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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1913)
'?!' .sr1" THE COOS 3AY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1913-EVENlMG EDITION, otice ! L AIM! SO"' 0'"lT- Ifl os this "" L .ti.R. KXl'KKT a. L,:i mw ,OIMiOY" , IJf A,I, 11K1'AUTM1-h. LsKACl'O.V "" EFJ). Laundipy SAUTO PARE 20c Bound Trip bolwcon larshfield and North Bend IARSHFIELD- NORTH BEND AUTO LINE Gorst & King) Props, Coos Bay Business College You know what you are worth today. What arc you going to be worth five years from today? When we build a house we have a plan. When we build a ca reer, most of us putter, dawdle, dream dreams, and wait for some favorable breeze to waft us to harbor. Lack of business training is not only a handicap it is an absolute block to your advancement. Will you con sider this a little while you are building the man or woman who later will be YOU? Start right by starting NOW For something worth while. Positions in abund ance and no trained help. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL Telephone 402. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY 8ENGSTACKEN, Mgr. Coqulllo Ofllco Phono 191 Platting Lands a Bpcclnlty. Farms Tlmbor Coal and Mnrshflold Ofllco 14-J. CJonoral ABonts "EASTSIDE." GUI OF LUMBER III THE NATIONAL AREA INCREASES FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo Equipped wltli wireless and submarine bell SAILS FROM MAfcSHFIELD for SAN FRANCISCO FRIDAY, FEB. 14, AT 3:30 P. M. All PAMCBfccr Reterratlona Krnm Sam Francisco Must Ho Mad at 803 Flfo llultdliuf, or Lombard ntrcct PJcr U7. All reservations mtiut bo taken up lit houro before willing. 1NTUH-OCKAN TRANSPORTATION CO. PHONIC 44 C. V. McGICOROK. Agent. her Auto Service Win. I'lshcr. Proprietor. Phone orders to lllllyer'H Cigar tod. Phono 18-J. After 11 p. m. be 5-J. Night phono 181-lt. Marslillclil, Oregon, SPEEDWELL THE NEW Steamer CAPT. nURTIS, Master. Sails for Salt Francisco from Coos Bay February 12th TUB SPEEDWELL U speedy and has excellent pscngor accom modations, largo clean and airy rooms and electric IlKbts and ttlrcless. For freight and pnssago, npply, A. F. Kstnlirook Co. Tltlo Guarantee and Abstract Co., Ji:Mll7 Kauta Marina Hhlg., San Francisco. Mnrshflold. tiik i'i:oi'i.i: of cons hay AM) COOS CO. fro are tho only house In Coob Qty selling dliurt to tho con ptr at wholesale prices. I R' ra tho onlv Iioiihu III Coos ialy printing a catalogue of our fell nii nrlron. I ( our advertising distributor falln Bite and glvo you a cntaloguo, i gt In at tho Btoro and gut ouo. fie mako tlio lowest prices in M Countv nn thn uninn nuulltv Coffee, Teas, Spices, Baking r, etc. bmo In and got acquainted with 11 win uo ub notu goou anu ' be mutually proiituuio. )S BAY, TEA, COFFEE LAND SPICE HOUSE 184 Market Avo. (O'COQOOll Dulldlntr) e 394-J Mnrabflold. Oro. HE WIRELESS LAMP bar window would suggest. ' Hut r BYB a lamp tlint consumes S lurDrlslnelv Hninll niiinnnt. nt torrtat which wo will be pleased l iuuw jou. Coos Bay Wiring Co. (.j 103 M Broadwnv S. S. ALLIANCE KQUIPPKD WITH WIRKLESS SAILS FROM PORTLAND FOR. COOS BAY THURSDAY, FEB. 13, AT 6 O'CLOCK ROUND TRIP, $18.50 OUNNEOTINO WITH TUB NOUTII HANK HOAD AT PORTLAND NOItTU PACIFIC HTEAM8UIP COM PAN V. Phone 41 - V' McOKOHGE, Agent. EQUIPPED WITH WIHELK88 Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILINGS FROM PORTLAND, Tuesday evening of each week at 8 P. M. SAILING FROM MAIUSHFIKLD, Saturday, February 8, Saturday February 15, Saturday, February SH. Phono Mala 05-L. ' O. MILLER, Agent. 1(1,500,(101) Mute Hoard Feet Cut During Lust SI Mouth of 11)12 Thau for 11)11. A report showing Unit nioro than 1(5,500,000 board feet of timber was out during thu Inst hIx months of 1012 over tho amount out dur ing tho corrcsondlng porlod of tho previous year has boon completed by the ofllclnlB of tho United Stntcs forestry service, which has Juris diction over tho national forests of tho Sixth district, comprising Alas ka, WuBhlngton and Oregon. It Is anticipated that tho cut from thu national forests of tho district dur ing tho remainder of tho present fiscal year will be much grcntor on account of a number of largo snles of timber already mado and now being advertised. Tho cut for thu llrst six months of tho fiscal year was 05,857,000 board feet, valued at $120,158.97. Sale transactions recently ap proved and now