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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1913)
,V"?- aCCTiWWgW THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1913-EVEWIMG EDITION. i' FUEL TRUST IS ON THE CARPET Company in Which Relatives of Former Coos Bay Men Are Interested Involved. Tho following from the San Fran cisco Bulletin wilt bo of Interest hero as J. R. Smith, formorly head of the North Dond Hardwaro Company, and 11111 Smith, formerly nlghtwatch at North Bond, nro brothers of Edward J. Smith and JaB. B. Smith of the Westorn Fuol Company: "Unclo Sam Is olllclally Investigat ing tho Western Fuol Company, In an effort to ascertain tho merit of tho accusations of Federal detectives that tho government has been do frnuded out of moro than a million dollars In coal duties. 'In nuswor to n special call Issue by United States, District Attorney John L. McNnb, tho Federal grand Jury has convened In tho l'ostofflce building, prepared for an exhaustive) examination of tho books and records of tho coal company, tho entries In -which, it is alleged, will disclose a systematic uwlndlo on Unclo Sam that has been operated for many years. "According to tho special agents, whoso Information resulted In to day's Investigation, tho books of the Western Fuol Company, when com pared with tho customs sheets, will show flagrant discrepancies. And theso discrepancies, say tho agents, who havo boen working on tho case for Bovoral months, will show that tho coal trust lias fraudently col lected from tho government a largo sum In tax "drawback" on Imported coal that was never sold. "Former employes of tho Involved coal trust, who are assisting Federal Prosecutor McNnb, declared that the books will reveal not only tho "draw back" fund but tho fnct that sovcral steamship companies havo bcon con tinually cheated by tho manipulation of weighing scnles by employes of the Western Fuol Company, with the knowlodgo or oflklals high In the councils of tho coal trust. "Iu many Instances, the spoclnl agents sny, tho scalo manipulation and tho connivance of thosu suspect ed by tho government, have resulted in defrauding tho customers out of 16 por cent of tho amount of conl thoy ordered and paid for. John Ij. Howard, president of tho Western Fuol Company and David C. Norcross, secretary, aro to bo ques- iionou, mil wiiothor thoy had know lodgo of tho alleged frauds remains to bo seon. "If tho Inquiry develops ns expect ed by tho authorities, detectives who havo boon working night nnd day on tho cnno for tho past four months, weighers employed by tho conl con cern nnd tho government and olll rials nnd omployeH of vnrlous steam ship linos, will bo summoned for the next session or tho Jury, on Tuesday. I'owvi-n Not Culled. "David Powers, formor assistant superintendent or transportation for tho Western Fuol Company, now u special ugont ror Undo Sam, nnd whoso nllldnvlts preelpltntod tho gov ernment Investigation, wnu not sub ponaod to appear ut today'u proceed ings. Ills testimony will not bo in troduced until nrtor n thoroiiL'h . amlnntlon or tho books of tho Involv ed concern. "Kdwln Powors, formorly head bookkeopor of tho Western Fuel Compuny and n brother or Dnvld Powers, will bo ono or tho main wlt nessoa ror tho government when the Inquiry gets under way. It was loam ex! today thut tho former bookkeeper will Idontiry entries ho mndo hlmsoir that will show on their race, when matched with tho uovorniuoiit r... ordfl, glaring Instances or tho "draw back" fraud. "Among those who woro subpoe naod lutor, according to tho Fodornl dotoctlves, nro Kdwnrd J. Smith, for mer Tax Colloctor or HiIh city nnd n brother or Jnmos 1). Smith, vlco president or tho Wostorn Fuel Com pany. Smith Is omployod as n wolghor nt tho bunkers or tho coal company, nnd Is in chnrgo or tho Bcalea that weighs most or tho coal orderod by tho Pacific Mull