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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1915)
TiiSteiI .ir1 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON. WEDNESDAnMS-EVENIKG EDITION TWO i COAST D SHIPS MOVK AVOUIjI) DO AWAY IjIFU savinh station CHANCE OFFERED FOR LOCAL SUMMER RESORTS ' William .1. Klnlry, Stale (funic War- VITII ' l'"i Snys Sportsmen of Kntt Ask Jiirot'ttuit ion Ik' re GDLOMEL 'S LETTER Dr. Mlngim Heads lMim Willi 1VII- llon. 1'lvo Ships Wiiulil Patrol Const DIstrk'lH In All Weather Substitution of CoiiHt (iuurd hhlpa, equipped with every modern form of llfo saving apparatus and weather nlgnnlo In place of llfo Raving Btn tlonH at tho cntranco of tlio prin cipal harhoru Is a movoment placed on foot ycaterdny hy Dr.H.E.MIngus. D02011H of petitions have been placed In tho field. These will lie for warded to Congress asking their aid. For several yearB a close student of shinning on tho Pacific Coast Dr. Mlngtis has concluded that ships and lit ob, aro lost constantly In had weather principally because of the fact that life saving stations with tholr small boats sent out from nhoro aro entirely inadequate. For thlB reason tho movoment would nsk of Congress ?l,r.00,000 for tho construction and equipment of fivo Coast (liinrtl Ships. Theso would bo stationed nt tho entrance to San Francisco lloy, Humboldt Day, Coos Hay, Columbia Hlvcr, Puget Sound and at Nome Alaska. These vessels would patrol up and down a prescribed stretch of coast lino. Fitted with wireless they would keep constantly in touch with nil coast shipping and at all times know tho exact location of every ship. With a speed of 22 knots nn hour such a vessel, believes Dr. Mlngus, would bo capable, of reaching any point lit her district a few minutes nftor tli6 first distress signal was Bounded. During a bad weather period, ho believes that such a vessel would ho whoro most necessary to aid nmallor craft long boforo thoy have Kotton ashore and Into tho lino of breakers. Ho cites instances of whero ships In this coast liavo been total wrecks with many passengers and crow members by reason of tho fact that thoro was available no big boats to tow thorn off slioro In time. Tho Czarina, Hald Dr. Mlugus could havo been saved at tho Coos I3ny ontranco had a tug boat been on tho spot, tho Hanoll might havo been saved off San Francisco, the Itosccrans o'n tho Columbia Jlar and tho samo with thu Leggetl last fall. Asking a list of summer resorts, trails and guides In this county. State (lame Warden William J. Fin ley has wiltten tho Chamber of Commerce. "KiiBtcrn Sportsmen," ho writes, "every week nsk mo questions of this sort. The Oregon Sportsman, a monthly publication, acts as n clearing Iioubo for this Information. Consequently a list of answers to such queries will bo Immediately fo-wnnlcd to Mr. Flnley, though when Secretary Motley read down the list and came to the one asking about guides he felt Hint ho wnB "slumped" and Is now looking for men that ho could recommend ns Coos County guides to big gamo dis tricts and the noted fishing riffles and pools of the county. There aro not a grent mnny sum mer resorts in Coos county though tho advantages aro considered ex ceptional, say thoso who have vlslt- IIOOSHVHI.T WltOTIl STKOXG i,i;tti:us to shxatou im,att cd hero from outside points. It Is jn siKiit." posslblo that this will tlovolvo it self Into a big boost to such cn-torprlsos. Huriics' Attorney Intioilmes Them as i:Iileiuo In Mbel Trial in Sjr. netiso Toilaj Were Htplnlned SYKACUSi:, N. Y., April 28. When court opened today, William Ivlns, names" attorney, put into tho record letters exchanged between Koosevelt, Uarncs and Herbeit I'a--sons. In reply to a letter to Unrnea who objected to tho renomluntlon of (ioternor Hughes, Koosovolt wioto "1 appreciate tho full fono of the arguments you used against his renomliiatlon. It was not pleas ant for mo to support a mnn who wnntonlj behaved badly to tho very men who did tho most In securing his election I would approve hit turning them down in tho public's Interest, but 1 object to It being done wantonly. If wo had the right man to put In his plnco I would say It was wise to nomlnato such a man. Hut wo liavo no mien man small boats nnd expect them