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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1905)
ru- t.. i ishi. MraTLeonidat Hubbard and Dillon Wallacerjn the ' ' V LoWtr Laft-Hand dorner a Portrait of the Dead Explorer Leonidat ; ' V Hubbard -and at the Top the' Last Entry In Hi Diary. niDOlVSEEKSGOLD - Mrs. Leonidas HubarcCWicTow of th Explorer, If Hunting ; for Rich Mines. 1 " -v I FOUND BY HUSBAND ; : . JUST BEFORE DEATH j" Hii' tetter Her Guide Dillon Wal-,- 4J lacv;WJio rAcconjpanied Hubbard ,, on HU Fatal Tour, 'Alio Led an 1 ' Expcditioa yfUh Same End in View (feoroal Special Service.) ::'' ;-V: - Brooklyn, July it. The separate ex .' positions to Labrador of Mr. Leonidas ..Hubbard, Jr., wife of-the explorer who Most his life la th barren regions, and 'Dillon Wallace, who aocomitanled Hub : -ll bard on hie fatal tour, are searching for i gold, Information obtained from friends, of lira. Hubbard . Indicates that the ' . Hubbard . and - Wallace parties are not searching- for unexplored lands, but for : mines which Hubbard ts said to hare , s discovered before his death. ' , Before her departure north Sirs. Hub' , bard told her oonfldantes In thla city vthat soe bad letters from aer -husband telling of the unexpected find, and also firing- the exact location of the nines. In his letters, Hubbard Intimated that ln view of his good fortune he would ' probably dlscoritlnue " his exploration ' work, and return to the, United States I to interest capitalists in , the develop "TBimt or the gold mines. Hubbard told vi his wife the mines were- worth several ' ' million dollars.. .. . - .. . . , . . i - I V Friends of Mrs. Hubbard say that she '. expects to reach the fold mines in less ? titan four weeaa - , i 'I .. ' ' ' : Mi wraleued took Casus Allen Lewis' Best Brand. TJrtx7 : tli ' time ' to Av right Into your pocket-boolc. ' ' This it the time when you get the interest ' on - your moneyindsance.--J)y spending tt here. , Business Suits at $8.65, won -" t x ...-- ' Bathing Suits at $1,Z5 Negligee Shirts at 85, -worth i.a- ... . 4 i f Mesh Underwear at 39V "worn fsa. j !t ' t ' :.: IflOIlCLOTHinsQ BrerTtalar for afea aa4 Boya. . laa-iea This. Bear Morrises. GATES IS BULLING H MARKET Friends Load Up on Crain . to Recoup Losses. : f 1 '"'"v(' V " BOOMED PRICES BY USE :; OF BLACK. RUST SCARE So Far the Bulls Have Not Met With . . Much ' Succeea "ea - Invefticatlon Shows That Wheat Crop Haa Not -'Suffered Material Injury. 51 f. ... (Joorut AU1 Serrlee.l '''' ' Chicago. July John W. Gates and his . followers . have again loaded up with wheat In an eltort to get back some of the money they lost this spring. Corroboration cams through obscure dispatches from New York. John Lam bert and Isaaa Klwood. who were with the Gates party on a fishing trip up the St Lawrence -river, have returned to New York.: and Gates will soon follow. Meantime Orson Wells, manager of the local offlos of Charles Gates ft Co., has been summoned to NeW Tork. It Is weU known that Wall street Interests had a hand In the recent up ward night of the cereal, brought about by the black rust scare, and the volume of trading .which accompanied the ad vance was so large as to indicate the presence of big speculators la the mar ket. ' : ' f; y ' v. : ' Much of the business Came by way of Minneapolis, but traders . have every reason to believe that the large part did not originate there." Bo far the hulls, whoever they are, have hot had the best of success. Investigation has .shown that the wheat crop of the northwest, while infected with black nut, has not suffered any material Injury- CONTRACT FOR STREET r. r WORK AT SALEM LET ffDecitl 'Dlspatc to Tbe Jo I-" 1.1 Salem. , July . 