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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1915)
THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. WEDMESDAY, APRIL 20, 1915-EVEHING EDITION SIX pH'i'l'T'" it" tt f LET PJiVIMG- "BID MAS. I. M.'HOSE DIES BIG DEMAND FOH BASEBALL SCORES Sloan iiahi hchkack ox siu:i. . MAX AVKNTK, XOKTIf 1JKXI) PASSIM A WAV AT IIKH HOME IX MYltTLK POIXT Puiicinl Held .Sunday From Pretlicin Church largely Attended Ily Friends (Special to Tho Times.) MYltTLlC POINT, Ore., April 28. Mrs. I. N. Hobo died at licr mnn nvenuo. Thcro was only ono home licro cany aauiruay morning, other bid received by the city fath- Tlio funeral va8 hold Sunday after- orB. Tho material used will bo grav- "n Tom tho Hrethorn church. Tho i Minilihln nml the nrlco Is S2.0f. a KlBln chapter No. 24 O. E. S. had yard, or thrco cents lower than tho charge of tho Bcrvlces nt tho grave Pciitinticnt Sen pi' foi' Union nnd Me- Ph.TMin Street Cora Hoger I AwkB $1,000 Damages Tho Warren Construction Com pany laBt night was granted the con tract for North Ilend paving on Shor- OD ER E POHTLAND TKItDAV LOSKS flAMK VKS TO LOS ANdKLKS TWO CAK LOADS OP POPULAH MACHINES DKLIVKHKD IX COOS COUNTY ALHF.ADY THIS SKASOX DlfJ DEMAND ALL ovku copxritv exceeds ca- PACITY OK FACTOHY IIUYEH8 HAVE TO PUT OHDEH8 IX FA 1 1 IX ADVANCE. It seems almost Incomprehensible), said Isanc II. Tower this morning, that a factory tho size of tho Ford t,Hen hi hv tho company for their M. Hoso was born In Denton Conn- fnctory, turning out bettor than 300,- work on North Shorman avonuo. Tho v. Missouri, December 15, 19r2.j000 ci,, this season Is unablo to project will bo completed this sum- About forty years ago they camo to I tnko carG of tho increasing domand mcr Coos County. She was tho mother for Fori car8. Thoro arc agents In Flvo soparato bids wcro placed by of eight children, fivo boy8 nnd thrco I tho Nortiiwcst over GO cars behind tho construction company. Itock Krl8- Two uo' nn(1 ono Krl ar0 i In their orders for cars nlrcndy sold, asphalt was quoted at $2.10 a yard; 1"J- 0n s0- (,"'' wna ,lllcu" ' I Doing ablo to make deliveries is asphnltlc concrcto, $2.28; bttulalhlc, " Secly-Antlorson wreck near Dan-, tho hardest problem In handling 12.38; and sheet asphalt nt $2,215. 1" fw 'enrs nS- LowIb- IntBJFord cars at tho present time. W. J Longston of Conulllc, sub- nn(I ,vnn 1,Vo I,oro' Ono 'ughtcr Already this season Mr. Tower mlttcd a bid of 93 cents a foot for ' llvlllK nt Klamath and tho other, , disposed of two carloads of tho curbing and gutters. Ho was Mrs- Sftrah Murry como from Cnl- for(i crs, only ono moro of tho big under bid eight cents a foot by tho "rnlo recently with hor mother to 'shipment remaining to bo delivered. Wnrrcn Construction company. cnro for ,1C ,Ic'r lusband nnd sov-J These cars have been turned over Hpqolutloiiu woro ndontcd bv tho crnI Rrandchlldron also survive her. to early season buyors and do not North Dend Council and thcro Is al- A lnr "mcr fr' n" vor thls lowed now 20 day8 for tho property l'nrt of tl10 c0,l,lt' ntlondcd tho fu owncrs to file remonstrances. Un- 1Hirnl Sunday. dor tho old provisions of tho char ter, boforo tho