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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1912. EVENING EDITION. t.- n... ; VAN1 rzxzzExn?n CHRISTMAS utB J.W ASY AT THE GOLDEN RULE Easy to choose from such a large selection, and easy to pay because the prices are so mod erate. See the Golden Rule first, for here you can find Christmas gifts for the whole family. HERE ARE A FEW SUGGESTIONS rwniWHi I .Uaaiaiavir-nrarP"i.iL. .mi,,, JjWu. .,,.,. Jflfdll For Children TOYS DOLLS DOLL BUGGIES CHAIRS GAMES FURNITURE HANDKERCHIEFS (Special Boxes.) GIRLS' BOOKS BOYS' BOOKS CURLS' PURSES Marshfield Suggestions for Ladies UMBRELLAS in Holiday Boxes, $3.00 to $3.25. HAND BAGS, 50c to $3.00. LINEN TOWELS, 25c to 75c. TABLE RUNNERS DRESSER SCARES, 50c lo $2.25. CENTER PIECES, 50c to $3.50. NECKWEAR, in Holiday Boxes, 25c, 50c, 75c. LTNEN TABLE SETS. MUFFLERS, 25c and 45c. EMBROLDERED BILLOW CASES. 1 LEAD SCARFS, 50c to $2.25. COLGATES' PERFUMES JEWEL CASES RUGS HAND KERCHIEFS SWEATERS, $1.75 to $5.50 STATIONERY, lOo to 85c. Suggestions for Men NECKWEAR in Holiday Boxes, 25c, 50c, GOc. SUSPENDERS in Holiday Boxes, 50c. FANCY HOSE, 25c. UMBRELLAS in Holiday Boxes, $3.00. UMBRELLAS, $.1.00 to $1.70. OUFF BUTTONS BATHROBES SLIPPERS SWEATERS FOUNTAIN PENS, AYarrnntcd 14K. Ihe Golden Rule Bcmdon uwjuvuiu'i.saEggg rot . 1 1 1 PERSONAL notlcca of vialtoro la tho city, or of Coon nny pooplo iho visit In otlior cltioB, togothor with notices) of soclnl nffalrfl, nro jladly received In tho Boclnl de partment. Telophono 133. No tice of club inoetlnRS will Do published and secretaries aro kindly requested to furnish snmo. rn"rilIIll!Tin'S rnnrnrnlnir social happenings, Intended for publication In tho society depart ment of Tho Times, must bo sub mitted to tho editor not Intor than C o'clock p. in., Friday of onch week, deceptions will bo allowed only In cases whoro tlio events occurred later than tho tlmo montloneiL) CARD CLUB CHAT The card cluh'H stnrtod up ngnln. Onco moro thoy pay tholr ducH Tobattlouow with iniht nnd main For stuff thoy'll novor uso. Onco moro tlioso sixteen ladles got Into a verbal scrap, And some of thorn go homo to bet Ibat slio who coppod tho prlzo Annotto Kept thrco trumps In hor lap. The card club moots at 2 o'clock. Onco moro tho clatter starts, Onco moro their nolgliboru now they knock Whllo dealing spades nnd honrts, Onco moro tho cut glass war begins, And when thoy homeward go Once moro wo'll sco tholr wagging chins i At they discuss tho dnmo who wins Thrco prizes In a row. ; A COOI) memory Is n solcctlvo memory. Not tho student who VUII I'HIUIII UUI UUIJ UtllU, " the ono who does romombor tho sig nificant dntcs Is tho Intolltgout scholar. Not tho woman who prnt tles Incessantly about this porson and that liouso and nil tho ovonts of a dozen years ago, but tho woman who remembors tho Important con versation or tho lntorostlng circum stance or tho amusing situation Is toe entertaining convorBntlonnllst. The last art which pooplo appro date Is tho art of solectlon. Tho best writer Is tho ono who elimin ates all unnecessary words: tho most satisfactory room Is that from which all useless brlc-a-brao Is ban ished. Look through tho snapshot books of a dozon camora devotees. Most