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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1901)
THB MOKNING ASTOKIAX. WEDNCi'DAY, JUKE 12, 1901 The Morning Astorian TIOMOPIfONK Ml. Alt contract, for ndvcnmiiiK lii th Antoi luii ui'ti made on u guar, unto of circulation four lime larger tlmn that of miy paper published or circulated in Clal nop county. TOAY rt WKATMI0H, PIUITLANII. Juno II -Oti'K'iii, Wwl. ln-mlny, imii IIv i liiinly Mllh iirrunliiiiiil lulu, wiii'iin-i; WiikIiIiikIhii, urily elmi. )' with imiloilily ikx-iihIuhhI mIiuwi", Muhn, ixiilly i'lcitily, (n-ulmlily kIiumi'I, AROUND TOWN. M'o II. M. IliLitun about linriiiH WAIVII Foil lAN7.Ili:it'H AND MNI HA I.I':. HTUAWIIMIMUKS. '.c, at JiihiiMnii Mi' (III"" b'lXi-S fill' lipiit IS rent tneal-KMIng Bun Res taurant, .12 Commercial Hi. Tito Uiilnlln InIk, It p. u IiihI iiIhIii In "Kiilur i-alon. Three flrst-ola t'enl bnrlMir nb". barbers at th iwl Heat f rn-rvli'. J. Q A. ituwlliv Im K'ttiiifil from it lllp l H'lll'll lli'llit nil Ii-Klll IHIKl II.-K-. J.ipun' - gumls "t nil Mucin, rlieap at YuWolinnm IUmr; H:t ComniTrtiil Hi. I'll) All. mi. v A M Hn.llli mil U C. Kllltilll I i-llll IH-. I s x I . I I i V fl'MII I - hunt l'i .ti i i ,i ii.i 1 i.i univi' i It Ih in iniliiK. Hii.-i- Ii.i. f.-r 2.'k at J'lin mm lii'i r.MiiiiK-iiriiiK s'unl.iy th ti-anvr Muvfl.iw.-r will r'uii" ln-r nlil run m ll. Kim . fill- ll.'.ll.ll, i.r I'li'iii iv I ll. .if it'll I IV.1)', I ill mifT.-i ihk f i .mi mi nl i .i. k i 'null". I ir. li.'ii y i i ifiiMi it i ul VIIIiIHA I'm .l,i llll HlV.'I't i in Pv l III .it III" l'-U T I i.'iu-iMl I'li' itht in-l Pitn-tiK T Ail h' j r m iv. r .if A ' ti I' . ' iii r.iilliinl ill bumm-m Mm, It iaiiiiiin I ptfnrc.l to il) up live riirulna In K'ol order. Iuv n ih-rs at rs.n Uakcry. Mm M'lw .f-Kir "HI h-ave thi Mi.nnlim f'.i I'.iiiI.hiI tu attend ill.' r.-. union nf t ! I i.iiieiM. Mim nlin 'Pr.n.'hiii I In .1 In Portland, itli.-n- h)i. will iin.. mi. an itf rati for aim -n.l. Inn liihn Vi-l. Hi.- wrll-kii-iwii l.-rk In .l.ihnai.n Hum. la .i 1.1 In 11 hni null 411 a lii, k .if"ilr.U, l-'re!! lra In-ri ia, lit J. llf.iK three l.. fnl Walll-I Kutlell. al ellipl.iy.. nf the 1 .III - .1 iiliecaer i-nld m.irii.' plum. ui.-i with . painful art-Id -lit Mncilay Bferin ni. Whll" w.iikliiK 'n he l.e r.x'm he alip-h-. and f.-lt, miMiUtiinK a frnclure nf the left arm'li waa .-in..v.-.l t.i M hntiii' wlnr-' he w a lien.-, ),y r. Kt. a. IIKXT lr.-PICNT MKAI. ItKHTACltANT. ItlHINd HUN ; HATCH FOR . 0DDM end BHD WATCH FOR VAN'AdKWtl ODD AND KNI) KALH. Wllholm W, Linnlen, it native of Fin In ml, was aranti-il hla first clilKtiKhti mi;m-i m yesti-nlay In III' eoutity rlcik n IHIJMTH iilncH, Thi' Imlli'H of ltlt (1 in nee clniil'h Kllilil will iflvn u I i'ii till HfliTinMin 111 ihi ri.nlilKii.'i' nf Mm. K, A. Tlmiinm on Hi-vi'iilh alri-i't. lullux Hlinuaa'ii''1 yi-xl'Tiliiy ll'Hm., Iiki, Mi. an I Mln Wriiuwi Will IKllllllll llll' Kll"'ll lit lllllHI' fl'll'llllN fur .ini" tltin Tin. 3-yfii r-oll mm of l'wl Hcinl I 1 ti mm. wlin II vi-M in n arnw at Kvii'n. wua iliuwrtfil ytMti'i'iliiy ni"i 11I11K. Tin tin ly wna riM'iivi'M'il, ('mam jmra ry, A.inTlra'a fliwut whUki-y, 'Hit only iur koii1a; iruftr. aniritil