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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1915)
U!tMhi lAN'S SERVICE TO HIS FELLOW MAN MAY NOT BRING QUICK REWARDS BUT IT BRINGS MORE LASTING ONES Coos Bay Times Your Paper WxmtB A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what tho Coos Hay Times Is. A South west Oregon paper for Southwest Oregon pcoplo and devoted to tho best Interests of this great section . Tho Times always boosts RUd never knocks. Tl,o Coos liny Times Is proud of Its Utlo "The Iotg paper," nnd It strives nt nil times to . .- nt.m lit flnriltlllf- tta nrlnrirlna in Uto up s "" " " " "- " promoting U" PeP,0'B interests. MtiMllEltS OF THE ASSOCIATED IMESS MMMaMMH 01 am mm k NO. XXXVIII. Established 1878 As The Coast Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1915 EVENING EDITION A Consolidation of Times Const Mull nnd Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 239 AYRAILSNQRTH EVERYBODY CHILLY'STAGE TURNS jWREEK RZEPPELIMTHREE BILLS ROM BIG BRIDGb jef Engineer Hood of S. P. r.. &if r n ri rrii'iiiii Cnuc raUK IU L.ataiue When Bridge is Finished imiosim:cts not pleasaxt foii MAV DAY Sl'CCESS llmd Storm During the Xlght and This .Morning's Teiiiperntuiu Mas Drought Out Overcoat flVPR IN qflii-"-- UlLMilV UnilU Claim Thut With llolglnn Tr STATU-I I Q i rush building; I aiprinl on Ground for Siuslaw Bridge Which Will be Start ed tany in juiiu ROAD tTeUREKA NOW rlncer Claim1' Knows Little of fl-ropo-ed Hallway From (Jiiint.s Pllss to l remriii niJi California Btod will ho laid from Coos rth at least as fnr ns WIICKS WKXT HOWX Tiio Western Union tele graph wires wero broken down tills nftornoon nnd In cotisequenco tho Times re ceived only n part of tho Associated Press report. Tho wires , will probably bo re paired by tonight. Tho tele phono long dlstnnco wires wero operating this after noon and that company had not suffered any damage from tho storm. In view of tho fact that It Is closo to tho first of May tho weather last night and today was a llttlo out of season nnd would bo hard on tho Passengers From Florence this Morning Pass Through Thril- ing Experienced Siuslaw E HE 0 Later Capt. "Bob" Jones Sinks In Quick Sand While Walk ing Through Rain IS RESCUED BY"THE OTHERS Tho rlorenco-Coos Hay Incoming Mav D-i7oiieeiH it w a c iree v stnL'' containing four paBScngers. ?! ylwnen1"tie-.r'USwerScrownlt!!no.l over about throe o'clock ed nnd white gowned would find It i ,. ,,, cllt 3oos Hay I pleasant to danco around a Mny polo ' f,rom 11"" , ; T.nUPRtiln Jut of doors. Everybody wns slilv- . 8 .::' . .. 'it in il'iidl .-....-.., - - ------ -- . ' irnro narniint iv '. -omiiiotinn of tho Wlllnni- crlnK mtI this morning. ,10 conn, etlon of tho wmi ini Tho Btom Ui8l nlgJt wnB Uj ft Pacific bridge ncrosa tho ba ovoro ono, Tncro wng iV0iy mops (ionium Prisoners and Two Ma chine (JttiiH Were Captured i'aiiis, Apm 20. Tho official i Grand Jury Put in Two Days Snuff to' S SgreSTco Investigating Case Against Junction with tho Uolglan troops In Myi'tlC POIIlt UOlipIC a northerly direction. On tho right bnnk of tho lser canal wo took 150 prisoners nnd two innchlno guns. Tho enemy bombarded by menus of flying machines, using In cendiary shells on the open town of Epernny. Definite Information was received that n Zeppelin, which re READY TO ADJOURN centlyuomb Criminal Matters Needing Attention Have Been Look" ed After by Members aged by our artillery nnd later was wrecked between HrugLS nnd Ghent." 