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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1913)
( WFLCOME YOU, ADEUNF SMITH, AS COOS BAY'S VERY BEST VALENTINE (tea lay mmm ..hit AKTICI.ICH , I ll.imiull TillU'M WMIlt .10 I"?1 '"" --" -,,, ,!...: I'm. tnonw .,u-. U rci MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED TltES NOW IS YtJL'lt TIME. H A siniill ml In Tin' Times want gi column iiiny bring you results iiii- ft mediately. Try one. B . at.. 4 UCI HhlnliHMicu "'" L xxxvi.;: t.:; c,u.t mik MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1913 EVENING EDITION SIX PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull n 1 Of nnd Coos liny Advertiser. n,u ,uv EUNE SMITH RECEIVES PAL WELCOME TO COOS BAY at Thronp Greets Ship as She sans miu iimi Harbor. A. SMITH'S LATOT Au bnuHitoi n iendid Tribute of Acknowl- Penl"i,d 'H'X tion iiui" u,v' """ nT IS the RoliUMi rihw in morning wlHi " l'lninicrlng Sim- .lnmltiK t"!!: Id ripple,, l.t l - I- Tie twii.B ni ".r'.-,- t ho harbor that Ih to bo Hit Hon"; tuit r, :io In MonliiK. nftiT ,,nr,l brenkliiR trli hor niul.lon ,. that l" ,,,r" '' ,,l'r 'I"' '"" the rusmnp - - - ...f ii.o imrlKir of ' 'ny. h Cane AwroIU' Lt bourn-whls- Kteancd n r.lml bw tins of w el se as bio Minn I '" i " . .i Tin Ailnl hill ned arrcfH u' Iih acknnwlc l-"i I i saluti; "" ll nrouill) Hi") '!' sheltering I welcoming wh't- " f V,H '"I' ll sho cntercl 'Hi' i"w i"'i "" i mot by tlie lire aliv. liter, loaded ;h Coos Day P''i'' anxious to Iccme the mv. umi uni gne mi ne of their .niiru miuui in mu a who mnile n 1 manned hor. fellreakwnur Mii'iuiteil liur nonrso oateil hut hear'y vvoliomo above .iik r i.iiiiiiiii ill urn mill (lien UIU Ul lliiliiiiii ' - to while the Ailelme Miillh went icknowleRliiK the salute, mxl italn Olson on the bridge snill InKracloiitnrteptiiiico of the roy- . . . 1 ..M. ... nj loyal wi-icuim nuine. ." l.lallnn Slilltll linKtifll till' lll('lll- La. lii.mi.1 lltlil ffillllU'liil IlilP 111 iplrc, where both t-hlps docked mill Isona KrecilllRH were exrii.uiKeii. liome nflor the low,' voyiiKu rough many sens, Trnvoi-stninoii, unscathed, she llonteil proudly In atcrs wiiere mie m iniHiresii. 1 proud the kIiouM Iip nfter u ree- iirfnkhui trill nn lull' llllllllell hse of thonsniuls of inilori w'ltli- mlihap or nilsiulventiire. k nlfnilnn vliln Irnlv for wlilln icrojsed the linrlmr Imr lnnt cvun- I It '9 nnt mi t II HiN mi it'll ill ir. St. Benilne't day Unit hIic reiiclioii thu rr tnu or ner oyni'c. in nor hup the C, A. Smith mill ct occasion was n moinontiiiiH . It marks nn ennili In thu hIiIii- t commerce of thin port. The nine bmlth Ih the InrKest vobhim it for ami du'lWuteil to tlie o. slve use nf CniiK llnv utiliinlni'. ai this thoiiRht that prompted ipiwna oui'iimiriiiR of tho popu- " io grcei mm weiioiiio Her nr tl. Every one of tho hundreds o watthul with ihrii" eyes, hor alBg IhrouRh the dlskiilxliiK pur- oi ine afternoon f" n peisonnl 'rest In tlitu n oiinimuu i,r Hm W that tx (inr hUai'lMiliitim-iit Turns to .loy. "-appointment that was almost I rcsulieil from Uc nnnonnco- st that the kIiIii m t Ii t mil until late In tli- nluht and coin- " rrwuent (Sreeu of tho Chnin- "iwmmerce touill off tho pnl receptton. When It was later nat she miKlit arrive oft i "i iaie in inr .tfternoon. tho pemee on general arraiiKomentB. r Tower, Ivy fomlr-.n ami Anson F;"-Jr got busy. tU. ivronltwn- I S Beciirol 0...1 ..... .... fchl i, "' """ '"V "Will uii- fciw I ,t u B00(1 1,nVH rotiRlit I.... . e wnuinoiit to see m. . " wm 0nKor lYhH a "'", "1 'J'rovni Kth We?Jf",f. "?.w...wn r?: off th. i... : "J l"" fintin would lout f,A llx lH-BS0nK-,ra. stenm- to ther ,,oek nl)01'' "v 1 miisio .1 ,sp.,r,nB Btrallls of C hat lea !,0 th0 ft'ol"' f Bn over IW tllp ofPiwIon. IuSm S..en",ulnm of all, for ieeB,,i ... ,cral' e-1. Tho very : o carrv t.r i l0 "0Ul1 s l0 'ttluBbSMo'thoaA. t0-Id. n, V ' . l" l)eoplo of .. "it even inn oin, .u.i 1 th. ,pty,:. ller 'rgo con- VhVre'i'tc. a. Smitli ?rd?s iweu our .MarH her '. weather ,;.' "D "Ul lllBl LI" er lnna ,avo,rln Bales t4ni-ii T? "Ol, i.kt irido;t',c -. Qu'.