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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1912)
.COOS BAY TIMES (ft M. a MAL0XI3V Keillor mid Put). LEAVE S C EN SOON ' PAN K. MALQXKV News Kdllor Official Paper of Coos County. 01 BHiTEO AFTER MOTHER ir-. moss good 'j All ; F10ADS PUIS Steamer Sails This Afternoon for Portland With Large List of Passengers. I lilt KAK WAT Kit DKLAYKI). j Owing to tlio rough bnr nml lmil shoal, Capt. Mncgonn tie- cldcil not to nttonipt to go to sen today. Ho hopes to snll I nt 1 o'clock tomorrow. Thirteen-inonths-old Child of, J. H. LaChapelle Dies Suddenly. Douglas La Chnpcllc. tlio 13- lnontha-ohl son of J. II. LnChapollo, died at G o'clock tills morning at tho homo of Mr. La Chapello's bro ther, Charles La ClinpolU'. on South Broadway, aftor loss than 3G hours' lllnrss of membraneous croup. Din Ilronkwntor Railed nt 1 I Tlio (loath was a sad SHOCK 10 tlio o'clock this afternoon for Portland ' friends of the family. Doug wllh tho following list of miHsun-,!"' mother died about two woolts g0rH. ago ami was taken last week by Mrs. B. Curtis, Mrs. Caldwell. S. ' ll'o Hither nml husband to tho oid C. Larson, Mrs. II. K. Brown, S. ll01 nt Chippewa Kails. Wis., for Brown. M. Brown. Mr. Mitchell, burial. No should lmvo leached Means of Improving Coos County Highways talk ed Over Last Night. At tho good roads meeting at tho Mnrslifiold Chambor of Conimorco last evening, It was decided to tako up tho matter of building n good lilglrway from Myrtlo Point to Hoso bnrg, with tho Douglas county com missioners and tho Uosobtirg Com niorclal club and so If Douglas coun ty WUHHI UUIICI US sunro 01 IHO road ,. ..,.. ,... 1lnrn Wnilnnn.lnv nli'lil m- Tlinrmlnv "? f !,b",,8lBJ,0rtl"n; " Clark. Solum Koskola. C. 1). Kills, i with tho body and It Is hardly lie (Jus Johnson. V. C. Hlckcrs, Mrs. , "oved that tho funeral was held H wan also decided to try and havo tho Oregon legislature haston tho pS"s ;;;:: zzz, 21 """:. " .,::m-i!ni.'"s c"""', ""'" ro"c"" """ to contlnuo tho campaign of educa Conloguo. Mnrlo Conloguo, Miss l"0 boforo tlio telegram announc- ory. II. Sengstnckcn. D. T. Bar- today. nt..1 11... TTnll T.- n Ol... ...,. tlon and to mnko a hnrd mombor- . "' ,"""" " "' "' J. . Mp campaign. , J- K"t8,,'' "' .f'0' Sl5rntto"' D. C. Grcono. vice president, pre- ?' W' K"fr' Mr8' c " ' Bided on request of President A. T. ;"'.. McGoorBc, J. Bator. P. Mnrr!n nf Hnnnlll .,. f "OllllOtt. Mrs. C. II. Plckcilllg. 13. , nnna .. ' i'.i.. ,,. I'lckorlng, It. Pickering, Mrs. C. ..' v ti , Johnson, P. Leo, G. It. Bnkor. A. J. era present woro Nod C. Kelly and M ' . ' . ' , X C. Savago of Coqulllo. Pdgnr TT'n v "'' I T UC m McDanlols, Dr. Bartlo and II. G. ?'; ' J May P Swan. Chas. Xcm of North Bond, W. 13. Best of ,,,BK'n8' ' A. Crnhtrco, M. n,uin nr loan,, a it ...... ' Hooves, Mrs. Blackmoro. Walter Mayor Straw, I. S. SmUh, IIugh M ,nck,rf0' "" Stutsman B. C JCaln nnd Tom Coko of Mnrslifiold. Drows, Mrs. Hoborts, II. Monnhnn, Mr. nnd Mrs. B. It. Forrest, Mrs. LOCAL OVERFLOW Ho wired back to havo tho body shipped oast for burial bcsldo tho mother. It will bo shipped tomor row on tho Bedondo nnd prior to tho departure