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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1905)
.' , V',' ,T I ' .'"'. '.' v -' : '. , '. l i ' " Tii3 oregon daily joxteiTAiX ronTLAriD wzD:r:2A7 nvL:r:::.1 JUL7 r v r : T V'.it ' ': Li". y. rrediV. Holman HasTDuel VWtS ' 1 i? Hirhwaymen Whom w He v, -Putr to Flight; t .-T t. A. BLEVINES MEETS TWO Trr STRANGERS AT CITY PARK ." VfT r r T vrr .'V? ' Police. Learn Front . People Who ' ... Haw Rmii Attacked and Robbed v ??ot Preienct in & Wei iMany Clever Criminals. v .- '. ; t -t w4 a ... ha lila Vistula , i v nvn vmviw w v " " . , tjy two highwaymen, at Taylor and ' t llowniidale afreets last' night. Attorney 4 Fted V. Holman opened fire on tba oa MrMt him..- Hie fire wti returned:, the : S ' .' rrbbar shot two- or three times, but al v v.',VT though the wen were :only efew feat . , depart norwof the bullets found lta mark. - V The "highwaymen ran after the ex-ve?benaw-fahoU-Oaa-wh- waa either v -wounded or poeeeeeed 'of a remarkehlel . nerve, stood in tne anaaow o m buuvihi ' " ,a, ehort distance away and Holman took " -a fourth ahot at aim: ha then fled to "- Join him companion, ' . - - ' ' ., 1 had been ta the fair and whan Z .' got f f the ear placed the platol In my . looat pocket and kept my thumb en the 'J safety, dog." aald the lawyer thli morn Z Jar te Chief Grltsmacher. . ,-Ae the men ','"".'. approached behind me I-concluded thef would aeparate and to on either aid Bo I walked to the edge of the euro and . ; stood waiting. Juat aa the oMer to v throw up my hand waa given I caught ' ' ' the flaah of a rerolver and began to -'. ahoot at the nearest, who returned my "fire." "The other man tmnl - Then the one J ahot at hurried to the ahadow of a t building and atood there, but alatf ran : -when 1 again shot at him. I cannot ee jhow-1- eaiaaed, unleaa It waa owing to aMtotemenf, i". . i ; li-r ' While ID. A. Blerinea, -who arrived thla morning from Chleago, did -not. bare ao . . K exciting a time ar Attoraey Holman tola thrllla coat him SQl Aeeeated by a "bunko man a he atepped off the train. f ha went to ha City park with the 'v '-, atranger to get a good view of Portland. - -'There they were) Joined by a third man and ail matohed . oma. Blevlnea had .-parted with Jja.when one of the men (declared he fcad 'been robbed and waa . jgotng after the police.. , i? "We had' btfer amp.1 amid the bther o Blevlnew. "aa there la a lawvagalnt gambling ln: tWe.tte.:' They kipped" -nd Bleylnea' com "panlon managed to elude him in a crowd 'on Waahlngton etreetr Then he became auaplcloug and 'toMvMe etory to the " police. ' ' ' v- - ''v- - rron-the room of William Earl at the Orand lodging hodae. TM Third treat, laatk night. "nlpper' men" atole hla v' trouaera; containing 'lie. He auapeeta -'two 'yoting' men whom he afterward aaw 'prowling around the thallwaya' t ' K &-lVCreeep of JMH"1rat street re 'ported to th bolice thla .morning the "theft of a gold watch.' v''" ' t C B. rranreenpf;tlflf tMrfalon itreet ileft fila bicycle ' on' the ldewalk yeo (teTday, and -when he 'needed It, Jt had lp(eaffael;'..---V- . . I " ; Y i 1 etftrtr i et i i l.i i t,..i" ' r'rmvii u i ; a t eti f ! ' i i mi AHALh I..1LLIUJ IU FOauTER sweetheart Woman Wills. Largo Estate to . k .... ' awa . a i ; ' - Lover on condition That He v yr Divorce His Wife. . ;;r : i c'". - : (learael goeelel Benlee.t , Plttaburg. Pa, July . The wlU of ., Silas Anna M. Gunning, a well known wealthy woman, who died July If at the : V 'age of 15 years, jraa filed for probate 'yesterday afternoon, and s altogether - a most remarkable document, .Aeoord- ; 'ing to the provlalons, she leaves the en - "'tire estate, amounting to ftOO.eoO, to ' :'Carl JL ' Miller, well known buelneaa ' man,' whose home la In a fashionable : aubtfrb of Wllklnburg, on condition that ; 'lie divorce hla present wife or thst shs 1 dlea. Otherwise he -does not receive a i'penhy. Tears ago Mr. Miller was ' a sweetheart of Miss Ounnlng snd she loved him devotedly.' But after eourt ' lng her some time he married his pres- 'c V.