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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1901)
" 1 1 i . - . ,,, . -." '..j'.'.l; aiht glatoviatt. Telephone Mala ML TEKMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. tt by mail per year WOO foot by mall, per month BO erred by carrier, per month 80 SEMI-WEEKLY. Bent by mall, per year, In advance, 12.00 All communications Intended tor pub lication ihould be directed to "Editor Astorlan. " tlualness communications of all kinds and remittances must be addressed to "The Astorlan Publish ing Co." The Astorlan guarantees to Its ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can t had on ap tiearlw to the business manager. PRESIDENT HAS AUTHORITY. "No one." says Congressman Moojy, of Massachusetts, "can levy duties pay able at the ports of the United States except congress," and he Is forced re gretfully to the opinion that "the situ ation calls for an extra session of con gress." Rut the president of the Unit ed Slates and his cabinet have decided the thing against Mr. Moody. But there are others who. reeognixing that under the recent decisions of the United States supreme court congress must establish forms of government for our new nosessions. Insist that en ex tra session is necessary to do this They somehow fail to comprehend the fact that congress has already acte.l In the matter. Ths Spooner law, passed at the last session, clothed the president with full authority to administer the affairs of the Philippines as his judgment might direct and he is doing It now. He can and mast continue to do it un til such time as congress. In Its wis dom, makes other provision for govern ing the Philippines. That may be next December, next April, next year, or In 1910 there Is no compulsion about U. Of course, the sooner It is done the tet ter It will be. but there is no more "necessity of calling an extra session for 1t than there rs of calling a special session for passing a river and harbor bill. The mere fact that the supreme court has laid stTess on the duty of congress In this particular does not bind the president to call congress together for it now. The situation is exactly what It was In the moment that the presi dent signed the Spooner act. The su preme court has not altered it a par ticle. THE RIGHT KIND OF SHERIFF. Georgia has reason to be proud of having in her service such an official as Sheriff Joseph Merrill of Carrollton, who, for the purpose of defending a negro committed to his charge, fired upon a mob of lynchers and dispersed them. The attack waa of a nature that put a suprjme test apon the sheriff's cour age and fidelity to duty. The negro prisoner had been convicted of the mur der of a white boy and sentenced to be hanged. I'pjn the day appointed for the excursion a reprive was obtained by an appeal to the supreme court, and the mob that had gathered to witness the execution was rendered furious by being balked of Its victim. It was easy 4n such a crowd to raise the cry for lynch law and started an attack upon ' the Jail; but It was not easy for the sheriff to face the danger. Popular sentiment in Georgia is not averse to lynching negrjeg ho are but suspected ' of crime, and theref ore It was inevita-. ble ;hat the mob In this case should I have looked for no more than a formal opposition to .he attempt to lynch one who had been tried and convicted. The mob, however, was mistaken. The sheriff of Carrollton Is an officer who knows his duty and Ha the courage to fulfill It. He warned the assailants to retire, and when in defiance they broke Into the Jail he fired upon the leaders, killing one and wounding two, driving the others back, vindicating the law and doing much to redeem Georgia from the stain which so many recent lynchlngs have put upon her civiliza tion. When officials fail In the performance of duty In the face of mob violence, the country Is prompt to commend and hon or those who do not fail. Moreover from the rapidity with which one lynch ing: follows another in all parts of the ITnlon It is evident the time when the faithful and the brave who uphold the law against the violence of mobs should have the recognition due to men who merit the honor of their countrymen by the noble performance of dangerous duty. Sheriff Merrill has served hie state witt. In the fulfillment of his comparatively humble office he has done in defense of law an act of a gmulne heroslm as could have been done on .he field of battle In defense of the flan. JACKSONVILLE'S DISTRESS. N. Y. Commercial. Why the responses to the call of the distressed cltlxons of Jacksonville have not been more generous and more prompt Is no; quite plain to the Boa. ton Herald. It says: "According to trustworthy reports, the need of charity has rarely ben more urgent. For some reason it ha not wrought so powerfully on the aym. pathy of the people