17. Contracts for the proposed ' Improvement of South Com mercial street in thla city have been signed between the city authorities, the Warren Construction company of Port land and the Cltlsens' Light Traction company. ' wnlcn - operates the Baiem street railway-lines, and - all preumi nartea for the work have been arranged. The street is to be macadamised' tor a distance of about on mile and the con tract prlco is HM4, which amount rep resents the lowest bid received ror the work. . The material will be secured at a rockplt owned by Marlon county. The rock will be brougnt to tne city over the electric car line, -which will be ex tended to the pit for that purpose. The work of Improvement will commenoe within the next few weeks. . y IVAtLOlVA SECTION Ofl THE BOOM r-n ;' iv r- i n ; H" 1 n r - - . -,8 BB.. .. I I i '" '. " ''. . - ; jk 'J. .... .... : - - 1 : .f .. . - m&nW-- ... m : . - -.. V '-i - -: . .v New Road Causes Excitement to Run HighBig, Influx of ' ,f Prnanair.tiva SattUra. I MANY BRICK BUILDINGS ; : ARE ERECTED AT ELGIN Country to Be Tapped by New Line Is One of the Richest Timber Belts in Oregon and as Yet Practically Untouched by Man. ISdmUI DUntck te Tae oraL) Elgin.Or- July 7. The railroad ex citement here Is running high. In the last -two weeks scores of prospective settlers and Investors have been flock ing to Elgin and at -the present time the hotels and lodglng-housee are crowded to their capacity, and It Is now hard for the Incoming travel to be acconv modated for. lodging.- Every day. par ties are leaving for down the Grand Ronde river and the Wallowa country. . The country to be tapped by' the rail road la one of the -finest, timber belts In Oregon and Is as yet practicably un touched. "There Is a rush for timber land and homesteads and many 'real estate deals are talcing place. Elgin is lively.' Several new brick buildings are to be constructed at once, while three large two-story brick build Inan are nearlng completion. Wallowa county towns are also on fhr boom. Every outgoing stage loaded and nearly every day several extra rigs are required to accommodate the traffic.. PENDLETON SCOURING ' . MILLS TO CLOSE SOON . ' (Specie! Dlepeteh to Tbe Joarnal.) . ' Pendleton, Or., July t T. Operations will ceasa st the scouring mill Friday afternoon, all work in the different de partments either .having been completed, or -will be toy i that time. The sesters concluded their ' work Saturday, .and many of them have left tou. The re maining -scoured wool will be baledby this' evening and 'will be shipped at ence to Boston. Wool In the grease has all been graded, work in that department having been finished today at noon. UNION COUNTY PIONEER DROPS DEAD AT .ELGIN . - 1 -. (gprcUt DlttMtrh te The JoeraaL) . " Elgin, Or., July JT- Rudolph Hug. an old - pioneer resident of Union county, dropped dead at his home five mllea from Elgin, Tuesday evening, of heart fallUre, He was a prominent cttltea of this eeetlone having lived here for aver 21 years. Besidee an aged wife, he leaves nine children, five boys and four girls. - lis was the father ofOeorge Hug. who has gained anlte an ethletlc reputation at the llpiversltjr ofOregon. I '''.'''''':',,.. . t PLANTS MANY TROUT IN V HOOD RIVER STREAMS (Spedal Slepatch to The JarraaL) Hood River. Or., July J7. Game War den Ik 8. rrita of Tbe Dalles wag here yesterday and punted f. 000 rainbow trout, 1,009 of the young fry being placed1 in the west for of Hood river. and 2,000 In the stream-of Green Point The fish are from the Clackamas hatoh err. Warden Frits says ha expected to have ', 10.000 " trout for the streams af Hood River valley, but the allowance for his district was short this yeas. The people of Hood River are very lax in the observance of the state game laws, says he, and it la his intention to keep closer' watch on. the . sportsmen here. He has served notice that the payment of. the hunter's license will be demanded. 