-ent Wife. Mlaa Gunning never forgave , 'and never, forgot. - Miss-Osnnlng also '",. drills MUler all her pictures, brto-a-brao ., end household furniture ho may deelra, :', but in no case Is Mrs. Miller to have .;' any article or ass any article, , i V:jUL CHICAGO UNIONS , -V) TO CALL OFF STRIKE t-rjMtfael IpnUI aVrfe,. " ; -Chicago, July J. At a meeting of the lteemstm-s' Joint, council Jaat night it . , was decided that the strike should not -.'be spresd and all )ocal unions who had , , galled to obey the order to call off the .,' atrlke were ordered to do so at onoe. Jn addition the council Issued an order , , declaring that there are no longer anjr : '.boycotted houeea in the clty. -j--- j e .. ' . - . , .'..'"?;";''''.'- . ' ... j-.- s - There is a quality Baking PovverhicHttakesr ;the food more digestible and ' vyholesorr of Royal has -Been noted by 1 physicians, and --! 1 " . - , gh 'VtiVA ; Ike ' ' aVOVAL lAKIae rwrtu CO Mff tone " out DEnr:ETrs QUESTiqns, drjljg REDtj;E ; Fiinn .IIIORF Tilting Between Counsel In WiUiamtonBlegii-Cttner Land fraud Cat Continue- Court Crowt Caustic In Cpmment- 1 Ing on Attempt to Cloud the Evidence. " Freuuent claahea between counsel for tne proeevnuon ana tne a ere nee nxarxea the .i trial of .. the Wllllamaon-Oeaner filgga ooneplracy case thla morning, cul minating in a snarp reouKS oy ine court to Judge Bennett heoauae Of the letter's Improper questioning of a witness. . ; (r s Only two .wttneseesrera on the stand during the morning JeSeraon IX Bvana and Oreen Heard both of whom Look lip timber claims at the Instigation of Biggs. In the mala their testimony was the same as that given by them on the former- trial, but tba . Important statement waa made by Evans that not only did meaner eelect the tract on whloh he 'was to file, but the witness did not even know which tract it waa. tba description being sent by Oeanor to Biggs. iLi it was on tne eroas-examinauon or Evana that the friotlen- between Heney and Bennetf arose. ' The latter had been asking the., witness numerous : ques tions about Conversation be -had had with persons unconnected with the case, when the district attorney Anally Inter rupted with the demand: , Do you think this sort of-evldence Is competent T . If so, there Is lots of it that X would like to introduce." , Oavel aHope feaMsbliaaT. - - "If you don't think It Is competent you ean-object,1 replied Bennett tartly. Oh, I want ta give you all the rope you want," aald Heney. I ll be more considerate . than you are," retorted Bennett. "If you were to get all the rope you wanted I don't know Where you - would - go I gueas you d go to the Pacino ocean. . Judge De. Ha van's, gavel. Interrupted any . further . exchange of compliments, though there were oocsslonsl flaahes s the examination progreaaed, and. Judge Bennett betrayed his irritation plainly whan Oreen Beard, the laat wltnees of the morning, was on the stand. Bcanstt had failed to get much from the witness on. cross-examination, but the district' attorney drew forth several Important statements. Finally the Attorney for the aerenee aald aarcaatlcaiiy to the witneee - "Would you- be wUllng to answer yss to any question that Mr. Heney should ask you" , " - "I don't think - such a question Is proper. ""Judge Da Haven remarked. witness Is entitled to be treated with respect while en the stand.- Tou are at liberty to make such comments as you see fit when you are arguing to the jury. out such .Questions are improper." . Judge .Bennett persisted that he-waa entitled to ask the queetlon and the eoart replied enarplyi j "That question la an Insult to the wit neas, and the witness Is entitled to "6e protected front Insult." ,: . Bealea Xaowleage of , Change. -'1 ' Aside from these Interchanges between counsel end oourtr the morning session was uneventful. Evans' testimony that he did not know 'what claim hs waa to file nay until he learned from Biggs, to whom. Oeener had sent the description wss an important eotnt for the- pro seen tlon. JOvanev wife waa also to take up a elatm, but Oeener said that.' It waa not aafe for too many in the same family to prove upv",-eo- she -; relinquished her claim. :' -- ""rri" ' ., After Evana had made hla application and the paper bed been forwarded to tbeeriaad office