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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1913)
( rial rJsi i:i obi lit . iOM! Ml WAV GEB T(( ;oi t. rer aeWlJ child ke 1 (OS. rri. . hl' tmj nitloJi , Bill,1 , IK T tdt Kin' isuran Street IfurniWt nl t1 G L h LOTS Dayton Motorcycles a Motorcycle Talk We linvo onk-rcHl a Dayton Motorcycle on tlio .. I- ....,.(. .in flniniK made for it hv tlio 1111111- rei.Kt.n- '"' - ,,,, ,..... r,..., .... ...... Vturor inl Hit- ngoms. '.nicy imhiiu una u nas ' , ..t:...i. ;.,. nnwcr than anv othor machine' 0rc nill-riiM. -.... i 11 tht' liiarKfl- ,s soon as it arrives wo will invito any and all her (IcaU-i's i nruuigu ... ....v,,.u .... ...v, .lfa, .1 i.:n i. .. !in 1'infl. ;C011CSl mil - If the Diitn don't make good, wo don't want and will turn it over to any "headquarters" or rest room" willi"? handle machines turned lffn by olli'i' dealers. - ' ; w0 have ahsnhttely nothing at stake in the mat p pvi'onl Hi' understood fact that anything hau led by the Marsh field O.yeloiy must imike tjood, 'ml sIuikI (iilrirlisuii. )inm bo j wsl -class. Wc don't have to (iikc any more machines. We wtuiM nl i'tlei' this one until the company foul I hjjw l" that. About tlu mile in !7 seconds that reminds me ie toiicr wlio was told that a camel could go .i ... i. .:..i. ii i . ii'i'i... rco month- vuiiioui a uniiii. nv sum: i iiiu niav ,lmt who iii IT 1 wants to he a camel?" We novel- i aggerato and we never state what we b not bolicM' to he true. jl'ur the .ri"viil, we helieve that the Dayton is c Hill CUiiilm; with its 15-inch tires. Marshfield Cyclery Agents for .YTON BICYCLES Phone 158-R Agents for DAYTON MOTORCYCLES 172 N. Broadway S133 w,r w .ivY HHS mmmrn SSS8SS f fl JS WTO V Social Pleasures I theatres, late suppers, dances, etc., often mean nerv louj headaches the next day. v e sell many good headache cure?. Its not hard to find a remedy for a headache, but often the remedy wworsc than the malady. Many cures contain danger ot drugs that cause harmful after effects. We heartily recommend Rexall Headache Wafers because vc know their formula and euar- atee them absolutely free from antipyrin, opium, nwpWne or chloral. They arc a simple and positive wr neauaches and neuralgia quickly kill the pain SiSX?thc thc ncrvcs Tcrfectly suited to women. r , "un ll'J Kexall guarantee. Two sizes Four Wafers, lOc.-Twelvc Wafers, 25c. ckhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY CORNER." HONE MAIN 298 US KPHEUM TONIGHT 4M jiTivi.. -. in i,tiun, nallroad Story. pi ,, . "H 'iniiriiiiu l 1 MATC,rAKRR-.Fe, un8thousan,i . . , . . Tllp cm wv Vl ,ngter. .... v uHllltllU DiUl Jf Featuro Comedy with John E,tMihea Admtasl on, 10c, Noyer more. war gk . , . TIDKS IfOll KKIlltl'AltV. Holtiw Ih clven thu tlmo nnd i liolKht of IiIkIi nml low water at Mursliflclil. I Tlio UiIch nrc plncod In tho order if occurroncu, with tliolr times on j tho first lino nml heights on tho "'roiid lino of ncli dny; n compni- mon on consecutlvo hclBlits will Indlciito whothor It Is high or low w titer. Fur high wntor on tho bar, miii-triict 2 Hours 34 in I mi Ins. 13'flm. I-'t... lll'H.. !'(.. , I Irs.. Ft... (I.MS r..s (MS l!.!l l!07 1!.C 1.2!) 1.2 7.117 r.s 8.:i7 i.S 7.r.n :i.i 2.:iu 0.!) u.n o.o o.o 0.28 2.8 11.01 3.7 I WKATIIKIl KOHKCAST. . Ilv ARROclntnil PreBS OIIKOON I'nlr tonight nnd Kililny oxcupt rnln Friday In northwest. Southeasterly wind. MUUli TKMPKItATt'ltK ui:coiti). Fop the 2 1 hours ending nt 1:43 n. in., Feb. 13, by llonj. Ostllnd, speclnl government mo toorologleal observer: .Maximum 05 .Minimum 30 At 1: 13 n. m 32 Precipitation 01 I'reclyttatlon bIiicq Sopt. J I .'14. ........ ... Im.IU Precipitation sarno period I previous year 38.73 j Wind Northwest; clear. I.ciivo Tomorrow Tho following nro listed to leave on the Dniln Qardlnor stago tomorrow morning: WANT ADS. I'Olt SAIjM I (ohm perennials anil decorntlvu plantu F. A. Saechl. T SOCIAIi CAIiUNDAH. I TIIUUSDAY. A. N. W. Club with MrB. O. A. liennett. Young Ladles' Aid of Norweglnn church with Miss Elsie Larson Ladles' Aid of tho Norwegian church will moot In church hnll. I Fill DAY. I Ladles' Art club with Mrs. Ivy comiroti. Crochet Club with Mrs. Don McCrary. North llond Library Association. WANTiai Ono kitchen Ki- ami onu chamberniald. Phono 2G0-L. I'Olt S.l,i: Portable two-ovcu sec ond hand hotel raiiKe, cheap. Pioneer Hardware Co. I'Olt SAM': LayliiK pullets. Cor. llroadway anil Cedar, lion Wrlyht WANTI'II) .Mold for general house worh. Phono 380-.I. I'Olt HUNT Furnished house of nine rooms. Inquire room 201, Hotel Coos. I'Olt ItKNT House Keeping apart menu SI 2. Phono 3ID-X, or call at 413 North Second St. I'Olt. SAI.K Modern seven room house , with eonereto Imsoinout, Two lots 10 x 140, uttractlvo lawn, beautiful vlow, south facing. Cen tral Ave. Snap If takon at once. Seo Iteid about It, Coke llldg. at-ooil I I'Olt SALIC Silver Spangled lluin- ourg cuicKens, aiso iimei; urp lugtou cockerel. Phono 053, North Hoik!. K(.(.S lOlt ll.TCIIIN(J Whlto Leghorn, MncFarland strain; Rhode Island lteds, Elliott stinln. i eo Charlus I'. .Jordan, Ijnstsldo. AVANTI'.I) Woman or girl as nurso I for olderly Invalid. Call Mrs. j Seugstackon. i .- I'Olt ItKNT Small house on Kast I side, newly pnlutqd and papered, near bridge. Apply llazar store. I'Olt SAMv A good nine room house and threo lots, 112x120 feet, In Hay Vlow, for S5000 cash If taken soon. Apply to Charles Arlmidsnn, phono 40-L or P. O. Ilox GGG, Mnrshfleld, Or. I'Olt ItKNT Slvty acivs f orchard and farm land on Sulugloliousa Slough. For particulars phono S3-J. FOIt ItKNT Slv room modern houso on Central nvonuo. K. A. Anderson. I'Olt ItKNT Two nice furnished rooms, no children. Mrs. Potor Scott, IIS Golden nvenuo. WAXTKI) To Invest threo to five hundred dollars, with working In terest, or salary. Suitable for lady. Address K, caro Times. I'Olt SALIC India Itunuer duck eggs for hatching. Comer of South Sovonth and Ingersoll Sts. William Shook. FOIt ItKNT Threo room cottage, South Fourth streot. For partic ulars Inquire 378 South Second. WANTKI) A malil for Reiicral houso work. Phono 207-L, or 13C0 Contral aveuuo. FOIt S.YI.K OK ItKNT IIouso una four lots In Eastsldo. Apply to Jnmes D. Cllnklnboard, Sumner, O rogon. ROOM AND nOAKD Pleasnnt quarters and good cooking. John Karl, 510 N Broadway. FOR SALFJ Dry wood, fir nnd ai der, at Campbell's Wood Yard, Ferry landing. Phoie lEiJL. FOIt SALB norses, harness nnd wagon. Phono 57-J, Coos Day Steam Laundry. WANTED Twelve experienced mln era and timber men. Apply Bear er H1U Coal Co. SATURDAY Eastsldo Athletic Club dance. I MIsh Clarke, Mr. Armstrong, II. Stnnff. Itoy llently, Dr. F. S. Pratt and S. It. Miisselninn. To Take t'p Work F. A. Cloldnn expects to take up his new dutl3 -us superlvlsor of schools In Coos Coun ty at once, bis appointment belli;; rntlllod by tho new supervisors nt the meeting nt Coqtilllo