rlcti ami nx'llow. JOHN 1 I'AltloN, HoIk Aicnt. Kir flmi-i lna ni'-al urnl nimn-llk'' rn.ikliiif, tin to ti Mi.M.m ri-aiaurunt, wlii'in .inly th ImkI of nvrrythliiK U iikimI Opi'ii until I 1. m. Mia. .Ifwtt haa lurihaai'd liim ainrk nf inlllnrtrv and Invito thi lnlin of Aainrl to lnr'i!tln. Hr .arlnni an ai 137 Hpynth mrt. Th iniur'-M-a ti'lnit t.rim, f,,r th C.itiimi'iclal 'lb will I rt'alv fr ' i-iii'iiik y ni'Xl mtk, nnl a tmll will ! kU'i-h .mi ill" h:i.'IiIiik nlalil. Mr uinl Mm Al'iinilir Murtln. of KUinatli Kulla, rturn'1 h"ini' yi'mi-r-liny afii't an n t nlfl vlnit nl ill.- Iinni" nf ih lt n. Hi'iijnmlii Y'miiiic. Tin il.'lkn nt Ihi- rltv hiiv in K. ml.. '1 a liuii.'liiill :."m ami will ahuitlv Ii'kHi uillvr ;inirtli-'-, iirMlliiilnnry tu liwulliu i ll llli llK'H In ntll'-r liM'lll flllllK. J.'liti A M ini.iiii'Ty Iiiik '.mi- a li. M nl I'-'l Hnn. I nir."'l an. I l :ir. ir.'l tn 1I1 nil i !u".'i) nf iilnmliliiK ii. tin 11I11K l tin- l-iw.'Ht oa.bli lli Til.- Wllliiiii-ll" rlvf i.'lmi..l tiln--t.-.'ii f.'.-l ai I'ni 'lii'i'l. iiml lln- I'.ilnni- I. l.i .12 7 .11 'I'll.- I'all.K, v".Tiliiv ni"in ln II. .li rlviK niiiilnil'- tn full. 1 C ! V 11 lil! InllK'T l rlrancr itii. imik.-H Ii-h tr.nitilf wlih at'ii'i fiii'l . Iilinii.-v Mui-a tlun any ntli'T U.-oig,-W H1111l1.1t 11, n K'-:it ; t l jinnnr 17.11. Y III I K' 1 'il.n. n. Ill" i -ii Im I In Id- nuik.'i A full t"k l'i li ! mi. I ll'.- '.. w i' .I..' 'u-l r'-. -h ., 1 HHWAIIAN. SI- "ii f..r At..- II. 1 'I'll.' It t.ill Cl.-iku' t'nli.ri ti.l. I 11 in .-'-Iiik nl ili- lt v hull IikI nliiht nl wtil. h I'.lllfl.l.-l.lM.l ll.lllllll- llll'lH-K WIH ll-illM- ai l'-.t an. I -ral li. w 1111 iiiIhi r.--1 .-IV.-.1 The Kulle' Oirlld cf lira. e ITiuri h will Klve u lea .in Vediie.ay aftern.xni, at tit-, reai.l -iii- nf Mm Iv A Thmnaa on Klv.-nth atr.-et. Kv--ryb.Hly U cor dially llivl:e,. rr-nl.leiil K'ei liill. of th.- I'ikIi Club, haa call-d a i- lal nieetlnic of the r aaulxailmi which will lie It. 1,1 :u the i'liiimlM-r nf 'nmiier-e H.itur.luv nlirht at II o'i I.K'k. HiiKlliena of lnti..rtnn. e w ill 1m- trin.i.'te 1 hiiI full atirndani-i la deali'i'd. Diiilinl :he trip of the I'.ntrr M.niilav iifti-ni.i.m th.-re wim ,1 hnrt rii'-f with ih" IIiihwiIii !n which the la'icr w.111 .ml with rnne. In ih'. f-n-' ..f ih- iutr ah.iwlnir made !' the I'.itt.-r the i;it'in-nt mi made that be rane .if her nw .ii ichliu-i v and from nl her 1 hum " Hlie '11. 1 not K her llll'l' ill 11.1 time i-arrvhii; .i'"re thim H" p.uiti N nf "t -inn : : i I . . 1 SALE 2 8 Mra. C. A. CumplM-ll return"! laat nlifht friim Callfornln, whir ah hs iK'nt acvfirsl wiik. Mra. Campbell rf turn much Improved tnhfalth, thi r cult at her vimt In the land of um iin'ry wlnti-r, The four"y fhlldrim who arp aufT.'rlnK from dl.hthiTla, hav ne"n ri'innycil from th-lr homa rp-ar .'vpihi) In Hi. Mnry: hnapllal, whTf thi-y an. ri't-i'lvlriK .ii" ult'-ntlon Mnl turn. Iliac whlrh th.-y iP'i-d. 1 Th bid for l hi- ewtlon of a liull linn for thf Aatorla KxchiiriK.' Cominny, tn f iHTUpli'd by ll, M. Uimlon 11 f'd mill, with opi-ni-d yMit'-Muy by An-hl-ti'il D Kin, The lowi-at bid wna thin of C ,M. 1'nlnilnTir. f-f li"0. O. K. ll.ikk-, thi ah'M'maki-r, dlw I yn- ('rilay from pulmonary trouble, and thi funiTiil will bo h-ld At 10 "'Work toiriorrnw rnnrnliiK from the rHKld.tii-i-of ('hnrlia JohiiMon. on Ninth atrr.