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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1915)
"ggggSSIasw'--- jiyOTnj.- X-irWwpiwwwiraaa IIm 7 It .".: L i f: . FOUR GOOS BAY TIMES SI. C. MALOXI3Y. F.dltor nml Pub. WAX !:. MAl.ONHY, News l.dltor Official Official I'npcr of Paper City Coos Count y of Mnrshflehl. Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMKS. - i I &)(FJJWMM ir"'sa&2"'!iiatitHtxra?ji . vvninntMnM. ,1 cKiimarKisirXf fM ""P I THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OBM- FARMERS fflPW JoSIIS Mild lH Wl'l'l" V0"- ,,'" '"'-, I 111 Dili's Ott II CDIIKclOltSlielH. I lAI.MUli I .1 I.I I I ! Most 'hrlstlniiB believe In linger tnlltv. but, whereas many believe rM,.,.; viF.I.RN AND PRIfl.s IN ..1I(. Ik n firtllillt tntl 111 ItO llllliniriw'i ,n " ,......... -- milnrd only beyond tho nrvo the Christ tun Scientist uolievoa that me .... iitiiv,iMio whii'li nuikP'! 11. an Miiiiv Mali il l'"- l"" . - - , - .,, . .... ,,.,, f. 1 I- o ni-Priniif tinrn ) IV. KlinllUl. Alter t i"" " " 1 III IITIII llll. IV .. p- v - MIHDl.t: WIST Fortunes Kn.vs II. !. Entored nt tlio l'ostofflcc at Mnrsh flold, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls as sccontl-clnsB mull matter. v amlrica shi.i.ixcj me ! WAIt SFPPLIF.Sj io t.nvnnv llHiiatrli sa.vs that tho SUHSCRIPTIO.V RATKS DAILY. Ono year ?C-?'J Per month uU WF.F.KLY. Ono year $1 .JO .When paid strictly In advanco tho RiibRcilpllon pilco of tho Coos Hay Tlmc3 Is JG.OO por yoar or $2.50 for six months. 'EM ritv rv ' wsuiS . M'y-wrfgjzsaucatox. llliuiui ,ui, ' , ,..-...- . , ..... ...... ,. . ..... ' ....... Itlllli.lll Hi. lit. No 0110 lias to 1110 ueioro nu run , vmr "- $ . . ? :,.j(,m,.i mndnnsa throufeh tl mile ' ... .....,. .. ,. , m k of-iL (ALM.K v " - . ' Farmers or mo mioun- .- ,V, rni ay 'rrw-Hon nn,l tho powor of 'J" rrnt por(., , r .. ....i ..Am imun u nn irruiiin 11 r - .. .i.... 11, 111111 BU.. ..-, .... -- aii,uni pity homes mis sprm (W of 110.1. .no ono "'. ,,, rn ea,v. cJoyg 1 to t.. . i.iniinf iitui iiiiniiaiv - -- -- - MPIOIO " I1HMW.O...II.. ' i-.-xreui ih w: "An Independent Ropubllcan news paper, published every ovunlng ex cept Sunday, and wcokly, by Tho Coos liny Tlnieit Publishing Co. A North Rend Presbyterian Aid with Mr. 11. I. Dlers. Alert Club biitt'iuot at homo of Mr. and Mrs. V. 1). ltood. Klostor Club with Mr. It. V. Morrow. FRIDAY Library llenoflt Danro. Thlmblo Club with Mrs. If. :. Kennody. KensIiiKtoii Club with ,Mrn. If. S. Harris. Ladles' Art Club with Mrs. A. S. Rojnl Auction Hrldxo luncht'Oii by Mrs. K. K. Straw. ...n... ...... uaii iinrrv ivnn , .. run riiiiimi I'.xifiii. no... --w i from Prtmlplo and oxerciso tno i)0- nma )tp frotn m. fir t. and nonesiy is a iaw 01 of It, and honesty God. Indeed as ono thoso attributes I1I3 ihinUIiiK pressed in them. That thlnhlitK ........ .1.1. .1.1 II In ,,f must ur apiriiuiii uiuinuiB, .l . ... - ,. (lod. And having ll ourco In Cod, , wneui im -W m '"",, It can no more bo lost. dislntogrntod , nor oarli and every hiwhcl .h p be than can (lod, from , corn raisers m uii.r..i - Such thlnklii!?, , neighborhood of 70 wnts 11 uu.... understands' P.olKhton. Nebrnsha hi , old homo. ikliiK ia ox-'where ho wont to visit his hlnkhiK Wnr In IJurope lias mBuo ru.... 1. i ..r wIwmii ami corn farmers, In : It IB "I "-. - - " WAjHAirrff-- mm-----" QITIAW,VW" . Rates to You 50 roonu S00 100 rooms with hath Sl.fJO 100 rooms with hath SS.oo 200 largo oulsldo rooms. with bath $2C0 Uxtra person In room, additional ...