of them aro sonseless Jumbled Pictures: It 1b nniv tho few who know enough to soloct from tho, IDea and crowded bounty of tno world about thorn tho single tree, the snatch of a landscape or tho unbroken vista that makes a picture "orthy of tho name. Everything In Ufo that Is worth hvlng may bo obtained 'by giving "P many other things, nnd in no way do wo show our brains so much In our ability to discard. This runs through many phases, from waring up old letters which clutter UP our garrets to tossing asldo old Prejudices which clutter up our dental horizon. Rubbish rubbish, "-rubbish how much of it there s everywhere, and how roluctnnt JJ'o are to relegate It to tho dust neap whoro It belongs. A senso ofj comparison and proportion Is n saY ng grace, for what Is valuablo to day and worth cherishing may bo worthless tomorrow and fit only for oblivion. I The Japanese do not hang all Jnelr pictures on tho wall at once, Jut from tlmo to tlmo thoy tako flown Borne and put up others, thus exercising their powers of selection and reserve. There is a time nnd a place for everything, but that "me nnd place Is not always nor everywhere. Tho ability to differ entiate the Important from tho non imporrnnt is tho mark of intelli gence In every field, from knowing no proper dress to choose or tho suitable Btory to tell to finding tho "ttlng word for a certain phrase or Heslo Spade. Elslo Larson, Myrtlo l.onut. Agnes llnll. Torn Lund nnd Messrs. Edwin Dolph, Harry Allen, Omar Krunholm, Ad Larson, Cheater Lonet and Clone Hall. KKWIXG CIRCLE. I The Ferndalo Sowing clrclo was pleasantly entertained Krldny nf ti'rnonn. Doc. fl. by Mrs. .Too Ilouscr. Tho ladles flowed nnd chntted nnd tho hostess, at the closo of tho nf rornnoii served dainty refreshments to the following: Mrs. W. Itlchnrds, Mrs. Ida Spado, Mrs. J. Homier nnd tho Misses Suslo Mnlcolm, Kittle Larson, Hesslo Spado. Jennie JohiiHon, Ag nes llnll, Torn Lund nnd Helen Ilouscr. f SKWI.NG PARTY. I Miss Kill th Hlldonbrnnd enter tained a numbor of friends In fornmllv at sowing last Wednesday ovonlng. Dainty refreshments woro served: Miss Illlilonbrnnd'a guests woro: M v.A. I.irrRt. Mrs. J. W. Hlidonbrnnd nnd tho Misses Ruth tho perfect picture for ono's cam ora. Not everything, but tho right thing; not a full memory, but n se- iccuvo unu; mil. u uu """n iiiiiionuniiiii iiiiii mu w ""'" imi nn nrtlstlc ono that Is what MniilmwH. Resale Avro. Kllzn Ayro, gives distinction nnd quality. Unlllo Davis, Allco Curtis and Myr- v tlo Cowan, a I rridge I . ROYAL acctiox lminfii:. I Mrs. J. Albert Matson wns hostess at n Ilrldgo luncheon Wednesday Tho second meeting of tho Iloynl nftornoon at hor homo in West Auction Drldgo Club wns hold Tuos- Marshflold. . day with Mrs. William Dungan as Mrs. C. M. Hylor won tho first hostess nt her homo on Pino Street, whllo Mrs. J. II. Flnnagan won Aftcr n luncheon, served by tho host- COUBOinilOII. I IIU "" iiii-Kiiui, " OSS, IIIO llliuriiuilll wiid niiuui in . ho with Mrs. Henry Scngstnckon, jr8 nnrsoy Kroltzer won tho llrst. . n .. i rn Yi.lllln.ti Ctntf nnnnln- January o. .. prwo iiiih .io. """" .7 liii- Thoso present woro: Mrs. hit- tlon. Tho next mooting will bo gono O'Connoll, Mrs. K. MlngiiB and jnnunry 2 with