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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1913)
fl. Mhhb rl TAKE ADVANTAGE KAMMERER SAYS: "He Is Same Old Corner, But Oh, W faat ack at the a Wreck" $8,000 stock of High Grade Men's Apparel damaged by fire, smoke and water. Boxes broken and things torn up in general and "no more home than a rabbit," as they are apt to make me move anytime. Gentlemen: You can dress from head to foot for less than you were ever able to buy before and with stuff that is right up to the minute: MY LOSS IS YOUR GAIN. Adlers High Grade Clothing, Overcoats, Slip Ons, Cravenetts, Rain proof Clothing of all kinds, Hats, Cap" Shoes,Cluett Shirts, Hosiery, Underwear, Neckwear, etc., etc. Nuff said. Yours Anxious to Please, aamrrarairtgraapaaiaa O K,JJD AY T IMES U. C. MAI.ONEY OAN E. MAI.ONE - Editor nnd Publisher New, IMItnr n-.-a....AcZ-jCTacE.'iiaMWggM ii H&BS&mSEEXSXBS&ESBiHinwfi -i ; : : m. --- WITH THE TOAST AND THE TEA iu.mii.y c;oi:s south. i"iti:i:i)o.M. Entered nt the poatrillco at Murshllold, Oregon, for transmission through ibo mnllfl as second class mall matter. OITICIAI, PAPEH OF COO.H COl'NTV. AN INDEPENDENT ItEPUHUCAN NEWSPAPEH Pl'IIUSHEIl EVERY EVENING HXCEPT SUNDAY, AND WEEKLY II Y THE COOS HAY TIMES PUIlLISIItNO COMPANY. OFFICIAL PPi:it OF THE CITY OK .MAItSIIFIEM). J The Triuiinniplh of Josftice V MADE a till to Coqiilllo yesler-, b iii' iiiiii iiiuiti'ii nun inn circuii eourt room Tor a few iiiinulus. Every time I go Into one of Hicho KomploB of Justice I am Impressed with what hoimiih to mo the Injustice ot much of Hie proceedings, instead of trying to arrive at the hare faitH in a direct way they go at it In the moKt circuitous manner. Mr. friends. J. II. Mllnerand V. P. Murphy, wero In Hie jury box. I vlon't know why they call It a box, unless a In that a man who gets In It Ik UBiially In a hn. Joe Miluer find Ills usual smile and I think ho winked at me when a lawyer who has known him for yen in and 111 in daily on the Htivot asked him his name. Joe Hpnlte right up and nnsworod "J. H. Mllner." I was glad to know that he hadn't chained it Just because lie was In Coiiuille. It rcralled to mo promptly the us ual flood of questions, objections, nnd technlcnlltioH you hear in a court room. I did not wait to boar this trial but it did not reunite a very vivid Imagination to pleturo It. Whon they Btart to examine a wit ness, the first attorney usually starts out: "What Is your name, please?' After argument iuostlon allowed. Exception. ".My name Is Mis. Mary Smith." Iteipiest to expunge the answer from the record becnuso it is not shown that the witness Is married, nor that Iter husband's name Is Mary Smith. Answer Htrlcken out. "Are you married?" Objected to as secondary ovhlonro on uio ground that It has not been shown that the marriage certificate can be produced, and Is immaterial, as the question of marriage Is not luwihi'd. Objection sustained, "Have you been known by nny other name than Mrs. Mnrv Smith?" Objected to as leading. Defend ant's counsel nskod to be heard on this matter, hut the iiuostlon was allowed -he seemed much elatod. The witness then answers, "Yes Mary .lones." Defendant's counsel moved to strike out the last nart of the .m. Mver on the giound that It was not responsive. Motion was granted. "When did joii assuino the naino