under advertise ment or application Involve ovor 381,000,000 bonrd feet worth not less than $GG8,712. Those, howovur, Innludo only tho largo transactions, By far tho grcuteBt number of buIcb wero mado Tho largest amount of tlmbor now bolng ndvortlscd for bids lies on tho Row River watershed, east of Cottage Orovo, within tho Unip qua national forest. Hero 103,000, 000 board feet of timber Is being offered, 07 por cent of which Is maturo Douglas fir. The second largest logging chnnco now bolng advertised consists of 72,000,000 board feet situated on tho Hurnt River wntersned near Whitney, on tho Sumptor Valley raljroad. Tills Is mostly yellow pine. Other Sales Vending. A number of recent applications have been mado for timber amounts vnrylng from 5,000,000 to 40,000, 000 board feet, all of which are Bifon to bo advertised for competi tive bids. Several of theso nro In Northern Washington and for west ern red cedar timber to bo cut In to shingles. Only mature timber Is sold from tho Nntlonul forests and in making tho sales suftlclcnt timber Is re served for tho needs of local set tlors and thoso dependent on the national forcstB for their supply. Sato agrcomeuts provldo close util ization of timber and precautions in small amounts to homesteaders to provent fires. In each trnle the ami ranchers for domestic use. During tho flsrnl year that ended Juno 30, 11)12, tho total number of national forest sales was CSC. Nlghty-llvo por cent of those, how ever, wero sales of $100 or less, tho material being used for domes tic pnrpoBcs. Final agreement for tho salo of 58,800,000 foot, board measure was approved last month, to tho Whitman Lumber Company of Rak er. This Is maturo timber, 80 por cent of which Is wostem yellow pine, situated in tho Whitman na tional forest not for from Austin Mrs. S. S. S., Van Huron St., Kings ton, N. Y. (full nnmo furnished on application) hnd such decided ben efit from using Foloy's Honoy & Tar Compound that sho shares hor good fortune with others. Sho writes: "Foloy's Honey & Tar Compound brought my volca back lo mo during a sevoro case of bron chitis and laryngitis. Oh, how ninny pcoplo I hnvo recommended It to."' Sold by Lockhort & Parsons, tho Rusy Corner. Union Storage Company W. A. Hoard, Mgr. Export I'ockors. Carpets Cleaned Furnlturo Packed, Shipped, Stained and Ropnlrod. 3S2 Front St. Phono 19C. Leave orders nt Going & Hnrvoy. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio timber to bo cut Is marked by a forest ofllccr so that a natural sow ing for u second timber growth Is provided for. Tho present law provides that 25 por cent of tho receipts from Na tional forest timber Bales and other revenues from tho National forests shall go to tho county In which the National forest is located for the road and school fund and an ad ditional 10 per cent for tho Im provement of tho main highways. Tho benefit of this stendy Increase In tho amount of timber sales Is thoreforo enjoyed nt home. lAMVSAAAAAAAVWW DAY IX CONGRESS. Charges Attalnst West Virginia Sen ator Not Sustained. nr AmocUI.4 rrrtt to Com liar TImm.1 WASHINGTON, Fob. 12. In tho Bennto yesterday Senators Chilton and Watson of Wosf Vlrglnln wore formally oxonornted on charges of corruption In their election. A joint commission for tho lnvos tlngtlou of tho pnrcol post was or ganized with Hrlstow as chairman, Thn House resumed tho consider ation of the agricultural appropria tion bill. Tho Senato passed tho Polndoxtoi resolution calling on tho socretnry of tho treasury for reasons for the treasury order authorizing tho de posit of customs receipts In nation al banks. Tho Houso pussed tho agricultur al appropriation bill carrying $17,-000,000. TELLS OTHER SIDE OF CASE TAFT SENDS CONDOLENCE. City Auto Service Good Cars, Caroful DrWors and ronsonablo charges. Our motto: 'Will ro anywnero at any tlmo." Stands Dlanco Hotel and Blanco Cigar Store. Day Phonos 78 and 41 Night Phone 46. IMltKFn OOOnALW. nronrlfttoi Singer Sewing Machines Wo hnvo thorn for rent or for sale. ' Machines Repaired. Supplies and Needles for Salo. W. J. IUTZ, 131 Park Ave. Marshflold. Phono 131-X. . Oil Auto Call Fnnh IjWttB 144-J NIGHT AM) DAY 2J,?1 UUlnco ""Hard Parlor 11 V RetldMina ri...