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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1905)
- K - pt GOOD EVEIUITG ; THB WEATHT3L '. . Partly "" tloudy . and . occasionally , threatening tonight , and Saturday; .westerly winds. , ,:P j. PORTLAip. OREGON,' FRIDAY - EVENING, JUI.Y 28, 1805. SIXTEEN PAGES." PRICE TWO CENTS. am!Xjwit9 B- J r a. t ' . bsbsbb. . v .bw Bfc. s 1 i. ' BBv- M MfXMSMWMM FEARS PlAVEPlTIIREE fi ': T.Y TTTTT7KT AT- TT 77 O a Vv 1 1 nil M ; isLlVlUij 1 ' I ' VpppP.a ' , T 1 . :.' 1 "771 Scientific Interest . Would Prove, Theory, Leads Him : to furnish Money .for Appeal. WOMAN CALLED ANGEL BY' PRISONER ALSO ASSISTS k Arch-Bicamist i-ndWife.Poisoner r Takes Affair, Coolly, Calling for Cigar and Remarking That "I Pat My Trusf in God and Know That p. Ha Wffl Treat If JUght i ; : ( ; .. Chicaao, Julr S. Within, an hour and a quartar of th gallows johann Hoch- tb modern blubrJ , and oop vicud murdrr of - Ms wjf,j Maria walckar Hoch, was today, raprtarad by . Qorarnor Donaan nntU ; Auanat t5. . Tha archblsamlat owoa hla v ascapa from death to tba f&ct that a phystolan takes a - aclentlflo ' lnteret In bia ' caae and would prov to tha world, at hla own epenee, that his analysis of the cumeiiLs of ihr .stotnacETof the ieoeasad wife wmm correct. nd that lha anaJyele performed by tha ... autopsy aurseona. which dlsolosed tha presanca of arsenlo, ; waa Incorrect. . 'j, v . To justify his theory. Dr. L H. Mont aomery has taiaed tha required money necessary ta perfect an. appeal i to tha , supreme court, and pending thla appeal Oovernor Xeneen has granted tha. re prieve. . Hoch Waa scheduled, to hang between 'the hours of JO-and .'1 o'clock today. v' buttha march to .tha. scaffold waa- de . layed pending tha result of toerolo ef forts by his friends ta ebtaJn the MOO . needed to complete tha 1 1. 100' necessary 1 to make an appeal to the supreme court, U00 of whloh -had already been sub " acribed. ' ; r ;' 2 v- M 10:) o'clock. . Dr. L H. Mont ' gomerf, weH- known physician and surgeon, . and 1 Miss . Cora : Wilson, . a woiMD of wealth, called at tha Jail and Hi that they hart rsliod,. amount needed by Hoch. State's Attor. f ney- Heady; waa Informed and lmrnedl . ; ately communicated - tha . news to tha governor. . . -v . . . -- , . t ., i Dr.'- Montgomery haa all along taken an interest in Hoeh'a case from a sclen tlrtu point of view, asserting hla opln Ion that .the 'analysis showing poison in Mrs, Welcker , Hock's remains waa - Incorrect, and assertlug hla baiter that ' Hoch : could not have - commuted the crime, and that he. was innocent: .' Hoch passed a qulit nlfht. making preparations for death. .To his guards and visitors ho was- courteouv urbane " and smiling aa usual and etated. that Tha had no confession to make. y -rwhy abould 1 be worried r said the aondemnad man.' "I am Innocent I am ' guilty of nothing but bigamy, and t have already oonfesseo tnat. i am a mamy man' and will meet my fat Ilk a man. . At. newa of his reprieve, Hoch . was v-'-:yed, though he took it ss calmly . as Ua "1 bis death sentence. I snau never hang." ha aaid. ' "1 am sure of luetic now snd I shall go f roe. , - , The efforts to save ma from the hangman's nooa are tha natural out. come of tha facts la the case.?, continued Hoch.' VI have put my trust in God. ' know ha will treat mo right I am In nooent and will prove it before the high , cat tribunal." - - With tha exception of a alight attack of nausea early thla morning- Hoch, was " In excellent apirita throughout tha morning wn to thr hour set -for hanging. '. When ha learned that money had been ) raised to pay for his appeal he called for another cigar, placed hla feat on the table and said: . ."Thla proves my contention . that I will not bans." 2" '. Tha death watch-aay that Hoch la tha . gamest au that they ever stood guard 'aver. ' ', .,.