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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1915)
fls323E&3 hvJ. jK3 ADy!CLW!L!OFp RFLIEVE THE GIVER MORE THAN IT HELPS THE RECIPIENT Coos Bay Times Your Paner I Zr m - -' Coos Bay Times Your Paper Tlio Coos Hoy Times is proud of Its tltlo "The 1'coplo'fl Paper," mid It strives nt nil times to Uro P to Its namo by do voting Its energies to promoting tlio pcoplo's Interests. CIoiib !mj VOL. NO. XXXVIII. Kstnbllshcd 1878 An Tlio Const Mull. MKMUKUS OP TUB ASSOCIATED TAtKSS A Southwest Oregon Paper That's wlint tlio Coos liny Times In. A South west Oregon pnper for Southwest Oregon peoplo mill devoted to tlio best Interests of this great section . Tlio Times always boosts nud novor knocks. li HALL IS MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDMESDAY, APRIL 28, 1915 EVENING EDITION FATALLY Si I 'Bullet Enters His Throat Shattering Face Lived Two Hours at Hospital ' ID CLEANED GUN L. J. SIMPSON HERE FRENGH CRUISER GERMAN FLEET IS DESTROYED IN NORTH SEA A Consolidation of Times, Const .Mull nnil Coos Itnv Advertiser. No. 238 WILL SAY NOTHING DKFIXITK OX MILL OPKXIXG THREE BATTLES flBBI REPULSEDiTURKS DEFEAT Tragedy Occurs on Back Porch Commercial Street Home Last Evening at Sundown READY FOR FISHING TRIP Was Xatlvo of Oregon and Spent Practically Whelp Life In Coos County Studied Ijiw When In Customs Office XO IXQUKST Coroner Fred Wilson Btut- cil toilny tlint ho would not hold an Imiucst as tliero was no evidence to present. Tliero were no eyo witnesses nud tlio Coroner will mako a rc- port Hint Mr. Hull eiuno to tils death by a gun-shot wound Inflicted by himself accidentally. J. Tom Hall Hied at tho Mercy hospital nt nlno o'clock last night as tho result of n bullet wound re ceived two hours earlier on tho back porch of Ills rcsldenco, West Com mercial street. Mcmburs of his family state they do not know whothcr the shot was accidental or was done- on purpose. Tho bullet entered tho neck In front nnd, trav eling upwnrd, Bovored tho tonguo nnd shattered tho Jaw. Always used to hnndllug firearms ilnco tlio tlmo ho wns n small boy1 on his fathor's fur in on Camas -- ATTOH.VHY J. T. HALL ' Prairie, J." Tom Hull wns used to "king his rlflo nnd stepping to tho tack porch of his rosldonco whoro ho would orton flro nt objects In Buckingham's pond on tho north arm of tho Mill slough. Ho had planned on n two days' "suing in,, up tho Coos Illvor to day, neir tho hntchory. and It Is Presumed ho oxpected to tnko his Bin with him. About sovon o'clock tho members of tho family say that he took tho gun out onto tho porch ar"l fired onco across tho pond. He then enmo back Into tho houso and ent upstairs. Hnlf-an-hour later 5Ir. Hall camo down and went to tho rear of tho house. A moment ,ar tho fatal shot was fired. Immediately Dr. Mlngus rospond f(l and tlio wounded man was taken to the Mercy hospital. Ho failed to regain consciousness. Shot Gnu lli'foro. CaPt. Alex Hall, of tho forry Transit a brother nf Tnm llnll lna "enlng was Just going homo, to sup- Pcri when, as ho was passing tho roi Hall home, ho heard a rlflo hot. Ho siw Tom around the fiouso am, ,l0 agked h(m ,f ,10 hnd hlt me mark. Tho latter laughingly retorted that ho had missed. Tom "al