-t. Inii-riiii'iit will In In (Jri'-nwo"d. Thi- run In :h rlvr yti-nlay ahnw.-i) a ib-cldi-d Improvi-mi-nt, '.hf aalinon bi--I nit InrK'T and appar-itly In lncn'na.'d mitntMrii On boat brmnrtit In fif'-'-ii nun f.'r tli" mnrninica work. whir:i w.ia roniild'-r.ilil mnr than the avtraKo. Th O, It. ft N. Co. haa mad a rai of l from Antorla and Portland for ih f nn-Amrlran fxponltlnn at HufTalo. TlcV-t will bf 'in naif flmt and thirl Tiii-wMya. Jun to Oo:ft-r, Iniliixlvi Thfa.. HckMa mut b und for rontln u'nia pn,,',a,' iT'lnR', but atojovr will b allowed within final iWt rturn rnir. In the circuit court v'Kt'"diiy a au.t w.ia fllwl by Mr. Kll.i Hi-oit. .1 Irnln lutruirlx of tin- .-'tin- W. M. Hcoii, iIi-viid.-'I. iitc-tl'iH th'- A. ". It. it . f. r d;iiniiiir '.i tin- inn nm' of 'JM. Ki ntt wax in .-iml'i'-i-r i,-i :h- r,.;d ind itri.wri.'.l la tin i v I.'. i:i, itirnutfh tb tr.u k kIvIhk w iy, pn- p :;ng ihr- "n-Ifln-' Inn !h- ilv-r. K. ('. (ir.-i-iliimn, tti.- i-xp.-rt whn In !n tb- fl.-l.l Inv 'ni K.illriK d'Hir4bl' hatch ery nll.-. Ii r.'i.ri'- hn : In- lm -x-iim'.ii.'.l ih- I'liwder. T .ii' h.'t .in.l P-nd-miin'a riv-i .t ml th.-v will tin' In avail, able fur h' -h.-i v l. M:i.-r t'ihIi Warden Vin !uiiii Iuik no- v.-t rmr; e. rrmii hl rpi ..f Irmpi-i ilu, nf Hit' -. .1:1 til.' I l.-a ill!- rlv-l. K.' from I'ni V tu l ( nn.'i rnltiK t' Unlit h.'.til.' I f..r niirtii l iwci-n ini'V I'.rwin 1111. 1 .Martin IJ.-nny Ml of the cxreli.'iit i-onditlnn "f I.1.1 men mil tli -re la every proxiiect nf uittliiiic iron I tilth: bi-init .r--. ni. i1. l!-i tine I it i-v "i moil -y an I :li.- P.Tilan.l portiiiif m.ii i'X,i'-ct At.'rlji na w.ll biliif up 1 laiK-e ,-,.11 t Ii.-nny trine Ih- day nf the fluht. I'rlviv advl-.ti r.-civi) yi-!.rliy In a Gloria tn!.-d tlnit the actuation at Tu kit Inlet wna dlwwiuriiKlnie and that th men are- pivpirliiK to return to th Hint.-. Two men In eighteen dav cntiKht but twenty-nix ruilnmn and th . .'r..T in ..i Klf". 1WI1 nir 1 pM r'Tl . ' i rennir. ii.iiiia art- :ni-a i.n !h inlet mil If preaept .nidltlona rnnllnue th men will not remain. Dlairli-t Attorney Harrlim AlK'n Mi.. I an opinion In the coun:y ourt yen tenluy on lhe eKHlty if th owner of the K!k i-rm-k toll mad to charge toll. Mr. Allen Mated that the con trovemy d.-x-niled ufum whether or not notic of iniemlnn t.i rontruit and maintiilua loll nxi'l had Wn Klv-n ac rnrdlmr In law. and thi iin! will have In be iti'i'ld.-.l In the courili. The tlnhliiK leiat atnlen frn ri th-- what' in Klnney'a t-annery Monday nlirhi I found veatterday atern ion bv Hherlff Klnvllle. The r-U!ri: Identity wua nm dlHcoMTed n:id a' nothlnif wan atiilen frmn the t.. i th- Inquiry will 'ininalily be dro.ip.'d The nv.ivery o: the Imat In an nhri a tlm- in a , rMlt t.i Sheriff Klnvllle. a h- waa no! n 1- II. -.1 of lix ion until af:tr 1" vd.-w-k and It la no euav tak to cover water front a extensive m Atorla' It la Muted on v"';v thtit the i-ontra.-t f u- the evt 'nl n nf the N. rth irn riclllt- lailca I from )lKiuiam to North H.'iich will .e ! t -l;hin a few day. A numl-r of c.intra.'tTs hnv. been over the r'n'i; of way In the paat tw. makmir examlnai.on pre Hmlnnry 'i blddlnc on the Onntnu-t. Klichl.'