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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1905)
' 1 f (3 v J 1 1 I 1 J-l i , . ' . v - - T ' .T SWi W S j 1 . I Ml. ... i ' VOL.. IV. .110. W.' I FORTLAtld;; OREGON, ! TUESDAY' EVs::IK6; JliLY " ll?C3FOirRTE2N PAGBW',5'f 2t PWCBlTWO' CE1TIU rAtTT -1. SIX !0B!!f Thuriitorf. Objects to: Pronounc- Ing; Judgmnt DcaUto It Re-- . strains Senator t)f Liberty ; Tv ' Unconstitutionally. j COURT OVERRULES HIMV" : AND PASSES SENTENCE Af ed Defendant Though Plainlj C Shaken, Controls HimulT bjr Su preme Effort Stay Granted Until - Appeal la Ready Which Itself Will Suspend Judgment. , ' 1 - ' - - fh Judsmnt. of th court 1 that 'che defendant b-4mpriond for 4h ' tnn of six month in ih county Jail of Multnomah county of tola state, and b flnod in tha anm of ll.ooe." -.. , this momlnr I f aeod tha judamant of hla caUon'a, judl . alarr and hoard' thase .words addrasaad. Vto blmaalf. His faca bore an ospraa . alon of unuttarabla amotion as tha firm. , I clear. Tolee of the presiding Judas -pro- . nouncad-the fmtaful words. Convulalva twltchlns batoknenhrilmlt of Human j anauranoa. i nsrfl wu a innop. nor no -aaauv io!---! pi and wlda- ,;pan eras, whk-b, ai- T.tXStS'mrrrwr . appeal, hut at the a. r-nr- i be wildered. John- H. ktitchall - pefora tha juoe, wwaaaCxad 4)m aa- dla- ' (race upon his long caraar. Baalfff him I was his sen. John H. MitchaU. it.; hla Stto'rneyV raftator-J,mrron."Sr' be hind Tiioa , were if Hands. - Buthe -sew Tnly the 'stern face of 'tha. presiding . Judta. This offlclal. wha had it within MS power to inflict ten years' Imprison- ' raant and a one 'or 150,000 or one day 'behind bars and $1 Una, adding to the . judgment' softanlng " nnctloa.n spoke -as mougn no wars me Duna apirit, or jua ttee. which had gleaned from all thareir , curastancea.of the case but one ameilo , rHtlng .condiyon-r-age." His Judgment was as If the humblest cltlaen had been T arralgnad. Uamovad by tha tanas situ atlon of fhe courtroom, whero a Jam of humanity held breath In awe,' Judge Da Jtaran parzormed bis last 'duty In the " most Sasnsatlonat ' case rthat has ever stirred the Pacific - northwest - .r-' Ollaaax ef the Oaee. .. . . '-"Voting aa 4ndlotnent against Benator Mitchell thrilled the oommunlty. When trfat Jury of twetvwmen unanimously confirmed the charge, after elaborate derenaa, the climax seemed to have been T reached.' But the veal elrmax earns this morning. It was a sosne that -will live In the memory of alt who saw It, and was ushered In by the quiet inquiry of .ine oourt: "'... - .---v -r "In the ease of hs United SUtos vs. - John H. Mitchell, have - you any par . tlcular cauee to show why 1 Judgment should hot bs pronounced at this timer Benator Mitchell arose - with '- some difficulty. " His vplca betrayed that he was controlling his feelings by an effort. , He has faced many audlencee in this -state, many tit the nation, whloh em . braced thaMgh and low of society, but ( never did he face one Individual a?r tnousanas wno naa more to beatow upon .. or take from his career than the white haired man who had summoned him to , his . fset . 14 tones that, had loat all touch of , defiance, - the aged defendant , replied: , s. mtehell paalcs. 1 am represented byeounsel, coun sel who represent ' me snd who will speak for me. What they1 will say wlU ts'WTiatri wouia say -ir speaking 1n propria persona-ana if X had no counsel ' st this flma" ,- ; ?,.. All ' tha power 'of oratory had gone, seemingly all confidence and hope. The man whose powers with the people have . often won hlgnesfc. distinction In his commonwealth.' waa-eo be represented te - that supreme moment by another. John H.