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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1913)
!ETTER A THOUSAND TIMES THE MAN WHO FAILS THAN ONE WHO NEVER TRIES ffifloa WxmtB wigf AltTICLFS MP ml ,,pm them! rM'jliomljriia: ii'siiHf' MEMI1EK OP TILE ASSOCIATED l'KES .. .,...,. ,.1 In 1H7H MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1913 EVENING EDITION. A. Consolidation of Times, Coast Mall and Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 1785 .tuxMfl KB1IH""""-" . ,, flL. XXXVI.., Tl, Const Mall. 1 - - r xow is voru timk. m A small ail In The Times- want K column may bring you rcsiilH iiji; K 11.....1.. ri.... ...... ftv wait llll'tllfllf 1,1. i i , imri AMERICANS KILLED IN MEXICO, HEME NIN SEEMS LIKfcLT NUW l American Killed Outright Shot OTToday. rPT TRAINS READY GET TO CARRY TROOPS. Battleships 'Ruslwd to Both CoasK a .mi -'; - - ye lawn "y '" AMERICANS VICTIMS MEXICO CITY, Feb, 12, An American woman named Mrs. Holmes was killed while Ho battle was rajsinfi at 2 o clock this af ternoon. Both logs of an other American woman, a Mrs, Griffith, were shot off while she was preparing dinner m hoi home, which was in the lino of tho fed eral fiie. ?: ) 1 liM I' " " ' """ ,ta TlMl.l ml'viivi riTV. Feb. 12. Thi VtsM of Consul General Arnolil taanklln nml I'N hlnff from the !.r:r' ac ",1,! "' "," ', ,r r I tp.i ' ' )"1" ill She feilerm irooim nnrl rebelH in tie itrecls of Mexico iny 0Bioimiy ... lonantlonnl. SlllUlItllll broke idon two iloorH nml Hum wiih on- iMel lo pirns lulu nml through lie idJolulnR building nml make IiIh ilt mi tho el-Hi's stieel. Tho Con- nl ri,it)-r:il nml Ills Hlltff carried lih them a wounded mini brought Into the ctiribiilatu building for tcin- iporary treiitiiiPiit i NO SAFE SPOT. (Hy Assoeutod I'rcHH) MEXICO CITY. Fell. 11!. Tho suggestion of forolpi dlp lomntH tliat u neutral 7.0110 bo established Ih considered tin fuiiHllilu liy tho government-, which points out thnt It Ir Im possible to forloll In which di rection action may lie shifted, la reality on arcoiint of the long rungo of tho million used tin; 10 in 110 plai'o in tho city which tail he caltl to ho safe. AVI Mi PROTECT ALL. L'11 1 (,il Stales Marines to Look Af ter All KoiplfsuoiN. I Mr A,o lal I'riM lo fooi. IJay llm's 1 WASHINGTON, Fell. 12. I'nleHH thnro should ho fresh iloinonstrn tloiiH In Mexico outside or tho capi tal, which upponiH to threaten for eign Interests for the present, tho American naval cniuiiinnderB nro ox pucteil to look after KuropoaiiH anil Asiatics as well iih Americans. The force now under way will probably ho regarded as mi indent for tho present iicudH. OPPOSICD TO IXTKHVEXTIOX. Stna1or CiiIIiiiii WiiiilN 1'nlted States To Keep Out nr McnIcii. (Mr Aw lalrl I 'tin, lo l'up Itajr TIim WASHINGTON. Fob. 12. A dec laration tiKnliiHt hnmcdlcii Intcr vi'iitl .n in Mc,!ci luudc I Sch;.-loi- Ciiilom, clialrmnu of the Sen ale Coiiiniltto on I'oiolsn Ilela- lloim today. "1 tniat there will ho no Immediate. Iiiteievontlnti by the 1'nlted StatoH. I don't think the time Iwh cjiiio when wo are called upon to liiterforo. Jf wo onco tnko 11 Htop we cannot take it back. I don't think thnt iiudor present condllloiiH wo aro called upon to tnite tno uiiruon. iS s El STATES SHIPS 10 III PORT! 14- ,H' TIIAIN ItUADV. (lly Bil)iuicl IMeHN.) SAN" VXTOXIO. Feb. 12. The Southern I'lirlflc Jtallwny has l.ecn nilMeil 10 hold hiiIII dent equlpmrut on hard to take troops from hero to Gal Htlon 011 siiort mil lie. Tho ac1cs, moc! tar uud frolsht cars are Miu tiutlivivd In tho loral 5 arils, COXniU WITH TAIT. I (Dy Aroi luted ProM) WASHINGTON. Feb. 12. secretaries Knnv m,i sum am. Il Hlt Inlr. rn.,f .... I J U Taft after luncheon at tho Hlte House, At the close, i ty salii they had reviewed tho I it, ,ln sltunilon to Taft and l mat there wns nothing now to acnounrp 1 ! -ZV ' ("7 Ano h'el Iff. to ( ow ntjr Tlm.l WASHIVrirnv .. ... Intlou .: ."' ,,rom" tfniiw.. 