.-n mil-a of the pror"d exten ding ar to be c. instructed at onr W-'rh will take the road b the beach l llllce iiiariera and dnauKhtlnR room hav be-n ae'ur'd at Hoiiulam for a year, which lenda cilor to the belief that work la to be proaeeuted vIctou, ly beyond the eltrMeen mlli- referred to. I'hartea Wlckatmm. who a arroat H by Constable Kelly yeaterjay. la cat 111 l-i the county ja!l and will remain there until he rt-eovera from the apree h haa be.-n Induliflnif In. It I not prob able that the eharir' of tryinsr to grab the mi rat of Mm. V. J. Wright will be presd, leka'roni la w -ll known along the water front u an h..neat and Indurirlmi nian whose only fallbir I a love for liquor. Wlcksrrom ay that a he rounded the corner in t'ommer rlal alwi opto!te the Day View house he allpped and reached out for ome aupport. There certainly wan no rea aon for him to turn highwayman n he hnd money and checks In his pock et and a conlderable mrm cmlng to him from hla employers. KrXi ATrA (COMMITTEE. anaa Date Decided antt Will He August la. 1 and 17. Chairman Frank I Parker and the gentlemen who are aas.wlnted with him on the regatta committee have com menced work In preparation for the carnival anl Ita succesa la giwrant"ed by their enthusiasm. Though the com mittee haa been In existence barely a week chairmen of giib-committees nuve been appointed, the dte has been fixed and preliminary steps hay? been tak en to secure novel attractions that will attract. At a meeting held yesterday morning Mr. Parker announced the appointment of chairmen of the fol.iwing aub-rom-mltt-es; Finance. W. T. Chutter; shells and barges, John O. McCue; sailing and launches, H. D. Thing: water gpec laltles. Kd. Hallm-k. With but little dis cussion the dates for the regatta was fixed on Thursday. Friday and Satur day, August IS. 16 and 17. The dates nnnied were d.-slrable for several rea sons. For one, the weather records showed that the days would probably be dear and bright, the tides will he t the right stages for the acquatip stioitM and the regatta will occur fol lowing the rinse of the fishing season. Mr. McCue. chairman of the commit tee on shells and barges, will leave shortly for Han Franolnco. where he will meet the ciiu k oarsmen of the ral- Ifornla metropolis and arrange for their appearance here In the raoes. Strikers at Derby. Conn.. madi a sa loon-keeper take down the sign. "Free beer to strlkt'ie." It was not the beer hey objected to, but the sign. RECOGNITION AT HAND CHAMPIONS MHTKI) IN ASIO KIA'H CAUSE. Prominent Texan IIiihIiicmh Man KcnvwM Prophecy of the Port' DcNtiiiud (i readier"). On th morning of May 2 the New York Commercial puliliahed a lengthy editorial, accompli nle, by a map, ahow. Ing ihe Injustice of th- spirit of dis crimination ma! n tallied by the big rail, mud miiKiiatin against An rla as a sea port. The I'ommi-reial drew the atten tion of th congri-samen of the river and hiirbora commlitee. which la shortly to visit Ih" Northwest, to the Inequality of Ihe claim of Portland In pr-fer-nce as a "iiport ov-r Asto ria. The editorial d'-pr-cated the extendi lure of lurgi. appropriations from the federal treasury for maintaining the channel to Portland When It could be m ire advantageously employer hi mak ing Astoria the a-a;iori iff Portland and of th- entire Northwest not tributary to other ports. In various parts of the country the truth of the article have b.