-M.-- I ii. "afvard m :'ul"e't mm-r,erClllnStea'dto- Wlheo tlhie AdeMne Sails Jo (ItopiilillHliud ly ltoiticHt) When tho "Adollno" ronieH huIIIiik. Thro' tho Olory of our Onto, With tho loagucH of main behind hor, And our Coob Hay l'rldo for freight When tho biiIvoh of tho people, Loudly sound In glad ncelalm, To nBBiiro hor of u wolcomo That will widen Into fnmo When wo grcot hor In tho Harbor That will over bo hor Homo, After long nnil weary voyngo Through thu ocean's spray mid f on m Then tho pooplo'H loyal woleomo Will tho hoartH or sailors win In tho falrnosH of tho morning, When tho "Adollno" HallH In. When tho "Adollno" comes Balling, Whoro tho Baud-hills dot tho liny, And tho hill-tops stooping shore ward, Seo their bright reflections play In tho Bwlng mid Hway of waters, Ah thoy Iwlno and Intortwlno In their haBto to reach tho Hnrbor, Thafa tho Homo of "Adollno" O! tho shouts of all tho people, Ah thoy gnthor on tho shore Will lu'clnlm a hearty welcome, When hor voyngo Homo Is o'er. When sho comes, let's stand togeth er, And Prosperity, wo'll win, In tho Olory of the morning, When the 'Adollno" sails In. M. C. M. 1 IL SHIP AFLOAT Adeline Smith Will Be Great est Carrier Designer Says Unsaleable. Tho Adeline Smith, which reach ed Coos May last evening, whllo not tl.o Inrgest lumber carrier, Is tho moHt modern and undoubtedly tho greatest lumber cnrrlor nflont. Heretofore, the Nmin Smith, her sis ter ship, Iiiih the record of being tho groat lumber carrier, having cnrrletl about 81,000.000 feet qf lumbar In twelve niontliH, hut It Ib expected that tho Adeline Smith will greatly siirimss this. Sho Is built purely for n lumber carrier but will bo ablo to hmidlu othor kinds of freight. Sho hns no general pass enger accommodations, i-tinrtorH Do ing provided merely for tho owners, tho captain anil the crow ! CAPTAIN OLSOI TELLS STORY DF THE TRIP AROUND THE HORN 'Adeline Smith's Actual Run ning Time 58 Days from Baltimore to Coos Bay. VOYAGE Ma"dIWITH0UT MISHAP OR ACCIDENT Catain Pleased With Enthus iastic Reception Given Vessel's Arrival. SIiIOTLY Boa-Bcnrrod and weather-beaten as a result of her CI day voyage from Haltlmoro, to Coos Hay, thu Adeline Smith, the pride of Coos Day and tho C. A. Smith Company, arrived In at Di.lO o'clock last night. Despite the long Journey, "all well," wns thu rcspotiKo of Captain Olson mid his olllcers and crew to tho greeting showered upon them by the hun dreds who met them at Umpire. It wiih the saine as the laconic mes sage that Capt. Olson Rent from Coronet, the only point ho touched on the voyage of several thousand miles. Captain Olson reports that tho voyage on tho .whole was a good one. They encountered some rougn weather, tho worst of wiilch was In the straits Just as thoy rouniieU Capo Horn mid wore about to pass In thu waters of tho Pacific. A terrific gale came up" which de laved them theru two davs. Thev OVCr 300 Made Trip 011 the lt miothor two days In taking Dl,,o : aS,IU! coal, so that their actual running uiuarwvcuu, in huuiuuii time from llnltlmore, Mnryland, to Those on Launches. c ' about r,s days. Tho welcomo extended thorn by (, . ! thu company nnd tho people or HKCKITIO.V TO.VKJIIT ! Coos Hay was a surprise mid n i i gratifying one. Capt. Olson snlil . that he did not anticipate it and