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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1912)
fR NOTICE HOW MANY FRIENDS YOU HAVE WHEN THEY NEED YOU. fSvma ,. i.!'KK OI-' AUTHORITY" WATCH THE WANT ADS. There arc many good bargains to bo found there. Anything lost or found Is always adver tised in Tho Times. i" .;. ii i for iii (i,v -iSSunliy t. " "'"' 'J1, (,o time Tin: times family. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRES Vl-ySirt i3?" MARSHFIELD. OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 191 1912. EVENING EDITION. EIGHT PAGES. A. Consolidation of Times, Const Mull -J 26 nnd Coos liny Advertiser. fr IN HANGED TODAY IT OREGON STATE PR FINAL STATEIENT MADE BY FRANK IMRIM TONY L Garrison, One of Men Kn Died on Gallows, From Coos County. LeSTED INNOCENCE P"K.ii tuc WCfJV I AQT UfJ I1U mL VUlli AiL...n niorln Aflmtasinns WUineia i " Of lillllt 01 Ulinub Elsewhere. 1.1..1 rrcn 10 Cooa nay Tlmm.J HIEM, Ucc. 13. Four condomn Btrdcrcrs, Noblo Fnuhlor, Frank ,ob, Mlko Morgnn nnd II. 10. Mi wero cxcciilctl nt tho Btnto a hero today practically wltlitn n. men wero liniiBcd In pnlrB.I Cirrlion nnd Faiildor woro nrst smoned to tho death ciinmncr. 1 1 preliminaries uiu numi .um- .'L irtfd If they lind any Htntomont ult. Faultier practically ndmlt- I Hi guilt. Imt Oarrlson protost- l'i Innoccnco of tho crlnio for i!th he was executed. Iloth in on :i IhrouRli tho ordeal with for- Mt. Faultier wbb cut down after I minutes, while It wiib two mln- li liter boforo tho pliynlclans houncod Garrison dead STORY ABOUT TOE GRIMES Murders for Which Four Men Were Hanged in Salem Prison Today. Hy Amo'IaIM I'itm to Cooe liar TlmM.l SALEM Oro.. Doc. 13. Tho men executed In tho Stato penitentiary hero todny had boon hold for periods varying from four to thirteen months, iib n result of reprieves granted by dovornor Oswald Wost. to enable tho oloctorato of tho stato to dcc-ldu Whe ther It ilnslroil (hit nlinllnliinont nt capital piinlHhmenl. or whether It bo-Perjured ovidenco was unci! know llqvod that tho extromo punishment Ingly to provo tho clrcumstancos. hmoiiiii eontlnuo to bo Hie penalty. Even though I dlo tomorrow. I am Coos County Man Executed at Salem Prison Makes Sen sational Charges. (Special to Tho Times.) SALEM, Dec. 13. In a atntomont which ho gavo to tho warden just beforo tho nooso was fastened about liia neck, Frank Garrison declared that ho waa Innocent, but that It would protect grafters and crim inals. His statement follows: "To tho citizens of tho State of Oregon: "Thla Is my InBt atatomont bo foro execution nnd I wish to sny that I am Innocent of tho crlmo of murder of any degree. Even though I have- boon convicted twlco of murder In tho first degrco, I am a victim of clrcumstnutlal evidence, Iwithln half an hour nftor tho : executions. Mlko Morgan and E. Roberts, also condemned to today, wero ordorod from their 111, tod after thoy woro glvon nn jortunlty to speak, tho trap wns l-tj. Doth men mot denth calm- Roberta admitted his guilt. Ho Kibated Ids crlmo to persistent Inndlng' of olllccrs of tho law, i litlne served sovernl prison Ixi, and to his work on nn om- r wheel which ho stated affected i Bind. Morgan did not mako a Asent. but Itov. A. A. Moore ij hid been his sntrlttinl ndvlsor M that Morcnn hnd told lilm1 t tiJ killed Jonn York, a rnnchor, lull dofenso. RobortH wao oro heed dead In in minutes nnd l-tin two minutes Inter. HmiLM'ii hi 1 1 '.nn. Cirrlion nnd Faiildor woro hang- it 11:2S. Garrison was cut ' it 11:GG, two mlnutos nftor 'fill Of tatlldnr. ftnrrlnon dlml l-I protestation of his Innoconco 'Ui ns. Fiulder said: "Yon must cot nt root. Hnnglng does not euro zt" Wont fifty witnessed tho oxecu- u. fROTKST IX SAX FRANCISCO. u Shalt Not Kill," Slogan