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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1905)
" ' - jji. -r 4 ' ' 1 1 JovmiilClcJ... Yesitrliy ' ";" Pair toai-ht; . cooler j; westerly ORECON, EJVCIIINO. 'JULY. 83, ; 16C3 FOURTEEN PAGES. f:t 'iTRiCETWO cents; JJuSJrvT ' 1 ,.. . f,. .... - , vol.. iv. ; no.'. 12a.. '.I'"'. - .. . ;.. .,: V ' .- X- Portland. V M . - . v H K V --Jr M. M . 1 vl I )) I - -. I V-v:l 7 ?T V il If i. ,: 4 llifliiffllii . . ..'"i .'. 1 v.i . . ... . .- ..' -'. ' . ' " ' . . " ' : rr - vi . . . . . - : ' Committee Report, Refuting; ; to : Recogniza Separation of Nor Ish Parliament, ETrZHDn WJLUAtl WILL'T ; ? VISIT, KING. CHRISTIAN . , ft- Kaiaer to Induce AgeiTKlnt bTl l.frala lrora Permitting' Mr of .His FsmUjr;- to"4. Ascend,., Norwegian v- Tbron and to Act In Interest of 4 (Sweden' Vnulat"Copennacen4, ....- . 1 " 1 i . ' ; ..; t -." - ... . - vi (Ml Ipcital knki) : ' Stockholm. 8wdn. j July. ; UBoth liouam of th riksdag" held acrqt Hf ' oomtnlttM deallnc wllfi tba'crtan twcn Norway and Swadan. j It to undar ,- atood. that tha .raport waa approvad In prino1pla. j .;,r,,v. . ..... "4 , It la feUted oa axcallant authority tnat .tna.TiKaoaf .win aicniiy ita willing Mas to ; nagouata with Norway r- a dlaaolutlon of th union If tha newly eleotad atorthlng. raqueata a - rapal of tha union aftar a popular rote haa.baan taken.- Tha propoaaK " atabltak . nantraT' son batwaan .tha iwo eotmtrfaa - . Itumoer or otnar point aaggeatea bjr the naommlttaa, v i It la avMftt that th VrkaWwHl rafuaa to' take any formal actloo to '. Ward dlaunlon until the matter JiaaDaan - voted upon;, by. tha people of Norway. 'Tha motion, of ' the . atorthlng . deolartng aepkratlon wlU he completely Ignored, , It to held Illegal. ; ; ; , ; ., No announcem,ent ha , been, made '( the appointment of a new ministry by Xing Oscarr and the appointment la an lously awaited- aa having great bearing upon tha' situation rtt -tha jnlnlstry' la . of liberal character It is expected that ' negotiations will proceed aatlafactorlly " to botlwnattona tt to ganarally believed that Norway will agree to. a aubmtttlng ' of 4ne question oj. disunion to a rsrer : ndnta.-v-'.; t -,,,,.?. :. .. ,.j -i... The announcement made today from - Copenhagen that Katoar rTUllaa would visit K'ng Christian gives great aatia- ? faction, gatha kalxer Is looked upon aa , g atrong ally for Sweden, and it la pre sumed that he will bring presaure to baarupoii .Denmark's aged ruler to pro .vent any i.prlnoa of tha house 'Of Den mark accepting 1 the orown ot Norway ., and alienate tha' growing friendship between tha Panea and Noraeman V.-' ?:, Xalse to-TtoH . Star. Z ' ' 4 (Journal Special. Serrlea,) v? ' Copenhagen,' July It la annAuncad . that Emperor William will,, rjslt King 'BODY OF DANIEL LAf .!C,'1T ? : BURIEP IfJ POUGHKEEPSIE ,J r-' r';"-"i- ' 'i-rr--- ' ' Wear t-SVaitol aWreha.) " ' '.Poughkaepsla,; Nv TH . July tl. Tha funeral of former' Secretary of War . Daniel S. Lamonfr waa held shortly after noon. . Tha aervices ware simple. Ray. Merle Smith, pastor of the Presbyterian church f New "Tork. -of . which. Lament was a member, officiated.- assisted br twtr local clergymen.- .- - .-."-5 ;. Tha funeral party left MUIbrook after. . the aervlcea In Lsunont's private ear, ' which reaialna aDd. members of tha family. Tho remain were placed in tho lament .mausoleum at Woodiawn . cemetery.. Former Preatdeat Cleveland and Poetnasster-Oeneral Cortelyou were ln-atUndance. MAUD GC;.;.'E,S DIVORCE f SUIT XiGUM'irj PARIS t 1l ; ' .