when he aaw the Hroakwntor com ing down thu bay, gaily ueiiecKcu with flags, ho wns at n loss to know tho reason why. When tie saw hor turn around as ho came In nnd the peoplo aboard, It dnwiied upuu him that they woro there to bid Ii 1 in welcomo in. "Tho Adeline Is a tiuo boat," snld Capt. Olson this afternoon, not boastfully, but at thu samo time with considerable pride. "She FIERCE FIGHTING CONTINUES IN STREETS OF MEXICAN CAPITAL DIAZ DEMAND THRNEO DOWN MANY WELCOME SHIP TO BAY This evening, tho Mllllcoma Club will tondcr a Hinoker and reception to Captain 1). W. Ol son, C. A. Smith, Arno Moreen, !'. A, Warner and other olllcers of the Smith Company and tho Adellno Smith ami of tho Nairn I Smith at tho club rooms. Only members and a few out or town guests will attend. Tho pro- I gram will bo Impromptu. Rebel Commander Wanted American Recognition But Is Refused. (11 Amoi ItlM 1'itm lo Cikh nr TIinM.J MEXICO C1TV, Kob. 1 . C5cn. Ulnz today asked or recognition as a belligerent by tho United States government In a rormal nolo to Am bassador Wilson, stating that ho was In complete control of tho city. Wilson replied promptly to tho rebel leader, explaining that whllo Diaz' statement might be correct, his own oyu was untrained In mili tary affairs mid he was not ablo to sea tho situation us Diaz explained It. Ho added ho wns iiBSiircil by President M micro that the govern ment renialno 1 In control. AM Over 300 people yesterday waved' ,"" ,,.", tilft ,' ,r,. welcomo from tho decks of the ,.n,.,i , ,1,.... 1.,.. Hi, ,,, 1, . I'lio Vileilno S'mIMi ! pra"!"!''- nitukwtitcr to Ca.ilalu Olson and , Whilu sue Is supposed to have u sea speed of eleven knots, wo can mako twelvo knots enslly." For Captain Olson, tho homo com- y an iinslnkablo vessel," said K. S. tnu ,.row ot tj,0 Adollno Smith ns Hough, tho designer, In giving a tho latter crossed In over tho bar. iloscrliitloii or the big now lumber ni, ,...,- inini.,.,i with Dm nhvRlcnl iMU'rln ,11 'IMlll 'I'llllllH VliHtlirilaV. .........!. mt.l iimiuI.1 1... ' l,ifv .....u n ni.i.i llit'iliu mm liillliv i...ivj, w .-... v ,. tlAll I nnillll ( lUUllllh mill llllinii HJ .nift lllia liliiob jwjwwa wi.v, ..iii.t,- "She Ib biilkheaded trmiBVorsely and tn Co0(J jJny )n,j ,nij0 tno occa-lng him to wlfo and baby mid longitudinally and I believe Is 1111- B,m ()U0 j0K to , roinombered by. tho beautiful homo on Tenth street ulr.kublo." those who witnessed It. nvhlcli has beon coniploted during Tim following aro the dimensions Although tho welcomo had to bo his nhsenee. It was tho first tlino of tho Adeline Smith: 80,t ()f Improinptii owing to tho'le had oppii'tunlty to seo his son. decision of President (Ireen of tlioiAruo Stuart Mereen, named In hon- 1 Over all length 310 root. chninber or Commerce tho provlous or of Arno Moreen, general super- I lleani M.ti fuel. 1 clnv t() ,,n t off. when It wns Intondent or tho C. A. Smith coni- ,Molded depth -1.0 reet. thought that the Adollno would not pnny, but who Is called "Comino- I Draught with enrgo of -.- rej(lJl lu,ro utj n(l) t,ero wa8 a'doro," desplto his few nionths on I 000,000 feet of liini- great lospoiiBo nnd hundreds niado this world sphere. Mrs. Olson and I hor 1.' lot- tiiij trip to the lower Hay. All baby were at IJmplro to greet him. 1 Speed, attained 011 trial Wnnt0li to uroot Cantnln II. W. Ol-I Tho crow Hkowlso were mighty I trip iJw knots r,lu w,oso ability nnd bravery has.plensod to got to port agnln mid . ,T ,,,., 1 K'll nwtiu llllllllj mm iii.i.i ...... Sl speed H KHOIB. ,,, 1.1,,, ,in f,loiwllilii of nil. and I Maximum horsepower or on- 1 tQ oxvreau tlu)ll. appreciation or tho j K"8 uuu I c. A. Smith Company's efforts to in (liHcussliiR tho