election early In Do combor, romonstrnnco had to bo filed boforo tho price of tho project wns definitely inndo out. Under tho now arrangement tho property owners CHINESE Pl'KI.E IX HKEK UK now know exactly what tho Improvo-j Kins JUDOE PENNOCK niont Is going to cost them and can flguro through "daylight." ' Sen ci Ordinance, San Finnelsco Wins Front S"11 Ulk" nnd Venice Is A No Victor of tho Day tnr AmocUtfJ rres to Coo Bar TlmM.l 4 m TWrv PEHCENTAGKS OK COAST LEAGUE W. L. P.O. Los Angeles ..17 12 .fiSG San Francisco .15 12 .iir.O Salt Lako ....13 11 .r.12 Vcnlco 11 13 .4.'.S Oakland 13 If' ,ct Portland 10 II .117 PHILLIPS IS FREED Tho city fathers passed tho ordl nnnco authorizing tho laying of tho now sower system down Union and McPhcrson to Cnnnatlcut, ono of tho Attempt to Unravel Mystery of 9101 Disappearance Unsuccessful .Money Xot Found A llttlo gamo similar to tho youtli fu "llutton, Dutton, etc." was ton hlg projects to bo completed during ""'' for, Jo I'onnock this morn- Tlilo untvnr will '"K '" ulu '"""CO Oliri WI1CII IIO tho glimmer months, also touch on portions of Washing ton, Virginia and California strcctH Wator pipes on Sherman avonuo must ha taken up and replaced by now ones before tho paving Is laid decided tho council and tho water company Ih to bo at onco Instructed. This Is dono that Inter when tho pav ing In down thoro will ho no ox ciiro for cutting through It from t f mo to timo to get at faulty wator mains. Poles of tho Oregon Power com pany aro also bolng changed, moved to a 10 foot rndlus nt tho corners nttomptod to unrnvol tho mystery of represent by any means Ford cars that hnvo been Bold as Mr. Towor has n lnrgo number of orders on fllo for dcllvory within tho next few months. A cnrlond of Fords Is now n month ovorduo for Dnndnn. This carlond was expected on March 27th and has not shown up yet and con sequently tho purchaBors In that tcr Itory liavo been n month lato in get ting dollvevlcs. Mr. Towor has also been making tho wires hot trying to Hccuro Itnmcdlnto delivery to hint hero of eight machines which wero promised Inst mouth, but ho has been unablo as yet to get nny def- li to Information as to when these Kirn will bo shipped to lilm. Thcro nro n numbor of reasons, PORTLAND, Ore.. April 28. Tho Portland team lost to Los An geles yesterday In tho first of a scr ies of games hero. San Francisco wnB victor over Salt Lako and Vcn lco won from Oakland. Tho scores follow: THE PARISIAN GIGANTIC COAT tho disappearance from eight of Wh Mr. Tower, for tho oxtrnordln- $101 purported to havo been ownol by James .loagnrnkls, a flrcok. John Phillips, nlso n Orcok, wh-i ury demand for Ford cars. This Is mainly, however, u matter of tho education of the motoring public, was nrrested nt Wagner yesterday Peoplo nro beginning to rcallzo thnt! At Portland H. " K- Los Angolcs 3 9 Portland 2 At Snn Francisco H. II. K. Salt Lako 3 8 1 San Francisco 7 12 1 At eVnlco H. 11. K- Oakland 3 11 2 Vcnlco ' 8 ' American League At Washington Philadelphia 1, Washington 2. At Chicago Cleveland , Chicago 7. At Doston Now York 2, Doston 0. At Detroit St. Louis 2, Detroit 3. Xntlonnl ICagiie. At Cincinnati Chicago 0, Cincinnati 0. At Phllndolphln Brooklyn 