-coniH r mied find borne fruit. The Chicago Tribune ha rharpploned the can- of Astoria; Ir has twen hhown Mini Me- lat- dills . Huntington, far mid away the brain.-: railroad man tin- '..t has ever known, believed that A'tiirla would ultimately b- San Fran ilsen'a gr'-iiti-at rival for shipping su premacy. Iy-tti-m have teen received bv ih.- i 'niimi.'rclal and other pafer from nn-n familiar with the liuatlnn Who iippr iv- of ihe i-d'torlal. The f.m iiierclnl lies published s-vi-ral article sin.'- the first e.lliorlal, all going to pmve Astoria's claim to be the a.-arinrt ..f th- Pacific Northwest. f not of th'' entire pacific fi.asl. I'on i nmpl"ll. of Fort Worth. T'-xa' nr.-ald-iit ..f tin- Southwestern Com merce Cninpany, une nf the most prom inent and sin-i-i-'afiil business m'n of th- Km.' Star Htate. was the gu.-st of Samuel Klitmr- in Asmr'a annp- time linn. At th.. time Mr. Campd-ll asS'Tled th.'t natural c .filial. his wnul l ei!ii- l.iv tnak- ..f Astoria a k-r.-ai s'aiii.rt. II- emphasized the fact b-ffHe th" glinMliy .Mltln ik the city Wnuld CV-fltll'll- ! assume the prnmlni-ni,- It rightfully d.-s.-rvei !' ra.n of its I "eatlnti and natural advantag-s. Yi-st'-rdav Mr. Kl in. u-e r.-c-lwd a l'-t r.-r from Mr Camp. ImII In which Ih" writer recalled the .r...icv and Inclosed a clipping fro,n in f the Commercial articles He re- called what he said on his visit here and believes that property value will India"!- in Astoria mar.y fold, and that rh day of Is not far dis tant. Following Is a sample of communica tion r Im-.I by rhe Commercial since the publication of the editorial on 'The Columbia Itivi-r." " New York (Vmni.-rcia;: As a subscriber tn and a reader of the Commercial. I take the liberty or ex pressing my i,l.-aure !n reang the editorial In ihe Issue of May 2I entitled "The Columbia Kiver." I do n.t know what Inspired the Commercial to advo. cai- the development nf the magnlfi-ci-tr, harbor at the mouth of the Colum bia and take the ositl.m that Astoria s'lmild b- a ir 1-d sucti rights and prlv- i. g.-s its oth.-r Pacific coant points en joy, but the cause you have taken up is a worthy one. Mefore the blinding cf the Jetty the bar at the mouth of the river was ob structed to commence, and the trans, continental railroads made the Sound ports th ir iibf.-cilve points. Corp rate an I personal Inten-sts wen' establish".! at Seattle. Taeoma and Portland which w.-re hostile t the Astoria proposition after rhe Jetty opened up the channel to i'e-p draught vessels. The railroads wen- against her: ati.l bv concerted ac tion she has been, with her suprrlor natural advantages, relegated to a back Seat. "The three great stat-n nf the 'Inland Kmpire' have been retarded In growth of population and wealth by the Influ ence of men and money that obstructed the natural and cheapest outlet to the ocean. "dull within a few years Astoria was without a railroad, the 'community