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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1901)
THY. MOKXIXC. ASTOKIAX, WRDXESIUY. .11 NR 12. l'HH. FRESH OUTBREAK IS LOOKED FOR Cruiser New Orleans Dispatched to Corean Waters. TO GUARD OUR INTERESTS Prottri Ralntd Agaiott (he Removal of the Flmocial Expert ol Corean Custom Large American fiold Min ing Interests. NEW YORK. June 11 Owing; t fr of fr-sh trouble In rea for Americans a Herald special from Watiinjr:'ii say: The prot.VK'il cruiser New Orleans has been sent t.i lo.k after the interests of citlr.ens of the United Stales in the her mit kingdom. This action was taken In con.!wqii''ni'- of Information sent by Horace X. Allen, minister resident at Seoul. A "sole message has Just boon received at the Navy department frm Captain C. S. Speery. iMmmanding the New Orleans. announcing his d-partuiv from Che Fox for '"hemulPo. The visit of the New Orleans to Corean waters nill be the first paid by any American n-arhip in .many months. Mr. Allen recently cabled the state department, stating that American In terest would be endangered if Mc lyevv the financial expert of the Corean customs, was removed and he prrtw.ed against his removal. Mr. Brotvn Is still in office. There are large Ani"rlein gold mining Interests In Cor?a, the mines being ow ned chiefly by J. Sloat Fass"tt of New York. TTS FIRST PRODUCTION. "D'Arcy of the Guards" Tlayed a: the Columbia Theater. SAN FRANCISCO. June 11. "D'Arcy of the Guards." a romantic play hy Liuis Evan Shipman. was produced las; night for the first time on any stage by Henry Miller at th." Columbia '.hea ler. The entire action of the relay takes place in Philadelphia during ts . cuuancy by the British under Sir Wil liam Howe and Lord Comvvallis in the autumn and winter nf 1777 an1 ". At that time General Washington .-.n 1 th' Continental army were encamped a: Valley Forg". twenty miles from Phila delphia. The story has to do in fne main with Malor John D'Arcy of the Grenadier Guards on the staff of I.rd Cornwallis. and Pamela Townsend. a staunch al herent of the American cause, who meets D'Arcy while he is quarter1 at the house where she resides. D'Arcy is a young Irishman who has w on dis:i-i, -tion in the British service and his win ning over of the pr-tty American maks a romantic and pretty story. ORIENTAL LAI!i R PROp.LKM SAN FRANCISCO. June 11. -A rommitp-e of promin-nt Canadians, ap- . pointei by ;h- dominion ir..v-rnnv-n: : ! invvstisate and report on the efforts j of i 'nines immig-rati on ttu . th-- rti.t- dj States ami Canada, is in this ,-i-y e.iRd in wa'.h-rinL' facts 'or i.s re port. For th- '.as: thr- y-i's iU"Stloti ,f i I' la li. .r ":.:-;..., has bi-n agita .-d in Can. id i ! I i; resnotis.. ;., th,. popular -1 in-. 1 th commission was ..raaniz !. I- 'h. aim "f ;h- eommitt---- to -a.:, ' T among- things, wh- tlt- r th-- bus;. lli-SS ind'IStri"-- f .,.. .'..ilni'li-e' w .ul I be injure' or li--ipeii ".y ;h.. -- -!'ii,,. nf Cliiiies.. ;,nd Jap. : n-s- lab I PHILIPPINE ciVL EI:V 'E. ri sirab!" Lis: ,,f Ap),li, -t. :i i - From N.t. , NEW York. Juio- 11. -.v 'itt.g t- a spieial t.i the I'r. ss fi-.m Washii.g- tun. a l-tt-r i iv- 1 M-i " i.v i 'ha.: nun Proi t !-. nf th-- Pnit-1 S-at-s .-iv i. -.-i . vie- i-'iinnrssiiiii. itidii-iit.-s that th- ..'v;i s-rvice x.iminatioii.s w h rh w.