at The .Dalles. Biggs wrote to the register asking that -the description of the land be changed -to another tract. . Evana awore that this change waa made, without hla knowlsdgs or request. HeMao awore that- he did not know whether there waa timber on the .claim on which ha filed, ae he had not selected it and did not kaow Its lo cation,. ... f ureen Beard. a farmer living near Prlnevllle, testified that he tookbp h claim at Biggs' suggestion and on the strength of Oeener'' promise to advance the money with which to prove ud. "It waa the contract between me and Oeener thst I was to get ITS out of It he aald. . "The reason X didn't prove up finally waa because I cot uneasy about It and I didn't think It was right" The - witness told la detail of - the otrcumstences under whloh he ' made the timber, filing on. land aalected , by Oeener end Qravee, .the county . sur veyor.. Hs admitted that Oeener ha1 probably aald to blm and other entrymen that it would be unlawful to make any contract ror the purchase or the land. '; Bennett and Meaey Clash. - .y , Judge Bennett and District Attorney Heney crossed ewnrds more than- once yeeterdsy afternoon, and ' the ' sparks were flying almost, Inceseantly. Ben nett's constant efforts to draw from the government's witnesses some admission that they had been . Improperly Influ enced by special agenta and secret aer- vlce men. and that they ' had been coached hy the prosecuting attorney be fore taking the stand. Irritated Heney and several lively tuts between the at torneys occurred. Only the Interference of the court prevented the dialogue from Becoming acrimonious. ., without any specino information on which to base his questions, as hs finally aaraiuea to tne court, judge. Bennett persisted In asking wltneaees whether in they accord- 0E.II11I they - had not been instructed by "the government officers as . to their testi mony and whether the witnesses had pot been entertained at dinner, taken for drlvea and automobile rides and treated to cigars by Special Agent jSteuhhuaea and hla men. To all auch queetlons the reply was invariably ' In the negative. and Judge te Haven finally Informed the attorney that he had ne right to Inter, rogate the In' that mapner. "Tou - have no tight te draw on your Imagination aa to what may have oc curred." aald the court, and Mr. Heney interjected;. ( "Tou can pat me on the atandJudgs Bennett, If you want to prove what has taken place' In my 'office and' I wUL answer fttHy..A,. 3.Hr v ,v dhssaer . raid fee ' miag'. ' . Henry Hudson, whose testimony wss the amualng feature of the former trial, was'on the witness stand yesterday af ternoon. -He repeated -his story of tak ing up a timber claim at the sugges tion of Dr. Oeener, who agreed to ad vance the necessary money. " ; . - .- ; "The -understanding waa that I -was to 1st him have the claim for 1600, but I took It up like all the rest of them for a speculation. - I wanted, 1.000 for the claim If I could get It T had It In nv mind, I don't know If It waa. honest or not," aald Hudson, Cross examination brought forth once rmore the entertaining story of Hudson's preparations .for ..hie . trip to Portland when he wss subpoensed to appear bo fore the grand Jury, .', , "Did you make your will, ' Harry r asked Bennett . - "Tea, I made my will. Tou asked tne about that at the last trial. Mr. Bennett' and aftsr telling ; of conversations In which he Intimated that he might run away rather Wan face the grand Jury, nuaeon eaaea: "I guees I wss half drunk, half tipsy, wnst you call it" "Are eflu drinking newf queried Bennett. . "Oh, no, not' now, this fellow's too smart for .that Mr. Bennett Tou see we was all ttpay then and a fellow; can say lots of-thlngs -when he's tipsy that he don t. mean.': , . . . - (. Worth S800-''Tea.V:".T ; - Hudson tsstlfled thst Oesnsr told hint "in the plainest words" that the claim would be .worth 1600 to htm and that ths witness would make - from . $71 . to TI out of It. ',.