nf Interest' policy dictating 'hands off.' Any one of the transcontinental rouJ building to Astoria meant war. For the sake cf H';nv and the value of real es tate the mouth of the Columbia was quarantined. When far-seeing and ven- tun-some parties built a railroad to As toria they were ostracized and 'the com mon point' was. refus-d. although; grant ed to every other port on the coast touched bv rail. "The natural down-grade, gravity route of the Northwest to the best har- Imr on the Pacific coast has long been artlfically obstructed. How much lon ger this can be done, to the great detri THAT WE SELL ..Granite Watfe.. Just To Remind You Basting Spoons . $ .05 Milk Pans, 2 qt . . .10 Pudding Puns, 1J qt, . .15 Wash Basins, . . .15 Sauce Pans, lipped, 2 qt. .20 Sail c Pans, Covered, . .30 Gem Pans, 8-holo . . .25 Roast Pun, 9x13 . . .35 Dish Pans. 10 qt, . . .40 Tea lvettles, '. . .50 Great American ImporliBii Tea Go 671 Commercial Street. Astoria. ment of that region, la the question von and many other ar Interested In solv ing, Veer truly, H. H. W." When the congressional committee reaches Astoria the situation will be explained to them, not necessarily to the disparagement of Pomian I, but of a surety to the advantage of Astoria. If appropriations are available for the maintenance of the rliarmel to Portland. Astoria will not demur but the retBr gpod that wll accrue In the lower riv er should 'be so presented that th" com mlttee will recommend an appropriation adequate to the ne,ety. WOMAN HTOWAWAY. Was Landed by the Nome City at I'n alnska. A letter from the North say that when the steamer Nome City was two days out on her way to Nome a woman stowaway was found aboard, say th" Taeoma Ledger. The woman claimed to be Mrs. lhmann, fhe wife of the baker, and to have stow-e awnv un known to her husband. After fasting for two day she went to ihe purser and appealed for assistance. Put the trouble he created did not end here The woman refused to leave the ves sel when ordered to do so and the cur sor, under the captain's order, swore out a warrant for her arrest on a charge of trespass with Intent to d". fraud before the t'nited Htat-s commis sioner at I'nalaska. The letter ays: "The hearing of the ae was had and the woman was found guilty and fine IS and costs, which amounted to NO. Her defens- -wa that "he paid the purser ll'O at the time of her first In'ervlew with him and that he gave h-r a purser's check, such as Is glven out on the taking u,- of tickets, for her berth and mnl. She rlalm-1 that the rensin -me towd h.ay and did not buy a regular ticket was that sh- want ed to surprise her husband, who did not know that she was on board. "Sh" testified that all went well un til Just before the vessel reached Dutch Harbor. wh-n the purw-r came to h"r and fnl I her that he wished to put her name on the purser's check. She hand ed It to blii. h- said, and h- refime-i to return It. telling her she would hsv to b-ave th" vessel a; Dutch Harbor. "Mrs. Kehmann produced a rill of money In court to show that sh? was not -broke.' and alsi showed a few doubtful-looking diamonds." FUATKUNAK VISIT. Gateway Tent. No. S3. K. O. T. M and ( (ilumlia Hive No. S, L. O. T. M . chartered the