-i .- . ilin-t"d I'-i -tttly Mtid .' tii- -Lr-.-'t...'! of the local civil s-r, : ,a"l .ippoin'--1 hy th- Tat; comnii.-ion v. . i - -tt'.tr. 'v s.iti.sfactory. Mr. I'i- ic.,.- :-aV that t'i-i returns ,.f th- , onitni-sl'iii show thai i iLASS of Baldwin's Celery Soda emrm a hsutMh at oao. It la a pla&a aat, awkllB sCsfTMOwit Irink that aoladjatlr. Itlai aMnmr flix U aiiuch, tlr qnlaki tkt ivtm tMAnUmrm all palm. It wa atok aad r iuifi n. nAll i, Successor to Th. Olaen. 600-2 Com. St mm many .if ,he n pTti took ine e-xuml-rntioiix In Spanish, indicating that ; h y wimt Ji;i : i'. IVrliiip. a tiiir.l of h-'m la.) m'ih s rvlce !:i Insiirs'-n: army under Astilr.iililn. This fa. i "as lr-'uph i .nit ill tile UIIMl.'IS Vvllll 'I IV l i e llll'.l 111 I)0 i.ii'sti.ui blanks- iilmtl t"d i. i ach of t In' a ,ipl;-.t n 1 1 in the x.vimu; ,ii This fart ill !! will p: .'.III I: - ill.' a.!i cinls. :i tiny wee i inired t. tak.' iV nil -f ;!!)!': :i. a n.l perhaps a nujerity nf tlii in Im 1 .I'r-'a ly e.en;,.,) w".h ""s ;v"ms;;" Hum the it !.! 'hich th- P 001 s 'v 1 1 icn . n- I iiitip- pine civil I'onimUs'.'ii have foru ir.le.l ,.f :li. tm in 1 r these v h ..vk the ex aintnai! Ml in the sl.ltl I, it is hardly proi.'ihi,. tim; puny of tins-- v Vo took tli- examinations n tins , .ninti'v for the servi.-e tli.r' will c"' places Is tlwusht that on!v til higher salaried places will b. fill-d with r.pp',1, ants the I'nit 'il States. 'tiairimn Pro. Mr also reports that th. class of t'Mihe'-s being hired for tli'1 Phl'tppii'e s,.i,,. are far a'aov the average lit !': liig.'ii, e in! c.i .iiii'il -it. In s,.;f:ig tliem ;!ie ''.'oni noil da. ions of the heads of he d ffer-'n: col'eg, s f the '.'nited .-'tates vv er .'l. iivc I. ''!,. giiv enini-n. has e i ',;rjr.r I ai d sr.rtti-.l a: tie high character of th is,, who ar' v '"'.ng ac iv service in th' ian Is. nrssiANs m'li.DiNO ships Will Ply Hrtii tii Via, k and San Fi incisoo. NKW YO'.K. J.i'p 11 -v .';.lci .,, the World from St. Petersburg gives additional inf n niati in regarding the attempts of Senator lt veridge ;. secure from the Russian Fn-elgn Minister con cessions for steamship service hetvn Yladivosto k or Prt Arthur and Some port on the Pacific coast of the I'nit-M States and the p'.ans of the Russians in this connection. lb fount the Rus sian government already prepared to open up this route by starting a line of steamers between Vladivostock and S,in Francisco fir carrying the trans. Pacific mail in connection with the trana-Slberi- bin railway nnicn w:ii iv complete,, ny the end of this vear. it is thought. The steamers, the Manchuria and the M.mgolian. e.ich 4r. feet long, of 'Vi tons burden. 4'"'7j hor povv.r and IS knot i-ed, a:v building a: Tr.este. Au stralia for th.-; China Rallwav i o,...,.... n ... .U .... J.. , . ' ....,....,.. !las a ii-ri "i twenty- .ghr steamers Mr tip T'i!,.w a traffic. The Man. huna ha.s already been launch-1 and wi". be dHivered to; the Russian e.nirr:S'. in Jul v. The! Mong'lia will be finished 'n the ,w:timti. ,nr '"K 11 u,? nas b-n fix-1 for D-ember. The passage, between Yla l vost .ek anl San Francis co is eXPe't-d to .1. eupy 'V'.,'e days, i 1u. T-:... ou:.o...:ll' . e . . u,.l ' - . i - c ju.i t v"ni('ttii ".is just signed a further c.r.tric: with om- ; miss-on rs ..f rh-- R'jssiat'. governm-nt fon th-' e "n,:nic".: ni"f two othr steam ers of '""! t , I'", S th sarr.e service ar. l 4"V f--t l-ne for j , ATHLKTKS WII.I, C iMPF.TE. I'ri.'k M-n W;l! c,;,:h-r a: Buffalo T itrot i'o'.v NEW Yi'P.K. J-jr. 1! Fifty-four a:!'