1 l" '"'"" 10 move np-tium,-.h?.AMnn,,": (U'ct " (5"- fHuumatoVera to ho held In readlueHH fur landliiK In who that It Ih noeoHh..iy lo relieve tho forelBU legation In Mexico Clly. Four ilrondnntiKl.tH of tho lmttlo uhlp fleulK are htunmliiK nt top Hpeed to Tnmplco uud Vera Cruz and two other nro iiisIiIiik on tho Pacific wide to tho Mexican ports to nfford refiiKo to American anil other forolnuoin. Tnft nnd IiIh enh Inot aro firm In tho detorinlnatlon not to land an American troopor In Mexico unloflH tho moHt dlro iiccoh Hlty force It. Thewi nro tho do volopmontH of tho day In tho ntti tudo of tho Fnlted StntOH toward the newest revolution In Mexico. GET AltMV HEADV. Unltrd States Orders HOIK) Soldiers Pieimieil for Expedition. liy KtM UloJ I'nu lo Co Itay TIium. WASHINGTON, Fob. 12. Tho First lirlKiulo of tho First division of tho nriny. about aOOO stroiiK, hns been ordered prepared for ox podltlonary sorvlco. It Is composod of tho Third Infantry at Madison barruckfl and Obwoko, tho Fifth In fantry at PlattshurK and tho Twenty-Ninth Infantry nt Fort Niagara, all In Xow York i II TO MEXICO GUY has .". .? -" day .But Little News. Linti"'1!'0" ' f r Tim..i dlJ' train , a8, Veh- 12. To tronght anl" 'ro" Moxle City C''U mL mtl' wolnon nn nj. un a"er the Dlnz revolt bo- f ' "SSI'K?. receIvot hero says Promc'Cl,l',yMftlo federal ' "VIP. am v ,""" "r Wilson .V,A8MlXi!?.M'--'-TlnW.l Nayl! e. na Marshall .... iifiimg niul TRY TO AVERT RAILWAY STRKE Judqe Martin Knapp Offers to Mediate Trouble Between Eastern Roads and Men. JUr Aisocllted rrc to Coos Hay TIium NEW YOIUC, Feb. 12. Judge Martin A. Knapp of tho eommerco court. 0110 of tno mediators under tho Erdmnn law, reached Now York oarly today from Washington pre pared to extend his offices to tno Urothorhood of Locomotlvo Firemen and Englnoinen, and tho conference couunltteo of forty-five hastorn railroads, now deadlocked over tho question of wages and working con ditions, noth sides today expressed ronowed hope that tho crisis would bo averted. tfuvu . verifying nnd the counting of tho doctoral vote cast by tho various states. Tho proclamation uiado as a result of this count in tho hall of tho IIouso of Representatives consti tutes formal notlco to tho nation that Wilson and Marshall received a ma jority of tho electoral votes. BATTLE CONTINUE IN MEXICO CITY Situation There Critical for Americans and Other For eign ResidentsFear Loot ing by Rebel Bands. Illy AMorlnlcl I'nu lo Coo liny TlmM 1 MEXICO CITY, Feb. 12. Ameri cans and other foreigners living In this city found themselves In n despornto situation today. The foreign residential and commercial dlstrlcln lay In a direct lino of tho artillery fire from both rohol and federal positions, the two nrmles having renewed tho llcrce hattlo this morning, tho federals taking tho of fensive. Tho action soon became general, all the artillery on both sides being brought Into piny, re inforced by Infantry. Neither sldo gained any particular advantage up to noun, when plans for a conference between tho load ers of tho rebels and represent!! tlves of the government had for dis cussion at the national palace, fol lowing a visit to Mndero by the American nmbaBsndor nnd tho Ger man minister, who demanded thai the battle ccaso and protection ho given foreigners. Fiom tho Mndero point of view, two of tho most Hcrioiin of tho dny's developments -were the releas ing by tho rebels of several thous and criminals from the city prison and tho arrival In the city of Alfon so Miranda, one of Zcnpatas lieuten ants, with a hand of followers, who aro Rnld to have plotted a wholesnle looting of the capital. Meanwhile tho scarcity of provi sions Is already causing suffering