7" '. A Companion; A delightful 'little f anion, indlapenaable to many i who ravel, are the "Little Comforters' Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills. By their sooth ing innuence upon tne nerves or the brnln and stomach, they prevent CUi- omach and headache car new, sick sti sickness. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills curs all kinds of pain tjulok and sure, are perfectly harmleae and do not affect you In any wayr except to soothe the nerves and cure pain. ' For real comfort never enter upon a journey without flrat securing a package of ., these ."Little Comforters. . , "I am denned to ' recommend . Dr. Mllea' Antl-Paln PHI a. They not 'only cured a chronlo headache, but since. If my head ahows a dlnpoaltlon to acne. one Tablet stone it I give hundreds o: them to sufferers on' trains, and derive much satisfaction, from the reller they afford." M. H. CHARTL'8, Traveling Baieaman, Bt. liiis, tin. " The flrat package will benefit. If -not. the. drugglet will return your money. 4 aoses,.at oents. . Navar sold in bulk. .'V . It lo bocoiiao povbrol ml puro and wholccomo end hayp found It for moro catitf cctory ."..' . -a a a mm a. 11V a. SB . to uoo tnon xno tu ana uu com r i ruwi - puwuwrei v ' Vau fnn nivitn thin' hi trvlnrv n'aaftri-. f f 1' Ml V . i -1- , .. . -t ..' V ' '. , . .' . :' l '. . vV T fe E T H NO PAIN NO PAIN We Are The dlsooverers and originat ors of the only reliable and solentlna system -of Painless Dentistry. ' We ex tract Hon. fill and eleaa or treat teeth absolutely without pain and guarantee alt worx ror mieen yeara. irar wora Is the best, our prloes the lowest con sistent wun, nrav-oiass wore - JL.A.A AG INATION FRKB. Our plates are unde tectable from the natural teeth aad are guaranieea ran. , FIIXIMG8 BO T5e Mid fl.00 GOLD CROWN.. ..3.59 to SS.OO BRIDGE WORK $3.00 to'is.OO FTTIX SET NATURAL TEETH. 5.00 Oven (og. rrenings- , mal. a-e'etoe Boston Painless Dentists SIM aCorrlsoa at, op, afelea ar rraAk i .. . and voatoMoa, " ; i- r i HOXJRS--:t a. m. to s p. m. Bua ay. : a. m. to 11:1 p. m. EXPLODING 0YNAF.1ITE CAPS JNJURE THREE MEN " axexaaxexa axa a aVjxaafa Mone Believed to B Fatally Hurt ' by Accident in Power Plant ;'at Prospect.-; . -.y i in "i- is.-. r- -y x ?mm i i j j . f. JS . V . . . t . - .1 . a. ' (Special tHapateh te The Voaraal) Medford, Or, July IT. At o'clock yesterday evening three young men working for the Condon Water Power company, now developing the power plant at Prospect, SO miles northeast of Medford, were engaged in capping a xusa in tne shop at the works at Pros pect, when a spark from the forge fell Into an open box of dynamite caps. The resultant explosion badly . wounded Ralph Bacon, Roy Hollowell and Fred Bean, all residents of Gold ,Hlll.n Bacon was brbught to Medford during the night for treatment, and Dr. Picked and Dr. Hargraves war summoned to Pros pect to attend the other two men. . Bacon, who Is a student of the State university, IS badly wounded. - His face Is ' peppered by ' the fragments' 'of the paps, -one eye being Injured. - He bore the trip from Prospeot well. ' Hollowell and Bean both sustained Injuries In their legs, about the knees, but It la not thought they will be permanently crippled! . -T-. ,.. Oomd motor Xa Injured. lp Ul Plaath te Ta Juaraslrr Baker City, Or., July 17. -By the breaking of a chain and the consequent loss nf a coupling pin. three flstcars of the Bumpter Valley . railroad that "... 