0 North Hentl, said 'William Hood. Bhower early In tho evening nnd to- et enKlncer of tho Southern Iv ward morning tho rain enmo down lc, nt tho Clinndlor Inst evening. Miction of tho entiro lino rrom Ipleton to Coos Day will bo car- forward as quickly as possible Let, trnrk from tho north will ru" . . . . 1 II. .11 .. ....... I i.ln.i . .. . 11. j. I.l.lilflnn 111. Illlll I .'!. .... leiaiu Uiiwui ui .iiu uiiub. T1l. .,.,, ,iio iini, wrwilhor id. The bridge across tho yinpqua rnmo to ft clllnnx wIth B heavy )mli II be tno isi Buuuuii ui " ,i t storm which drove nearly overyono toned and w 11 bo tho cornice I g off tho EtrcolHi t ociwceii uio . Hi ..."... l.'iealc Storm iVith his wife ami u u. ueaue, Woatlior authorities. Bald todny vtti mwiiwiL! t u Minn nw nif this morning Just nftor starting . tl'w rnViM,s's'iitvs' it sinw on lis wny to - ' lint nil four pnsson-i gers escaped with only a fow minor lOiult tho Demand for Xon-Allena- bumps nnd bruises scorns of Clilna'N Coast 'IVri'ltory I miraculous. If tho lx horses draw-! Previously Jlade. lug tho stngo had started to run, - nntlilm roulil linvn Raved tlio tmil-, IHr AmocUIpJ rri to Co. II., Tlmn.l , nn.1 Intiintna frnni ilnntll na (lie dtnlllt Tfllflfl. Atirtl ''l lulm n'u linw r KtlUKN UIHtK IKUtblLLb ..' i: the day nt it: 30 woro: dipt. "Hob" Jones, of Kloronro. O. Morrutln, of Tucomn. .1. It. Mcfleo, of Ulverlon, Oro. M. C. Mnlonoy, Mnrshfleld. All four passengers nro known here. Cnpt. "Hob" Jones Is muster proposals to China Bhow conees- 10 yenrs in tho penitentiary, slons. according to tho Japan Mall.! , ! red Nelson pleaded guilty so hard and thoro wns a good ilalwns onlrt.y enclosed nnd tho side of wind. Less than halt an Inch of curtnu wqr0 HOcurely fastened, inn- ....... f.11 1nn .. Attn fnrnlinrin llwl . ..." ' wuiui !... Winn K ui "." '"".i; ng escnpo mposs lift luiiiiiviuiinu hub i I- ..-."- ,, .,, .,.. I...,, ..ncan,,,,,,,.- ,,i, ior nou-aiicnauon or tninn s coasin The barometer wns going up ''""! nrr,(1',;;' j,n,Hllfltna'' ou tmj mco territory. Tho modification Is prob COXTIXCU CASH COQtUI.U:. Oro., April 20. Tho grand Jury this nfter noon returned threo bills. Tho enso of Mr. nnd Mrs. UtiBscll charged with mur der was continued till Sep tember term. Hoy Jumcs, tho negro, who cut Shores In n blllnrd hall, wns sentenced to from 1 to CLAIM ANADVAiyCE!TURK VICTORY -otssH WAR a MR I1NF Said That Trench Soldlerx Wero Told by Officers- dYi-iimns Shot All Prisoners I1KUI.IN', April 20. (Wireless to Sayvlllo.) Tho official statement todny snys: "All attacks against tho Oormnn positions on the West bank of tho cannl In North Ypres failed. Tho number of tho cnomy's cannon captured by tho Cioriunns wero In creased to 03. Southeast of Ver dun, tho (lermnti positions wero advanced by more than ono hun dred yards. Captured French soldiers con fessed that they wero In great fear, having boon told by officers that tho Oermuns Bhot all prisoners. South of Knlwnryn, in Uusslnn Po land, tho Oormans occupied tho vit iligo of Kovnlo nnd tho Height n short dlstnnco south of Dnchovo. South of Sochnczew tho Hermans conquered n Russian point of sup port." aiti: I ALLIES WIN BATTLE They nro snld to omit tho demand for nou-nllcnntlou of Chinas coastal ablo rclntlvo to the railroad con cessions in South China. to passing a bad check nud got from 1 to i years. II. IJrowstor was sentenced to from 3 to lti years in tho penitentiary. ItHPOItT THAT THUV DKHUATUD TCUKS IX ItUCHNT KX(l.