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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1915)
i timw mmiaim araya-iwyiJi-? BREVITIES THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1915-EVENING EDITION Hip r S. Engineering work in this section, Is pleased with what thoy 1 linvo done. Tho government mid Port of Coos Day each bears half j of the expenses ami tho work has 'greatly reduced tho shifting of the sands. am'lJiyisf. 1 1 c. Ppnnw KU mmw 1 9 j I I I I I II I I I I I I llll I I I I 111 1 I H I UU U UIIU I HHUU UU 1 THREE 11AHUY XASDUllO left this morn ing for Coqulllo for Jury service. j9 Years to ake a Suit Hack in 1846 the I'makeis of Clotlicraft I began to inntuifacturc I'mcduiiii-pricctl clothes fformcnanuyouiigmcn. Their idea was to Wo in that ticiu about S10 to S20-and make the best possible Clothes for the money. 'This sticking at it for; '69 years has produced extraordinary results through continuous ad vancement of factory, methods, improved ma chines, training of, workers and so on. We haven't any more hesitation in investing in Clotlicraft Clothes than we would in buy inggilt edged securities. Vc know what, you'll av when you see Cloth-, craft 5130 Blue Serge Special at S15 and the other spring models at 510 to 20. Conic m Itoday. IOTHCRAFT All Wool Clothes !l04o2OBSK )olen Mill Stores WEATHER FORECAST '"' o-ia iriti to Com nj Tlmn. OREGON Fair, HKi,t var. Initio winds, mostly westerly. LOCAL TEMPERATURE HKCOH't For tho 24 hourB ending nt I: lit a. m., April 2$, by PonJ. Ostllnd, special gov ernment meteorologist: Maximum . . . ' g3 .Minimum i At I: l.'t n. in 17 Precipitation nono Precipitation since Sept. 1, 19M S9.1C Precipitation same period last cnr ci.51 Wind: Northwest: clear. Enlarge Hotel. Oow Why Is planning to enlarge the Home hotel building which he owns on South r urn ui Biret'i, n sccomi siory uemg ,P"t on and oilier improvements nro being proposed. i J Go to Pohvi-.s. Many Coos Hay 4 I people nre planning to enjoy an 4 ' outing nt Powers, the new town at ! the terminus of tho Smith-Powers road, next Sunday when tho South ern Pacific will start direct trnlii scrvlco from hero there. Two trains will bo run there each Sunday, un der tho new time card which be comes effective next Sunday. i Open Soon. Painters mul deco- raters aro putting tho finishing I touches to tho hoy homo of the Senn- ! dlnnvlan Hank of Portland and Mcs- I srs. Ross and Duggo expect to open Postpone Club .Meeting. The , for business within a week. Today mooting of the A. X. V. club has they Installed an Illinois mangancso been postponed until Thursday of steel burglar and fireproof safo In next week when Mrs. E. Mlngus will 'tho vault. This Is tho latest typo. The entertain. I i,,,... necilliv tlin nlinrtora nf tlin old First National which was recent ly occupied by 1. S. Kaufman Co. ' Elks Dance Tonight. Tonight In tho MiiboiiIc Hall, tho Elks will glvo inoir regular monthly dance, to Drain Albgnny Auto. D. h. which all regular nml visiting nicm-'Footo expects to start tho Drnln-AI- bors nro cordially Invited. time is assured. A big (Ive Kntcrtiiliimcnt. An cntcr tnlnment will bo given Saturday evening In tho new school houso nt tho forks of tho river to help fi iinnco the addition of a rest room to tho building. Improves Store. Herman lllllyer is remodeling his cigar and tobacco storo, removing the card room In tho rear mul converting It all into legany-Coos Bay auto lino about May 10. Supervisor Stull of Allegany re ports tho road in good shape. Tho faro this year will bo $9. DO and