of 21 Stivot MoelliiuH. I to AuocUtM r-rna to Cooa nay Tlmea.J UN FRAXOBCO, Doc. 13. ' "alt not kill," tho Hlognn "9 Antl-Canltal Piinlsliinuiit 'Tie, was lircnil thrnni'liniir Mm tbt to varying crowds hero at. 24 ;'wt meetings to protest against Hanging of four men at tho J0, Oregon, nonlrrmtlnm'. fiMind- 'i for today. E! TALE OF K)S C0lint Man Uonnnri Tn. day Says He Is Victim of Ring of Grafters. ' "r AuaHn.i n .. . ,,"'. ' io uooa uaj Timea.j W0 V UUIWDVH, JM . U' He was hanETOil tnrlnv rln- ItaJ .. "- w, - I ; Wat he was tho victim to r an alleged "ring of graft r 'I COOS COIlnlv nw.1 anmn onlin jm.i.t. ' " ou.u ww-.. Stecti ' ono of w0m ho charged ,. " i'oloirminK ruo mur- ,.'0r whch he was executed. "orean'q i,., . . .... tller Moore. The othor bodies 4, Natives or bo burled In for first dogieo inurdor In this state. Shortly nftor tho loal IuuikIiik of two murdorors In the fall or mil, Governor West Iwmod a formal Blale inent to tho effect that hcrnui of his periioual conviction that tho hang ing of murderorH wnn usoIohh, not an othor execution would tnko plnco In Oregon while ho occupied tho execu tive chair. This pronouncement led to criti cism Hint the power of pardon, con ferred only for uho In extremis to pre vent mlscnrrlago of Jimtlco, was be ing abused and Hint Governor West waa Huhverllng tho nuthorlty confer red on him. Almost nt onro tho Governor de clared that Instead of commuting to llfo Imprisonment the scntenco of condemned murderers, to nbollsh capital punishment life imprisonment ns ho Intended, ho would nppcal to tho people and, pending tho decision of tho electorate would roprlove to Dccomlior UI, such men as might bo Hontonccd to bo hanged. Governor West, firm In his pur pose propnred and caused to bo placed on tho bnllot at tho November election an Initiative act abolishing capital punishment nnd Biibstltutlng llfo Imprisonment for the crime of inurdor. Tho oloctorato, by over 20, 000 majority, rojectcd tho proposed chango, and Governor West ns ho hnd pledged ho would, when his an nouncement of Intention to reprlovo murdorerH was mndo. at onro ordorod tho oxocutloiiB for tho dnto specified In tho roprlovos, Tho death chambor In tho peniten tiary hero Is equipped to oxecuto sl multnnooiiBly two porsous. Thla ne cessitated tho designation of three porlodB. ono in tho early morning, when Noblo Faiildor was sent to tho gallowB, and tho others later In tho day. whon the denth penalty waa In flicted on Mlko Morgnn, Frank Gar rison and H. E. RobortH. Tho ad for which Noblo Fnulder was hanged wns tho slaying of I.ouls (iebhnrdt, August 0. 1011. Sovornl dnyH boforo tho killing. Fnuldor, n laborer, threatened to Bhoot anyone who polsonod his dog. Of this, Faiil dor nccusod Gebhnrdt, a camp cook, on tho day of tho shooting. Tho crlmo for which Mlko Morgan mot tho donth penalty was mo min der of John Yorko, n rancher, July 13. 1911, near Yorko's ranch. Un der tho nnmo Ilnlllo Wilkes. Morgan, who hnd desortcd from company II Flfteonth Infantry. V, 8. A. nt Fort Douglas. Utah, had boeii glvon em ployment by Yorko. While his em ployer was nsleop. Morgan boat 1 Im to death with a club, later throwing tho body Into Roguo River, after weighting It down with a log chain. Morgnn was captured a few days later at Glendalo. whore ho had spent tho amnll sum of monoy secured by the Balo of Yorke's team of horses Af terwards Morgan confessed. His ro a tlvcs reside at Mount Carmol, III., ""lTM'whM, Frank Garrison wns executed was tho killing at Enst sldo. near Marshfleld, September 1, , oi i f nor Porklns. Ho was twice r.i i.r.ior. Gnrrlson short ly after his arrest was alleged by tho authorities to have mndo a confession that ho had killed Perkins nnd threw his uouy mio "" " r, ,,, ?.