-'Mrtchell sat down to await tha Usue wnicn wss culminating inexorably. ' Senator Thurston . then presented a new aspect of ths case, one whloh is also destined to run the gauntlet of technical defining. Ha Informed tha court hat tha dafendant at tha bar-was a senator or tns ' unites vtatea who. Anrin hla . term oi oince, was exempt from re .strslnt for other offense than treason. : felony or breach of tba peace. . Counsel Informed the court further that the tum nit jonn u. Mitcneii was a misdemeanor, and he, submitted that tha . . court woma nave no right to pronounoe . Judgment . of Imprisonment, - or a fins , . involving imprisonment,-' which, would '-"iSlr tha effect of nrevantlnv k a- . mi. iiuiu.noutf M (D ouuas 01 his ' ', natnf1at nfflM .'V. . . , .. .. ;- nmMI Appeal ' " v , ' - Senator' Thurston aaked attention to thn fact that this provision was a part of ths eonstltutlon, which took prece flesce of any aucceeding ensctmant of ... ths government of stats. Ths oourt was aeked to take cognisance of the fact i that Senator Mitoheli'a regular term had hot expired, snd if he .were Imprisoned st this time ha would hum. tend until the close. . r .i Judge De Haven overruiad thla objec tion to .further proceedings and Senator Thurston announced that be would present-a bill of exceptions on this point making, three bills of exceptions thet iLi!: r I I t L rat i'.l A . J . j, , A . , i i ,1 EWEiiiiiiiiiifflii LOOKUT; IFVERY-CAREFIJILY ,-t::iJI, . .t ft r,f jf'i ..,......, .,,-,-5 ' "Any ..eurrancv. bill of th tlnitnH SUtea with the eagle on Its face and of a higher" denomination than$lla-sn altered' bill and should not be aocepted by any business-man. ' Any note with te eagle on lta face asd" with ths figure $1 on It has been-ralsad from 11 to tie. Ba careful IS .bills. By a skilful process the eagle on the face of -the II bill has been erased, and. the head of tha Indian tbsti appears on ths face of Ihe t& bill has been substituted." i v This warnings was Issued this morn- Ti.. V'.tZtVTv- l 'Ahy(;Bjl!iireThsui: Onerf Dbnar.WitrMEagle" otr. lf,ts: Bad rand V "anVenonafNptes Should :HaVe' ;- ImJ IB 3E J TTTT lng by Stephen A. Connall, operative in charge at the United States secret serv tve bureau;.v-:r . .i:-..; "Not are flowing out her from the east," said-Mr. Connell after he -had told of ths ' prevalence' of the .altered bills, rand, soma- especially, the Indian head note, will deoeiva the best bank cashier In tha land,'- Ths altered It bill with- the Indian - head - substituted .for tba eagle, wss -offered by us to nhree (Continued on Page -Two.) ' fiMt'rt'fiie'Fsk.rjSost e"eeeeeeeeeaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed YHA T. MITCHELL'S SENTENCE MEANS '"Within fifteen 'months-two gain.1 - Senator- John' H.' Mitchell of Oregon was fowdd guilty of .this offense 1 States Judge Do Haven to serve sis -months in tha. county. Jail asd X United ..' " Senator . Joseph R. Burton of inmoiuct aoaauai, iwsa asuipnoaa April 'ivof,' io servs six monws in jau. ana appeal and'tbe case was .'remanded,-' - - . , ....vv-... 9 "fered because the statute of limitations-had run against the. of fenae-charged in It -The general verdict of guilty convicted him, therefore, 'upon Ova . eounta The maximum penalty for tha misdemeanor of which- the eenetor was ' xsonviotad is '-two' years' Jmpnsonment and. lie.tOO fine. Consequently, had-Judge Do Haven chosen to Impoas sen-: Z . tenca on 'each count, aa ha had a perfect right toi do, the majjlmsmt sentence which he eould have Inflicted on Sen ator Mitcneu waa iu,rov una ana ten yearr imprisonment. ., -v; . r -.v --..