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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1905)
: vac:iii;qto:i; FI7TI I-'Oi CIXTI I . CTG. . .. . Welcome to 1 :c VISITORS 7- h r v . r " . "" . r S a ' ' " """ -' ' Given ti- Art Shop tcood Floor 7L r'Ih: Clfcrent Ctcrc": MTh Daylight Store Opcftb at 8 am. Or Phono t . the Stcrq ' 7,' '.- ' w m Store Closed at' 6. p m. , A Crash in China ThfU be Heard all Orer thie Northweet " Th hirnln hull brok looaa rastardar in th Chin Shop Third Floor and txfora h was eapturad h had blua-penelld anout a earioaa or in unoiomni apd'xTnaat placaa of Dainty Chin war In tha Houaa kepar'a Supply 0torea. Tha atorjr of tha damaca dona, Is beat told balow. Tha question of loss to us lies in tha amount Of thasa spaolala you buy at Iba Friday prloaa. Taka a planty of tlma to look around, don't miss n Itemthay'ra too food to paas, vry ona of taamw rruii as Worth tLld to Wo Fruit Bats of China, with small naat flowar-and tald Una daooratloha act of ona bowl and six in' -dividual ufri our 11.19 Trar, icia4 Econ Bala prioa, tha sat . Oaaoratad Oala Biaaar eaaa. AUSTRIAN CHINA -, lOO-Plaoa Sats, our ttO'Ov valueSpecial at, the sat. i.air.oo llOO-Plaea Sets. o'ur-ltt.OO - value Special at, tha-aet...... ..918.50 FRENCH CHINA. ;-.. . : . . . - 100-Piece Sets, our 111.19 yalua Special at, the aet $23.00 100-Piaca Sets, our Value Special at, tha Mt .j., 932.00 ROYAL CROWN CHINA'. - - , . 100-Plce Seta, 'our ftl.Oa value Special ' ' " OLD BLUB PLATES, (-inch slsa Special at, " '"' - the dosea . 91.00 OLD BLUB AND GOLD PLATES, l-lnch Slse . Special at, tha dosea...;........... S1.20 OLFVBLUE3 BOWLS Special at tha dosaa.. ;$1.20 OLD BLUE FRUIT DISHES Special at. ech..lSe LAROB MEAT DISHES, our iOa value Special ' at, each ............'. .....40 SOUP TUREENS, our Il iO value Special, each. 70 OVAL VEGETABLE DISHES, our IM valua Special at, each. .................... ..10 ALL OPD LINES OF DECORATED' DINNER SETS , AT, SPECIAL SALE . PRICES. . . t '- sJoaveal Okiaa..' . SOUVENIR MUOS. our lo valua Special, each.. .54 SOUVENIR MUOS, our 0c valua Special, each.l5 SOUVENIR MUOS, our t6o valua SpecUl, aach.25 SOUVENIR PITCHERS, our Ho value Special i at. each ..10 SUO A R, HOLDERS, our tSo value Special at. each. ...25 SPOON TRATS, our c valua Spools! at each'.35 WE SHOW THE LARGEST LINE OF SOUVENIR , , CHINA IN THE CITT. . Kaadrada of Psofnl Articles ITrtaed From U U I1JO. There's Jolly Surprises to the Pricings of Women's Dainty' Summer ,r ; f OutfittingS Vi and Accessories to Smart Gowning That await Friday shoppers. We're no respecter of broken stocks tbo almoet-sold-out Unas that' won t be renewed because of tha paaalns; of our selling sea. l son. What's a raw doaen of this or. that or a few hundred yards of dainty embroideries, or pretty rib bona, .when the hundred of miles that's been eut off and sold - has left theeo "coupons" oa our hands? There's a plenty of wearing time ahead but we're preparing for fall stocks already. Thus this bevy of bargalna for tomorrow's customers. .. , ; ' ' : FIRST FLOOR. -'' flJM Silk lovoa for sse. ' "J ' ' ; Two-Button Silk Mesh Oloves. with llale palms, la black and colors only; good quality and our 11.00 ' value. Special Economy Bale price, tha palr..83f Babroldary Tnraovav Oollara fo Ifo. Eyelet Embroidery Turnover Collars, neat and com fortable; our He and I6o values. Special Economy Sale price, each t94 - Preeflea Btbboaa Wortk aoe fo TOa. Beautiful Dresden Ribbons, 7 inchea wide. In many : different designs; much used .for girdles and ' saahea; ou. 0o valuea. Special . Economy