$1.00 or destroyed ..... ,. ?.... wwtu a , v. mm 11 ii"-"" r , , I ., ........ thorprorp, can novor ceaso 10 no i-on-,iui vum. Filoiii thinking. If ono were to) -No wonder thoy aro movlnK into 'meet with an accident which would tho cltlos and towns putting up fine ,.w i.ini iincotiscloiis for 11 weuk. 1 hoinos." said Mr. Kimball, -and 'ho would learn upon recovery that I po wondor they nil have money au1 1 f)1, U)1))V. 'iim Mfiiiinnt uovor Imim red his hou- oln of thorn riiio in nmiui ffcfT&t'Mr J JPMfflJB4stfr. ij R.EAB THIS 'lie thrift f A NATION- STATU A ITV x ' MMl.'XTv U knouii by ITS SAYI.Ntis IH:i)SlT 1 A I'HIIMI Is Ills,) kntiuii .....i ..'.. . " """In. ii'i,..,i. . Ity for his thrift, mill tho saving he llyN , f'J ,n n for old 11KO and loiurort In dtMliiilii.r UV11(1 . . " "lnj 4,, sovioinvi.n.h, Mi,;M)1 'r:c,'Nft: dependent, 011 Mm. tho iihk lul.v, tho oiiiiK mini. ,,s ttt.. K "leMioo. 1 " ""o wtin..." 1'ncMbie that arc woi-kliif; for ap;es m- ntliere in , . altili Inus feature. .Savi money nml hnvi It ,irn 'I'K'llllt, nr 1 run- I-... uur Hi. IT (IHOW. 1.(10 Will Mart yniir mm. mm rPS' Htni FIRST ill II OF COOS BAY SaHtji Deposit Boxen For font, demand. total of war orders placed In "- tho ITnltcd States exceeds $1,-1 , That mental life that transconds 0ns. and not tho springiest kind at . 1 brain lould novor coabc to bo like that." i . . ... ... 1 ... ... ... .. .... Itself, and could novor ceaso 10 e.- oood crops, tne oegi in ?, ui- sioiiimx (ity ix itsi-xf 1. ...... 11. Iri tbU hotel. ...n iieui-iiiiiiis; ........... main dluiin; and recei'- tlnn i-iioitis: Kood .afe; llnexl KHll 000.000.000. Sbrapnol, nrcordlng to, It.., ,,111111. rnntt rnliorld. Is ill MtrOllK (ilOlt.MAX siAsgrintADi: -ars 1 . H. ...1 imlnw llmir. ... I'sly, never Unpaired nia goouuoss. j xvnero noioro iuuy hwu i'i'n . ,. ehl and extremely iow rates. Stop l.eiv wlini In Portland. Canada 1 seventy-two , Tho inasfUf,rndo ball given by the vnii Atirn pa .,..uu II,.. nnnuplnllallPHU flf lift). All iw.nni.l 111 flin llililllld WOBt lit IUO I UU MUIU uhlu companies aro reported to bo mach-; (Jer.nan cum a 1110 ui 11 j -""" Ilt.t.lloIIl .0it, 110V0r ehaiiKO tho nsvchologlcal moment. The yield of ' j-UH i"UU I fc b MU I UO Inlng and nsBombllng shrapnel shells Hall last Saturday 0)'"K " n (.,l!lrilctor of that Hplrltual thinking lllat spring was enormous. Tho war, I' S!.l.. and Hlxty-sevcn aro making tho re- groat huccpsh. Tho .on... hi. halt ulu.0lgt.ml8noss. lIosua Mrov. HtBrUK i August sent the prices, MIH 'l " qulrod parts. The Canadian Car & continued until llmo a ter d - ,lu, Brrtally and then In ll'" '''" u Foundry Co. is worklt.g on an orderjllght bad appeared am rofhH, . n. h (liilUlnf, Umt tor j, . (.()()I) (.A,.S VAWwi, DIIIVKHS for shrapnel and other ammunition oro, for tho second tint Abo. , nmt(cl. ,. ,)rnll waH ,.. I ho(H on for . I,. l.QOl'h. iniAU viupii." " " - '- - r,x- n.iuuld unlii ti iinimiht (n SS0. 000,000, against which $"0,000,000 bau-iuet table, lloth ball and ban has been advanced by that govern- uol room wore beautifully decorat- pd 1 lowers 111111 uvuiicjud niont. Moro than thirty Amorlcan companies have secured part of this business from tho Canadian concern. Tlio American Locomotive Co. has not yet announced closing ot Its contract, estimated at $20,000,000 for shrapnol nud other supplies for tlio allied powers, hut the company Is reported to havo bought D00 ma chines, mostly lathes, to bo used In making shells for