-. . a,)-''. . , . Senator Mitchell: will not begin -serving sentence Immediately. If he serves sentence at all It wnl ba onl' aftar - the' United States supremo court, to which ho wilt appeal, sustains tha Judgment against htm, Until sentence is ' T .Imposed a Judgment is not. perfected, and orriy after the pronouncing of sentence caa an appeal be taken. - ; a---. uiAl.ll tkt. M n .... t u .. . -.. A ua , t. ji Jt w m.A . m . - ... . v.uv n auv,,,,,, his Affairs as usual until a decision the United States senate.' t , XeeeVeeeee4eeiMeeeee,eeeie eeeeeeeeeeMeesees MM.M.MMeiiee SWEDISH CAOiriET Rikscjag Rejects Government Bill Providing 4 for y Separation ,; f, i r rom reonway. '! DEM AN b NEUTRAL ZONE t r BETWEEN TWO NATIONS --'4i Ttf --'r - t J Proposed That Parliament Signify Its Wniingneaa to Negotiate With Nor. ' way for Dissolution- After Latter ijaajj5)oteo ' 4 , " ";'":; Oesraal-Ssesta Santas,- , -i Stockholm, - July H.lTollowlng tha report of a special committee Ppoftrted b the riksdag ' to deal with the- Nor- wegtan 'crisis; the Baedlsh cablnst today rasisaeeVAi": "" r 4J&JiP'' " l-wv ""X-KWLB.rwut liul tw i .f , in tba form, nrasantad to ha r isdag. . and it is proposed that . the riksdag signify lta willingness to ne gotiate with . Norway for dissolution of the union. If tha. storthing requests It or the .Norwegian, people, by plebiscite, declare lnfavor of such dissolution., w . The. committee recommends In ths svent. of dissolution that. Sweden. Insist on a neutral sons between .the two coun tries Jn which there will -be no fortifica tions and that transit be' unobstructed and that Sweden be freed from responsi bility for Norway to other states... " ' 'A. loan of I2MO0.O0S Is, recommended to provide for, readjustment of sxlst Inc conditions., . ;t ,y r SAYS MRS. CARLTON DIED L OF STRYCHNINE POiSOM -J (ttmrmmi Sp.ilit aervtaar - New fork. July IB Dr. E. J. Carroll. who performed the autopsy on the body of the second Mrs. Carlton today, said that the condition of the body pointed unmistakably to foul play.r- in hla opin ion death eras ' caused : by strychnine poisoning: ' .-'-.'.-' - ; !.: i-., , THREE MINERS KILLED ' HIN A MINE EXPLOSION i-Z"''H -W'i ,.-'.,' ' v '..(Jesraal apeelal aervles.) - .; Banff, N. W. T.. July II. An explo sion of dynamite In the Bank Head mine yesterday wrought havoc to-the mine and annihilated -three . . miners. .. The dead ares Thomas Smiley, David Thomas ana jonn vriiiiamsw - . , HAS RESIGNED of Which-Is Froln 1 Eakar,. Cc-.t7.photograph by Klaei 'United States senators, hare been convicted Kansas, eonvlstad ; Of using 'hla office for tlv wu v f w i I, 14W uu Is rendered on his appeal, Meantime, . .. ':.;. PEACE IS ADVISED BY,:l7ILLIAn Czar Nicholas Told by Kaiser to End War in Far Eat as , i'Soon as Possible. ,t 1 JAPANESE TURNING MOVE ' , ABOUT UNIEVITCH'S ARMY Mikado's Army Eighty Miles Inside Mongolian (. Frontier ; Jews and Christians Killed in JRlota Strike Ordered in Odeaaa. ' : ' i - ( Joarsal XpeaUl 8,t1c. , if V Beritn,; July 16. The foreign of flee authorles the statement, that the kaiser during fcis Conference with the csar yes terday advised Jhe. latter te eeablude a nea'ce with- Janan. ' ' 4 LLsca xonXaea-er -hrid-. ena. at f. a niocit on -the evanlna- ot Joly 4. lasting auurrne miciock in the momina. The second conferencestook place yea- (aroajr vurawn wnen (aa caar luncnea with the- kxlser. The meetings occurred on the German imperial yacht Hohen- sollern and on. ths Russian. Imperial yacht Polar Star; anchored - near BJoarkee.' At tha first meeting' Em peror William-was received by Emperor Nichols aboard tha Polar Star snd cor dial greetings ..wars exchanged. The German emperor reviewed the guard of honor and the yacht crew and the two suites were presented, after which their uajeauea rwurea to ui aatoon. . i ne sec ond meeting took place on the Hohen- sollern. ,-j .- -.,.:';-.'