-- -- - .. a. It Thompson, attorney for tha ' convicted man, furnished $500 of tha tl.ioe needed. Mlsa Cora Wilson, who ' alao came to Hoeh'a aid. la known aa ; the Mangel" to soma prisoners In the Jail. Bh doe , muoh , charity work . among tha friendless. ' -v t tTHirlnv thj. itaat few waeka Hoch has , Written many personal appeals . to the . - Let the people know you're alive to, the fact .that -thbiggest fair- on the Pa- cific coast is in progress and you're glad to see the crowds that throng the city to see , it. Put up a. little bunting. Get your Lewis and Clark . banner , If you .haven't one , fly ( the Stars and Stripes from the highest window in your; home. Old : Glory is ; never -amiss.; Unfurl lhsJFIsfs Unfarl the Flags . . . . A " of : Bhysician Who I '.V"r ..r . i Johann Hoch and. Emelia Fischer, DEflUTY SLEEP Councilmen of Calif tfrnlaTown ; to Confront Queer. 1 :) ' i 1 Petition. P P -: i .., . . . .. s i, r i LOS ANGELES CITIZENS PP TO'PRESENT, GRIEVANCE f '. i '.,' . Will Ask That Ordinance BePassed Requiring ;That 'Larynx; of Every Rooster in City . Be Cut and Tans Protect Slumbers of the Weary. P ''" Uoaraal ?nlai hnltt.) , Loa 'Angelea CaL. ' July it. By the time the , councilmen. return from Port land - en -of -tb-quareat petitioaa-in history will be on file with the city clerk. It wlU be nothing less-than a re quest that an Ordinance ba passed re quiring the larynx of every rooster in vu vmj luniu om cut out. According ' to those who have signi fied their wiUingnaas to sign, it can be so fixed that not a sound wUl be heard at cock-crow save the bussing of elec tric cars . getUng under way. This remarkable '. move. .. which has been forming in this city, burst into publlo notice in tha office of the city health department yesterday. .The of ficials were told that the- beauty, sleep that many Angelenos want Is dstarbed by their neighbors' fowls. PIERPONT MORGAN WEARS UAI C A TftM OCOI flTUCC I ink. . n i wis wi wu 1 1 tvs (Jeeraal Special ImWI L'-New Tork. Jsly 18. J. Plerpont .Mor gan la coming back from' London with half a ton .of clothes. To . b more definite, there are iit suits.-. . ... Tha average man hardly knows what he would do -with 117 suits, but Mr. Morgan Ukea to be well dressed. He llkea a multiplicity of suits, yet never before ha h coma back from Europe with such an outfit It would keep ISO men tusy a week and take cloth costing $10,000 to maka the 117 suits. - LONDON TIMES WAN SAYS ; BOYCOTT IS A BUGABOO (JodrsI spaelat Snvlee.) . Victoria. B. C. July 2. Ths threat. ened boycott of American goods in China Is a bugaboo according to Dr, Morrlaon, the Peking correspondent of the London Times, who arrived her from the orient this morning.. He aays that the agita tion affeftt a comparatively small pro portion of the country or business. . PRESIDENT AND FAMILY i PICNICKING ON SEASHORE (Jonroal tpeelal Betvies.) . ,i, Oyster Bay, July 2. -President Roose velt i,anft family are picnicking today at some point on the shore of the sound. Not even secret service men ara - in cluded in the putty, r Mo visitors are ex- PCt liJ - i 1 . I thai nr.'nnnTrnTrn &NMJR i - Hoch,' Whoa Evidence Helped to "Turned Him Over TO S RPR SFS ,Tl" 1 ''l" T w - w w e w v, . 1 ' mSaslB ,-UllUUU LAMIIIIIIIIIIUII IUUIII - i :;- - -' i v t "' . ' ' , ' ' i i ii I m V - - I : V , '-.... ' ' " ... f r I . .. ,v .,,...J.v.,v ,k' . .. . .'-,.. Hehey Iridicates a New Line of Attack In Questioning First of De- :-'.'itT14n of VThirtyrThirty J-VJ 0Z YX' Men'F1gure j Prominently. ;v!'l';'.