- The testimony . of John R. Watkfna, who followed, said that he and his wlf filed on timber etalme which were se lected by Oeener, the description being written down by Wllllsmson, who wss present Watkins aaid that It was the. understanding among the entrymen that they were binder obligation to convey their elalma to Williamson and Oesnsr, While at 'the sheep ranch Watklna pointed out George Gaylord to Congreaa- man, wmiamaon,. saying, "There , le man who will take Up a claim." Wlr tlamson replied "All right," and then talked .with QavloM, T7- ' "W. J. Cratn. Another of the entrymen. fold. the' same'story as on the former tr(aL -. He had. expected, to convey' his claim to Geaner, and he had hesitated, on thfh'ceeunt.-cbout making the state ment .required for the filing of the affidavit, but Biggs had assursd htm thst It would be all right Craln's testimony, presented WUMamaon as an active factor In the tranaactiona. - The description of Craln's claim was writ ten by Williamson, who wss also present when oesnsr advised the witneee to re Unqulsh hla claim.- . -.''.,, . Cloadlag' aha prldeaee,. '. -. Craln's testimony was very damaging ta) all jof the defendants, and Judge Ben nett asked hint many, queatlona In the hope of eliciting an admission - that hs had been coached before - taking the stand. Thla precipitated a claaa with the proeeoutlng attorney, and Judge De Haven waa finally obliged to Interfere to restore order. V. After several reminders- that the ques tions asked by Bennett were not ger mane to the case, the court finally ob served: ' ''.'' " .' ' " 1 think this Is a useless consump tion of time snd-lt is drawing the at tentlon of the Jury from the defendants and the trial of ths case. It Is perfectly evident whst Is being done, wss tht significant conclusion.' Osorge M. Gaylord, the last wltneea examined yeeterdsy, ' gave testimony which again bore hsrdly on Congressman Williamson. He was Introduced to Wit.-. llamson ay watkins as. "a msn who would take up a claim," and William son told him where to- locate and how to find ths lsnd. describing the mark by which he could Identify It. Gaylord then went back-ta Prlnevllle and called at Biggs' office for the purpose of ftl Ing on the claim. "I told Biggs that I waa to get the money from Williamson and Oesnsr and that I expected to con vey to them as soon ss I got title." said Gaylord. "Biggs said it was su right and that X was to maks I7t out of It; that waa where my benefit came In and I could legally sign the affidavit.:' The wltneaa Intended to convey his claim to Oeener, but on the lattei'e advice he finally relinquished and uesner repsld thja Ulng fees. , : ' ' GOVERNOR FOLK SUED V, FOR RAIDING RACES (Joanaf Special servke.l .'. L. St;!Louls, Mo., July :. Under In structions from Governor Folic the Del mar -racetrack was rslded by the polios yesterday afternoon and eleven arrests made for violating the aau-poolsellng law. The- governor announces his .in tention to rigidly, enforce the law. Suttiwas filed by the Delmar-Jockey club against Oovernor Folk and 'the police 00101810 for 115,000 damages '.for traapass. Ths track Is located In St Louis county - and ths plaintiff denies the authority of the city police In the county Jurisdiction. , v. , ' u.Vi' EQUITABLE INQUIRY IS . COURTED BY HARRIMAN (Jeareel gpela! sr1ee. -' j New Tork, July t K. H. Harrlman In a statement issued states that there Is nothing in Ms relations to the Equi table Life Assurance society which will hot bear strict scrutiny, as hs has never requested or received a favor from the company. - He declares there la nothing In the union . Pacino preferred stock syndicate that can be criticised, and that in the acquisition of the Union Paclfls" preferred etock there was no profit, to any one member or tne eynat cate over another, and that the Equi table was never asked to aid to flMnclof its syndieaie. i.?r .