among tho poorer classes. Ordinary food Is unobtainable only In small quantities. It wnR roporlcd this afternoon thnt nnother body Si Zapatistas entered tho city, presumably to loin Din. TURKEY APPEALS TO EUROPE TO STOP I IN BALKANS Wfrnem the Adeline Sails M When tho "Adeline" comcn snlllng, Thro tho Glory of our Onto, With tho leagues of main hohlnd her. And our Coos IJay Prldo for freight When tho salvos of tho peoplo, Loudly sound In glad acclaim, To assure her of n wolcomo Thnt will widen Into fnmo Whon wo greet her In tho Harbor Thai will over bo her Homo, After long nnd woary voyage Through tho ocean's spray and foam Then tho peoplo's loyal welcome Will tho hearts of sailors win In tho falrju-jih of the morning, Whon the "Adeline" sails la When tho "Adellno" comes sailing, Whore tho snnil-hllls dot tho IJay, And tho bill-tops stooping shoro ward, Seo their bright reflections play In the swing and Bwny of waters, As they twine and lutortwlno In tholr hasto to roach the Harbor. That's tho Homo of "Adellno" 0! tho shouts of nil the people, As they gnthor on tho shoro Will acclaim n hearty wolcomo, When her voyngo Homo Is o'er. When she comes, let's stand togeth er, And Prosperity, we'll win, In the Glory of the morning, When tho "Adellno" sails In. What Woimld Yom Do Hff Yom Had a Million Dollars? D O YOU ever have day dreams? Of course you do. Every one In this world Iiuh spent -- ' WHAT WOL'M) VOL' t DO WITH A MIM.IOX I imiiiaits a 1,1, voi'H own" O 4 many happy hours vlslonlng In si lent, thrilling pleasure, themselves transported from the work-n-dio routine or their dally lives Into some half-one! anted renlm of tho Imagination. Who has not plot mod himself riding In n rich upholstorod limou sine, or plowing through thos,bluo waters or the Mediterranean in a palatini steam yacht of which ho Is the llonled owner. Whnt girl has- not sat In silent hliwHful contemplation beholding hoisolf, In the mind's eye. robed In the richest of bIUch and velvets, her lluijera uiul throat b'Mtterlng with wondrous gems'. All of us hnvo dreamed those day dreams. Sometimes theso figured fancies or our Idle hours leavo tho realm or material things and soar Into the niystoiles of tho unknown unlverso; sometlinos theso dreams nro confined meroly to optimistic Imaginings about the successful ac complishment of sonio nctunl pur pose, but moro often they take the form porhnps best expressed by tit question propounded by this Inter esting: "WHAT WOIII.I) YOU 1)0 WITH A MILLION DOLLARS?" tho summer will bo satisfactory, ovon And that Is what tho Times waiitswlth two millions In tho hank, to know. Whnt do you think? Tho quostlon possesses a peculiar What would you do If you wero nnd particular Interest to Cooos Iliiyjn James nonnott'a plnco? peoplo just now becauso n Marsh- What vtould you do with a mil Hold man, James Uennott, chief en-llou dollars? glneor of tho C. A. Smith mill, ro- You hnvo all figured out nt one contly foil heir to two million dol-tlmo or nnother tho wondorful things lnrs, Mr. Dennett Is a practlcnl man you would do If you only had enough blessed with a practical wlfo. Homonoy. says ho will not quit his placo with Tho Times wants you to sit down tho company. Mrs. Donnott says and wrlto In ono. hundred words Just thnt a wlutor homo In Los Angoleswhnt you would do with n million nnd a flno bungalow on Coos Dny In dollars. For the best 100 word an- I swer to this most Interesting t question Tho Times offers: i I First Prlzo Five dollar gold ! I piece. Second Prize Three dollaiH Third Prize Two Dollars. Fourth Prlzo Two pound I box candy. j Fifth Pilzo One pound box I candy. I Sixth Prize Ono pound box candy. Wilto your answers plainly nnd on ono side of the paper i only, giving your unnui and ad I dress. I Neatness will ho considered ns woll ns composition and