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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1912. EVENING EDITION. IJ&I I gift Makelfdeal Xxp? Gifts & I GHXKHAL SCHOOL XOTI2S. work woro: Loonldns CrosBon,' 1 c3le9 f&lWl Jr-f' oi33??in KMfSW &? i & fil rnornld Conner. i-rodcricK lioag-i s. : sa v- "fc.1 MZ3ct.l vsi? su I ,uu iLvL J Inntl, l"roilcrlck Dow, Kinnm Hod-! """SJifflS13 -J-----ii,s1,ta ,tt$PlSdli son, Holt Uonobrako nnd Cnllstn I "'' ..... ..(ST1 Walters. 1 1 Prcsldont Joseph H. Mnuck of Illllsdalo College, a former Chicago bitetncsB nmn, well informed and successful In nil his work makes tho statement in Ills public ad dresses that tho clinnccs for suc cess In business nnd commercial lifo of tlio man with collcglnto train ins nro 230 to J, ns compared with tho man without It. Bettor nsslm llato that stntcment, young people. An oxchnngo makes tho stntoment llrst Oniric. Molvln Steon, Lnuronco Myrtle Johnson and Edith son woro absent this week count of illness. Holm, nc- Chrlstmas Is In tho air. Tho songs and stories aro about Christ mas. The children nro making that bookless homes nro mero j boiiio presents nnd tho proverblnl boarding houses. What an oppor- Santa Clans appears In nil tho pa- tunlty Is tho public library. How It should nnd docs supplement tho home. Miss Topping, llbrnry of tho pub lic library, deserves much credit for tho Interest sho Is creating In books among pupils by her talks. per cutting, drawing and painting. "Thcro nro truo friends in books often they nro tho best of friends. Thcro nro also bad book friends." Miss Topping's talk to pupils of tho Sovcuth grndo. Lot's got tho idea that school Is a business, that pupils must consid er It so, and get Into biiHlncsslIko linblts with respect to It. How nbout tho excuses, do they romo promptly? Aro tho report cards watched? Is tho study hour kept regularly? la regularity In tho homo lifo maintained? How nbout tho foods, arc you suro that tho child gots to eat what his work de mands? Aro wo treating Rrhool lifo serloimly? Aro wo nil doling our part to get the rosults that wo ex pect teachers to produce? man school. Tho doto sot for tho High school minstrel show Is January 31. Mr. Morris has been chosen Interlocutor and Oeorgo Johnsoji, Sydney Clarke, Mr. Grnnnls, Walter Jensen, Ches ter Isaacson and Max ltolgard nro to net ns end men. Tho Freshmen nlgobrn clnsscs will wrlto a competitive examina tion Monday morning, to seo which hns ncqulred tho greater nverngo proficiency up to date. With tho Sonlor play nnd tho do lintes, basketball nnd tho orchestra nnd with Christmas coining, no ono finds It bard to keep busy. Last Friday nftomoon tho usunl work consisting of stories nnd dra matization and reading woro car ried out, with n fow Christiana songs and pieces. I I CHNTKAL SCHOOL NKWS. 1'rlinnry. James Mills is absent on account of Illness. Huth Coroy, who hns had tho chlckonpox, Is ngnln in school. First A. nuth doing. Rudolf Hill, Wllllo Thurston. Louis Unlllngcr, Clnlr Hiird nnd Donald Wilson had per fect spelling lessons In tho rovlow of tho week s work on Friday. I Or any of the following articles from our extensive list of presents that will be praoUcnl and will bo remind ers of your thoughtfulncss throughout tho year. n(l useful Arm Bands in Fancy Burntwood Boxes 75c to $1.50 Suspenders and Tie to match 50c to $1.50 Tics and Sox $1.50 to $3.00 Stetson Hats .:.: $4.00 Shoes $3.00 to $7.00 Sweaters $1.50 to $7.50 Combination Sets, Tie holders and Scirf Pi 4-f ivn4-x1i "-Hi. Ill Combination Sets,' Sox' and yTiudkiSs10 Smoking Jackets'.'.'. V.! '.'.'.'.'.'.'