-;-:' -' EULA HOWARD PIANIST . : PupQ of Hnro Mtnafldt .' Auditorium Uvis.cndClairli Fair Eight oXlock p. m. This will ha a musical treat that all Should take advantage of, and espe cially since we have arranged that it will be free to the public The New York Musical Courier, under data of May 0, 104, says: "Her playing showed a wonderful degree of fervor, artiatic fire and poetlo interpretation. The young etuaent aesureuiy has a ruture, ana nor program poaeesaea tne rare merit or interpretation: showing ths -real- musical soul of the Derformer." The Everett piano will be'uaed.' Remember the date and do not let anything else tske the place of this or you will bs sorry. -We also give a cordial Invitation to call and examine our booth at' the Fair, alao our warerooma, comer Sixth and Morrtaon, where-' a fine display of . high . grade pianos are ahown. . " V , - ALltn I (M..!D (0. VITTE STARTS 1VESKMRD t (Continued from Page One.) le dlspasslonstely made, of existing con ditions, -f official . oppression - and mis management. ; :.V . , ; ,. ..' Ths remonstrsncs details the existing laws of ths nation and shows how they are broken with the greatest Immunity by the officials. Massscres. Coaaaok and police outrages sre- instanced to show that-the local -off lclale have-no deatre to enforce the laws for ths benefit of the people. - The document shows thst the gfvernment has not the slightest de sire to either strengthen or develop local self-government and on ths question of religious .tolerance detalla are given to shew that, the published toleration Is' a fallaev. .. " The freedom nt -the nreaa la declared tu be farcical lq the extreme. xna. situation in tne country, le de clared to be growing worse snd con stitutions! government is declared to "be the sole means at hsnd to stay-. the na tion from ruin. . ' . :: KOMURA'S QyiET. DAY. Peaoe Bayer Bxpeote te . Tlalt OyeWr . -' ' Bay Toxaorro-w or Priday. - y . (Jeutnal Special Servlee.) , . New Turk, July . M. Baron Komura spent a quiet day at the Waldorf-Astoria.. The baron had ne plans for todgv and wlU engaga In po social amenities until hs Is officially presented to Pree- ldent Booseveir -He-expeof te ealr-un- officially on. the president elthprtoraor- row or Friday. ,. -, 1 NOBLES WANT REFORM.' arrofzaas OatUaed By Bematvos Psvored Want Boelealastlcal Aaaoaomy. tJenraal Special arviea.i 8t Petersburg, July JO. At a meet ing of members of the nobility held to day the program of reforms for Russia outlined by the aemstvos was adopted. The nobles also declared thsmeelves in favor of eccleslaatical autonomy.'--. OPERATE ON ROJESTVENSKY rieee ef Bone Xa Xemoved from Wouad -;''' la Basslaa Admiral's Head. - -, '' I (Jooroal Special gervlce.) - : , Tokioi July St. Admiral - RoJestven- sky has been successfully operated upon for the removsl of a piece of bone from the wound In his forehead. His Condi tion Is satlafactory. .:.,'' INSURANCE COMPANIES GRILLED IN BAY STATE (Journal Specie! Semce.t Boston, July 20. Frederick li Cut ting, commissioner of Insurance - for Maasachusetts, has issusd his annual report In which' there le. pointed con demnation, crittdam and denunciation of the methods and course of the big Insurance"" companies," particularly." ths Equitable. - He recommends that ths legislature at Its next session tske up the matter of deferred dividends with a vlsw to compelling reforms. The Mu tual. Life and the New York Life alao come Ja for severe condemnation and Immediate and complete reform In re spect to deposits made by them in few favored banks and trust companies Is demanded. Fraternal Insurance Is also discussed, as Is the -case of the Royal Arcanum. - - , v . Additional Baseenga Service cm South- ' .era Vacif io -:. .. ':.') Between Portland and Forest Orove. Commending July it, -the Southern Pa cific win,' In addition to Us . present schedule, put on a new train t leave Forest Grave 12:30 p. nu Cornelius. 12:15; HiUsboro, 11:41: Reedvllle. 13:17; Besverton, 1:07 p. m. Arrive Portland 50 p. - m. Returning, leave Portland 10:4$ p. m.; Beaverton, ll:lt; Reedvllle, 11:10; Hllleboro. 11:14; Cornelius. 12:01 a. m. Arrive Forest Grove 12:01 a. m. HAYMARKET HERO CHIEF '. OF CHICAGO'S POUCE Ueeraal aserUl Servta.! i. ' r'.V Chicago, July "Mayor Dunne this morning appointed Captain John Collins to be chief of police to- succeed Francis O'Neill, resigned. Collins wss Conspic uous ror oravery in ins xamous Hay- market riots and wss prominent In fer reting out the murderers in ths Cronln eass. ..