the service oven bettor than last year. They nro also arranging to run ex cursions between Coos Hay and Gold en Falls every Sunday during tho summer. Pleaded Not (Sillily. All amusing Incident occurred when tho Aus trliuiB chnrged with passing forged checks wero arraigned In court, a tobacco mid enndy store. Ho also When ono of tho men was nsked plans to put In a fountain and to handlo fruit whether ho wanted to plead guilty or not guilty ho snld that ho was not guilty. Then tho In dim nsked Xnrroiv i:mjik From Tiro I. It. , him If he had mi nttornov. Tho Tower mid 'Mldgo" Welch riding a Austrian evidently did not undor- nml In answer snld that ho MHS. MIKE PURKE loft today to visit friends and relatives In the Coqiitlle Valley ALEX llOPOALL visitors In the Catching inlet. wns among the city today from MPS. ,T. O. STEMMLEIt camo over last evening from Myrtle Point and spent most of the day here. , II. MARTIN and W. M. KA1SEU were In today from tho llauser & Ilnuser camps at Xoith inlet. GEORGE PERKINS and wlfo are visitors In tho city today from their home at Gardiner. GEO. K1UJSE was an outgoing pas senger on tho Cooullto stngo this morning. W. C. HRADLEY left yesterday for Gold Pencil and other Curry County points. MPS. HICKING of Prosper Is tho guest of Mrs. F. E. Allen In Mnrsh fleld for n few days. MPS. GUY CIIAMHEUS Is down from their Daniels Creek ranch for a few days visit with friends. Continued from Pago One. County In ISO'.). He worked on tho homo fnrm until 1878 mid wns en gaged In snw-inllllng mid steam-boat-lug from IS7S until 1SU1 during which time he was head sawyer in the Morshflold, Pay City mid Empire mills, and was master of tho steam ers Pestles', Montesano, Coos, Myr tle, Comet, Yarrow, and other boats, Mr. llnll was appointed Douuty Collector when .lolin S. Coko was Collector of Customs. This was In IS!) I when tho customs office wns at Empire. Ho was admitted to practice In the Supremo Court of tho state In June, 1S!M. Mr. llnll was inmrled in August, 1S1)!I, to Miss Alice Stnnff. lln ii In November Election .1. Tom llnll was perhaps as well known ns any old pioneer In tho county. LaBt fall he ran n closo rnco for stato representative of Coos and Curry counties on the demo cratic ticket, losing by a very nnr- IO row innrgln. IWIJ'W Slnco 1S0G when ho wns admitted to tho bar, J. Tom llnll had been n partner with his brother, .Tudgo John Hall, In the Eldorado building. Ho wns an ardent sportsmnn In spite nt his years and during good weather spent practically every week end In tho country hunting and fishing. Only a few days ngo h& was talk ing to friends of how when 11 years of ngo ho killed his first deor. This ItEV. AND MPS. POUT. I1UOWN-' wna shortly after tho family had IXG and llttlo son Uobort loft on ' moved Into Coo8 County from up In tho early stngo this morning fori Pouglns. With an old long barreled MPS. PIIANK UOGEPS, of South Coos Plver, wns a Marshfleld vis itor today. OPERATING 83 BUSY STORES IN 13 STATES SPOT CASH AND ONE PRICE Next door to Marshfleld Fost-Offico. Underhill Overall, 9-oz, $1 value. Our price 83c Men's Dress Sock in tan and black, 3 for 25c value, 5c Men's heavy-weight work shirts, tan, blue and grey, Extra full cut, 60c value. Our pries 45c MEN'S FINE NEGLIGEE SHIRTS Fancy stripe, military collar, 75c value, our price... 