. ii'SMl'50 Bath Robes Z7Z u ww Ties ::'on;;Hcto7.00 -., uuv;, UC,$1.UQ Your Christmas Shopping will not be complete without a visit to this store, where you practical presents in great profusion. ' d can fiD(i MARSHFIELD I THE FIXUF 'ORTH BEND CHRISTMAS WITH THE TOILERS OF THE SEA L" ANDLUmiEItS that you are. did you ever rcllect that thcro Is a world whero Christmas Is ns meaning less a day as tho -Ith or -0th Tho Cicero class hns finished tho third Cntlllnnrlnn Oration. Tho Ninth Latin class Is studying tho Hiibjunctlvo mood. Itohcnrsnls for tho Senior play nro progressing nicely nnd glvo pro mlso of a successful performance Tho members of tho cast, in splto of tho fnct that they nro nmntours In tho nrt, nro taking hold nicely. Kvoryono is Interested nnd ovoryono not Interested In school Is cordially urged to attond. A largo and on thuslnstlo nudlcnco helps to ninko n mora Interesting performance -I SOUTH .MAltSIIKIF.LI). Klglith Grade. Mrs. J. M. Upton visited tho Eighth grado Monday aftornoon. Tho last thirty minutes on Fri day aftornoon In this grndo nro giv en, to tho reading of the weekly current ovents paporo. Second It. I Agnes Kulju, Irono Woodworth,' Arthur Upton, Charles Kosoncn.j fnr. I f"! t. .1 Ir. n m .. . Kill. TnWIltrtllflll i nwru .n viiiuiio null juiiih itu t iuiii-11 i unu noncci icssuuh in iiicir review on Friday. Tho snap shot of tho First grado pupils ns tlioy camo out of tho building ono day last week, taken by Mrs. Wordworth. Is a very good of December? Did you over think far plcturo of thorn nil. enough beyond tho spicy vnpors of Till Crnle your own plum pudding to realize that Thoso who had perfect lessons , j tho seafaring folk were living their spelling nil week woro: Ilort Why, Christmas day ns If they knew naught Albert Johnson, Lucllo McLnln.'of Its fame? They do know wlmt It Stolln Storgnrd. Adrnln Granby. Kf- means, howover, ns well ns over do flo Holmes Jnck Collins, Kdnn ltccs. , blt wn(Is , , ,, tl Mar o W stn, Delhi Terry, Hoborti '. .., ., , . Oraves. Cleo Carter. Marlon Hors- ' l,1 2" on ever -other day, nud fnll nnd Holen I'orklns. I't " Polish snllormnn who counts Mrs. Clnrk, Mrs. nradflold nnd on turkey or holly berries. Tho chances Mrs. Fourier visited tho grndo on are he'll seo little of them. Thursday. Christinas Is disobliging enough to notli sections nro working on como In tho very beginning of tho mad rnpld work in multiplication. dest wenther, nnd tho wenther never Oortrudo Itobertson. Irono FoulkesiBVt,3 vny om (nci,. Tho pi0tbont and Jnck Collins nro dropped on uonlo ,, 10 )lfo nvers nml0 pn. account of Illness. i,tir imi,, ,,h,.,iiu ni,iin,. imii. Oeorgo Fourier wns entered .... . ' ,. , " ...... Thursdny, mnklng n dally enroll ment of forty. Doth sections of tho Third grndo nro using tho rondor, "Cnt Tnlls nnd Othor Tnlls," ns supplementary rendors. A test of eighty words was glvon In spoiling Frldny morning. Tho geography class has boon working out tho Journoy of a Christmas letter, its modo of travel, day, but ten to ono they will be noth ing more than attempts. If tho son chooses to mako merry In Its own 1 way tho sea commands nnd must bo obeyed. Tho captains of tho lifo saving sta tions along tho beach try each year to celobrnto with their men. A turkey Is always brought to tho headquarters nud n good meal prepared n round It ns n stnr attraction. Hut anywhere illffmiAiil t.nntilit n ! AAAiinntlnna n. ncrtrf with " II. cities nnd different '" ""unsticks, to nuts nnd rnls.ns pnrtn of tho country It would visit. Fourth (initio. Hnl Warwick hns withdrawn from cnltnrtl Penrl Thorrlnult, Allco Flnnngnn, fl1'' tho n,lnco P'0 B forKottcn, nnd Stella Krlckson. Dosslo Thomns. Uu-' lts n" to launch tho lifeboat nnd then may como tho slgnnl from tho const guard. Perhaps n crab fishing boat has capsized; porhnps It Is a big ship going down-thc result Is tho samo. Tho Christmas turkey is left to grow SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SALE OF JEWELRY I will sell all .jewelry in my store at one-fourth off of regular price. They aro bargains and will make ewollent Chris! mas presents. The line consists of Watch Chains, Watch Fobs, llim-i lets, Slick Pins, Belt Pins, Brooches, Kings, CulT Bu ions, etc. e- Hut- IMnko your selections carl'. 