.. -, . Much comment has been aroused throughout tha empire and It lathe gen eral consensus of opinion that prelimi nary steps were taken to form an al liance between Russia and Germany, .The kaiser asked the csar to conclude aa early peace and. to at enca devote hie attention toward reforms In Russia and the reconciliation of the discontented portions of the empire. , .: K0MURA IN NEW YORK. :H-''- '' .' JLf, .V'.V,-' Jspaness anenlpoteatlarr Clooeted With j,MlaJstec Taxahira at the Waldorf. . (Joarsal Special Serrts.) " -v-. ., ' - New Tork, July SS'. Baron Komura and party arrived at- :4I o'clock .thts morning. - Within half an hour he was In conference with Minister Takahlra, at the Waldorf-Astoria. Thsy will prepare plans -for meeting the president and go over the work ahead of them. - ' Komura will probably remain in New (Continued on Page Two.) Kiser. Photographic Co, of. using their offloes'for' privets "i July I and sentenced this morning by - to pays fine of $1,000. ' ' T private gain in connection with ths'Z io pay a una oi i2,vv. ni xooa an . . ... s , . - III tvy I uiy m 1 HIHJ Will gO aOOUTb however, he will not resume his seat In s : A.-, .; k- WILSON OH VERGE OF COLLAPSE Venerable Secretary of Agrfcuf ture Prostrated by Scandals 1 , """ot-His Office.,, , IS SADLY SHAKEN BY ' . . RECENT DISCLOSURES Proof of Wrongdoing and Bad Man agement, Eapedally in the Bureau of SUtlstica.;AmMea and Sickens Aged Priendjsf tha Farmer. S-.-vt, f 'tJoanal geeelal mmt1tm''xW New Tork. July it. A Herald sneclal from Washington hays: SeoreUry WlU son Is In a state jf collapee. brought about by the atraln under which he has been Uborlng sines the disclosures af wrongdehtg asd -bad mwunm mi An itMleae front JhtMrtn caparrmenrr OT"agrlcultUra, especially the bureau of Statistics. He went swav last rrlday; t-te-Teet.-feltor mlraosT prostrated, .. on. his retura he had vomiting spells -yrhe SeoreUry. Is eocv unsa to nis aparunants. . ' . .;.' wueon. wui be 70 years, old. on An- eu.i xe- e nss seen in the department about eight years and five months. Until recently no one dared to ouestlon ths management of the department be es use hs had the entire farmlna- Int.- Donma nun and had been the moat uupiHien( wiemoer or the cabinet.; --The production, of nroof 'that Ity, which 'the -president characterised ss "worse than theft," had been going on under bis very noee, and that he wouia not neiieve it. despite repeated warnings,, has sadly shaken htm. James 8. Wilson was born In i.niiir. 8eotland,and came to the United States in 1851, settling Jn ponnectlcwU In MS he ent with his parents to Iowa eountr. tows, and engaged In farmlna He was member of the twelfth, thir teenth end - fourteenth - assemblies In lows, has been a member of the ststs railway commission, a member ef con gress, 1171-7 snd 1IM-S. regent, of tha state university, director ef the agricul tural axperimeat station and professor Of ,' agriculture la the Iowa - Agrlou tural eollege v'-'m .... . Southern Amortoam Beratta, v ' ., (Joaroal BpecUl Service.) - -t -:'' New ' Tork. July iS. Revolutionary outDreaxs are tnreatenea at Buenos Ayres and Rosarlo. Troops have been held In readiness for ths last two days ana . ' other precautionary - measures adopted. ....i" ..:.'.. :''."-" JOB M 8i : pimnrrn Liquor , Interests Get ; Enough i Votes In .the City Council to Railroad Amendment to . . , " the Box Ordinance. LIKELIHOOD THAT MAYOH 1 ?WILL VETO THE UEASUHC - -t Tha , New Law Practical! T.VM . Private Sooma in Saloons and Kta taurants ia tha- Condition They1 Were Before Mayor Lana and tha Police Began Cruaade, . - 1 Only en word was clunnii n k- antl-box ordinance bv the uuninni railroaded throuxh tha altv MHi.(i m the special meeting yesterday afternoon, yet U will be sufficient to throw open boxes oontalnlna lie aanara v. of space In all the saloons and reatsu rant la the olty. The ohaaga was rn section t, whero 'the wont wss subsUtutad for the word "section.