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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1905)
- Mil wix Selarwe ,...... ... ."Niuhtr An than T MaruaaiS , "I. 0. U.' ' VdTlll ... ......VaudeVfie ARB YOU GOING. AWAY Subscribers -of The. Journal who go away foe , week or -longer may hay1 the paper: topped at their residence aad sent to any address by mail at 'ths regular ratee, and oolUetloa will b mada by regular earrlar : at tar return to tha oity, aseapt at Lot) Beach aad Seaside. - where Tha Journal baa a regular earner delivery. Albert Olaen of Ilwaeo, - Washington,' baa, charge of Tha Journal on Lone; , : Beach and Lewis Co, of Bea- , alda have charge of Tha Journal on Beaalde or Clataop beach. Delivery w4U"1 mada at theee two points at regular- subacriD- tlon rates, v Give your change 4 of Address to your . carrier - or Phono Main (00 and prompt at- ' tentlon will be given all ordsre. ' . A petition to set aalda tha proceeding by which Dora B. Davis, deceaaed, ' adopted Percy H. Kerr, a ward of tha oyr and airls Aid aoclety, waa niea . in the : county court jresterday after - noon by H. H. Turner of Salem, admin. latrator of Mrs. Davis estate, and J. A. " Finch.) an attorney of the capital city. Tha petition alleges that Mr a. Davla. who was tha divorced wife of Dr. W. H. ; Davla, mayor of Albany, waa addicted to ' the uae of morphine, waa Buffering from an Incurable diaeaae and waa not In bar right mind when aha adopted. Kerr, and that aha adopted tha boy at' the instlga tlon of Mra. Lillian B. Parti ah, formerly proprietress of a' lodging bouaa at-110 Harriaon atreet, who wlahed to get con. trot or her eetate. , The aetata la valued at about 14.600. and oonalata of a ttm- ber claim In Douglaa county, valued at ei.ooe. a beneficiary certificate In the Degree of Honor for 1,000, a piano and mner articles. , .. .. . - A private atable la .being erected at xne corner ox second and Mill atreeta for Edward Holman, , The atable will be two and one half stories tn height, and on tha aecond floor there will be 17 stalls each six feet wide. Tha-floor- ing of the atalla will be compoeed of a double layer of wood with concrete be tween, end with cement gutters out' - aide. There will be a window oyer each tall. On the flrat floor will be tha of floe, harneaa room, vehicle room and two bedroom. - The building will have both . -gas and electric lights, A large yard .near the atable haa been reserved for the horsea. AgTornrnrthg stable will be another, bulldlifg which Mr. Holman' s son, Guy E. Holman, will erect and nae aa an automobile garage. Tns building will be two atorlee in height and. wUl hold 10 automobllea. ' -f , i ' -. General George M. Randall, U. B. A,' formerly in command of the Depart, tnent of the Columbia ' at Vancouver barracks, haa been in Portland for sev eral daya visiting tha-fair. Nest Octo ber General Randall will reach tha re tiring age, 14 yea re. and. In all proba MUty will aeleet Portland aa hie perma-r.- i ftften In " aerrlce of the Union for 44 yearn. enliatTnanti private in tbevolunieer army In April lMl.v H served through all tha- grades from private to major In the army of tha Potomae -and saw aervioa in aeveral jiitt the Indian ware. In tha Bpanlso- . American war Be waa Drigaoier-qenerai of' volunteers.. Recently ha -waa pro moted to be major-general.- - ' George W. Martin, eecretary of the Kanaaa Hiatorioal aoclety. visitea George H. Hlmea, curator of the Oregon Historical society, yesterday- and In - enacted the museum. He waa surprised ' at the work accomplished with the email meana at tha disposal of the officers. He atated that -the (Kanaaa legislature gave his society everything asaea ror. ' aa the people there" considered tha work Wf the greatest importance. Ha waa of the -opinion that the people of Oregon were remiss In the duty when they neg- . lected to extend to tha local aoclety suf- flclent means, to carry on the work started by Mr. Hlmea. ' ' Our cltlsene are rapidly learning to ' bnnMiUtA th twiatftr -ewrwftitnsf. Rut if or-theSt. " Louis world's fair - certAiertnot, . attractlnna would not navaeeirpoaai- kle at Portland." ir Is quite the fad now -for evening partlee to enjoy a comfort . able and unlaue ride throush beautiful - Ruaala in full-stsed passenger coaches a meet original and thoroughly Instruct , iva entertainment A Trip-to Siberia - over tha Great Siberian Railroad on tha Trail la attracting much attention, eape- , dally from the educated traveling pub lic -who pronounce It -one of the very -beat thlnga at tha exposition. - A -Salvation Army Wadding attracted a large crowd to the Fourth street bar racka last evening. Captain -Thomas H. Staynea of Salem and Lieutenant Alice Day of Oranta Pasa were made one by ' Brigadier W. F. Jenkins, and will live V at BaJem.' 