this week. No Itald Made It was reported today that n number of women In tho North Ilend resorts had been nr rcBted last night on old Indictments by tho grand Jury, but Constablo Cox, who was reported to linvo mndo the arrests, dcnldo It. More Motorcycles J. L. Koontz received two now motorcycles on tho Breakwater today, ono being for A. E. Seaman and tho other for himself. Mr. Seaman hns been practicing up with tho motorcycle and Is now snld to be an export. Equity Cases Judgo Coke re turned to Coqulllo this morning to hear some equity cases, tho Jury CIWH having concluded with Hit; Stovons-Stutshinn ease. Tho Frnnlc Cameron bootlegging enso from South Slough will probably bo tried at tho April term of court, Child Dies The sad hews reach ed Marshlleld this week of tho denth of tho threo year old child of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. D. Wilson of Oakland, Oil., of Infantile paralysis. Mr. Wilson is n hrntlior of Mrs. F. M. Fried berg nnd Mrs. Wilson Is tlio adopted sister of Judge mid J. T. Hnll and Mrs. Ida Patterson. Auto Stage Line. C. P. Barnard returned Monday from Portland, where ho bought threo Bulck auto mobiles for use on tho ltoicburg Myrtle Point stage line. This will imike ten automobiles in all which Mr. Bnrmird will have In use. Ho has not decided whether ho will op erate the machines on tlio Mnrsu flold line also. Itosoburg Itovlew. Aviator In Trouble Dispatches from San Francisco announce that Aviator Clirlstofforson may bo prose cuted by the government becnuso ho took up a photographer who took views of tho forts there. Tho gov ernment absolutely prohibits taking of pictures of Its forts nnd formica tions and Christoffersou and tho pho tographer thoughtlessly took vlows of them. Wed Last Night. Albluus Q. Oustnfsou of Loon Lako and Miss Floronre M. Itooko wero married last evening nt tho home of tho Initio's mother, Mrs. Mary Itooko, on North Coos River, tho Rev. J. E. Burklinrt of the Mnrshfleld Presby terian church olllclatlug. About 30 friends nnd relatives witnessed tho roremouy. Prelate Here Tito Vonorablo II. Duncan Chnmhors, Archdcncom of the Dloceso of Western Oregon, nr rlved today on tho Bronkwntor, and during his stay In Marshlleld will bo a guest nt tho Eplscopnl Church Rectory. Archdeacon Chnmhors Is planning to hold n scries of Lenten sorvlces, nnd also has with him lan tern slides for mi Illustrated lec ture, which will ho nnnounccd Inter. Ho will preach In tho Eplscopnl Church twice on Sunday. Basketball Tho basketbnll game played last evening between the Mnrshfleld Athletic club mid tho Mnrshfleld High school, reunited In a senro of 3C to 2 I In favor of tho Athletic club, Larson, Morrow, Ek blad, Byerly and Otis played tor thu Athletic club, whllo the High school tonm wns composed of Lo cocq, Seaman, Clark, Kruso and Lynns. F. L. Grannls was the reforco. Tho Marshflold High school team will play tho Coqulllo High school team nt Coqulllo Fri day night. Change In Mill It Is reported that E. E. Fobs has been sent to Prospor to bocomo superintendent of tho Prosper mill In plnco of Archie Kruso, formerly of Marshflold. Sud dou & Chrlstan nson, owners of tho mill, have S100.000 special lumber contract In San Francisco, and it Is understood tnht this Is responsible for tho change Mr. Kruso will pro bably romnln nt Prospor In chnrgo of tho shlnglo mill, which ho had prior to succeeding Wm. Kicking In chnrgo of tho mill, Killed in