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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1913)
HIS IS A SOUR OLD WORLD FOR THE MAN WITH A SOUR DISPOSITION ffiooa Stttts iwt AimriiKS . Times want .... i.csl r'i"'" " " ; ;,,7 H.-ni """' ,'Ji'!!iLi,"a: are ..- pftTMlllS: MEMBER OP Till-! ASSOCIATED I'RKS NOW IS Yont TIME. K A frmtill '"1 In 'I'lu' Times xvnnt R column niny bring you results nn- R. mediately. Try one. B " .. . ...H..1..-.1 In IH7H ml. XXXVI.'ti.o coant. Miii. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1913 EVENING EDITION SIX PAGES. & Consolidation of Times, Const .Mult and Coos liny Advertiser. No. 173 llflTES IS PREPARED ID SEND TROOPS TO MEXICO I President Taft and Army and rrF. .... nnnrrl fin EverV- ' thing in Readiness. hi imp. np WOMEN MULIHM --- APTinM MAT runuu huiivi. Transports Being Prepared to Take Army auuu r-mu Definite Statement. inaiiv ' A"'j (n,A'" '""'' .ouIHirTllii. ii!iiiMirii. Kelt. HI. I Prcslilen' Tri talked l) call- cr today iiIuhii tho situation In Mexico and wild Hint ho to- I carded tne ''' more ' ; 51 ?."!.' .(...,. ulnce I lie nil- I nan u uk.' : . dlcatlon "f 1'oT.ini Mux wns drlarol T'"' l'm ending or Taftn nilniinl.-n at Ion will have no effort n docrniltllllg IllH Bflnn H "aI.-. l'rl"lH of Taft di'i.'t' ,,la ""' president I icads for ii'iloii rlKlit up " t!ic t.rt moment of lil ndiuln U ration and H'M I"' will roll salt I'rrnlili ii'-1 !' I Wilson. - - muni inuuDLL - 4 'I,.N Hlt WAItl'AKi:. I U'ASIllVl.TiiV Fob. I". 1 A tlKiilfl'iiiii luoicodlng of - I day win Ho .uly assembly of Ihc Join' nrui) mid nnvy lumrd In Ad in I III I's oltleos. Tilt) I rail was Issued lit direction or , Admiral Dewey lilumoU. Ily nil ) executive order this lionrd In I r harped wl Ii iiroimrntliui of j plans for 'operation between tie army nnl navy when It lio- j cmu iieeescnry to conduct , joint operations cither offensive or defensive Tlie proceedings are always tec ret. ! ; if -o u:cl l'i . 'ui'w Hay Tlmi" 1 WASHINGTON. Feb. lit. AinbnH- sador Wilson's vcriilxht dispatches ere hiuiiolkitely Inld liefort) Prosl dent Taft ti pcti hi ret urn todny. They eontnlned principally nn nc tount of the unci disquieting fea ture of tlie flgMIng lii .Mexico City, Pie l'!mn ; of t . r..'rl:-s.n xv.v.'.i : ' jesierday Tie administration of (1 la i nrc looKln- with iniieli up :ehe:: Ion iipnn the effect of tlio kl'lllll,' Cf I'll to MlltMieiUIH. I.HHt night Wl'aon was Instructed to warn all nuri. uns out of llio daii- ter zone II.WK TIIOMI's" IlKADV. I'. S. Ann) mid Navy Iteiuly to lluli Inio .Mexico. '""' TM. i,. i ,. Hay Tlmw 1 WASHINGTON. Fob. 1 . Iro larej for n fnrriier chII lor bnttlo--IfJ. the N,n i. fiti'iiiiPiit Iiiih ltopt Adclr I llti-'f iMiiiiiitiiillii fiio "h at nirinatimiui i.dvlwid of (ln 7c!oii.!cirs s!ii,,M with lmiikctl fi'ej are r m h movu nt oneo to ra Cruz nr Tam(.i . Tint iniiiiiio :r;j is fa-pan d lor the Inniiod we fmlarUntl.ii of Itn c-unipiuiloti t' jse tlant'. Cmst nuvy ynrdu nml iv. r.s. The marine corps on tlio JKira Canal .u,. uiw, (1ro tondy n uove T ric tluuitmnd men of e Mrsi rm itrinu.lp. Htntloned w ev Vr! n'e. nto reiidy to L:'e,0.Nnvl'" N"n" It'll" thrco (-'ef of staff III ACAPULGO Anti-American Feeling Shown by Mexicans Results in Attacks on Officers. Illy Anno' titril I'nn In Coo. Ha) TlmM.) WASIIIXCiTON, l-'cli. Ill Tho an-tl-Amurk'iin feel Inn at Acupulro, Mexico, culmliiiited la an uhmiiiiII upon two olllceiH of the erulxer Denver hefoio bIio ileparted yeHter day for Acnjutlii, llondiiruH. Tho victims of tho iiHMuult nro Surgeon ('amurer mid KiihIkii (liilhrle, who were iiuhhIiik through tho KtritutH. Neither wiih Imdly Injured. ll.N;i:U AT ACAI'l'I.CO. Illy .o Iiip.1 I'l'n lu ('(mm liny Tlirn. 