to got out in the heaviest kind of weather and always after tho accident hos happened." Ho points out that In an cxtromoly high sea a small boat can not ho launched from shore and mako Its way out through tho break ers. In such a caso a Coast Guard ship, being out beyond tho lino of break ers would bo able, ho says, to send lines nnd breeches buoys to vessels on the slioro nnd oven to launch boats. WlrelesM .Stations Five wireless stations, as adjuncts to tho guard ships, aro also asked for In tho petition, theso to bo erected by tho government at a cost of $25,000. Tho mm n u I mnlnloti nnco of tho five ships would ho $2fi0,000. Tho wirolcsH stations would bo nt or near tho biggest liar hoi a whoro tho guard ships would bo patrolling most of tho time. Koosctelt Denies A series of confidential lotter3 from files kept by tho late Senntor Thomas C. I'latt today were read to tho Jury trying tho Haines suit for libel ngalust Theodore Hooscvolt In the Supremo Court. Somo woro signed hy Hoosovclt. In nearly all of thorn, tho writers discussed thu candidates for offlco in the stato government. In reply to questions Roosevelt snld ho consulted freoly with Piatt about nffalrs nt Albany, knowing at all times Hint ho wns boss of tho Republican pnrty in New York state. Ono letter con tained a postscript which read: 1 "All right, I'll change tho whole board of tax assessors.' Colonel ltoosovolt denied omphnticully that nuch a conferenco constituted "tho InvlHlblo government." "My actloiiB" tho witness asserted, "were as vIe llilo as could be." FINK COQUIMiH skkvici: HliKS NOTlCi: Tho Klks wl give tiiulr regular monthly ilancu Wednesday evening In thu Masonic Hall. All regular and visiting members aro cordially "It Is mqro child's play", says Invited to attend, tho doctor, "to lino our Bhores with Hy order of tho Committee. Single iV I.iiinbotli From .Marslifleld Itcduco Knro-s I'hcro Single and Lambeth hnvo reduced tho faro botwoii Marsl.fleld nnd Co qulllo nnd their nuto lino to Boventy- flvo cents. Tho reduction was to I meet temporary competition in tho Ucrvlco but they bollovo that it will 'bo adequate It tho travel continues . as heavy as It is starting out. They watettmttmtmitwmtmttmttimmmtt'JarsJS JJ leaving nbout every two houso from 55 each mill of the lino during tho day. ' Mr. Slaglo furnished excellent I m transportation on tho routo last yenr 5 .and hns arranged for oven hotter ' j service this year. Parties who ap-, predate the good service ro urged to give it their patronage go nnd, ' support instead or dividing It with an uncertain service. ' XX kick o.v ni:w llltllKii: 'IMItmos . Itosirieiits Kilo Pro ? t.vt Against S. P. I t Tho llosoburg Hevlew snys: )In- 55 trlct Attorney (leorgo Xouuer this morning received n lengthy petition from Ada. Oregon, In which the peo- X I'lo )f ""it vicinity offer protoM against the proposed action of the Willamette Pacific Railroad Compnny In constructing n bridge across Tsllt- XX coos Lake The petitioners claim the bildgo will render navigation of the lake Impossible- and will prove a do- XX trlmciit to their Interests. Tho DU- within the net few days In tho hope X 'f icadiig Mimn satisfactory settle- iiient of the controversy. NAMES WORTH MILLION S trid attorney will probably confer with the engineers of tho railroad ) '. r ' I 1 (S1!?25 1 1 IPBAW do 1 1 1 ssswsa. pras ysMCvMwlW&PttTzrr--- sJ m& PMmmmmm c YiittOKKU-rtFjefitf-ffftirsftu nsvwMiiiii livun v mmsmmssmmmgi mmmmm.wmmmmmm II V f Put your ear se to the si every time you see a man drawing real joy out of a jirry ny pipe, for it's better than a five-to-one shot he's smoking Prince Albert, the tobacco high spot. You, like a whole lot of men, never will know what a barrel of fun can be dug from a pipe or a makin's cigarette until .rrinco iuoert passes your piazza 1 For it can't bite your tongue, and it can't parch your throat. That's why men the nation over enow their business when they demand Thl It ChnrlpMllow.tif DunJrc.UU who tlpi tlio iileo hciiIch nt f 4 curi. Mr. Wow It toJiiy, tin J nlwiiyi li i I'ttn, n mull who unokcJ lilii plpa llbcrnlly unj rnloycJ It niliilitlly. Air. lllow quitlinvtt for tli l'llncj .llM.'it"olil-liiiiu)liiimy iliRHtlub" nnil hn tircn ttevUil to fnll-lllJ ini'inbrrtlilp. Wo