Steamship Company. Edward Mayors, n fellow welghor, will also bo uummoned. A Female Niiaisairace 11V llOIl STANLEY Sometimes she's at the churches. Sometimes she's at a ball this stately, ancient lady with her little nasal drawl. She Is Innocent and prudish, demure, and careful, too, but then with nil her goodness, there are thihgs that she will do. Sho will tnlk about a maiden sho has seen upon the street nt an hour, which to this lady, (teemed n trifle Indiscreet. Then, she lifts her Irtuuls In horror, lwlnts tho girl out, with alarm. Then sho says, "Perhaps mistaken," but she's done enough to harm. She has seen some boyish fellow, full of life, and hopo and cheer, enter In forbidden places, and her heart Is filled wiMi fonr Inst- iho 1ml to sin I clvon. from tho path of right Is gone, and she finds her sweetest pleasure telling tins rrom unwn un cmwn. Such a statelv, ancient lady dreams her dreanm and tells them o'er, sighs for awful sins of others, lays dark scandnl at ench door. Venom-tongued, sho tastes no sweetness. Eagle-eyed, she Bees no good. Searching ever, late and early, she finds nothing that she should. MINING IN CTltltY. 1HO TI.MHKR DEAL. Tho United States Logging Company Tunis IHg i)t.. PORTLAND, Fob. is. -Tho con tract for tho salo or 103,000,000 root or timber In tho Uiupqun National forest to tho United States Logging Company, a new corporation with headquarters at Cottage drove, whb signed Thursday and sont to Wash ington for tho approval or tho In terior dopnrtment. Tho compnny was tho only bidder. Most or tho timber Is Douglas fir, which, with tho red codnr nnd sugar pine, sola at ?1.25 for ench 1000 root. Tho hemlock was sold nt 60 cents. Tho tlmbor Is Bouthoust or Cottago Orovo, ono unit a hair miles east of Dlsstou, connected with Cottago drove by railroad, A spur will bo built to the timber, a mile and a half, nnd cutting will wtart in the spring. If you havo nnythlng to soil, rent, trade, or want help, try a Want Ad. MARSHFIELD DRUGGISTS DESERVES PRAISE Tho Lockhnrt-Parsons Drug Co. desorvo pralsa rrom Mnrshtlold peo ple for Introducing hero tho slmplo buckthorn bark and glycorlno mix ture, known na Adlor-l-kn. This eimplo German romody first bo came famous by curing appendicitis and it has now boon discovered that A SINGLE DOSE rollovoa sour stomach, gas on tho stomach nnd constipation instantly. It's quick Action is a big surprlao to people. Machinery SIiIiuhhI for Ilhuk Sand Work Near Ituudon. PORTLAND, Fob. S. When the gasoline schooner Tillamook loft for Dandon she had aboard a sort f submarine goldmlnlng dredge, which will bo used on the bench iu Curry county for tho extraction if gold particles from tho sand. It Is equipped with a Blulclng device and nil tho necessary upparatUB to leparnte the yellow metal from tho material dug on tho beach and In tho surf. Tho dredge nnd machinery wolgh 60 tons. It runs on watertight wheels, each or which tips tho beam at three tons. There Is a traction englno and It operates tin ier Its own power. Tho outfit can be opernted iu shoal water, or any where that tho englno will not bo Inundntcd. Buckets carried on an undless chain dip up tho sand nnd drop It Into tho slluce attachment. Tho outfit Is owned by tho Occnn llench Drcdgo Company of Mlnncap lic, which has been mining on he bench and In the surf of Curry ounty with tho old-fnshlonod rock sr nnd pan method. If tho dredge mil machinery sent down proves to bo ns successful as expected It Is mid that In n short tlmo gold dust tuny make up a part of the car toes arriving at Portland on the roasters. Tli'o now machine being tried, It Is stntcd, Is wholly In the experimental stage. Llbby COAL. Tno Kind VOU havo VLWAYS U8ED. Phono 72, Pacific 'ilvery nnd Transfer Company. A FRESH SUPPLY of FRESH IJUl.Ml'JA. Ulhll'.llS JUS!' UK- VANITY HIS UNDOING. Sandy llntuliiiiisU-r Has Picture 'Printed mid Is