Sale , price tha yard... .........,70e) . Xaadsoma Blank Velvet BIbboaa. With satin back, Noa. 7. , 11 and II. ' Special f Economy Sale price, the yard.. ...... .....,..25 . Fine Taalsw and St. Oaal Beads aad Applltaaa. - In cream, white and ecru; Values in the lot up to S8.0S. Extra special for Economy Bala at Balf Frloa s!T . , Talaaoieaaes Bdglaga for Xalf. . Odds and Ends in Valenciennes Edges, from t to 19 Inches wide, in a variety of pretty patterns. , Not . very many in the lot. so come early as they will ": not laat long at these prices Our ft-09 valued-Special Economy Price, yard. . .50 Our To valua Special Economy. Price, yard..37He Our I9e value Special Economy Price, yard.', . .25 Our lla value - lipeolalBoenoniy PrJoe? yard.-.12Hat - ' ECONOMY SALE OF Women's Muslin Gowns and .Mercerized Petticoats ' . . Second , Floor Annex. . . '.. . .vt . iv m aa taw Vmo'i am. Women's fin Muslin Gowne. with V-hatHd Veo'k. yoke of clusters of fine tucks between clusters of heavy tucks; embroidery edging at' neck and. . sleeves. , Our regular- $1.00 value.. Special Econ omy Sale Price, each . 99 j Vereertsed erUooaU Wortk $IM far Tta.' Dlaek Mercerised Petticoats, with 19-Inch flounce of' knife pleating and duet ruffle; our regular It J , value. . Special Economy Sale Price, each,. r. 79 i'TIS IMPOSSIBLE TO PRINT A FULL UST OF ALL THE BARGAINS EVERY M WEEKLY BARGAIN EVENT TAKES IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF THE "BIG STORE," AND NOT ONLY' THESE SPECIAL"VALjUES OF THE DAY AWAIT YOU HERE TO- MORROW, BUT. EVERY ADVERTISED BARGAIN OF. THE, WEEK, EXCEPTING THOSE WHICH WERE ANNOUNCED AS HAVING A PRESCRIBED TIME LIMIT.' ADD TO THESE HUNDREDS, PERHAPS THOUSANDS, THAT GO UNMENTIONED IN NEWSPAPER SPACE FOR LACK OF ROOM OF THE SMALLNESS OF REMAINING LOTSAND ONE MAY CONCEIVE SOME FAINT IDEA OF THE IMPORTANCE TO "PRUDENT FOLK OF ATTENDING THIS FRIDAY SALE. ' 7 " " : " History Repeate! ' . Another Scnssdonal Sale of SiMivaiisliS In the Big Suit 8spns Second Floor ' At exactly 9 o'clock tomorrow morning a monster ' : bargain table of Handsome, Exquisite . Summer Shirtwaists will be uncovered and a mighty sale wi.'l start! It Continues Two Hours Only The success of.Wednesdas sale is fresh in bargains distributed thro' its medium. ' Given the condition that a loss is inevitable, it is good business sense to take the loss early rather than late, more particularly if a lot of merchandise in current vogue is involved. The time has come for us to unload .Women's Shirt waists; The stocks were well chosen with especial reference to s$yle and daintiness. Cost played but a minor part, so long as the waists , were beautifully designed and made.. - ; x : ,'.'; ,.- v '- ,..' . ; We have added several numbers of waists not in Wednesday's sale,. $ome. grades higher priced. So that the values in tomorrow's sale exceed those of any'former sale we ever held at, the price named. We have also lopped' off a renerous slice from Wednesday's price. 'More waists in the sale n W fininy -finn frf-tHf -ramf-i rral nargailLlJlH gular prices, which run up to $3.75. pot hours only, tomorrow, morning hours, we shall jbl low .full and free choice at the most ab-' -', surdly low price of . . . rr: .;. ... . .V. ....... . Should a firm Advertise to Sell Gold y-: Dollars for Fifty Pennies ' You'd suspect them of being engaged. In' a "get-rlch-qulck ecime -now wouldn't VouT But If tha U. . B. mint should coma but and make that offer what a - scramble there would -fee for 4 ha ahlaarsr-f And-jret-, -here's a firm aa reliable as tha mlntOIJDS, WORTMAN KINO that offers . "u , $1.00 Silks for 30c and Novelty Silks at Half Price : svonosra juts BSStl OOOZg AT 1 ; v .