lmd llOOIl nnilonn.n.1 lnlu fils rifle out occasionally and fire ne shot and then clean It up. He Particular about keeping his 'calibre gun In good shape. This a about an hour before tho fatal !ftot was fired. Xutlvo of Oregon James Thomas Hall was born. In J bounty. Oregon, January 2. J5', aud moved with his parents Yaqulna Bay in 1SC2, returned "n them In xSGl, mdved to Doug- VOUntv In "lCfiB .....I in ("Vina North llcml Mayor Willi Capt,,!,, "gar Simpson Arrlio Home tome to Look (her Situation Mayor L. .!. Simpson of North Ilcnd nnd Cniitnln Edgar Simpson re turned last night ovcrlnnd from San . i-runclaco where tbey wero called (soveral weeks ago on tho death of , tholrTnthcr, Captain Simpson. They wero accomiianled by L. G. Shepherd, director of tlio Simpson Lumber Co. and manager of tho Sacramento end of the business, nnd Stanley Ilcddnr, rtccountnnt of the company. Mrs, L .T. Simpson will not return until tho next arrival of tlio Nairn Smith. I Tho party went to Shore Aere Inst ' night. When nsked today what tho Simp son Lumber company expects to do Mr. Simpson stated that ho hnd noth ing deflnlto to say, nnd will not nnvo for three or four days. Ho could not stnto that thoro Is any chanco now for the Porter Mill to open up. There nro soveral hundred thous and feet of whlto cedar logs In tho booms nt Old Town. It hns been expected that theso wero brought there, most of them from tho Tar! Heel camp which is now closed,' with the idea of starting up tho Por-I tor Mill. .Mayor Simpson would imiKe no statement to this effect, ' nor would ho mention anything re-' gardlng Mr. Arkley, who cnm0 hero ' ja few days ngo nnd who Is said to, bo tho now manager of tho Simpson j Lumber company on Coos liny. "Wo aro here to look over tho ' situation. I havo nothing to sayj now about starting tho mill," ho I said. "Wo want to wait for n fow dnys yet nnd look around." Ho wns asked If tliero is nny thlng to tho rumor Hint tho lum ber company Is to bo sold. Mr. Simpson nskci to bo excused from answering tho question, snylng tlint his statement will bo mado later. "Tho lumber market." ho snvs. "has Improved very Httlo over Its condition six months ngo and at tho prosent tlmo tho futuro outlook !s not nn optimistic ono. However, tho Swnyno and Hoyt company doclaros thnt thoro Is an opening In tho mar kot nnd It Is said thnt tltoy nro now refusing many orders for tho reason they expect n big Incrcaso in tho mnrkct uiul hotter prices to prevail. Courtney Mill ( Open It is known that now belting nnd stnnll bits of mnchlnory hnvo boon received iatoly for tho old Court ney mill on Isthmus Inlet nnd tho word hero is that th(, mill is to resuiuo operations within thirty days. It has a dally capacity of about 70. 000 feet. Tho mill Is now owned principally by !;. o. Samuels aud Oeorgo K. Ilnurk, both of Portland, nnd Is known ns tho Coos liny Lum ber nnd Milling compnny. Until men nro now on tho Hay nnd hnvo been for several days. IMillill U (,'ood Tho Coos nud Curry Counties ex hibit nt tho Imposition is tho best In the Oregon building said L. J. Simpson this morning. While In Sau Francisco ho mudo soveral trips to the building nnd later re commendations to tho Chambor of Conimerco hero and In North Uond. Austrian Submarine Sends