-. ",i.i,..wii inter ronudlnted was used as ovidenco in tho first trial. Innocent. I wish to ntnto that I am holding no III feeling ngnlnst anyone of tho Jury that tried tho ciim. nut- I bollovo In placing tho hlnmo where It boloiigs, on tho district nttorney nnd his deputy, who mndo knowingly uho of per jured ovldonco to sccuro my convlc- PARCELS POST PROVIDES FOR MAILING DIFFERENT ARTICLES KWI-rri upon tho earnings of prostitutes, who protects tho Illegal &nlo of II uuor In Iioubcb of prostitution, pro tects gnmbllng when protection Is pnld for, who oven protects mur derers, too, who oven atoopB to Btnln their own hands In humnn blood In order to protect somo of their gang from prosecution. My llfo must bo tnkon to protect Mar shal J. W. Carter, who committed tho murder that I will ho hanged for. Who was Implicated In tho inurdor of W. L. Joynor nnd Jacob Evans of South Slough7 My exe cution tomorrow will bo 'another murder to tholr many to protect, vice and graft. Oh, how I wotihr lovo to bo called to provo tho as scrtlonn boforo n court of Justice whoro tho court Btnnds for Justlco nnd not for tho protection of u gang of graftorn nnd murderorH, whero tho court is not nn'o of Bitch a gang an Is tho caso In Coos county, Oregon. "I lovo tho law of our country. I respect It nfl long ns It Is used for tho protection of llfo nnd prop erty, for which It Is enacted. Hut I dotcBt Bomo of tho practices to which it is put. Our chaplain one day guvo tho word 'law' n definition Ilaiidou Hoy Shot. Tho Recorder nnyB: Frank Kin zey, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. L. O. Kln zoy, accidentally shot himself In tlon. On ono occasion I called my nnd nnld if nny ono could glvo n the foot yesterday. IIo wns taken bettor doflnltlon ho would like to, to tho hospital nnd given medical treatment mid Is gottlng along all right at present. HIT TWICE BY E 1 Joe Clapshaw of Denmark Is Victim of Peculiar Acci dent; 12 Years Old. (Special to Tho TIiuob. DENMARK, Dec. 13. While hnn dllng n londed gun, laBt Sunday ov onlng, Joo Clapshaw, tho 12-ycar-old son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Myron Clapshaw, accidentally discharged It nnd sont n 30-30 bullet crashing through tho calf of his right log, and on through tho flesh of tlm loft leg. Whllo tho wound la not dangerous, It Is very painful nnd annoying, nnd tho small victim of thoughtlessness la very thankful that tho accident was no worse. ' i ' iiuuriioy , u. a. aouiorouoH, niieu tlon to tho perjured testimony of have them do bo. Mrs. Carl Smendborg. Hor ovldonco I doflno tho word Iloro Is tho way In tho courts of record of tho two trials will flhow beyond nil doubt It was perjured nt ono trial or tho other. Sohlbrcdo told mo to shut up. No, my llfo must be taken. I know ton much. Certain olllccrs must bo protected, one or tho Coos county ring of grafters who aolli to tho human vultures protection to prey upon young Innocent, glrlf, who protects tho whlto alnvors, who protects prostitution and tho degen erated human vulturo who lives " 'Law' la a sqt of rules onncted and put on our atatuto bookB for tho protection of llfo, property and Bocloty, that Is for what It Is In tended. Tint- Hint In practfeo It is frequently used for tho protection of vlco, whlto slavery, prostitution, gnmbllng, vultures to prey upon tho victims of young girls nnd nil klnda of grnft, nnd to virtues from tho law." (Signed by) "FRANK S. GARRISON." PLAN STATE MATRIMONIAL BUREAU F. Gage, Marriage License! Clerk at Seattle, Proposes Establishment to Settle the State of Washington. tny Awodtf4 rmi to Coot nay Tlmta. SEATTLE, Wash., Doc. 13. A frco stato matrlmonln agency through which mon nnd women may ho brought together with n view to mnrrlngo and to sottlo on vacant agricultural