a have some other cases not more worthy. The destruction of homes and business was as complete as In any other great fire, and the local resources for recuperation are far less than In some cases. The ca lamity occurred at a tine when the country Is unusually prosperous, and yet the giving has been slow and almost meager, as compared with the sums eagerly bestowed in other Instances of dire distress. It is fortunate that the climate Is one in which the suffering frwn exposure will be less than In place farther north. But it is inevitable that the destruction of the business of a city must cause great destitution an I hardship. Excepting the mutter of loss of llf. the calamity of Jacks nville is almost as overwhelming a that of Galveston." This is all true in fact, the Herald understates the distressing features of the situation In Jacksonville. But re sponsibility for the tardiness and the meagerness of the relief rests with Jacksonville herself. Those In authority there hesitated so long before making a formal appeal for help that the keen edee of popular sympathy had become somewhat blunted when the call finally came. It is not a reflection on the generosity of the American people to sav this: it is not unfeeling to remini Jacksonville of her fault in the matter. The pride of ber people misled them at first into a belief that their own re sources were sufficient for coping with the calamity. It is not putting it too strong to say that had an urgent ap peal gone up from Jacksonville on the dav following the fire half a million dollars would have flowed into her lap within a fortnight. She neeJs assist ance now almost as much as she did a month ago, and if this plain statement of the case shall help to rearouse popu lar sympathy in her behalf and lead to further contributions. ;he Commercial will perhaps be pardoned for its seem ing bluntness in stating the facts. NIGHT WAS HER TERROR. "I would cough nearly all night long." writes Mrs. Chxs. Applegate. of Alex andria. In J., "and could hardly get any sleep. I had consumption so bad that If I walked a block I wouij cough frigtfully and split blood, but. when all other medicines failed, three 11.00 bottles of Pr. King's New Discovery wholly cured me and I gained 58 pounds." it's absolutely guaranteed to cure Coughs, folds. La Grippe. Bronchitis and all Throat and Lung Troubles. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Hart's Drug Store. "Have Scrlbber, th- author, and his wife made up?" "Oh, yes: she now reads what he writes, and he eats what she cooks." Ainslee's Magazine. A FIREMAN'S CLOSE CALL. "I stuck to my engine although every Joint ached and every nerve was racked with pain," writes C. W. Bellamy, a lo comotive fireman, of Burlington, Iowa, "I was weak and pale, without any ap petite and all run down. As I was abut to give up, I got a bottle of Elec tric Bitters and. after taking- it. I felt as we" as I ever did In my life." Weak. sicKiy, run uown people always gain new life, strength and vigor from their use. Try them. Satisfaction guaran teed by Hart's Drug Store. Price 50c. "CJigger Bragg tells me h got mix- ed up in a scrap last night Thlngbumbob Did he get the best of It? McJigger Of course. If he hadn't he wouldn't have said anything abou; it. Philadelphia Press. SAYS HE WAS TORTURED. i sutTerd such tains from corns I could hardly walk," writes H. Robin son, Hillsborough. III., "but Buekle.vs Arnica Salve completely cured them." Acts like magic on sprains, bruises, outs, sores. calds. burns, bolls, ulcers! Perfect heal ?r of skin disaseg and piles. Cure zuarititd by Hart's drug store! 25c. "Tii se Count Rubaneck bending over Blanche Varilow and whispering non sense, you would hardly take him to be a famous diplomat and a far-sighted statesman." "No, I should take him to be an infa mous cad or a near-sighted d-rmatolo-Bt." Modern Society. WORK INK 24 HOURS A DAY. There's no rest for those tirele lit tle workers Dr. Kings New Life Pills. Millions are always busy, curing torpid liver. Jaundice, billousnesj,, fcver and ague. They banish sick headache, drive out malaria. Nevr gripe or weaken! Small, a.sfe nice, work wonders. Try them. 25c. at Hart's drug store. Like the fabled Ass that stood Betwixt two bundles of day Man 'hlnks of both the Future and Past. - ' -But forgets the Present day. THE MORNING Hdwar.i Hum. a well known business man of Salisbury. Mo., write: " I wish to aay for the benefit of others, that I waa a sufferer from lumbago and kid ney trouble, and all the remedies I took leave me no relief. I waa Induced to try FOLEY'S KIDNKY CURK. an J after the use of three bottles. I am cured. Hart's Prug Store. Boys love to play; girls love to dis play. The lack of energy you feel, the back ache and a run down condition gen erally, all mean kidney disorder, FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE will res-ore your strength and vigor by making tne kidneys well. Take no substitute. Hart's Drug Store. An ahsurdl'y strangulation. jsually dies of self- Alln Halverson of West Trairie, Wis.. savs: "Fopl,. come ten miles to huv FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE." while J A. Srero. of Hlner. lnd.. says: "ft is the medical wond.T of the age." Hurt's Drug Store. You are a;t to get some of the things you are waiting for much quicker if you tip the waiter. A. O. Blancharl. West Bangor, N. Y.. says: "I have bten troubled with kid ney disease fr the last five years. Have doctored with several physicians and I grt no relief until I used two bot tles of FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE." Hart's Drug Store. A married man resembles an egg; if kept In hot water a little while he bolls soft, but If kept there too long It hard ens nlm. William Woodard. of Decatur. Ia.. writes: "I was troubled with kidnev disease for several wars and four one dollsr sixe bottles of FOLEY'S KID NEY CURE cured me. I would recom mend it to anvone who h.u kldnv :ioubl." Hail's Drug Store. Forg.'t not that you are less you are a womi:i. man un- Cvcling has Its ups ami down. Af: r the dm. use BANNER SALVE If you are cut or bruised. It heals the hurt ouickly. Take no substitutes. Hart's Drug Store. Mr. dislikv are at the bottom -for each other. of women's BLOWN TO ATOMS. The old Idea that the bodv sometimes needs a powerful, drastic, purgative pill has b-"n exploded; for Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are perfectly harm less, gently stimulate liver and bowels to exp-l poisonous matter, cleanse the sys tem and absolutely cure Constipation and Si -k Heiduche. Only 25c at Hart's Drug Store. Ambition 's like hungvr; law but its appetite. It knows no Kexema. saltrheum, tetter, chafing. Ivy poisoning and all skin tortures are i nuickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Haxel Salve. The certain pile cure. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. Figures may not lie, hut accountant can irake them the cash he Is short. a smooth stand for A surgical operation is not necssary to cure piles. DeWftt's Witch Haxel Salve saves all that expense and never falls. Beware of counterfeits. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. Gooph I tell you. Mutt knows what he is talking about. Wooph Yes: but he talks about it all the time. Baltimore American. Mr. James Briwn of Putsmouth. Va. over 90 years of aire suffered for yearn with a bad aore on his face, phyelrians could not help him. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salv cured him permm-ntty, CHAS. ROGERS. Drugget. S.veethearts are always d-ar, wives are far mor? expensive. but Danger, disease and death follow ne glect of th bowels. Use PeWltt s Lit tie Early Risers to regulate them and you will add years to your life and life u your vears. Eav to take, never gripe. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. The average woman will forgive her rival anything but her beauty. The bilious, tired, nervous man cannot successfully compete with his halthy rival. DeWitt's Little Early Risers the famous pills for constipation will remove the cause of your troubles. CHAS ROGERS, Druggist. In making a reference to the finger of scorn it must not be forgotten that everything depends upon the point. "The doctors told me my cough was Incurable. One Minute Cough Cure made me a well man." Norrls Silver. North Stratford. N. H Because you've not found, relief from a stubborn cough, dont despair. One Minute Cough Cure has cured thousand and It will cure you. Safe and sure. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. There are two kinds of ambition one soars and the other crawls. "A few months ago, food which I ate for breakfast would not remain on my stomach for half an hour. I used one bottle of your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and can now eat my breakfast and oth er meals with a relish and my food is thoroughly digested. Nothing equals Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for stomach troubles. H. S. Pitts. Arlington, Tex Kodol Dyspjpsia Cure digests what you eat. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. I do not care to be a patriarch: I'll take my share of worry and a'rif And yet to be younger by a score or so I d give ten year or my lire. Dyspeptics cannot be long live) be because to live requires nourishment. Food Is not nourishing until it Is digest ed. A disordered stomach cannot digest food. It must have assistance, Kodol Dysuepsia Cure dlg"sts all kinds of food without aid from the stomach, allowing it to rest and regain Its natural func tions. Its elements are exactly the sam.? ns the natural digwtlve fluids and It simply can't help but do you good. CHAS. ROGETtS, Druggist. The nurse excitedly and Joyously an nounces an interesting family event that the absent-minded professor has forgotten all about. "Professor, a little boy!" "Well, ask him what he wants." Ira D. Reckard. Dunoombe, la . writes: "My little boy scalded his leg from the knee to the ankle. I used BANNER SALVE Immediately and in three weeks' time It was almost entirely heal ed. I want to recommend it to ev-.