the Lear Gambetta to the Bottom With Loss of Life SA1 E PART OP CREW! IN PROGRESS Kaisers Vessels are Out of Dfferent Operations Under Hiding and May be Prepar Way at Seat of War: Arc All mg for Action of Critical Importance REPORT IN L0ND0N1TRING DECISIVE Sl'CII IS CLAIM MAIM: IX OKU. MAX OFFICIAL STATIJ.MKXT Hiillst, Ka ( Kocovoi lit Flanders and Los! Oi'otiud Itiissitjns Was Built Twelve Years Ago at a Cost of Over Five ' Million Dollars ABOUT 800 MEN ON BOARD Vessel Was KiilpKd With Many (inns of Different nnd Tor- pedo Tubes Crew XimiU.-r- cd TOO or ()() Men l)j AuocUteJ rtnt to Cooa Btr TlmM.J IIKHLIN , (Wireless Snyvlllo) April 28. Tho French armored cruiser Leon (Inmbetta hns been tor pedoed by nn Austrian submarine, according to tho now8 received by tho Overseas Nows Agency. Pnrt of tho crew of the French war ship wero Baved. Tho Leon Gambettn was equipped with four 7.C inch guns, sixteen fl.-l Captain of Norwegian Relief Ship Held Up by Battleships But Allowed to Proceed Struggle Continues in Flanders and Russians Trying to Force way i nrougn Carpathians SAW 68 VESSELS IN FLEET (FORCES INVADING TURKEY Comprise A'Jl Kinds of Fighting Hunts Krom llattlcsblps (o Small Torpedo Itoat.s in; Aiioclitod rrraa to Cooa Xtj Tlmra. LONDON, April ' 28. Captain Scott, comiunndlng n Norwegian steamer chartered by tho llolglnn rollef commission, reports the pres ence In tho North SOU of n (Inrmmi fleet numbering no less than CS vessels nil told. Scott, whoso ves sel hns Just como Jnto port, reports that while crossing tho North sea ho wns held up by ono of theso German war ships. After cxamliin- Constandnoplo Heporl.s Hepiilslng Allies Lund Forces, Hut Dora Xol Claim Ktiilro Success lllr Amoi Uinl Vnn I. Coo IIaj Tlmw.J LONDON. April 28. Military op erntlons of critical Importunco nro now under way simultaneously In three dlBtlnct fields of nctlon. In Flnnders the Gerninns onco moro nro engaged with tho llrltlsli Dolglnns and French in n struggle for mns tery of tho territory near tho Yser cnunl. In tho CnrnntlilnuR thn RiibbImhb Aro Defeated tllr AatmUlM Prcus to Coor tf Tlmo DKIILLV, April 28. (Wireless . Snyvlllo.) Tho offlclnl report todu snys: "Tho Hrltlsh nttempts to recon quest lost ground In Flnnders all hnvo fulled, in Clinmpngne, north of La MesnII, tlio Gerninns stormed tho extended French entrenchments. French nttucks In Lo Pretro wore repulsed. .Against Hurl maniis-Well-erkopf, which tho (Ioniums hold, thoro hnvo been no now French nt tncks. Northeast nnd east of Su walkl, in HiiBsinn Polniid, tho Ger ninns conquered tho Uusslan posi tions iilong u front of 12 miles." ALLIES TAKE GUNS MI'CII WAlt MATKKIAh IS SKI.KD KHOM OKHMAXS inch guns. wrr.rVrind.t-n of his paper, ho wns permuted I Br 1 Z g'offSeT and flvo 18 Inch torpedo tubes. Tho! Proccoil. Tho Gern.nn fleet Is ...".V,?" " , ?T 1. .'