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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1915)
5Tsff3S iftL IIU'UHM 111 . '. nmTiiiMifiiMWMi Wfcaw ' -a. BflMf'tff-BIMWl WNIWlPiili.j., AITH IN YOUR BUSINESS, IN YOUR GOODS AND IN YOURSftF GOES PAR TOWARDS SUCCE Coos Bay Times Your Xlie Coos Bay Times Is proud of ., l0, pnpcr," nnd It strives nt live op to ,ts nnm0 by do,roU,,B iiB promoting tho peoploV Interests. Tno. XXXVIII. Srand Jury to Hear Every Fea ture 01 iviuruur onaiyu Against Man and Wife ILL BE T probably Two Days Will Be Oc cupied in rresuiumy evi dence Now at Hand SCHOOL CASEJJP TO DAY L llntcher, Young Mnnlc.l Sinn, Arrested on Serious Clmrgo una , Xow hi County .lull lit De fault of Hull (Spcclnl to Tho Times.) COQuULH. Ore,, April 27 Tho Irand Jury today took up tho Invcs- ligation of tlio caso of Mr. nnd Mrs. blarenco Russell charged witit tuo border of RubboH's brother. Tlio nvestlgatlon will probnbly occupy ito days as tlio grand Jury will go Bto every dotal! of tlio caso. Dis trict Attorney Llljcqvlst states that wants tlio grnnd Jurors to know irery fcaturo of tho chargo ns It an important ono ana ir tncro ms to bo sufficient ovldcnco to edict a bill will bo returned against be couple, or ono of thorn. If an Indictment Is returned tho ne will bo a somewhat difficult ono i which to sccitro a Jury ns tho par ts concerned nro well known. For ills reason tlio dlctrlct attorney Is nxlous that thcro Is shown good Irouiidu for n trial boforo an In- llcttncnt Is returned. School Caso Up ITho caso of Harrows and Strang gainst tlio Coqulllo School DIs- ilct Is ono wherein damages In tho nm of JO, 000 aro naked for. Tho itc Involves a tract of land which Is claimed tho school district Is cjnd to purchaso according to ng- icemcnt. Hatcher Indlrtcd. JNeva Hatcher of Coqulllo was to ileted on a statutory chnrgo, tho oraplalnant being Paulino Stlllwoll om near Ilaudon. Slio Is under iitcen and will bo nrralgncd In tho otenllo court tomorrow. ! Hatcher Is married and has a blld. In default of ball, ho Is In kit. Xcw (i in nd Jury. ITho new grand Jury was solccted tterday. Tho mombors nro I). I. Barklow, foreman, Fred Darker, orgo Ross, W. Y. Myors, Garfield ppson, Frank A. Sponcor, and C. , Goodman, Xcw .lurorK. Owing to tho numbor of Jurors ting been excused, tho following ew ones wcro drawn today: ' Albert Dyer, A. D. Gldloy, F. K. Jlllard, A. T. Hnlnes, J. L. Knight, E. Hill. A. A. Leach, Stephen Gal- fr and Hurry Nashurg. Indict Austrlmis. tThe following AuHtrliins wero In- Pled In connection with tlio for- t'y cases on Coo8 Day. Dan Mandlch for cashing $35.70 Pk on K. C. Mather. Sam Loger for cashing $30.40 Nc on H, s. Harris, $37.10 chock J. Albert Matson and John Kron- Imand $17.25 check on It. A. Cop. e. Joe Seanicli for cashing $48.70 le on J. W. Mitchell and 145.10 ieck on a. J. Davis. Joe Davis (or Max Matlch) for ?ainS $15.10 checkson A. J. Da- i. pey will plead at 10 o'clock to- orrow. UAXKKit IS CAUGHT. N. Ilaggcrty, of Defunct Raymond, Wash-, lUnk, Caught, IBj AiMrlaUJ Prett lo Coot Dj Tlmet.l RAYMOND, Wash., April 27. e,"i Bell received a telegram '" ne ciil-f of Police today say- ,nt J. J. Haggerty, former prea at of the Raymond Trust Com- ' Utder arrest there. Haggerty warged With receiving denoslts rr the bank became Insolvent. Ho rlt'd h3 ball In .Taiinnrv. Au'o Vnr on There Is quite a ' a between the rival auto lines "'"g betWeon f..0V,l1.1 n fin. "' Travel n- auto to tne county , ' heavy now on nccount of MESTIGATE RUSSELL CASE HDHQUGH Paper Its tltlo "Tito nil times to CMergles to Established 1878 Ah The Const Midi. MED TDO MJMJJES HALT (SHAY HAIRED MAX AXI) WIFE AGAIN IX ROMANCE Three Couple lndlct,?d for Remarry- ing Within Klv Month of 1)1. voices Culled to Grand Jury "Mania," said an old gray haired man over tho long distance tele phone from tho grand Jury room In Coqulllo yesterday, talking to his wlfo In Myrtlo Point, "Mamn, wo'vo got to get married all over again. Closo up