-rv family and advise thern to keep Banner Salve on hand, as Jt Is a sure cure for scalds or any sores." Hart's Drug Store. ASTORIA WEDNESDAY, JUNE in ii m i ni i i it i mni COLLAR Jorlland - Astoria fyutc STR. M TAH0MA. IVilly Round Trips except TIME CARD L-'itve Portland Leave Astoria Sunday, m. m. THE flUMUID ROUTE STR. ''BAILEY GATZERT. DAILY ROUND TRIP EXCEPT MONOII Cascade Locks, Hood River. White Salmon and Tfce Dalles TIME CARD Leave Portland .... Arrive The Dullei.. Leave The DalUr. . A. M 3 P 4 P, Arrive Portland 11 P. MEALS THE VERY BEST tSunday Trips a Leading Feature. l-TThls Route has the Grande; Scenic Attractions on Earth. Through Portland connection with stealer ."Vttiootta from llwacoau.l l-oiii: Beach points. White Collar Line tickets Interchange, able with O. It. & N. Co. und V. T. Co i tickets. LANDING AND OFFICK: FOOT ALDER STREET. BOTH PHONES MAIN 3.M PORTLANP. ORE. OK E. W. CR1CHT0N. Agt- Portland JOHN M. FILLOON. Atf. The Dalles A.J.TAYLOR. Aft- Astoria ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Lee re. PORTLAND. A riles.' 8 :0a.m ! Port land Union Depot ill :liVni 6:55 p.m.lfor Astoria and lnter-!9:40 p.m. I .medjate points. ) j ASTORIA. J 7.45 a.m.For Portland A tn-lf:tt a.m. I 6.10 p.m.lterm.-dlate points lt:S0p.m.j ' " ' I BEA3TDE DIVIglON. j 40a.ral U:a.m. 6:30 p. m. 8: a m I'.h. ta. 2.M p. in. ASTORIA 4ftp.mja 11 oo a m SEASIDE m m 'Sunday ouly All trains make close connections at Goble with all Northern Pacific trains to and from the East or Sound points. J. C. MA TO. Gen'l Fr't and Pass. A (rent. J.A. FASTABEND GbNEfUL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When people are contemplating a trip, whether on business or pltaaura, tliey naturally want the beat irvlc obtainable as far as speed, comfort and safety Is concerned. Employes of tt WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES an paid to serve the public and our trains are operated so as to make close coo nec lions with diverging lines at ail Junction points. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cars on through trains. Dirlng car service unexcelled. Meals served a la carta. In order to obtain the flrst-claaa ser vice, ask the ticket agent to sail you a ticket over The Wisconsin Central Lines and you will makt direct connections at St. Paul for Chicago. Milwaukee and all points East. For any further Information call on any ticket agent or correspond with JAS. C. POND. Gen. Pass. Agt., or JAS. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee. Wla. General Agent. THE CHICAGO A NORTHWE8TERN RAILWAY. liOXURIOUS Tr, AYEL The "Northwestern Limited" tralna electric lighted throughout, both Inside and out, and steam heated, are with out exception, the finest trains In the world. They embody the latest, newest und best Ideas for comfort, convenience and luxury ever offered the traveling public, and altogether are the most complete and splendid production of the car builders' art. These Splendid Trains Connect With The Great Northern The Northern Pacific and The Canadian I'acific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the EAST. No extra charge for these superior accommodations and all classes of tick ets are available for passage on the famous "Northwestern Limited." All trains on this line are protected by the Interlocking Block System. W. H. MEAD. H. L. SISLER. General Agent. Traveling Ag't. Portland. Or. 12. 1901 NOTIOK IS HKRBHY GIVEN, That the iV-nmnn Council of the Cltv of Astivla :ias dech.vd Its determination and Intention to Improve all that por tion of Seventeenth street, in thu Cltv of Astoria. Clitsop county, Oregon, as laid out and recorded by J. M, Shlveley, from the south line of Commercial street to the north line uf Franklin avenue, to the full' width thenar, and on the established grade thereof, From the south line of ConuuetvUil street to a point tlfty fvt nut'ih of the north line or Kxchange street, said portion of suld street shall foe Improved throughout (h width thereof by removing the road wav nud underplnlng mid planking the same throughout the width thereof, and ciiiistructliiK nldewnlks on each site thereof ten feet wide, the covri'lnu plank of the said portion of said siivet from curb to curb to be 4 Inches In thickness fov 12 Inches In ld:h. From said point tlfty feet north of the north line of Exchange street to the north line of Exchange street, mild portion 0f mild street shall be Improved by grading nnd planking the west half thereof and un I ilerolnlnir and planking the