-'''-:Vv DcVan Gesner occupied , the -witness stand this morning In the federal, court snd ones mora entered positive - denial of tha conspiracy .charged against him self. Congressman ' Williamson and Ma rlon R. Biggs. .Is the main hla direct testimony was a repetition of that which he gave on the' former trial,: but the eroaa-axamlnaUon by . District Attorney Heney suggested morjihan one-, that the government may yet have some sur prises In store. " , . , -r t ' . Dr. Oeanor. In response to the ques tions of his attorneys, . told tha atory of hla operations In tha aummer of 1001, which resulted in the. indictment of himself and hls co-defendants. . Ha ad mitted making loana to a large number of Umber clalmanta in order to enable them to prove up their claims, but- de nied that there waa any agreement on hla part to buy or oa their part to. sell the land a He declared that he waa guided throughout by-the sd vice- of attorneys and bolleved himself to be acting; en tirely within the law. Tha possibility of perjury by the antrymen was never contemplated by himself or . hla. asso ciates. Dr. Gesner reiterated the state ment made by him on the former trial that he said nothing to Williamson of the plan of loaning the firm's money to the claimants until after many of them had filed.,'- .....,...".'.'.',.;.,-.. '4. .. :' V "90-30 Maa" rifure Fromlnontty. 2 u Tha story of the war between the cat tlemen and the sheepmen was retold snd Gesner narrated the difficulties REPORTS RECEIVED TO DATE' SHOW CROPS TO BE IN GOOD CONDITION ....... . . ; . .... , ' ' .'' .' ' ' s ... "' "( Wheat Yield Will Be as Great in Oregon, Washington and Idaho - as Last Year, Although Small Fruits Have pp ' i (' " " , Suffered From Hot Winds. ' p - Crop' reports received today t : the general offices of the railroads make a good showing for Oregon,: Washington and Idaho.' ' , . While the hot wlnda of the last 1 days In eastern Oregon andv parts' of Idaho and eastern Washington have had a bad affect, they have, not caused more then 10 per cent damage, and the wheat crop la estimated to be fully as large aa last year. In number of bushels, while the wheat Is heavier than usual. The tftta crop In the O. R. A N. com pany's territory is placed at 41.000,000 buahets. the same aa last year's yield. ; In the Palouse country the damage by hot wlnda to spring-sows wheat wes about 10 per rent, but fall wheat, was far enough toward maturity to ecnp Injury. In the Wall Walla district the tot winds did bo dasaagt Thrashing OF Convict Him. 'Above Is Mrs. 'August to the "New York Police.' PROIJISEOHlfllESfJE M TfUVfW; : which' he and hla partnera had had with the rso-io ' men" and the losses which they - had : Buffered, v 1 . . . -. - , 1 , .'.The first half hour thla morning waa occupied - in the. presentation of parts of the testimony given on the former trial. Irvln Rittenhous. Mr. Honey's stenographer and secretary:, waa' re pealled . by tha district attorney and questioned as to evidence given -by Bigga and Gesner. ' .The defense then .resumed 'the pre sentation of its evidence and Mr. Wil son read to the Jury portions of the tes timony given on the first trial by Camp bell Duncan and B. F. Jones. Tha pur pose waa to ahow that tha government's witnesses had made contradictory statements on the two trials, a point which will be fully developed in the arguments to the Jury. - Dr.' Gesner waa ; then called - te the stand.' Hla testimony waa given In s vole that was frequently Inaudible to any; but the Jury, and more than once the attorneys were, obliged to ask him to repeat tits statements. - The large majority of tha. people In tha court room heard only an ' occasional word of his- testimony. .'.. , - . tets la Bvldeaee ea aheep-KUUng. When the witness entered on tha story of the troubles between the cattlemen and the aheepmen. . Mr. Heney entered an Objection." ' .- - . . ; "I object almply to learn whether 1 , . ContInnd on Page .Six.) . . - haa begun In Franklin and 1 Adams county, where tha soil Is of a light character! wheat ripen earlier her than In other sections. In Whitman county cutting was commenced thla week, and within tha next 10 daya the harvest will ba in full blast all over eastern Wash ington, Oregon, and Idaho. The weather is cooler and conditions sr favorable to erop and workers. t In the Willamette valley the grain crop Is better than normal,' and ia far enough', along-to be safe. There is a large hay crop In western Oregon, but hay 1a short In tha Wallowa country. In Columbia oounty,' where quantities of barley