tho store. And say, Mama, bring nnothcr $10 along, too, for tho wedding expenses." Tho grand Jury has declared that all couples who hnvo remarried within six months after obtaining divorces have broken tho statuto of 1813, nnd henco aro not legally married. Providing tho six months period has now elapsed they will ho per mitted to remarry. J. H. Darton, of Myrtlo Point, was summoned yes terday to tho grand Jury room. Tho situation was explained to hint and ho agreed to get married ngaln. Mrs. Darton then closed up their store In Myrtlo Point nnd yesterday at noon they wore married for tho second tlmo nnd wont homo on tho nuto stngo. "And wo'ro Just ns happy nB over," they laughed as tho car drew away from tho court house. Two Other Couples. Six secret Indictments wero re turned Saturday evening lato by tho grand Jury. All of them wcro for couples who have violated the 1913 statute. Deputy Sheriff Andy P. DavlB last night served bench warrants on Mr. nnd Mrs. Kenneth If. Kolley. Ho Is yard foreman nt tho Eastsldo mill. It Is claimed that Mrs. Kcllcy re married threo days after securing a separation from her former hus band. At that tlmo they tried to get married on tho high seas In or dor to ovndo tho law. This after noon they left on tho train for Co qulllo to appear boforo tlio grand Jury. Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Ragsdalo are tho last two nnmed In tho secret In dictments. Tho former wlfo of Mr. Ragsdalo yesterday was In Coqulllo, called thero from Cottago Grove whore sho now lives, to testify bo foro tlio grand pury. Tho bench warrants for tho wo men wcro niado out lit tho former names, tho law Ignoring their last marriages. Kncli Individual Is put under $200 bonds. Inasmuch as Mr. nnd Mrs. j. H. Darton wcro al lowed to remarry It Is bolloved tho last two couples will bo treated In tho samo manner, providing tho six months period has elapsed. ELOPED WITH COIN Alleged to Hnvo snipped With Mon- vy Kiitrustrid to Him to ltuy .Money Order John Phillips, Greek, was arrost cd at Powers last night by Sheriff Johnson and will ho brought ovor this evening for n preliminary hear ing boforo Justice Pennock on a chargo of making way with $101 belonging to James Joagarakls, n fellow countryman who could not speak English who claims ho sent him to got a money order to sond funds to his wlfo In Greece. It Is alleged that Phillips disap peared. On tho other hand Phil lips Is said to claim that ho has never seen the money and that It was given In tho first placo to George Janulakes, another Greek. Judgo Pennock will probably havo to decide the Chinese puzzle in Greek. Pool Champion. Fred D. Hall, champion exhibition pool player, ar rived hero last night from Rosehurg where ho gavo an exhibition before the Commercial Club. Ho gavo a little exhibition this morning at the Smokehouse, demonstrating that ho was a wizard with tho Ivory halls. This evoning ho will give another public exhibition at the Smokehouse. NO AID FOR WOMIIX IBj AwocliteJ Pr to Coo Dr Vlmw.l LONDON, April 27. Answering the appeal of Miss Addams, Ambas sador Page said It would be im possible to aid the women peaco del egates to reach The Hague. AH shipping to Dutch ports, he ex plained, had stopped, and It wis ., ovpii nosslblo for members of dans MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 1915 EVENING EDITION. 1 Movement of Kaiser's Troops in Flanders Checked, Accord ing to Official Reports BRITISHlDSSISBlG Attacks Attempted Are Broken Down With Heavy Cost to the English Soldiers QUIET AT ""DARDANELLES Austrian mill German disunities In tho Cui'pnthlniiM During Last Five Days nro Estimated to tic Fully Twenty Thousiiml ITALY active D; AnoclitM Trent to Coot Bt; Tlmrt. ROME, April 27 Tho It- allnn nmbnssadors at Paris, 4 London, Vienna, and Ilerlln havo been summoned to Rome 4 to confor with the foreign minister Sonnlno. This nc- tlou Is rcgnrded as n pre- 4 Jlinlnnry to tho announcement of an lmportnut decision on tho part of tho Italian