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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1912)
B IERE ISN'T MUCH GOOD IN THE MAN WHO CAN SEE NO GOOD IN OTHERS 4 nU'ER OP AUTHORITY' '"Ti .MleUI t,, I",,tJlKJiiI " '?in.. " H Mr tlio city fnl, Smnmlly nrat, lust and !Jl H'O ",c' JOIN' T,,,J TIMKS ,,AMII,Y Mmm AVATCII THE WANT AUS. There nro many good bargains to bo fountl there. Anything lost or found Is always adver tised In Tlio Times. MEMDEH OP THE ASSOCIATED PIIES IJstntillshcd In 1878 us Tlio Coast Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1912. EVENING EDITION. & Consolidation of Times, Const Mall and Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 126 fflflOB wag cekwefl E STEEL PLANT REPORTED 10 RE COMING TO COOS BAY ... .,,i:ntn Rnnnrtfifl to Kl t wm- 00U,UUUUII uuaoi. j TO HAVE TAKEN ' OPTIONS ON SITES. ... Millc nnri Blast Fur- Janccs to Be Included in ' Great bcnumu. iflHLlalargo Bteel plant Is to bo IKiiri on Coos Hay Is . tho '""told In Portland. rtncr- m ik.i tho company iiiuinuiiub U36lfcSSt hn. secured Biiflklont mJ! inronorly rights to. go U "" .... i ..fll..lnlu .if lllltll ..?.,n", i 11 noBnroli. Kdb fi .ItaSd. Very lit- r. it known anuut .... - t Day, tho parties ovldontly lmv- I Howrcr, It Is known Hint bo no ijJKrti rcprc-entliiB unknown n- I '". ' !.... o,.nwilttlln II I'll 111- 1 1 iiu were m-"-' "' "o" UldMlnS coal lams. W I. nl.o U that nil opium Him i tfte Boulnn tract or nbnut .1000 ni of timiiir nnti com um .... 1 SIoobIi. wciit f tho old Lb; cine, ror i'.uimi.uih. uu h--el timbered and Is Bnld to bo .... ..drnli- miilni'lnlil with conl. tj has tlio option and how long U to run is not Known, urn u .nmoi tlmt It mny bo tho l syndicate referred to. 1U rortlnnd Tolograin tcllB tho :.t ii follow B. ViMntlnna urn linllllT closed at today for an Industrial pro t which If ronsummnted will .... ik natnhllnlitnnnt of n HtrlllU l itetl mills nt tho leading tor .'..i Mtirm nf tlin Pnclflc Const bt xrlll rival In 'Importance tho ruled States Steel corporation. n prnmi if rnnltiillHtH. who aro j la all-dny session nt tho Port i.l ilnfnl lu mfiiln mi hf men :portant In rnlirond, financial and :JitrIal nrrnlia up and down mo 'irtn Slonn from Mexico to Ilrlt- i Columbia nnd Alaska. Jl proposition thoy nro working :t Ii hypothecated on tho offer of i iraitlmtn nt IlrlH)i rnnltnllHtR tfl ml iiiiivnrilii nt r.n nflO 000 111 iiuteel Industry on this CouBt un- ! me following conditions: Tie Pacific Const organization t H:f In session hero must gunran y - nil and wator tonulnnlB at tho iKIiaill iurin OH MIU lUIIBl. Ill at fit run.. nil Mi, wnv fintv. tfl . .1. .... V..J 1... ....... V". MIMA in unnnnnnn nn.l mnut .w iv v.ifluuvu .'. lnntrtn Hi, nu'impalilti f,t nAntrnl '"- IIIV 1. ..W. O...J. . 1 1MII itmfllclent Inn oro prjportlos to t!!SrA tliA dntitl tin ! r.nnrnllnn Ai le iteel nlniitB ovor a lone norlod ) Iran, in mldltlon to thin n r.inntco Is required by tho for 4a Investors of n sulllclont num- oi coai proportloB locntcii at fVr available points bo as to e caro or tho niol nnd powor stares of tho hugo project for '' IU CUIIIO, It I. ., ,!-. . n. ..!.. .. "in iilliK-initlllll llio IHI1II tuil- '.TnnllA 1 l. i ... . . n ... . Hjr."alrB 'TO BlCOl J1IIUU8, rtllllMK i aW1"', blast furnncea nnd other fon Kires of the Industry to const at IB'"1 15,000.000 nt ench of tho fol ""nlns points: Portland. Piigot lewoud, Coos nny, Snn Francisco. rtM' Angeles nnd Snn Dlogo, nnd slbly nt Vnncouvor, nnd Bomo --"tj hy rtlfferont inomoors of tho 'tHrrnnn in-. ....... ...... I ii v "' l8 ,0arne(i inni prac Hi .? a" t'10 cal doposltB, term- !j ; "'"men, ooin rnn ana wiuor, i'BIL 08t of tl10 ,ron oro proportles '7 ,mvo "'ready boon tied up JK'.' options on leaaes or out (nt purelinso. Ketlcenco on tho pnrt of tho pro- 7" oi mo project Is duo to tlio S l tMy aro endeavoring to " options nt tho prosent tlmo on "."