.l'---s -his -v ar- -x i.-.-td to l-av- ,,n ,h- W--s; Shor- Ita.iroad . m"rr vvi'l -,;,-, I'tiion . h. I: -.vh" h'"' In th- A i r-'jr A:hl. tic ti-ht: - . Th ur- lav. Fri- a-. ! ...; Th" -iPtv ); ,. -v -ii -t ti t 1 Sulli'.'.in. F.. I :' t!' : ti t ti; bshiu j i i.,i.. I.' - ' - " '" " I hlo t.ionshipsl I.- inttl., t : tti,- n- l :' i'M'i ; - ''.' " al ..f J44 '.is is "I f - Mia't last v-a r!,"r 1 - '.'-v-t ' : t -- a ".:- '' '. : '- I iv. yvtli 1, - first tim- any '.' - t tt era. k h:i-,- i I ..;- - r. '.- '' '.MP'P 'Mt.-E 11FF!'. TEI - i'-.-- - i- I' . ' ' XE'.V V' '!:K. J,::,-'-11 -Th . ipi-nnr - " ' i; I- t: 'ti.t i- .1. ,J 0 -.-'.- 1 ' i t v ' J ' a 1 1 1 I 1 1 V ' Mi'-Ilt .-oijrt. h 1 1 'tii.:. -I. Imp '"I - T '.r-iiai,- !. th I:. --' t : J . ' -1 1 - ' ' '.npar.v III.'- -'l- '-".'Ilf.l;iS P.y th- i-rtiis of th- Am- '' ! 1- I -: '"-'p s .' 1 1. 1 ' h ..!.;:,;.' , c.,m- I : nl -s i-'i; i -1 " ' b-t-rn ,.. Arr- -re-art I:i i '-'-tti -it; c ..,.p.,.:y :;...,.) at.d lh 11 -''M'ai." -Mi-t-n i i ... -... sPin-M D-i- j -, ?):::.-.. '.v.- th -,f 8an- 1 ' I I l.-Mllli''-. '..Cl -. M.M'.s.';n-Ts Si.C'lHT AFTER ! NEW YdRE. .Line R -A li-p:i-eh t ' tl,.. Tti , nr.- !'..... I.or,!,,,, .--.,..-,: : A' o:'n-l..V.s :i.- ;is. !y's -;.- of j '' I '-" Kit! A l.lmi;,!,a't,'. Ran io- j e-.l'-l-tioll I,. ,.,I1S, r,,,.. j,',-;,,.,,.,! a I HM.Mib-"' f f , ;-:i i.i.y. r-'. Ail th- v-1- Ini'l !ii'itiiiS"rli-s ,,t- almn'tia '--I. rn my ui i:i--n .-. iui le-aiitv ,; r.i',. -x-;- u I'll ali'l Mi" iiliis: 1 atiops i ,;,,,. Se,s.. of ii- Iittth 1-v-l ',, wiii.-li tli- art -if tnin-iattir- paiii-.n- .'.a- ,ai,-i.-I in th': mi'l'll- !-' It ,' ill tak- (iv- days to s-ll h- O.'s 1,-- , ,. s, t;. j ,.,. -arl ll "ini'l half a . -n: my an.,. PPd iiux s. fur has i.-.-.t 1 j ) i .- k anl lilyl; pi Ic-S have ru!-'. The total amount realized by th- first day's sale was CHI'T.'. PROMINENT NEW-YORKER DEAD NEW YORK. June 11. Alfred De Forest K--j, vice-ijr-s;j,.m of t()H jew Jersey I)ry Uovk and Transportation Company, is d-ud at the Eiizab'-th G-n-eial hospital from an vp-ration x funned fur aj)pe.ifj;citis. NOT STUICTIA SOCIAL It'll -f Tin: Cabinet Considered of I'ublic Inter s; NKW YOKK. .Inn.' 11 A spe. to the Tlilnille I'r ni Wasti itigton s I) s In spit, of s;a;, 'in, nis or cabinet oill cers to the conu.U'v. it is s.rongiy bc liev .'l Mi it tli.-'r call on ;he prcsi lent last night was strictly social Vagu lilnts ar,. given out that tna'i.'t of public mt'iesi pressing for .ho'ikioii imp 'lie 1 (ho pr si. lent to Mtllltllon V. : -a Iv icrs ar, ,iii.l linn in 1 n itnr i lv it is gcnei.illy sin i'iis" that s'ni'th.tig : as iH'ciirrvl in Cuba w hi, li the pi csi.icii: vva.ned t . lay before the icgular v. s sion of (lie ciibm '1. so hat '.ivy ni.iv have llie iiii'ijoi t veil .lig''sted b. toi' being call'' I t,. a, . ,11111 ; on :t At its :ii":l,ig day th' cabinet will 1'i'c'iv rather eiicm ,tg ng re...i: fi 'in CuIm. l.ato .blv i,'s : i . n C,. net al Woo,'.' ;!ia; two , r .lite, mem bets of llie .-..lis; .mi: . vial . on v c n t lot! w 1' i it ti:-s; were most acta,, an I "U' spoken In their hostil t :.. the Plat; law ai-' now iho'it o a! g:i i.viii.v.'