sr raised, the erop ta excel lent and the hsy crop Js beter thsn usual." ' ' ; jConUnueA 04 Page Klne., " r SOME) ' " a . Tha full record of Hoeh'a many 4 ' marriage .will never ba known. v Definite knowledge la had of 24, a a in towns scattered . from New q e i or to uo Angeles. Ho courted 4 ' mlddla-aged German wldowa and a killed .them after marriage by ; e poison to obtain their money, e a The modern Bluebeard waa court- a ing Mrs. August Praxmerer In e a Mew Tork last January, -whan 4 e sne reoognisea nis picture in a q a newspaper and caused hla arrest. : a ' Praxmerer Who Recpgnixed Him and OUTCOME ' 1 : . t p 15 Citizens Committee of New Or- V leans Assesses Every Busi- ;. ;','' p ness Man. ;'. ". HOSPITAL FILLED WITH YELLOW FEVER PATIENTS Quarantine - Apparently Proving Ef . f active and Concerted Movement on Foot to Sump Out Disease and P'AIl Boats Being Fumigated.-"-" " '. (Joaraal SpmUI Srvl.j' - New Orleans, July tt. Governor Blancht rd has returned. to the. state capital to perfect a state organisation to combat yellow , fever wnd mosquito In accordance with the -suggestions of medical authorities. -- - - - - - Beginning this morning the ward or ganisations began a concerted movement to stamp out the disease. Every new cas -will be-isolated and sir physicians will be notified. The cltlsena eommitte haa assessed every business man in the city according to hla commercial rating and son have refused financial assist ano to aid th fight on fever. - Ths yellow fever hospital Is now f tiled with patients.-' New cases sr being received ss they develop. ' Th quarantine is apparently very effective. . .' Stat Quarantined. , " Tha atate board of health haa decided to quarantine the atat against New Or leans. .At 11 o'clock this morning tw suspicious cases wer discovered in the American quarter. The houses were im mediately quarantined and th marine hospital service today began the fu mi rat ion Of-sll steamboats. Thirteen cases are In the hospitals today. . A Mobile dispatch says that- Dr. Wasdln of the marine hospital service has Just completed aiK Investigation and report no yellow fever in that city. . A Washington dispatch saya that Governor Magoon reports three more deaths of yellow fever on th isthmus. With th additional ease reported to day tha total victims of th dread dis ease so far known now aggregate 100 case sine July II. . Th largeat num ber of theae eases -are in the section around the French market and It ia Is thla locality where the most deaths have occurred. Th vicinity where th scourge broke oat Is near the French market-- snd Is populated by many Italians, who are-very avers to having th services ef a physician and befor th authorities war fully aware of the atate of affairs the fever had gained a foothold. ... . '" Ztallaas atottrs. ' When th real danger . becam ap parent the Italians in th district mad every effort to. flee to other dlstrlcta with the result that numerous rases sr reported from other district of th city, th victims In every Instanoe be ing from th Infected district from which they fled. - - The emergency ' hospital ia In full operation and every avenue leading ont ef th city la closed ander a ckm quarantine, and permits to enter must he Dbtatned from the headquarter! ot U) marine hoapitat erjloe. - OH AT FAIR IT. R. Stevenson Brings Suit Against. Waiter Reed Optica -Company to Recover Dam- ' ' 5 ages for Eye Injuries, p .p -LliJ v ";p'-::'.