originality. ! j Contest elosos at 0 p. m ' i February 22. ! Winners will bo announced i l tho following day, whon the I lucky contestants may call at i tho ofllco and receive their ' ! prlzos. I Address nil replies to "The I Million Editor," Tlmos olllco. ' RECEPTION TO N ES MITH CALLEO OFF TRIS AFTERNOON Vessel Likely to Arrive Late Thursday Night or Very Early Friday Morning- Await Word from Captain Olson. D. C. Green, President of tho Mnrshflold Chamber of Commorco, announcod this afternoon that tho proposod public wolcomo of the Ade line Smith had been called off ow ing to the fact that she would cross In late Thursday evening or early Friday morning. The tldo will bo favorablo for her at 8o'clock Thurs day night or 4 o'clock Friday morn ing It was announced at tho local of fices of the C. A. Smith Company that tho Adellno was this sldo of San Francisco at 8 o'clock this morning Thoy expect to hear direct from Cap tain Olson this afternoon or tonight and until thoy got direct word, thoy would not stato tho hour at which tho Adellno would bo llkoly to cross in. There Is much rogrot on the Ray that tho public welcomo to tho big vessel had to be callod off. It Is expected that many will go down In launches anyway to wolcomo tho ves- da Tho Mllllcoma Club smoker will probably bo tendered Friday even ing. TAFT TO DANQUET. President Will Attend Dig Function In Philadelphia. Dy AMO'lated Pri to Coo lly Tlmw. WASHINGTON, Feb. 12. Presi dent Taft with soveral members of tho cabinet left hero this afternoon for Philadelphia to attend the flftloth anniversary dinner of tho Union League Club tonight. MAOERO HALTS BATTLE TODAY Said to Have Ordered Suspen sion in Order to Prevent Foreign Intervention. Illy Aho la'M I'nn lo Coon Ila." Tlinw. MEXICO CITY, Feb. 12. It was unofficially reported this afternoon nt 1 o'clock that President Mndero had ordered a suspension of firing ns ho desired .to prevent foreign In terference, but although them was a slight lull In the tiring it did not entliely como. Mndero says ho will not yield In nny case, but If Diaz persists In bombardment he will move the cnpltnl to San Luis do Potosl or somo other point. According to nn American from San Luis Do Potosl, negotiations hnvo been opened with tho govern or of that stato for a proclamation of tho national capital thcro, hut tho governor eo far decllnos. For many hours after the open ing of today's battle, the artillery lire of the federals did not appear to do great damage to tho rebel positions. Dlnz soon brought his honvy guns to boar vigorously. He made every effort to discharge tlio federal ririomou and tho machine gunners from tho high buildings whero they took up their positions. At the same time, ho directed the constant flro at tho new national theater, about which a considerable portion of tho federal artillery was stationed. In this latter effort he wns fairly successful. The federal troops iiindo a valiant but iuoffec tlvo effort to obtain possession of the Jail, but wore repulsed and many prisoners wero released who took up arms with the robots. Tho Mutual Llfo Insurnnco build ing of tho Now York corporation was set on fire by u shell from the rebel field guns. The four-story structure wns badly damnged. Tho rebols seemingly employed hoavlcr cannon thun yesterday. Thoy directed considerable atten tion toward the national palace ami higher buildings, on many of which fedoralB had mounted machluo guns and posted ririomeu to sweep the streets with tholr fire. LODGE URGES NO FREEL TOLL Senator Says Repeal of Pro vision Is Best Way Out of Bad Situation. (lly Ao UleJ I'roi to Coo ruy Tlinea ) WASHINGTON, Fob. 12. Tho roponl of tho freo passage pro vision of tho Panama Canal act ns tho wlsost and best way "out of a vory ombnrasslng and Injurious sit uation," wbb urged by Senator Root