(IHMKXT Some of British and French Soldiers Were Driven Into Sea After They Landed LOSSES ill HEAVY Those Who Did Not Flee to Their Boats Were Taken Prisoners by Enemy ALLIES LANDED BIG FORCE Wench and Kngllsli, Numlx-rlng NO,- 11(10 ltcpiil-cd When Attempting Attack nt tho Dardanelles l''orl.s This Week Want engineer rrom isugeno, .Mr. ., ; ... f , t0 , timtior tno kosco nn.i wen Known nore. od arrived hero Into yesterday at- ;,,,- 'JJ. nB ""rlctly northwest ' - Mnrrutln, of Tncon.n, wns a real-1 loon from ti two-days' trip over I" i ',' ., . .. I dent liero twenty years ago and wns ry section of tho Wlllamotto ."" 1 Off slioro tod-iv tho wind was: ,oturnlnB to renew old acquaintance c In old clothes the party walk- ,.," 8"?r ?,. "J 0 0, - , ' ,, nnd look after Momo property ho hnn tho distance over tho grade,. saw wlni, ; a oj jt, i iiiiw an u(,o , n uvor, , ry bit of the construction nnd tl' ;y.rouJ' 7,u '" conI m,l,,l, nl"1 t,cvcl- e engineer expressed himself sat- Nl! ,.",,,, Ua S"U,M, p,ent work. eJ with tho progress. mi1'1 ll wns toI(I ,lt BC"- I The trip wan exciting throughout. P T SHED Ouairv Deliiirtl Track, IWItli the exception of ono point," liald, "Wo wero held up ut tho Uerson auarrv between Mapioion Acme. That put our lino iiaciti eral months, it Is all right now iugh irn to Slit By June he expects nil will bo In HOUSTON Mk I COVE Tho party leaving l-Moronco In n small launch nt 2:30 and during a most sovoro Htorm, tho little boat got J caught in tho trough of the sea In making tho turn nud shipped a bc.i winch put out nil lights nud for n i, and wo uro laying trade iM-:il-:ciltASI IXVITUS SKCIIUT.VItY mlnuto it was foarcd tho boat might to tho Siuslaw Ulver." DKPT )!' (!UICL'lrL'IIU u0 Bwnmpcd. Cnpt. "Hob" Jones ilnslaw llrldgo lit dune. ' says it wns tho roughest ho had over 1'IXAIi SHTri.UMKXT MADU WITH DltUDCIXC COMPANY Commissioners Yolo Letter of Ho- iiiiiimendiitlon To .Map Largo Map of Uiitlru Woik COqUll.l.K, Ore., April ai. Tho grand Jury today finished- hearing the evidence In tho Hussell murder case and decided to postpone voting on the matter until this nftornoon. If the grand Jurors decldo to return uu Imllctiuent It will bo dona today. Several other 'Indictments will prob ably ho returned today nud when tho report is made to tho court tho grand Jury will bo discharged, hav ing attended to all criminal mat ters now needing consideration. Aii'o Cnso Up. In Circuit Court today thoro was being tried n case wherein Arthur Pinal settlement between the. Port of Coos Hay and the Puget Sound Uridgo nnd Dredging Company wns.conch Is being sued by nu uuto made last ovonlng nt n special meet- driver for u claim of nbout J 1C0. lug or tho commissioners. All mo- According to tho contention or ney duo tho dredging company was I Addison, the auto driver, ho had ordered paid over nnd tho commls-i,u, agreement with Joo Couch whoro- siouers voted n touer or recouuneuu-1 i)y i,0 Was to drlvo tho machine- bo sil lhn 4 I tin AtitiiwiliiP i, ii.l Ctitin t it ...i-. 4 . a i . r .... .1.. I... I fir A.x-uiM ITm. la r niT TIikm.i HICUI.IN (Wireless via Sayvlllo), April 20. Advices from Constanti nople ns given out hero todny by tho ovorsoas news agency are Hint tho forces which tho Hrltlsh nnd Kronch mllre. Hattnilo,, t'apluied and tempted ' 1"1 nt Uio Dardanelles uvy I.omn I" I'lghtlng nro I numhered SO, 000 men. Tho landing tiicliilluiiB wuro uiiiiui lunun i imuu points on the Kuropcau and one on thu Asiatic side of the straits. ntlon to tho company and to Super lutondont It. K. .Miller In npprccm 1 ... -!., I ,!. n ,., . I lUlUllUUlll U. 1'.. .inner . uv ... , . ., . . ,. v;A IUI lUIILL- 1 IIIUIU. JIULT I11M1117 BniO. .. .... . Idlness for the beginning of tlio t ".. ,' V.... V landed In n driving wind nnd fain I ll0,"Ll ,0 t wo." .',.0.