govern- nient 4 (Ilr AnocliteJ Trent to Cooi Car Tlmfi.J 4 LONDON', April 27. Tho German ruslr In Flanders has been halted, at least for tho moment, official Ger man, French, Drltlsh nnd Dolglnn I communications today bring out this point, nlthoiigh It Is not clear who thor tho allies havo accomplished nnythlng of Importance further than to check tho ndvanco of tho oppon ents. Dcrllu says the Germans now on tho dofcnslvo along a now lino north of Ypres. Tlio statement Is mndo that Drltlsh attacks broke down with extraordinary henvy loss es. Doth French mid Drltlsh claim part of tho loBt territory has been retaken. Field Marshal French claims that tho Drltlsh mndo pro- ! gross nonr St. Julian. An unoffi cial Geneva dispatch allogcs that tho Russians hnvo begun another attack in tho Uzsok puns region and tho Austrian and German casualties In tho last two days nro estimated nt 20,000 No now developments aro reported from tho Dardanelles GERMANS CLAIM THEY HAVE MADE GAINS I ID AwxUtM rrott to Coot ilij Timet. DKRLIN, April 27. Tho official statement today says: "Drltlsh at tacked In Flanders with strong for ces tho now lines of our positions north and northwest of Ypres, which runs from threo to four kllotuotres south of tho provlous lino from closo to tho north of Dechoudtfarm mi tho Ysor cannl, by way of St. Jiillen In tlio direction of Grafenstu fol. Southoast of Ypres, tho DiUIbIi completely liroko down. Tho enemy's flro completely domollshed the houses In Llzerno which wero va catod by us during tho night. Drldgo head on tho loft bank of tho canal i Immodlately east of LIzorno Is still j hold by us. In tho engagements i hitherto fought ut Ypres, wo took 50 machlno guns. Wo havo common cod to bombard tho Important rail way Junction and military headquar ters at Poperlngham, 12 miles west of Ypres with appreciable success." Night Attacks. "In tho Argonne forest a French night attack was repulsed. In tho Mouse hills wo secured furthor ad vantages. Tho French attack against Combros failed. A flerco French at tack In Ailly forest was repulsed. In a nocturnal hand to hand fight wo worked our way successfully In tho Lepretro woods. Tho enemy commonced night attacks against op positions on Hartmanns Wellerkopf. All attacks fallod. In the east, the situation Is uncheuged. OLD MAX CRR.MATKI) MYRTLE POINT, Oregon, April 27. Tho body of Shlppey Puckett. aged 85 years, was cremated when his cabin was burned a few days ago. The old man lived alono and tio.l lntnlv linnn ntllte feeblO. It IS I believed that he fell dead In tho fire I place and that his clothing caught fire nnd tho flame.; spread through the house. mm MEMREHS OP THE ASSOCIATED imers WILL HUE FLIE5ILG1S REPEL CAl'T. DOLLAR WILL l'l'T It OATS I'XDIIU FOUIMGX HKGISTHV Snys in Interview Thai Seiinmn's Dill Passed Is Crowning Act of Stupidity ' fir AiworialM I'ifm to Coot liny Tlmrt 1 HONOLULU, April 27. The Sa tnnn'a bill recently passed by Con gress Is characterized by Robert Dol lar, president of tho Dollar Steam ship Company, who arrived hero last night from Japan, ns the crowning act of stupidity In legislation nffect lug American shipping. At a meet ing of ship owners In Toklo which he attended, tho noV law wns- de scribed, ho said, ns tho realization of tho dream of years giving Japan control of tlio shipping interests of the Pacific, dipt. Dollar announced thnt tho two steamships of his com pany, recently transferred to Ameri can registry, will bo ro-transforrod to tho Drltlsh and Chinese flags. GOVERNMENT WILL FIGHT INJUNCTION President WINon Says Defense Will lie Mndo Against Suit Stinted Dy ItniiU-. Wr AmocIiM Itmi tu t,u Mr Timet. WASHINGTON, !). C, April 27. President Wilson docs not consider tho legnl controversy between tho Rlggs Nntlonal Dank nnd the Treas ury Department officials' as Involv ing any administration policy. He told callers today, however, that slnco tho bank brought Injunction proceedings against tho treasury of ficials, tho government naturally