'Ensign-and Mrs. Kuhn -will ' hold their farewell meeting" August . after which they. will aaauihe charge of . . tha army oorpa at Butte, Montana.. - , ."William - E. Curtis, traveling corre , -.epondent of the Chicago Record-Herald, who haa visited oriental countries In the Interest -of that paper, will attend' the meetings of the Trana-Mlsslsslppl con gress and the' National Irrigation con gress to be held in Portland. He will ' address tha former meeting on tha aub yJect of 'Irrigation In India." It is reported that Edward Recorda of .the Atlas Construction Supply com pany, engaged in building tha Foreet " Qfova line of the Oregon Traction-com-pftny, has made arrangementa for build ing, the Portland, Nehalem Tillamook FEATURES OF THE FAIR Administrclion Reslaurcnt .The popular place of tha Fair . grounds. Hot; meat orders rang, tng from- !0o to SOo and up. Pa trons not aatlafled with prlcea can have -j , ,. v , , , FKEE USE CF TITLES tip stairs to 'spread their lunch. AValtere will be In attendance to serve coffee, milk, tea, lemonade, . soft drinks snd Ice cream to those ' .who wish to. purchase. Tetley'a ...tea, served.- . . . Free Use cf 1tv?r.zztl : : ra.laay. a J lua let contracta for l.C tons of steel ralla to be delivered at HU.sboro before fcentember I. This will be sufficient for laying tha flrat SO milee of the road. Mn Kecorda haa appointed Oorrs L. Davla, chief engineer in oharga of the work, and, haa awarded eontracta to Clark flxon ef Foreet Grove for clearing the right of way, and to Thompson Bros, for grading tha Brat three miles out Hlllabero. ' . Tomorrow night President Ooode of the exposition corporation will entertain Dr. Samuel B. Ward of the New Tork state commission at a launching party and lawn fate. The special feature will be tha exhibition to be given by the life saving arew, whloh will fire the life llnea from Government ialand to tha mast in the center pff the lake and show the manner In which marlnere are rea cued when la danger off ahore. The searchlights wUl play on the-erew aa they work and the exhibition will be speotacular. v August. 1 will be William Clark day at the exposition. -Theodore Hardee, aiatant to tha president, is In . corre spondence with L. M. Clark of Portland. a descendant of Captain Clark, and a suitable program la under construction. Members of the Clark family will be present as guests of the exposition and tha program-will aet forth tha exploits of a he distinguished explorer, Seeing Portland In and Out 100 mils for f 1, almost the entire ayatam of the a W. P. Ry. Co to Oregon City, the Eagle ' creek valley, . upper Clackamas river; two hours lay-over at Estacada, where dinner may be had at tha hotel. Excursion car leaves First and Alder atreeta! dally except Sunday, at 1:40 a. m.; returns p. m. . - Delightful Trolley Trip To Estacada on tha Clackamas river, tl miles from the city; cool and refreshing. ' Round trip ' picket, including dinner - at hotel. IMS. . Cars leave from ticket of flee, Flrat and Alder atreeta, at 7:10, 0:10, 11:10, 1:10. :44, 1-.44. 7:1s. - Last car from Estacada p. m.-, ' ' - L . E. C Belknap will arrive thiscven Ing from Chicago. New Tork and Boston, after a month's absence. In Chicago be purchased tha plant for the Eataoadx Brick tt Tils company, which will be one of the largest of tha sort In Oregon. It will make fancy aa wall aa plain bricks and tiling. . t , Steamship Alllance"' " aalta from Couch Street dock for" Cooa Bay and Eureka, Monday, July 11. at I p. Fare to Eureka, tlLSO cabin. M.00 sec ond. Coos Bay. $10.00 cabin, 17.00 aso- ond. v F. , p. . Baumgartner, . agent. Main Hi, ,v,". Sea the Sea at Beaalde A delightful trio to old ocean, only four hours' ride from Portland. Take a dip in tha briny- deep. Trains leave the union depot dally at a. m. For Information apply to Mr. C ' A. Btewart, agent. 