Arrestee!. HILLSBORO, Feb. 11. Betrayed by a newspaper portrait, Peder K. Svcndsen, alias Peter Roebeck, was lodged In thu lllllsboro Jail on a charge of dufraudlng an Innkeeper nnd was today Identified ns a de serter from tho Third Artillery band, lie will bo turned over to tho military authorities at Vancou ver. Svendsen, who wont by tho nnmu of Roebeck, spent some months In lllllsboro Inst year, nnd was a mem ber of the local baud. He disap peared In July leaving an unpaid board bill nnd olllcers have been unable to locnto him to servo n warrant Issued nt that "time. A picture of members of tho San dy, Or., bnnd wns printed In a Port land dally and Roobcck wns Immed iately recognized In the group. He had spent several months there, nnd had organized tho band and wns actlug as Instructor. He was brought to lllllsboro, and when It was found ho filled the description of tho deserter nnd wns elosely questioned ho admitted tho charge and told of leaving his regiment In Snu Francisco In 1909. When Burton Holmes recently gnvo his celebrated travelogue on "Pnnnma" at Orchestra Hnll, Chi cago, he was BerloiiBly Interrupted by continual coughing of the nudl unco. No one annoys wlllngly nnd if peoplo with cougliB, colds, lionrso ness, and tickling In throat, would uso Foley's Honoy & Tar Com pound, thoy could quickly euro tholr cougiis and coma nnd nvoiu tins un CEIVEI). Free Delivery. PHONE noyance. For salo by Locknnrt P your ORDER to PHONE 7-J. ' Parsons, tho Busy Corner. Kamnunmerer iays Business is but a game of chance. "We can't all bo winners, and while it has been my mis fortune io suffer a loss by fire, smoke and wa ter, not mentioning tho inconvenience, loss of time and depreciation of stock will say that I am most thankful to the many friends who so faithfully helped in a time of need. Follows, I. would like to grasp each ono of you by tho hand and extend my most sincere appreciation. I will bo open for business at tbo earliest opportunity and will add that my misfortune will bo your fain. A sale of unusual interest awaits you just as soon as T am able to adjust my affairs and make some disposition of tho stock. Yours, anxious to please, THE TOGGERY STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF Flanagan & Bennett Bank MARSHFIELD, ORE. At the close of business, Februnry -i, 1913. RESOURCES. Loans nnd Discounts J4S7.929 "fi Banking House , 6o!o5b!oo Cash and Sight Echango, 221,161.77 'ro,nl 1769,081. 03 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock Paid in $50 000 00 Surplus and Undivided Profits fio!osV7-l Dupeiults G-iS,'99C.'29 To,uI S759.0S1.03 For Kent 5 unfurnished housekeeping rooms on Broadway, J 12 per month, Agents In Marshflold and North Bend for tho NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE CO., ono of the oldest and strongest In existence IT'S THE BEST -NONE BET TER. Correctly written poli cies our specialty. French Realty Co. 315 No. Front St., Marshflold For GOOD SHOES and Good Repairing at Right Prices, go to AUGUST OLESEN "15 South Broadway. I Will Furnish Your House on the Installment Plan W. K. Wiseman 311 North Front St. Bus. Phone 290-X: Res. Phone 168 Eliminate Expensve Shafting and Belting The friction and transmission loss in belt and shaft drive sometimes amounts to 00 per cent, By eliminating that dead loss your profits increase, Individual electric motors do away with the shaft ing entirely and practically eliminates belts, Every atom of power goes directly to the machines, Central Station Power Cuts Production Costs You pay only for the power used, Individual elec tric motors enable you to use one machine without operating your whole factory, One department can work overtime without necessitating the expense of operating the -entire power plant, A report from our power experts may put money in your pocket, At any rate it costs you nothing, Telephone -178 and ask