! oi mines, uotn iron ami 1 m strateRlo districts, and, so ' ald, if advanco Information " mnuo public thoy would hnvo UA.i' " "CWUlllll, III" IJUllollJ Railroad nttornoys, closely Idon- KiTii lH "om l"" Harriman ami 2gfQlan Prclflo forces, aro proml R in the financing of tho pro- -. .iit. iiiimediaro ennrgo oi '"IB terminals nnd conl lenses, S BnM mi. . .. . n r , " i no xs'ortnwestorn i'n-.E-,ls particularly strong In tho Kv '" r while former Governor a. Glllett of California, who Is fvP'Sc 10 thrt TTnrflmnn Infnrnota la Skate. U'e ,egal nffn,rs of th hfifua8JonK ,,ecn known that tho Wm. Co.ost 1,ns splondld Iron IteM ,erel n'l n,ns tho soa ii nr?ln Lower Moxlco to Alas to ' r,Bh much of this tor JM "rc'If,nt coal beds nro lo- evTL J m 't not extensively uami d Tll Byndlcnto. through Wa h aml secrot agents, has frUn Uor, tor several months ad l,f ,n ontlons horo nnd there, St.H?.r,,c,I'aMvo or tho nrltlsh id it L who nro willing to put " '0 000,000, havo beon'-on iajim?8Lw,th exI)0rt engineers to n the properties suitablo and OL STUDENTS POOR New Yorkers Unable to Add One and One or Multiply One by One. tlr AwoclilM Prrff lo Cooi Day TlmM. NI3W YOltIC, Doc. 1C Sovcn Btu dents of tho Now York High Schools were found In a recent toht in arith metic who could not add one and one. Tho hovoii wcro among one hundred nnd ninety oxnmlucil. Nino could not multiply one by one. Oth er glnrlng oxnmples of onelllcloncy wore nlso found. k. p. i()L.i)i:it ii:ad. David Ii. Iliiriilt .Succumbs In Wash Inton Today. (Ilr AmoiUIM VnM lo Ceo Ilir TlmM. WASHINGTON, Dec. 1 G. David Ii, Ilurnlt, ono of tho llrft men who founded tho KiiIkIiIm of Pythlns, died suddenly Inst nlKhl of heart disease, aged "C years. POT BAN ON 0 Insurance Companies Notify Policyholders of Ruling ' Against "Snow." Ilir ahoiUim rrrtt to com iitr Hum.1 .NEW YORK, Dec. 1C Familiar Chrlstinns decorations will disappear this yenr aB a rosult of tho decision of tho board of underwriters. Evory policy holder litis been notified as follows: "Your attention Is cnllcd to tho fnct tlint decorations of In llnmnblo mntorlnls, such ns cotton, to rnnrnxnllt HtlOW. COllStltlltOS nil Illltll- tlonnl flro hazard and will not bo permitted." GRAFTER GETS LONG SENTENCE Head of Scandal in Atlantic Fleet Found Guilty by Courtmartial. ' inr AtW'lAtM l'f lo lu' TlmtiJ NOItFOLK, Va Doc. 14. W. W. Dlckoy, coninilssary steward of tho battleship Louisiana, around whom centered tho charges of graft In tho scandal In tlio commlssory of tho Atlantic fleot, was found guilty to day of "scandnlous conduct" by tho navy courtmartial and sontonced to flvo yenis at hard labor. nvallnblo for tho backers of tho PrTho 'head of tho Coast syndlcato Is C. W. Fronch, n well known Industrial promotor of San Dlogo. Ho has been dovotlng most or his tlmo for the past year to develop ing tho plans for making tho Pacl Ilc Coast tho leading Bteel produc InK soctlon of the country, and ho has been adding to his group of 1 . . iMn .miiilini. nf fl- nssociaies n ih .... -nanclors, capitalists, mlno Prot0" rauronu ruin'"'""'", " '.' ...ii i, nntnrln rnnre- ninc' men uihu ."