14 S Alder atreet. Phone Main 001. . The first carload of crosaarm - for telegraph and telephone poles shipped itjrotn Oregon left for New Tork today.. They were madeTsy tha Estacada f Wood Manufacturing company. This la a new industry on tha north Paciflo coaat. . , , t Speedy; the hfgh diver, begins an en gagement" next week at tne exposition. At the south and of the Trail he will diva no xeet into a tana ox water oniy IC lncnee deep, giving exhibitions st I and. I p. m. a , : Tha draw of . tha Madison Street bridge will be closed to all trafflo be tween tha hours of 11:10 and 1:10 to- orrow -morning, so that soma . necee- Tiiii iiiTI'l"l I " lit -7 1 ' Verara Beatty has begun a suit for divorce from . Harry Beatty on - the ground pf desertion. The , partlee were married In Portland in 1101 and have na children. . . ; , . .. v Are rou all anxious to get the best In ths market at tha loweet possible price t If ytns are interested, read the grocery and market aaa in rnaaya Journal. Ours are the only launchea lanllng at the Oaka. Launchea for charter. Favor ite Boating company, upper aide Mont son street bridge. Tel. Main .0401. Roof Painting Columbia Paint com pany, Main 1410, TO First street. Moes snd fireproof -paint for wood, tin and Iron. Roof painting a specialty. . ; : We " are 'atlll selling our $1.10 aye- glaaeea for 1 1.- Consultation free, and every pair guaranteed. Metsger A Co 111 Sixth street. i - - Walt tm next week to grumble. You'll Try It. Alvin 8. Hawk Co, 147 Third street. . . ; -..- Tne BMlFamltv hnrsa. Aounle-seated buggy and harneaa - for 1160, worth double tha price. Inquire 11 TamhlU at. Moffett Hot Springs. 11.10 dayt II ind 110 week: bath a. too. Take Regula tor line. i,.'-- .- 1- . Crawflah to ths onsen's taste. Black Diamond, comer Second and TamhlU sta. Window leterlng up-to-dsie stylea Foster Klelser. phona Ex. 14. - Crawflah to the queen's taste. Black Diamond, corner Second and TamhlU sts. MUST- OBEY. RULES OR -i" ; LOSE ITS FRANCHISE The Portlsnd Consolidated . Railway company will have to comply with the Plana and- specifications for ths Im provement of Williams avenue between McMIUen and Morrla atreeta or its fran chise over the thoroughfare will be re voked. Such waa the decision reached at a meeting of the street committee of the city council yesterday afternoon. - The thoroughfare is being Improved with bitullthlo pavement. According te the plans and specifications the railway company has to improve Its portion of the street tn keeping with the other pavement. The specifications call for seven-Inch grooved steel rails laid on a concrete foundation and - atone block pavement between the rails, and for one foot, on the outer sides. . A yesr ago tha corporation Improved the road on Williams avanus by laying 60-pound ralla and ' cast-welding the Joints, making a permanent and sub stantial improvement. They say. the rails laid at that time are heavier than were called for to their franchise over the street. The corporation', promises that If It Is allowed to retain tbeae ralla It will put In tha concrete foundation and lay atone blocks. Tha proposition was not satisfactory to. the committee, and the railway track will have to be improved according to tha speclflsa- tlons. " --Banff sTo Spruga. " The' Canadian Pacific -has placed "on sal excursion tickets to the Csnsdlsn National park at a rata of 111 for the round trip. -Tickets are good for stop overs both en ths going and return Jour ney with a limit of 10 daya. For descrip tive matter snd full particulars call on or address F. R. Johnson. F. P. A., 141 Third street, Portland, Oregon. , , , Ql -UL.JUL . tiOTE Thrivl.- jC.tJti cf .th'' South to ; tUvtOay, t Fair ' Tomcrrow, ' Tomorrow will be a Special day In honor of Santa. . Barbara, Ban Luis Oblspe. Ventura and Paso Robles, aU Cat ifornla towns. Tha order of svenU wlll be aa folio wa: I a. m. Bulldlnis, government exhibit and Trail open. ... . -r 0:10 a- ra. Concert,- Da Caprlo'a Ad ministration band, Transportation build Ing bandstand.' - ' 10 tck. 11 a. m. Concert by v Fourth United States cavalry band. Government terrace. 4. -'- . I to 4 p. m. Concert of Da Caprlo'a Administration. 