1 Also a large lino of Christmas Novelties, Candies, Ci gars, Pipes, Jlc. AUGUST FRIZEEN 08 CENTRAL AVENUE. Mombors of tho n division doing good work In spoiling this weok woro Hector Stophnn, Vol ma Ros.1 nnd Myrtlo Nelson. Ituhy Hendry and Lnuronco Hor ton woro tho only nbsencos In tho grndo this weok. Kdwnrd Stlco from Portland en entered rho grado this weok. Sixth nnd Seventh. Myrl Cox was absent Tuesday nf tornonn and nil day Friday. Last weok Albert Powors was absont on Tuesday nftomoon. No othors hnvo been absent this mouth. In Sovonth nrlthmotlc tho follow Ing recolved good grades: duy Clausen, Huby Cooloy, Albert Pow ors, Norman Wilson nnd Llsn Krom- inlngn, dolpli Johnson nnd Floronco Flnna gnu nro nbscnt this week on ac count of Illness. All of tho pupils, cxcoptlng two In tho It class hnd perfect spoiling les sons this weok. In tho A class tho following pupils had perfect snolllng lessons: Oeo Wing, Ehio (rant, Thomas Crosthwalt, nnd Fay Wnlker. In Sixth grado geography, good papers woro handed In by Huth An- dorson, Charles Doano, Krnest Prows, aienda Farrol, Holen (Julov- son, tieorgo Hnnsoii, Wllma Hong Innd, Mary MeArthur. Margaret Mln nlg, Violet Hoherson, Krnest Whero at nnd Vnlorlan Vasey. Third mill Fourth firades. Tho chlldron nro making Chrlst mas blotters for their art work nnd sonio of them have dono very well with tho freo hand cutting nud printing. There will be a very slmplo Christmas program on Friday aftornoon. Sevoml (ii'iido. Thoso haviiifr perfect spollliiK les sons tills weok wore: Walter Sned don, Cecil Doll, Robert nurroiigliB. Lloyd Haworth, Alton Knrdoll, Thel ma Itlack, Duncan Dashney, Stoon Magnus. Kinorson N'off, Ralph Han son, John Nordstrom and Adrlnuo Gardner. Tho pupils printed wlntor scones Flftli firade. Altn Lash. Ethel Sumner. Lau renco Parkor and Anna Wilson woro absent this weok on account of Ill ness. Tho pupils of tho Tt division hnvo been doing good work In common frnctlons. whllo tho A division Is Interested with problems concern ing tho clothing of our pcoplo. Thoso perfect In deportment tho pnst month woro Agnes Johnson, Emmn Douglas, Etbol Sumner, Hol en Terry, Hllma Kulju, Jnno Mc Laln. Mnrlan Wright, Mazlo Cooloy nnd Tholmn Wnlkor. On Frldny afternoon tho grado onjoyod tho story of Psycno nnd Cupid, ns told by Miss Topping from tho Public Library. Sixth Oracle. Eddie Ellerbeck roturnod to school this weok. Wnltor Fourier entered tho A class Thursday. Frank Norrls, Agnes lturko nnd Allen Lnrry hnvo boon absont this weok, Seventh firade. In tho Inst spoiling contest 07 .'Mo por cent was tho average for tho grado. This month tho n class will nieinorlo Crossing tho Bar, by Tennyson, tho A class. Sail on, O Ship of State, by Longfollow. Those doing exceptionally good work In arithmetic aro Edgar Cason, Esmond Olossop. Mnbel Immel, Oeo. 'lorry. Harold Hoagland nnd Story Miisson, Irene Fourier of Chicago Is a now piinll In tho It rlnss. Ernest Potorson and Edyth Sum nor wero on tho sick list this weok. bur nro ngnln In school. . Tho pupils aro much Intorestod In tho stories rolnted by Miss Top plug, the llbrnrlan, whon sho visit ed tho grades on Friday. to tho onre nnd nwny. Night or day tho summons may come. If at night thcro nro n flashing of lights on tho bench nnd n tight, mnn ngalnst ctorm, In tho blackness of tho surf. On tho lightship provision is mndo for n good dlunor, but there the pleasure euds. Day nnd night tho ship rides nt nnchor ten miles off shore Always tho clanging of the fog bell Is henrd ind the lights nro watched, and break in tho monotony there Is none, savo for a better bill of faro than usual and an extrn glass of grog, then back to the bell nnd tho lights again, nnd men for get what Christmas celebrated or that It wns celebrnted at nil. It was during tho carving of tho last turkey that tho bells raug fiercely, for n rog was uTlvlng In past tho heads, and lights were being enveloped In It. Two new men were nmoug tho crow, and they sprang, frightened, away from tho table. The old sailors assured them that It was no trouble out of th ordinary, but they could not bo Induc ed to come back to tho