lonstructlon or . ,lo00,BVielBh B t0Ct ""ironic wn tor. the oru tnu voiboi, Mr. iinR . ... Standard with tho High school pu- "She has roup I. g h P iob mo bo I- imber Q( Bmftor ,ont8 era and throe crank, trip 0 uxprni- ' ,0 ,Jn Tho sloii typo engines i.r the latest k , oao,1(1 tll0 IoW0P nny r i. .i.. f iii v.mK..i wns J"st tlmo, turning around just tho Interior of tho "wwl ns Adollno crossed in over tho gned especially or t 0 unit ""poiioIiiB a brief Inspection :ttKByHuLl lal ,1 Boff "0 W- s- on,th 0meor ,lnrt,' th0 Tho holds nro laid on so ',.. a...,,,. ,., . mn.ii.i. ni )UI that the Smith packages of liiinuor "' "",10r,'M 0" , Vho reakwa- TA B',S'Umt,!r"o Nt u"t ho." !or nTZ? lj Kl J"aT T .18 will on- lowing the crowd to go aboard and ,.r lnsnoct (no 11110 vckhui. nl, In tli n lnnillnir nnd dlseliarglng .r..n ,,, loss tlmo tlinn by Desplto tno long sea irip, uvurj a lull I'nrgo in loss tnno man ny aboard any oiner sibiuiii. .... ,i ti.n limulHomo rurnlsliliiKS of Dosplto tho long Boa trip, ovory- s ' Sho 1 as a si eclnl water ballast nnd the hmidsonio fiiriilsilngs of sno lias a "IJ-"'" ;';!' . or . tho vessel won marked admiration :m. V1' m,W ' SVthwoS from all. Tho only signs of the long conio up along tho stiff north I ds " hich 1 mve to be 1 buokod' trip were tl.o woather-beatei, sides oni? tho north Pacific coast In whorpiojuilntJi nlm.i. tin. nnrth Pacific Biinunor tlmo without loss of time. This ByBtem is operated by a Bpecuu oontrlfugiU pump driven by a tur bine. , . "Tho electric lighting system or the vessel Is In duplicate to guard against breaks or trouble. I "Sho has tho largest cargo, lintplioa nvnr llllt tlltn UllV VeSSOl ria sSarWnK8!- ffi Large German Sailing Vessel cargo or fuel oil. "Threo especially deslgnod Btan- nlilmi nnat-H liprivllll. mnnllS of VOlltl- latlon as woll as of filling hor oil tanks. . . , - ' "Spoclal nuartors aro provided fori her owners, as woll as oxcoiio u strangers though they woro to tho crowds that flocked from tho Hrenkwater when tho ships eamo alongsltlo at Kmplre, the greottngs oxtoiitlod were of the friendliest sort. There was no soaslckness aboard on tho long trip and no accldonts occurred to mar tho voyngo. Tho Adollno Smith carries a crow or thlrty-threo men. The olllcors besides Captain Olson aro: First olllcor John Hanson or Philadelphia. Socond olllcor Win. Flshor of Now York. Third oillcor Ray Hanson or Philadelphia. Stownrd Thomas P, Flynn, ror inorly or tho U. S. transport sor vlco. Chlor onglnor John Macintosh, formerly on the old steamer Arago and lator on tho Sierra and well known on Coos Hay. Mrs. Macln- VESSEL ASHORE AT NEHALEM BAY TWO STKAMKHS SINK. Lost on North Spit Crew Safe River Steamers Sink in San Francisco Bay. rpiartors for hor olucers. Sho will m akum rim to coo. nr Tim.i carry a captain nnd crow or thirty-' DAY CITY, Fob. 14. Tho lden threo men, the samo as tho Nairn thQ nrgo BnlUng vessol that S,"!dho had two trial trips, one with ' went ashore on the Bplt nortl, of coal burners and tho other with oil Shalom Hay last night was estab- burnors. Tho greatest speed she Jshed t0(lay ns tlie Mlnil. a Ger- Kn'otaodly ?T8k!.oti man vessel, from Va.paraslo to As- "Ei Route around Capo Horn toria In bains! : for n 0-ders The she had a cargo of about 2200 tons vossol is hard fast on tho sand ami dead weight. She loft with about when the Hdo Is low wll bo en- 3500 tons, hut a large amount of It tlrely out of water 1 1 ere 1 is no was fuel for this trip. The regular hope or saving lor. Iho crew of cargo consisted or steel mils and thirty men nro stl Inboard but will iiiiJ S Sd S: (Continued on Pago Six.) Jed at, ?300,000. Disastrous Collision In San Fran cisco Hay. (nr AMOcUted I'ren