1 band, Transportation building bandstand. -1:10 p. . m. Grand concert, Dlerke's band, naadstana. Gray pouievara . - 1:10 p. m. United States llfesaving service exhibition on lake. . I to 4 p. m. Concert Fourth United States cavalry band., Government ter ra ce ' 1 to. 4:10 p. m. Concert, White Swan band. Asvtcultttrar building. - - - I p. m. Regatta an lake, singles, dou bles and lapetreak events. - 4 to-1 P- m. Concert, Administration band. Calliornla building. - I p. TO. Grand concert. Dlerke's band. bandstand. Gray boulevard, , ' I p. la Grand- electrical illumination. - 1:41 p. m. United Statea llfesaving drill by searchlight on lake. 11 p. m. Gatea close. Muelo at the exposition tomorrow will Include tha following band concerts. By Dlsrksa band. Afternoon: Overture, "Light Cavalry," guppe; La paloma,- Tradler; Faa dea Fleures, De li bes; Ootterdammerung, Wagner: inarch from sMtdaummer Night's Dream.' Men' delasohn; trombona solo, "An Meer," Schubert: Mikado Fantasia, BuUlvan "Btars and Stripes, Bouaa. . . . - Evening - p re sranv Overture, "Mar tha," Flo tow; Kalaer Walsar, Btrauaa Ruaslan fantasia, cornet kolo. Levy; Fete . Boheme. Maaseneti Tannkauaer march, Wagner; ' duetto) from Trove- tore." Verdi; Parsifal. WaYaeri Fackel- tana. Meyerbeer. By De Caprlo's Administration band. morning Marc," 4 "The Gondolier,' Foweu; overture. "VaaanieIlo,"- Auber; waits, , "Blue . Danube," Btrauaa; (a) "Pisscato Polka." Strauss; b) "Salome, Lorraine; eel action. - "The Storks." Chopin; "Fackeltans in B Flat," Meyer beer; fantasia, "Roae of Castile," Balfe: martfh, "Salute to St Louis." De Caprlo. Afternoon March, "Don Carlo." Verdi: overture, "Phedre," Maaaenet: prologne from ."PagllaecU 'Leoncavallo; "Peer uynt (Suite), Grieg; tntermesso, "Sym pbonloo," De Caprio; grand aelectlon, "I P rots east Sposl," Ponchlello; - baritone solo. "Blue Bella of - Scotland." De Caprlo (Slg.- De Caprlo): waits. "Italian Ughta.".Toblna. v.. ... By tha Fourth united Stater cavalry band, morning March, "Bdns of Mars," Littleton: seleotlon. "The Bhoaun.' Luders; ' Morceau, , "Spanish'" Beauty," Stickney; Mexican air, Arr. Littleton: Mexican waits, "Merry Frlenda," Roaaa: ragtlms, "Polly Prim." Henry; medley overture. -At a concert in tha Park.' Chattawar. ' Afternoon March. Governor Dver " Reeves; overture, William Tell." Roa alnl; aelectlon. "Peggy From Parla." Lor raine: Intermeaso,- "Dawn of Love," Ben- dix; fantasia. 'Annie Laurie," Bennet; medley overture, ' "Ec)ioea From tha Windy Ulty- DeWItt; patriotic airs. DR.F. E. J. LLOYD WANTS FULL INVESTIGATION Ths controversy between supporters and -opponenta of Rev. F. E. J. Lloyd, D. D. of Untontown, Pennsylvania, who' haa declined to auallfy for tha Proteat- ant Episcopal bishop coadjutorship . of uregon, nas assumea . national propor tions. Dr. Lloyd haa formally demanded that the preeldlng blehop, the Rev. Daniel Sylvester Tuttle. senior bishop, residing In St Louis, take official cognisance of the allege tlona that have been made by churchmen in uregon that he . was Im properly preaented to the diocesan oon ventlon by Rev. Dr. Georgs B. Van Watera, that facts exist that are not to the credit personally of Dr.' Lloyd, and that hla eleotlon to- the coadjutorship wss a victory ror too nign church ele ment or tnls diocese. ; Races,. Races, Races. . Tha 1101 season of big "events now on nt Irvlngton Park race track. Six or mere running races every . day except Sunday. First race starts at 1:11 p. m. 00 tnorougnnrea norees - entered 000. Alt ears transfer at Second and Wash ington streets for track. Admission (In cluding grandstand lOo. ... , T Claremont Tavern. - On the Willamette Launch Fox leave foot Morrison St, Merrill's boat housas' to- Claremont,"! 0. II a. m.. 1. 4 :io. 1:1s p. m. iteturning from Clara mont, 11 a. m.; 1, I, I. 7:10, 11:10 p. m 1 1 r. When In Seattle Oo to the Rathakeller, a 'hlgh-clasa place to eat. Sea foods, aaatern meats, Urge orchestra aauy. , . , . v Milwaukie Country Club. . Eastern and Seattle races. . Take Sell. wood and Oregon City cars at First and Addlttoaal Passenger Bervlee cm Sontk Between ' Portland and Forest Grove. Commending July II, tha Southern Pa cific will, In addition to ita present schedule, put on a new train to. leave Forest Grove 11:10 p. m.r Cornelius, IMS; HUlsboro. 11:41; Reedvuie, 11:17: Beavarton, 1:07 p. m. 'Arrive Portland 1:60 p. m. . Returning, -leave Portland 10:41 p. m.: Beaverton, ll;ll; Reedvllle, 11:1J HUlsboro. 