(Jouraal . Seoial,Sarrlea.) w 1 Paris.' July The lheang' oftha divorce suit, ot Maud.OontM, th "Irish Joan of Arc," agalnat Major McBrlde. formerly of tna Boetv armyv-waa opened In tho otvll tribune at thr Seine .today. Her. -attorney teveaely 'denounced lie Bride for alleged unfaithfulness. ' natio:jal co:.:r:Ar;Bsn " :f'i .,.;;car::aha:i is dying : -. (Jearaal Special Servte.$ I. Indianapolis,. Int. July. 2C General James Carhaa, national- commander of tha uniform rank Knights of Pythias, la' reported to he in a dying condition at hie home, in thia oity. y, . - i. FAILSINAHEMPTTO t V ; SWIM ENGLISH CHANNEL .' . IJearaal Speirtet Barvtea.1 - " Dover, July-i. Edward Heaton of Llrerpool attempted to awha -the Bngp .llsh channel today, but gave .up when within six mile of Calais. Miss An nette Kelterman. an Australian alee made tha start, but quit owing to the f 1 . I A - J - - - - - - - - . - . .--. - - - - - - j Inta wrfjrti?,; said'der Kalier ta der Svti ; Vpp'.JVe will .talk der matter over, tint 111 be your friend It) wedi;'n -r't i ' ! iTn'v?.,'!.'i :But.'if Oicar goes uni doe it, like yap'chust -come .UmxtCKh-'' ' V ' 1 . Den I wouldn't gif a nickel mit'a hole In for his crown ; r ' - 24 FEci. OF-nilTEIl III- SIIAUO'ISTiIO f POIIIT LIIII PiilciloiallEiB '.J ' J) . - T ...... . ' . t Splandjd Results Ffcmtha . Construction of tha Jetty and in Vary ? JV,-Short TirrtsvCriWst Freitrh'ters" In- World -Will ' v Be- Abla to1 Tha minimum depth of-water on tha Columbia river bar la!t fW and-that la In a vary limited . area. ; Over the greater past the depth to. from, la to 10 foot at low water, an Increase Of mora than ona foot alnca the soundlnga wera taken a year ago.. t-These, acts are learned from a map. which haa.Juat been Issued by tha United Btatae engineers. ' With the oxteBsloWof the jetty there fa Id to be no doubt that a sufficient outward current will be formed to wash tho accumulation of gravel and aand out to tea. Increasing tha channel toa mint mam depth ct at least 10 feet of Water at tha sera mark.. The trouble hereto fore has been that the current from tho sea, was greater than, that of th rtver. and tha sand and gravel -wera awvtpt back Into th Columbia, and formed the bar. Already th Jetty ha been th means af producing greater current from tba river, and much of tha accumulation has been forced out te a, -.. .. ' The outer end of th Jetty la still some distance from th southern extremity of the bar. Before th season eloa It Is tha Intention to complete tba Structure OH. MARY' LATHAM iSvrr FUGITIVE FROM JUSTICE 1 '.. '. . .(Spselal Usaatek ta.The Jearaat) 4 i Spokane. Waah., July, J.With , a aabUne of four- years "at hard labor and th payment ot 11,000 Sn hanging over her, .Dr." Mary Latham.'fonVlcled of v arson, la a fugltir from Justice somewhere in tha Idaho panhandle, hot ly pursued by a sheriffs posse.. It. la believed that1 the doctor will be recap tured during! the ""day." At th Urn of sentenoe two weeks Ago she ,was too .111 to be Uken to Jail, and waa left with frienda. her bond being fixed at ll.eoo. atarday, avenlnr ah recovered In a miraculous manner' and' started across tha country, driving glone In a (arrlage. A warrant Was Issued for-her arrest on the charge of balnx a fugitive from 4 v. ;.' - i; i .i t t Cross in Saf ety.-----'.- almost to' tha obstruction of gravel and sand," and whan. that, has-been, accom plished the Columbia' river-bar 'problem will "have been solved.