would defend suit. Ho said in his opinion tho powers of tho Comptrol ler of Currency was perfectly clear and whether they wero too great was n question for Congress to do cide. ' D. FRANK M. WALSH OF INDUS- TRIAL COMMISSION' MARKS STA.TH.MKXT Says Ills Duty Was to Muko Invcs- t'lgutloii nnd Then Tell thu World About It lljr Awoi lalKl I'rnw to I'uot lUjr Timet. CHICAGO, April 27. Frank P. Wulsh, chnlrmiiu of tit United States Commission on industrial relations, Issued a statement today In reply to tho answor of .IJohn I). Rocke feller, Jr., to Walsh's comments ac companying his correspondence In tlio Colorado Fuol and Iron Co pany ease, "I note Rockefeller ciiIIb mo a liar," says the statement, "The published letters which arouued Rockefeller's Iro aro all admitted by him to have been written, so bis newspaper assertion Is In no hoiisu a denial, Rockefeller's anger and ru sentment obviously grow out of u misconception as to my duties. 1 was not appointed to allay or smo ther causes of Industrial unrest but to Investigate ami make thorn mani fest to tho world." METHODISTS TALK ' OVER PENSION PLAN Conference Starts Movement to ItnKo Ten .Million Dollars for .Ministers nail Families til; AwHalnt I'reM lo (Vat nr Timet, CHICAGO, April 27. Plans to raise $10,000,000 to provide pen sions for retired Mothodlst minis ters and their widows nnd orphans wero outlined nt tho national con dition of bishops and conference re presentatives of the Mothodlst KpU copal church which oponod hero to day. Tho Pension plan Includes tho establishment of a retiring annuity based on yoars of service. SAYS ROADS RECEIVED ADEQUATE RETURNS RepiesentntlvDS of Armour .V- Com pany Think .Sufficient Is Paid for llniidling Meats 1117 Auocltttd rr I" Coo f' Tlroet.l CHICAGO, April 27. Gonoral con tontlon that the western railroads aro now receiving returns ample and adequate on the transportation of packing house products and frosh moats was advanced today at the wostern freight rate hoarlng boforo the Interstate commerco commission by W W. Manker, assistant traffic manager of Armour Company. ANSWERS Q mmt& GERMAN ATTACK Official Report States That In fantry Made Good Showing in Recent Battles Charge Made That Germans Again Use Asphyxiating Gases Against Allies LIZERNE IS RE-CAPTURED Fell Into Hands of Knciny, lint. Is Wrested From (Jernmns by tlio Frenrli and llelginu Troops In Combined Attacks MORH ItOATS SL'NIC I Mr AoUlrl I'ruM to Coot lltjr Tlnirt, STOCKHOLM, April 27. The Swedish steamer Cen tric, on her way to llolsln borg, Sweden, wns sunk by a mine off the Aland Islands. Tho crow wore Bitved. LONDON, April 27. Tlio Grimsby Trawler Recollo was blown up In tho North sea. Some members of the crow nro missing. Seven survivors of tho Ro collo, somo terribly mutila ted, wero picked up out of a crow of nine. Tho onglncor went down with tho ship. Ono of tho Injured men died. ttlj AiiocUteJ 1'rett to Coot Dtf Timet.) LONDON, April 27. A Dolglan official report, dated yesterday, said: "Last night the lufnutry repolled three attacks iniulo south nt DIx m u do by the Germans, who aro again using asphyxiating gases. Our ar tillery proved a useful' help to tho French. These troops 'mndo tin at tack on Llzerno which' yesterday fell Into the lunula of tho enemy, but which was wrested from them again this afternoon." 1 'I t UNCI I STATUS! I iST (Ilf AuoclttoJ I'rcit to Cuot lit; Timet. PARIS. April 27. All official statement today said: "Wo consol idated our positions and continued to make progress north of Ypres and also on thu Mo u ho Heights. Tlio summit of lluitiiiuniiB-WoIlorkopf, which was taken from uh yesterday morning, was recaptured by us on , thu evening of the samu day. Wu also took somo prisoners." ATTEMPT TO BLOW UP TURKISH OFFICIALS Clockwork Itoinb F d In Ministry of War Cliiuuhci' In Tlmo to Avoid Tragedy (11; A"i lli"l !'