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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1912. EVENING EDITION. 7 -"" Mll1WBir-'"''"'','lMniMWMIIBI mil "' 'WmlmiMf'4Mh . M09lB I T"ks for dkckmukr. 1 sWaBStk . 1 1- 111 1 rnvi 1 ' illiU Christina 1912 K. 'ut Your Name Down For a Clothcraft Suit or Overcoat ONT forget yourself when you make up your list of Christmas purchases. You owe yourself a present. toy not make sure of getting something you want by eating yourself to a Clothcraft suit or overcoat Tou ought to lmvo sonic new clothes for the holi- nnyway, and the Olothcrai't lino will give you pneo to freshen up your wardrobe without add- much to your Christmas expenses. lothcrnft Clothes with a binding guarantee of pure lasting shape and service cost you only $10 to $25no more than takc-a-chance clothes. They're inado right, fit right, look right and slay right. You will be surprised at tho value we can give you in Clothcraft Clothes at, say $15, $18 or $20. "When you see these insured clothes, you may think of someone elso who woulld appreciate a Clothcraft suit or overcoat as a gift. We can fit you In 4130, The Clothcraft Blue Serge Special, $18.50. WOOLEN MILL STORE Jiermen Attention ! I(,x Itoy ico and Cold f Company ,,111 bo ,lr0. 10 wcelvo all Stcelhead '" December 10. For Pllculrs, inqro nt "ay Ice and Storage Co. When a man doesn't fcol good ho likes to have Bomothlng Imppon about every 15 minutes to the vil lain In tho story ho Is reading. fat Ads NUTS NUTS NUTS Walnuts, Brazil Nuts, Almond Soft Shell Pecan Nuts, Hazel Nuts, Pino Nts,. Hickory Nuts, Chestnuts, Phili. Nuts, Black Walnuts, Filbert Nuts, Cocoanuts. Stauff Grocery Co. Mnskoy's Cnnillcs, Phono 102 DAYT0NJ BICYCLES A BRIGHT IDEA BUY HIM A SOLAR LAMP Marshfield Cyclery Phono 158-R. 172 Hroadway. BUTTER TRUST IS Elgin Board of Trade and Creamery Association Al 1 leged Illegal. Ilf AnocUteJ Foil to Cooa Pr Tlmta CHICAaO, Dec. 14. Tho Elgin Hoard of Trade, popularly known as tho "butter trust," and tho Ameri can Association of Creamery and Buttor manufacturers were attacked by tho fedoral government In a civil anti-trust suit filed hero to il uv for tho dissolution of both concerns. During tho last few yoara the prlco of raw produco of farms In tho United States of America has risen by 3C per cent. claims In 25-0, a heavily Umbered section. Script hns been placed on the lnnd, but n year or so ago John llcrron, Watt Short, Jumes Wynno, Hugh Sneddon nnd others sold their homestead rights to tho holders of script for nbout $2500 nplcco nnd now others aro said to bo trying to do tho same, no now script having been plnccd on tho land. TIDICS FOR DKCEMIJKR. Rolow Is given tho ttmo and height of high nnd low water at Mnrshfleld. Tho tides aro placed In tho order of occurrence, with tholr times on the 11 rat lino nnd holghts on tho second lino of each dny; n conipai Ison on consccutlvo holghts will Indlcnto whether It Is high or low wator. For high water on tho bar, substract 2 hours 34 minutes. PERSONAL NOTES Hrs.. G.2C 10.17 4.27 10.50 Ft. . 4.7 3.7 5.8 0.4 ' Hrs.. 0.03 10.52 5.u8 11.32 Ft.. 4.7 3.7 5.3 0.0 i Hrs.. 0.38 11.52 5.33 0.0 Ft.. 4.8 3.0 4.8 0.0 ! Hrs.. 0.C 7.15 12.40 0.45 Ft.. 0.1 4.9 3.4 4.3 . WKATII Kit FORECAST. OREGON Occasional rain In west nnd generally fair In cast tonight nnd Sunday. Southorly winds. liOOATi TEMPERATURE ItKCOIU). For tho 24 hours ending nt 4:43 n. in. Dec. 14, by UenJ. Ostltnd, spoclnl government mo tcorologlcal obsorvcr: Maximum 52 Minimum 34 At 4:43 n. m 3C Precipitation 75 Wind Southwest; rainy. Meet Monday. Thcro will bo n meeting of tho Mnrshfleld minister ial association nt 10:30 o'clock next Monday morning nt tho Motho dlst parsonage. FRANK MERCHANT of Flvo Mllo fs In Mnrshfleld todny. MR. and Mrs. EDWARD FOREST lcavo today on tho Urcnkwator for Vancouver, D. C. HENRY IIISCHOP