- . i!JrlTers ... n ' . r,... to You Leave Your wtoors Unlocked? Wtidna m.BOtd0 th0t' nnd yU ""SWw'thoutnMrin. urn, V .ine.Pen door would pU, ; "8t ,aa insidious. Ho B"'f T0f"?3' but attacks In- llk. Don't ,ilnEUrea Property Our, 'r ,1 Pp'lcy. . . . oaiesi ana nest. Jjwufman 8b Co. Clearai lllra CJU UdffS'X.l'RICKS- Children's and Men'a "I ne .. "H0ES- osi .MTy, .Vot , uoo SERVICE AU call onpyhero. non 20JJ.J Steamer Washington Sails from San Francisco for Coos Bay, With Passengers and Freight, Tuesday Evening, February 11 r. s. now, Aat. Ocea Dock. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT LUMHER, LATH, SniNGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH AND DOORS. ROOFING PAPER, ETC. CUT THE FUEL HILL IN TWO HY USING OUR WOOD. PHONE 100. 183 80UTn nnOADWAY Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do well to caU at PACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS South Broadway and mako selec tion from tho large stock now on hand. Hnr. Wilson has in his employ the only practical marble and granite cutter in Coos County. And none but the best worlc is turned out. vH & A modorn Brlcfc .ulldlng. Electrls Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Wator. HOTEL OOOS O. A. MctUn, rrop. Ratea: BO centa a day and upward Cor, nroadway and Blarket FOR A GOOD WATCH OR FINE JEWELRY E. C. BARKER JEWELER Flno Watch and Jewelry Repairing. 200 Front St.. Marahflcld. Thi Star Transfer and Storage Co. U prepared to do all kinds of haullnj n nhnrt notice. W meet all trains and boat and we also hare tho latent style Reynolds Piano Morer. W guarantee our work. L. H.Heisner,Prop. l'leslileiit Eprchses Grief Over the Lonn of Cnpt. Scott'H Party. trtr AiiocUled I'fMi lo Coot liar Tlmn.l WASHINGTON, Fob. 12. Presi dent Tatt sent tho following cable messago to King George of Great 11 drain yesterday: "In offorlng heartfelt condoleuco on tho dontli of Catnln Scott nnd his compan ions, I reflect tho sentiment of my MHintrymen, who.Bhnro tho sorrow of tho British peoplo over tho loss of bo many noble lives." ' RIG TORACCO MERGER. United Cigar Co. Takes Over Gunut nnd Co. of 'Frisco. IDT Auocltted I'rrsn lo Coo. IIr Time., NEW YORK, Feb. 12. Tho Uni ted Cigar Manufacturing Company, a $25,000,000 corporation, announ ced today its consolidation with tho M. A. Gunst and Company of San Francisco, which for sovornl years has been distributing Its product on tho Pacific Coast. STANDARD OIL LOSES. Missouri Supremo Court Sustains Not el Ouster Decision. I)r AHoel.tfcl I'ffM to Coo I!f Tlmn. JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., Feb. 12. Tho Missouri supremo court re fused to modify the judgment of ouster against tho Standard Oil Co. and tho original order ousting tho company from tho stnto now Btands. Tho original order was Issuod four years ago J. 0. Stemmler Makes State ment About Burr Larceny ' Trial at Myrtle Point. Editor Coos Hay Times: Wo obBervo In tho lssuo of your pnpor of tho 7th, Instant, an Inter view purporting to have been with Mr. John D. Ooss, rolntlvo to tho ar rest and binding over to tho grand Jury of Messrs. Jninen Drock and A. S. Rlggs, and nsBUinlng that It Is your aim to publlBh facts only, wo tako this means of correcting a falsa impression loft In tho article. Mr. Gobs Is reported as branding this affair as an outrage, and It the undisputed ovldenco as given by sov ornl witnesses upon tho examination, Is true, every fair minded man would fully ngroo that tho nffalr was an outrage. Tho facts, as testified to, woro about as follows: Mr. Walls had purchased of Wlllot & Burr, a tent, tools and provisions to tho amount of $230.00, and had cleared some thing ovor two acres of land for them for which they hud agreed to pay him $100.00 por aero, and to fur nish him, monthly, tho engineer's re port showing tho amount duo him for work. Ho hnd worked from tho 24th day of Novomber, 1912, but, waa never ablo to Bucuro from tho com pnny, any such report, nnd, hnd nev er rcclved one farthing for his en tire winter's work. Ho had already sont for his wlfo nnd children to Join htm here. His tent was on land bolonglng to Mr. C. E. Morris, wIiobo permission ho had to lot It remain thoro. Tho tent was locked and his provisions insido It. Ono day. thu 25th day of January. loBt, Mr. Rlgfl notified him that un less ho turned his tent, toom and provisions over to tho company, hu would bo arrested and sent to tho penitentiary, whereupon ho wont to Coqulllo nnd conferred with Mr. Lll JeqvlBt, to learn from him what his legal rights wero, nnd while thus nb Bont, tho