49c Plain and striped full mercerized. $1.25 value 98c A dandy striped full mercerized, $2.00 value $1.49 All silk, neat stripes, $2.50 value, our price $1.98 BLEACHED MUSLINS 36-lnches wide, 7 1-2c value. Our price per yard, 5c 36-inch Hope, 10c value. Our price 7 1-2c 36-inch Fruit-of-the-Loom, 12 1-2c value 8 1-3c 36-inch Lonsdale, 15c value. Our price 10c 36-inch Supsrfine, 18c value.. Our price 12 1-2c 36-Inch Berkeley Cambric, 22c value. Our price, 15c 42-inch Pillow Tubing, 28c value. Our price 18c 8-4 Bleached Sheeting, 28c value. Our price 21c 10-4 Bleached Sheeting, 35c value. Our price 25c 8-4 Unbleached Sheeting, 25c value. Our price... 19c 9-4 Unbleached Sheeting, 28c value. Our price 21c 10-4 Unbleached Sheeting, 32c value. Our price 23c (l.S cfr ?.. TTTfTTK'Al-l .V" ' -M" vn jfiW52TZEE22: Coqulllo. miizzlo loader Tom Hall wont out with his older brother mul was tnkon MISS CLINKENHEAPD. of Dan-' n,0& mor fr tl10 ""rposo ' ,10nt lels Creek was In Marshfleld today , "'B out gamo than to shoot. Doing en routo to Sumner to visit Miss 8cnl "round by n side pntli, no spied Olllo Richards. . ,.!.. ...... . I iiiui-iiiiio in remain Park yesterday stand deClothcraft Store Two Stores Slirilll.P XOIITII HEX!) H. GRIFFITH lasses That Please V35SS "w lrci Lena SHJR BEST yes Examined ilasses Fitted ises Duplicated POOM ID FT I.ninli',s Rrygooth Storo whllo In tho net of turning nbout heard noiueono shout mul looked up to hoo n tall fir treo falling toward guilty. tlieir automobile. The men scram bled out In n hurry, fleeing nnd tho tieo crashed down ncross tho road nnd within flvo feet of tho machine. passed thrco checks, hut still In sisted thnt ho wanted to plead not Strawberry Itniicli. Paul Kruger, forniorly nt- Sumner, mul who Inter gained considerable notoriety hero over a clnsh ovor his bill to tho City Council for fixing up tho city i local contractors. 1'lntiH Xot Adiiptn" -Many of tho local contractors .iu hnvo look ed over tho plans nnd specifications for the new llfo saving station nt Charleston Day say they havo not been mnda by engineers acquainted with local conditions mul honco, tho chnncoa nro not greatly In fnvnr of I ''or Instance It pest house, has leased flvo acres of land on tho Jess Smith much for three years. Ho Is going to elenr tit and plnnt tho tract to Btrawhorrles i nnd endeavor to gnln tho tltlo of strawberry king. Amplillilnii Pictured. Tho nMy ls-imcnt wor, mio of tho Technical World contains! Is specified that somn part of tho buildings must ho of sugar pine whereas hotter and cheaper wood Is available on Cons Pay. Some lee way Is given In making chnnges but nil theso will ho under the control of tho head engineer of tho govern- n plcturo and description of V. C. Oorst's Amphlblou, tho half motor, car nnd seaplane which lias mndoi sovernl trlps by land nnd water and ' once wns used in taking pnsscngcrSj nnd their trunks to tho Umpqun, ma-i of 70 mllcH nn hour. Tho l'IcturoM,ss KVKI.YN MOCK, who formerly Is very plain. It Is takon from tho re8,(,0(1 ,loro wltu Mr8 s A- ,,,. edgo of tho water down tho Day. , 1b ... tho clty vlsltlnc frlondB. MP!1. V. K. .IEWETT, Mrs. A. Du innf. V. II. .lowott mid O. II. Hinsdale, camo own from Car diner yesterday to attend tho Christian Science lecture last evening. I More Holland (imss. Al Nichols mid a force of mon have nbout com pleted tho transplanting of upwards AMONG THE SICK D. L. POOD nnd wlfo returned on tho Elder from Portland where thoy attended n meeting of tho A. O. U. W. IlLiSS KNAPP, of Iloston, Chrlstlnn Sclcnco lecturer,'' spoke hero last night and loaves now on his way to Los Angeles. MP. AND MPS. W. S. PEED, Sl, wore down Inst evening mul to day from anrdlncr on a visit and to attend tho lectiiro. E, P. LANE nnd wlfo or Myrtlo Point cunio over yesterday lo