-. 5. TllOlO llllioiis .wis.,.,- ..M..w. ,., thn inonLrora wnlrnmo,! ll. I .."""". l,,u i... months that longing to Arthur Couch during l.tbt hitmmor between Hnndon and Col.l Hench, nud Hint ho, the driver, wns to teceive ft 00 a mouth nud One K 1 1 (VI Sll.stlllllltl Illr AofltiJ Pitm to Coot lltjf Tlmn.l LONDON, April 20 A dlspntcn from Athens to the Kxchnngo Tele graph company snys fierce righting throughout Wednesday on tho shores of Suvln Hay, on tho western side of anlllpoll peninsula, IN tulles north of the southern extremity, resulted hi the nucccsscs of the allies. Tho los ses of tho Turks wero serious. Ono entire battalion was captured by the allies. CHARTS MAY OUST L. .1. SIMPSON, AS MAYOIt, HAD NO LUAY12 OF AHSUXCU DHIYUX IXTO SUA Also Absent (her (II) Diijh City At torney Disliircs Office .Vol Yu cant Till Successor lOlcctcd CONSTANTINOPLI, April 28 (de layed). The official stutomont Buys; "Slglil Dere, to west of Seddul Hahr, has been cleared of tho enemy. Tho enemy who landed near Knba Topoh endeavored to inalutnlu a position un der cover of tho ships but in tho early morning our troops stormod three iiosltlous nud forced the enemy back along tho whole front Inflict ing severe Iossh. Part or tho onomy fled In tho direction or the sen nud took to their boats. Those unadlo to escape raised the white flag and surrendered In masses. A transport or thu enemy was sunk off AI Hur uu, on thu west coast of (lalllpolt peninsula. Later reports declnred that hostile forces estimated ut four brigades wero driven into tho uea at Knba Topoh. Hccattsu thoro Is a clause In thu North llontl city charter to tho of-j iVlAV AVOID A CLASH iar brtiiuo foununtiom three spans at this point.' Tho t "' """" enclosed strigo as n sheltor from to1"0 . U"K" F . ' y . "- oxrtnu-B on tho car were to Do paid "'"i " '1ly'- '" " i il work probably cannot bo start- ..-,.. !Ioll!Iton of tho V. S. ' storm. It wag dark nnd wl.e o B,,Cl' h l'.Vro ) per )y j00 Coach. The latter wns net- a leave of absence from the Conn- before t'h. en of the BUtnmor n '""'ric.ture0. may drivS .inrffW'Snd UX been t f ack to'' r.sure" "t Sn'rVtaWicd'tiJclir S'nol tv c W"" ,0M,n" t,,u d,y f0r IoBop ,TA,'V niFfoWi T 37 Si !d"wl thereon hgUo ?"0, 'f008 I,n' WlS tWS! n!,' T' W,,lPh i "',ae wmr.ulreenents.'Vrom Juno L, c 0 u 'tfB go run ? SadoM l" :1 " t,int " ottl " t OMlUMMlMH from Mimininn coml,lt ol her holdings nnd logged off la nd b lanterns. They hnd not gone far. ,;,N unt tlH monlh $27,800.00 moI,oy Und Joe Coach illeges ho vncnnt nftor uu nbaenco of CO days .,... .,., ,,,. ,..,,.,., ,. nurtrv?e ,1 Uh?ssteel work so fast AT'yJi? VXZM ' VTZ't I -M I!? l&'anSS ' lnitVclil. Mt4 A "f"" oro has been more or less discus- '"SlS K' ISKl . J t there Is llttlo delay any more ;' !aL loft Washl. g to , on his trip iio o a 5 owing 08 '"J1?1. J J". lr , ", " ' ,0m ""vlco NVhonevor I fulled o pay. 0Il , NorUl IIB ,0 whu,or mMvUn Manner" rttCt-The" SS$ dlfflSS'S l 8West. This1" dispatch was nil passengers in n confused 1. S , lle'lohUoltnt'duWhSZ- mrry'&alZA to his r not L. J. Simpson has been nu-. I -.