11:14; Com-llus. 11:01 m. Arrive rorest urove ii:o s, m we want. JjoodirkersndJdiatrib-i. titers. Good . ironers, . for good workijlj WE PAY : fcood wages. ; Have ; good electricians and have ' good comfortable place to work. inionITundry 'Second and Columbia . Main S88 . ' a m y,iio; QULDER Governor Herrlck Casts Clear, Obeervinj Eye Over State and Cses Great Future, I EASTERN PART PLEASES t DISTINCUISHEO VISITOR Buckeye Executive Speaks iWarmly ' of Xrricitlon' Work ' on the Des chutes, Which He Says Will Open Remarkably Rich Country. - Ohio's governor la back from a survey of Oregon wonderland. He looked upon the desert, where even a blade of grass waa not to be found,, and the gray-green saga, earth's only effective asbestos mantle, reached away to the nortson; snd he looked again, where the Irrigator had begun hla reclamation work, and beheld the amlla of prosperity. - When. Myron T. Herrlck returned to Portland yesterday, after an outing In tha peochutee valley, he waa an ardent dlactple to the preacher of the greatness of Oregon, His, eyes had beheld the wonderful traneformatlon on land, hla skilled hand had drawn from the' roar ing Deschutes great apeckled. beautlea, snd the Buckeye- vlaage wore tha tan of hot aun and alkali dust " But however - diverting may be the finny tempters, or discouraging the desert aire, tne governor says Oregon is Immense. His keen eye- looked beneath tha dusty surface. Lava ash soil, which to tha untutored la a barren waste,- re vealed to nim p recusal tenuity. - "I have sailed along the Sicilian coast" -aald the eminent visitor this morning, "and have seen the Italian farmer enriching soli used for centuries with av decomposed " lava. " Italy knows Its worth, and fertilises lsnd which Is becoming Impoverished with the rich potash stores of plain lava and basalt Out there In aaatern . Oregon the soil Is a disintegrated lava. What others seek as fertiliser nature provides there with out messure. .5 r - Mono to XtrlgvUonlsts. - ' Tf wa may be permitted .an ' old quotation, which honored tha man who mada two bladea of grass grow where nut. one was round before, there is hlsh praise for these hardy men of eastern Oregon. Tney make two bladea of grass grow where there waa none before." As . the guest of President H. D. Turney, of the Deechutes Irrigation Power .. company, Vice-President - . -.0. Johnston and Secretary F. B. Stanley, tha two former of whom are prominent In Ohio, Governor Herrlck departed -for im uescnutee following the Ohio ob servances at ths fair. - Hla trip was 'for pleasure and recreation. At Shanlko the governor's special car waa left and a wagon waa taken to Bend. The camp ror the outing had been established 11 miles further, at tha Junction of Soring pree wiut tne Deschutes. n "We were looking tor fish." said the governor, "and we caught . them in abundance. We found remarkable trout there, enjoyed the auperb mountain air. visited the "-scene of . reclamation work and have spent a most enjoyable time. Returning we droVe oves the mountains to Lebanon, where our car met us aa-aln. At Lebanon ths cltlsens met usput on- me nignway oeiore reaoning uie town and extended a moat cordial welcome. At Albany the Commercial club enter tained us delightfully and made our stay tnere most enjoyable. From Albany wa cams oireci to foruana. . arcas rrojaoe at Deschateov The Deschutes Is famed aa.A'trbuO stream. Dolly ' Vardens and redaldes grow to great proportions in the deen. ewlft stream, apd the fortunate angler wuu nwu one "i iu monaiers . is re quired to plsy his game with an the cunning and art known to the profession. That the -Ohio governor was often pitted against a veecnutea patriarch in this un equal struggle, wherein man becomes the pigmy and hla antagonist at ths other end Of tha line a veritable shark. is attested by the party, but with the diplomacy of a deep student of humsn nature the chief executive does not try 10 aenne nis scnievements. It seemed to me that tha Irrigation work on tne oescnutes is a great pro! ect" .said. Governor Herrlck. 