- -:, IZs one of tho inost form,dablo groups oi nioii o ",,"": ?i..i' ..rntopt tn tho West. Dillfeiu t...w ... TJioso prosont at tho conference worn tlio louuniiis. C W French, capitalist and pro moter. Snn Dlogo: Kx-Govornor . T. N, Glllott of California: C A. All enitllft. r Portland: S 1. iWyWto, former M-jror of Bo- nttle and now a c-i.. -. :;-, Angles; S. G. Faulkner, canl tall. . of Vancouver, n. C; J. O. Store. capitalist of Taooma; Cant. E. J. nttornoys. of Tacoma; A. R. Wat son, roai esiui. .v.-. - Flint, attorney, Tacoma nN. N. Peer, attornoj', oi ." . -- -McCord attorney, of Seattle, and J. Frank Watson, Investments, of Portiaiiu. SUFFRAGETTES M TO Y Twenty-Five Leave New York This Morning for 140-Mile Tramp to Gov. Stilzer's In auguration. Wr AMorlitel Pith to Coot n7 TlmM.1 XElV VniMf linn IU "t.'lrol nl.l """ , MJ.t IF . IIP. ...U In nil r lulif fnr nnr lirnlana lint nothing will cure us but votes for .11 It ml . .. n. iiiiiB snug :u Biiiirngoues as i ev startcii on tin l i -mi n wnut t" Al1'"" i. . 'jjv.0-r. ig . Ppygi'ipr Sulzcr on his Inauguration today a messngo for tho cnuso of woman suffrage. Clad In sweators, mack InawB, Bhort skirts and kneo bootB nnd headed by n woman boating n tatoo on a snaro drum, thoy loft Urooklyn Park, on tho outskirts of tho city, shortly after 0 o'clock. Sympathizers of both Boxes on hand cheered lustily when tho lead ers of tho nllerlmnKO, Miss Rosalia Jones, or "Gonoral Jones' as bIio Ib called by her follow BUftragottes, pave tho ordor "Forward, March." FRENCH SHE TO STOP WAR Working Classes Ordered to Quit Work to Show Gov ernment Its Strength. nr AMOfUtM l'rr to Coon lUj TIitim.1 PAHIS. Dec. 1C A general strike of tho whole of tho working population of Franco was ordered to bo cnrrlod out todny by tho Gen- oral Federation of Labor as n pro test ngnlnst wnr, wns partially suc cessful. In Pnrls tho men nppenrcd to hnvo executed tho ordor to. strlko In n groat many Instances. It wns understood that all workmen wore to throw down their tools onot day In ordor to show tho strength of tho laboring classes and demon strate their powor In parlyzlng tho govornment In event of n doclnra tlou of war. ME THINK TWO LIVES LOST IN HYDROPLANE NEAR LOS ANGELES DEAD IIODY FOUND NEAIt TAHIIEKL CAMP PltKS. WILSON HOME. Itt'iirhi'N New York from Ilciiniiilii Trip Today. (nr AuoditM l'rrtl to Coot nr Tlmn.l NEW YOHIC. Doc. 1(1 PrcBldont- elect Wilson arrived todny from his vacation trip to Ilorinutln. No nn nouncomont as to politico nor any thing olso did tho governor caro to mako on his arrival. "I'm going to dovoto myself to Now Jorsoy nf fnlrfl," ho snld. Tho Prosldont-olect brought with him his annua mos sago to tho Now Jorsoy legislature, which mcotB January 14. It em bodies ovory plank In tho Demo cratic stato platform. As to tho appointments Wilson admits that whllo solcctlons havo boon running through his head, ho could not da cldo and had not oven chosen n prlvato secrotary. S ABLE TO SAIL IHtEAKWATEH, NANN SMITH, KEDONDO AND ALLIANCE UN AIILi: TO CHOSS OUT TODAY OWING TO STOItM. Owing to tho rough bar and tho storm outsldo, tho stoamors Ilreak water, Uedondo, Nann Smith nnd Alllanco woro nunblo to got out to day. Thoy will attempt to cross out tomorrow afternoon nt 2 o'clock If tho storm subsides sufll clontly. Tho vossols havo been laying tm.