-.,-n --., , he nilttlinr In of t ho foundnUoiiB t Bt ouco bl,m" to IMeBldentMcLal with tho driver Btrugglng to hold his pany, $10,081.35. lattorneys. was to enter a ptea of lomatically retired as head of the ,.,.,. nv,rlo8B v,a sayvlllo). Me caissons t hat St "ink f ho Chamber o Commorco ml a sk- horses, nnd only tho presence of Of this amount all hut $10,000 BU,y f afternoon to the charge city. The discussion Includes the . ",' 'i.'.j' 2 AVcon lug to reliable u 7o bacS ock." SX "y rW" '".fear and I 'y " ordliianco. passed during ' Kntlon, fl o AuMla'S.n w- P saves nuc bv rhfel tholr ' ,cc,od to!"or.rOW,- i,i. timt l.l WJ' t,,ls J1'0, 8cnI nt 317' foU " top . will be taken care of by the pay- grounds carries a sentence of three A leave of absence was not granted "M l " " f""",", l L'dvover- S S oto? oiir own Hi S said I To nvo1'1 ,tho lMm,u, L nlo lJ ,"f ?n? .f U! !,nM?.n"or. w,, feolB 'c8 coming In ror .lredgo rills. t0 ,5 years. tho city's executive head, according Z0 i K Hood "and then w hat li tlio iwo ' rany huvo lh? "i1.010 . n, t0., t", 1 ,,?! ho '? ,,,,rky to ',0 n,,vo ,0 ,oU ' T,, '"' l f tlio money Tlio first charge levied against ,0 Cotmdl IIlullllorB. """ ''i"" '"", "Yn"M"l,e0 tharaiU nnvwnv if ti, 1 rhlies to ! Investigations is tho plan of. All tho men escnnrd, however, will, showed there has been expended on i HrewBter, who, his victim claimed, I ,.," u,,,""' ,i hv ' y """"'")rla"t- , tho rals nnjwaj; If tho urldMJS . Houston. This is prnc- only fow i,r80s. nnllf ..iin, ,i,n mtlr nroloct Jt',28.000. or J28.- mni, i.i .,..i n.nn throw hi.. I City Attorney Derbyshire says that n i ront v" i . . . - . . .i ..! mi . . .--.----, '.-. .- - ...rf ...,,. ,....,...-.. , , , ....... . . . kbh. . Lcros. thn I'mnnnn nt nnndsnort t,ca,1" l,ls flrsl J.'. , . i. iJ0"Cs ,,nv "K a bud hump on his 000 more than the bonds voted. ThO'i,, tho hay hack of the Marahflohl 'H "lougii inm ciuiso ex sis uu ro 1 1 M I II RI I I MM I'TMl Tl e To fa fbo oK to the ex',ed,t,0' !' ' ". lo0nrl 1 1'ea'l. l-olnp about the worst. (fact that dredging in ono Instance fro stntlan two weeks ago, was I Is another which declares the of Ico RU H U QM brldce ) , moBt iHfflpSlt 0011-' 8rM,IIS lu,,(ls ot ,th CSt,.i m r U holn lmPossho to et tho stage for the S. P. fill nt North Horn! nm- rohbory with a dangerous weapon, i ?f Mayor Is not vueant until It has IjULU SLL U V U 11 UU ictlon T la T h, !S thlsl'i'"! the timber nnd see to what ex-, r,Kllt g,,,0 Up nunn , (rlV0H r0. ountml to $i7,lll.32. It was this lt m,0 serious crlmo involving a Glared so by tho city rath- --- imow Mine will bo tho Inst poniiilotcd tont ,hoy nro "B utUUca n h , turned ror nnothor vohldo and tho nnd other amounts collected for fills sentence of ten years to u Jlto'eis. Ho says thnt no such action Satisfied Wl h p'ro'M-css. i with tho W1atorI,oW";,r..l,1,lin to of- lnonwM not doslrInK to trust n sec-' that brought iip the final total lornj. w8 taken by the Council und fur-, HOOSKYUII' TIILLS OF HIS CON it. llo' Id oxnreBsod li nisolt ns "Coos Huy has oer) ,thl g to of on,, ,r through tho rough nnd bro- Unglneor Chnrloson wns Instruct- A' II. IJrowstor, a brother of tho . . Was not even considered by XUCTIOX WITH PLATP H satisfied" "w trhe'Trogress J-r In thta -'..'t'd Ho ?' '1 ','"8. ,!oato .! Jo -raw up larw " Print 'n;n !J". ?-?? from Waah- ' ,l W,,H 110t mu" ,0,,H,"U,ta " ; CVIIW.IrQI, v v A , . l.UIll fB, U.V.1...B. '-. ... nillH. 