to Coot Day TlmM. SAN FRANCISCO. Fob. 14. Tho river steamer Somlnolo, plying between this port and Sacramento was sunk orr Angel's Island In San Francisco Hay today In a dense fog In collision with tho river steamer II. J. Corcoran. The stoamor Napa Valley rescued the passongors and crew. Tho Corcoran turned turtle niter the collision. Sho carried a valua ble cargo and C0.000 or gold bul lion. Sho drirted toward the Gold en Gate, Tho Semlnolo also turn ed turtle but as sho had been at anchor she did not drift very rar rrom the. scene or the collision. There was no cnsualltles, tho pas sengers and crew or both boats tak ing to email boats and were pick ed up. ASKED TO MOVE United States Legation Re fuses Request of Mexi can Government. Illy AMorUtfil I'it to foo luy Tlmm ) MKX1CO CITY, Fob. 1 I. United States Ambassador Wilson wns twlco requested today by Pedro Lascuraln, tho Mexican foreign minister, to move tho Amorlcan embassy to mi- other locution. Tho ambassador re fused to consider tho suggestion. Tho object or tho Mexican govern ment's deslro to movo tho embassy Is to permit the federal troops to placo their cannon In n position which would draw tho rebel lire from tho arsenal directly In lino with tho embassy. A great number or residences, occupied by Ameri can citizens, would thus bo endan gered. Desplto the rofusnl of tho ambassador to movo It Is understood thnt tho fodernl batteries aro being plnced thero. L 0. 0'CON Sixth Day of Battle Sees No Abatement in Aggressive Warfare. THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE ARE TERROR STRICKEM Movement to Blow Up Four Solid Blocks With Dyna mite Uunder Way. llr Amoi 111 I'lfM to ('no Illy Tlmni, MEXICO CITY. Feb. 1 1. Tha sixth day of lighting In tho strcotH of tho Moxlenn capital brought no dlmlnultloii In tho llerccncss or tho battle. I'll to noon there was no appreciable gqln 011 either side. Hun dreds of thousands of terror stricken non-combatants have grown Indif ferent ns to who wins, but nil hop ing It will soon bo ended. Oriirr iletormlnutlon wns expressed today by both Hlilos. Madoro received moro reinforcements last night mid further bodies or troops nro oxpectcd today. Diaz In 'no respucts oc cupies the best . ...tlon nnd Is well supplied with ammunition, but tho Miulero forces aie superior In num ber and with an unlimited supply or ammunition mid supplies avail able. Illy Awoi IIM l'n to I'lHM Ut TlmM f MEXICO CITY. Fob. 1 I. Tho rebels opened the buttle today at a quarter to 0 o'clock when they started filing In the direction or federal concentration points. Picsldeiit Madero setit an ulti matum to Felix Diaz this morning deiiiMiidliiK his surrender and thu reply came In tho shape of a lum ber or cannon balls rrom the in surgents' biggest Kims. Hy seven o'clock tho llrln "c had rolled Into a steady fusillade. A I around the arsenal at the flash ot Held guns mid quick fliers was In cessant. A constant st renin of rofu goss, most or them Mexicans, wiih hurrying from the firing zone. Car rying with tlim household supplies and food. Two federal bntteiies of flvo gutiB each standing near the Hrltlsh le gation poured a constant stream of shells Into the arsennl. Auothor fed eral battery was posted on San Juan Do Letran Jointed In. Many shrapnel shells from tho reb el artillery fell among the cables' olllces, the American Club and other buildings In that vicinity. IH.OW I'P Ht'lliDIXdS. BON EOT Badly linjured by Gasoline Sxplosion Which Destroy ed Two Launches. I.oron O'Connor was quite severe ly burned about tho face and hands lu a gaBollno oxploslon and llro about 0:30 this morning, and two small gasollno launches belonging to him and Joe Schott woro practically de