. w.,!i the supporters f the 1 ,w , and it ;s strongly .ii'.luia .cl as croha!.'.,- that 't a tin ll vat is vi ache I it", the convn ti n this vv.'ek. P'a.t law without m .vilification or .uialitlcati t will be in corporated into the ctis .tuti 'ti of v'uh.i Th sharp note, ilv f-v.tti 1 on the suh. le't s-n: by S.vr-'tuy P 'ot ; . the .en vention throath C, neral Woo, is be. lievd to have ha 1 the des r d ititlu ti. e ar Havana. In this n te the s,., !-'-tary of war sets for:h plainly and iiuio,ally th.- attitu.l'' of ;his govern ment as ;'irm and unylel ling. This note app.ii-'ntlv has mad.' it p'.am to leaders of the party that n the end they w on! 1 suffer in pow, r and prestige by being xn: l as ;he real and only olvttru -tiontsts of Cuban in Iienden-'-'. It s a :.l that Getp-ral S-r-guilty, whose Incn barv "less.ig, io his constituents on :!ie occasion ,f -h-adoptin by the o invention .f the riat; law In milifled form is g 'ti"r.illy re. g-'.rded in the island as a joke, is about the onlv Radical who s still u.,,.,in, .,, .,.,.,,.,.. v:.inMv , .!., ...-eeiitan.-e T, n v ..rne.-i.. I th:i l its meeting 'he cabin -t will make anv furher annoim, oment in resp.'ct to Cuba, nor Is I; lik-'ly that inv n-ws will b given out concerning its .J.-l ib-T-a!ons on that subj-v:. Ir is more than 1'kely that in v .-w of the changin-; mo.. r.m if.g th-con.sti:u- fin mnWPJ ,.. , ndn d;suss the forn-- and da'o of pf mulga- Ji(n of th? w.v.,ir;iV. law f ,r th" Mrs; general election .'til the organlza.i.fl and eulptnent of ;h Cuban R-pubil,-. It Is known that both i!.vr.-urv lis. am, Attorn,.y.(n,.r.u Kn,.x ,,,,v.. , , giving this ph i e "f the su'-j-c: con siderable attention in 1-till in !) la: f(,w ,Uvjt a, W..r. th secrt.irv of Wlr "Washington for th- Buffalo ex position h- and th-- at'o.'tt.-y-g.-n. r il c onf'-rr-d " this matt .-r at tii.- r-niest , f .ht pr.:,j. n;. n,.f ,.,.::v-n:i mi tit Havana mart f-st--d a disposition f ; trifle witn :: Pla't law .: had b ti i h"p-"-l in Wasiiingt tlici il cir i s hat i :h '"ui'.Tis w ou! 1 1- f-i'!v hill . their first on -nl .!-, 'l...i l.v th- i..s: i if '.-: !.' -i- "r !-. tii . f N" .v.-ml.-r : Il--Xt. If 'he e..nV".l e't e nl- ' . Il- Platr law within the n-x- tw . thr "k- : is . ,,nsi I I i.-o',.,l,l.. tli.i- ,h . .... .,, .,, ,.,r,-..i -n a t v ai in arr. by th original da -. It' houid I. . .1- no it is b -ii -v 1 ' hat tti- : :- tr-i'Ta-ie -.ct n ' l'l a . I i -. .l.-.-.l 'n I -I. lv aiil- t.i with V i al1 Atn- i I. i" t -ii - ; fr ."i t'.io n I - '. if -r '.- le g n-i , ,, . . , . .- h .' bv sr.. ,,.g I .j , -. ;,, .... t; . til" i '-10 " m.'1-.SS . l'l ! p- i li- tie-1 n ni" i I r- sen: ins.' -h- t fof'Mil fins- s s h- tie It V. tl Wll'e'l ill!."'- -S I a- i ar. 1 1 ' 1 s ' 'l! b t 's s.-.-- ... .p; . - .' . .ill lii- far ad vu ti - ! -.c.v or 1 ' li-ar '. he rim- ' i-'r; I at a .t. ii. -I 'IRA NI ll'''lill.vs I EL El 1 1 I ,.f EMI--".--Typii" 1 ST. PETEItSP''!;'-,. J m.. 1 ; . p V .'iko'isky. wh , i.-e-.,t.. 1 tj,.. Pr.i- . i Stat-S s-ve-.i -a ' s ;xe , .p Russinn 1,-- '.-a'ur -. haJ Jms; b n dl J'i;i -s-i ft ,m .-i,.s iinsi'i ill .-is ' in: of :: I:np.---i-tl j h-at-rs as a r---u.t tin. i. tr a m ni--.,f lis. P dish darie-r for ;t:i infra' ! n ' ip'ine. II" Wiis eo'lp -!!.- I , 1 "Ml h- fir:-, hut p is'-d a Ijulh-tiii in -h- ..p-ra j house d-.