nt- tend the Christian Sclenco lecturo! nnd wero guests of Mrs. A. D, Trnor. MAX TIMMEPMAN hns returned from Drooklngs, driving 'up the coast In their own rig. Drooklngs is rapidly forging ahead and tho outlook In Curry county Is for nn W. Patterson, of California; tho nunrry nnd brought down tho nnlmnl before tho rest of the hunt ers appeared. Wmh Early Sleiimbont Man lletween 18S2 nnd 1SS1 ho wns deputy sheriff of Coos County mid then Inter with his brother Andrew llnll, now dead, leased tho steamor Hustler mid ran her for some time on tho liny carrying flBh. Eor bov crul years ho captained tho old steamer Montesano for tho Southern Oregon Lumbar company. Last fall, Mr, Hall went down to Emplro nnd thero had his plcturo taken on tho deck of tho hulk of his old vessel. He was qulto proud of the plcturo and brought Itjiotno to frnmn. It was while deputy collector of customs nt Emplro thnt Mr, llnll first rend law and In IStin wns ublo to pans tho bar examination, , llcsldes his wlfo and daughter El sie, tho deceased leaves two bro thers, Alex and John Hall, both of Coos Day, mid four sinters, Mrs. C. Mrs. DON'T BE MISLED They wiy WAD I'lHCHS mo high. Wo say OUK l'HICK.S nro not IiIkIi nnd WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ns wo curry no over head expense nnd nine you that on the cost In HAItDWAHE, PLUMIIINU mul l'Alt.M IMPLEMENTS, wlilcli Is to YOUK AD VANT.U1E. Schroeder ( Hildenbrand's Hardware A Plumbing. General repair shop, 4 I H 158 TWO PHONES. CALL US KOIl CADS, TA.VIOADS, EXPPESS WAGONS. MAUSIII'lELP CYCLEUY. ir.O 1IHOADWAY iinusunlly good year. K. P. NOTICE Tho moinlHTH of Myrtlo lodge No. II, Knlghls of Pythias, are requested to meet al our hull Erlduy, April iiotli, nt I p. m. to attend tho fu neral of our Into brother, .1. Tom Hall. C. A. MOOPI'3, C. O. ORPHEUM ifUOTIE TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY MILS Sarah Tonbrook, Tho Dalles; Mrs. Mnry Crawford, West Port, Conn.; i mid Mrs. Nellie U'lleon, nn udopted ' HE AFFY AVERN i W'e ninko ico 1 Antral uve.. HOME MADE CANDY cream Poiio lMi Mrs. O. HlbnrKor. who has re- of sixty acres of Holland grass on turlR1, bQmQ from Morcy i1081lUn)i ,Bl tho sand dunes of tho beach ncross rcpor,Cl, rn,,iUly improving, much to' tho Day and north from Empire. tho BrnUncntIoil 0f her many, C. P. Wright who is In charge of j ,.,...,. , W. S. Droppard who was sovorely burned by the gasoline flro Mon-i day, Is reported getting along nicely, i A. E. Towor, rancher of Catching Inlet, who was oporated on at the Mercy Hospital two weeks &KO, Is a gradually 1SI1ELL nnd Mrs. II. C. Wrny, of North Pond wero Mnrshflold , Hlsler, nt Oakland, California, shoppers yesterdny. Mr. nnd Mrs. ' '''"'n Hall was prominent In Isholl who recently arrived on tho I Mnsonlc clrclos and .ludgo Hall this Day from Portland will ninko their J morning stated that tho funeral on homo In North Pond. Friday will probably bo under tho I nusplcos of tho KnlghtH of PythluB. i. J. SIMPSON, president nnd man- ngor of tho Simpson Lumber Co., , with his brother, Edgnr Simpson, I secretary and treasurer, arrived j on tho bny last evening nftor a four-months visit In San Francis co. ( T IS I MP. AND MPS. It. X. JENSEN, of Clydo Dlndlnger who has been cnshlor of tho Hrenkwntor office In Multifield for some tlino mid who wns formerly connoctod with the local railway has been appointed "shfield-Coquille Auto Stage Hit) 'IwrilLU-y I'Hrid M. (tin Bl) K M) P0 B0 Bl) Lento Coqulllo A.M. 7:00 l):oo ll:oo . P.M. l:oo :i:oo (i::io 7:iio S,"'lri,lMOnr ll.T.i.' AiT-rrw ru'P TIME