-Material for 'the extension-' of tha Jetty la delivered at a lively rat from two quarries,-and .many workmen - are "placing' it! in-position . aa fast as -It la received.. .' Approximately eight barges of rock are delivered there very day. ,ft w . ';''. ' ' Worn a point near Fort Stevena to th bar the depth of th ohanael runs from it to 10 feet deep,, and In many pointa goes aa- Mgh as 01 feet, above .th low water, stage. ( -1 . Cople. of; th map will . b supplied to th various transportation companies today. Among, other things It shows conclusively that th Jetty .has been th sola means of deepening th channel, end that th dredge Chinook had nothing to do. with the good work. The deepening process - took, place-after. tha Chinook was taken out of commission. .1 ' Before another season freighters of th greatest draft will b able to cross th bar without the necessity of waiting for high tides. ' ." .V.A' , LIGHTNING; SERIOUSLY ' -DAMAGES; FARMHOUSE '. (Bpedsl Dlepatek te Tke loanuL) : r' Walla Walla, Wash., July. JO. Th home of O. C Ballay, s farmer residing near Aierieh station, elf ht miles south east of Walla .Walla, eras almost de molished by lightning during a sever electrical storm In that section' last night. Ballsy and his family miracu lously eecaped injury... The storm waa th moat . eevere 1 experienced , la that sectlorr In many years. .4 7', .v . r. i . ; Jsody reaaa Z ivak. , ,'.. 1 ' tpec. Mepetcb t Tke JoemaLr ', ' . , ' Helena, Mont, July It An unidenti fied man' was found floating In tha take at the Kast Helena, smelter today. He was weU dreasM and about tt years old. Corner Bennett will, bold en- lacusat Ell Member of Commission From 1 California to Succeed Wright "-Vln; rHlppfwat-yy-.'; HIGH. PLACE RESERVED FOR ROMAN CATHOLIC .'1 Long and Honorable Record iq Arch ripelaga -of - Fntare - Ecotivrt-g Army 1 ; Officer, Jurist, ' Adralnls txstor end Commiaeioner. f. fv-"V. -wassaisasamaj t ' ..!. V,;-' . Jearaat ' Waahlngton. D. CM July tt. A Wash Ington paper says tha rumor that Judge James 7. Smith, now a memoer 01 to Philippine COmmiselori and secretary of public instruction, will be the next gov ernor-general of the- Philippines la prso tlcany confirmed la high official elrcl. ' Over a month ago. according to th report,'. Archbishop Ireland of St. Paul and Rlordaa of California, two pereonal and Intimate friends of CtoMral Smtth, mad th statement that th next governor-general of th Philippine would be g Roman Catholic and that ha Is at present on the commission. .'This 'left only on Inference, namely, that tha successor f Ooversor-Oemtral Wright would be James f. Smith. In- letter to a prominent member of th Catholic society In Philadelphia It is reported that President. Roosevelt has written Archbishop Ireland announcing his Intention of .appointing General Smith t the highest position within tht gift of th president la th lalanda .. . Jama Francia Smith Is s native of San rranciaoo, -bora In lttl. Ha graduated -at Santa Clara collage, and studied lw, a-th Hastings Law ool lg., pfactiolng In "San Franolsco. ' At the eutbresk of th war with Spain In lit he became colenel of the ITtrst California vnluatear and served la the first expedition to' th Phllppfnea, - He was preeeat at' the battle of Mklata trenxa'en4 t". taking erManlla.' sad played a prominent part In the campaign agalnat AgulnaldA. , H was promoted to In April,' 10ft, an4 plac 1 Is .00 tx end ot .the ,dpr;jaesit of 1 .' ' ' ' --'- Naphaw ;of Congressman ,Wfl " liamson Wanted aa';Witns "'Against Him Found to 'ri'Bi Misslngi " ;'v.; TDrrn .to crmcsjc 1 nnbbu - iu. bvuuiib' , 1 THENCE TO MOUNTAINS '';.,! .;i",i;''v-r:.