dinner. They aro blnso now and nro laughing at other new men, but their companions have not forgotten to mention the din ner that they missed by gazing shud- derlngly Into a winter fog nnd expect ing mo uentn or themselves or some oue clso every moment. Christmas Is a lottery to tho pilots. No man of them knows when his turn Is coming to guldo n ship into port, nnd ships must bo guided whon It Is their captain's will. Some of tho pilots may novo a snatch of tho day nt homo In tho midst of Santa Claus gossip and mi uorns ann stuirea: stockings. Who gKTt JP YOU ABE WONDERING ABOUT WHAT TO CiET FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS n visit to our store will help you to solve the problem. Wo have many articles to gladden tho heart of a woman, man or chil in our excellent stoclc, including CAftVING- SETS BAKING PAM GAME SHEABS, CASSEROLES, BOYS' EXPRESS WAGONS. BICYCLER TRICYCLES, MOTOR CYCLES, SHAVING SETS CUTLER POCKET KNIVES ROSETTE SETS SAFETY RAZOR and many other articles too numerous to meij tion. L Watch our windows and visit our store for Christmas suggestions. WHAT SANTA DID, -I - Twaa tho night boforo Christmas, and Jncob nnd Grotchen Lay snug In their bed in tho Dorn- hoefor kltchon, Not n sound savo the song that tho gay crlckot sings, And n faint, sleopy murmur, " 'Top klckln' my skins," Could bo heard In tho Dornhoofor kltchon thnt night, nut thoro In tho flro, In tho moon's silver light. In a short straggling row lay four queor little shoes, Left thoro for tho Jolly Kris Krln- glo to uso. Etrnngost of things, 'Twos Santa Claus spanking Dornhoofor twins. Soloctod. tho! cuwors facts. GETTING HEADY. eyer the other pilots may be. they nro Then suddenly Gretchen snt up with on Inn wiilor tvllli n ml .it.. I .." " "" "I' m on tho water with a good dinner stow- ed nway awaiting its opportunity, which may or may not como. If a ship Is suddenly sighted, then nover mind the dinner The life on tho great steamers and sailing vessels Is more systematic, nnd it Is worth while to prepare for ns much merriment ns tho homesickness of empty sea vlow will permit. There may bo a Christmas treo nnd music and dancing; but. bo you n sendog or a landlubber, It's nil tho snme-you would rather bo nt homo over n table mm uoes not roll nnd spend n good n start And rubbed Jacob's oyes (you can't ion tnom apart, Thoso Dornhoofer twins, in tho brightest daylight, So how could poor Grotchen bosuro In tho night?) And thoy laughed as they thought of tho words Santa'd uso, I' or thoyd' hlddon n mouso-trnp In each of their shoes. Well, Santa Claus camo. and tho mouso-trnp went slnm, And Santa said something that sounuea uko "sham:" i,uristian LUrlstmns with all its tra j And tho Moon said sho saw Just tho dltlonal uouse.nso.-San Francisco Call Lato sho Idled without measure, Doing nothing much at all; Now sho soonis to find somo picas uro Working at a doily small. Or sho trims a neck ploco neatly, Or sho knits a yard of laco, Answering nil questions sweetly "Oh, they won't bo out of place." Something boo Is mnklng over, Till It boars a look that's now; I enn seo a tnblo covor Chango as she would hnvo it do. Sho will rip nnd put togothor Till it suits hor; then sho'll smile. Thinking of tho chnnglng wenthor " 'Twill como handy nfter while." Somothlng sho is nlwnys doing; Not by ono tnsk sho's appoased, Soiho Btrnngo ond she's still pursu ing, And by it sho seoma well pleased, So hor actions keop mo guessing Till hor tired voice I hear; "Well, I know ono certain bless ing ChrlstmnB comes but onco a year!" ..... i- filimenti' Tiingsiun ""i' -,.. i longer ? running inrou6u - . keep thera at a d"" rWl Great Britain je.rlr hundred una i"'? - on tobacco. KOT1CB 0PF1X."W1 Notice is nercbr ' u,u,, .rttat : qualineu - Robe t C8tntu .LTr M ceased. nn;lthti ,n toe '"";. Clerk of too ,r: (ed tho Court "",- i to Cth day oi - oMeti tio time or tho said imai - tioment thereof. ,, nofo.l tb s lStn " ' bcr' 1912, JANE M0RG t Executrix of e Robert., decea frf. wM