stroyed. Mr. O'Connor was taken to Morcy Hospital, but It Is not bolloved that his Injuries aro of a critical na ture, although thoy aro yory painful. This morning ho went down to his launch, whloh was tlod up near tho Railroad dock, to loavo for tho O. A. Smith mill, whoro ho Is omployod. Ho had to got somo additional gaso llno from Joo Schott's launch, which was tlod to his. In tho darkness, ho was unablo to pick up tho can and lighted a matoh. An oxploslon In stantly followed, some gasollno hav ing leaked out and llllod the bottom of tho boat. Ho had to mako his way through tho flames to got on tho dock. Holp soon reached him but It was too lato to savo tho boats, which woro cut looso from tho wharf and pushed out In tho stream and allow ed to burn. A Are alarm was trunod In but tho llremen could not do any thing. , , l ., Mr. O'Connor was taken to the Snyder hotel, whoro Dr. Dlx attended his Injuries and later ho was sent to Mercy hospital. Mr. O'Connor Is known as "Doc" to his friends. Ho and Mrs. O'Connor yesterday moved from the Snyder hotel to a house on South Eleventh street. to fJE.V. WOODFORD DEAD. Veteran Piibllclstand Former Min ister Passes Away. fBy Amo Uiel 1'itii lo Coo Ilr Tlmm J NEW YORK. Feb. 14.--General Stewart h. Woodford, veteran pub licist and formerly United States min ister to Spain, died hero today af ter an illness of two weeks. Ho was 7S ye"""8 0,d Federal Cuuiiiiundfr Resorts Drastic .Methods. lly 'atOilttlM I'rrH IO I'tHM llr TIlllN. MEXICO CITY, Fob. 14. Tho govern nont was reportod today na prepar.'ng to raze by dynninlto four solid blocks, consisting mostly of res idences Just oast of the robol posi tion and between tho arsoual mid tho nntlonnl pnlnco In order to obtiiin n hotter sweep ror tho heavy llro rrom tho fedoral artlllory. Tho buildings in tho doomed boc tlon nro constructed wall to wall, and In n district that Is densely popu lated. Tho rosldonts woro wnrned during tho night to evacuate and all oboyed. General Hourtti, tho fod ernl co 111 111 a nil or, doclnred thnt with mortars will soon doiiiollsh tho ar senal. For this purposo It wns nec essary to destroy the housos boforo attempting to dislodge tho robots. HITS COHAIi REEF. Dmirtiiiiuglil Aikmisns Slightly Dam aged Yesterday. (ny A"0 Ulel TriM to t'oo.. liny Tlmra.) WASHINGTON, Fob. 14. Tho droadnnuglit Arkansas, which ran on Coral Iteof near Colba Roof, noar Colinntiora, Cuba, yostordny, pro ceeded to tho Giiantnnamo naval sta tion. Tho daniago was comparative ly Inslgnillcant. GOVERNMENT TROOPS DESERT. Reported That They Aro Refusing to Fight. (ny AuoolatrJ l'n to I'ooi Hay Tlmra.) MEXICO CITY, Fob. 14. At noon straggling bands of Fodorals passed tho United Stntes embassy. It watt bolloved that thoy wero desorters and tho Impression grow that tho govern ment troops werp refusing to con tlnuo fighting. Just boforo noon tho Whlto Cross socloty ondoavorod to arrango a truco of two hours In or der to collect tho doad and wounded. Tho fodernl llro became less Intenso and tho robol artlllory also slacked up slightly. HOTIf BIDES DETERMINED. (lly Atiodaleil 1'rcm lo Cooa Hay Tlmra, MEXICO CITY, Fob. 14. Noth ing of a spectacular nature occurred during tho morning's oporatlon, nor did tho bombardment appear so tor rKylng as that or yestorday, although thero was no doubt that both sides were working grimly and doggedly. TROUIUiE AT AOAl'UI.CO Aiitl-Aiiieilcan Finding Causes Ves sel to Turn Hack, Oy Auodatod I'rua to Cooa Hay Tliaea.) WASHINGTON. Fob 14.- Because or tho lntenso Anti-American feoling at Acapulco, Mox tho crulsor Den ver has beon turned back Into that port to protect Americans and other foreigners until tho arrival of tho South Dakota Sunday.