eat half I thereof and constructing sidewalks ten i feet wide .mi each side thereof, suld por- ! tlon of suld street to be planked throughout the with thereof from curb to curb with pl.iiiklng 4 incite In hlck nee by II Inches In width. The entire Intersection of Sovenievnth street with Exchange stiwt shall be Improved by grading and planking the same through out the Intersection, except the et ten feet In width of the Intersection, which shall be Improved by underpin Inn end planking the sune, the covering plank to foe 4 Inches In tnli-klic fov 12 Inches In width. Fimih the south Hue of Kx- , change street to the nr:h line of Frank. tin avenue said portion of said :ri't I shall be Improved by guiding the same i throughout the width :her-f to the r. ! tablished crude, and plank 'tig the same to the w idth of IS f vt throUK.'l the cen ' tor thi-r'f with covering plank 3 In j dies In thickness fov II Inches wide l.ild ' upon stringer, and the eotiHMUctLm of siilcw ilks on each said portion of said ; street in f, et wide iin.l constructing ' gutters ,.n cacti d of said ti.n tl.m of s.ii.l s:reet. All material n.-,l shall lie goixl. sound red or yellow fir lumfoM-. And said Impr ivenient shall he con-struet-M according to the plans and snoelnVa'l ns ihervof to he prepared fov the cltv surveyor hereinafter mentioned. and as to tllltt'lS of detail except us herein otherwls' provided according t ' the provisions of genera! onlmnce No I'.iol of the Cltv of Astoria. That the ciwts and expense of making and coil structlng said improvement t i Jal I street shall In -Wruve.l by spvlil as sessment up,n the lots, lan Is and ptem isrs foenetited by !ald Improvement ac. cording to the hencflts. which said lots, lands and premises are Included i within a special assessment district which said district Include all lots linds and premises benefited by said Improvement an I to b asses,.,) to de fray the costs and expense thereof, which said special assesment district Is as follows, to-wlt: Commencing on the nor:he.s! corner of lot four (4 In block one hundred uit thlrty-thny (13:!), and running thence south through the middle of foi u ks 133. 110 and 113 to the southeast corner of lot nine (9) In bl.x-k iine hundred und thirteen (113), thence east to the south- east corner of lot nine (9) in block III. thence nor'h to the northeast corner of lot four 4) In bl.x-k 132. thence wst on straight line along the north line of blocks l.i. and l.u to trie pini r n-- ginning, and containing all of lots 1. I. and 3 In block 13.1. Ms 1. 2. and 3 In Mock 120. lots 1. 2. 3. in, 11 and 12 I i blovk 113. lots 4. 5. 6. 7. in 1 9 in bl ck HI. lo s 4. r. and n block l'.'l and lo:s 4. r. and In lo k 132 all In (foe Town (now city) of Aorlu. Out p county. Orgon. a laid out and record ed by J. M. Shlvelev. That the city surveyor has been dl t t -d to prepar-1 and 111" w":li the audi tor an I txdlco Judge estim.v of the cost.s and "Xens"S of c nstrti' ting sa.d Improvtiietit and s; ecldca.l ns for the propose l work . This nothv Is puhl'sh'd In ilv Mottl ing Astorlan for elith: success, ve day In pUMiunee to a resolution of twld coun cil ordering the same, alopte,) on th- 3d day of Juro", 1W1. the Hrt pufoU. a tlon being on Jun 1901. II. K. NKI.SON. Auditor and Police Judge .if the C tv of Astoria. NOTICK IS HBRKRY C.IVKN That the Common Council of the Cltv of Actorla has declar-'d lis determina tion and intention to Improve Sixth street, in rhe City of Astoria, Clatsop Count v, Oregon, as laid nut anJ re corded by John McClure. from the north line of Commercial street to the point on said Sixth street where the same l Intersected by the north line of block I. In McClure's Astoria, If extendej west erly acrose said street, excepting the crossings at the Intersection of -said Sixth street with Hond and Astor streets throughout the entire width of said street and on the established BTBle thereof. That said Improvement shall consist of removing all the old planking and sidewalks on the portions of said street to be improved and grac ing the same to the established grade throughout the width thereof. Inclusive of putting In a bulkhead sufficient to hold the fill aerw said sttreet at the north line f the Improvement and for a distance of 30 feet southerly from the north end of the Improvement along the east line of the street, and conduction a sidewalk S feet wide on each side with a gutter on each side of the street along the curb of the sidewalk from the north line of Commercial street to the south line of Bond street, and plankliur the portions of said street to be Im proved throughout the full width there of between said gutters from the north line t Commercial street to the south line of Bond street and to the full width thereof between the sld -walks as to all portions of the street north .of Bond street and to be Improved, the cover