2, Philadelphia 5. At Now York noston 12, Now York C. At St. Louis Pittsburg 0, St. Louis 3. SUIT SALE be held at "THE PARISIAN" com mencinn FRIDAY nH ..... . TUESDAY EVENING. It will be one of the Greatest Value-GivlnnW. nulnB Mnnolifinlrl Wn hawn n hin ornfl n( Qnifc nnrl PAolo t .. , '" ?dleS eVGr hdM f. maioiiiii.m. ..u ' 'JV.m .7 ?m. iu. .' Til i "J "Uald " ' ,,an and We hflVB A 7 to sacrmce mum imuvvi wiiiiu iiiu suasun is un regartness of what thpv r m know the class of merchandise "THE PARISIAN" carries, onlv he ffiy cos Yo nnronf r.i inronf nor! onrl uihnn TUC DAPIQIAM" -.!., ' . ' 7 UIL DBSI and hin in i d oi tylei fnlirinc inrlnrln mon'c umar enrrtn hlool onrl uliitn nUnnl ,.t c ZZT.yS'S."""'' ' "'"' nrames, wool mt LarSL?S ?!lln "L"E.5S?S!ft!L"J!Sw. .a . &S I SUI S flnrl an. T 'H nnrtncl pi.i every model nesignea ana tasnionea w I u I he MINUTE lll EVERY : nM' JF .nhnrrlinnn ... '.,L' . nn nfittinn what thnv arivfirtlse. Wn wi II fcatnrn fwn llnno n o..u. P31) a'Wi Hnats. You can make vour selections from thn 5Rasnn'c cmn.i..i line nunru mnrinl rinsinnnrl anri fashinnnrl IIP Tfl THF MIMIITc im cur ,!"! and brought over last night by Dep uty Sheriff Lnlrd, denied that ho Inn) over scon tho money. Ho declared that (loorgo Janulakcs, a country man, received tho money. Tho lnt tor declined tho honor nnd Judgo Ponnock discharged Phillips, ablo to get hpndfl or talcs of story. Jongaakls, unablo to speak Kng tho main essentials for economical upkeep nnd getting ovor bad roads In lightness and power nnd tills Is now recognized by tho manufactur ers as well. A few years ago a hrnvy car was considered nH tho ID SUNDAY BULL i ICOQUILLK, MYUTIiK POIXT Barathea and covert cloths. ' SUIT SPECIAL NUMBER ONE. These Suits are Phenomenal values, as there is not a Suit in the lot worth less than $22.50 and up to $28.50. The season's lat est colorings and good range of sizes. Dur ing this sale, your choice at uun uiic. $ 1 975 SUIT SPECIAL NUMBER TWO They are an excellent line of high-grade Suits, chic, smart, snappy style-Man. colorings are beautiful. Sizes are complete. Many of these Suits are worth up to $34.50. Your choice at i iultSji Bhijvsmart, snappy style May $24.50 EXTRAORDINARY COAT SPECIAL AXD I imiDoi; ojtcAxi.i: tho cars, but today every advortlsomont shows tho approach to tho original I Opimsod to Dcnx-mtlng Sabbatli and A.n..l.l.r. C.,lwwl..1n f.. '...! 4.i..iifv .t.......u i.. (..- Ford Idea. Now you read about days to prrscrlbo with tho action of tho Huh, wanted to Hand a money order! "light bIxcb" and "light fours" nnd ! council taken somo weeks ago on to hn wlfo In .( Irnneo ami tlirnucli ilu Idi.ii of lluhtiiPHH In tlio mnln Tho Sunday school., of Conulllo, o city en- ait tlntornrotdrj jgald that ho' nsked i talking point of GOO nous T PC the rccomnwnilntlnn of th glncor, . lAxkH $1,000 DnningCN , DamngOH iq.tho oxtont of 1,000 nre nsked by Cora Itogers of tho nion denied ovor having soon It city of North Pond for alleged In- . juries received when hIio foil somo timo ago at tho corner of Sherinnn nnd California streets. Tho claim was presontod by Attorney I. N. Miller and was referred to City At-ij, torney Derbyshire. i Tho claim