SCHEDULE "le mm, ,i . i 1 P.V., .tf llJllll-ll, alT,,S. "' """'Ion, Stages to re lolnt. u ,. , ""hhui, iiobeuiirg. No dolnrs. ,roi Marshfleld to Coqullle: cents. !Laiiilvtli, Prop. SO THAT THE PEOPLE MAY KNOW THE FACTS Editor, Evening Record, ; Mnrshflold, Orogon, Donr Sir: i...i.... ..,. ,..fiMn i.. Tim reported n being In Record of April 20, 191.1, headed sinking condition. Today n wlro wag , "EO THE PEOPLE MAY KXOW," ' sont ,0 Salem and tomorrow his two' ou ero evidently badly misinformed. ' rtauKhtors, Mrs. M. H. Mllllorn and. In tho first place the Evening Re- Ml Ruth Tower aro expected In on cord Is not tho official paper of the t staso. Port of Coos Day had no official papor slnco tho end WATERFRONT NEWS of first year when tho Record rals-1 4 ed Its prlco from 3 to 5 cents por lino, being tho same as tho hid made by Tho Times then and tho provloiis years. Tho Poit has no inclination "to iiunlsb anvono and especially tho River Falls. Wisconsin, arrived I . ,1... . ,... , I 11k it iji 11111 t.iiun nn 1 . iLimi'ii 11 e hero yesterday to visit with tholr , nl, KaHloril nt t,0 mw Htlltou of daughtor, Mrs. W. T. Stoll and son, Al Jonspn. Mr. Jensen is a well-to-do merchant of River Fulls Tho couple expect to bo hero somo time and then will go down to tho Fnlr. Powers. Tho nppolntment Is'n pro motion for Mr. Dlndlnger, tho nd- vnnconiout being mndo by fJupt. W. F. Miller In appreciation of tho faith ful sorvlco of Mr. Dlndlngor In his ' formor capacity. J I Tho now tlmo card, starting train j L. M. HUNTLEY Is horo from Hood sorvlco In tho now lino, will go In Rlver to confer with J. M. Wright to effect next Sunday. Although TO.VHiHT ONLY ICiitlro change of Vaudeville mid pictures. DI.VON nnd COWHLL Everything Now RAOTI.ME KIDS III now songs, DL. K AND WHITE In new crofs-flro net. PKTI'HES 'lpi' Miseuger." Two rool thriller. "Meiiiorles in .Men's Souls." Vltn graph special with Van Dyko Drooko nnd Norma TalmadKo. "Dnl.ui" South Afrleu. Educu tlonnl, "M11I1111I WM'My,"Evoryono soon them. "Delgliiui Police Dogs" Wonder ful mul Instructive, AiIiiKh l.S. Clilldieu 10 nnd .1 . ."Itiinawny .liino'' vlll ho shown Thursday night only this woek on account of tho ovory night chnngo of Lcouurd'H Vnudevlllo acts. I'Olt RENT Hcmni. liable funilNhcl ri-room flat with bath, on North 1'iont streut. Key nt Johusoii-(iulnvtiou'H. LOST (.'old llioiicll, bird (U'hlgK, with ruby netting. Rownrd for letiirn !' llox "J" Times office. POR RENT Nicely fiiniMicd hmiiii In private family. Apply :iiU First street, north. ' WE HAVE FOR LEASE nbout :() acres flno bottom land 011 Roguo River, Want somo experienced iluliymnu who has somo cows or somo capital to leaso samo. Will grant favorable tonus. Cheese fac tory will buy milk. Out ran go of nbout 200 acres goes vvlth laud. AddrosH Woddorburu Trading Co., Woddorburn, Or. In fact it has ' on bids for tho new llfo saving station nt Coos Day. Mr. Dent loy was long associated with Mr. Wright and tho two oroclod Tho With a full cargo tho Adeline left down shortly after nine o'clock I this morning bound for San Fran cisco. She had been here for two days. Awaiting propor bar conditions tho thoro nro sovernl stops on tho now 1 Hue, 110 stntlous havo been oslnb- j Huhed yet mid no ngouts appointed, Passougors will bo picked up unit Chandler Annex and nlso tho Ir-' lot off nt theso stations. vlng block. Mr. Ilentloy has' Thov nre named Prominent. War- fully recuperated from tho severe nor (formerly known as Johnson's), ' Illness ho suffered whllo horo. Roland and Raker, DDL T IE T OPT 1 FOR SALE