?. """-" n , and flvo 18 Inch torpedo tubes. Tho 1 crow numbered 700 or S00. She was built In 1003, costing ?r,SS0,000 nnd wns -HS feet long, 70 1-1 feet bonm 1 with a 20 1-2 menu drnft. Her speed was twenty-threo knots. Sho was a slstershlp of tho "Victor Hugo" nnd tho "Jules Ferry." ALL OKFICKHS PKHISIf PAHIS, April 28... A ministry of mnrlno communication says "Ar mored cruiser Leon Gambetta, cruis ing nt tho entrnnco of tho Otrnnto cnnal, wns torpedoed Mondny night nnd went to the bottom In ten min utes. All tho officers on board per ished nt their ports. Ono hundred and thirty-six mombors of tho crew dobsu3 nn jo sdis jo pnaodiuon from bnttleships to torpedo bouts. TO STUDY FORESTS SKCUKTAUV MAKK Tllll' IIOl'STOX TIIHOUOII WKST tUr AaiorlttM rrrit lo Co-vi nT TlmM. WASHINGTON, 1). O., ApHI 28 Secretary Houston started Wost to- dllV in Vlulf Mflllrttlnl fnrnalu n,n, Including eleven officers woro res-1 to observo to what extent tholr tlm cuod by vessels sent out nromntlv I bor. fornuo. urnzlmr ;in.l wninr now. Avoid Visit Imrge Cities I 'luces Off Ileuteii Truck mid Iho Will ! to help by tho Italian authorities." AXOTHKK UKI'OHT I1RINDISI, ltnly, April 28. Tho French cruiser Leon Gambettn was torpedoed by the Austrian submarine j u-C in tho strnlt of Otrnnto, n wnt- orway leading to tho Adriatic. cording to ono report sho was or resources nro being duvoloped for thu public under tho present methods and to muko it study or tho ndmlnistrutlvo problems of tho for- another of their repeated efforts to push over tho mountain bnrrlor nnd Into Huiignry. Tlio situation In the 1 Durdniiolles romnlns obscure, al- though It Is nppnrent tho French j nnd llrltlsli hnvo mndo somo licail Jwny with tho landing operations. Paris claims tho capturo of Klin WILLI Kuloh on tho ABlntlc side. Constantinople, although report ing n repulso of tho Inndlng forces in somo cases, does not cliilm suc cess in evory Intunco. DIFFKHKXT STOHIKS There In ngaln a shurp disparity between Gorman nud French uc counts of whnt happened In Flnn ders. ltorliu says tho llrltlsli ef forts to recover lost ground hnvo failed. Purls nssorts Hint further progress wns mnilo In tho Ypres dis trict. The French unnouncoinoiit of yesterday that Iliirtmuns Wellerkopr wns recaptured by tho French Is do med In llerlln. A now Corimin nt- Ac-,of travel, ho will for the most port run avoid stops nt tho Importnut cities. nshoro but It wns fenred sho would J . nont away on tho next tldo. Tho siibtnnrlno camo from Cnttnro, nbout est service In order to hnvn tlmn to reach places off tho beaten tracks tacit on u largo scale wns Innugiira leu in uiiBsian Poland, marking tho resumption of hostilities nfter a long Several Hundred Prisoners Caplureil According to (he P'leiuli Official Slateuicut .Made 'I'oday. lUf AMoclttfi! TrfM to Coog rU Time.) PAHIS, April 28. Tho offlclnl statement this nfternoon says: "North of Ypres wo contlnuod to mako progress. This wns particular, ly so on our left, where wo took six machine guns, two bomb throw ers nnd much wnr material nnd nt tho snnio tlmo making sovornl hun dred prlsonors. At u single point on tho front not far from thu cnunl wo counted over 000 bodies of Ger- mnn soldiers. On tho Muubo lleluhtH nlong tho front of Los Kparges nud Snlnt Homy wo ndvnuced about two thirds of n m'llo, Inflicting heavy losses on tho onoiny nud destroying tho Gorman buttery." Attempt to Land Troops to At tack the Dardanelles Result in Crushing Repulse REPORT Jl BERLIN It is Stated Eight Thousand Driven Back to Sea Off Turkish Soil PRISONERS JMBER 16,000 Few Particulars Olven hut Indica tions nil) Attempt of llrlllsli ami French Forres Was Falluro lllj