- HOW TRADE IS SECURED TOLD IN THE AFFIDAVIT e t Company's ": Employes," - Defendant Swears, Said New Spectacles Alone Would Save . Him Fronv Blindnef and Hla Wife From Cancer Eyes Injured, He Says, by Change. V Asserting 'that money was procured front him and his wife by fraud. "T." R. Stevenson, a proeperousJdaho farmer, and uncle of Polio Captain Balley.,filed suit In 'Justice Reld'a court this -morning to recover 1160 damages from the Walter Reed Optical concession, which is engaged in selling optical Instruments at the fair.. . Suit ..waa filed through Attorney A. Walter WolC. and It is alleged that Btevenson and hla wife went to tha fair grounds July 10 and on-entering ths Agricultural building were Invited by conoason to inspect its stock of eye glasses. He say that thla agent, wno represented himself aa an eye apeclallst, examined his "ayes and informed him that he was about to los th sight of his left eye. owing to a defect in th glasses which he had' been wearing. According to the complaint. Btevenson was Induced to payf 17,60 for a pair of eyeglaasee, which he waa told would greatly benefit hla eye . Immediately and ward off the danger , of losing his ignt Shortly afterward, Stevenson saya, he went ' to another part of the building. In hla absence tha optician examined Mrs. Stevenson's eyes and Informed her that she was in grave danger of hav ing cancer ortn on the bridge of he Because aer eyeglasses out not ni property. . Frightened n receiving this information, Mrs. Stevenson took a pair of glasses from th concession and paid. 13.00 for them,' a similar ainojuiSnJKag BJ iiui uusuana wnen ne reiurnea to the atand.' making S paid for her glasses'- . An oculist waa consulted by Steven son after he left th fair grounds. It Is said, and he waa Informed that th glasses sold bis wife and himself war identical, so far as tha lenses were concerned. .After wearing them a short time, he alleges, he found his eyes In bad oonditlon and was unable to see at all while aalng them. -On - account of the false represent tlona made to him by tha agent of the optical company, Stevenson asserts, he waa made to suffer great agony of mind and received bodily, injury, for which h demands damages. t . "I do not care much for the money," aaid the plaintiff, "but I am determined to ahow these sharks up la their true light befor th publlo. If possible, I will make It Impossible for them to bunko anybody la." Attorney Wolf says that th agent informed hla client that the Company la composed of local opticians. Investiga tion, he eays, shows that a short, time ago It disposed of Its Interests to a Denver firm, and ia not now chgagedin business except- on th fair grounds. Severs! weeks ago many complaints were mad regarding th methods pur sued by this optical company. One al leged victim cauaed th arrest of the opticians. but the cas waa dropped. Thos In chars of th oonoeaalon de clared that more moderate business tae- tlcs would be adopted, and It was sup posed, that- tha arrangement . .waa being lived UP to untu vigorous compiainis Be gan to pour ia again. ,. ,- ,-. . .- AMERICAN CORN LANDS ARE VASTLY LARGER (Jeeraal Special Berries.) Washington, D. C, July 11 While reports regarding the outlook for the wheat erop are considerably . at vari ance th report eonoernlng th com crop for 1906 are nearly all to th ef fect that the outlook Is favorable for a large erop. Tha total estimated acreage of oorn this year ia M.M.000 acrea, aa increase of 1.500,000 acres over Isst year. Th condition of .th crop th opening of th month was tt.4. The harvest will, of course, depend upon growing condi tions th "remainder of the season. Throughout th corn belt th erop has so far progressed nicely. '. Th oats crop gives every - indication of being up to normal, under th slightly increased Acreage. It seems saf to anticipate a yield aggregating In th neighborhood of tO0.0O0.00O buahels, but this, of course, may hav to be modified later. Th rye and barley outlook la sop-' : :pp-"-" " . p FiRE ALARM SYSTEM IS p, .DISABLED BY RED ANTS (Jearaal Special 8-vvtee.T ,V Boulder, Col., July II. For - some time the Boulder Sr alarm system haa not been working eatlsraotortly end yesterday It would not work at all. At first It waa believed th batterlea st th fir station wer at fault and they were thoroughly overhauled, but thla did not remedy matters. Tnea . a aystematle search was Instituted, and after much trouble the difficulty waa located in street hmti ' Several red ante had Karrled Band Into tha box, getting acnes tn th Inside rr 1 TtM. "TfT h1 t I -i , t 101ED Mary ; and ; Ulliep Zigler 1 Glv . , Lives In Vain, Effort p .P to Save Edna.