Mrs. It. K. Ilooth. Mrs. II. Scngstnckon as guests; and Thoso present woro: Mrs. It. K. tho following mombors: Mrs, W. Hootli, Mrs. Fred GcttltiB, Mrs. F. E. S. Tnrpen, Mrs. W. S. Chandler, ijnKuo, Mrs. J. T. Hnrrlgan, Mrs. A. .Mrs. H. S, Towor, Mrs. W. M. j,. Housoworth, Mrs. Dorsoy Krolt Rlako, Mrs. J. S. Coko. Mrs. E. 7er jjr8. Chas. McKnlght, Mrs. J. II: K. Jones. Mrs. II. M. Richardson. Mjnor, Mrs. Fred Powers, Mrs. Wll MrB. J. II. Flanagan, Mrs. II. Lock- jnn, Scott and Mrs. E. E. Straw, hart. Mrs. Win. Horsfall. Jr.. Mrs. i t Qinummi nml Mis. C. M. Hy- . ior ' II CHA1I SUPPKH JOLLY I)0.i:.V. Last Monday eVonlng, Mr. and Mrs. ! L. F. Fnlkonsteln of North Ilond on- inrininoii with a crnb Bunpor. Tholr Fannlo Hnznrd, Mrs. Chns. Kalsor, Mrs. M. C. Mnloney, Mrs. E. Mlngus, Mrs. Q. Mureh, Mrs. W. P. Murphy, Mrs. Mary McKnlght, Mrs. C. V. Mc Knlght, Mrs. L. M. Noblo, Mrs. K. O'Connoll, Mrs. II. Heed nnd Mtb. Chns. Stnuff. Tho guests present woro: Mrs. W. S. Nicholson, Mrs. Esther Con verse, MIbm Cnthorlno Nicholson nnd Miss Mnudo Hall, I XOUWIWIAX YOUXfl PKOl'LK I O Tho Norwegian Luthornn Young Pcoplo enjoyed nn unusually pleasant evening of music nnd games nt the church hnll Inst Thursday ovonlng. At tho business session which pre ceded the soclnl time, preparations woro mndo for ho Christmas treo festival to bo given December 2C nt 4lin nliltrnll Vnlltlf flTlfl nlfl U'lll unite In limiting tho affair n most successful one. ItofroEhmonts woro served by Miss Mnbol Mnthlson and Chris Peterson. Tho Young Pooplo will moot ngnln In tho church hnll Mondny Dec. 23 to pop corn nnd decornto for tho Christinas exorcises The following nro thoso presont Inst Thursday evening: Itov. nnd Mrs. H. O. Thorpe. Misses EIbIo Larson, Dlnn HJollo, Torn Lund, Thon Lar son, Jcnulo Johnson, Colin and Ehbn Ostcrdnbl, Louise and Amelia Llllobo, Corn , Mnbol nnd Allco Mnthlson and Messrs. Jim Mnrtlnson, Emll Qnbrlol son, Arthur Kolstndt, Andrew Ander son, John King, Chris Potorson, 01 llvor Larson, E. Mollon, Omwnn, Palmer Nolson, Olnf Klrkrclt and Alfred Jaron. V W. O. W. DOIXOS I A -" luriuilll'll mm n v...u u,., " -- Mrs Urockmuollor of Hunkor Hill KiiostB wero: Mrs. Davis Mr. nnd Mrs. was hostess to tho Jolly Dozon club noborg Mrs. Adklnson. Mrs. Johnson, a"t Wednesday. After an after- MlssesThea. Lawla nnd Lena Kriwo, noon of cowing refreshments woro E8thor Inhoff, and Messrs. Albort Da served by tho hostess. , t vis, Will Davis. Jof Hnrtman Allan Those present nt tho mooting Klssnm, Tod Klssnm, Edgar Simpson woro Mrs. G. Rourko, Mrs. L. W. nnd Mr. Madden. Langdon. Mrs. L. Christiansen nnd. . Mrs. A. L. Hutz. I . Tho next meeting will bo with A.X.M.CLUH j Mrs. Hush Wedrtesdny, January 8',-ho A- w. club mot with Mm. v v ' I im. Noblo at hor homo on Pino St., a t mi..,.0jiiu nfiornnnn. tio niiuniuuu DKMOItKST CONTEST. j''apegt in Bowing after which tbo : n ; ., ,,,,, i,B flrst" hostess served reiresiimcma, n.pu North Hend will hold Its tirsi Nob0i Demorest gold modal contest j-il- oy meotlng of tho club will day. December 20, In B1" 'm"' ' bo with Mrs. Eugono O'Connell on under tho direction of Dr. Bird B. mJJ 9Ul Thos0 pre80nt woro Clarke. ,, i'KuestB: Mrs. W. S. Nicholson. Mrs. Tho following program will bofllor' converse, Miss. Catherlno carried out: , , ' Nicholson and Miss Maudo Noble. Patrlottam of Peace. Charles Van . J8 mberB presents woro: Mrs. 7llo , i p E Allen. Mrs G. A. Dennett, Mrs. The Old Violin. Miss Naomi, fr "lr:. Mrs. J. T. Hall. Mm. Smith. ... . T,n ni. College uu wi "" "w CbYoung America's War Cry, MIm Desslo Dalnes. Patriotism, Lylo Chapello. t?aved Miss Esther Imhoff. It Is likely that musical numbers will bo interspersed with the above numbers. FEHXDALE PAHTY. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Rlehnrds were noi and hostess last Saturday ev ening to tho membors and friends f tho Ferndale Sowing Clrclo. Cards music and sumptuous re- w. o. one. Among those present were: I Mr and Mr W. Hlchard. the Misses Suslo Malcolm, Jennie Johnson, Coos Day Camp, No. 19C, Woodmen of tho World, will give en llrst annual grand ball at Eagles' Hall, this evening, De cember 14. Prof. Low Koyzor's full orchestra will furnish music. Ono or two old-time BQuaro dances will bo called for the benefit of old timers. Tickets, Gentlemen fl, ladles free. Tickets can bo purchased from any member or at Robfold Bros. Photo Supply Co., 2CC Front St., or nt the door. "nemembor, when W. O. w. saya It It's bo." I Tho Women of Woodcraft, Coos nay Clrclo, No. 104, hold their an- nuiil meeting tills wcok nnd oieciou officers for tho coming yer. Tho lustnllnlon will tnke placo Jan- unry 13, and MIbb Annlo Smith win act as Installing officer. . Tho now officers nro: Guardian Neighbor Mrs. Ora McCarty. Advisor Mrs. Ida Patterson. Magician Alta Dungan. Clork Mrs. Mary Cowan. Hanker Mrs. Llzzlo Holsner. Attondant Mrs. Martha Flana gan. Captain of tho Ouard Mrs. May Coko. Insldo Sontlnol Mra. Emma Har ris. Outsldo Sentinel Mrs. Addlo Rol Ilnson. MnnagorB Mrs. Nelllo Owen, MIbb Annlo Smith, Mrs. Idn Doug las. At a moetlng of tho Doric Chanter of Eastern Star last Tuesday ovonlng, occurcd (ho election of ofllcers. Tho installation of whom will take placo Jointly with the Dlue Lodge Friday, Doc. 27. Tho now officers are: Worthy Matron Mrs. Allco Hall. Worthy Patron A. J. Savago. ABsoclato Matron Mrs. Rachaol Allen. Secretary Mrs. Frances McCloud. Treasurer Mrs. Staddon. Conductress Mrs. Ellen Mc Crary. Assoclato Conductress MIbb F. Franse. 4 I NORTH IU3NI) LADIES AID I Last Thursday nftornoon tho La dles' Aid Society or tho Norm uenu Drnativlnrlnn Ohlirrh L'flVO a SOClal Of- ternoon In tho Mlzpah Hlblo class rooms, which woro very prettily de corated wltn roses, ino niiornoon ii nlnnanntlv ftntnvnil In a social way and light refreshments wero served by Mrs. ueorgo noisier, aim. George Hazor, Mrs. L. F. Falkensteln, nnl Xfra TInvnnor. Among thoso presont woro tho fol- . SPIIiELLA CORSETS may bo obtained In Marshfield from Mrs, Annie Holland, Gorsetier. 152 So. Bth St. Phono 200X, lowing: Mrs. C. A. Smith, Mrs, J. Lennon, Mrs. N. C. McLcod, Mrs. II. Smith, Mrs. Goorgo Mnndlgo, Mrs. R. C. Holmes, Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. O, 11. Karris, Mrs. J. E. Hurkhnrt of Mnrsh llold, Mrs. nKto Rood, Mrs. Juatlno Jones, Mrs. J. Mondo, Mrs. L . F. Falkensteln, Mrs. Gcorgo Holster, Mrs. Elmer Russoll, Mrs. Gcorgo Iln zcr, Mrs. Anna Larson, Mrs. W. Thompklns, Mrs. Goorgo Hnrtman, Mrs. L. Culbortson, Mrs. A. II. McKny Mrs. R. McCann, Mrs. Hovcnor, Mrs. Clnrko Gladmon, Mrs. ThomnBou, nnd tho MIrbcs Lamb, Flclahinnn nnd Ka ra Shouse. ? ADD DANCES Tho W .O. W. Lodgo will glvo n dnnco tonight nt tho Knglo's hall. Koysor's orchestra Is to furnish tho music, and n big tlmo is nntlclpntcd. Special poroparatlous havo been mndo for It. I DANCING PARTIES . 