AiiocUUd rrrii lo Coot nr Tlmti.) HIHILIN, April 28. Until Hoy, former president of tho Turkish par liament, who Is now In Horlln, ro celved a telegram from Constnntl. noplo stating Hint eight thousnnd French uiul llrltlsli soldiers havo been driven to sea nnd twelvo thous and hnvo been captured by tho Turks us tho result of tho nttempt of tho allies to hind forces to nt tnck tho Dardanelles fortifications. DKSTHOY HAILWAV BATTLE UNDECIDED HI'SSIAX I'OHCKS AXI) Al'STHO-OKHMAX IX DKATII STIUTOOLK Have Keen I'lulillug for Flvo Days and Xo Signs Xow of Stopping tho Itnttlo lllr Aoi 'r) to Cikw llajr Tlmra, PKTItOGUAD, April 28.--A bnt tlu butweun tho KiishIiiu and tho Aiistrn-durimui armies In tho vicinity of Htry, In tho Carpathians, has on tercd tho fifth day with no signs of llmtnlshlng nnd tho outcomo Is still lllldoclileil. Tim riirlitlnp- lu -. , inr Atoittn I'rr.i to (Voa IUi Tlmra.l lr,,, i ,i, ....'. ..... ... WASHINGTON. I). (V. apII 7 . "" "" ."'" ' "". "7. """""" "T , ' ,, "J..", "I,,M "," ,llLro IM m,l opportun ty . apntii forces operating bofilm (ien-1 .. ,.i ' . . .: . i m ..... . . , . I"" ""' "ill llllilllMinjiB, All OX- rorcu Is dully ' iccolvlng reinforce- ' mollis. " 1100 miles nwny. 0 PIONEER miict Diiv mm Ifl LI 0 1 UU I LnllUi H! M ll-UI,.,,,.,,, ,,. lull. llerlln snvs tho Germnim run tured tho UusHlau positions lii'tho vl c'nlty of Sulwnlkl over n front of 12 miles. his rail and wire commtiiilcntlous nnd destroyed part of tho nillwuy between tho capital iiml Voru Cruz. Duvul West, President Wilson's per sonal ropresentntlvo was held up on tho train nnd delayed by a break. MHS. JAMirS CATCHING PASSKS AWAY AT II Kit IIOMK I SCHOOL .OSKS SPIT DISTHK .FLOODS SERIOUS '.MI'CII PHOPKHTY Itiii-riiw uiul Strang Secure Jury Vor- IIIIKX DOXK Husband Was One of the KullcM Seltleil In Tills County nud Itotli Widely Know u .Mrs. Pattsy Catcjilng, a pioneer of Coos County, died last evening at her homo near Sumner. Old ago and a general breaking down In health wns tho causo. Mrs diet for l,nno In Caso That lla Disrupted city .(Spnclnl to Tho Tim oh.) COqiMLI.K, April 28.Tho entlro town Is much wrought up today ov- DAMAOK HAS IX TKXAS WILL URGE WATER P0WERBILL AGAIN (III Auorltt.4 I'm. lo Coo. lnjf TlmiM.) WASHINGTON, 1). C April 28 Liirelary or Iho Interior Ltiuo an nounced today that tho water power leasing bill which failed In tho Inst a party lube) except'for ropresonta HeM.its Today ludlnito Wort Is Omr llul .Many St reams Are SHU Out of Iho llaiiki (II; Awiatw! emi lb ui ni TIrim.I or a verdict returned by tho grand IIOIJ.S'ION. Tux.. Anril '. (!nn- .. ......... . -....--,. ,,rf .... ,-,.,..., . ..-.., .-...., tl Mll VJJ- jury last night deciding the llnrrotvi trnl i.mi hiiiiIIi flood conditions nro Illltl Strnttir .nuri iilfnlnul Ihi tt In llll lirfi Vflfl tnilliv ut r.iiu.t li....l.i.. ,1... ' r " " " " ,,v ."