1- ' li there anything better than trade between friends ? . '' Schilling's Best makes friends and trade. : , : Your grocer's; money back. i - -v ' IDoivn.theCoIiEm&Ea : . -....., ., ;. .' .--r--. '. '; '. -. - ' ;',.. .' -" ' On the T. T; Potter." aueen of river boats. Is a trio you will : never forget. Takes you to North (Long) Beach where the r . 6urf bathing s as.fine as 'the .'finest.. Passing out of Portland , harbor, alive witji incoming and outgoing ahipay flying the flags . of . many nations, through drawbridges, and past long lines of ; ; dockawarehouses elevatorsiactories jand jnills the. twelve miles on the Willamette River are quickly made. .Saluting the v ' government lighthouse marking the junction of the two rivers, , the boat swings into the Columbia for the trip down 'stream. ; The morning is clear (generally so from June until September);.. and a magnificent and inspiring sight meets the eye as the sweep- around the bend is made five snow-capped peaks,. Mount Hood,' , . Mount Adams, Mount Saint Helens, Mount Rainier and Mount : Jefferson looming into view-ra aight worth traveling long dis-. : tances to see. Ask at Third and Washington Streets, Portland; - Very Rates Low i Saturday -'IV C. W. STINGER., ' i ' Clfy Tlekmt J9gnt O. &. etT. Co. were loaded with- logs were derailed Tuesday afternoon -.' at Summit, near Bumpter, and Conductor Jackson severe ly Injured. He was riding on one of the cars that met with the accident and was thrown off. falling on his back and injuring him about Ihe hips. ; The cars were wrecked beyond repair. - Jgaek- wood aumed. - ..ISperlal Clara tch te Tba JoaraaL) .. Baker City, Or, July 7.--Iate Tues day afternoon the immense plies of slab wood lying along ths track f tbe Bumpter Valley railroad In Bouth Ba ker caught fire. The fire department was called out. but was unable to check the names before (00 cords of the wood hid been consumed. Ths wood was the property of the Oregon -Lumber com pany. - 'V -' - , -' . II 1 I -i - Work of Oraoaotlaa laat, (Sperla! Dtapetca te.flM Joarsak) J' ' Pendleton. Or., July IT. Men - are being ahlpped from thla cltyto work In the 'creoaotlng plant sf Wyeth." where railroad ttmbera are prepared-for the 0.,R. a N. Co, Oregon Bhdrt Line and Union PaclDo railroad. A gang of 21 men was eeiit to work this evening and Jl. mora will ba shipped tomorrow, HUMBERT AND MALLETtE WAIVE EXAMINATION (Special Siapatca te Tbe JoraaL) Baker City, Or j July IT. Pierre Humbert, manager - of .the Cornucopia mines, and" HO. Mallette. who art im plicated In the shooting affair at Corn ucopia, appeared In Justice Currey's court yesterday afternoon to answer-to a chacge of. assault with a dangerous weapon. The waived examination and were held over to the circuit court In the sum of- 11,000 each, which they furnished. ''.. ' V r ' A. A. Dennis snd Ray Boggs, who were ef the opposing party, will have their trial next Saturday before Jus tice Currey. District Attorney, Lomea Is prosecuting . both cases: . ' - : OreaUy la BemaaeV '.- r ' Nothing Is more In "demand than' a medicine which meets modern require ments for a blend snd system cleanaer, such ss Dr, King's New Life Pllla. They sre lust what you need to cur stomarh and llvr troubles. Try them. At Skid more Drug Co. Ill Third street. Jto; aTuaranteed, ' ' ' ' " ' : " TEETH . .. . - i .. ,j . , - . . for modern dental - work. World-TV ;. nowneo apecHuisia. Lowest prloes eonetetent with flrtt-elass won. Oo to taa- NIuW YORK DENTISTS ' TOTTBTS AJTO MOMXSOV 9TU. ". Opea day and night from : a.m. V , , ' until 10 p. m. .r. , Dr. B. B. WRIGHT , Tbe gCTWTWXO . DaxTTiaX thai ( rellevee kU pala ia dental opera tlna. . y avi WaWliLurtem W tea,. SertiWa,. V