tlio Russian gov ernment. .Making; Shrapnel Tho Westliiglioiisi) Kleclrlc & Manufacturing Co. Is reported to havo booked a second Russian shrap ncl contract, and tho American Roll ing Mill Co., Mlddletown, Ohio, Is working on tho name material. He- thlohci.i Steel comes In for lts quota of tho business, according to u Chicago dispatch, with an $S0, 000,600 contract, and tho Worcester Pressed steel Co. Is busy with 2(lOt 000 r..5 Inch shells, to cost $500, 000. Tho CarnoBloSleoI Co, ban receiv ed an order for .10,000 Ions of sluel rounds for shrapnel through 11 Cleveland concern acting for tlio French government, tho order being a duplicate of one placed with the Lackawanna Steel for 1)0,000 tons, to cost $2,:i00,000. Reports of con tracts of tho Du Pont Powder Co., mild to total $100,000,000, aro ac companied by tho auunuueemout of a bonus equal to 20 per cent of their salaries to bo distributed to tho employees of tho company, In nddltlou to tlio recently announced Increase In wages of 20 per cent. Russia It.i lug. War material has betui flowing through Tacoma for Mrs. C. L. Albrecht carried orf tho prlo- for tho handsomest ladles' costume, representing n Spanish piincoss. Tho prlzo was 11 hand some silver novelty purse. Mr. Oliv er Spires received tho prl.o for the most hatidsonio gentleman's costume, representing an Indian chief, tho prlo being n flno carving sol. Mrs. II. l.o.Mleux, representing an Indian sclously at work, proving tlio facta lno ingest price they over received, nf Immortal life, which destroyed! i(ii,.,iitnin thin vear nolnt to even . death and removed tho stono from Brei,tor harvest. "When I was Chimneys the mouth of the tomb. And " there," said tlio customs collector. nro enjoined to "Let this mind bo in you, which wan also in Christ Jesus." OXi: YIKWPOIXT Some hesitate to accept tho touch- $ I mot plenty of the farmers toast-1 lug their feet around hot stovos, thoroughly content for outsldo was four feet of snow on the ground and lug that there Is ono Mind through t, ,now t w()ll,(, ,, , Iator rear of losing tlioir iiuiiviuiiumy. lllIs Hir,luft lt ,,,,. there will be Hut only as man Is governed by (lod , m ,ronlll tnH yCnr." Is ho properly solf-governod. If ho ..Ai(1 lhogo nr(J lho comUtonil a8 Is not sei.-goverueu. no loses ui in-,. ..., ,.., ... .,.. .... netter 1 I'lreplaces I. X. 1IAYLISS Any kind of bride work at prices that aro right. And all work guaranteed Call at "The Fireside," John- son IJIdg., IS 7 Second St. Phone i:il-.I. French ranges. Roller work. FLHHGMI & BENNETT UK OLDHST IIAXK IX COOS COUNT! Established 188U. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest Paid m Tlmo Dcpoilu Offlcon: J. V. Ilennclt, President. J. II. Flanagan, Ylce-Presldent. U. li Wllllanii, Cnslilrr. Geo. V. Winchester, Jut. CU, ' M' ';u:mi"'.'" V'' ,"l' '", . . 'dlviduall.y. Ho saves his Individual-, ,,"';""-,,-, ml,. .., host sustained character for ladles. "' 1,,IIO'.,"Br", "' .Vtl I r cours ll"H wnH "" l"ll"ral Tho prl.o was a Jewel box. Albert Kovornon by his to se flood In to, nn(, thu nink0g (,lffer. .......... f... n. i.ui one Mind. No ono over lost his, Soollg won tho prize for tho host Commutation Tickets $2.00 Individuality simply bocauso thero Is once.' mioiiiiiiiii iiiiiirnriiiiii win I'liii i iitiiitiii i '...., .,.., " I ono honesty, or ono goodness, or ono 1 UJJII U-BVIIllllh 14 lU"-l --w r pearl-handle pocket knife. Thero wore many costumes exceedingly About ISfi'i said Mr. Kimball. vlBMhflohl-Xorth Bend Auto Un ixr every tea minutes from fl . m to 12 p. in.; to South Slough onco a protty and several characters well sustained, among them being Mr. U. (lohrke, lopresontliig a foiiclng I a ""- "' - , miinv of tho fannors coiilun t mni!e 1 ... I 114 It'll 1 I till Iflll D1IMI. - ! "Tho, an In one si.nd.'" and Paul.!1. '!vl' " thP1 '" "" day. leaving at 11 a. ,...; to Kn.plre ...... .... ,.. cr.,.,i, nf "f c,r inrinn, neiiv.i covereu ..m b... ..uu..fc .. ... v .v ,.