-; W V-. OXesry, s Hotel Keeper at jfcKengie " Bridge, Suipatted of Hiding Him if " s " Summer . Snort, - Is Ordered Placed : Under .Arrest - A. Long 1 Ernest Starr, an Important witneaa for the government In the first trial of Con gressman Williamson,- Dr. Van Oesner end Marion , R. Biggs, has disappeared and a number of deputy marshals and secret servlo men are in hot pursuit ot htm to bring him back to testify ig the second trial. ot th caa. . -: Starr -la a nephew of Congreesmsn Williamson and for several years has been employed, by th firm of William son a Oesner. . h wag ona ox in men who wer Induced to take up Umber1 claims with th expectation of convey ing tbem aa soon as patented to William son. and hi partner. , un tns rtrst trial Sta'rr-'teattfiad- poitjvelr-rht Jm4 a. coninici iw rwry . t r . n w . and tb fact of it iv.ti.. M v Dtinc!ial defendant mad htstostli"ny, which was given with reluoUgce. all to mora important. " 4 . Starr left Portland . last Thursday morning when 1t was apparent that tha Jury would fail td reach a verdict and that's second trial waa Imtvltabla ' A soon aa his absence was discovered United Statea Deputy Marshal Griffith was at one sent ra pursuit of him, it having been learned ' that the "young man had gone to Eugena- From Engen Starr took stag to Blue river and then struck out on fot for. tha mountain. ' W. J. Burns of th secret service, who Is In charge f th gathering of evidence for th government.. Id this afternoon that Starr, would undoubtedly b over taken and 'brought back. - "He has gone Into th mountains," Id Mr. Burna. "but we shall aav him back ..hare in Ume to ttify.'" It waa noticabl on th former tnai that Starr waa exoeedlngly unwUUng to testify against th defendants, and it I th opinio -of th government offi cials that he has fled, to escape giving testimony against them a second time. Th following dispatch was received thia afternoon from Eugene: Eugene, Or.. July J. Krneet Starr of PrlnevUl. nephew -, of , Congressman Williamson, and en of th government's moat Important witnesses agalnat the congressman In th present land fraud trial. I being pursued across th coun try at of Eugene by a deputy United States marshal, assisted by . the local officers. ... . Starr arrived In Eugene last Thursday night. Next morning.. h. boarded , the Blue River stage.. Th government of ficials at Portland learned of hie move ments and wired th officer here to try to apprehend him. ' Constable John Smith left her Friday evening for Blu River, expecting to And his man there th next morning. After traveling all night, arriving at Blu Rtvr early Sat (Continued on Pag Two.) 2,503 T.U3 STAr.:PE0E in BJir.e.'.n ur sale Eight Seriously Hurt In - Mad Ruah to Secure Tan-Cent Overalls and Shirts. v v -. (Joera.1 apeelel SsrvJee.) ',.".' Pittsburg, July It. Bargains. Xen'a Overalls 10 Cents; Men's Shirts ; 10 Cants. This slga '-. in th , window ef e store ea Fifth avenue at noon yester day caused e disastrous stamped among bargain-huntera.- . Eight women ' were seriously hurt m th rush to -secure overalls Or " ahlrts for thir - better halves, and a reserve fore ef polio waa called out' ,. Ambulances and' prol wagons backed up, to th door of th store and for a time It- looked as though there would be a great loss of Ufa, ' Mrs.. Mary Hoover waa th worst hurt of - th women caught la th crush. Sh fainted at tha head of a stairway and would have fallen to th lower floor bad the . crowd not been toe den to allow her -to fall. She was. held up by the a rush, apaprently dead. Other woman In the- plao beoam panto-atrlckan and tried to reach th street. More than a doaen worn. a fainted and th polk had to uee cluh on th crowd... - , After about S.600 women had got aii nt tt aiaa. tha store. whlcH bv this time looked like a erreck. waa turned into I a hoapiul. the Injured women revived Chief Russian ' Plenipotentiary . Laavea Cherbourg for Amer- : ; lea to Attend Peace Con- ;. ' ferenca at Washington,;.' k - RUSSIAN N013LES FAVOR S i .REFORMING THE EMPIRE . 