steamer Calender, and a large number of the sir knights and ladies paid a fraternal visit to the sir knight and ladies of Knappton last night. It being the 20;h anniversary of the '.nl'-r. The evening wis srs-nt In a delightful manner. The knights and ladles of Knappton proving royal en tertalners. The Foresters manJoIln club furnished the music for the oc casion. The evening was spent In danc Ing. singing. soee-h making and a gvn. eral good time. Dainty refreshments were served. The party returnej at a late nour. well pleased with the visit ADVERTISED LETTERS. Following Is a lis: of letters remain ing thirty days In the postofflce at As torla, Oregon, June 10, 1901: Austin, Walter Anderson, John Chapman. D. I Clancy & Co. (2) Ceader. Miss R. P. Carson, Evan Davis. J. W. English W! Hard Flack. John Farwell. J. A. Juris, W. K. Johnson. George Johnson. John L. Kullen. Jno. Petterson. A, F. Perry. Lena Palm. W. Qulstlne. Mr. Relnertson, IngvalJ Raymond. Thos. Suhlum. Isaac Swanson. Theo. Svelnson, Slgm. Svanson. Augast Stack. E. J. Smith. Dr. H. A. Shaffer. Wm. Shaw. Rud Mitchell. Katherine Tucker. C. E. McRlney. Emma Tohlvert. Pranc. Morrison. Josph Tuerla. Jacob Messenger. Wm. R. Wltherbee, Mrs. Ge FOREIGN. Johannessen. Jonas Peterson. Peter Kunnaa, V. Peake, J. J. Marlnaro. Paolo Trzz. Fred' Nass. Mlkal (2) Weddle. D. E. Ohlson. Olof FOR SALE. The Columbia River Packers Associa tlon has for sale, two schooners and one launch. A description of the schoon era follow: Schooner "Kinney" Length ji.s: oeam, 11.3: depth of hold. 3.10 Schooner "Hattie" Length 31.9; beam, .: depth of hold. 3.8. Offers will be received at the office or the association, where full particu tars may also De bad. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Marx & Jorgensen to Olof Erlcks.m lau acres In section 19. T 7 N, R 9 W: l.i;;e. Sheriff -o Pat O'Hara lots 3. 4 and 5, section 31. T 7 N. R 7 W; 1269.27. N. L. Rockafellow to Mary F. Jack son lot 15. jlook 5. Rallroa Addition to Ocean Grove: jso. James K. Kelly to C. R. Thorns in lot o. and east one-third of lot 11. block IS. Alderbrook; $100. Tommy Pop, who was Ananias? Tommy's Pop Ananias, my son, was the man who first conceived the sum nvr resort booklet. WHERE DO TOU BUY M GROCERIES? HAVE TOU TRIED A. W.SHIPLEY? 6SS Commercial Street. DO YOU KNOW That he gives you the best there Is to be bad In the city for the least moneyT Place an order once and see. C. W. BARR DENTIST Successor to Dr. Ball. E73 Commercial St.. ASTORIA, OR. TELEPHONE. RED 2061. PRAEL & COOK TRANSFER COMPANY Telephone 221. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Goods Shipped to Our Care Will Recelv Special Attention. No. EM Duane St, Astoria. Or. W. J. COOK. Ml Rea. TeL 11XL VOTICR TO STUDENTS. To students of International Corres pendinoe Behoof I will makij tlm fol lowing et)"r-lal offer for Jun and Ju'y: To the student who ?cur- for me tne largest number of ?nro!lment, win give a br,iua of 110, and to th on securing the; next largest number i win give o. Tnj minimum number necessary to secure the 110 Is five enrollment and lhre enrollments to securs :he 15 bo nus. These bonuses am In addition t the credits allowed by the school. ironing there are some rutl?r