states that her spina , wns permanently Injured nnd that PromluciiL Men to Speak on Tluvo aho Is nyv under a doctor's caro j piianes niiiMiueilon, tlio Tj-m According to tho council members ' Xeo"cd and Mimnelng viiuj uuiut iitjuiiu nun ui'iini ih uiii. noon permanent rondn, tholr con Hlriiftlon, tlio typo best adapted to this county and tho financing of such IntornrotaV iiiild that htf asked italklnc nolnt of tho dlfforcnt cars. I Jlyrtlo Point, and llrlilgo, arO or- ' ono of tlio men to sond tho tnoiloy Tho "Jltnoy" and the uso of Ford ! ganlzlng n Dasoball league to con- iind loft It on tho tnblo In tholr ion stnKollncs Is nnothor big factor, islst of .four teams at present. Tho cabin. It disappeared, and both! Tho small cost of oporntlng Ford principal objoct Is to glvo tho mom In this line of Coats we give you extraordinary values, as many of them an sample Coats which we bought at a big reduction to close them all out and reany worm ai regular prices as i-j 10 ou per cent more than we have marked them for this sale. They are all up-to-date models and a big range of colors and sizes. Your choice at ,. iction to close them all out and ai $15.00 fill OPEN TEN MILE ! LLOWHIIIP CLl'll TO COUXTV lUHMKCT ItOOST rase. I cars In comparison with tho larger I hers of parlous Sunday schools Inter cars makes It posBlblo for tho Ford ostcd ait opportunity to gratify tholr ' .)It'riI HKXD ('OMMITTKH to run in competition on stago lines Miosiro to witness or participate In I and make monoy nt n prlco at which tho national gamo on weekdays ra it Is Impossible for tho heavy cars thor than on Sundays, to oporato and this Is fast driving! Clamlo Nosier of llrlilgo, IH tho tho hctvy enrs off of tho stngo j ci,0f 'booslor In this movement, as r,"8' ho says ho Is Just as young as ho Thoro Is nothing oxporimontal ,80( to bo and likes to play ball about a Ford car, and It Is known JllBt ns well n ovcri 1)Ut (l0C8 not as tho car that "gots there." Its ,,pUovo tll0 ,(lea of anday baso llghtiiess mnkes It posslblo to go ba pnynr T10s0 interested held ovor a road without chains when niCotlng nt Coqulllo and outlined a a heavy car equipped with chains ,nn of ncto nn(, ouctC(1 ftn oxcpn win ureaK iiirougu nun niiro. NEWS OF NORTH BEND Twonty-flvo miles to tho gallon a project nro tho topics of Intorost- of gasoline and a comploto now set , live conimltteo of tho following well Ouy Turnhow who ItuH been lo cated III Marshflelil. Ilimilon ami I '.- ...ri .......n ini 1.(1,1111111 v North Ilend for tho last few ypnninu,t ,lll( th program Is to bo II lug dlKt'UHHlnn nlnled for tho Fellow ship Club next Tuesday evening, lly way of special emphasis tho commit ter in clinrgo makes tho unnouneo- wlll leavo tomorrow for 1'allfnrnla and Dert Stanley will taki his placo with Win. Hdirut'k at North lleud. V. II. Arnold who returned (IiIh week from Portland to look after tho lntiirentH of tho Warren C'oii struclloii I'ompnuy In this section nays that times nro improving con Hldernlily In tho Itoio City nnd there aro not nearly as many Idle men there now an a few mnntliH ago. (Jeorgo Stephenson, who has been appointed local manager of tlu Swayim nnd Hoyt interestH on tlio Day Hlnro Manager