- BAMAXV rSOOSS I - Goods' as steple as gold dollsrs, new and bright as -gold dollars, and mora sought for . by dreeay women than are gold dollars by scheming man. Just now:' 'And yet, we offer tomorrow and Saturday two dollars' worth of thee Handsome, New Novelty Summer Silks for ll.CO In caah or Its equivalent your promise to par. If .you hare an aoeount. And tha tnoet wanted dress stuffs in the market today are at marvelous reductions. Read tha particulars: : - saurss oooss ajto sxz.k itobii ' f South Annex First Floor, - ; White Jap Silks, also White pongee specially re . duced for Friday aad Saturday these cool, much-" ' wanted .Silks st our regular prices are unequaled In valua elsewhere, and . at tha special price for. - Friday and Saturday should tempt every lady to our noted Silk and Drees Goods Annex they coma In 17 and M-lnch widths .,-.. , ... . 11.00 Regular valua Special, per yard.....'. ...T44 . tl.JI Regular value Special, per yard.......;.86 1. Regular value Special, per yard. 1.13 11.71 Regular valua Special, per yard.. $1.42 . Watt aOBTa and Japaa Silks. Novelty Suit Silks, all new 101 weaves and atyles. In all wanted colors at...... BLaXT nicm I HIM OOOSS ;ream and Colored Engllah Llale Mohair In Brllllan- tine and Sicilian Weavee at apeclal prices for Frl " 4ay and Saturday: every wanted color In tha as sortment crerfra Included !9o Regular grad --8 peoial, rard.wv, 414 lid Regular grade Special, yard t. 63 I. 00 Regular grade Special, yard....... -a a 84- Regular grade Special, yard. f 1.09 II. 14 Regular grade Special, yard.. v. ...... .S1.S3 tl.7 Regular grade Special, yard...... S1.4T ll.SO Regular grade SpecUl, yard.... .. f 1.67 . naif .a.t.2K A St.Ddi Tesaiaana Sliaala. 1 TB. "Jrtl wool Pendleton Shawls, assorted plaids; regular value $4.10. Special, each Sjl.TO Lawn Games Reduced FEATHER PILLOWS AND PENDLETON SHAWLS AT DRASTIC PRICE-CUTS., 1" .Fourth Floor Housefumlshlng Shops; " - -Take along a Croquet Set with you as" you go on tha Vacation trip. Tourists and others should secure a handsome Pendleton Shawl or two; as souvsnlrs. Splendid for traveling, wraps, for couch throws, steamer ruga, ate The pries Is wonderfully low for' "Friday. . '.. j..J,: fi.T orofaet a eta, iis. Good hardwood Croquet Sets. 4 balls and 4 mallets; regular value 11.75. Special, the set ...... fl.lS . S3.B0 Croqaee Seta, SSM. ' Professions! Croquet Sets, extra quality. 4 balls and 4 large mallets; regular yalua $1.69. Special. set . SSAQ Tea they puiawa, SUS. Fine live goose Feather Pillows, best satin tick covering, regular value tS.OO. Special, the SeeaeaaMa Friday Booaoaar SyaolaU ta tha , :-.. Women's Knit Underwear ,. Aisle .-'-),'' y. rirst Floor ; '- ;' - ; ...--J weaaaa's SLSO Tsato aad Tigaa,'gSe, Silk and cotton "Merode" Veata and Tlghta: veata - with long, short and no sleeves tights ankle and knee length; regular valua $1.0. Special, each , .....I ,.65eV ' Wemea'a SOa Paata, SOo. Whits lisle 1 length PsnU; regular valua Ida '.' , Special, tha pair ....80 Kisses' SSa Kaata, lta, -Mlaeea' fins white lisle Pantss regular valua Sic Special, tha pair ......,,.,,,........ 19 Again worm the minds of hundreds of women who were hsiti ia torce au Day traay ' WOXSara TBAVaUaTa COATS In1 Lusters and Crarenettes, blacks, 'blues and tans;, values to tit 10. ' Special at . '. ...S4.08 Women's new and fashionable Tailored Suits for present wear than lady-jall; values to tie. Bpe-" two clal at OhlUraa's0 Ooaas Xalf iprlaa. hours C Ab roaaaa'a m-00 Soasa Wrappers, pedal .... 