1 WASIIINdTOX. Fob. III. -Olll-cliils of the Stnto l)cinrtiiiciit feel tho KrnvoHt eoiicorn for tho mifoty of AmcricniiK lit Aeapnlco iioiiiIIiik tho arrival or tho eriiHor South Dakota which Is duo tnero Siiii dny. Tho condltluiiH ut Hiilviidor iiiikIo It neccHniiry for tho Iminodlato dispatch of tho Denver at Acajutln. VICTIM FIIO.M ti:xas. (Ily Amu Ulcl I'nm Ii Coon Hay Tlinra. X()mX)I.K. Vn.. Feh. HI. Mrs. II. V. Holmes, one of the two Amerlcnn women killed In .Mexico City yoHtoidny, wiih tho wife of Henry V. HoIiiioh. formerly of Ivor. Va anil was formerly .MIsh Hlrlck liuid or Snu Antonio, Texua. PLftd f END BO STR FE IE HOUSES OF AMERICANS Mexican Federal Troops Seize Homes in Mexico City Many Refugees Helped. tBjuocm,4Pr, o.0nyTlii).l iSr wi!:N'G70N' Voh- la.-Atnhns-o ChV n 8 "I'ntelwB from Mex- almoin?8 le,xo slozc'1 y "10 fed- W la T- Th0 Amorlcan embas- Ports of 5 """ed Amorlcnns. Ro Amr,g1, wounuinis of several "ieansj,ave been received. gw mvNsiumrsirijAm-. J'P Vtssols , TnU-0 U( s T,(0I,S -TheWST NKWS, Va., Feh. !3. lonmg ?."' and provls and KeCJKf18. Meiule' McClellnn R " ," troops to 'roci Waihinn.,n 0llny vln nrnl u pSi z-whoro he wout m He mnimt',8t'"Ber from Oro ! and ha thf tvl' fl However jm,1 a ",le vWt there. ?l bck to r m, ,han SloU to J'aer of ?hoCr 3 I?ay- th0 cold Mm. 0l the Em bcng hard on John Barrett Proposes Ameri can Commission to Med iate Trouble. Illy A mo latthl I'r-M to !'"" IHy TIiium 1 WASIIIXC.TOX, I-'ob. ill.- Direc tor .lohn llurrett of tho Fan Amer ican I'nlon, proposed today to Pres ident Taft and tho cabinet members and tho I louse and Semite foreign rolatloitH commltteo. appoint a com uiImmIou or mediation otetrorTTH mission or mediation to otter their services In hrlnicliiK about peace In Mexico. AMF.IHCAXS CAN'T UJAVK. Illy Am Mlwl I'riM lu evo IWy Tni I UAUICDC). Texas. Fob. 1... A pnBsoiiKor rrom Mexico City on last nii'M'u (ruin i immiiiil that nt least 1000 American art without runds to lo.ivo the enpttal. oven ir tlio opporttinllv prtMeuted ltHor because the hanks Inn boon closed sluco Saturday. The railroad company rorunes checkH for tho payment or thketn. SATTLE RASES IN MEXICO CITY ADELINE SMITH E TO Federals Make Desperate At tempt to Dislodge Rebels, But Fail So Far Many Buildings Demolished. two aim: uii,iii:i) IS NOT RESPECTED Organizations Trying to Re lieve Sick and Wounded Attacked in Mexico. Ily A'toclaleJ t'rwt to Coos Hay TIuin.1 WASHINGTON, Fob. 13. -Tho White Cross society reports It Is curing for approximately 1-00 wounded. Tho Ited Cross havo not yot tnnde n report! Noither prganl xatlon is being respected by tho fed eral troops. Tho proaldont of tlio Red Cross socloty was Killed. Some of tho members of tho Whlto Cross woro alleged to bo detectives by tho Dlnz adherents and woro execut ed. I'Tro Seme Today. A small flro In tho vacant building on Second street, north of Market, caused an nlnrni to bo turned In today noon, i.... .1.