I WORK HORSIvS for niiIo oheap. Alt ply .North Iloml Stnblns. I WANTED T A goo,, newspapers which do so much " gp 7,bTo ye 0 for the deve lonmen t of , co od(ljr t0 B.t way with the dredge Seattle which she oxpects to tow to liaiulon. From Eureka tho steamship Geo. W. Elder Is duo in tomorrow morn ing sailing later In tho day for Portland. MAXAGERS RETIRE fur ,n llttlo nay. nut innsmuen i tho prlco was raised the Port con sidered it fair to divide Its patron age, the Record having published the last year's Treasurer's report nnd wo gavo this year's report to Tho Times. ' As rogards tho pamphlets you snoko of, they have not been con tracted for nor bids asked for same Xcwlr,lm i,ro,,cni lH.uxc i.ul Mill but when we get ready to print Jn(, fio (( raf0llllrt , yiem you will bo asked to mako usi a bid for tho work nnd the lowest H. J. and II. Xerdrum have retired bidder will do tho work. from tho management of tho pulp . AXSOX OTIS ROGERS, mill at the C, A. Smith plant and Treasurer of the Port of with their families hnvo loft for Coos B3y . California, Thoy have no announ n.i.i n.ivprtlsernent.l ced their futuro plans. I M. WALLMAX has arrived hero from San Francisco to tako tho placo of Archie Johnston as tho southwestern Oregon representa tive of tho Pacific Hardware and Steel Co. Tho transfor of Mr. Johnston from this territory will bo regretted by tho many friends ho has mado during his few years residence hero. Mr. Wall in mi is an old experienced salesman. MRS. ALFRED E. DICKEY and daughter, Miss Joan, of Minneapo lis, arrived horo on tho Nairn Smith from San Francisco where they visited tho Exposition. Thoy will spond the greator part of tho summer here with her uophow James Montgomery of tho local In honor of starting tho service Supt, Miller has announced a round trip rato of Sl'.fi", to Powers uoxt Sunday, It Is oxputtod that a largo number of excursionists will inuko the trip. Tho rngular faro between Marbhfluld und Powers will bo $1.75. I ATTHE HOTELS JSInuco Hotel J. M, Drown, .North Pond; E. (3. Umenhofer, North Iloml: Frank Lang, Coqullle; J. E. Drown, San Francisco; William Rush, San Fran cisco; W. II. Smith, Coog River. St, IjiHifiico Hotel W. E. G'ralne, Ilandon; J. E. Tay lor, Iloavor Hill; Mrs. N. M. Young, Lakeside; Mrso. Jamog Drown, Lake- lolenhonn nnmnnnv. who ban ta.slde: C Punch, MiKilllf): Mrs. C ken an apartment at the Myrtlo Dun'-h, McKlnley, L 0 Masters, Arms. j Sumner, A. I Musterson, Sumner 'Where Motion Pictures Look Better Daniel I'Yolmiiin Pi-cm'iiIm .MARY PH'KrORD In tl o celebrated loiunntle comody 'SI'CII A LITTLE ytKEN" 111 five rools of Motion plctunw. TI10 uimiaKomeut of thU theatre ran recommend tills. Hit; PARAMOUNT MASTRRPIRCE To bo one of the finest pictures ever reloaded In America. Oilier pictures "THE STOLEN E.NOINE" An episode In the"HnmiN of HeL'ii," railroad serlos. "HERALD'S DAD MAN" A dandy So'lg Wostern Comedy, featuring DuicdeUI Tom Ml Soveu Reels- Two Hour Show ' Loner I-'Iihu- ,le, llnlcony llle Cltlldreii r.c AMATEUR MfiHT TOMORROW NKIIIT H.Miiil (iocil nits have been IjooI.u'1 YOUNd AMERICAN, Hlwtdy, hober, wants position as mllkor, Addrosi "E," euro Tlmos. WANTED Wink 011 u rnncli by inuii and wife. Address "0" care Tlmos or phono :I02J. 1 FOR RENT ! I'Olt RENT Mjitlo AiiUH fiiruhlied apartments, free heat and water. $'.Vi pur mouth up. ROOM with or without board In private family. ICG So. 10th st. FOR TRANSFER AND STORAGE HOUSEHOLD GOODS Freight nnd Dugguge. 4 Cull FERGUSON TRANSFER Phone to:t. Resldeuio Phono lit-J. 4 Mm ltd nve. mid Waterfront ltu -