the Cardi nal, all la lese than two minute. Th scorw: . , .. California 4 . 4 - Batteries Thlele and Stott; Jordan ana ocnaeaer. v First te Golf Tourney. .(Pabaebany Preaa by Sparta! Lweed wire.) Lakawood. N. J April ST. Fred Her- reahof f of Garden City, Intersoholastlo enampion. thla afternoon won th first prise in the annual spring golf toorna- man or tn country club or Lakewood, defeating H. M. Forrest of PbtladelphU t up ana uree to gov , Amateur Kotcav Th Steel bridge Junior defeated the Aoosenecks yesterday by the eoore of 10 to t. The feature of the game wag biu'i nne playing, w - The Coach school team defeated th Blanche, institute ecore of r Once Used Always I Icon e- r.-,7;.,-, i.-s a - wa wwa ? A DELIGHT TO THE OLD AS WELL itrrVmTYU ' m 1 ..;yr'. B-X AS TO THE YOUNG ISr feiV- Should be on Every Lawn A POSITIVE AND DELIGHTFUL ORNAMENT ; FOR THE PORCH " i , rcua KEAsoiis ivnT yoo snouiii use tde eutoiws roller siting 1 TKI EAST MOMENTUM Rat ALLY SOOTHING TO THK NIRVM. ? - 1-iAN ENTERTAINER FOR YOUR LAWN PARTY. . : t SDKAUTiriES THE PORCH AND LAWN. : : ' ' - ' - '4-KIEPS THE YOUNCITERS IN THE YARD.. MORRISON s xuy i w diUKLi ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING IN PLEASURE CRAFTS ; LATEST CHATTER OF THE AUTO MEN Portland Dealers Intend Holding a Race Meet and HIII ; Climbing Contest. BOTH EVENTS WILL COME OFF NEXT MONTH Local Honk-Hook Men Enjoy a Week of Activity tn the Trade Party of Club Member Spending the Day at Salmon Creek. v Th Automobile Dealers Association f Oregon, the first of Its kind Ui Port land, haa decided to hold racea at Ir Ytngton race track oa May 10. It haa been orer two year since th flrat auto racea were held in thla city and, eon. 1 oquanuy, tn local man are very anxious te see the different ear tested oa th race track, Arrangements are tsndar way for th carrying oat of an elaborate program and If the plan are carried some Try Interacting erents will be wttnad. POPE-TOLEDO ' " 60 H. P-Syen Passenger $450 Built Entirely of Chrome Nickel Steel .Pour Speeds Selective Type Transmission THOMAS FLYERS 60 R. P. Seven Passenger $4,000 , , Selective Type Transmission Four Speed Sell Starting Leaders of American-Made Car. Ask tha owners who have them. , OLDSf.IOBILE POPE HARTFORD THOMAS FORTY 40 H. P. Runabout , 30 H. P. Touring Car ' - 45 H. P. Touring Car 40 H. P. Touring Car , - . . .30 H. P. Runabout , 45 H. P. Runabout Three winners in $2,750 class. We can demonstrate to anyone's satisfaction that they cannot be beaten FRANKLIN AIR-COOLED 4 Cylinder Shaft Drive Runabout $1,800 4 Cylinder Touring Car $2,800 ' 4 Cylinder Light Touring Car 11.850 6 Cylinder Touring Car $4,000 , : . ' The only successful air cooled ear ever constructed. , DUICK TOURING CAR OR RUNABOUT 2 Cylinder Touring Car 11,250 v", '4 Cylinder 2 Speed Touring Car $1,850 2 Cylinder Runabout $1,150 ' ' ? 4 CyUnder 3 Speed Touring Car 42,000 At least $500 better value than Ha nearest competitor. . ' , ; POPE MERLY ELECTRIC - ' A - Runabouta S1.1S0 - ' Stanhopes $1,500 . Chelsea 11 00, $2,000 We are legitimate dealer "here to stay, Have permanent quarters beware of curbstone agents who are in business today and tomorrow gone. We are the pioneer automobile house in theNorthwest and the largest Jobber! of automobiles west of Chicago,' conseauently we are in a - - r'j. : : t position to have eur choice of lines. Our Garage ia Fire-Proof. ' ' C PRACTICALLY 'IMMEDIATE DELIVERIES ON OUR ENTIRE LINE . . H L KEATS AUTO GO. . 80 AND 82 SEVENTH STREET, PORTLAND. OR EGON Agencies Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane, and all important centers. , Zt has remained for Clarane Oorden, a 1 lT-yeer-old aohool lad of Clinton. Iowa, te equip the family automoblla with en of the most unlau little eon- trlvance ever evolved from th fertile brain of an experimental youth. Clar ence aought the permission of his fathar te provide the Wayne tearing ear with an "automatlo road map Indicator." The parent, wnen assured that th "im provement necessitated no change In th motor and no considerable deviation from the Unas of the body of the Wayne ear, gave his permission., The result Is that young Gordon haa In stalled a brass folder In which road map of th environments ef Clinton, with ran to Davenport, Dubuque, Ster ling, te Molnea, te. are so placed that th mileage mad by th Wayne eperatea a delicate clockwork arrange ment that puahee a auffloent strip of th man Into view te keep th driver Informed aa te hi exact location. I hop to perfect my little Inven tion." say th youthful Inventor, "by adding notches se that turns In the roadway will be Indicated by the tinkle ef a little bell, at a distance or say 100 yards from the point ef turning. It Is so simple that any time pa wsnts ths machine stripped I ean remove the touring auxiliary In twq minutes. Howard Covey say that this will be th - greatest, year by long odds that tha automoblla trees na aver anown. Mr. Covev has spent a busy week In demonstrating his cars and all that Is worrvlng him now 1 te nave jthe