'a work that will be of .great benefit to your state.. Water la running through aome or the canals that are to reclaim 100, 00 acres. The result of irrigation' it wonderful. Land . which before only knew the aagebrush - and jackrabblt suaaeniy Decora ea aa expanse of fertile fields, growing all cereals snd fodders, garden truck, and the luxuries, aa well as necessities of sgrlculture. It seemed thst almost anything In the Una of agriculture common to tha country was rouna tnere except corn. . Termers Have Zastrnctors. " "The experiment station establlahed there, which Is under control of . ths government is doing good work. A rep resentative haa been sent to take charge or tne station and is directing the valuable experimental workjn progress. This is sure to be of greet benefit to the farmers taking the land, aa they are taught tha exact Quantity of water re quired for best results, aad shown what Is too little or too much. The most ap proved methods of preparing the land are taught In every respect I found the experiment station nourishing. Ths transportation problem la going to be solved without any trouble on the part of the people downJhere. They are now producing a tonnage that will bring the railways, -without bonus or further effort The settlers coming In, their supplies required and tha produce ready for the outside - market will quickly solve this problem. Tha pro duction of that SOI1--WUI be tremendous In the near future for ' the water, alt that is required to make It phenomenally fertile, la being delivered. - "That Is a good law under which this work is being done. It is beneficial to the people la encouraging development and in limiting the price which may be charged for land. ; , Utaf Vader 6oed Saw. ' "In this manner the stats aecurea for the people at large the vast wealth which wilt be built up there tn renlama- tloti wotkt brings settlers andTSmovert opportunity for undue speculation. It Is a good law and will no -doubt be e De preciated by tha people Who are given opportunity to profit by the appreciation In values. . ' -1 . v v, , . 1 "In the early days our ' forefathers conquered the wildernesses of Ohio and contiguous .states, and though! they were doing good work. Later another race conquered the pralrtea of the middle west, end were given credit Tor a greater achievement than those who maatered the wilderness. At this dste still an other generation is - conquering the desert, the greatest of all conquests,' and their praise as forefathers of Industry will resound longer than that of either of their predecessors. I cannot say too much of the value to your state -if reclaiming arable land from the desert. I saw wagon loada of people going to tha district to make emu .t He Received ' Six ' Thousand Volts of Electricity and ' V." . Fell Forty-Five Feet. Splendid constitution ' and Iron will were not sufficient to save the life of William-Moore, tha lineman who fell a distance of 41 feet from the top of a pole after 1.001 volta of electricity had passed, through' his .body. -.He. died at Good Samaritan, bospltsl yesterday afternoon at I o'clock and tha body was removed to Coroner Flnley's undertaking rooma.- - - That Moore lived several dsys aftsr he received his injuries Is cause for as tonlshment among phyalclana familiar with his caae. Five hundred volta of electricity have killed many persona, and there are few who have survived a ran of 41 feet- en a hard pavement Moore's legs were broken by tha rau ana nis side, arm and ahoulder were aeverely burned by the heavily charged wires with which he earns In contact - Tha man did not once loae oonselous- ness until plsced under the Influence of an anaethetio on the operating table at Good Samaritan hospital. He gave no audible Indication of the awful pain he suffered, which . showed only. Jn-ses tense, drawn features.' The driver ef ths police patrol-wagon, the attending pnysi clans and the hospital attendants unite In saying that ths msn was remarkable for-hla Intense-vitality, big strong will and hla control of himself. Moore weal aged 10 yeara old and unmarried. Hla funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon. their homea, which is the beat evidence of their appreciation of the opportunity offered. Borne were driving over the mountain a, - manning. - those ' prairie schooners which brought the- first Pa clfloceest Immigration, and the stamp of hardihood and courage on tboae faces waa equal to the beet of any peat age. GREAT NAVAL BATTLE tO BE FOUGHT ATTHE FAIR Dewey's maneuvers In tha battle of Manila will be reproduced on the night of August t at the