! lo Coot IH.7 Timet.) PARIS, April 27. A powerful clockwork bomb was found hidden yoNtordny u thu ministry of war chamber at Constantinople, nccord tuir to a dispatch from Salonika. It was timed to oxpiodo at thu hour 'when the council would be In tlou 'slou, M WATERFRONT NEWS f i . All tho ocean accomodations on . the stoamod Speedwell for Sail Frun- cUco have hoon sold and thu boat does not sail until next Saturday. The exposition Is causing tho oxtra traffic. Tko steamer Spoodwoll will sail for San FrancUco next Saturday. Ail reservations havo beon taken out on tlio Nairn Smith for tho next trip, indicating that travel U Improv ing. Tho schooner Hugh Hogan own ed by tho Tidewater Mill Company or Florence has boon chartered by tho HrUtol Day Packing Company to carry cannery aupplluH to Alaska. Sfcu will return In August with can ned salmon. Tho schooner Daisy Putnam which formerly was on the Coos Day run, recently sailed from Santa. Cruz Cruz with the 1 urgent cargo of ce ment evor shipped from that port. The itoamor George W. Rider which left Marshfleld yesterday af ternoon for Kuroka, crowed out at n o'clock lat nlgut. Thero was a northwest wind at sea today and the Coos Day bar was a little rough. FRENCH TROOPS A Cousolldntlon of Times Const Mall nnd Coos Hay Aihcrtlscr. INTRODUCE LETTER;URGES THAT TOE COMMfXICATIOXS FROM ROOSi:. VIILT ARM Ri:.l IX CO HIT Said lie Would Rather Im Most Anything Klso Than Vice President of Country tnr AMOclte,t rrrtt to Coot Dr Timet.) SYRACUSE. N. Y April 27. Roosevelt's sixth day on tho wit-' ness stand in tho $.'0,000 libel suit brought against him by William Hur tles was dovoted principally to his cross examination by the counsel for Dames on various letters nnd tele gram which wero read Into tlio re cords. A telegram from Roosevelt to Senator Piatt was read asking If Piatt thought It necessary for him to ntti'iid luncheon to which the Clinrter commission Invited him In December, UI0O. Piatt replied In the affirmative and Roosevelt then telegraphed "All right. In view of your second telegram I will come but you nro not mi easy boss." in" reply to the question as to what per centage of administrative acts as governor did ho discuss with Piatt, Roosovelt said, "I can't toll. Pro bably In tho majority of c.ises." A telegram In which former Sen ntor Piatt urged Col. Roosevelt to sign a bill exempting from the fran chise tax tho grade crossings of steam railroads and which said that "Our friends of New York Central and Senator Depow wero anxious," was read Into tho court records. In reply tho Colonel wrote Piatt ho had received the telegram "Too late." In reply to a letter from Piatt who had requested a meeting to dis cus the vlco presidential question, Roosovolt wrote, according to a let ter rond into the records, under tho date of February 7, 1H00: "I imw Karens and told him 1 had written to you I would not taku the vlco presidential nomination, hut that I wanted nothing said until I had a chaiicu to talk matters over with you. l would a great deal rather bo anything, say a professor of his tory, than vlco president." PROIIi: HILL LINKS Government Investigation of Now , Ship Line. Illy AuoeUtM I'rett lo Coot lltr Timet.) WASHINGTON, I). C, April 27. Tlio Interstate Coinnierco Conimln sloii lias broadened tho Inquiry Into tho ownership mid operation of tlio steamship Great Northern by thu Gnat Northern Pacific Steamship Company to Include thu steamship Northern Pacific, The Inquiry Is to develop whether tho provl.iloim cf the Panama Cnunl act forblddli'g the ownership of steamship Hit's by rnllreads Is being violated. VILLA IB CHARGE MUX MUX LEADER HEADED HAT TALIOX IX DA'ITLE Claims Thnt It Was llloodiesl of .Mexican Revolution Villa's llorsi) Shot I'l'om Under llliu (II; Aworltibl I'rett It rt lit; Timet.) WASHINGTON, D. C, April 27. An official report to tho Villa agency cy on tlie recent hattlu of Celayn says "Villa bombarded Celaya for 2t hours, causing much damago to buildings whoto Obregou had placed artillery. Thu Iohsoh among Obre- koii'h Indian troops wero enormous mid tho bloody character of thu Imt I tie