Paul IDinmlck hns transferred hht headiiiarterH to Son Francisco Ih reorganizing1 hi force. Harry Huntley, formerly with tho Dank or Oregon has been appointed cashier. Mr. Parr enn tliuiOH oh manager of tho local re tall department of tho North Ilend Mill and Lumber company. Itev. it. N. Lewis who recently re signed an pastor of tho United llreth. ren ohiirnh left In Monday to lhlt lior father In tho east. Mrs. It. L. SlinpKou Is rocoveilng fiom n soveral das' lllnebs. Mr. and Mrs. John Freolund and Mildred and Clifford Freelund re turned .Monday afterMpendlng the past mouth with relatives In Ten Mllo. Mr, and Mrs. K. Jt. llodson and Irene of South Coos Klver wore In Marshflelil yesterday. (ilon Plank leaves In a few days lustraW-d with "skads" of good chick en gravy, tho same ns served Inst lime lu tlin sumo placo, tho (luilil Hall and by tho women of tho Pres bjterlan church. of tires for $11.20 shows tho cost of operation nnd slnco Ford tires will easily nvorugo fiOOO mllos, any ono can afford to drive them. Tho now niodols, being electric lighted, tlio comploto cost of lighting Is elim inated. If you havo planned to buy a car this season you had best placo your order for a Ford now or tho AND JL'IKJH WATSOX TAKK TOUlt Spend Tlul.'O Days lu Investigation of Thuvo Hoiites to 0K?n Coun try County Aid Thrco routes for a road from Hay ncs Inlet into tho heart of tho Ten Mllo country havo been Investigated by a special commlttco of tho North Ilend Chamber of Commerce nnd ' Judgo James Watson, tho party ro- Jt UIB URAL QUKSTIOX rhe question la not, will men honor you for your work7 Hut docs your work honor you? Your concorn Is not only to croato profit for yourself, but to ninko that which will profit many be sides yourself. COOg' HAY STIJAM IjAUXDHY '.Jl'piiQ (57-J. turning Monday nftor n three days' trip. County court aid will at onco bo asked far funds with which to comploto tho highway from Don son Landing back through Lnko- sldo and thonco to tho head of Hny- known men In tho three towns in torested: Claudo Nosier, of nrldgo; Cecil Carlor and Itov. J. F. Vornon, of Myrtlo Point j nnd Prof C. IA. iiownrtt ana .. u. noiioy, or Co- nes Inlot. Working In conjunction I"1110' with tho Onrdlner Commercial Club At a mooting hold nt Myrtlo Point it 8 hollevcd this road will event on Saturday, April 17, Claudo Nos-'imlly bo part of a main thorough lcr was elected chairman nnd N. C. j raro from Drain, via Scottshtirg iind Kolley, sccrotnry, Tho following 'anrdlnor through to Cops Uny. KHiiu-H win sinri tuo season on sntur- ,Tho PROFESSIONAL DIE J LI LlAnrtflM ' i. n. naiuci HOUHR DUnUB Gonorzl ReptlrliiulCilU iiaiiiL 'hone S 4 9-2. , M. Wright k nPlLDING C0XIIUCWI Eitlmatei furmibN Man WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. The nieinbers of tho roiinty court! '"'8t l,nrL of t,, s'lnimor mny ho havo been Invited. Kvory man on i K,l beforo you nro ablo to got Coos Hay Interested lu tlio movo that! J ' Although every offort will bo or late lniH lirought constant iIIhcuh- m,u'" ,0 '"ko C1U0 of orders slon in tlilH vicinity in given a spec- lrnmptly, ordors first on fllo will lal invitation to attend. . naturally be filled first and In caso ' Dr. Straw, as chairman nt n. this short (iooiI Itonilu Ciiiiiiniiii r ii. n m.n... tlniio. those her of Coininen-o win n... .,... mlnuto may bo disappointed lu cot- two teams. Coqulllo Sontlnol master. ror year- coo,i rnmi i,n.J "'IB their ears at tho timo desired. Vtui I. Hnn.l -fom.t. IliHA ... i 11 itUllll IlUilll l.lllllllllllI'M I'llII .. .. T ---.,.,. ,. w ...... ....,.., ., ia, .May sin, ns follows: At Co- slsts or K. M. Shrlvor, C. M. Hyler, qulllo th0 Christian and M. K Sun- John II. droves nnd J. Smith. At day schools will play tho M. E. south I Lakeside Saturday afternoon this and Presbyterians. Tho gamo at party was met by a special commit Myrtlo Point will bo Myrtlo Point teo of tho Ten Mllo district conslst nnd Ilrldgo against Myrtlo Pnlni. in., n t r.i . A. Sargent, Fred Robertson, Charles Assets $2,340,000.00 Pays 8 per cent on savings I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. I Local Treasurer t X I no mien nrst and in caso' " " .,... iun, ,mg or v. j. ltok ago of cars should con-Tho s,l,,ny schools of Myrtlo Point w. J. Uowron, II. bo who order nt tho lasti"1"1 Ilrl(,K wH comblno and form , Adams, Klclinrd 1 been one of tho ex-innyor's pet hob bles. The construction nf loi,i mn.iu hord cars wero delivered last woek to Oorst & Kinney, Larson & (alloway, .1. 11. Ilarklow of Norway, ASK FOH SCFFHAOi: HOIIDKHS AT LAHOi: ,nd tho lio best adapted to thlsi""'1 J' U' ark,0w ot Myrtlo Point, j county U the phase of tho nuestlnn ' assigned to K. a. I'erham. Charles Hall will talk on tho question ot bonding tho county for permanent IflMlti'ni-a i - ......,,. n. ,H h niitiuiier or a com j nut teo actively Interested In , uuiiiiiiig or uood Ulver. Mr. Hall Is i acquainted with these MKDFOHD, Or.. April 28. Of. fleers of Josephlno and Jackson conn- tlu ties aro hunting for tho daring ban- uns wno roniiod tho Hoguo Rlvor necessary ' bnn, l,ut 8 fur w Ithont success. They tD Auo-l.teJ rrw to Co rfj Tlmn.J SAN FRANCISCO, Anrll -S.rnu Ifornla suffrago leaders speeded tho congressional party leaving on tho steamer Sierra for Hawaii today and at tho snmo timo Invited tho U. S. senators and representatives to at tend n meeting upon tholr return nt which tlio women promised Hansen and Charles St. Donnls. Dy teams tho noxt morning the ontlro party proceeded ovor to non son Landing for tho Investigation of tho now road that already has been surveyed, and four and one half miles of which I8 now built with not more than a flvo per cent grade. This survey U,as bojn ap proved by tho county commissioners. From Schottors Landing to Lnko sldo aro threo possible routes that may be taken one of which would tako around tho wesi nrm nr m HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. fir H. M. Shaw Eye, Knr, Kow "jj1 UliAba riuw jfl l)lt. MATTIU 11. D'U" iiif.nM of WomtnlMl Office Phono 330-J.Roonl1 202, Irrlns B!t Roninmin flsllind COXSULTING EX01XM' AHUiiiiw Offices. :0 IrjW ' ruuuo .