nt 2 o'clock short funornl services will bo conducted nt Wilson's undertaking parlors by Uov. J. 13. Burkhart. A host of friends of tho family will unlto In extending sympathy In tho doublo sorrow. MANY ARRIVE ON REDONDO i M. Bayless, .1. Olson, Jack Olson, B. Carlson, Phoobo Burroughs, C. P. Mlllor. J. M. Dlrl. P. Larson, A. Hanson, Otis Ltindblcd, A. N. John son, J. Smith, Sam Mntson, P. Mil. M'MUHPIIY and wlfo of Camp Schultz. A. Ilcrbst, P. Bannrd, G. 1 arc shopping In town today. J Nelson, 13. Bkblad. IlEV. A. P. BASSPOItD spent sov- rr Tr; ,, 7, . ... .... ... , , To Knlni-gc Delegation. ih"- .la y.;n.. KT 2H S? Steamship Arrived Friday from uBZ&SVm. "ott x' ncco,","u,y th0 ,,;,0Kn;i" t0 San Francisco-Sails iomi ibuu niiLiiuini, to husl- nshlngton and aid In tho effort 1 'to got federal aid for tho Coos Slinday. CT. 13. BI3SSBY nnd wtto or tho riny )mr 0 ,m ,)0tll of thom PI,ftni,n nrr,v.,i In vostord-iv Croamory nro Marshf.old visitors ,)118l(lorIg ,t and feols that thoy wlffa taw" Swof' m'iscSnoous un' would grontly strengthon tho nppll- freight nnd n fair paBsongor list. O. J. SI3I3LBY is In Mnrslifiold, cnton. ISlio had n good trip up tho Coast. coming down on Inst ovonlng's ' Tho Hedondo will sail Sunday nf- trnln I lou'cl to go on his own recognition tornoon nt 2 o'clock from hero for MKS. B. L. BBSSI3Y of South Coos "" thon- No Indictment was re San Pranclsco. Tllvor was spending tho day In r nBalnt Illllla Short n tho JXVtSSX town llor innllmr Mm 1.- V Wl kllW COUiplllillt from Toil Mllo. (,0IUl0 V,0T0 Ul? roow'h- town. Ilor mothni. Mis. h. V. tutHKmu J Brlckson of A. Kloln,' Mrs. W. T. Merch- Olintlll. neenmnnn od bnr. ,H,JS """' " liiinKBon m ., n ii,uu n Mnin . 11111 l.n.. l.n....l.t .I.maa lln .,, .. W, W....V,, ... V.. IV...., WKSLI3Y BltOWN returnod this """'" "'" "" Ki ii- j.. c. Tlldsoy, V. C. Gorst. C. O. morning from a tilt, to Golden ,lloro from JIrB' Il0Bft Pro8H' now. King, Loulo Sing, 13. McLean, J. Kails, whoro ho has been buying a r08''cnt of Snn Diego. Ho plnns cattle. to build on thom soon. Lund, Mrs. C. B. Nicholson, Miss. Thomas. G. Jacobson, C. Groat, A. Brltt, C. McNab, II. Cluto, C. Wal-. rPHnnlnMvn f lt,.l... r. iinn.ll- ruinur uiiiiiu in .urwi iiumi iO' jton. limviw on tli n, ' I"V. h. J. Simpson' lias rccolvcd HAItHY BAULTMANN. local rop- "Hrtw "mor. According to a u 'Q' DoWBOJ p nempsey, B. umrK, (.j. .iniinsoii, i.. iviieinorg, u. PntvrHon, C. Kydholni, 0. Andorson,, C. AroiiHon, D. Anderson, D. Hogar, . S. Dwyer, T. Sawyor. J. Helm, N. Hnckor, T. Taylor, J. Bromor, L.I Morgan, L. Henuoraon, J. Doty and J. Prozol. morrow to spond tho holidays In Snn Prnnclsco. word from C. It. Smith, head of tho Southern Oregon nnd Menasha ' MF.t I !.. .. WILLIAM MADD13N and MRS., ""' '-. i m T. ATKINSON loft this afternoon rft,), ,,oC,b1o " tho Southern Pn to spond Sunday at tho homo of clflc ,e',,08t to 1,rl',K t,m ""' t0 tholr brotlu'r, Arclilo Maddon. Nmth "oJJ .,.0llll.