of Mrs. Mary Smith?" Objected to by defendant's coun sel on the ground that the answor may tend to humiliate the witness. iii'niiuii allowed. Heuiy Simiir and Wife and Daughter l.cnxc for Ciillfoi-nhi, Henry Stauir will leave on tho stage "tomorrow morning for I.oh An- geies. where he will remain In lo'i- Those who deny freedom for I nitely, hoping to betiellt his lien Mil others deserve It not for them- I Mrs. Staulf ami daughter left on the solves and under tho rule of a I Speedwell yesterday. Mr. and Mrs, I Just Ood cannot long retain It. Stauir arrived on tho llav last mini I Wo must make this a land or I mor from their home In Seattle, and i liberty In fact as well as name. ' hno oii visiting at the Waller I Let us appoal to tho sense and I Sinclair home nt Coiiuille. Shortly I patriotism of the peoplo and not I after their arrival Mrs. Staurf i to their prejudices, us ' sprained her ankle nnd 1ms been un- I spread tho floods of enthusiasm I able to walk since. I arousod hero over all the vast I Mr. Stauu Is a brother of Mrs. ' prairies so suggestlvo of free- ' Walter Sinclair of Couulllo nnd John doin. Ihoro Is both a power ' Stuuff of Marshlleld. also a cousin i and mngle In popular opinion. To I of Mrs. J. T. Hall and Chns. StaulT I that let us now minimi, nmi. ! or Mh..jIiii.,i.i i I ...I. ii., i ..ii .....v.. "" mum in mi inuiiainiuy no I'd- I i - $ I mm in mice win no lieed-NI, ' our niouerauon nnd forbearance I I will stand us In muni hi.. mi i i wnon, ir over, wo must l uppeal to b.ttle and I or hosts Abraham I "Queen Quality "shoes have a $3.50 HyJ nack of satisfying when others faiL to ojfdl 8 For 6tvlc, fit and comfort unsur- ,- no IffM passed. Prices most reasonable u' MW fSy S The Golden Rule V H First National llnnlc nulhllng. AT THE HOTELS. I . TIIIO f'MAVnl.l.'ll Tlriu-n. ust iimke an Btdius. San Kranelsco; E. E. Me- I to tho l.od t'luie. Thomas M. Carding. D. t."'t'"'ii, I Vance. Frank Pagos. O. II. Holt. Dad 4 i... .;..".". "r : " "" habits never .lovni.... ...,, '-4 . u,,,,t- ': 'V """"vim, uiuh. rlKhleousnoss. .V mse. i.. v. i.aurennce. II. E. ... inayer. .m. a. MeLnunh n. A. A. The smartest people are homo- LfAv l", 'V. Sva?' ..0o'V !'' ' times tho most silent. ,kof'.tt' ;'";. Portland: L.t -W-K- '" lliihbard. J. E. Not ton. Coqulllo; i If von tall; rellulon nin iimnM '"' '' '' ,i''"'sii. Han Fran-; It wltl ust , , m h onorev1 ('l8(o: ,0,,n P- Klo,nn' S" F'- jnst as mm n onei. (lgpo. Krnnlc Moi.80 conulllo: E. voitrii iirvi. inn,..,!- Schroeder. San Francisco; .Frank, MHtui m,M . II . u .low. San Francisco; 11. I.lppman. ' . .ss()(.ri(). .notice. Mrs. Trowbridge. Ilandon: Mrs. 'im, . v.....i i TT.. Drown, Ilandon; A. Vnnolmann. t.o.'tL, lbW!to: Cardlnen Ehlon Church.... S,Z"' .'.'........' '.". """"" '" l" A. I'oik lis. (inrd nor: C. II MIHEXE I'l'LLED OKK. ('asollm. .Schooner ul .SK,ty Damaged mi Spit. WHEELEIt. Feb. 13 .ho steam er .M Irene of Portland wuh milfoil off the Nehaloiu Spit after being stranded for is hours, nnd cnnio to 1 to dock at this place where she discharged r,irK0. Tho voBo ,8 ainaged hut slightly, ami leaks n Ittlo around tho sternpost; othor wlso sho Is nil right. She will bo benched for repairs, Tho cargo U not damaged to au extent. If you havo anything to sell, m trado, or want Itolp, try n Want At l.neS.he,n,o!Km!o,,,V,!,:,,T.,l,r0,, Yo,1"' K' MeVchant ' hullardsV uae iiiem open to tl'o public. There A. M. Ilarkor Ilandon- Mrs nrniil "oml nT .olSl"0 C';."B,,U,,.,y ' WhSiler." San" F "andsc o. "'"" Rl 11 .?' 