-larinif it.. n li '-n'iiir:i n-l , this was don.-. Th - position of , n.t - ant is -,risid-r-l ' p" ullar "ho nkl'-- j n- ln-r and it is b li-v-d pr.n,-. '.,ti-j k' n sky invlt-d his i"MiMVal ,!--,n, 11 v. I I; is said tha: Li-ir-:ia!i'- -n-ia! Ei i-i !f-l. a pr-f-i l. of th- St. l'-t -"au-e i lie- i.s lik"ly to li- sni-e-i-li-d hv 1 ' .tint j Von Si houvaloff. pr-T -n ' od-u.-i j Th- attack of typhoid t-vr in ",i, form frirn which -h" vouni? 'Ira, 'el lu-h"s Olxa. the 'M.'St hil'l "f Ni ho las i.s suffering, is f"ll"vi:iK th - ii-it inol 1,1)1-'- atel is riot causing anv alar n OEFIEli PARENTAL RESTRAINT Hanman It-fus-'J to R- f'nr-d Infatuation. NEW YORK. .Inn.- 1 1.-RetfardiiiK th-id-ritity of Louis Hartman. who kill-'l "Ilose Violette," and then commi'ted hu-ici.- at the fJreat Northern h';- in Chh-ago, the Times say.s; About a year &k youn l,,uiH Hart man devftloped a tumor 'f the brain and was plaeed for a time in a aini tarlum. He was discharj?-1 from the hospital about four months ago and since that time has h-'-n working for his father. A little less than a month auo he met his wif-: whom he married after a brief acquaintance, and who was said to be a Russian, and renewed his I'.'lntlons wl'U her. The elder II u t learned of the fresh outbreak "f Infatuation nnd tried :o persa le bis soli to I'ave her Two weeks ago voung 1 l.u ; iii.i.i an I his wife went to Heading, Pa. bu; (he fuller follow '. and In night his son ba.k to the . Iv A week ago sun. la the voung man once tuoi disappeared av.l his pa t.i! . traced lion to a ho. u. ling hops.' 'ii tin- cttv Mr llaitinan . ailed on the voung woman a: the house and had a long talk with her In the c'uise of which she assured Iron thai his s n w is not there an I s.i d she had not ti h in Mr. ll.ii 1 i', in l.'tt a't. i thi. . i cuing p'f wiih in -s, i' ;t should ai'l'i.t! thai she had deceived limi and the same iiiglit h' set a on the house Young 1 l.u man and his wit', eluded 1 he s. u tin. i that 'i g'i . and 1." ; : he c v The father ti aced th -in to v o.i! , ties u; f.lli.d to tl'l. t'lelll t'MMKRCi: SiU'TII Vl'llb' . Im ' ts 1 ,.!! the I'll;'. I S .1 ' II I V I No; Kalhii Off WASHINGTON, .lut'e U Although the w ir .liags its sl,,v iciig li along." s.i d t 'oiisulo ten. ral. Siovve al Cape Town, in a i.-poi't to the s ap dep.ui men!. ' biisitt s, has be. n finlv g 'o.l In (he Br tish colotccs and th Ui!""l'.s from the Pint". I S:at"s hav not fallen off, in value " The oi .. due s t hat . n to e,ii p us : . f 'ed a lion w Mk'.ng p.oilla t.on. Mr S.owe s.ivs have su -ll.-d the volume ,.f our vpoils ,. South Af rica Th.- consul-genera! pre.l.cts a 'i.'.en im al cies ,.f as - ,,n as the fighting actually cases Th ;oses from the war which lie s.ivs. cover ;ilni,..s. ivei vthtug that i liter- into lif" will af ford a splendid Held for th.- -;oi : rs of the vv Mid. M'- S:ove r pMts customs un'."ii. which has eis:,'d l. twe.n ltr,tidi colonies, th Orange I'ic State anl Rhodesia has ben brek- n The admin istration "f Rholesa has announced the agli-metlt With '"ape Colony i-i leg.ird : i th collection of eUS' Ull duties on imi m '.s ;s t- t m noted, and thai th- duty on goods "np.nted through th" British . o'.otl:'. whhh heretofore Ix -MI , 'll.'Cf'l l! rile - -I- .or;s now will be collect. ,1 at Klio-d-sta. The ootisiil-g ti-ral -tat. -hat an averag of :,"i e i-, s ,,' ,l.igue a dav app-irel ::i the warm wetither of th dry ssasei anl i- f- a.