--.. ,, , 1U1, lt BOI110Wbnre 1 m wo vo and move, and have out , . ! . . , .. ., . being." Jesus gives us tho right 'to ;," ' l "' 1"' i. M riintl lillM1 8 suiiiiik iur iuun.iu fi.i iu three trips a day. GORHT A KIXO. Prosit. Abstracts FOR RKLIARLi: ARSTRAOTS OF TTTM3 AM) lAFUKJUmi AROP'P COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT C0,k MARSIIFIF.LD AM) COQl'II.Li: CITY, OIIIXOX GKXFRA Ij AHK.NTS, HASTSIDK A XI) SKXGSTACKEN'S ADD1TI0I AGKNTS FOR UAXADIAX PACIITO HAII.ltOAl) LLVDj HIOXltY SFX(lSTACKi:X, MAX.1GEK rofer to (lod as "My Cod." master Mrs. K. Randol, ropresent- , . .,.,-.,.. , ncro. , , .,.,, , ... ..,i b nco he s ono Mind, tho Christian i.g a fenc ug Inily; Mr. A. Ilagen.els- . . I "One inri tor, representing an lh century I ..T" ".' . " my town a man Into tho hank In ( cavalry officer: Mr. Hansi llagemelsler, reprosentlug the (lor mau Navy; .Mrs. (5. Fourier, repro sentlug a Mexican lady; Mrs. A. Walker, repiesentlng a (lerinan country girl; Mis. K. Ilertr.un. rep resenting a fairy and Master Pasiiuln llradflold Willi MIbb Vera Albrecht icproscutli.K (.eorgo and Martha WaHhIiiKtoii. A :CTCRK OX (TIRISTTAX scii:xci Continued From Pago It Science heals all manner of disuse. III'.MAX WILL A well-known nnliiiitlixt once do neillieil an InteroMlIng experience that shipment to niuHtHituM tho operation of human my Mind, my Intelligence, my lion- "' low" u""1 ' "' " i,,,, osty. my life." individuals In rtlro '"" "' tn Ktv ! for hlB distress havo boon known to ..jinK'ninny ncro If lho linnkor would rail so devotedly to tho ono fact, that debts squared. The banker re- ... . . f iiuswl rPlin I f n nil At lu irfl 1i nt C.od Is their lire, nud to tno exciu- "" "l """ "'( slon of all elso, iib actually to roallo loit P"lle "' millions today." - the truth or It, and to bo wonder fully honied thoroby. Then, slnee (lod Is our Mind, and "In Hint wo i i MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular placo for Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. Cor. Commercial & B'dw'y aumMM ROOFING live and move and havo our Doing." flEPA'iG. CONTRACTING, ROOFING MATERIALS, FELTS AND CEMENT , J. L. BRICE B. 118. P. 89.! urn aeroplanes, -vaiuou nt iromwm ,,H descrlbod two men on the $a000 to $1000 each. A single vos-1 ,, piwlnti. Intent on obervlng He. bales i. . . i . .i .... t i;orsosnoon and inner nianuiai. T.ireo iv.meiiis the nblecU drew iiBNr wo do not look up to I Urn In tho dls-1 taut heavens: "for, bohold, the king dom of (lod Is within you." We should therefore look out from Him, from Ills viewpoint, with His Intel ligence, and see thlnus as He sees tin in, pure, perfect, harmonious nud well. Indeed, from what other view point nl.ould we we them? Clothed with that Mind which was also lu Christ .lotfiis, nud vlowlug all things from tlio viewpoint or tho one Mind. Christians aro endowed with the SAVE MONEY by ordering the rutnons HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, per ton $1.00 Lump Coal, per ton Ktl.OO Or half ton of both $5.00 !. MUSSOX, Prop. Phono 18-.1 or leave orders nt Hlllyer's Cigar Store. XMwyjiMWMMnmii carried fiom that port I2.ooooll ,,, t!Ulnnt" luirlioii two rup,(lly l-owm-or so... and daughters of (lod s of cotton. $i;:i.O00 win Hi of ., (,1)JlM.u. , ,,,. ,.,,, to cast out all tho Is unlike (.od. . llieiniiiiiK surri.w, nienutmi nun m. million dollars' worth of eotto,, ha. ,. ,,,, llHir,ri , u c.olllt, )w ,, 'riirlrttan Science portrays that truth moved rroiu Turoinn to Vladlvostock ,ul.VlH, lllt,t ,i,v Wl.r ,WI, olk.the'Mbo,lt C,0,X """ of "mu " ,olH,,on slnco January l and i on valued ,MW.r ,, , hot ,mrult or tli , l, l"m m mm IM' l'"'' at $1,000,0011 is on the Tacoma Hiiialler. The sumller ono was flw docks awaiting slilpmeut. , 1IK r,. Mu w ml roylng on hi.. Tho PaeUrd .Motor Car coinimny-, slreimth or iiiiIiiihI will lor sufety. Is understood to have made further i,m bii the animal Imd the Instinct contraclH railing ror the Hhlpnient or to knw tlmt his itnlmul will w.. $r., 000. 000 or trucks to gating wearied Hint exhausted. In France, ami the ChleHgo Pneumatic deed Hut It hud an end. and with Tool company sas It will lequlre its end would conut his own deslrue months to llll Its orders for auto- tUm. Whereupon even tlmt animal mobiles. be ,im to look beyond, outside Klin- The Locomobile company of self, for sumo higher, greater power on persons past middle age. Proper America advertises In a New York on which to lely. Reeogulzln:; as Urlton ot the kldueyg Is neiessary to paper for experienced tunet lthe,Iy Instinct a greater power In hu-od healtli. They act an u filter operators. This concern. It has unity, lie rushed to the feet of ami teiuove from the blood poison been reported at various times, has those two men and stopped hi their ions waste matter which If permitted secured a good share or the foreign protection. The lamer one. obsoiv-jio remain In the system leads to automobile business. lug the situation, checked his .:ie, nmn complhatloiis. Shots b) .Million niicie.l about, twhe and then lope.l j Many nervous, tired, run-down Among miseollniiooii business Is uwiiv. m?n 8)uj women suffer from iuilii the leported sale by a largo I lost of. Thus It Is with suffering lii.nmnlty. in tin, buck and sides, dlsxy spelU. hhoo concern or 1.1100,000 pairs or Holi t'tu on the strength of human . bladder weakness, sore nuisvles and shoes to Russia. The Springfield will for healing, it finally dlsrovew ' atirr Joints and tall to reallxo the ju inuiiuer that it has established tho it turn or primitive Christian lieu' rg inaciim: riim:ys CAt SK'DI.SFASR ! , To iniii It work and too little work i seem to have about the same el fed .oontz Gorage Agency for OVERLAND CARSG00DYEAR TIRES EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty North Front Street :: :: :: .. Phone 180-J STEAMSHIP II 111 NTER-nGEAW TRAWSPDRTATIDNG Weekly fiorvlco Coos Ray and San Tranchco. S Freight and Passenger Service SAILS FROM .MARSIIFIF.LD FOR SAX FRANCISCO AVO UI PF.DRO, 'I'lll'RSDAY, APRIL !!, AT 8:!M P. M. San Francisco Office, 000 ITIfo Rulldlng, and Mcr Kaol3 Ooos Bay Agent, 0. T. McGeoroe, PtaH sa a To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every Monday We want your cash business and make it an object for you to pay cash. GET A RECEIPT Coos Bay Tea, Coffee and Spice House Phone HIM-J. TUB FAST AND COMFORTABL1 S S. Geo.W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED ,.,.... n.rtT?ri UTIMMRUIP CO. "UU1U ""'' piism o. p. Mcaconan AaET Wrji iuunu it, piuioiiiium rwi.i.ii .Mills and FluIsliliiK company has ttuit the human will gets wearied eomplutcd an order for one of the '' Unwn and exhausted: that it allies ror $300,000 woith uf khaki has t.n end. and with Its end. hope waterproof tent cloth. The coutrwet U s.vallowed up In despair. In that was completed In twenty days. A extreme situation, when the pl.v tentative order for :t.