would lll.ii to licar from etliLt cUrthna suiokcru. i he national joy smoke You should know this brand is made by a patented process that removes bite and parch. And let it drift in that you can fire-up P. A. until tho cows como home and it just won't make your tongue tingle I So, you men with a sad pipe past, come around somemore and sort of get acquainted with Princo Albert. Let the light of jimmy- pipejoy break into your soul. You'll wonder !why you didn't wake up earlier and hear the robins sing in the old cherry tree. g'Get started on the tidy red tin, then you'll &&r graduate to the crystal-glass pound humidor with the sponge-moistencr top that keeps your P. A. fine like silk. A lot of men do Buy P. A. in any ncch cf tha woods. Sc toppy red bag 10c tidy red tint ; liandiomo pound ana liall-poana tin humidors and that classy pound crystcl-class humidor. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N.C. sac IJMII V lint i a Special (oiclgiinmit of i:tra (JihmI (lilcl.t'iis com UZ for this ttreVs tnitle. Order jour toast oi' Meu rally. Wo alo liatr tho hcM obtainable In VEAL, PORK and Phone 58-J. piopeil roiilui in t.iir iip-tiwhili' refrigerator, THE UNION MARKET J. E. Ford & Co. 174 South Broadway. M"W f iff J rr Vflr.---wiHrWW i I Certain names and trade marks in this country arc worth millions of dollars. They are known to people everywhere as stand ing for fixed standards. They have been built up by advertising. The money spent in advertising has not only brought in immediate dividends, but has piled up a wonderful asset in the form of good will. Money judiciously spent in newspaper advertising is not spentit is invested. An advertisement in The Times will help your business. AiivcimsKii i.irrriiits CBnBClKlgTnflWr'ATim'TTmTOlTTgfaSgCTyTMrifj l-lxf of unclaimed letters remain Iiik In the uMrahflehl, Oregon, Tost olflce foi tho week cmdlni; April 27. I u 15. I'riHona railing for the same tHI ple.ine say ailveitlseil and ia one tent for earn letter railed for 5J Aliriim, L'luiH.i Appleton, Miss I'ansle; lleeh. J. I).; Huttler, W. S.. I'orhraim, .1.; rorhet, i. ..: nay, Mr Mary Foster, l.oyd; Hyde, lien, llauxon, N ; llaatle. H.; HlnJes, C II ; Ink. 1. (l.: .MtC'auunoii, w. K , Merrltt. carl; laropet. Joe; smith. 4 iieanronl: tfeott. l'eter; Taylor N : Tull). I. It ; West. K rlyilu N.: Young, Arilne HlOU Mrl.AIX I'ostiu.tbter I "imiMi .mm. . I! m i wnaayicxciirsion POWERS 11 UeorKt' WIIII.IIIIR, '" " ' l TO ST.(!i: TO HOSnU'lKS KAsTI'sT Thr easlont, nuioKest and ehcaiiest 55 toU hetw era Coos Couut points and the Southern IMilfle Hallway ls the Coos H.i and UoeburK auto Hue 55 tlio old Coos Hay Watson load 55 Autos loate Marshfleld and HoueburB each morning ami land passengers at destination ill about nine hours. 55 l' between Marbhflold and Hoo- 55 burg only $s oo. For p.utliulara and ticket rail io out net siiimI.1) anil s.,- Hie lwn Umn .) ,u, pu u,Vm ntorj iho srnho it-i ilir ts n,l(l h01l,, ol MtiHe INiIni opens tip. I!.- sure anil Inij jur round. Hip thket at tlio .Maislu iei' si.m,,,, vu,ri, staithiK or the MU' into will Ih' il. Round Trip Only $2.65 Morning train Irates shtioia at 7: Hi, airitliiK at 1'on cis in l: r. Mm iiiiK train i.-uitn, Ihu'in ttt tii;:io ami itvuhos Jlaislitlehl. at IS: UK. ArinniMiii train leates M.iishiu.( at l::l(i. imiililng I'ou-m-sat m.M. r.oatos lNmrrs . :!r, ,, H.mlu Mlsh. Held at (i::l5. Remember the Date: National Gas Range Week 6 Days-April 26-May 1 A Rare Bargain Opportunity ONE HUNDRED AND TEN YEARS AGO, F. A. WgJ sor, an Englishman, evolved the process of exirw gas from coal. , . nri7Pd m. TODAY gas for cooking is one of the most prueu velopment of household science. ,. oTflTEc gas THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE UNITED STA' companies and gas range dealers will celcdraie w niversary by special displays of modern i gas wiu oF SUBSTANTIAL PRICE REDUCTIONS WILL Bt FERED DURING GAS RANGE WEEK., e p This is a splendid chance to select just. the rauy want and save money on the purcnase yn . and uenionsuauw"0 " See displays Oregon Power Co, Corner Second and Central Telephone 178. Sunday. May IUSY (X)ltNKIt Dltlfi sroitn ;Kmmwj-i""'"' lMuuio 1108 'BRING YOUR JOB PRINTING TO THE COOS A. Ill HfSEEal H - I .., tiMFS Bi