lnnds In Wash ington, is tho plnn that Is claimed JOHNSON ROME RURNEO DOWN ter's field. Win . . kr... ro, "Hwny Durt sj, -" ibu on tho 2 o'clock today with 30 men for Wlllet IKl. . wu X-Ullll, MHO H1UII ,q'a on Hm tj.i .li. - - .... "VUUUUU IUIO iiiuui- On appeal to the Supreme Court tho caso wns romanueu iur ". - the ground that tho confession was exported i and ho was again tried and COTVbe,lioo for which II. K. Roberts, nllaa Jack Roberts, was hanged, was n."as..,r' t nnn M. Stewart, who wihuMge Hastings was shot to death whllo automoblllng near Port land. March 29th last .,)- H.ltlinn fT Wlirilll lltlll tV' ,, a ority ,m niombors of a party of nvo who woro ordered to Ua b a I:.i Tim drlvor of tho car 'ns td of comiiiylng with the de mand, Increased his Il'f machine sped past ho would-be rob ber fired four shots from an auio nfatlc shotgun. Stewart and Hast Scs were almost Instantly killed, and wo o her members of tho party were Rancher and Wife Escape from Burning House by Leap from Window. Stovo Johnson, whoso homo was burned nt Fivo Mllo last Monday morning Is In town today. Tho Johnson homo which was de stroyed by fire Monday morning nt 3 o'clock, Is half way between Em pire and Dandon on Kendall Creok, ono half mllo from tho county road. Tho origin of tho flro Is un known. Mr. Johnson and his wlfo worn nwakened Just In Umo to cs 'i..n w iiininlni out of a sea l(IU w ,,...--, u ond story winaow. mo huudu burned to tho ground slightly Injured. Roberts was con victed and sontenced In August last. Roberts was an ex-convict. wo vylll SELFi for SATURDAY NET CASH! $9.00 Hnviland Chocolate Sot, 4n S7.0() $8.00 German China Sot $3.50 SC.SO Gorman China Sets....M.R sc.00 Gorman China Sets. . , .Sl.oo iir in innpn China Sot...?i.H) Odds and ends In China nt HALF SEE' OUR COUNTERS. COOS HAY CASH STORE, Front Street. by F. Gage, marriage llconso clerk of King county is woridng Into a bill for such n buroau, to bo pre sented to tho next loglslnturo. Dur ing tho past 12 months Gago has had letters from moro than 2000 porsoiiB, mostly women, living In all parts of tho country, asking him to assist them In finding suit- able llfo partners. TJioro woro nearly 1G00 applications from wo mon In lnrgo Industrial centers on tho Atlnntic seaboard. BALKAN PEACE ENVOYS MEET Plenipotentiaries Reach Lon don Today to Fix Terms of Settlement. Dy Auoclated I'rtia to Cooa Cay Tlmea.J LONDON, Dec. 13. Plenipoten tiaries of Bulgaria, Sorvla, Monte negro nnd Greeco, already on the Bcono, spont the greater part of tho day making official calls and gottlng acquainted with each othor. Sevor- al functions are bolng arranged for tho visitors, Tho Bulgarian dologates to tho peace conforenco arrived hero to day and tho Turkish plenipotentiar ies aro expected tonight. Conferences Monday. Tho formal work or tho peace delegates representing tho Ottoman Empire and tho allied Dalkan na tions will begin next Monday, whon tho dologates will open discussions which If successful will have tho ef fect of a remaking of tho map of tho Near East. WW IS VERY ILL U. S. Ambassador to Great Britain and Son-in-Law of Late D. 0. Mills. Illy Atiorlatr.1 I'rraa Io Cooa Hay TltnM.) LONDON, Doc. 13. Whltolaw Hold, United Stntes ambassador to Great Britain, is seriously III. Ho Is suffering from aBthtna and hlu condition has grown considerably worso during tho weok. Sovoral specialists aro caring for him. IIo is tho owner of tho Now York Trl- buno, a big stockholder In tho Mor gonthnlor Llnotypo Company nnd a son-in-law of tho Into I). O. Mills, tho San Francisco mllllonnlre. Fruits, Vegetables, Meats and Eggs Can Be Sent Under Certain Conditions. REGULATIONS ANNOUNCED BY DEPARTMENT TODAY. Extension of Service January 1 Will Transform Trans portation. (Ily