defendant's cut thu tent about tho lock, toro It down and took It, togothor with all his tools, pro visions, nnd somo othor property ho hnd purchased from othor parties, and moved thorn nwny to tholr own store houses, and upon demand mndo upon Mr. nurr, a return of tho stun was refused. Nono of theso facts woro donled by tho defendants or by nnybody else, and Mr. LllJoqvlst was of the opin ion, and bo ndvlBod, that thin con stituted larceny, and It was upon this stnto of facts that tho defoudantH woro arrested and bound ovor. nnd tho Justice of tho Poaco could not. without having violated his onth of olllco, hnvo done othorwlso. So far ns our conduct of this cobq Is concerned, we hnvo no excuses or npologlcs to offer, an It Is, nt boat, most dlstnotcful to rush Into tho public press, thoro to try out legal Issues, and wo mnko this statomont only In fairness to Justice Dodgo, be fore whom tho oxnmlnntlon was held. Wo will say further that Mr. Walla donlos bolng nn I. W. W., and says ho does not bolong to any Inbor un ion; but, woro n man, becuuso poor and friendless, denied tho protection of tho law, us Mr. (loss Infers ho should bo, honest men would soon turn nnarchlBts. Lot It bo understood that In thin communication, wo mako no accusa tions against any of tho defendants, as thoy may bo ablo, upon an Intro duction of tholr ovldenco In defonso. to show that In tholr appropriation of this property, thoy woro doing Mr. Wnlls n kindness, nnd that thoy aro In no wlso guilty of larceny, an chargod; but ns tho ovldenco standu at the present moment, It would have, been a miscarriage of Justice and a prostitution of his olllco, for Justice Dodgo to hnvo donoo othorwlso than as ho did. J. O. STEMMLER. A. II. BLATCHLEY. t DAIRYING IS GROWING. Stop That Itch! I will guuanU you to .top that itch in two eoad. A 25 c.nt bottl. will pro It. No remedy that I have ever sold for Eczema, Psoriasis, and all other disease of the skin has given more thorough (satisfaction than the D. D. D. Prescription (or Eczema I guarantee this remedy. Red Cross Drug Store. Phono 9R-R. 12(W a-T, WE WILL MAIL YOU f 1 for each set of old False Teet sent us. Highest prices paid for old Gold, Silver, old Watches, broken Jewelry and Precloat Stonos. Money Sent by Return Mall. Phlla. Smelting & Refining Co. Established 20 Years. 803 Chestnut St., Pldladelphla, Pa. TO DENTI8TS. We will buy your Gold Fillings, Gold Scrap, and Platinum. Hlgu est prices pald . First ClassWeaving promptly done at ' Gardiner's Rag Carpet. Factory Cor. Union and Montana Street. Phone 131. North Bend, Or Have That Roof Fixed NOW Bee CORTHELL Creamery Expends $1000 on Itn provementN Along Coqullle. Tho Myrtlo Point Enterprise says: Bert McCloBkoy, manager of tho Norway creamery was a visitor to Myrtlo Point tho fore part of tho week, and In nnswor to tho query, how matters wero generally, re plied: "Wo aro spending $2000 on an addition to our Norway plant for tho making of chocso exclusively. Wo nro also laying out a like amount on a new factory now be ing orectod at Leo on tho North Fork for tho samo purpose. We are Installing tho very latest ma chinery nnd providing ovory mod orn convenience for tho converting of dnlry products. Our Norway ad dition will hava a 20,000 pound capacity, whllo at tho Lee factory wo can easily handle 10,000 pounds. Last year tho Norway creamery mado and marketed approximately 310,000 pounds of butter, most of which was disposed of at Portland and Seattle. Tho demand for dairy products mado In this particular section fnr exceeds tho supply, and farmers throughout tho vnlley are turning their wholo attention to dairying, realizing tho groat advan tages and rich compensation this fertllo valley offers and returns to thoso specializing in this branch of farm 'life. PHONK Mat. GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DO Nb Al THE TIMES' OFFICE. Have your Job printing dona at The Tlinea o0c. W. S. BROWN $ A. II. HODGINB Marshfield Paint (2b Decorating Co. MARSHFIELD OREGON V, tlw Busy Corner, Have your Job printing don at Tho Times ofllco. W. 8. Skelton, a merchant at Stanley, Ind saya he would not tako $100.00 for the relief a single box of Foley's Kidnoy Pills gavq him. "I had a sovero nttaok of kid ney trouble with' shurp palnB through my back and could hardly straighten up. A single box of Foley's Kidney Pills ontlrely re lieved mo." Sold by Lockiiart