Wreck. Mrs. L. M. No blo has received a lottor from Port land stating that tho death or Claudo Lockwood at El Oontro, Cal ifornia, wns tho result of a wreck. Mrs. Anna W. Lockwood, tho hoy's niothor, lives nt Sollwood, a Port land suburb, mid wont to Califor nia to bring tho body bnck thero for burial, tho remains being cre mated, Ho lost both logs in tho y I HIS business has a mission, and it's for you. It is to provide better clothes than ever, greater values every day for everybody who comes. That's our service and our mission. WOOLEN MILL STORE This store Is tho homo of Hart Schnffucr & Marx Clothes. wreck nnd wns eight hours before being taken to a hospital where he dlod. Ho was 19 years old nnd had been living with his grandfa ther. F. S. Webber. Claudo Lock wood was born on Coos Bay, his father dying hero when ho wns hut two yenrs old. II. PERSONAL NOTES Saturday Special Sale Table Tumblers Heavy Tumblers, 0. Six tor UC Thin Blown, 1 Six for 3UC Needle Etch, Jk C Six for 40C Gonulne Cut, ffts six for C JC "ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW." Pcoplcs'5-1 0-1 5cStorc JOHN PORTER of Allegany Is in town today. W. II. SMITH of Coos River Is In town today. JAMES STOCK Is In town today from Sumner. AL SMITH of Coos River Is In .Murshlleld today. MRS. JUD MILLS of Sumner Is In Mnrshfleld today. J. M. CULLEY or Catching Inlot Is it Marshfield visitor. WALTER STULL of Allegany Is a Marshflold visitor today. MRS. E. E. DYER of Daniels Creek Is spending tho day In town. NINIAM WEHSTER Is In Marshfield todny from North Coos River. TOM SMITH hns nccopted a posi tion In tlio Coos lhiy Creamery. F. S. DOW expects to leave Satur day for Portland on business. J. E. WALLING arrived rroni Port land this morning on tho Break water. D. A. .IONICS Is planning to leave tomorrow for Sun Francisco on business. CLIFFORD PERKINS of Gnrdlner Is In Murshlleld on a short busi ness trip. HERMAN SANFORI) and son nro among thu town visitors from Sumner today. J. C. BEATTIE and son nro busi ness visitors to town today from North Coos River. MRS. MARY KRICK nnd little daughter of Coos River nro spend ing tho day In town. MR. mid MRS. CIIAS. SELANDER of Sumner, are In Mnrshfleld oil business nnd pleasure. REV. J. E. OSLUN1) Is planning to lenvo soon on u business unit pleasure trip to Portlnuu. NORIS JENSON roturned on tho Re dondo yesterday from a buslnes'i trip to San Francisco. CIIAS. DUNCAN Is In Mnrshfleld to day on u business trip from his South Coos River ranch. G. J. LEMANSKI or tho Roynl theater returned today from a business trip to Portland. DR. F. S. PRATT will lenvo tomor row morning for Gnrdlner nrtor n short stay in Mnrshfleld. WM. ROBERTS roturned to town this morning after a short visit with his parents nt Allegany. MRS. ANDERSON WRIGHT and daughter, Ciara, are visiting In Marshflold for tho day from Sum ner. MISSES MABEL nnd ANNA WICK MAN of Emplro nro guests or Mrs. Win. Mngeo In West Marsh lleld. B. It. KELLER and wife will lenvo on tho Breakwater Saturday for a two weeks' business trip to Portland, MRS. FARRIN of North Bond re turned home this morning utter a short visit with her son, William Fnrrln or Sumner. MISS MARY CLARKE will lenvo on tho Drain stago tomorrow morning for Portlnnd to Bolect her spring millinery stock, WM. MORGAN nnd wlfo of Daniels Creek aro In town todny. It Is reported that Mr. Morgajn hns routed tho Larson placo. LUTHER B. JUDY roturned from his Portland trip