4 A dnnco will bo given nt Emplro on ChrlBtmns ovo for tho bonollt of tho Emplro children, who nro plan ning to havo n Chrlstmaa treo nnd program. .;. .. .j. Tho boys of North Hend nro plan ning to glvo a dnnco In Eckhoft's hnll in tho near future Further details will be announced lntor. ELECT NEW OFFICERS. 4 At n vory Interesting nnd onthus Instlo meotlng of tho Altnr Society of St. Monica's parish, tho follow ing officers woro elected: President, Mrs. Eugono O'Connoll. Vico president, Mrs. A. II. I'oworB. Socrotnry. Mrs. James Cowan, Jr. Treasurer Mrs. Potor Dolan. I Mrs. F. L. Sumner, Mra. Ivy Con dron, Mrs. F. M. Flyo, Mrs. Win. Schroedor, MrB. F. II. Storoy, Mra. A. L. Housoworth, Mrs. Olivia Ed mnn, Mrs. N. RnsmuBson, Mrs. J. G. Klnnoy nnd Mrs. Cowan, Sr., Mrs. John Hlntt nnd Mrs. Harry Hoy, guest. Mrs. NoIb RnsmuBson will onlor tnln tho club on Jnnunry 3. I WHIST PARTY. - -i LADIES' ART CLL'IJ. Tho LndlfB' Art club wiih de lightfully ontortnlnod yostordny nf tornoon by Mrs. E. D. McArthur. After n fow busy hours of sowing, tho hostess sorved light refresh ments to tho following mombors: Mrs. F. A. Haines, Mrs. Hoagland, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Klnnoy ontor- tnlued lust Tuesday ovonlng nt Pro gressive whist. Four tablos wore played, Mrs. E. Forrest clnlmlns lady's llrst prlzo nnd Mr. LoMloux winning first honors nmong the gentlemen. Appetizing refreshment wero served to tho following gue& z by tho hostess: Mr. nnd Mrs. LoMloux, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. C. Going, 'Mr. nnd Mra. Syl vester Jones, Mr. nnd Mrs. E. For rest, Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnrry Hrndflold, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Hlldonbrnnd, Mr. nnd Mrs. Win. Schroodor, Mr. Harvoy, V ! I CHILDREN'S SODALITY. On Docombor tho 8th, tho feast of tho Immnculnro Conception, tho Rov. Fnthor Munro orgnnlzod tho Sodality of tho Children of St. Mnry. A number of tho society nf flllatod themselves with tills now organization. Tho officers elected woro: President Miss Myrtlo Cowan. Vico president Miss Lucy Pow ers. Socrotnry Miss Laura Dubay. Treasurer MIbb Allco McLnln. .j. .j. WEI) IX CAMFORXIA. Marshf.lold friends havo rocolvod word that Miss Hopo Whltmoro of Oakland, Cnl., was mnrriod on Oo lobor 30, Inst, to Mr. C. Gllardln, who Is In buslncBS with M. K. fContinued on Pa bo Elffht.) Gramidl Opeoiinig Tho public la cordlnlly Invited to tho formal grand opening of our now bakory and lunchroom on North Second streot, near Contra! avonuo, TMs Affteiraooini and Eveirniog from a o'clock 12 o'clock. Attendants will bo ploasod to show tho visitors through every do partmont of ono of tho most up-to-dato bakorlcs In tho Woat. A presont will bo mndo to ovory man, woman or child visiting our placo today. Everybody Welcome. Leid's Bakery North Second Streot. Mnrahflold, Near Central. Oregon.