- . ,7.. u,peots are highly delighted with tha change, which permlta them to conduct saloons and restaurants aa they did before-any attempt was made to en force the laws br Mayor Lane. The or dinance does not provide that the boxes must bo open So that aa outsider may sea who ooeUDlea th.m: am nMHni - close and lock the door and prevent any-- front stitarrng. .. - ' i - ' Te: aew ordiiiance Took the mayor' and several of ths member ef the eoun cll. completely- by aurprisar-The msysr-" " hed never aeea t a copy of the amend ment; soma membera were handed cos- les just before tha session. . It wss sup- posed that the' recommandattnna f liquor license committee that the ordi nance undarr consideration lut wMik do not pass would be adopted by tha Dooy, ana mat ma old ordinance would hot be altered. .';.-.-' '- -'. , - ' i.Week ef fclqnog Xatexeats:- Seelng that they ware llkelv tn , defeated , the ' llouer : Interests decided on making aa attempt to- change the one word ia the old ordinance, as on that .word all the . trouble centered. They argued that the original fnunere -of ths ordinance . did not Intend that boxes containing 10 ' square feet of spaoe should ba prohibited, and they harped continuously on this one point to Impress if thoroughly ou the mlnda of several councilman who were adverse to making any change. councilman Annand introduced the or dinance by requeat, and John P. Shar- key Immediately moved that the rules be suspended and that the measure be given its third reading." Councilman Vaughn protested '.against any railroad ing acts, and stated that the ordinance should go - to the committee, where it could be thoroughly investigated.' I believe we should have a better un derstanding of this measure," said be. We should make a thorough inves-i- gstlon of it. Do not pass this ordinance ' today, but give- the people a chance to be heard. The proper thing to do would be to refer it to the committee." Those who. voted for the suspension of the rules snd the ordlnanoe . were Councilmen Gray, Belding, Annand. Menefee, Bennett. Rushlight. Sharkey, Kallaher Shepherd, Dunning and Free ton. -:.i . ' . - ; ' " Those opposed were Councilmen Mas ters, WUla. Wallace and Vaughn, Mayor lane would not state whether ha would veto the measure or not, but in ail probability he will, aa ho said aav. era! days ago if the council passed sn t orainanos-not ueetred by the people he would veto It. if he dose It la likely " that the veto will be sustained, it will ' take .ten members of the council to'' pass the ordinance 'over the veto, and - It Is thought that certain members of the council will change their mind re- s. . gardlng the Ordinance when they, fully undersUnd ;.what It meaaa It was , ' stated today that certain members were surprised when they lesmed how the change of ' the one word altered . the whole situation and gave the liquor In- '. tereata everything for which they bad -been fighting. .,.'.-r i'- -..; Much Indignation: has been expressed . on the part of conservative cltisena and - considerable . pressure will be brought) to bear on the council to gt ..'.-, them to support the mayor if he sees St to, veto the ordinance, t . , r 4 ... , ' CHIEF RESIGNS AFTER r MANY YEARS' SEwVICS' ' i " ',, r : V i ' .. i V.h (Jovriial aseelat 8arwe.V; Chlcaaa. llulv t.--Chlef . of Poll'1 O'Neill reelgned this sfter neon after iis years ef service en the force. Mis uo cessor has not yet bean appointed. - , great r:oTi;:,":j r:i du.-;l!:::tc:;to c::::: (at f- Srne.) Llnct.:n. Ktx. July SS. t has I n withdrawn ag'iat 1. . . rt a 1. I reservation 1 ng of te r ..ngton as" ' '- ; '(-.( ' 1 5 , -'- . . .'.."1 ; 1 .V .' " . ' ' M'. '.v.'..'. U