- t '- CASTOR I A , Por Infants and CUldrsn, Tlii fki Ya U:ti Ahrrys l:zzl Bears the 6lgnatreef irnrndr""! ii if i i r i i Last of Mountain Cabers Leave vfor Icy Summit of Olacler- : v Covered Peak. - -;i MANY PARTIES MAKE TRIP SUCCESSFULl,YTO CRATER Snow Is I Soft ' snd Sluahy,' jStconx s Winds -PreTall - snd Hue ;Hsngt . Over the MountaJie New Route Is .4 Followed by Muamas. ' v '. ' c- " " ." '-i V ;.,.(- -.'-;. , , ,; - (Special Plepatch te The JoaraaL) ' Paradise Valley, Wash.. Tueeday. July 15. Today the last party -ef mountain- ciimiwn Bimnou I or ve wp ui amount BalnUr. Thev will anand tha nlaht at Mulr camp, going to the aummlt. of Mount Rainier and back Wednesday. , A party, of IS ef the Sierras and Appa lachians left yesterday morning for the eraser and will be back tonight, geing by the trail 'around ths weat aide of Gibraltar rock, a; A party of six Masamaa successfully made the scen .Ssturday. They are Rev. Mr. ' Atvord of Jefferson. Mr, Foreythe of Castle Rock. Mr. Ollssn ut Portland, Professor Kingsbury of Beat-, tie. Iceland of Detroit raid Kerr of Pert- land.-- .':' -'...;.." ' The enow Is. very soft and melting on account of 'the recent hot weather. Mucti slush 1s encountered, and In many places the mduntaln-cllmbers , phinged up to their hips In the enow snd water. The wind le blowing a gale 'Snd gtmeapherle eondttlona . are very haay. Monday Messrs. Coleman of Seattle and Bader of Taeoms made the climb successfully. . The ascent from Gibraltar to the top Is not particularly difficult, though the climb around Gibraltar le a difficult feat of . the trip. - An' Immense concealed crevaaae' is reported . which may result In mishap to some of the party, although. perfect organisation Is expected to pre Vent serious dtsastsr. ," - Although those who" have made the climb state conditions- are Such thst . ao woman should attempt ..the trip, many havs aet their hearts on - reaching the summit and Intend to make the attempt Saturday S. A. Ktaer, photographer, hie anelstant MrPattoa C. If. Bholee and Professor Er Sheldon,, left for the eummlt ' ' - Jr -' -, - Pntll this year the ascent hes been made from the aouthwest This waa the route' followed hy IT Masamaa In ll7 Now the northeaat side Is being utilised for the -ascent Front ths camp it looks I the photneraphere te rtKneiby means of sssler than the old trail. .Attempts by hellogrsph telegraphy have been unsuc cessful owing to ths hssy weather. General Hasard Stevens of - Boston, Professor Henry Landee ef Seattle, Pro feaaor W. B. Lyman of Walla Walla, Professor Flett of Tacoma, F. H. Plumb, Dr. Stevens and Charlsa Landsa made ths trip, starting Sunday afternoon, and will returp today to camp. v. All the mountaln-cMmbers paint their facea with grease palnta, wsar goggles and hob-nailed shoes and broad brtmraed . hat with a . veil, Beaides blankets but little baggage' la carried, Lunch eaten at Mulr and on the way te the summit consists of raisins, prunes, lemons, chocolate and beef tsblets. Most of the men attempting the assent made their wllla before leaving, which Shows the seriousness of the venture. , - . . raci::g . fight i:i court (Continued frqm Page One.) . 'the police court, thla morning and dis covered that Attorney Whitney L. Boise, representing the defendants, had suc ceeded In delaying the .bearing. ' " - roolaeUsrs Trtela Beetpoaed. ' All the defendants, who were placed under arrest last night, were given their liberty pn depositing a cash bond of.tloo; in each, case the money was furnished by the association directors. This morning Attorney Boise, whose motion waa acquiesced la by Deputy City Attorney Fitsgerald, induced. Judge Cameron-te'poetpene -the -trials until Saturday, at which time a demurrer le to be Sled.; ? - . Ths-grounds for this prospective de murrer will be that the city council, by granting the aasocistion a license for ths sals of pools, aftsr ths adoption of an ..ordinance licensing such' practice, virtually repealed the gambling -ordinance In ao -far aa it governs the sals of pools on races, if It Is to be construed aa prohibiting auch a practice at alL - For two years Bookmaker Dickson of Victoria, B. C. under the terms of the sub-lease of the track, eras accorded the gambling privilege at the track. He controlled the ring until this year, when strong local .. pressure was brought - to bear On the association either to Install an open book or give local men better representation. - . .. i-- .'