1IIO Wlllll WDS 8WC0 Illlll! Illn lllllll Ul IIIU 1-JIV liuinil BUM "HIM mu IIIKIUll lO UU IllUnulll ill lliu IIUUIIIIK. I " . i. v ....., ... . . ....., -. - leon the North Hend hrldgo. This ruing tlio end i. together 'n for an lnsnection "ting to return again this after- ana tomorrow thov will nrob- leave on tho stand for ttuccno i then south to Sun Francisco. fact that stool will bo laid fh from Coos Hay was wolcomo F. It I11C.11IH thn ntmnlntr nf tho at least several months sooner might otherwise bo oxnectod. Icourse though, you understand," Fr. itooil, "that those plans wily tentative. Thoy may bo nrtli Tlnml lirlilirn This " "" ".,. ... "" .ihi ub huuiiiik lliu ntlro tarty of 'ens ,llllt,noro,8'u,llm!8 ,10.Oti,Xr 8aml ,n, ,mnk" ,lko ,,rlftB ow. with Mra Hwd woSt aB0- Th,B . 8 ff(, Z nr of Uwl n,ak,nB " l,noro8 f"- tl'o stage as tston the possibilities here, I , ., ...., S80S of our location. T ho Qn f'' ho Is trying to a .old tho ;s seems to mo to bo a avoir(lll)ol8 '., n hv lis. shou d pay n ,.LV'n,"',f018..B.IP',J dredging done each month, the am-'Uo leturned today on the Kldor. ount oxpendod und the vnrious ilnntliH mniln Mini thn fills. A CODV "- ., . o ...... .v,. u uu lui'i'ivu uiui uuiivi ,--...- --v.- -.--- . -: -- - West. Tho message ouuiiiuu rotary iiotisiou ino pooiu.....v- ...-, . Q tho ndantages of our location. Q .. ......-. ,.. , , nall. North Hend. fact that ho Is trying to . aiom u. ,.nob Jonog w(th g 3,7 0mU i largo cities seems o mo io uo a avoirdupois, stopped Into a quicksand ' FKl'IT (JHOWUHS MHUT s?.i? ,"rywould",, us vo' him h?h ? .?v.? '" n ." ttoti, i.w-. ..- i. !.- tn tuuii iumi iiiu wuy iio yuiiuii ior iioiii ... . bi....i. .... i. c..i. Iititii n isnge out ined to hec- . b . fo0, hli, of ",' or this map will bo ploced In tho UMULHPJU WILL IHfC U' '..8lb ' " hffi' "i Quick Sam! ! Chamber, of Commerce here and In ; OVER MANY VESSELS P'-tX rt,,rr -nether to ay ft yelled JJM..IP m h ; ,. , , ,, . make all the studios ho -J i,ko B boy's Christmas riuto. Two, u,iH Itlll-Il Secretary nous o.D.s .... - momlora of tho party hurried to his In, AMJKlll 0 the present I ost la B' N , J j assistance and Capt. "Hob" was javoJ ! " lecldpd tendency to sot ou ! nnu , ,.,I1(,,or ,, ,)0ttor fat 81'OKANE, 1M rnu to Coot Iir 'iIdim. (Ilj Ai'xlitJ I'rcu to Coo. llr T.mM.) LONDON, April iO. It Is prob ablo that it largo number ot Hrltlsh steamers In foreign ports will be tukeu over by thu Government owing to the scarcity ut suitable steamers Wash., April 29. In this country This gives the legal version ot a Theodore Hoosovolt told as a wit- rumored possibility ol unending I noss In the $ri),000 llhol suit trodblu to Improvement ordinances passed during the trip South or the city's executive. In Bpeaklng of this question to day, Mr. DerbyBhlro said further that nu outgoing Mayor would, un der tho charter, hold office anyway until his successor hud boon ap pointed nud hnd qualified ..w-...-- ---- - nnoallillltlos are u " nwJr "U iiuuur luio, ' , ...... -. - ..... ... . , 1 sea but at present this is what r V, T i Ji.nrtn ents Ho is par-1 tiio party ihon contlnuod strug- Crowers and shippers or niioui 13,-1 " i "" ui"y fe figuring on." " a, V,,tli gathering" of data, nnd, gllng on again . tho wind nnd rain 000 cars of fruit rrom Montana, Ida-' that Hrltlsh vessels are avoiding ,.ia8k.fl..rt,ganllnK an exton." whinnvor iiosslblo. does much ot It toward the beach whoro they nrrlveil , Oregon nnd Washington met hero tho United Kingdom owing to tho i 0t tile Wlllamnttn Vnntrt South WllOH00r 1'OSSiujo, iiuoo i,,,Br Without further mlnhnn. hiit. tlinr. ll,0. h" ... . . . ' ..r..i..,t,ill,v ..r ilmln l.nlm. tnbim nvur :urekn iim i,if ..!.. om. hltusolf thut he ma) uu n.u v.. ,, .,.. .,, , , ',,. ,, today