-s 'he pr-s-, '': ra.ny w ;-icr ase the r.umhe.. f cas.-s. The . x.tus fiotti cape Tom. h- -siv's. is , oiisi.p i al'l". a id .nrvvai I li'Mind sh ;.s a"- cr nv l-d Tl'.Ml'TlNC, oFl-'ER RKFI'SEI' I.a lv M-iix Will N t Par Wi h Ii. ' by Wmti-r NEW V 'UK. Jim.- lie Th. 1-mi l"ii c irr -sp.'ti.l-ti; 'f the Worl I .iy. thai Wili.itn c. Whitti'V. .,f N"W Y-"k. w ti ' as.. I '.,l oski. 'I-., E:ig!i-h 1' -rbv w inn : from I.a l v M m .s x i up I .f.xt 'Us '.. buy tic and ha- tT- i-'l ('.-! i:."..'i in .oh. I" '.d- th.- .. ' ' ' f . Mi- -ar in 1 $-' . ":"-ll- ilf th- d-rbv witc.itgs. I,.,.y M ux' -bar-, in . as.. li "- -.:i M' Wh'-tt- s ;. a-.- ,f v-i" !, .rs.. .,.-s ,, .: p;r- m-ii I th- fill of !; I-:-.- i y ofT- r in. i I- by Mr V li -'. -y up do'- : '. i- -1- f c..;: Lelv M- i h i f u s l M; Whltn ! i'. ' ; i - -..-I. ! T, M-IIX He t '!: i . ! - , t... M-: .- st 1 1: w v 'HI''G'l .l'l':.' t ,. I 'I.I.AIV-'I'.I' 'i r ;' Ii io . ! j - v - at"' 1 .1 N' I M I - - I S. :, . I ! e. i i .Mi M c-r i.r-.k- WILL AS-'IST M 'It Itl'IILEN EVm.E. J'ln- 11 M'lj-.r IIum.mi. e .1 M ll.l I ' "I Mi. is !' has ':' 11 lo V 'Ml ,. . ,( P n I, . p i ' '-i T .M.iJ -r S. A . '. li , ,l -'. .oil-: v as-i:i -:i - p I 1 1 ' -r -, i i -:.-- in el, a : lp nv '!' S'-.v.-ii'l. Maj'i! , ,, ,i , -i.l for li- ii-.i" h. IPs 1 iianc- of -i -d -a -' -.' a- I -i.-l '. - -',-1 In y. M i jo, ,:iii--iiv ,i I i.-ii-ii I ',. ili- S .-i li i'ni"-1 ;',r -'rv Ma. j ir Itooth's .'i ion tts ipiaii-t mas I-, in 'haiu "f Mi- Si-war! will be iak-n hy It's i-hi-f l-ik. William Pinkvton. Tli- S-'vard '. II -ail I Si. Mii-ha-l today. THE POPE NOT ILL. ROME. June 11. Th- report ahl-d : , h- l'iiii-l S!at--s lliat ih.. pojie is attain il1, is '.vmIioh: foiui'laiion. Ilisi teilin-ss iu well aad yesterday rant'-d a U'lienee to th- lie(fiyri I "iiiiiito'o m i ri i K t '-tH. WHEAT MARKET. PORT LA NO, June 11- Wleat, Walla Walla, .''.)( CO. SAN KRAN''rS"f), June 11. -Wheat. L'-feniber, 102; caHh, ;i7V. (.'IIIL'A'IO. June 11. Wheat, .S-j.t.-rn-b'-r, 0e-.iint. fl!5i,i.r,:t"i; closing, Dify C&V4. LIVERPOOL, June n .-,vii-at, July, fi.s. 9'-.d. RlOv '111 Villi UY KIHVAKb 1'livovs of the Sultan of Mo''occ,, a; the t 'otirt of Si James NEW ORK .lime II V dopaich I" the Trioii ie 1 1 om I. on on : av s The I - e.'tl Ml of the , l s o Il Suit. in of Mor ' ' ii S' Jan s p.. .a, was a i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tun. tl 'ii om ihe oldest V e Mllell of the glial d W llo l. . lllll - te all or.llnirv ' i "'i I Ml' "s ,u . our! Til" I'll OV s VV e! e ll.l 1. e ' III II. Old llleV made ..lieis.iii, i i the king la h I vital .Ivlc Sir i Slant CMUe , oiidu ( ' I 111. Ill 'o I ' set!. . I 11 i II:' . n I ai 1. 1. It- -s .f , mi g i a : ul. t ' i it v .lit E.iso'in I'lt.lg.'t v w is pi 's. on. , 1 The mi.. en w.i pp'siMit aad .vi'iiess.-l the ruin-. i n ol III.''. I II " W !, h I oil 'IV . -Ii.. kings e P'.v. Tils ..p., ti an. lieu. , was - ig man iged w:;!t tii nmisii i! d.-gr f s':i!'-l' tiess The h 'li-e ill Lancaster Gate VV ll. l he - I e. Il .till... 