-00 yards of''''"'1 makes (hat solemn pronoume--ii p cloth has been u-celved b a,""1". 'There Is more hope. be. firm of kelli.iK nueniK Orders for t,uu,ll lhvli mor t"lHU f will cloth have Iwon very sea ice over lo '! l or elsteuee." tlieiiWt, t.0mplele satlsfaetlou. Thero l the hut few weeks. ulthoiii:i there P'i sntreiiug humanity beK!us U) ,, Ue l0 compare wltu UllM are lnan.v niiii.n-, of lirae toiitraeta ,,,ll, be)ond. out aide itself for oiuo Vo Mlll fua (hw1 ,,tforeut from ,, afloat. hliihiT. unMtw power u which to , 0(lur mUi,aio. Th,y wl qill(K,, I l-IJ . 1 lll'll .IIHII I'.MIV'Ulll im . . jjj. 0l,j,0, unity,.' 'j'umiiitf to tne one soiiru- of llitelllgeine for ruUI- CITY ALTO A- TA.M CO. Day mill Muht muvIco. For taxi, phone L'o, Chandler Hotel 4 For touring cars, phono 20, Cliuiidler Ho"! iann lmiii:th, Prop. New t jiu Ne ( r-i seriousness of their troubles until rheumatism, diabetes or even Urlght's disease results. If you have en use to believe that your Mdnes are weak, disordered or Inactive ou should art Immedia tely. Foley Kidney pllla have been used by young, middle aged and old and surely and have given relur in . ane of ten vonrs' staudlut:. TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -: -:- hs beee a hobby with uu for a good jany years and a Jot of our cusioAien will tell you when it comes to guttU k good, sound, durable rram,ng materia' at th- right price we know- oi r bul nees. Just tell wtut you want to t-.nld and the amount von want !,SW buy."1 Tryyu:UU " " "" " C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RPTAlL nCPARTMF.XT CCT TUB FUEL RILL 1 TWO RY I'SI.VO OUU WOOD PHON'F I DO. .j... cni-pn iiijn.viiWAV EQDIPPEIJ VITU YIRKLES3. gteamship Breakwat ALWAYS ON TIMK. UIIIL! I.MKWI M I DCIII.-II'I.II l.'VERY SlXRA r,tiin i' , ,,i ..a.t ..., ,.- ...... ( AT 1) A. .M AND FROM PORTLAND L LR vmwx AT1 0FFIC1 A. M. -,..,.,-. .. .- nnm,.ivn riTY TICKET XIIJJVIVI'? 11.1 NlliP A'l 1'liHA.Itim' w--- . -w AND OAK OTKBKT8, "Joft lH atvusj otiv "" imm AM SMMMMMMSaMMka MMMMMMMH S1SS IBM SSB M H SM .inn-, l.i.muulty feels the tomb n , Ti ulli. or unlit), and is made well iiKaiu He rinds himself sust:lned 1 ; lie Keuile presence and peuie ,.f divine Love. Ill that sweet se.ise h ,ii n lieu" ,in,i now, !. IV s ,, -' n Mi iiti I piiwi l i - i i'i , . I . v 1 i' n-t. .1 I. i i ittn.,U u luuHii the l.iavm that I Nrw Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" hIso principal distributor, "ONYX" ami "CADET" HOSE S. S. JENNINGS, No. Bend Marshficld-North Bend-Empire Auto Service Leaves Mnilttclil nt.Uusy Coruer 10:00 J: 00. p.m. r;0O p.m. ls'iivcs .North Rend 1.1 mln. tiles later Leaves Empire, 8: ito a.m. 11 till) a.m. 8:30 p.m. Puget Sound Bridge & BPflorillG!' Co. c3 - . M fnirtbll General Dams, Bridges, Buildings. WORK 'A" "Uiu " ,J,o rnu HARBOR WUn J UUlVirLfclfc rLMIMIo ryi '"; nrpnon wv Our Coos Bay office has available- iw work tne Dredge "Seattle" tho most powerful, best equipped anil most twenty-lnch liyilrnullo arcdBO r',ci . Mom OlIIC! Cooa Bay office, Q t' e WashmP ...v., w,,.,U,VV W.WUV... I V& I Sffial -i ,M, 7 .ST&P