ing plank to be 'aid upon stringers and to be 3 Inches thick and 12 Inches wide and all material used to be good, sound red or yellow fir lumber. That said Improvement Is to 1 made according to plans and specifications therefor to be prepaied by the city sur veyor as hereinafter mentioned, and as to matters of le'.ail. except as herein otherwise provided, according to the provlsi'ms of general ordinance No. 1901 of the City of Astoria. That the costs and expenses of mak ing and constructing said Improvement to said str-et be defrayed by special aseeHement upon the lots, lanils and pre mises benefi'ed by said Improvement ac cording to tthe benefits, which said lots, lands and premises are Included In a special assjssmi-nt district, which said district Includes all the lots, lands and premises Inclusive of water frontage benefited by said improvement and to be assessed to defriy the costs and ex penses thereof, and which said special assessment district Is as follows, to-wlt: Commencing at the southeast corner of lot 7 of block 22. and running thenoe north through the middle of bli:ks 22. 11 and 6 and on In a straight line to the ITnlted States harbor line on the south side of the Columbia river and thence westerly on said harbor line to the point where the same would be Intersected by the east line of lot 2 of block 5 extended1 noruicriy and mono aoutn on a straight line through (ha middle of block ti. u and II to the southwest corner of lots In block 31 and tli'm-a emt on a straight line to the point of beginning, nil of said block being In said City of Astoria, ns laid out and recorded by JoJm Mci'lure. That the oily surveyor of the City uf Astoria has been directed to prepare and (lie with (ho auditor and pollc ludve estimate f the costs and ex tienses of constructing said Improve mem nnd plan and specifications fcr the proposed work. This notice I published in the Morn lug Astorlan for eight uccslve days In p'lciuane to n resolution of the stUd council ordering the aativ, adopted on the Irl dav of Jun, liwi. The first publication foelng on June ftth, tl01. H. 10. N Kl. SON. Auditor and Police Judge of the Cltv nf Astoria. NOTICK OF ADMINISTRATION. Notice I hereby given to all whom It may concern, that the undersigned ha been appointed the administrator of the estate of Ruth (lamer, deceased: and all persona having claim again! the nld estate must present th same to the undersigned duly verified, at his onire In the Astoria Havings Rank, at the Cltv of Astirla. In Clatsop county. In the State of Oregon, on or before sis. months from this da JOHN W. OARNKR. Administrator. Poted at Astoria. Oregun. this Hih lay of May, A. I). 1901. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICK. Notice s hereby given, that the un derslirned ha been appointed admlnls trwior. with the will annexed, of th estate of John C. Trulllnger. deceased, iml all persons having claim against the' estate of said (leerased must pre sent the anme to the undersigned, duly verified, at the office of the Wett Shore y Us Compmy. at th corner of llond and Tituh streets. n the City of As toria. n Clatsop County. Oregon, with in six in mills from this date P. A. TRULLINGKR. Administrator Hated nt Astoria, Oregon, May loth, A P.. 1901. ADMINISTRATORS' N0T1C17. Notice Is hereby given that the un- i .lerslgned have been appointed admlnls- , trntoi of the estate of Alfred H ' Stone, dei-ene.l. by the County Court i of Clatsop County. Oregon, and that all j persons having claims against said r- ' late are hrehy required to present lh j same to the undersigned duly verified as by law provided, within six months from the date of this notice. Verified ' claims against sal J estate may foe pre sented either to the undersigned H. O. ; Van rum. .it hi -.fflce. t Astoria. ; Or. g n or Mr. J. V. M. Farlune at his 1 otflco of business, at Knappn. Oregon. i All persons Indebted to said estate, are hereby required to pay such Indebted' ties. i II. G VAN DUSF.N. ,' J. D M'FARLANK. , Admlnlstratcrs of the Fstate of Alfred II Stone. IVcease.j. li.itel this 1st day of May. 1901 SHERIFF'S SALK My virtue of an execution snd crder of sale Iseu.Hl nut of the circuit court I of the Stat f Oregon Jor the County of flats ip on May 22. 