today, bringing back n flno nuto with him, which ho will take to his Loon Lako ranch In tho spring. E. S. HENDERSON, who Is employed on tho pllo-drlvor work on tho Smith-Powers road boyond Myrtle Point Is spondlng n fow dnjs lu Marshflold. Ho reports that tho work Is progressing nicely, the lino wcntbor permitting Willott & Burr to hasten It nt a surprising rate. EDDIE STICK, whoso sudden dc parturo for Portland a couple of weeks ago caused his mother some apprehension, returned on tlio Brenkwater todny. MR. and MRS. CIIAS. MA1IAFFY mid Mr. Mahnffy's sister, Miss Lou Mnhaffy, aro spending todny lu Marshflold from their homo on North Coos Itlvor. CHARLES McCULLQUGH returned todny from Corvnllls, WliGl'O ho hns been Unking a short cotirsa at tho agricultural college. Ho expects to return nhout October 1. ELDON CHURCHILL of Snlom Is in luui'Hinioiu naving arrived on mo Glcmior. Mr. Churchill Is assist ing L. A. Donnmnn In Installing the now electric light plant nt Gar diner. ARCHDEACON CHAMBERS arrived hero todny from Portlnnd to con duct speclnl services nt tho Epls copnl churches lu this vicinity. Ho will ho tho guest of Rev. It. E. Browning. W. T. HENDRYN nnd family will movo Into the E. It. IIodBon houso on South Fourth Street soon. Mr. Hudson wns down from his Coos River ranch yestordny to louse tho place to him. V. N. BARKER roturned on the Breakwater today from Snlom nnd Portlnnd, having gone to Snlom with Sheriff Gage, when tho lat ter took three prisoners thero ov crlnnd last weok. L. L. GILBERT returned Inst ovon lug from a trip down tho roast nnd met Mrs. Gilberts daughter, who arrived on tho Brenkwnter on a visit to her mother, who Is nt Gold Bench. WM. E. HOMME was over from Cooston todny ou business, nnd In cidentally looking for somo sub stantial railway news. Ho says Cooston will offer n bigger site than North Bend for u S 100,000 hotel. CHARLES BAILEY or Smith-Powers Camp 2 wns lu Marshfield yesterday to arrange ror his fin al naturalization pnpors. Ho mndo his first application lu New York and this Is causing him some delay mid Inconvenience In getting his final papers. Finnan haddie Arrived on Steamer Redondo Headquarters at Stauff Grocery Co. Phono 102 Miukey'f Caudle. I NORTH BEND NOTES. - At tho meeting of tho North Bend Library committee tomorrow, It In expected that arrangements will bo mndo ror opening tho library about April 1. Applications may bo mndo to tho North Bond city council to assist tho library board financially. Dr. Hurry Simpson, who hns beou visiting bis brother L. J. Simpson, loft ou the Spoodwell yesterday tor Snn Francisco. Mrs. Georgo Gelsendorror loft for Bmidon todny. AMONG THE SICK. W. Holmrni, a loggor at tho Smith-Powers camp nt Coalcdo was takon to Mercy hospital yesterday suffering from a sovero nx cut In his foot. Jnmes Alopzo Eddy, the little son of Mrs. E. M. Eddy, Ib confined at homo with n sovoro cold. BAIUCRS TO CALIFORNIA. Tho Grants Pass Courier says. Mrs. R. B. Babor mid three daugh ters loft Monday for tholr futuro homo nt Santa Rosa, Cal. Graff and A. Babor started last week .with a car of work horses and household goods. Thoy will bo located on i; farm about a mllo from tho city. NOTICE. All momhors holding notes against Marshfield Aorie, No, 538, F. O. E aro roquested to present smuo to mo Immediately. J. B. SNEDDON. Sec. Get Your Valentines At the Store for Quality Goods and Penslar Remedies si rmvitM m t4iif it )0 gwort-1 Sol-1 I!