...inniwiiiiih " Catch-, favor of tlio former, awarding thorn bolluf that tho worst Is ovor, (ougress, would bo reintroduced mid pusseii us mi administration mens uiu In thu coming Congriws. The hill Ik or tremendous IntoioHt to lli'i West. In nn aiiuoiincemout, Hocrutnry Liiiiii pointed to reports of consoli dations or power companion In Col orado, Ptah, Idaho, Montana and Washington which would pliico f0 tout or tho duvoloped wntur i:iii:(rri()N.s .XOX-PAHTISAX - Governor o'r. California Signs Hills Providing Xew Plan lllr AmhhUIM I'rnm to ('cm ll.jr Tlmra,) HACKAMKNTO, Cal., April 28. Four bills establishing non-purtlmm state oloctlons In Cnllfornla woro signed today by Govornor Johnson. Under them no candldato for poli tical orriro In Ciillfid'iilu' will carry tlvo In Congress nud Senator. EG m HOUD ni- nig was ino widow or .lauies uaicjiini; , not only mo originn ur co voted ror "kii u iriiiis-siuio streams nro pr wiio died ton years ago. She lg sur- tho land but Interest nnd nosU, ""'i or uinir iianits ut many points power or western stiito under single jvlved by n son, J. W. Catching, who ' amounting in all to about JO, 000. n,"l tlio dumngo Is continuing. At 'ontrol, as uu added roason why tho lives near Sumner, und two diiugh-1 This concliidos tho enso that for l''ori Worth (hero wus u new rlso In , mliiiltilHtrutlon bill should bo quick- tors, Mrs. Geo. Norrls, of Falrvlow two years has split tho town wldo'tho west fork and big gnngs of inon ly passed lo saroguard public Intor jnnd another In Arizona, j open and Into two ructions. Jur(' "t work strongthuuliig tho lev-j est or tho present and futurv. i Mrs f'ntrlllllli'a nuililnn nninn inn . : .. . I'attHV 1'.- KiiKHnll. Sin wno luirn United States KIPSLAW I'lMMT (JAXXKHY FLOHKNCK, Or., April 28. -(Hon-nda rosldoulH hnvo siiburrlbod 1:1006 Ht'iPlc towurds eroding a fruit can miry tliero to servo tho lower HluslnM fruit growers. .1. O. Holt, of thn Fuguuii cannery, Is assisting them organize, IS HEBE TODAY In March In 1013 tho school dls trlct voti'l on four trnila nf liunl thn May 20, 1840, 111 Lincoln County, i majority favoring tho Ilarrow-Strang iu. nor iihu iiuHouiiu was ono or unci uiu me couirnct was not cioscu tho .Marplo party that camo to Coos boforo tho election of two new dl- , County n 1857 but ho did not tle- rectors in Juno, 191.1. An Injunc- Icido to locate her permanently until Hon was gotten out to enjoin tho 1871. school bonds from nntorlne Into n Tlio tlmo of tho funeral has not contract. The claim was made that ....... i ... OI'PICKH HOXOKKD yet been decided upon. iDKPAHTMKXT IIIMI) OF SOUTH. i KHX PACIFIC IX THK CITY Says Ho is Only On An Ordinary llusiiiess Trip Willi Xo Par ticular Significance Chler Engineer Hood or tho South- ,orn Pnciric arrived In the city about j 4 o'clock this afternoon and Is a ' guest nt tho Chandler hotel." Mr. Hood said that he was here on an I ordinary business trip and that there was nothing very special he could say about his trip at this time. Mr. Hood came In overland on the route of the new railroad. LKAVK FPU HAWAII C. A. Smith and Family Making Tilp lo Honolulu C. A. Smith, accompanied by Mrs. Smith, and two daughters, Misses Adeline and Myrtle Smith sailed last week for Honolulu. They will probably bo away about six weeks during which time they will visit Continued op pageTFiyo" Itunifli Milllcoui.-if leuvMi 5:. 