-n Blum Sntnrdnv. The bar is quite rough and owing to tho now ahoal, tho masters oi mo vessels aro afraid to tako any hazard. Tho Homer Is lying outsldo wait ing for an opportunity to como in. i.' q nnw nnd S. D. Ilarnor of Marsiifiold nro on board. Sho also has considerable Christmas ireigiu for tho Day. LOCAL OVERFLOW MR. and Mrs. WILL EICICWORTU of Mllllcoma aro Marsiifiold shop pers today. MR. and MRS. MORGAN roturned to Marsiifiold this morning from a visit with Mr. nnd Mrs. J. D. Mngeo of Lakeside W, E. DUNGAN roturned from Coos RIvor today, whoro ho has i, no.i liiBiinrtlnir nets. W. S. DENNING, keeper of tho Tongue Point llgntnouso bwuuii, near Astoria, and ono tlmo keop- or of the Arago ngni, wruus " friend that ho oxpects to visit friends on tho Dny In February.. WM. CENTERS of Eastsldo is in town toiTay and reports thnt ho la making good progress on his new bungalow. MRS. ALICE KKUBB of tho lath mus Is a Marsiifiold visitor to day. AMONfi THE SICK. Loo Webstor of Marsiifiold, who underwont an operation nt Mercy Hospital Saturday, Is reported get ting along ns well as could bo ex- PHorbert Lockhart is conflnod to his homo by an attack of tho grip. Mrs. L. R. Dean '" reported 111 of grip. L KNOCKED OUT Government Wins Partial Vic 1 tory in Anthracite Case Today. (Ilr AMoclatM rrtft lo Cool VT TimM.1 WASHINGTON, Dec. 1C Tho govornment won n partial victory lu Its prosecution of tho "hnrtl coal trust", when tho Unltod States Su premo court today hold tho so sailed Blxty-flvo por cent contract botweon tho Hnrtl Coal Roads nnd tho coal operators Illegal and, sus tained tho government's former vic tory nnd tho Tomplo Coal nnd Iron Company but declined to sustain tlio chnrgca of tho gonoral conaplracy nmnni: hnrd conl ronds. Tho Kovcrnmont won a victory by getting tho court to strlko down tho On per cent contractB whereby "Rail-. road Coal Companies" buy llio out put of tho "Indppondont" mines. Tho court held thnt tho contractB woro plainly n violation of tho law. Tho government lost Its fight to havo tho nnthrncto coal carrying railroads and nlllllated coal companies dcclarod to bo In a gonoral combination in n violation of tho nutl trust law. Emmett Plcrco, foreman of tho Simpson Logging Camp, telephoned Into this nftcrnoon thnt ho hnd found tho body of n dead man nenr tho camp lato this afternoon. Tho body had not been ldotltlcd. Aviator Horace Kearney and Chester Lawrence Thought Victims. WERE TRYING TO FLY TO SAN FRANCISCO w w E PASSES AWAY U. S. Ambassador to Great Bri tain and New York Tri bune Owner Dies. Portion of Machine Picked Up in Wreckage on Redonda Beach Today. iny Amo, llf,l rrfM to Coot nr Ttmm.y LOS ANGELES, Dec. 1(5. Only faint hope thnt thoy might hnre been picked up by nn outward hound vessel not equipped xsttti wlroloss Is ontortnlnod by frfonda of Aviator Iloraco Kearney nnd a pnssongor, Chester Lawroncov th auto editor of n local paper, lm llovod tn havo lost tholr Uvea Hnt urtlay whllo ossnylng a hydro-niro-plnno flight from Los AngoieK to Snn Francisco. A portion of tho wrecked nrn chlno linn boon found In tho ocean off Rcdondo bench nnd Identified by tho builders nB Koarnoy'n ino chlno. Machine Was Poor. It dovoloped today that in tho opinion of oxperts, Konrnov'H inrt- HLACK 1IANDEU SHOT. Notorious New York Leader Killed Totlny. IPr AiiocUleJ Prni to Coot l)r Timet.) NEW YORK, Doc. 1C. Araollo Prlro, said by tho pollco to bo a notorious "Ulack Hand" lender, wiib shot nnd killed todny In n bakory In uppor Now York. According to tho story told to tho pollco ho hnd just demanded $100 from Josoph Gallucco, tho owner, whon ho was allot by tho lattor's nophow, who escaped. W HMCY W F I J. Lee Brown Says Effective Legislation Is Promised Governor Approves. J. Leo Drown of tho Drown Drug Co., has roturned from