exposition. Plana are tormlng to give , a naval display that night which will be illustrative of the methods employed by naval war riors In attacking forta and land bat teries. Miniature battleships will be constructed, and one or two, with tne fort will be blown up. At 10 o'clock the lights of the expo sition will go out .and a moment later a rocket will go up aa a signal (or tha several ahlpa to move - on the fort which will be at a point beyond the American Ian. oppoaite tha life-caving station. Two land batteries will be sta tioned -wear the -fort '-which 'will be commanded by Major C E. McDonell of the exposition guard; ths fleet or bat tleahipa will be commanded by Captain John FT Clark of the life-saving crew. ' The ahlps will bo manned by United Stated sailors and marinas," and - will maneuver much as Dewey did at Ma nila, and the result of the battle will be 'the destruction of ths fort and the sinking of some of the battleships. GRANGES WILL UNITE IN BASKET PICNICJ r-- i .1. .1 1 'w.i.i in . 7-r-; n'The United "Granges of the western nd of Washington county will revel In a big picnio near Sholes ferry, Saturday next and elaborate plana are peing mada for tha occasion. Literary exer cises will be held In the morning, and besides the customary" luncheon there will be races and contests. ' The Ladles'. Brass band of HUlsboro will furnish ths muelo and the speakers for ths occasion will be State Lecturer Clara Waldo. Judge W. D. Hare of Hllle- boro and Jamea Wlthycombe. All at tending -will contribute toward the basket luncheon. -. ' ,. WHERE TO PINE AU ths dellcaelea of the season; pri vate apartments for ladlee and famines. Strouse e Reataurant 111 Washington. COW EASE If THC WAYTO WT IT OM. Cqnt'lni Nothing Injurious. Very East to Apply. tom TKt rxixs raoif Btrore Cattle or horses. Cows gtvs W per seat SMee Bulk wkea set taraweted with Ilea. They feed la peaee; So Ae suisis. Wf gailoe Bars fnr Itself a Snses tiroes evr. IS etata quart II gaUea. - stall ardere aueo. , .... J. I. SVTZZS. -Seeds. Pealtry gnnoUea and Fertilisers. Ill Front Street, sear Taylor, Pertbisd, Or. , . , rnoaa Mala ST03. . . Than One T01 find aeveral LEGITIMATE STORES In the city. Tou can rely upon their merchandise In quality as well as price. And we are considered one of the honest places to trade. Do not buy la the first place you come to, but In . veetlgate flrat, the prlcea of other stores snd then , convince your-. selK We clsim a saving of. from . 10 to te per cent on every dollar to you. - : . . . - , - Our Una consists ef tha newest designs of MEN'S AND BOYS' I CLOTHING, with a general line 'of 8HOE8. Also Trunks. Valises and Suit CaseC - John Dellar WE RUN TWO STORES Ccnirr-cJ Civil IS 1 r? There's More ; , , TAN 1 OXFORDS $3.50 .. Itiilglit's .K Fifth and Washington RACES xtuy bat xzozrr BtmAT A IRVINGTONPARK TRACK at xxiiT srx eaxA atmraie sTtarre . DAILY. , ,.- ; " '' . V first Eace at Szlllp. sa.-'--- ; Cars traatfar at leeoed sad Waaklngtoa . 1 . ... toe track. ADMISSION WS3& 50c gar? Theatre iffite eth aadTsk,: tkeae Mala Ms. to ooouax TxxAxax n voaTLAa. Exits es All Bides. Bwvpf by Cooling Breasts. .-. TOVIOBX AT lie 0'CLOOsT, Iverv Night This Week seelsl Kit. Safy. THS lAMOt S QgBMAfT COaTSDlAMS.- - Z0L AJTD VOL- la , U Merry ktasleal Ootsedy-Sarltaasa, COMEDY, " . FTTH. , " CATCHY MCSfa As exeeUest east. SO beaatlfal eheree stria. SO. rOFTXAA FEIOM Msttsee, See, Me. Me . i' . Sleet, Me, Me, Me, Te Bclasco : Theatre- tFersMrly CehusMs Theatre) Mth aad Wash, nutaeraber the Betaaee Is the eooket taeetrt IM the. ett." Oresoelaa. ... --r u fiati r m weeks. V. ' J. ' il TOWOETITT. wTKE. ! , , , -MATIHEBS lATTEPAY AMD SUHDAY. - DA YD BsXASOO'S COMEDY TRIUMPH, "NAUOHTY: ANTHONY" "AS FLAYED BY BLANCHE BATES,' . FBICBS Nlaht. Me U TSej Mata Me te Ma, EEET WEKK CABMEN. THE BAKER coot as a tnorss basses. " Xi.iM.M.t V.atlevUie. . -. v' x. emmxtt si 00. TED M 'ESSE A. ".'. STAVLEY 0ABLYLB,"'", ; : LAESY TOTTOE. , , eoy arEEAnr. . . ..;. 'I - BAEEEOOEAFH. 1 Lstst Ufa Motloa Ftetares, . , Baker Purine Orekastra. - loe te Asy Seat Eseeet Beaes, STAR ' , THEITAE TEIO ' ' ' ' TWi BALLS " ' ' TETE AEDEESOE OHTLSBEM '.. SVIELAV i KOWAED ' ' , JAMIS FATTiySOM . , JOaAFX EOEEZE ' ' THE STAEOeoOFE Oeearal adntaateB. 