'I'"1 th0 I-'-OYD-Jnck Ohstrnng. Coqulllo: in 1, utr 1. ,UlsVlK W8,1,"K ! I.. Sears. Vancouver; A. C. Smith. KnE:,,hdolboM,rta,' i :: ?"h. ij- j- : ii' , I'lil llllllll. conunlttee that has this work In HLANCO D. I. SwniiRnn Arnn. iiiiiiii. niiitnu n inipj i.ninn ... - - -... -- iMwir ;;." m's"'c " "uvi:::"y':,",,1, r" "'"" ' "" "" S "- 'I object, this witness can not 'In eighteen hundre,! and ...nph. Vl""t"1 to wtnlilliili Immedlntelv a icdo" c V viiior 'n,wl1l","0', possibly remember what she was when I was married." place for Mrnngeis to ",ir , ,, , ' t-,, 'V11'01', Rosoburg; A. christened, and the family lllhle lly the court: "Ono moment. You nn.l m acqualuTed w h c,i 1 y n',,, " v$.h I,B,ldo11' B L MonnH- would bo the best ovldenco." nay say. If Hint was tho case. ll, opltallt.v and ou ano her ""tlin' Nc1'' m 1 withdraw the quest on. W,nf m Iipii you went to live with Xr"i Head Library Assoc ntlon "- aro you conunonly called?" Mr. Smith," Mrs Chas wimmip i ,..,. r a ...T " Objected to on the ground that It The witness: "Yes. that was It " MslIeXrtA, VALENTINES is not shown that the wltnosa Is m "How old m-n vm.9' "' .xiuisiiong, hec.v. ,)ou.t torae, . ,,.,.. , ,,..., export on "common callings." "I will chango tho form of the nuostlon what naino aro you known bsy?" Objection on tho ground that It Is hearsay, that It is linmntorlal; not original ovldenco, nnd that no foun dation has boon laid for it by show ing that the witness has any namo. Objection sustained. Exception moled. "Hayo you a namo?" "What is It?" .Same objections. . i 1 von? ObJoctOd to on Mm i.,ni,.l n. i. Is not known that sho Is old at all Objection sustained. "iV you moro tl,an 21 ' ro of "Yes." "Do you Consider (lint vnnr "Icf year began on your 21st birthday or ended on it?" tH?iU8Cil ?biwit to this aa Imma terial and Incompetent. The romalnder of tho day is con sumed In a bitter wrangle between counsel as to this question. XtvriCE: U)it aie hereby notified to re train fioni selling or giving nnv IntoMcatlng liquor of any kind whatsoevor, to any of tho follow ing limited poison: It. P. SMITH I will tako particular pains In prosecuting any person or persons vlolting above. Dated this Uth day of February. 17 1 u J. W. CARTER, City Marshal. ilav is noariiiir neii soiiio sentiment endearing (With appropriate design) You should send your Valentine. Tell her that your heart's a- huugor (As wo did when wo wero younger) ; Say that slnco you first beheld her None in beauty has excelled her. A box of Stafford's candy makes the best valentine. Or der It at STArrORD'S Have You Seen Our New Blue Serge Suit for $ 1 2.00? Tho biggest nnd best valuo In clothes o Coos Day today" mi0,M, PnC0 f,r8t' last nn'l idlest. n'Ul thlU th0 FIXUP DANCE at Eagles' Saturday Night Feb. 15 Keyzer's Orchestra. Marahfield North Bend TONIGHT The Royal loot) KEET OK XEW VICT VMS EVEItY X1GHT. Wonders of Surgery Majestic. Saving tho Innocent. , Mrs. llronii's Hnby American. I-'aco nt tho Wlmlow Solax. finumont Weekly Gaumont. THE GIRL AND TIU3 IJimG&AR In VaudovlUo Don't miss this Tomorrow night, Amateurs. Eutlro cliange of proSTan ANY SEAT TONIOirr, IOC. . - :HM vtv . H I Oi r J '"" " -1M M .H UUtnt ' s