- i.i..n .tut nut liRIOre ir Ulll IUU unite mi. I-.. -- ---- - did any damage or before It was . ... tun...n.. ir. turn nn necessary ior me m-i;iu " the lioso. G. K. DOYBRSM1TH returned to dny from Portland has been busy rocolvlng tho congratulations or many friends slnco his arrival. Mrs. noyersmlth did not make H'o trip but will Join him hero later to mnko their futuro homo In Mnrshflold and tho real recep tion 'that was planned has been postponed until tho arrival of bis bride. i (Ily Associated Press) I I MKXICO CITY. Fob. 13. Two uon-combatnntH were killed I In front of tho American club i today by bursting shells. 4 Illy Amu Hti-I 1'rcrn to Coim Pay Tlmm. MKXICO CITY. Feb. 13. Fight ing was begun at eight o'clock this morning by the fed em! hnttory of artillery. A gunornl attack on tho rebel positions was planned. It was difficult to see how tho re bels could long resist the flro poured In hy tno federals but they again showed valor and Hie ex cellent mnrksmnushlp that charac terized their previous fighting and offered nrlin resistnnce. The government troops have the ailvtiutnijo of niimbers, being 7000 against 3000 revolutionists unOor Diaz. PioHldont Madoro expects the luminous army will bo reduced to submission hefoio nlglitfiill. Shortly before noon several shollH pierced tlio library or the American club. Xobudy was Injured. Tho building was prepared for bullets. A little later during the small arms action, some bullets roll within tliu embassy grounds In the heart or tho district that rficltly was agreed upon as a neutral zone. The fed eral battery stationed lu front of tM." ltJLtLHi- J'lJ'JL0!1-11'! iiiigli r SEATTLE HA5 iiJlilli FIDE Times and Denny Buildings Are Swept by Blaze Early This Morning. (Ily Audi I.ipJ I'itm to I'ooa Hay Tlmm.l SFATTl.l-:. Fob. 13. The Tlmos building, a four-story brick struc ture, and tho Denny building, nd tninliii. wore niirtty wrecked bv flro early today with a loss of floi), iioo. fully coverod by Insurance. Tho ciiiiso or the lire is not known. Tlie Times composing room nnd editorial rooms were lire swept and the bnsoinent press room Hooded. Tho TIiiioh will bo Issued todny from tho plant of tho Post-Intolll-gencer. the rebel fire. Later n ennnonnde started with some vlclousuess. It Hoomol that tho rebels woro con serving their fire, although they continued to throw shells towards tlio pnlnce. No serious attempt was made until noon to rush tho fortl llcatlous of tho rebels. At that hour General Ilucrta dlspntchcd from tho pnlnco a considerable force of fed eral cnvalry. Tills nftcrnoon tho rebel batteries turned their long range guns In tho direction of tho national pnl nco, firing elenr ncross tho city. Manv shells struck tho city but did but littlo damage. " United Slates Ambassador Henry l.nuo Wilson prevented tho Issue ot a gcnornl order to cut off nil tele phone commjinlcatlon today. Ho protested to President Mndcro that tho rebels wero not connected with tho system and that the order would bo an unnecessary hardship. A ktruggllng fodoral who arrived at tho Amerlcnn embassy nt noon declared that n detachment of gov ernment troops was shot to pieces In the western edge of tho city enr ly today. Tills Indicates that Dluz has mobilized his force outside of ills lines lu the central district. All) FOR AMKKK'AXS. l'uiiiN Provided for Destitute or to Kimble Them to Leave Mexico. (Ily Atooi tn I'ri'M t'uoa Hay Tltm-a WASHINGTON. Feb. 13. To pro tect Amorlcnns endangered lu tlio llrlug In Mexico City, Auibaspndor Wilson was ordered today to draw on the State Department for $10. 