rail- read eompanlee deliver the good. Flttaburg. Pennsylvania, bad Its first 1,000-mile non-stop automobile run last week, when a Wayne car accomplished the dlstsnce ever the adjacent hills and roua-h roads, a feat which 1 regarded as equal te a 1,000-mti ran In almost any other city. The feat waa the Ini tial endurance test of any kind tn the smokr cltv and an enterprising furni ture dealer took advantage ef the In terest ersated by distributing tlokets for several hundred dollsrs worth of folding beds, gas ran gas, ktohenettea and other home eomfort accessories, . a e -The H. 1m Keats Automobile company IS doing a rushing buslnees these day a Last week tha following sales Were re ported: H. W. Lyon, a modal A touring ear: H. W. Manning, a Thomas Flyer; R. Beaks. 10-hors power Thomas Fly er. Dr. Byron BL Miller, a . 40-hora power Thomas touring ear. , , A number ef distinguished foreign delegatee to the recent peaoe confer ence were given a splendid opportun ity to see New Tork etty and Its en virons through the eonrtesy ef Carl K. Page, who put two ot-the new White Steamer at their disposal Among those to enjoy a long ride about the etty were Sir Robert Ball, Baron d'Gs toumallea d Coaatant, "Maarten Maar- tens," Sir Robrt Cranston, Lord Pro-' vost ef Edinburgh, Chancellor Roberts of the University of Cambridge, and W. T, Bleed. Lerd Cranston wittily sum marl zed the satisfaction of th psrty when h said, "Rldtng In those steamers we enjoyed greater peace and quiet than w did at the sessions of th congress." Another event ef . auto Interest to Port landers will be the hill ellmblng contest that will be held' eh May II under the auspices of the Automobile Manufscurers aaeoclatlon of Oregon. About 10 car will b entered In the eonteat, wblea wlU b held on Mount Ztoa ,, , , "Z2- 1 II IftteTMll Motar Car iCe Baebte, Wla. Oentlemear Beat th tnm Boates tn Bnffale, WO mllea, lnwtbree dare and s half ta the Model 6- MltebeU Bud bout, wltbeat toochlnf a bolt er apark pier, eala anb M gaUoaa ef gaeoUaa. We kft Dorelieeter (Boetoa) at 4 e-eleek rrVUy, arrted la Spruwfleld, kfaaa.. at I e'elock tbat eyeelag, staking 1,00 miles la 4 soars. teft SprtfiatleM atTar BMrnnig at S e'ekvk, cllmbtos the famooa "Jeeob'a Laeoer," la the Berkahlrea. arltk strlTed ar albaar at a' clock, suklng the 100 atllM la all hoars, tke roads betes the waret we wm erer B. Bet th. r climbed tbeaa all, sills , aad SMoatalae, aoajlrabl. lft Alaaar at S eloek 4.y, srrtred Is Srae at e o'clock 150 buw is alht soon. Beads fair. Left Syrem. Monday atS e'ejej. mrriri la Bntfite at e'etaek. being !.y3 t. Hewarfc. W. T, by s tempest, a few bean, In solBg rreia Boeheater te Baffale, s dUtaaee ef abnat SS Biles, 90 Bllee Zt wh.k to tbe flneet ef naceflere, be hewed allee per bom, eteedy a clock. ' Thla Is Hi aeanad Mltcben ear I bae bad, aad aball atoet eertalnly ka-r ma sf year loOT aieaela. Toe re traljr, , . S. W. BOTSOB, . M laadale St., -Oercbester. Vaas, . -Nothing bat a Mitchell for He Beat This 3) So says an enthusiast From Boston to Buffalo, 550 miles, in three days and a half, in a Model C - 4 Mitchell, without touching a bolt or spark plug, using only 24 gal- . Ions of gasoline. , The Car That "Showed Me" Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co., lint and Taylor IT IS ImworllaEll TO AN OWNER OF ANY Automobi! That there is concern la the city that can furnish them with Supplies On short noticev That Is our business and we have invested many thousands of dollars to bo able to care for your require ment. . The Best of Everything TIRES, LAMPS, ' 1 r . HORNS. OILS, PLUGS, BATTERIES, r COILS. ROBES. ETC Announcement has Juel been mad by ths EL R. Thomas Motor eompsny of Buffalo that It has engaged In the manufacture of ntotor cab and town car on a large acala. making thl rnt the debut of th flrt American auto mobile company to : engage- la thl branch of th Industry oa this side of th water, says H. U Keats, the Port land agent. ' The plan for th making and mar keting of , these car baa been under consideration for oer a year. "During that time Monsieur Ouetare Chedru, head of the foreign engineering depart ment of the company, ha been con ducting Investigation" ' In Parle, the preaent center, of the Induatry. M. Chedru waa formerly phlaf deu!ner and gen il sutertateodent ef tbe De Dion, Blchard-Braaler and Clement- Bayard plants.' As a result of bis long experience end th critical inventtna- tlon be ha given to the subject It has been found possible to manufacture a ear that show a marked Improvement both In simplicity and . refinement on tha commonly accepted etan J.itMs for such ehlele and wlilch embofitf .he principle of lightness and etr.nth to a degree that has not heretofore been approached. Teeterflay afternoon a party of lo-.l auto club mernbera, comnrlaed of It, RuanH, II. nne. P. I.Mlneer art M R. Inelov lft f r Saltrnn cr i-k In t r automot '1 he party wUl rtl ,- i lb cliy t vtolnj. "c ; NATIONAL, PIERCE, EMBLEM and OTHER D!cycl23 baci:3all coor - OARDZN UCZZ. Send for Cst-c a.