'si V I 1"' lolg. d until the , nd of :h" month, is elgerlv watch '.I bv I crowd .f mitook "I S VV llell' V er the I f i I " ' 1 1 .1 1 go oUt ,.l retain in tie i h i ctr.iges Tli l ,.i, have ir. t vt h,.. -i ,, ;he Alhanil'i.t but they a,,, seeing he unlit irv I '11111.1111 nl and all ; h" hes' tow n sit, iw -Parliament dune i ; with th" c'liil Itl illt.'ts-st tig episo.l.s, I' m thel Is no.h pig hvli. r go tig on a: Wes mlnsiei '.lull budg-: il'eriii.iis based on the relative sVV 'elMlltlg p... er .t -ugf led; glues,, with '.edl"n's for -h' '.'Il !; ,f c .tif. , i., it. -, ail r,,, il. f ing : tie ; M lllllS Ot tile I'lll'e peer ,'C..p R.UI , 1 , the Gu. Id ll.i! Gt.'i: i I. ei.l n 's hold ng a ; .v o;-' f. Th" e l mavoi : in I c -rpn: at' n ar entertaining on two j success: VMi'tlg 'ho .nivo. ami I cou.'ic.lm-'ii an I . (ti n t' of .h" gal.tx .. ; cities ft' .111 th" ll.-lllll 'Us c !! ! , r.oiis of v'-trv g.. , mu teni There ar ..... including th w v". l.iilght.-rs .f 'h- 1. .rough m.ignat.-s and f.v mtlit.irv Kin Is and 'le s.-rv.ces of h tt.r- Gu.! 1 Hall sch '! miu, in- r'.iuif". R'lER PEc.; pif'l'oSM.S Ml loitlv, June ll Miimi'ti ngl upon th- r.-port tha- Mrs I'., hi t..m brought l!. r pea. ,, proposals from t r husband, the L'tido'i ,-, .n .-spoud.-n ..f the Tribune slys The N'.-t Ii -rl in Is ousui is iep..rt -. to be the Intel in si; i-v by whom p.oi.-,. n goti.ltiotis ill'.- earfl"! on aid the . .ab'e. t s .said, has lt-ti Pla. I at his .lis- ir n- ,u, p , .. .it, sae n. . ts em in itmg f, tu ns i ,,,, , n i in- ot..- t: s-e i .VI . Milk I i holds tllist opt pits' e VI"WS I'll I r-gtir I to th" Ito-r pr..- "ctio - is ' : I from lirtiss"!- th it i llo.-r I . Ullell ,,f war ll.l I i- I '-,.- It. -P."' .-, ! th- -ttH'Tti a v.g-M -u. con. titillate -ti of h"s!ili'."s was .(-. ..).-. up. i "ll. i SILVER MARKET j Nl W Vi RK. Jute- II Sec: ' ''-. j AMERICA AI'VANi ING , Atn-r.'-.i-i"tl "s a- .- liau'ins Englol: trains, and th- Ictigi.-h 'rami I ..... . I oo-i i.jik. . - 1 1 j . i . i :-i,i:utt -v. .iie-l - . an st.-.-l iiur mil h.r.-ty s .Id j -CI "C-r the w -rid. gt. at : ::;,:;;yM : :: : t n.l v. 11 : -tt-t "s S'-niac': R.f.T I til- gl 'be w i--r- dv-ie-j.-.) an 1 il. II- g- ' ei 'hrlv-." all Am-r! 1-: j: -, '!tl''- ;t s lio-i .ml ,o,.s pi-- whir' I i Im t ' do. The lie i .' - no li t-.-s f ens ,i iti.'ll. ll...o -II" 1 1 . I j viii-re-s. i.v-r an 1 kidm V f 1 1 1 1 . 1 - tnu-t I v i.-l ! t , it. It is the m..s' p.-i !- . ; :- ! '- I" -v-t I vis d f,,r weak -' era. ii, - r. 1 ti'' v v-ats li has h.-. -n fitn-iio f-n ra is oti'sh n- .-Hi. a.-y p i. , p.-i-? ! I -..itii'.t: r-m-'ly. and th-r- :- tioli'n o -IM il it S that a Ptlv.n- R-y . oi- St imp I'.i -is tli 1.- k ".' th ll ' - ! P7 Dyspepsia Cure DigeStS What yOU eat. This pr' i.irat ion contains all of tlnti (li(,r,,sLiiils ami digests till kifulsdfl f'Hi'l. Il k'i vi'S Itistatit. ri-ln f ami never fails to (in.-. It, allows yon to cat. all; I tho food you want,. Tlie sensitive j Ktomaclis nan take it,, i'.y its n-: many i tljonsaiids of dvsricht i s li.iv! Itei'ti Kl;: It can't help but do you good Dn.i,', ml i,t,.i l.v- t f ' 'I VVl'11-.VI'i, I lilertirt . -- ".