rotilrnod this week from an extended stay at points In Washington. MR. ODLAND brought In 18 dozen ducks from South Inlet this morning and supplied tho local markets. MRS. J. W. COSMEY Is cashier at tho Ladles' Emporium. Mrs. C. II. Dungnn of South Coos river Is also employed there. C. A. HUNTER of tho Ooldon Oak barber shop has gono to ono of tho Smith-Powers enmps on Isth mus Inlet for n, short stay. HENRY MONAHAN leaves today for a two weeks visit to his father and sister In" Seattle. Mr. Mon nhnn, Sr Is 90 years old. CIIAS. OMilS, who hns boon a wit ness boforo tho grand Jury hi tho Short-Wllklns enso loft for his Lnkcsldo homo yesterday. FRED HAOELSTEIN, who left tho Day a month ago Is located nt Iloqulnm, Wash., whoro ho has employment In a shlnglo mill. EUGENE DOL.AN nrrlvcd this week from Portlnnd nftor nn nbsonco of nbout tliroo years, to spond tho Christmas holidays with hla par ents. Mr. nnd Mrs. Herman Smith gall of Marshfield. - AMOXO TnK 8IC1C. Leave Today. J. V. Smoaton, Ar uo Mcrccn nnd Vernon Smith lenvo today on tho Nnnn Smith for Ilork oley, Cnl whoro they will spend tho Christmas holidays nt their homes. Clots Specimen. Knthorluo Ilnrry of Emplro found two specimens of crustnsia murann, which sho pre sented to Dr. Ilnydcn, who will Bond tho spoc'nlonB to Field's Mil soum In Chicago. Rainfall. Tho roport of DonJ. Ostllnd, special government meteor-, ologlcnl obsorvor, shows that tho rainfall for tho 24 hours ending nt 4:43 a. in. Dec. II, was .75 Inches. Tho totnl rainfall slnco Sopt. 1 up to now Is 23.52 Inches, or nbout double that of last year, for tho samo porlod. , W. W. Dcnn hns roturnod to his homo nt Enstsldo after a fow weeks at Mercy hospital. Ho Is much Im proved. Ono of tho llttlo twins of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ralph Williams, living on Second stroot, Is reported vory 111 of pnoumotiln. Tho 12-year-old son of Charles Kronholm, who was Injured n fow days ago, as a result of a fall front a roof, Is rapidly rccovorlng. C. O. Oosnoy Is rapidly recover ing from rccont Injuries rccolvod In a fall. AT.OXO T1IK WATERFRONT I Auto Accident. As a result of tho sllppory plank pavomont, Cloo. O ood rum narrowly csenpod n bad auto accldont this morning. Tho mnchlno skidded whon rounding tho corner of Fourth nnd Elrod nnd caused somo slight damngo but nono of tho occupants woro hurt. Tho Alllnnco will nrrlvo in Into today from Portland nnd sail at noon tomorrow for Eureka. Tho Rodondo snlls nt 2 o'clock tomorrow for Snn Francisco. Iho Nnnn Smith snlls Into todny for Ray Point, having nrrlvod In l.Uo yesterday. Tho Speedwell sailed lato yostor day aftornoon for San Francisco. Tho tug Roscoo nrrlvod In from tho North today. w'"' .'.'.V. 1n,,llnH H ,,B, lto" Havo your Job printing dono nt that n inimbor nro ontorlng on Tho Times ofllco. M RESERVE for your friends the best by buying your Christinas Gifts at this store. We are sold out already in a few lines, but aro replacing rapidly with all tho latest novelties in Portland, which will bo on dis play in the next few days. Bo sure and select FOR YOUR FRIENDS our Quality Gifts and New Designs, avoid repeti tion of last year's presents by getting your gifts at this store. You will be well repaid when you obtain your presents here, as wo lead in Iligh Grade Presents, Now Designs, Reasonable Prices and , THE BEST IN QUALITY GIFTS Come in and examine our nice assortment of Perfumes, both imported and domestic, in fancy packages, from 25c to $25.00. New Designs in La dies' Iland Bags, hand-sowed and artistically fin ished. Fancy Umbrellas, Purses for Ladies and Gentlemen, all kinds. Beautifully Boxed Christ mas Stationery from 50c to $5.00. Waterman's IDEAL Fountain Pons. Whitman's Famous Candies and sovoral other select Christmas mcs:&tMsmttSi&l&d The Store for Quality Goods and New Desiyus. bring results.