10 next Sunday morning- for Allegany, reluming Sunday evening. the points of interest in Hawaii, SKXT OCT OK TOWX (Special to Tho Times.) COQUILLK, Ore., April 28. A man named Splker was driven out or town last night at the point or a gun by Glen Shores. It is said that Sho- res declared Splker had oHer- ed an Insult to his wife and he mndo tho man leavo. t ono or tho board was illegally elect cd. Tho court dismissed tho Injunc tion. A move wag mado to oust Di rector Skoels and ho was put out or orrico. Tho mnu elected In his place wus ugainst the trnot. It was claimed and tho board turned down tho con tract. C. P. Harrow and '.. C. Strang then claimed tho old board had en tered Into the contract and sued for the purchnho price, $0,000, and Peck and Peck were retained as counsel. Kvldenco of a bitter naturo was j brought out, alleging "shadowy pol itical moves aud neighborhood Jeal ousies." . ml. . .... . t . .. i no maim .jury tonaj- is sun in-, ve8tlgatlng the Hussell caso, Kvery , scrap of evldonce obtainable Is bo- j Ing gone over by the Jurymen behind 'closed doors. ' (11 AuwIiim rirai to Cooa P7 TlmM.! LONDON. April 28. Tlio King has granted tho Victoria Cross to Commander Henry Pool Itltcblo, of tho Koynl Navy, 'for tho following "conspicuous act of bravory." "On November 28, when In com mand of tho seurchlng and doinol H'on operations at Dar-os-Snlnum, Kast Afrlcu, though severely wound o.l soveral times, his fortitude und resolution enabled him to (ontluue to do his duty, Inspiring all by his example, until ut Ills eighth wound he became unconscious. Tho Inter val hutwcfn his first aud Inst bovero wound wus tweuty-flvo minutes." GET CHINESE GOODS: V, S. CHI'ISKH DK.MANDS CAH HANA HKTCHX GOODS .1I,V.MI;. U.lKMIir OCAHANTIXK Dl'TV - - Ur AmoiIiI I rM to Cooa !!? Tlmra. WASHINGTON, Apr. 28. Tho gunbout Concord, ono of the Manila buttle fleet, has been turiiod over to tho 4 Treasury Department for quarantine ship In Puget Sound. Allege That Mexican (Ifflrliils nt Maiiauillo Are Guilty of I'ulaufiil Confiscation (lljr AuoiUlol 1'ran to Cooa liar TIwm I ON IIOAIID V. H. S. COLOKAIIO. Off Mulego, Lower California, April 28. ( Wireless.) Tho United States cruiser Ilululgh has domaiidod the return of murohnndlse alleged to havo been unlawfully confiscated 440t worm kxd wah (11 AwwIUM I'rwu lo Coua nj Tlmra.) SAN FUANCISCO, April 28. Appeals lor ending thu Kiiropeiui war woro voiced today nt a meeting or womou at the Pnumna-Paciric Impo sition, held to mark tho us Miinbllng or dulegntcs at tho women's peuco congress at The llngiio. IS PAHOLKI) Is Olio or Men In Ihiiuuiltu Case (iheii llb Heleaso II; AuoclMk) Pru lo Coo Ut Tlmo. LKAVKNWOItTH, Kas April 28. -Henry W- Legleltiior of Pittsburgh serving threu years lor complicity In the dynamite conspiracy casoit froiii the Chinese by Ciirrmira an-, wa ,.,,, from tho fu,lornl r80U thoritlos ut Manzanlllo, Mexico. (0(,1(y U(! , tubenulosU. I HOXOH JACKSON ttftttttttt Times want "ads bring results, 'tfttfttfttttfUtftttttttttttttl Times ads brlns resulta Ur AMOclttnl ITn to Cooa l)r Time 1 WKSTON, W. Vn., April l 28. -Tho rami near bore on which Gonoral "Stonowall" Jackson whs reured is to bo transferred Into a public park It was uniiouncud to- day. It bus been named .Sionewall .Im-ksou Park " ELKS NOTICE The Elks will give their reg ular monthlv dnnce WerJnns- , clay evening in the Masonic Hall. All regular and visiting .members are cordially invited to attend. By order of the Committee til ti -aii J Vm i S 1 8 1 l ''11 If m