AaaoctatPil I'm Io Cooa nay Tlmta.l WASHINGTON, Doc. 13. Accord ing to tho regulations of tho parcola post system promulgated by Poat maator Gcnernl Hitchcock, porlaha- 1.1.. nMn1nn Hint n flntlf llirnitfrll . tho mnlls only under specific ro- Huiuuuiiu ua iu wiuir uwnuiiiiui p uiiu tho dlstnnco they aro to ho sont. Butter, Inrd, fish, fresh moats, drossod fowlH, vogotabloB, fruits, borrloB, and Hlmllar articles llkoly to decay inny bo sont for short dls tnncos when Bocuroly pnekod. Eggs may ho accepted for local dollvcry whon packed properly In n container nnd for nny dlstnnco whon each ogg Is Boparatoly pack ed In a porfectly Bocuro mnnnor. No restriction Is plnced on mnll Ing sailed, dried, smoked, nnd cured mcntB, hut frcah meat can bo trans ported only within tho first zono. Frngllo nrtlclcs, Including millin ery, toys, musical Instruinonts nnd nrtlclcs of glass In wholo or in part, iniiBt bo packed sccuro and marked "fragile" Articles that may not bo sont bY, parcels post lucludo Intoxicating U quors, or nny kind of polsona, pois onous nulinnls, insects, roptllos, ex plosives or nny kind of Inflninmn bio articles Including matches, In fomal machlnns, platolB or rovoi vorfl, dlscaso germs, obscono, do f am atory and BcurrllmiB mnttor, llvo or dead nnlmnls, birds or llvo poultry, raw hides or poltB or nny thing having n bad odor. Books and printed mnttor may not bo forwarded by parcola post I rates, hut only nt tho pound rates or no third class mnttor. GREECE IS BARRED. tny AwoclalM I'rraa to Cooa nay Tlinra. CONSTANTINOPLE, Doe. 13. Tho Turkish dolegntcs to tho ponco conforenco In Loudon woro in structed by tho Ottoman govern ment to decllno to moot tho Greek dolcgntca until Greece signed the armistice BRIDGE CASE NEXT TUESDAY Senator Chamberlain's Secre tary Wires W. S. Chand ler Today About It. W. S. Chandlor todny received n tologram from tho prlvnto secretary of Sonntor Ohamborlaln, tho gist of which was as follows: "Coos Bay brldgo mattor will ho decided by Docombor 17th. Sona tor Chnmborlaln will arrlvo from Los Angeles trip Decombor 1C nnd will glvo tho mattor Immodlato at tention." Honrv Songstackon received tho following tologram from Chnmbor laln's assistant secretary: "Coos Bay brldgo mattor will bo decided by 17th. Sonator Chamber lain arrives horo ICth from work in California and will glvo it his Im mediate attention. IIo has not In any way opposed tho granting of tho permit." R S HOMELESS When In need of PLUMBING, HEATING, TINXING. SHEET METAL WORK, CALL 101-J PIONEER ITOW'RR CO., When done by us 1 U done rlgll Work on Coqiiille. Roy Rozollo, who Is In chnrgo of tho government dredgo, camo ovor from Randolph today on business. Tho dredgo Is now doing somo prlvnto work along tho docks of tho Randolph mll. Mr. Rozollo says that tho Seoloy & Anderson Co. Is repairing Its lino and planning to resumo work soon. FOUND An umbrella left in Tho Times office. Ownor may havo same by paying for this ad. Dozen or More Injured in a Spectacular Fire in Pitts burg Apartment. (ny Aiaoclated I'rraa to Cooa Day Tlmaa.) PITTSBUIiq, Doc. 13. More than 200 persons, residents of tho Library apartmonts, a largo rosl donco building In tho business heart of tho North Sldo, woro driven In to tho streots early today by a spoc tacular flro that destroyed the structure A dozen or moro woro Injured. GREEKS MOVE IN ON TURKS tny Aaoilate4 I'rraa to Cooa Ilay Tlmca J ATHENS, Greoco, Doc. 13, A gonoral offonslvo movomont nlong tho wholo lino wns bogun Moudny by tho Greek army oporatlng In Eplrus, tho most westerly portion of tho Balkan ponlnsula. After re peated attaoks tho Grook troops oc cuplod at tho point of tho bayonot tho Turkish positions towards tha Vlsall fortifications and camped thoro, 1 Iilnit4mn m i