would ovun horrify those uc j customed tu warfare. Battalion of death was almost annihilated In a charge directed by Villa personally. In this charge Villa's horse was shot under him. The lotuses or Villa were heavy but so were those of Obre- gou.1 GET WILLAMETTE LOCKS Government Tiiko.s Ovor 1'ioporty of Poucr Company III; AhwkUIo4 Pr lo m II; Timet.) PORTLAND, April 27. Title to the cuual and locks around Willam ette Falls at Oregon City wore ta ken over here yesterday by the United States government from the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company, which received a chock for $ 375,000. This opens the upper Willamette River to free navigation through the locks. .start Street Work. Today work wa8 started preparing for the pav ing of Shoriiiau Avenue from Cal ifornia south. A Southwest Oregon Paper Tlmt's what tlio Cooi Day Times Is. A South west Oregon pnpcr for Southwest Oregon people mill devoted to tho best Interests of this greiit ec(lon . The Times always boosts and novcr knocks. No. 237 MASSACRES STOP United States Makes Repre sentations to Turkish Gov ernment Regarding Charges T Secretary Bryan Took Action On Request of Russia Made Through Ambassador WOULD prEvent TROUBLE This Country Askew That Some Step Ho Tnlii'ii to Avoid Any Further Outrngiw Agnlns Armenians TO IXTKRX GKR.MAX CRUISKK KltOX PRIXi IDf AmocUtM freM lo Coot ltf Timet.) WASHINGTON, April 27. Lieutenant Captain Thler feldor, Commander of tho Kion Prinz Wllhelm, Inform- ied the Collector of Customs nt Newport News today that he would Intern tho ship. WASHINGTON, I). C, April 27.- Tln. uiiiin nmmrtmnnt toclnv mndo representations to tho Turkish g,ov- ernnioni rogaruing tuo roporieu iims sacres of Armenians In Turkoy,, urg ing thnt steps bo tnkon for tho pre vention of furthor outrages. Secre tary Dryan acted upon tho request of tho Russian government submitted through Ambassador Dakmuteff. VKSSKL RELEASED (lly A lUl l'reM to Coot Pay Timet.) LONDON, April 27. An admiral ty order today released tho atoiuiier Noordam whereupon tho vessel pro ceeded on her way to Rotterdam. Tho Noordam linn on board the Am erican women delegates to tho In ternational women's peaco congress at Tho Hague. The boat was held up op account of the embargo of the Drltlsh government on traffic In tho North non. MAYOR SIMPSON WILL BE HOME TONIGHT Mayor L. J. Simpson of North Demi h mi bis way hmiiu from San Francisco. At his homo today It l was stated that ho would bo homo about 5 o'clock this evening. He telegraphed yesterday from Eugruo and Is making the trip in overland by way of tho U lllamuttu Purine through Miiplutou. Mr, SI minion has Inmu absent from North Demi allien he and bin brother, Cnpt. Edgar HlmpaflU, wore called to Sail Fraiiclaco at the tlmo or (ho dentil or lliulr rather, Cnpt. A. M. Simpson, NORTH IIEXD ITEMS Mr. ami Mrs. Gou. Maudlgo are spending tho week with friends In Coqulllo. Rev. F. 8. ahliulnn nslsled In the services Sunday morning In tho Co qulllu Presbyterian uuurcli. Mrs. 8. Graham was called lo Co qullle Sunday by the death of her uncle, The Presbyterian ladles Hid will meet Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. H. I. J Hers and all members aro ur ged to be present. Will Open llbls. The North Ilc.nd city council will hold a meeting to night In open bids fur the paving of Shoinan Avenue from California houDi to Washington niul one block east on WtithiimUiu. BODIES HAVE NOT YET BEEN WASHED ASHORE ... (SpoclHl to The TIiihm.) ... JIANDON Oregon, April 2 7. None or the hod Its of the three victims f the Randolph disaster have be u found. It isiot thought likely that they will come ashore at Baudou ns at this time of year the currcnU would likely carry Ike bod leu toward t;.e south and tney way b yet wash ed ashore at some point low Dan don. Out of IIoiI!iiI(tW'' AVaRpr Andenmn who has bn nt Men-y llo-pllal icicivcnd and t'daf 1. Ii lor . r ! ."',. ,it Sc letter, WHO ST if! rJ mb la session. the Embassy to make the trip.