-.' , ' Pp; ; '!-' ',' Rsher. i'-J . ':' . h WERE BATHING AT . - GOVERNMENT ISLAND Slipped in Soft Clay of the Columbia ' and Went Down to Death in PTsrelvy Feet of ater, in 5ight,pf Two , Women Companions " Who : Wert Unable to Give Them Help. (Special Dispatch te The Joeraaly ' Vancouver, Wash.. July II. LtUieand ' Mary ZIglaV, aged II and It yeara re spectively, and Edna Fisher, aged 10 yeara, three well-known young women of Fisher's leading, a few mllee abov ' Vancouver, were drowned at t o'clock yesterdays afternoon on Government Island. The affair la tho saddest that has occurred In this county for many years and Mrs. : Zigler, mother of tha ' Zigler girls is nearly prostrstdV -ir Th original idea .of th three girls 1 was to go on a fishing trip to tho upper end ' Of Government Island. arlilpJi .la . situated In "mid-stream ropposlt Fisher's Landing. Securing a rowboat they set out on ..tha trip On the way acrosa to - i'. th island they changed their plan and steered th boat to . the sandy, beach along th aid of th island and want in bathing. It Is well known that in places around the Island there are deposit of blue 'clay, which ia th caus of great danger to bathers. .Examination of th -place where th girls wer - drowned shows that - the shore -of tb island' is -covered with several feet of this day. Miss Fisher was th first seen to go Into ths water. In a mlnut shs began to slip and th Zigler girls started to her rescue, but they, too. fell and west outof eight. The place where they wer drowned la not more than 11 feet deep. With .tho-thrro girl who were' ' drowned waa also a Mrs. Tlmmons and Miss Zigler, a sister of two of tha girls drowned. They wer near by sad saw all l to their death, but nn ..- -e THg"ilTptie'ry mud wer unable to lend as sistance. . The funeral will T held to morrow at Fisher's Landlrig and inter ment will be in Fisher's cemetery. ,. co:.::.:issio::er ACCUSED BY GEIITILES Demand 'for His Removal ; on' Ground That He Played Into V " ; Mormon Hands. L . . (Jearaal Bpeelal Swiss.) ' Washington, July 28. Upon a char that Commissioner Richards of th Gen eral Land off lc played into th hand of Mormons In "opening to settlement th Uintah Indian, reservation. Gentile of Utah hav demsnded hla removal. It la asserted that - Richards statement ac corapanying hla proclamation said that the land l praetirally vrorthless.'" Th was used by th Mormons to discourage Gentiles from taking up land. : ; - NEW VANDERBILT ROAD : - - TO TAP COAL FIELD 3 " (JesnuX Spwlal Serrlea.) ' ' - PltUburgr-July . The Vanderbllts hav formed a new corporation, th Bear Creek Bxtenalon Railroad company, for tno purpose ot uniting under on nun gement their varioua coal roads and prop erties In Pennsylvania. . It will shortly., put out an Issue of fiO.000,000 bonds, part ot which will be retained in th treasury, for th extension of line and develop ment of coal properties in the Bear ereefc and Cherry Run districts. : ZIONISTS TO REJECT AFRICAN COLONIZATION . ; (JovmI cUl aWrrW.) .Z t " Tim el las fiwiteABi1a..rt Tt.1r aft ' sw vniynfMBIIUI VSS s" V a" day'a session of ah Zionists'- ieonnt. Leopold Greenberg of London presented . v a report on th expedition sent to Kast ; Africa, to explore th country offered by th British government for eokmlaa " tlon by Jews. While th country - le J rich and will easily support 1 60,000, it waa lnaocesslbl and urrounried e by '. dangerous tribe of naUveav Th ex. ecutlve eommitt . recommended that thprojoct be not undertaken. . . BRITISH FLEET SENT TO NORWEGIAN WATERS (Jeareal ssectnl gsrelee., ' London, July- It. Th British Chan nel fleet has been ordered to aU for th Baltlo as on August 10 sad will remain through September. Th erule of th British fleet is regarded a as signed to counteract th demonatrao tlon mad by tn German squadron l j thes waters. colli::": ::Tv.:rr '