.'. What Btckaoa Beaaaaded. '. '. Seeing a storm brewing the directors Of the association say they concluded to allow local, men more repreeentatlon. This obliged ths association, ao Presl dent - Dlsmond says, : to notify Dickson that he would not be- allowed td control the ring thia year, but might "cut In" If ha desired, -i --.-v , .- r i .. , Dickson; It la- reported, refused to agree to , this arrangement . and de manded that lie be accorded the eame privilege he .had before. It waa ahertly afterward that Captain Spencer noti fied" - the ' aasoclatlon that the ' eals of pools this year would not be permitted at the track. .. - ' - ; "We shall continue the sale of poolaJ at the track." aald President Diamond this morning when apprieed of the' so tlon tsken by Captain Spencer and his attorneys. "Wi are not violating sny lnw snd feel thst we are acting within our rights." '. j : , ; ' A 'Beautiful River Trip" . Of, three hours ta Oregon City and re turn.- Everybody visiting x-omsna snouia not fall to take this trip ss It affords splendid view as well aa being rest ful.. Boats; leave Taylor street dock.-! and 11.30 s. m.. t 0 p. m. returning leave Oregon City 1ft a. m., 1:10 and a:I9 m. Round trip 4a osnts. i - - ' . i n T " ' . , - SWORN STATEMENTS ' "TO BE INVESTIGATED . (gpeelsl Dispatch te Tke tarsal) '' Spokane. July ' H.The grand ' Jury 111 closely investigate the rumor that certsln wealthy property owners havs made false returns ef- taxsbls property, and yeeterdsy .. afternoon ordered the county assessor te bring a .full list of the swprn statements for thla year. About 20.009 statements eujt Jected to examination, and It le beUAKsd the Jury will now get to work and that indictmente will come i few days. yfib Greatest- yccan-r uzzzvv-. ; iri tlicciricli VIA. Astoria :Cc!uuii!mniv:nc::rc:t! .1 THROUGH :TRAIN3-n6 CHANGE. T " ' aVVVaf awaeaaaee w wetf LeivV Union Depot, dsily.'.A 8:00 A. M. ',".- ;--'! ."'Arrive Geirhirt JPrk. . r. .12 ;2Q -IV M. 1 ) - Arrive '.Sesside ..V.V.V.M','. . 4? :30. ?.M.':$ j'5 Lekve'Seaside V;;v.'w.Ufv5:00 P. Mi 5aiiiHft Leave Geirhsrt Park. .. .. .v.; 5 :10 P.; M, Arrive, Portland i , .This scenic route parallels the rjestic'Coumbiaffor 1CKX .miles, giving eycry-advanUgd to see it in all its grandeur. Je V Season round" trip " tickets -. ;. 'i . . . Sr . ' V I . . t . .94.00 ; ; V Saturday' routil. tnp ticke'tsgootl two day $ '. v IT. tSJftZ v ; ' s.. :" rv .-K. I.. .-: t .-v; :i ..-.-, kvi". Single seats in the parlor car 80 crft extra each way. ; ' -t ;C For trrfontiatipn' Apply 248 ' Alder St " j. c mayo, a P. A. rrr ERNEST STARR HUNTED (Continued From . Page One.) urday morning. Smith learned that Starr had aet .out afoot toward the eummlt of the mouatalna. the asms .evening aa arrived at Blue River - A deputy United States marshal, -who lsft here Saturday morning to bring Starr back,; baa net been heard from since. 'V, '' '- "' Chief of Police Stllee left yesterday afternoon -to Join' In the chase. ' ; ; . The deputy marshal retorted 'from the mountains' to McKansia Bridge yes terday and queetloned I. V. O' Leery, who wnaaaunMrrastithat place, euepeotlng thai Starr may be In hiding on his place. CLeary'a actloaa wsre susplcloua This .fact .wee tele phoned to officials. In Port lsnd, Orders were, received to place' 0'Lary -under arrest Off lcerS ' will .srrlvs In Eugene with him tonight-. - . '.;FpccHpt ion - Ecaaraa, Salt RhatHB, BaAm Itch, Ef;alpeUe sfl sfltptieBa,' acaly diseases aad parasitic aSectioas of the aids positively ejearad swap to a harry. A claaa, pleas aat liquid (aea yreaiy) externmUr applied- epoaysd of eopped over the parte. aetaaU atopg all irritatioav Sooa clean evt abeolately allaSected coadltieaa .: -; i" ' l'y'j'!r'r';;r'yf1 ft . v'- torn f $U" grnm.tmmmtht : . evwr ewe eeetfes mUi &WiD. A A t Wo vouch for , ' . v r Tbey have paea provea to pa Hens trrae ego the astonishing reearS ef able evideaee ladueed ut te slve It our aaeuelll tkea D. D. D. bss cured ee Busy whs cbtslaed fully eeual te