to establish n grndo and pacKM"""'1 ' " ' . . ..i.v.n.i .... i.Vi.""i "...,.:.'' ...II f. finnlflpntlnn when oHtnb.,'r uoveniiiiuiii mri.oua wiKtf.ii in,i nn,i ci.ivri .nn ,i i ni.., ".in i' ...0,i i.. m, fnllI. ships will now bo comandeored whor- Wll I CELEBRATE I their journey toward '.Mnrshrleld .. n nnvi,i.n r iioo.i nitr.'ovor they may bo, as necessity POMIMR (IF ROAD w,1,oro they arrived nt last, a bedrag- 'u oharinnn and Clifford ' mt. Tho shipowners at preBont jsiinpsou is still Mayor COMINla Ul" rtUMU 0(, auartotto of rain Bonked M-,0 " woSStchoc T secretary. (rates can make nbout threo times Hend, thut all ordinance! .. . . . .., ...i...,,r. AirjinKhtK for lK . Il was a tr,1,y falofu' an exciting ' ' TynV, H-!;rt-- ,-y. nob IIVIU is i." NO IIODIKK I'OL'XD Capt. "nob" Jonos say when a , mont. boat rolls partly over It lutttrns but Kenuiliis of Hnudnlpli Ylctlnis .Vid The Hrltlsh Navy Is still actively there is no cotno uacK- to a stage Yet Washed An toro ' niicacoil nt (ilhrulter In stopping tho 1th Simpson, his office was taken over officially by Henry J. Kern, presi dent of thu Council, according to tho chnrter clause that so pro vides. The result is, nccordlng to tho City Attorney's version, thnt L. J, of North es passed in as much profit on tho opon market j ,B ubscucu nro legnl and thut there us through u lease to the Govern-1 will bo no chance for Improvements to he held up or disputed, brought against him by William HaruoH, that when governor of New York and President of tho United States, ho conferred with former senator Piatt, who wns tho "Hoss" while he wua governor. Tho Colonel declared ho had discussed things with Plutt hecausu he found out the legislature obeyed Plutt's orders. During thu absence ot Mayor Tho wltuesti thought It best, when tnero wuh any iiKoiuiood of a logis- !calj- denied that anything of (informed un IS emit em nlnt ml nt iirnKnllt. fcaye heard nothing of such a . ho sild. "It's news to mo." tiriuiU Pass Line. so the proposed line from Grants i to Cres-ent City ho declared e a project of which ho knows ' '"tie "Not other than what "e reaa in the papers," ho said. fcnled h-vlng knowledgo of tho ' over thla line. or two wck or more Chlof En- r Jtooa has been absont trom wn Francisco oHice, making an ctlon of tho lines In Oregon. "e Is r llttlo liiiilillntr any. re else than on the Wlllamotto T" at trla tlmo." ho Btated. n ...... .. ". " .. - l;,. ,cq. lI5e question as to uio Excursion irwiiiB "-"; ritv and IT T Z ,.,. Bl UI.Rin.lOD nn n.l. STm Ilnnr .. n o 11 li .1.1. I.U11U u. .. v .--.. .1. . .11UII1LU11. II n.IllL.I -.,.vo U.IUUUIV .HI. .uu.. Buu "" -.. .,.. I.Ofin fin- I ...-.. '..".. '..... l,.'..-M.....LA. i'. , "0 was being asked to tell an orchostra us won, - nun empioyo, susiaiueu a j?TTVTTTTTTTTT0a Btoamor which iiuu ueeu uu Bng enMrelv nut nf hia lino, mrmi to furnish music. l broken log In nu accident at ! r- i.i (.t nti.rniii.r tor. dav bofort the mill the other day. Tho rracturo Is a bad ono and will ( ronnlrn .in nnpr.itlon. Ho Is ! ...:...i.. nm trnm Euceni) over, . ,... , i,, ,,i,,... r Hood, together with his wife, th0 railroad to Maploton and ail ino f,Vo yearfl oJ(, aI1(J rMl(log ,n 4 4 -- company engineers nt tno boats on tno nvei .. i- --- a uoaraing iioueo on aeconu '"w last evening and talked 'to service to carry the Pa8Snf"! nar Commercial. He is at . them for nearly an hour. from Mapleton to Florence, one or 4 Mmy l08pHa, an(l maiea 4 a. . -t nr uiiihi laiuiiiviiL . u 1. .. n(tn.i. ..nimnt wnrwt nttw m mm l'y Dance. Kagles Hall. Fri- a naval battle which will B0 'Jf fering from broken limbs. at Santa Maria Leuc May Day Dance, Logics Hall, Fri- wing. Tickets 81.00. Hene-0n the bay. ineru wiii - ' uaj, aiiu .. l1"'lic l.ibi-ar,-, jje!,t of intiflo I forms of enteriainmem. Cinnlnl tn Tho Tlmos.) pi.nuENCi:. Ore.. April 29. The rol. Ho a so .says If ho goteto .sea (Special to Tho Tlmos.) 