for the New Business De partment, Oregon Power Co. U Hi U Hill . I ''""side, "si you buy.' '""""loi 1'1'ono , THE RECORD PHOTOGRAPHING ABSTRACT COM PAN V Havo photographic copies of all records of Coos County to dato, abstracts of titles, present owners, or any other Information relating to real estato furnished on short notice. BUSINESS OFFICE: 117 North Front St., Multifield. Phono 151 J W. J. RUST, Manager Twin City Auto Stage Line Jorry Klnnoy, formerly with tin ralaco Cafe, lina Inaug urated a now automobile) stngo line, between Marshflold nnd North Bond. Tho servlco Is known ns tho "Twin City Stago Lino," and startB with two Boven-passongor Cadillac mnchlncs nnd will hnvo moro If tho sorvlco warrants It. Ho Inaugurates a round fnro of 20 cents between tho two cities. This, ho bcllovos, Is all tho servlco Justifies slnco tho now wntorfront road reduces tho tlmo and also tho cost of tho Borvlco. Ho has made nrrnngemonts for the through sorvlco only, leaving tho locnl borvlco to tho local nu tos but In caso of an omorgency will provldo local sorvlco Tor through patrons. Ho will havo his headquarters at tho S. S. Jennings Btoro In North Bond, Phono 1151, and nt Hlllyor's Cigar Store In Marah Jlold, Tolophono 18-J. Tho sorvlco will connect with nil boat and train schedules. Tho regular schedule is ns follows: White Orpy Wlllter lnvnra I.... ' Ea1f?MM ' 1 II 17AA '''"n 1 17-J or ait, Unique Pantato tub Monunv nv... r PRESSERSandHATna Art.'" S " S ., riiiu iniioHng. i mako your next suit. - ur.rtxntm. WIIKN vmr ii'iv, . GEK BOV-SomcthllB I' "ONE i&u and wo'll .! ii m." .!.! VB,rWN HIAB OftAMiT, North Bend Realfl Comer Sherman and Wnb 110x100 feet, $11,000, on feB Shriver Realty 0 1st Nnt'l Bank Illdg. NorU. PROFESSIONAL DIRECT! nroDD, thi: v.wum, AND IlltlXS KXPffi Will in a!;o your suit to cr.'g way to please you, IS to ; 27 S Front St. liv TDKN.I.1MI.V OSTM.Ml, -T. Consulting PnHamd Architect. Plinnn 10:t-L MnnWHl JM. WRIGHT, CO.VTIIAfrOIl AVD iiun.nnit Estimates furnished 01 Plans and specification! Ini If desired. An noncit Job i teod. Phono 124-H. Lciivo Mni-Mifield i,Wivo xrl, cmi 6:45 a. m. 2H0 p. in. 7:16 n. m. 4.15 p. m. 7:10 3:15 7:45 4:40 7:45 3:45 8:15 5:15 8.15 4:10 8:45 5:45 8:45 4:45 2: 0:1 nt "Hi C:15 9:15 16 10.15 7 15 0:45 6:40 i0;40 7:45 10:10 g:ir 11:1G 8:15 10:45 ij" ! 8:45 11-16 n 3r ,S!l ' '" 9:10 1140 in:t? 12!4G 9! ll ls!rG S:4l50 Si ! a. m. lli 12'4S 3j45 l:QQ OLIVIA KDMAfl. Mechnno-TlienpUt Scientific Swedish MaiMt. 1 Gymnastic! 2S S. Sixth St. I'bosit TOKL OSTLINI), ) Piano Tuner and Ityhl 41b S. Sixth Street PflOMl rKUL IULEV BALLIX0EH A PlunlU Mid Twtel Rcsldonco-Studlo, 237 So. 1 Phone 18-Ij. W M. 8. TURPEN, ARCinTEOT Marohfleld, Oregoa. Round Trip, 25 Cents Success Comes Quickest to tho man who has a checking account with a good bank. Because he has a constant incentive to increase ns balance and develop his resources, and because lie has tho co-operation of the bank in doing so A checking account opened at this bank, 'and conducted with financial betterment in view- will help put you in tho successful class. ' Begin now, oven with a modest sum. The DR. W. MORROW, Deotltt. 1T1 flrlnina ItulldlDS. 01 tf Theater. OfllcePJwneWl VTT O. CHANDLER, Arthlirt Ttwimii AM and A02. Coke ! Itlorslifleld, Orfgoa. T-Nit. a. j. injNimr's J Modern DenUl P.J '-" . vl.l tm Wo nro equipped to ao .' work on abort notlci t W' lowest prices. Em..j Chandlor Hotel, phone U i.'nn iirrjir.nnADE MEATH' cy SAUSAGES OF ALL JOSJJ up PHONE Mil, S CO., where you can M" PER CENT by ltayl"" tus - First National Bank Of Coos Bay R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insuraft 244 North Fronts New and Second Hand firf sold on Uio installrotm w HARRINGTON, 0 Phono h40-Ij Manss ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE BUNKER HILL LOTS FOR SALE nt new location Barnard & Ujf PORTABLE STAJ" jEbi.AL, 'm