19"I, upon a Judgment ami enter -f snip remlered ; therein March 1ft, lgJ9, In favor of Itluke, McFall Company, plaintiff, and, against Georg Hlbbert. defendant. f the sum of IIS"! f,J together with Inter-' es; thereon from date ,f Judgment at the rue of S ,it cent ter antium and. the costs of this writ, rommondlnir m to lew up n th troper:y of said de-' fen l int described In sull order of sale to satis'y s.iid Judgment, interest and costs. I did levy upon the following I described proner'y: lots 9 and 10. In block IX In the Town or Idl-wlld: lots I. 2. X 4. '.. and 7. In bfos-k 9. In I the Town of Kill's First Addition to Astoria; lot 2. In block I '5, In the T. wn i of Seal Rock Reach, and lots 2i and .'X, In block 2. In ttie Town of Imi' Kronen, all In Clu'p County, Oreg in. 1 ind that I will m Monday, the 24th dav of June, 1901. at Hie hour of 101 o'clock In the fop-noon of said lay lr j the front door of the court house In the City of Astoria. Clatsop County. ! Oreg m, sell at public au tio-i to the I highest bidder for cash the ahv".de. I crihed real property to satisfy said ! ndgment, Interest nnd all accruing costs THOMAS MNVH.LK. j Sheriff of CItUs ip County, Oregon. Astoria, Oregon. May 22, 1901. SHERIFF'S SALB. By virtue of an execution anil order of sale Issued nut of the Circuit Court i of the State of Oregon, for the County of Olitsop, on the 14th duv of May. 1901; i upon a Judgemmt rmid"red therein 1 I the 20th day of February. 1W, in favor of Myra Russell, plaintiff, and aguliist I Mary I. Olllette, defendant, for the sum of 6fi5.40. the sum "f $300 40 having leen ' satisfied, leaving a b dance due on suld Judgment of the sum of $lfl5, together with lntrt thereon at the rate of P) per cent per unoum, and "he costs of! and upon this writ commanding and re-t quiring me to levy upon Ihe property of the above named de'endant to satisfy the halance of sild ludrment. Interest. I costs and all accruing costs. I did on, the Hth day of May. 191. iltach the, following described ral Property, to-1 wit: i Lot 9, 10. 11. 12. 13, Sub. of Blk. S3: I lots (J. 7. 23. 24, 25, 26. Sub. of Blk. 84: lots x. ?, in. 11. ?, la, nub. or Hik. 76:' lots 16. 17. 27. 28, 29, 30. Sub. of Klk. 99: 1 lots 11. 12, Blk 49: lot 7, S, !, Blk. 8X: and all thar portion of block 111 des-i cribed as follows; beginning at a point I on the north line of lot 6 In said block. I 4K feet east of the northwest corner thereof and th.mce running east along the north line of said lot 6 and lot 5. 27 feet. thenc south on a line paral lel with the west 'In of said lot 6, 50 feet, thence west 27 feet, thence north to the place of beginning, being portions of lots n ,md 6 In sail block Jit. In the City of Astoria, as laid out nnd recorded by John M. Shlvely. Lot 2, In Sec. 21. Tp, . N. of R. S. west of the Will. Mer., 37.03 acres. Begin at south boundary of Shlvely D. Ia C. 414. 6 feet west of 8. R. corner of raid I). L. C. and run thence N. and parallel with the R. line of said T). L. C. to south boundary of pipe pne R. of W., thence west along said R. of W. to a point feet west of east line of tract herein described, thence south and parallel to east line of tract herein described to south boundary of said I). L. C, theno along said south line to tieglnning, containing 9.41 acres in Tn. R. N. of R. 9. wfst of Will. Mer. All of said described real property being In Clatsop county, Oregon. Norlce Is hereby given that I will on Monday, the 24th day of June, 1901, at the hour of ten o'clock In the forenoon of said day In front of and at the Court House door In the City of Astoria, Clat sop county, Oregon, sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for caeh the above described real property to satisfy said Judgment, Interests, costs and all accruing costs. THOS. LINVILLI5. Sheriff of Clatsop County, Or. Astoria, Oregon, May Hth, 1901. RHMlUFru BALia Hy virtue of on execution and order of sals Issued out of the an-ult Court nf the State of Oregon, for the County of l la'sop, on the S7t ,ay or My, 101. upon a Judgment rendr1 th-reln ott Iho th day of May, 1901, n favor of 'r '.',' .Vi''""". P'lnl1ff. and against .'. war'u- defendant, for (he turn of one Hundred and KUthly-one 71-100 dollars, together with Interest I hoi eon at the rate of per cut per milium, from, the tl'h day of May, 1901, the cost rind dlKlmrHemeitt f this suit tux-d at 110.10 and the cost of ami upn this writ entnmtwidlng wd requiring me to make sale of tlm following d"erlhJ ml pioper'y, to-wlt: Iot iiumhenM fntr (4), In foloi k num. foered thirty. three (33), n the (own of Astoria us laid out and recorded by John M. Hhlvely. lot numbered fourteen (14). In block numbered five fi), In Frt Addition to ocean Grove u In Id out and recorded by J. T. Mulkry, In Clatsop County, Oregon. Notice Is hereby glv.m. that I will on Monday, the 1st day of July. 19n, at (h hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day. In front of and at the Court House door In the City or Astoria, Clatoon County, Oregon, soil at public auction. to the hlgh-t bid ler for cash, the above described rral proTly to ntlsfy the Judgment, Internet, cosis and sccruing cost, T1IOS. I.INVIMJC. Sheriff. Ciatp County, Orvgiin. Astoria. Oregm, May IHlh. lltoi, SHKUIFF'8 SALIS. Notice s heretiy given, that I will n Monday, July 8th. 1901. at the hour if t"ii o'clock, a, m.. at and In front rf iiie Court Hons.. dor at the City of As. torla, !n Clatsop County, State of Ore. o-on. 1 w ill offer for sain an 1 ledl at iwfo. lie auction to the highest fold ler for caltt in hand at the time of sale, all and n- Kliltr the real esitale anil property to which the County ..f Clatp and Mt-ln.i District Nc. 1 ami if Clatsop Coun'r. have ucipilred title fov vlrlue of sale for taxes, and all rent retain and property that ha l"-cn heretofore piitvlitecd foy Cluts ip Coirity or School District N I and t of ip County at tax rale aid title U'H ili-od thereto thi eitthler, and whl h I now owned fov said C.un ty. or aii Mcho.i Iis:ricts. TIIOH L1NVILI.K Hherlff Clatsop (lunty. iivg,m. Dated this 29th d iv of May, put. All Kill FF"S BALK. Ry virtue of un execution and oidr of ile Ui.