its prsvloss history. Ws sees fully eeual te its prsvloss history. Ws as It seems te do the work every time. Is Bias MBS ib bibs ecfct-Mlecasee sot bleed diseases. Msar aarehasere fetmerly mlaerable. tntaktnr thev had a sad bleed dleeaes have fouad It waa raerely with thla preeeriptlea. Ameag au ine aaewa reliable speeias xeeaieai imiaeaeee re aisereat slhaeate we know . efverr few dlseoveriea ss eertala la ellect ae te B.P-P-Jreecrlptioa la lta quick oonanast of skla dlsissn ef all klaaa. , . . M . . . . i . A FEW CURES OF WELL-KNOWN' PARTIES. : , Trlse) it en Our Ousrantee. . ' fee evee ye are t wee Bfcru4 'wlia ..wies.ei mm ef sm fee tm tkm wmM tte ! 4rt, M, Bah, eraak epM, hii ewellM. aae ei tlwm nryaMaOil! a m vnh euareny I MM rtt a Uim, fW Ti.r. I trM m)H muwH a. Miael kaaiMde e S.ilara Iwimmi wS mt4- ra wiibeat nn4Tlae say tieiai. rstelly giine WMMtfil tbae ln P. P. P. ri turn nr. BMintWiMimBaHmMitfiM ta mmt, I titea it. Tke Sne ifmen s r inirxaes I iriliineesii umiillnl r. a aaaa. Pound trta Ramady at LestT '-'' CMan. lll..rk. leak- ja I have seta W.ekeii vim iwe ( arw three ye.iv MS m4 sl S rMtef tnm 4minf ..III. S.MM eWM. eMeTkMia 1 p. h. P mm earn eeurar earee. w. a. aasTva, sh w. wss n The preparation la being seed by raeet drag glsu solely by the D. D. D. Oompaar. TO Dearborn Street. Oh loaco. . Ule utilised by every reaeral fasillr sbitloiaa wka aas takaa Us tr UewerkltMseeemplleblBg. . T , . - slleblBs. - ii m Ma la uiemec Doetity Haepital. C!oeo. , ItwlllelearegaarpanelilebraakiatkeeklalnrrejateaTS'teMdare'tlrse. ' - J. ' If yon ksvs a skia disease visit the a as te aad see preefe that will Stak year a happier baraaa betag. ' D. D. D. eeata but SI 9 feotrla and le ejuer . v antaad to oura ar monay renMndad. SraDIOAI, BBPAWTWraBT B. . B. OOMBAJhT. OBXOAaO, rem bsbb coi.iti.arob abb abtxob, , k .. W00DAR0, CLARKS A CO. V - i . - . f J-f . ' ' (' . ''''- -e(",l' tfllfl 'tis ;;.-(9:50 P. M. r Phone Main 603 ' The Oreen of the Eijierald Isle 'la about the best color ever for blinds not as a blind It's too true a tint for thst -but for - window blinds, and s .offer every lover of green lots of good sreen. nalnt at rices- wsll within ths limits of most pocketbooks. We da not 1 slve-pelnt away; neither do - we ask i tt three prlcea for It Flsher,Th6rsen&Co. A sitOSTT ASTO kobsosob sts. ' CORNUCOPIA MINING ' : - - MEN ARE ARRESTED.; -- . . . .... r ' V tapeelal Passteh t The Joeraet) ' " ' "i Baker Cltv. Or- .July f Sheriff- Brown and Deputy Snow-arrested Pierre numDert, at. ta. ataiiette, f amee uiney, v. ouiii ana u duiii ki vurnu . eopia ysstsrdsy and brought ths men to ' this city late laat night. Their prelimi nary examination will be held In Justice of. the Peace Currys court this sftsr noon. - The men ere charged .with being ; Implicated Jn the - Cornucopia shooting scrape, -which grew out of a fight over ' road and water right -af -way. 41 Trolley Trip To Eataeeda on. the Claekamaa river, IS miles from'" the city, oool and refreehlna. Bound.' trip ticket, .including 'dinner at hotel..,., 1 1.7. Cars-" leave from ticket office, . First and Alder streets, at T:10. :0. 11:11:19, t:40, :4.aA4i. Laat ear ; from ZtacadA,! p. m.. ". i -.'i, PA vs ; efel theco facts f -. beyoad ths possibility el doubt, this tens by ladlirenW iae i tfroi ss the pablls. Siaee it fro at us that lie record wit ta ns has i aet seen a etsgle Instance of disappointment. saeas sat si tea. sunn eetauone on tee saia are a skla aSsetlsa aad have Bleared i all away ' . . .- i , n n n. eri. a. n... n ' ' ' Tea., Seen s, ISHL tMel Skat! ewe wlHe. See M Utm. J kaS ee W4 SmS ImS SM (tee a. iku f urf .kt - Dr. Nee ef mi WeewTaawkM to s ear IK ae kiit p. P. 6. It na eeieial Safe Ware f sW4IITtoak.tnaSaakineiin.s raaMlr.kattMb.paeeaaeeaeakadeaa TSaaS- ee yea eae aw eai omm. . Teaia toiHr. w. a. wit. U Vraae Hntk " larber Itch eon. Cured. r . Twm a.M. 1., Iinuy I, tee, tbad evwrkkSM WrMr'eHcktwaaMtala ' Bmeeka I erUe mn SeM.i IkM 1 cue la Mauot . wwa. kat akt all talU. Oae k.U fc.Vue tt P. D O. , luW MtMw ml tw. i llki (eaeaa eeeareavee tosMlaeeiarateskSM. htitOM ef tbe skla bpeetsltste. It la eempenadsd fee - tresMe U lsvesUsasa ...