000. This could he used for tho relief or destitute or lu getting Am ericans out or Mexico. NDS LONG GOOS DAY TODAY WEST VIRGINIA BRIBERY CASE1 DLSSDN CETS A NEWT RENEWED TODAY Arbitration Agreement With United States Renewed For Five Years. (Ily Ahoi lalM l'nta lo Cool Hay TlmM.) WASHINGTON, Fob. 13. Secre tary Knox and Ambassador Jussor nnd signed tlio convention todny to ovtend ror another period of flvo yenrs tho arbitration tronty between tho United States and France, which expire Mnrch ii. This Is similar to tho Ileitis) arbitration convention which expires by limitation Juno I and which it was proposed to re plnce by a general arbitration troe ty now awaiting exchange or rntl-tlcntlon. JOIIL CIVEN LONG T M Seattle Socialist Who Cost: Judge Hanford His Seat Wins on Appeal. (Ily Aho. UHsl Vtft to Cooa Hy TlmM.) SAN FRANCISCO, Fob. 13. A now trlnl ror Loounrtl Olsson or Sn attle, doprlvod of cltizonshlp by for mer Jutlgo Cornoliuo Hnnford, xvns ordered Itoro today by tho United States Circuit Court of Appeals. Tlio caso will bo trlod In Seattlo. 01 sson's citizenship was cancellod by Judgo Hnnford on tho ground that ho obtnlned them through fraud whon swearing that ho was attached to tho constitution of tho United, ,.. I, ,...,. I., twilnt .if fuel ns bo was a Socialist ho held oposlto ylows. Ab Idaho Banker Sentenced to Prison for Making False Bank Statements. (Hy AMoltJ J'rfta lo Cooa IUy Tlraw.) COKUR D'ALENK, Ida, Fob. 13. Jutlgo Dunn In tho district court sentenced 11. P. O'Nell of Wnllnco from two to ten years In tho pen! tontlary. Tlio banker xvns found guilty of making falso statomonts of tho financial condition of his bank. Ho xvns granted sixty days In which to appeal. O'Noil was president of tho Stnto name or tjonimorco a rosult of tho Inquiry that followed Uiuuoro. resigiieii A Small Leak Will Sink a Great Ship You may spond as you go, paying no nttentlon to tho op portunlties to save which aro advertised by progressive mer chants, but you will find sooner or later that littlo expenses count up to largo sums. A looso, hore-nnd-thoro buyer can quickly squander nil her money by forgetting tho valuo of the littlo purchases. Caro In expending tho a nnll amounts will quickly repay tho economical housexvlfo. Every night In Us advertising columns THE TIMES points tho way to many opportunities lor stopping tho small leaks. Special sales aro advertlS3d by the merchants. In small things, such as soaps, ribbons, nnd notions, there may bo Just ono penny off tho regular price. Hut when you add them all together you will find thut the pennies number a dollar or txvo. Read all tho advertlsemants in THE TIMES closely and constantly every night for opportunity to save not only tho pennies but dollars. Col. Wm. S. Edwards, Arrest ed for Trying to Buy Elec tion to U. S. Senate. (Hy Am MUM l'reta lo loot Hay Tlin, CHARLESTON. W. Vn., Feb. 13. Colonel William Seymour Ed wards, candidate ror Fluted States Senator, wns arrested todny on a warrant charging tho bribery of del egate John M. Smith of Tyler coun ty. Tlie warrant wns Issued nt tlio Instance of Delegate S. U. C. Rhodes, one of tho five men arrest ed Tuusdny. Edwards furnished bonds. Tho legislators ho Is ac cused of bribing aro Senntor II. A. Smith or the fourth district; Dele gates S. V. C. Rhodos of Mingo county. Dr. T. .1. Anbury or Put nain county, David E. Hill or Mlndo county. Until DufT of Jackson coun ty. Tlio flvo are chnrged with hav ing aoepied $20,000 for voting ror Edwards ror United Stntes senntor. Rhodes Is alleged to have received $1 r.,000. Dun. $2000 and the oth er three $10u0 each. Artec, it Is al'oKod, they were given tho mo ney, they tnken Into another room nt tho hotel where tney wore arrested. During tho excitement In the Hoiiho or Delegates today Hoproscn tatlve Thomas J. Smith, under per sonal privilege, declared that dele gate S. U. G. Rhodes nnd another man thrust $."00 In his pocket In a room lu a hotel after he bad de clared Rhodes nnd nnothor mnn of fered him $2000 to vote for Colo nol Edwards for United States sen ator. Smith declared that ho did not know how much money was put In Ills pockets until after ho had loft tho room. Then he hnd Delegate II. C. Williamson count the monoy, enclose It nn envelope and return It to Rhodes. Smith had been voting for I. T. Maun for senator. New Ship Makes Trip Around Horn in Ten Days Less Than Other Vessels. LARGE NUMBER WILL BID HER WELCOME IN The Breakwater and Launches Carry Hundreds to Lower Bay to Greet Ship. IX AHOIT r.::t( TOXKJ1IT. A wireless from ('apt. D. W. Olson received Into tills after noon stated that- he would ar rive olT the bar about 5:30 and expected to cross In Immediate ly. The bar is In good condi tion. Cnpt. Olson said ho would go Into quarantine lu tho lower Day for Inspection by Dr.. Unf ile, tho U. S. marine olllcer. nnd then proceed to Empire tor his first utop. At Empire lie will moot his young sou for tno first tJjue, .Mrs. Olson and the baby going down to meet him, ns well us hundreds of others on tho Ilrenkwater and small launches. I M E ON BREAKWATER Steamer Arrived in at Midnight From Portland Sails Early Saturday. Tho Ilrenkwater arrlvod lu nt 12 o'clock lust nlht from Portland, nfter u goad trip down tho Const. Sho had over 105 iiassonKors and over 400 tons of general morcliHu dlso. The llroakwator will sail at 4 o'clock Saturday morning for Port land, tho pmwoiigors going aboard Friday night. Among thoHo nrrlvlng on tho Ilrenkwutor woro tlio following: Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Urlstol. Mr. and Mrs. C. Mason, llnzol Mason, Mnbel Mason, Voster Miiroii. G. Sut ton, E. It. King, E. F. Fleming. Mrs. 11. A. DoLong, M. M. Hlchnrd son, C. Thompson, Fred llolmos, Eruost Dnlston, Mrs. E. Dalston, Eddlo Slice. M. A. McLaughlin, Ray mond willlnins. II. E. Richardson. Geo. Winkler, II. S. Kortz, Gus Sanderson, Mrs. Sandorson, Frank .Madden, Mnblo Cameron, FIosslo Cnmoron, Mrs. Cameron. Farloy Cnmoron, Alfred Cameron, K, L. Hulnes. Charles uodgo. a. uiivoii, Hollo Cuvoll, Mrs. I. Cavoll, V. G. Lloyd, T. A. Steele, Anna Hory, Aug. Hory, Mlko Swnrtz. K, A. llnriiRinnn. Airs. C. X. RoilllllO. Rob- Lert Douglas, .Mrs. Ida Ashburn, Enrl Hurd. D. Honck, Mrs. Nolan. Kttnn Coombs, C. Nolan, Henry Lancas ter, J. C. Wnlllng, Mrs. L. Strom, L. Strom, George P. Storoy, h, R. Forbrook, G. J. LomniiBkl, Arch deacon II. Chambers, L. H. Judy, Stovo Hurton, Mrs. Stovo Burton, Fred Hllllen. Mrs. F. Hllllon, Em ma Driscol), Norman Groy, D. C. Soldon, A. M. linker. J. A. Newton, Louis Penman, E. J. Morrow. Mrs. b Foley. Fayett Smith, John II. Coombs, Mrs. E. H. VanDyko. E. R. Van Dyke. V. N. Dnrker, Miss C. Drown, R. S. King, Geo. McCulloch, E, F. Huyersmlth, Miss E. II. Nye, G. E. Tomey, Mabol Harrow, Mrs. J. H. Harrow, J. H. Harrow, W. E. Laufman, Mrs. M. Rooney, Mrs. H. F. McCrackon, Mrs. 11. Wheelor, V A Pntnrsnn. J. R. AlldolBOll. N. K. Nolson, A. P. Nelson, R. J. Taylor, Wesley Mason and 18 steerage. CHAHLES FENSLER of tlio Hub Clothing