10 eeata. . Eveaiaa-a. Sea. dare sad aeUdara. reserreA eeata ea tewet oer, M eeauu.... Bes seats, M esata. . a,R A IN D TWE DEOOMAS OASTIXXAY A HALL . Ease- cxcixe kofsoe THE MEAsCHOENS MAETTVS At MABTIVE - . , ME. FEED FVEIETOE . THE OEAEDISOOFE. fleasrst adralsalea. 10 eeata. Eveslasa. Sns says-, aad -aelMera, - reserved teata ea bwar Bear. SO seats. Bes eeata, M eeata. LYRIC THEATRE . vxex or nay m . 'Ii TtonIlcsccc,, ... "A Heart Story ef the .'''- - - Ig Foer Arts. - --", Assjleetas, les e Aay Seat Its, , LEWIS AND CLARK OBJBRVJf. '.1 TORT AMD CAFE v - ' FOETLAED XZZOXTS, fake Portland Helekej ear aad set err at RawUMrae Tatraea. eoe Meek Creta aaa haa. Me ellsibtag. Eieetrle elevator. See aeaaBral efteet ef sewerral eserehnakt Irera tep ef tourer. Toe aaa eat a salaty laaea arblle nnrlas the BMet SMgaifleaat. Iinsl la ABMnea. opes 1 1. a. a 1 a ra. - a M easts. T" BOXING t VsHcourer, Wsib. TOM TBACHT TS. FACTS XHAJUTS. Fifteen Rounds, - VEUCDAT, SXTttT SB. - Care Isave Washington and laM streets i ana ociooa. - BASEBALU SECEEATIOH PABHi- Oeraer Yaagka aad.tsealyearts, Portland vab. Seattls OEAKDSTAED, Site. , CUILDBEE, 18e. wvww mwm raa sale at . hoaotaea. . BLAS1EB) BEOS. t i . , COECBBT EVERY EIGHT. e.s4e pcaKsrvtsx - - 4 Ccns TcctCwS 25c I Coz:n fc:.s . . 75c RACES TkM MeaU ' St'Jak'oe. RINGS K.. THE DHID2' .We xannot only plzzt the idol of your heart, but can please you beyond , your anticipation. All our -gems. are mounted in the ; newest and , most , artistic setting. Prices moderate. A. N. WRIGHT THE IOWA JEWELER '7 293 Morrison St. ' ' Clatsop Beacb., Seasis( Or. Finest summer resort In Oregon. Tk9 only hotel on the beach overlooking the ocean. Sea f ooda a specialty. The hotel haa been rebuilt and newly furnished. Hot salt bathe. Flne surf bathing di rectly In front of the hotel. Strictly Brat-class. American plan. For terms and ' reservations . address - CAN , J. MOORE, proprietor. - - - - - PALACB HOTEL. Whether he goes by land or sea, the traveler will And It a delightful trip te San Francisco, where he ahoul4 stop at the world-famed . -Pclcc Hotel - arid enjoy Its many attrac tive features, ror fuller information write . to the Falaoa, or see ... , - v; . a sTMESXy at tha Portland Informa tion and Booking Agency, Bote! Portland. , - . iatojra3yrjv Hotel Eaton sad Waal Park NZDW ; il fm slrted. elesastl luatsiie Sreproof.. ave stlaates'. walk frees heart et aheoDtaa aad tinrtaoas sletrlet. all hurra. airy, eatslee reesaa, steata heated, slesiiie ncsca, leiesaaas is eaea ape rt suae, eaa. Lars etaeaa, loaaatns. srsuslm. wretsaa, laaUe reeepttea parlors. BniaiS lis suae 97 SHU as rinpanas. Stsrata - ft? 0.OO to 43.00 art Dmr - Sparlat Bates te Cesisiaiilit Busk ' 7 ' A . MSB. MAS SATOsT, fFanaarly ef Betel Bedaata. Hotel Fairmnnnt Opposite EUla Sntoaaee to fcsakl ash! utasa sajnsinsa. fenlv " Bbeolntelv fl reproof TaejteS - eA. Joining grounds, equipped with eaeetrta telephonie and apeclel tetephonlo municationa. for patrons, vnaforaawl porters aad bellboy e at all beaxa . al guests' senrloe. . .. -.1 150 Degant Rootns r ' Open toe Guests 1: BATHS MO eV BAT AETB VS1 W. H. lATTtK, Oeneral Kasmewi, T : O.W. 9, ti BY. 00. ' Hotel Estacadn EirXMEE EXSOBT OH THE BAHxS 'WT - TEE CXAOEAMAB EIYEE. . M BOLES FEOM tOETLAES Kates Bar a.. . . . . .. '.- em fiatee per wees. .,... j Sperial tw-k.t. iactadnut reaad bis Ul ........... a ua Special ticket, lwblag rsas4 aria - three Steals EJljl TICEET OFFICE FIEET ABB ALDXB tO, L.B. MJtRTIMEZ. Mgt ' ESTACADA, 0ES40X, Ate. THE - COSMOS B. B. Oer. romrtb. aad Now under the same management a "The Calumet," centrally located Well .mi mmuwim, . .... One. room, one person.. ... fLM pey dap " One room; two persona.,.. 140 per day Family suites eAAeperday HOTEL SALTAIR Oeassstnia. Hortb Commands fine view of the - oeeatb . Oood fishing. Eioellent water Uorne) cooking. Fish served dally. , - I ... "or particulars address . MMU. Vong Beach P. p., Washington. Vitcil Springs C:!:l UiKclt Sfcxl Leavee Oregon City dally, eseept Saw day, at :! a. m. Fare Oregosj City office next door to Oregosi Watec . Power Co. 'a depot ' . ' tl VBZTATB BOABB ABB mS?k U I Mra. Sarah faatoherlata. Lea aae, 1 Week. Hoeje Ce-Alae mm a -. Porllnnd Ace:::. as rseusK ass eiAf-fiit ; ft bay d fhi f-e e anil a. 0e h.ere W t eeee e. I a. Siewart-sSBr. Mffw)eB T" anaa - I- eiaiv.aa, a a KOTXUI AJTS KESOXTS. Hotel r.ics;c I