'w j.. . T94 low 1 each. low Osb . ;. ..' , ., '.. More Bargain Voltage Turned on in i Millinery Salons New Arrivalav in the. Bijoudalesrooms . - ; Annex second r ioc WHO'S BEEN WAITING FOR WHITE j STRAW POLOS? A plenty came to us. yesterday -The de- -' rrland has of late exceeded the supply from the factories. . We've been fairly successful" in supplying our patrons, but at times have. had to say "All out." Now, however, we ""can esupply a. limited demand for the trim; . and jaunty new white Milan Straw Polos at popular prices. . v . L .. - Special for Friday. A Sensational, Sweeping Offering!- Any $5 Hat in the House for Friday Only at $1.00. No reservations, none put aside. Any style, " any shape, up to the value of $5. i ' Special Friday for, . i . . . . . . ....... .f 1.50 Children's $1.50 Straw Sailors Special at H5c Very pretty and stylish trimmed Sailors for Children's wear at the shore or in the moun tains, fine straw trimmed with silk ribbon , 'bands and streamers; values up to $1.50. Special at ; . ; . . . . . .25 A Great White Light of Dazzling Bar- gain Brilliancy Shines From the J. Wash Goods Shops First Floor. ; Every former seaion is eclipsed irr the sales of white stuffs'; for summer dresses isawhite50nindeed X without" parallel, and no fabric is more' in demand . now than , dainty piques." All the more- reason folks will appreciate this timely special. 33c White Piques 24c Yard A" lot of White DresV Piques, witk , -fancy Jacquard figures, nice soft fin ' ish, suitable for street .or house wear r regular value 35c. Agy . Spfcial, yard 1""tJHH In the Samc: . Place, but strikes wmm. Lovely. Painty Summer rr Shirtwaists p2 Q) 9c - ''(. up to $4.d fortunate enourh to share in the 'wonderful Most astounding moneyeaving opportunities! Prices are cut - as never before In all tha sales of the year. - Tha collection) Includes dainty lawns, mercerised linens, percales, ginghams. .' Madras, etc. Plenty of pretty whites, trimmed with fine laces and embroideries, pinks, blues,-pink and white, 'blue - and white, black, etc. Polka dotted, atrtpeif. checked, dotted and figured In pretty "Dolly Varden" designs., - Some sra ' mussed from 'handling, some may be slightly soiled, but . - name are In such condition thst one laundering will not make .". 'em freah and perfect as the day they left their makers. -g'hfr-vslucs-run up to $3 tomorrow, 9 to 11 o'clock only, we shall al full and free choice at, r - PA- 1,,.. -..;. .u7i. Friday Jtooaoaiy Speolala ta Sha Jewelry and Leather Goods :P Stores i'.'-X ' First Floor West Annex. ', New souvenirs are constantly being added to ear .' Me Xat Mas, See. Four new designs-In Hat Pins Sacajawea, Lewis and Clark Busts; Frog Painting Mount Hood, and Official Lewis and Clark designs; in oxidised sll ,ver. well finished, long pip stem; .regular too . value. ' Special at each ......35V Boys St.00 Waechee, asa. A lot of Boys' Open Face Watchea, guaranted perfect . timekeepers; regular valua 11.00. Special, each x ..,.i,,.Mr..n......894 V . " Wosaea'e SOa- aad SSa STsok Okalaa, SSa. A Una of Women's Pearl Bead feck Chains, large; beads: regular values 10c and C&c Special, 1 . each . ..........394 . srlaklag Osaaaaa, SSa. , Juet the thing for 'traveling ,and outing: Drinking Olaases fitted Into fine quality leather cases, red. black, brown and tan. Special. Friday only, at,' each . .4... 65 -' ' Secret Jewel roekets. . A large assortment of Secret . Jewel Pockets, la 'chamois and with fine quality silk .coverings;, tha ssfe thing for Jewels or money Regular llo value. Special at, each. ........ .144 ,, Regular tSe value. : Special at. each... 294 ' 1 ' r , ii Friday Beoaoaay Spaolala ta' taa '" Men's llaberdastierie : . First Floor West Annex. 1 ' i ': Men's M Shirts, Taa. , . A handsome new Una of Men's silk front Shirt . ereatn colored -effects of different designs; regulsr valua 11. It. Special, each ....... T9 , ifea'a See aad SOa Vaderweas, SSa. Men's light-weight. BalbrlggaA "Underwear, Jersey . ribbed, flesh, brown and ecru; regular values tto . and toe. SpectaU garment . 25 ' - ' . Men -a SSa' Boa, lSe. A line of Men's black lace Hale Sox, cool and com fortable for summer; regular valua tta. Special. "e pair 154 Boys' TSo Bathiag Baits, asa. A Una of Boys' two-piece navy blue Bathing Suits, Jersey ribbed; our best Tie valua Special at. tha - suit . ....494 Men's (1.00 Itaea Maadkerahiaf a, SOa. -A Una af Men's extra fine: Richardson's linen Hand kerchiefs, hemstitched; regular valua tl.00.' Bpe- " clal. half price, or, each.......' ...50e), aBaSBBBBBSBaBBBBBaaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa Friday Baoaasay Speolala la taa ; Women's Hosiery Section ; ; FIRST FLOOR. " ' Woaasa's SOa Hosiery SSa. ...., Women's Fins Oause Hose, black, all lace and lace . ... boots, medium-weight lisle, double sole, French toe, spliced heel; regular value 10c Special, pair, 94 - Weaaea'a SSa Moss Sse. .. Fine Black Gauxe Lisle Hoee; regular valua ttc. Special, the pair... 224 Misses' 40a aad 4Sa Mosa S80. Misses' Fine Ribbed Black Llale Hoee, finished foot; I regular vslues 40c and 5a Special, the pair. 25) Resolved", That we Will Sell 'Buster Brown" Stockings for 20c the Pair - Alao the Hosiery for "BUSTER'S SISTER S" wear. Parents may save a nickel on every pair of "Buster Brown" stockings they buy by getting them hers. W own. our atocka -without -aayatriaga- aa them from manufacturers, aud Khali continue to. sell tha above-named stockings st the advertised price of tee , one pair or a hundred pairs. Drawing books free without any "red tape" or bother of saving coupons. Another Instance of being able to dictate prices on merchsndlee. Some ssy we sell, even better stockings for less money, well tha choice ia "up to you.1 Art Shop Economy Specie! .. i Second Floor. i' ZL ' Xwis aad Clark Cnaaioa Tops far SSa, Another shipment f-"Lewle and Clark- Pillow Tapa has arrived and they are so attraetlva In Seaign and colorings that everybody Is aura to want ana. ; They are stamped In Oregon rf "'"na, with - pictures v af Lewis end Clf - . t , rl and mottoes; plain back to match I owing how colore are to be used; a' 1 - - Economy Sale Price, each ..... . . y Private Cxchfingd Watches, cleaned and-warranted for one year-for 75c. New Mainsprings,: i75c Alfther repainngpn Jewelry at Jroportionate 'modest: prices..,! first loor," near large" elevators. ? . 1 : 1 ' ; Prominent Arrivals Yesterday J - Tomorrow la TJeaf Tork lJay" In the '. Women's Fancy Goods Stores, and a grand reception wilt be tendered Informally by our patrons to a bevy sof charming visitors that haye come to atajr with as only until you Invita thsm to your home and hearts. . Among them are a host of pretty Veilings.' tn the latest "Spider-web meshes,- Tuxedo nets. Chenille spots and Chlffon-noveltlea. An attraetlva Una of new complexion veils to shield tlie faces 4 Portland woman and their lady guests from tha Slimmer sun. Black, white and gll tha wanted colors and shades. Mourning veils a specialty. All marked at ex tremely modest prices. Women's Furnishing Shops First Floor.