1 V ' . - i , .. . Minbter- Takahlra-CIeeeted ''yntfefAetion ; Taken . by CaptaM .SjMcer, President Roosevelt Arranging' Re ception of Komora Piece of Bone 1 Successfully- Removed Prom Head 6t Admiral Rojestvensky; ; '';'-" (Jearaal Special Servtee.) " --i - -';.". , Cherbourg. July tt. M. Wltte, who Is to act aa chief Ru Ian plenipotentiary In th coming peace eonfereno with th Japanese representatives at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, sailed for New Tork to day on. th steamahlp Kaiser Wilhelm der Oross; of th North denrian Uoyd Una' Prior to going aboard th steam ahlp M. Witu received a budget of offi cial dwpatcb Xroar th imperial gov erament af Petersburg , and also a number of messages eoavejlng tk good wishes of friends in ths 'Russian capital. He waa accompanied tc) Cherbourg by fife Rn-onaw a - fror at eartwetr-irby :m.hv.... 1 s wj.n, kud t America .jUerabie party at advisers and see reiariea. Inoludftd In .the number are Professor ' MrUna. 'th famous au thority on International iaw or tna um. versHy of St. Petersburg) M.v Plancoa. formerly charge d'affaires) at Peking: M. ' Shlpoff. director1 of '- th Ruaslaa treasury department; M. Koroiovlta, for merly eecretary of th legation st Pe king; MaJor-0nrai.Trmoloff, mllltarv attach at London, end M. Naboukof f and M. Semolloff ef th Russlaa foreign offlc.- :''.'' - VISITS THE PRESIDENT. , -'f. taalra Olseeeet Wlta . welt liiaaglsr fee Oeaf eseavee. ' ' 'J ' (Jearaal Special Serrl-e.)' :- Oystsr Bay, N. July tt. Minister Takahlrs arrived from New Tork thia morning and waa conveyed in the presi dent's carriage to Sagamor Hill. ' Plana for th oomlpg peace conference will be dlscuaaed this afternoon.. Takahlra refused to be Interviewed. He will make arrengemsnts for tha re ception ' of th plenipotentiaries some day next wek-', It Is believed th presi dent will receive Baron Komura Inform ally en Thursday, or Friday of - this w k '- ' ' ' ' "' l ''vf:;' COUNTRY OF MISRULE. - gemsads Con-ttaioaal vetmme. (jWaal SpeeUI Serrlea. , Iondon, July !. Th fuU text of th remonstrance drawn up by th Zemstvo congress at Moscow for preaentatlon to the cxar haa been published In a morn ing paper. It comprise about 1.000 words and I a terrible indictment of Russian misrule. Detailed preeentatlon (Continued on Pag Two.) i:eoso buys a ko::e 1: JO EXECUTIVE IffilOil People of Kansas -Offended at ; Attituda of Colored Man . Toward Governor. - - v, w . . ... .... .... .'; 1 ., 1 -t; -- ; 'l' ' ... , - , ' ' v.. '. .. (Special tratpstcb, t Ik JMsrasl) ., Topeka. Kan., July !. Topeka'e Four Hundred are deeply outraged because Nick Chiles, a negro, haa 'purchased a home near th , executive mansion. Jn fact right under the no, of Oovernor Hoch. . Chiles, who 1 editor of a negro paper, SDnoniK-ea that he desires td live In a fashlonabl neighborhood and aay hs will b a good neighbor- to Oovernor Hoch and that th xecuUve may borrow from him. when ha wishes. Chiles'' effrontery, aa It ia. ehareoter toed by the "upper crust", of society. Is attributed to .Oovernor Hoch's cordiality toward Booker, T. Washington last win tar, when the governor walked up th aisle ef the representative hall arm ht arm -with: Waahingtow, 'and mag a spnhr to - the legislature Introducing him. . V Hoch elao Sat b fi W. T. Vsrr;u, a noted col or J oritor, at the Kansas lu banquet In Jnry., , - Koch Ix ne ; many lc -v!rj C r eor" - rtu Factions That Have Bean Squab , bling for Profits of PoolaalU , : Ing at Irvingtoii . Will ,Talt ','! ' ; ' Troublea tQ Judge Frazer ,."'; i BUT THE ODDS WILL' CE ' POSTED THIS AFTERNOON . '. -f . I' ' -'.A . . .. V ... .'. s .J. '-,'' -.''-.'--'. ' 1 -.- -; ..', 5, i . i ' .)