-d oii ,,f the circuit O.iurt of tic State f Orgott, for the lounlv of Cl itsip, on the IS-h day of May. lol. upon a Judgment ami decree rendered therelti on the 7th day of Mv. 1901, in favor of W. T. SoholfHd and IC lUuk. co-partners, doing busines a Hctv. He, and llauke. agiilnst N C Jensen anil Anna Jetisrn, defvnlant. for th urn of $10S0, with Interest theren t the rate of 10 per ient ier annum from the 231 div of May. WS, to the 7th day or May. 1901. the further sum of J35 at torney's fe. the cost an I dleburse. nient or (hi suit taxes at f lf M uml 4n lerest on ieilrl Juiliniietit at the h-g.u rate of Ititere1. and the cos's of and upon this writ commanding and requiring inn to make sale of the following il-iM-ril I real property, to-wt: I-.t 22 In block 47. In Taylor's Astoria. In Clatsop Count y, Oregon Notice I h"rtiy glvn, that I will on Monday, the 1st lay of July, 1901. at th hour of ten n'rlo-k 'n the forenoon of said day, in froot of an I at the I' no t House do r. 'n the Cltv of Astoria. Clatsop County. Oregon, nt puMio auction, to the highest bidder for ash the alv rlfo' I real ptot.-r: , t. satisfy the u lament, lip-reit. cuts ,nl all terming. TII" S LINVILLK. Sheriff. C ti.ion County, oreg -n Astirla. Or 'gm. May 21th. 1901 NOTICK FOR Pl'W.ICATIiiN I'nlted Stites tjind Office, Oregon City. Oregon, Muv tool : No ,-o is hT'hy given tha- In com pliance with the provisions uf the .id uf ciHixrens of June 3. 1K7K, elllllliHl "A't nd for the sale of timber lands tn the. Siiites of California. Oreuon, Nevada and Washington Territory," unrxlenl ed to nil th public I m I stales by act of August 4. 1S92. William V. pope, f ilii'v. County of Cliilso.i Htue of Oregon, has thUt .lav fll.'il In this office hi sworn statement. No 5271. for the purchase of lot 4. sec. 1; lot 1. 2, t! and 4, of e-ctlon S i. 4. In township No. 6 north, range No. 7 wsn, nnd will offer proof :o show that the land souk'U I more valuable for It limber or stone than for airrlculturil punoe. and to establish hi claim to said land before the register .m l receiver of this office at Oregon City. Oregon, on Thurly. the Kth day of August, 1901. He names as wltnesaes: Mr. Mary Denek. of-Olney, Clatsop "unty, Oregon; Sebastian Oluser. of "Inev. i'ltop County. Oregon; Mrs. Appollonla Johnson, of Olney, ClaisOp f "tint v. Oregon; Sidney fll, of Ao. rln. '"latsop County. Oregim. Any and all persons claiming adverse, Iv the ahove-deerrlbe 1 lands are re- "nested in fire on or gust. l.'l. file their claims In this of before said H:h dav of Au CHAS. H. MOORKS. Register. CONTKST NOTICK. , nutriment of the Interior. United States Land Office. Oregon Cliy, Ore son. April 29, 1901, A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed In this office by Allien Lelrh hardt. contestant, against homestead entry No. lir.92. mude October 12th. lS9.ri. for lou, and 9 of See. 29, and lot 6 and the N. W. H r B. W. of See. 2K township 4 north, range 8 west, by Charles K. Nawn, eontestee, m which It Is alleged that contestant "knows the present condition nf the same; also that suld Charles K, Nawn abandoned his said homesteid entry for more than six months prior tn the expiration of five years from the date of his entry, to-wlt: for more than six months prior to Oc tober 12. 1900; that said tract of land was and Is not settled upon and culti vated according to law by the suld Charles k. Nawn; that said Charles R. Nawn never established a bona ffde res idence upon said claim; that the ab sence of said Charles K. Nawn from said homestead claim was and Is nor due to employment In the military or naval service of the United States dur ing time of war; said parties are here, by notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching suld allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on June 1901, be fore the Register and Receiver at ihe United Slates Ltnd Office In Oreg.w City, Oregon. The said contestant having, In a prop, er affidavit, filed April 29, liwl. set forth facts which show that after due dill, a-once. personal service of this notice can not be made, it Is hereby O'dered and directed that such notice he given bv due and proper publication WM, GALLOWAY, Receiver.