- . . '. . ; l ; ." . . Haifpriceon Children's f Wash Dresses . ' ' la Baby-to-Mlas ' Salons ; ,; - Second Floor, ' .' For Friday Economy Sale we offer a' splendid lot of Chll- dren's Colored Wash Dresses, In linen, percale, gingham, chambry and calico; In one and two piece', styles. -Tha ... eut of a chtld'a drsss Is an important factor. 1 Our dresses fit weU, ara made full slse and are perfectly made: ages 10 to lf-.yeara '''only; our regular 41.04 ta i 10.00 valuea. Special for . Friday Economy Sale at HALF PRICE! A Briat af Friday Spaolala ta taa malr-Waresisles- FIRST FLOOR. v; " : "..". mtmmme Braaa Baialaa lBv Light-Weight Summer Dress Shields, all sixes. No. I. S and 4, white an both sides. Special at. tha , Pair p...........aO '. aoarteasa,, . . ;- ..- Best English Brass Pins, all sixes, 110 la paper; rru- lar value 10c Special, paper. ....Ba Wire Coat Hangera-fSpeclal at, each.,.. ..44 ' 10a Oartst Blaatda .' W- , Fancy Silk Ruffled Garter Elaatlo. assorted colors; . regular valua 10c. Special, the yard 24 ... SSa Oold. Oraaaa SOav -Cold Cream, and ' Skin Food, removes tan, sunburn. -j ate.; regular value 15c Special, tha Jar.....v30c' 'SOa Wtaak, Maaal SOav. Large Slsa J-Plnt Bottle Pure Witch Hasel; regular valua SOa Special, tha bottle... ...20f . Imported English and French Perfumes, violet, rasa. -clever, carnation, heliotrope and other odora; rega . lar valua 10a Special, tha ounce.-. Soe ''. '' ;'- ISa Ooataa 10a. Celluloid Dressing Combs, fins and coarse teethv T Inohes long, white shell, amber and col ere; regular . value lie. Special, each..... .t.lOe) SSa Wrttlaff Fapac 10a.' -A Una of Writing Paper,' ruled, smooth or rough flnieh; regular valua tic. Special, tha box... .10) - ' .' - Wrttlaff Paaaw SSa Baa.' - , ' ' 'w-' Aim Hlgh-Orade Organdls Writing Paper, doth fin ish. In white. bne or gray. Special at, tha box.25e ISa Wrltlag Tablet To. ; ; Extra Quality Hieland Linen Writing Tablet, ruled. note slse; regular valua llo. Special, each ,74 ' ISa Papa STapUaa Sa. White Crepe Paper Napkins. 100 In .package, regular jralue Itc. Special, package.... .....0el Aa Ct-of-tka-OrdlBary Bala af Blgga tbaa Oralaary ' ;"" "' ; Buaea tm :"j ''...'J. ,.;..... Women's Knit lindewfecr AND HOSIERY AT SMALLER THAN ORDINARY , PRICES! ' '' In Knttwrar and Hosiery Shops First Floor, ' ' A Big Two Bays' Bala af "BtMalW aaA Oatl slaas" for XArge, Flasky Weaaea. Wa shall pay particular attention during this sale to the wants of fleshy women and will aell at spe cial prices very appropriate lines of knit under wear and hosiery suitable for Immediate wear. -. Taa XJata Tradiiaiaa for sae y Women's extra large slsa white llale Veets sad , Pants tha "Merode" vests ' with long or short' sleeves or sleeveless; extra silk trimmed; peats either knee- or ankla length, French faced; our 7 value. Special Sale Price, tha garment,.. ..&54 , .. Womea'a 9LSS Valaa Balta. taa. . Women's white cotton Union Suits, with high nack. long aleevea and ankle length; summer weight; alaaa 40, air Ku l.aa-value.. peeisl Sala Prtear- tha auU ......194 Wssnaa-a SOa weeta, -jsHa. Women's Swiss ribbed Vests, low neck and sleeve lees, extra slse; our regular too. Value. t Special Sale Price, each . V. 12He : Wonaea's SOa Boss tot SOa. . Women's extra else black, brilliant lace Data Hoee. full ahapa and flnieh; very elaatlc; ouf 0a Value. Special Sale. Prlce.i the pair. . ,...r. r. -S9 . weaaea'a tVJS roaa far TSa. Women's extra slse black brilliant lace llale Hoee; - Imported aeorted atylea; all of (them eu" ; our value. .Special f 3le Prtca the p. r..'. T? woaasa's f I Women's black li 1 . boots, verr. '".- J 1 quality E?ecil . t e r t Women's t' l.( V