(ic,, ,,own who Uvea on n ranch near Boa- CAIll) TO PUIILIC vnr Hill. I will bo out again In a fow "May AlTcct I.lconso. Tho Indict- dnys and havo my work going, and mont of Prank Cameron, n woll shall bo vory glad to ho at tho sor fcnown rhurnrtor of this section,' lct or thoso who linvo boon flg for bootlegging on South Slough, by, urlng with mo on building homes, Mm grand Jury, may affoct his II-, and others who would llko ostl conso to open a saloon thoro. Tho' mates on buildings of nny kind. IlcciiDo was granted a fow days ngo Por tho present, phono 287. by tlio county court. Cameron will! C. O. GOSNBY, bo tried in Jnminry. I la was nl- Building Contractor. IF IN DOUBT j About, that Christmas Present, come to the "OWL 99 WANT ADS. VANTBI) Furnished housekeeping rooms by couplo. No children. Will bo steady tonnnts. A, enro Times. POSITION WAXTI3D Young inan, familiar with gonornl ofllco work, rotnll soiling, storeroom nnd warohouso work, dcslros position, Clina. Klmmormnn, North Bond. WAXTBI) Buff Orpington cwk, n year old or older. Phono 294-X. Our Christmas lino was carefully selected and sev eral now lines have just been purchased in Portland by our Mr. Baynard, wli is now in thai city. These are now arriving. PHONE 74. J. Owu rRESCRIRTION - 'N BUSINESS FOR YOUR HEALTH (j) WANTBD Roomero; bonrd for ono.i Apply 471 Elrod Avcnuo. Phone 200-L I VOll SAW3 House nnd two lots on Monroo near North Bond U. B Church. Phono 304-X-8. LOST Brown muff. Last evening botweon Mnrslifiold and North Bond. Itoturn to Times ofllco and recolvo rownrd. l'OH SALK Old newsimiters; a big hundlo for a nlckol. Just tho thing to start fires with. VOll SALI3 At n sacrifice, large- sizo uigu-graao piano in flno condition. Address linv r.n?i I Mnrslifiold, Oro. VOll IlKNT Xino room lioiiso in Bunkor Hill, partly furnished.! Apply Times ofllco. i iToTltl) AND llOOMSlTotcl Imt. I tin, contrnlly located. Good ta-1 hlo, homo cooking, and largo I'uiiiiorinuio rooms, uensonnblo ruioo. FRANK D.COHAN VOll SALE Dry wood, lir nml ,,i. dor, at Campbell's Wood Yard, Porry landing. Phono IPtf-L. WAXTBI) Tito steady roomers nml boarders In prlvaro homo. Mrs. Mntson, 31C First street. WANTKD To buy a r, or .foo show case. Geo. Goodrum. 1 OK SALK dood paying restaurant In nearby town. Address ., caro Tl lues. VOll IIKXT Tlirro room house on nrondwny. Phono 1C4-J. kinds of Xmas Presents at the Busy Corner Shop early -shop here. We are saving you money YOUR INSPECTION INVITED ttS w S o & PQ W 35 The Rexall Store mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimimmmmmmmmmmmmmm Fill Up the Stocking With Goodies FROM STAUFF GROCERY CO. "Way down in the too put an Orange then put in some Mixed Nuts then another Orange. This makes just the founda tion that that boy or girl is look ing for. Then put in some of our Pine Mixed Candies and some of . MASKEY'S FINE CAN DIES to. top it ofC with and then some more nuts and Candy. You cannot stuff it too full and . '. if you use our puro - candy it won't hurt thom. ' , "I Then buy here tho good things for tho holiday fenst .; and the day will be complete for every member of tho family, and the Christmas a Merry One. But do not put off your buying until tho last minute. Come in and givo your order now, and wo will deliver in time to assure the presents being in the stockings. Best and finest lino in the eity to choose from. Everything fresh and crisp. Phone early. -v