Portland whoro ho nttonded a busy nnd Im portant session of tho Stato Phar macy Bonrd. Thoro woro 05 appli cants who took tlio atnto oxamin atlon. At tho conclusion of tho rogulnr biiBtncsa session tho bonrd mot In conforonc.' with tho Rotall Drug glata' association and tho Retail Drug Clerks' association, to discuss tho matter of draughting a new btato pharmacy law that will moro nearly meot modern roqulromonts than tho prosont statutes. Agree ments were reached on tho provi sions of tho now legislation which will bo Introduced nt tho next sos slon of tho loglalaturo, which con vonea In January. Gov. West has oxpreased his approval of tho now law and will rondor aid In having It passed. Mr. Drown vaa In Govornor West's offlco last Thursday, the day prior to tho quadruple hanging and says many delegations nnd Individ uals called and brought groat pres siiro to bear on tho oxocutlvo to prevent tho executions, but tho Govornor romalned firm, claiming that tho pooplo had oxpressod tholr approval and ho would not Intor-fero. Hecelvo Goods. Additional ship ments of goods arrived on tho Ro dondo and Alllanco for tho Allen & Lowls wholesale grocery branch houso hero. When In need of PLUMBING, HEATING, TINNING, SHEET METAL WORK, CALL J 01-J, PIONEER HARDWARE CO. When done by us it Is tlono light. LIbby COAL. Tho kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. Phono 72, Pacific Livery nnd Transfer Company, Wr Amck-UIM ftTtt to Coot Hr Tlmn.J LONDON. Dec. 10 Memorial sor-1 vices for tho Into Ambnssndor Hold will bo held Wodnosdny or Thurs day of this week and unless tho llrltlsh government offers a con- VOynilCO for tllO body tt tllO UllltCd nlilnn wnn nnt In ilnn.1 u-ni-Mii.r nr. StatoB, It will bo Bent to America dor when ho started on tho trt olthor on bonrd tho Campania, from,u ooniod to sag under the extra Liverpool next Saturday, or on tho weight of tho paBsongor ami llio Lauren Ic. leaving Decombor 24. At'mipply of twenty gallons of gnno- ino urniBii loroign omco touay tuo ino. Tho cntlro const from Point Ventura haH boon covop- HearchorH, hoping to llnd u ' 111 ii iiiIrnIiii? innn. lint nnfl tor. alrondy has Bent a rnblo to g lms boon heard from thoin catv James Dryoo, tho nrltlsh ambnsnn- i.. 1iIb nftornoon. grentest regret Van expressed over Hrmln to V tho denth of tho nmhnsBador. See- 0d i,y Hoard rotary Edward Qroy, foreign minis-1 trnCo of tho dor nt Fnshlngton, of tho condo Icnco of tho llrltlsh government. Whltolnw Rold wnB tho owner of tho Now York Trlhuno, a largo stockholder lu tho Morgonthnlor Llnotypo Co, Ills wlfo wns tho daughter of D. C. Mills, tho lato Snn Francisco millionaire. Tho Drltlsh government had pro posed to tho b nltod Stntea that n nrltlsh bnttlcshlp should convoy tho body of Whltolnw Rold to IiIb na tlvo land. Promlor Asqulth'n de cision was presontod formally to tho Houso of Commons today. Ho paid a graceful trlbuto to tho dead diplomat. It hna boon arranged to hold momorlal services in West minster Abboy nt noon Friday. A WAREHOUSE TEST. A. LEAVE POST VACANT. Tuft Will Not Appoint AmhuMnilor Hold's Successor. in? AuotUlftt PrtM to Coot P Tlmn. WASHINGTON, Dec. 10. Presi dent Taft today announced through Secrotary IIIIIcb that tho post of ambassador to Great Drltaln. mado vacant by tho death of Whltolnw Rold, would not bo filled by him. Tho nnnoiinconicnt followed a con ference botweon tho President nnd Secretary Knox. I'. HiiIikw In Filling HulMfe Willi linmeice Stock. Somo of A. T. Ilnlncs frlondti nro telling him that If ho contlnuen to pllo