amonj you, I am. Tours truly, LOUI3 O. SPIE3. FOARD k STOKEfl, COMMERCIAL AND FOURTEENTH STREET. What can be accomplished in the line of an education and brightening of fu ture prospects, is very well demon- stnted by the testimonial cards on a "Display Stand" placed In th above store by The International Correspon dence Schools f Scrantrm. Pa. See display and .nail a card. Yourg for euro. LOUIS O. SPIES. Sol. Col. To earn more, learn mor. STATE TREASURER'S FOURTH NO TICB. State of Or:gon, Treasury 'Departmet, June S. 1901: Notice la hereby given that then an now funds In the treasury with whiea to redeem all tmtsta tiding state war rants drawn on the general fund and endorsed "presented and nor. paid for want of funds," prior to this date; al so to pay .ill wirrviti drawn on the state gcaip bounty fund, and endorw-4 "presented and not paid for want of funds." prior to May J, 1900, and all such warrants, properly endorsed, will be paid upon presentation at this office. Interest therson ceasing from and after this date. CHAS. S. MOORE. State Treasurer. FOR SALE OR RENT. Two new cottages at Seaside. Fine location, well furnished. Good water. Apply to C. M. Cu'hhlrth. 127 Seventh street. Astoria, or to S. J. Hubbard. Seaside. Ore. THE PLACE TO BUY CANNERY SUPPLIES FISHING BOAT SUPPLIES BUILDING MATERIAL SEWING MACHINES AND IS AT. KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Pacific Brewery, of which Bottled beer for ramily use or kag Mr. John Kopp Is proprietor, makes beer supplied at any tlm. Ddlrsrj beer for domestic and export trade. in the city fire. North Pacific Brewery . ASK "Charles CarToH" - 10c "General Good" - - 5c CIGARS TWO UN EQUALED SMOKES ALLEN & Distributors, POUNDED SUN INSURANCE OFFICE OF LONDON THE OLDEST PURELY FIRE Cash A Beta, - Cash AiHti In United J. B. F. DAVI3 & SON, WINFIELD S. DAVIS BURT 215 Sansome Street, - SAMUEL ELMORE .The Esmond Hotel.. PORTLAND, ORE., FRONT Eurooean plan. Soc to $1.50 tier day. American plan, 11.00 to $2.00 per day. Oregon SnoipriiNE Union Pacific AND -From Hun land- CTiTesiii - Portland Halt Uli, Dner. t. Jpe'ial Worth, Omaha, Kan- 8 00 a.m. asCHjr.Ht.i.ouKCM- via Hum- ragoandtatt li finn iInUif " " - Kires Hall Uke, tVnvcr, p. v Worth, Omahu. Kan- lit, ai.t vlaliuul- Clty,l.Iiiuli,thl- 'JEfn ego and ea Ht. Paul Wa'la Waila, liwlv " Kaatmall ion, Hpokane, Minne- p.m. apolis, Ht. Haul, Pi,- ' via hith, Milwaukee Oil- Hposane eagp nd eaat ) 72 hours from Portland to CWcax. No Change of Cars. OCEAN AND KIVER SCHEDULE raoM AWTORU Ail sailing dates aub )eet i ebanga For Hun Friin ioo Kvrry flv days 7. m. rOLDMBIA aiv Pally ez- To rorJand and Way 4 m. m. eie eept Sun. UndlnK Monday Steamer Nahcotca leaves Astoria o tide dally for Ilwuco, connecting thr with trains for Long Beach, Hog attd North Beach points. Returning arrives at Astoria same evening. G. W. LOUNSBBRRT, Agnt, Astoria, A. L. CRAIO. General Passenger A feat. Portland. Oregon. FARM IMPLEMENTS FISHER BROTHERS, Astoria. Ore. FOR LEWIS, Portland, Oregon A. D.1TIO OFFICE IN THE WORLD. - State. a,6i6,ojs GENERAL AGENTS. L. DAVIS CARL A. HENRY - San Francisco. Cat. & CO., AGENTS. 4W4efrft4f AND MORRISON STS. OSCAR ANDERSON, Manaier. J. C. PENDEGAST, Chief Clerk