8tllamei8 hound for ports in ,. i .mini Dhododenurou ' saiuiy no snuurs nu m uuvur jour- HA.NDU.N. Dro., Apr 1 zv- .son ,. . . . .. E,f Uh nrlncl is to be mode a big ney by land again, never. of "ho bodies of tho three victims of Mediterranean and vessels moot w Vainas Uwill be a tornml opening' the Handolph wreck have yet been , considerable l ei. , Willamette Pacific ral'road, In'. washed cshoro. It Is hollovod that Special attention Is being paid of tly niamuiiu 1 Tho ol-,. ,.,... IV ..,....,,. when thov nro found It will bo along steamers having their cargoes t ,0.bl1 , ,.i,oi.i vnvl. 22. and 23. II ',,.,,,. ,,', ,.',,'v r.i.v:e I the Curry County coast or at somo. portions of tholr cargoes ass I1VU V I U ',V,M ""' i T!.. ' "Mil !. 1 . ' . - ..... . i.. iviii ltn run iruiii iu . tioinr koiuii nr imuuuii. ,. cuiiynrhm nm. t-nun imsTeii ., 4- ....--.., - ,lUfc3lfLUaiHIl H j - . -WW- . . to or Igtted re cently on t!)o Ilultlr Kxchungo was i o said "you are getting ,D Committees from Florence mei "t of my department. I assure ! EuRene to confer with con imltttes 01 I know vtrvimi,. .. n,n ai.i.. !.;.. i,.. mffardnc tho arrangements. . 1, - ''; lfc. IO Ull V.V " tfil.wi.l fit rtllirnllilr 1 0.1 (I.1VH liefoTO Si'S'Llffi, :-. a"owed to proceed HOME April 89. Tho ho- Shipowners are not taking tho dies ot CO mon who lost their I precaution to stipulate thut U any lives when the French crulsor cargo is dostlnod to Switzerland it Loon Gambetta was torpedo- j mU8t bo consigned to tho Swiss ed by the Austrian submarine , f,nVcrnmoIlt In Otranto strait, were burled Clotcrnment. todav wtlh full naval honors Arrived Surely. Word has boon received hero that tlio Speedwell arrived safely ut Haudou with thu dredge, pontoons nud equipment. NOTICIJ IIIiIh will bo received for the slushing and clearing of Htroets of TowtiBlto of Port llarnum. For Bpcclflcutlons and further par ticulars Inquire of J. ALHE11T MATSON. U yi lull Mllllcom. IcuvU fftitO net Humbly nioriilug for Allegany, returning Kuiulay ecnlng. latino disagreement with him, to tlrut go to headquarters und tulk tho thing over. Fttrthor, us govor n or, tho Colouod Bald, ho did not want to run any chances of dis rupting the republican party. Aa President, the Colonel readily admit ted that he conferred constantly with Piatt and said ho allied tho Sou ntur'H ndvlco and wanted to tuko udvnntago of his wldo oxperleuco. Attorney Ivlus, counsel for Humes road a spoei h delivered by Hooso volt at -Mnlon, N. Y, lit which the Colonel charged thut Humes nud Murphy woro In collusion In regard to elections. Objection to tho ques tion of this passage wns sustained. Ivlus urguod In vain to ho al lowed to rend speeuhos to show thut Hoosovolt repented his accusations against Humes many times. Attor reading u muKazluo urtlclo iu which the Colonel doplored personal at tacks on mon hi public lire rrom tho stump. Ivlus announced ho was through with tho witness. Uowors, counsel lor Hoosovolt, then hognn the redirect examination. May Day Dunce, KuglcH Hall, Fri day, April iltl. May Day Dance, Eagles Hall, Fri day, Vpril iltl, 11 m im