-.. -,111 '1 m . v . . " 'Attorney- In "Pact ' for Mrs. Rjran, " Owner of the Traxk--A Contin- nance la , Granted ":- in the Police , Court to Poolsellert Arrested. : Whether or not pools may be sold on. horaWlraoe st the Irvlngton track Is a queetlon whioh must be. decided tomor rw by - Arthur I., Fraaer, .presiding ' ; Judge of tha circuit court. ,. . , , , .Deeial action-intended to fore th issue was taken In the circuit court thia . morning by, Captain E. W. Spencer, agent and attorney in fact for Mrs. Elisabeth Ryan, owner' of th track, on discovering that. Fabian tactics were to be adopted by th Multnomah Fair aa soclatloa In the. police court. . . Suit was begun, by Mrs. Ryan agalnat ' the lessee- ot her property, end an ordr Issued by Judge Fraaer requiring the - tfendaveavt.. appear,, court' at e'eioc" umorrow morr j, st wk h 'es t as t la fnao r''a 1 )Ow unkm. V-. permanent, Injijncti.i.. should not be granted, estopping them from allowing gambling at the track in any' form during - th progre, 6f th. racthg mt- t - . .' Th order waa. served .this afternoon by Sheriff Word on th following de " fendants: Th Multnomah Fair elation. A. B. Diamond, president of th asaoclatloe: Banford Hlrech August , Erlpkaon, . Eugene . and Edward Blaster. directorav ' , Pool selling st the tfack this afternoon . Is not . affected by th ..writ, and wilt hcontlnu until such tlnu as th court msy deorM that tt to UtogaL . v ' tralsaa , atendaata amy. It la alleged by th ' defendant asso ciation that tha aulsanc" statute, in voked by Sheriff Word in stopping pool sailing , in th city does not apply to s race track, wnere u nor are in algbt of th bettor, end In th opinion delivered by M. C, 43eorga . formerly presiding Judge of th circuit court. . from- whoa decision - en appeal , waa taken. It waa indicated that there was ooneiderable doubt aa to whether th statut wa meant to cover the salllnv of pools at a racing course. . .. In th complaint rued by Mrs. Ityart through- Captain Spencer, .who to repre sented by Attorneys Henry C. Med) inn and Richard W. Montagu. It I alleged that th property wa rentad the association for legitimate purposea, but that th terms of the leas have been violated by th eel ring of pool on race' President Diamond declare that" a'J rights which Mrs, Ryan -may have haa Under the terms ot the lees have been ' ' waived by permitting pool te b sold on racea st th track for two year before : ah took any action to prevent th prac tice. . - -. '--' :- Th action In the circuit court waa ' not taken by Captain Spencer end hi,, attorney until after they had gone to' (Continued am- Pag Twol to"g::g.7 mECi:i! Royat Y.'tlcoma lal Given tha) y American Congressfonai Com- ; mittea and Miss Roosevelt. A ;' '4:, .-. ''.' ''.'".,'-1 - - -.'. - ' .'"'' - . J (Sperlal Plsaatrh t Th Jearael- . Waahlngton, July 10. Colon! tA k wards, chief cMh insulsr bureau of the I . war department, - cable the arrival of . Secretary of War Taft and els party at . Toklo. He says th official members Of th party will luneh with the emperor tomorrow iw-th Imperial palace. Tha : antlf party will be-dined by Count K- -sura, prim minister, at th Imperial ho- tet tomorrow night, - A garden party by .the United State mmlet.r, dinner by th 1 Japanese ' beak era Friday, also a lunch by the Japan- minister ef war s Arsenal garden, r th other func tion planned for this week,' ; A sperlal train' wUl take the party to Klot Fri day night. They leave Kioto Sund, sailing-Monday from Kob Nag"" . whence they will II Auguaf 1. Tt Will arriv t Msnll Aagust 0. Toklo was brilliantly Ulumtnele t t'ht in honor of Secretary of V'-r laiaa A-.i Roosevelt and tha r of th -reealon! otb"-' r-r-v w. 1 reted by hv- e r. ill conveyed . -on , . . . enthoaias it .t 1 .-n t i Weiooi . I ' 1 ? tJ"n. 1 - . . this evnlog. , -. " . .-, ---vo yfA aa enk to ueir homes, , . i r. ,' - . r.-:V-4 -. - - v.