storo loft yesterday for Portland, on a brief business and pleasure visit. Tho Adeline Smith, the flue now vossel of tho C. A. Smith Com pany, nnd tho great est lumber car rier In tho world, will tonight end her long Journey from Dolawara to Coos Hay. having made tho trip In recoi'd-hreaking time and between 10 and 12 days less than any other vessel or her class las ever mnda the trip lu. The was due off Cuosr liny bar between 3 and I o'clock, this afternoon and as It x. . h high tide at 5:15, It was expect-i. that she would croos In direct. Tho steamer Ilrenkwater and it dozen of launches wero chnrterotl today to caVry people to tho lower Day to wave welcome to Cnpt. U. W. Olson anil his crow and greet tlio new vessel Into her homo port. Tlio Coos Hay Coucort Hand nindo tho trip on the Ilrenkwater. Al though It was announced yesterday when It wns thought that she would not get hero until ii o'clock tonlgut oi I o'clock tomorrow morning, that tho public welcome would be called off, tlio people generally woro very anxious to turn out to show tholr iippreclutlou of tlio big things that C. A. Smith Is doing tor Coos Haj,. In cousequouce when word cninor (his afternoon that tno vessel would! arrive earlier than xvns expected, it was only a few minutes until tun public reception wns reorganized. Tho schools In Alurslitleld muQ Xtutli llend were closed early thin nfiornoou in order that the school children might participate lu tha welcome or tlio big boat and thu public expression or esteem ror tho C. A. Smith Conipnny. 'I ho launch Standard was chartered to tako tho High school students down lu a body. Designer Here. E. S. Hough, the designer of tho Xiinii Smith mid the Adeline Smith, arrived horo on the Hedoudo front Sun Francisco and will bo with O, A. Smith, F. A. Waruor und othor olllclnls or tho company when tiioy xvolcomo Cnpt. 1). W. Olson on hie. rouuirkablo speedy voyage. Dad Dig Cargo. Tho Adollno Smith loft tho Atlan tic port with n cargo of 3,300 Ions, of which 1100 tons xvns fuel coal and tho balauco steel rails and puli mill mnchlnory. Sho will bring lu n dond-wolght cargo or about 2200 tons. Some or tho honvy machinery may bo unloaded nt tho Kruso & Hanks shipyard. linger Tlitin Xiinii Smith. Tho Adeline Smith Is about 20 root longer than tho Nairn Smith, being 310 reel over all. Sho Is also a littlo xvldor and will carry a cargo or about 2.000,000 root of lumber with n draught of nineteen feot. Sho hns a boh speed of about 11 knots per hour. Sho has tho largest hatches or any lumber ship nflont and Is es pecially arranged ror tho C. A. Smith pnekngo systom, enabling her to load nnd dlschnrgo inoro lumuer lu leBS tlmo than any lumber ves sel afloat. Sho nlso has a special xvator bal last system which will euablo her to mako tho return trips rrom tha southern ports in fast tlmo and will bo able to beat tho Nnnn Smith's record.' On hor trip nround Capo HornV tho Adeline Smith burnod coal, but xvhon sho roaches hero, sho will bo equipped with oil burners nnd xvilf tako on fuel oil from a cargo brought up by tho Nairn Smith for-H-her. t-. Smoker Tomorrow Xlglit. Tomorrow night, thoMllllcoihit club will tender n smoker and In- fni'innl i-Pceill 1(111 In C A. Smith. Cnpt. D. W. Olson and other offi cers ot tho O. A. Smith Company and tho Adollno Smith. Tho affair will bo for membors only nnd th house commltteo xvlll Issuo somo special cardB for out of town peo ple xvhom members xvnnt to Invito,