bnlod liny, flour nnd food Into thnt wnrehouso of his on tho wator front, thoro will bo a wrecked building. Unities smllea and say a that ho will tako cliuuccs becnuso by buying In hiicIi Immoiiso qiinntf tles ho gets Hiich low prlcen that "It moves tho goods quickly. Z find," HtiyB Haines, "that tho prfee como down faster than tho bulltf Ing and you would bo surprised to seo how rapidly It goes out Tho building la now piled' neuvly to tho colling. It is worth a trip to tlixIlnlncH dock Just to now whnt a quantity la stored thoro. MANY LEAVE ON REDONDD Steamer Sails for California 1 Port With Large Pas senger List. Tho Rodondo loaded yostorday to sail for San Francisco, but was de layed by tho rough weathor. Sho will probably got out lato todny. Sho had a big cargo from tho C. A. Smith mill nnd In tho other car go was 100 boxes of from Stophon Rogers for tho Snn Fran Cisco market. Among thoso Balling on tho Ro dondo woro tho following: Helen nakor, Mrs. M. A. Early, Miss Elizabeth Donnelly, Herman Edwards, E. C. Smith, J. D. Nich ols, J. Edgar, H. 13. Dattman, J. II. Bridges, w. H. Kennedy, Elmer Matson. J. F. Greonleo, Chris Dor- chor, Chas. Knox, Dartlott Knox.i Jay Montgomery, Mrs. C. A. Mont gomery, Mrs. a, Anderson, Abo An dorBon, W. J. Klrkpatrick, L. F. Hart, C. J. Powott, E. Estorhrook, E, Strieker, John Swartz, O. R. Cook, R. Doval, Goo. Sweotorman, John Sharp, S. Sheppngo, Nick JCampntas. Jas. Carlson, J. II. Dun can, C. Wilson and A. Montague. LEAVE TODAY b: 0 ALLIANCE Coos- HnyJtos Reunion. Mrs. T. S. Mlnot. of San' Francisco, is giv ing a dinner party this wook to a numbor of Coos Day ladies, now located In the Day City. RiininMty Today. Ono of tho do llvory teams of tho O. A. Smith rotnll yards, driven by 13. W. Sul livan, ran away near Tonth and Commercial this morning. Vory lit tlo damago was dono but tho run away Is said to havo been very spectacular. Steamer Arrived Saturday from Portland and Was Detain ed by Storm. Tho Alllanco arrived In Into Sat urday afternoon from Portland and prepared to sail yesterday aftnrnoon for Eureka, but was dotalncd hy tho atorni off tho const. Capt, Lor atad oxpects to get out lato to day. Among tlio pnssongora on tho AT llanco wns P. Olaon, who wns hound for Eurokn. Ho waa nenrlr drowned whllo trying to board tho Alllanco at Portland. Ho mado it mlstako In tho dock and waltcod down tho npron of tho dry doclc nnd toppled ovor Into tho Colum bia, from whoro ho wns rescued by a nlghtwntch and put aboard tho Alllanco, very wot outsldo as well ns Inside. Among thoso nrrlvlng on tho Al liance woro: O. A. Stophonaon, E. F. Cum mlnga, Ed Cnmoron, Tilly Conway. C. R. Pecklnbniigh, Mrs. E. T Pnrlngton, E. T. Parlngton, Jamoss Gardlnor, Henry niock, HaroItT Wronn, Mrs. Ed Wronn nnd Ed! Wronn. Among thoao snlllng on tho Allf nnco for Eurokn woro tho follow ing: Mlsa G. Towor. Mr. McFadderr, Mrs. McFaddon, E. A. Zlaka. 3NL. Stuor, G. T. CommlngBon. E. J. Cook, T. Hanson nnd L. Madison. AVcbb SIstcrH, Kiiteitalncrs nianoho and Eva Wobb. eight and1 ten years old. rospoctlvoly, wlllt hold tho boards at tho Orphouirr tonight In now nnd iip-to-dutc songs. This spcclnl attraction ha boon added to tho big bill of mo tion plotures nnd tho abovo mon tlonod little song birds are wlthcmx a doubt, tho best Juvonlle alngrn on tho CoasL Thoy hall from So nttlo and nro going ovor tho HIr Four Amusomont clroult, playlnar Ira Myrtlo Point last night, whoro thoy woro greotod with a ahowor of sli ver at tho hands of tho audionco. Seo them tonight for ten centa.