-' jniHi.iK, i "in- iii.tisiiteji),-, iz chas. rooEr3. Dru,K.. 1 A familiar name for the Lhlcajfo, Milwaukee A St. Paul Railway, known all over the Union as the fJreat Itallwajr runr.infc the "Pioneer Limited" train every day and nljfht between Ht. Paul and Chlcafc-o, and Omaha and Chicago. "The only perfect train in the world." Understand: Connections are made with all transcontinental lines, securing to p.iBsr-nKers the best fervloe known. Luxurious coacheji, electric light, steam, of a verify equaled by no oth. See that your ticket reads via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point In the United States or Canada. All ticket agents ell them. For rates, pamphlets or other Infor mation, Rddrens. J. V. CASEY. C. J. EDDY, Trav. Pass. Agt.. Oen. Agt., J'orlla(l, Oregon. Portland. Ore. DYSPEPTICIDE Th gratit aid to DIGESTION. LEA & PERM; The OrlRinal Worcestershire IWAHI OF IMI1ATIONI. Tlio onlv jjnnil s.nii'o; ftiriclics llu m. . ir,.i,.i... ,...,!. . ....... ..f '.. ii M .. .... I?:.. i. i MMI' t'l .III oll.ll?., I lil,v l.lllll,...!!!.!.., y vW., aiuljrivfs ;i tlavor imitators ' utterly tail to jtrodiu't. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL b t'oimau PRINTIMi RKisrs m TRWsnnprs f Cor. ui woRk niwim r tih it is tmm Pacific NavigationCompanv StCMHICM "Sue II. Fluiorc." "W. II llartl.M.ii o,, j,K. Astoria to TIIMitiMik. (iiirihaldl. llay City. Ilor-Honvillc Ooiiueotinu at Aotoru with thf Or.-uno lUilnuul A NaltrtliD (V). ud the Astoria A Columbm Kivr K. H. (ur Sl Kratu ijK o, I'urtJunil Jid aJI iMiinta emit. Kor freitflit ami pMiwwtiger rtiw apply I . Hnttinel Klmorc i Co. (Ji-neral Agnntu, ANTOUIA. KK. U. .X. N. It. ILCii., 1'i.rtUii.l. AKi't s A. A C. U ll Co , I'lirtlitml (II ('. LAM It. TillnniiKik. Urii m ZEALAND FII1E Of New VV. P. THOMAS, i:limitki) liahilitv Suhscrilii-d ( 'jipitiil, l'nii-iii ( ';ijital, Assets, AsMcts ill I'liiti'tl Sliitcs, Surplus Id I'nlicy I lolili rs, Has lu'i'ii I'liili rwritin on tin- SAMUEL ELMORE & CO. IvVsiilciit Ai nt.s, Astoria, Or. I Ijotbu PORTLAND - PORTLAND, OR. r- The Oltlv I 'lrHt'ClnMM llolol Im PnrtlnnH c iajrUUfUUUUUrunnnnnnnnnnnnnn ,i Pl-J A CL'T 4 C.-J V 1 delivered ot or residence, hrrAhr ltI n KKH Hfc Yl BUY H It will .av von lo write EILER'5 PIANO HOUSE OI'NIT.: Knshin.ton St.. Cortland Ore. We air tin; gntat, profit killers iiml piano price ref,riiIii(or.s of the North west, ami with our upecial facilities can sell u line piano or oian for less money than yon can get them elsewhere. Write today. Catalogues for the asking. Our stock includes the three greatest American pianos the Kim ball, the Chickering and the Weber together with eight other good makes. EILER'S PIANO MOUSE... Ill SAUCE John puni n i'.'n .. w-..n, n. v. MONriOllTII, OKI.dON I KM A N I 1MR GIUDHATl' -Thn ileii and for Ihe gradiui." i f Ihe Nor mal Schools during (he .ai year hu been iiiucli bi-ymtd llie suiiply l'il tlons with from 4U to I7& per month STATE CEIITIFICATEH AND DIPLOMAS.- Student iiro prrpiu-eiJ for the state pxaniiiiatloiis. nd r-4lly tak stutn I'lipei'H on g radii it Inn. Strong luMid'-inic and lYof'tvuanial Cotirsr. Wi-ll eipilppel TmlnltiK piirtnirtit. I-I x i .i-ii n.-M g i rum 1120 to H& Pr yur. Fall term oihmis HrplemtM'r 17. I'or cnt.ilog io .-oiitalii n full tui iieiiiiceiii.ils, addre P. K CAMPIIEtJ or, J II. V, IIUTldCU. Pirnl.pnit, Sivreta.iT. PRINTIflfi Tenth and Commercial Streets Telephone OfVI, IJKl'KASCK Zealand MKr San Prancisco. of siiakkholdkrs $.i,fl(HI,IU0 1, (1(1(1,(111(1 2, r l.ri,l 1-1 .'(KMMKI l,7.s,7!rj I'licilii' ( 'oust ovti (wnitv-two vini". ; ' O I A TVT lAi la your office, Htorc 60c per month. nmiin n . 4 HlHIMII W HIM W UN