today boforo tho sonato commlttco on lntoroconnlc canals In support of his bill for tho repeal of tho provi sion exempting American coastwlso ships from tho payment of tolls. IS' KILLED BY LOG Head Rigging Slinger of Camp 1 Crushed to Death Yesterday. John link, head rigging sllngor nt Smith-Powers Camp 1 on South Coos river, was Instantly killed yes terday afternoon when ho was struck by a log. He was horribly crushod about tho head and body. it sooms that a log being haulod In caught on another log and boforo It could bo roloasod, It Jerked the second log around so that It struck Hak. Hak's body was brought down last .evening, Chauncoy Clarko, tlmokeep er at. tho camp accompnnylng It. Hak was 28 or 30 years aid and had been employed in tho local camps for somo tlmo. Ho was woll Ukod uv nil nt rattier small stature, ho had a hobby of always wearing a stiff hat. Hak was born a French Canadian and Is said to have boon born near Winnipeg. Ho has no relatives hero but Coroner Wilson is trying to lo cato them near Winnipeg. Formal Application Made To day to Have Powers Stop Conflict at Once. AMBASSADORS WILL DISCUSS IT FRIDAY". Request Made by Sultan off Sir Edward Grey of Great Britain and Others. Illy Awoi late I I'nu lo Coos Day Tlm T LONDON, Feb. 12. The Turkish government formally requested Sir Edward Grey today to Invito the European powors to Intervono am to stop the llnlknn war. Tho r quest was communicated to tho nn bassadors here, who transmitted , to the respective governments-. Tip niiibnssndors will meet Friday tcx r port on tho result. HALKAX WAR XEWS. Xo Fighting Yesterday EvcepK. Itombaiilmeiit of Aililanople. (lly Amoi lain! I'itm lo luy Tlnu I SOFIA. Feb. 12..---There was no righting yesterday In either Gilll poli Penlnsiilu or on the TchalalJ' lines. T',c 1- mbardmcnl of AdVIau. ople continues. TURK MASSACRE REPORTED TODAY: Claim That All Christian Men and Women in Village Are Slain; Girls Abducted. (ny AMOfLtfJ !'n lo I'ooa Hay Tlmn, ) SOFIA, Fob. 12. According to dispatches mndo publle hero, tho Turkish troops yesterday nssombfea tho wholo male Christian population: of tho seaport of Ruyuk Cliokmedju lu tho vlllngo school houso nml mas sacred them. Subsequently thoy killed nil the Christian jtfunon and? chlldrou except tho young girls whout, they carried off on bonrd a ship. RUNOREDS RURT II JAP RIOTS Police Charge Mob in Mikado's Capital with Drawn Sabres -Rioting Continues. (lly Awo. tJ rM to " Hay 1 line-i OSAKA, Japan, Feb. 12.- Vio lent rioting continued all night. Ou several occasions the police ehnrgciC tho mob with drawn snbros. Hun dreds of persons woro Injurod. Tin prlmnry cause of tho outbreak was tho breaking up of two inn-H meet ings by the polite. OFFERS $10,000 TOWARD HOTEL New Developments in Nortlv Bend Project by L. J. Simpson., At n meeting of tho North Dent! city council Inst ovenlng, tho pro posal of tho North Rend Commercial Club to soil Grant Clrclo to V. E. Wnttors for $20,000, was laid on th tahlo for futuro action. This re sulted from a telegram received from. L. J, Simpson urging thorn to retail Grant Clrclo ns a hotol slto and stat ing that tho Simpson Lumbor Com pany would subscrlbo $10,000 to wards n stock company to erect n $GQ,000 or I7G.000 hotel. It was also Btated that W. J. Wllsoy, tho railroad promoter and real estate op erator, who last year had offored to put up n $100,000 hotol In North Rond, would bo horo today or to morrow and that possibly ho wa ready to do business now. Mayor Simpson said that ho wan opposed to Belling Grant Clrclo for $20,000. Ho olthor wnntod It kopt for tho city or to have- tho hotel built on It. Ho will return from San Fran cisco -within a fow weeks, H. C. Dlors informed member of tho council Monday night that ho Imr a leuer win iuii;k"' D'"iuaiii- (Contlntied on Pago Four.)