-.. iulhBA, rV. G. Chandler ..m. ni nil JO J. Ch u-"iiWW4,0Mi s- Ts& MartbileiHi Pfi onri niinu Raiiinaer rc" "I'SoJaSd'iOI 1-1A.1IC14 . Kl Roaldence Btuoio. fDOlin - SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, for Fancy and Domestic CHINA . i T. J. SCAIFK T i v-. .. ni .i.Lfi.M PAP" S lYiarblllieiu nm VsOmik Minw'. Phono 110-It. In Inc. tlfy their nnnniil fnn .Im . steps. L. A. Llljeulst has mm. soaped in an auto and lea no tiaco i..r,.i c..f,. ' "hMlake. tho second in n, .... .,. ..., ml the ,nN.t,lo to Mk m l0 ad. jvhlch could be followed. Cashier legislators aro to make nn Inspect on t tl10 t,,,r' ou1 "o the bridging -"....M-I.OI KuuiisroauM to a county. """ ' ". '" muutoo tour of tho Hawaiian Islands as tho Ai tint l.iui ...ii .i. . ..... 'from a driii? wlil..l. .no i.o,,i i ,. . miuia us tuo ...... ...... ....,,,; u, llu, reuow., . ",""" """ - "" " - Ktiests or Honolulu Commnmini .....(V1 vtm Pictures & Framing Walker Studio ship Club 70 members attended, ntolIunur ,l,ln ,s nul to bo out and is 'bodies one oi the best banquets ever her- rilouriK rrom his experience. ed to the Club and enthusiastically - applauded the speakers then on the' XOT1CH program. A ticket conimltteo will! W'l lll bo received for ti. $1.00 FOH 1MHJ. i bo appointed In a few days and It N "Inshlng and clearing of streets of OYMiK'f ftjl lluir.. 1..III 1 . 'riti'itol.. .- n. . f..r orKEon fiiv in i,., ,.i.i. ' M " " '" " "'" more -"-' in i ori iiurnitm. In n box factori "than 70 lu attendance at the next Kor specifications and further pnr 'meeting. Honiara inquire of I J Slaglo mid IjuubotliV Auto has ' ,)r' " ' KKLTV, DKXT1ST .. ' tliwv fine Sot en PavseiiL'ei. (IhiIIIIhis l,,," H--J. Hnont UOI. Cukii lii.i... ' ' ,,,ku ,,nl ''"ntH'tli's Auto has on Coon Hay-Coqulllo i-oute, gltlng - Mnlre otery ttto hours. I'aro only 7." cents, PiiNonlo (beiii. April 2S. C. of tho arm nt Schottors Landing to' Hooky Point within a short ills tanco of Lakeside. Tho bridge' would havo to bo about 1,200 feet In length mid tho party believed It would bo moro expensive, than tho other routes. - ' With this completed tho project Is ' 0 10 ioUTTcOOSWf1' gKllt" 8 s. m. 17 . - & . . i,mii of nt" """"".sur.-n a. m. i' if( ,n '"jzm a m IT9P ' FLOHKNCE, Or., for Z 1 I Jin. - ' TH f' t0 "ri"B th r0ai1 across " I uedlu behau " f'p Tnrnn ,,!0,,,n,"t Ut th0 Peter6on "" Uho eharZi car LJ' Ki p,,,,1(If. i,,ow toward tho bay coming around I Dorsey w t , s yh Z ? W "' "'n8BW lnt """ fr0' t''e"c to ti...... i.. . ........ .. ITI10 tnrv l.ol.i ci., . ' .... .me w en iMssengiT Otdlllues ' .... , . ' """' "s aione re- siurIo and ItniDetli's Auto hn.J AT ' CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Fromi Mtrrat, Phone K7B. ALHKHT MATSON. HOMME'S I.AXATE.VA Often called the Coos County medicine, is a niild and pleasant i etieciive laxative for constipation. Give It a trial. Trial size 10 cents, at any drugstore. mWBB0&, Itlbhy COAL-'TlurKhrd'yoir,,'0" " H.ty.C.quUle route, giving 8l,ouslbl tor the dogs death. fine Seven pwnKor Cadillacs! ALWAYS t'HKH. iMmii 71:. ,.arifIo wn Ice mWy ttto hour,. .Fare only iIftvo . trla, ,, "ZT " Coos llay-Coqullle route clvlnc TimP:, Wiinf Arlc Lltery nnd 'rnmsfor C...n,M,y, , 7.T cenu. vatnmUv ,he,, j.,, ,ou ,r,P" Tho Tlnn want sort lee etery two Hour'. Sre Z 1 75 cent-. INitronlzo them. ' Rffnrr Psc ... h kept "",Brn ori iu - a wv .:n una ndertakf' f tbV . 19W phone Bring Results! III '.',; tY&XmJtEx VtamMm: nrjW W jH a