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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1912)
"' f1"'"" u . mw w n , , , ??B'ffiM ISEB ' k'f cforeTaWno our annualLntory Hond JanueaSl S that th PCP'e may take advanta9 to save money on their christmas purchases and enable us to reduce our WE ARE GOING TO SLASH PRICES ON ALL OU R Shoes, Hats and Caps, Underwear, Shirts, Coat Sweaters, Hosiery, Notions, Umbrellas, Clothing, Trunks, Blankets, Comforters and Neckwear yjMBHfrni ?li?;SK3HiHBBBBWBWf ?flfr"''BKFl'iBBW!BflMW fH W ' A Our regular prices are as low as the lowest, but profits are lost sicjht of in this qreat sale and we are cutting prices to a point that will comepel buying by every nnn who wants to "Save money. The tuialitv of those tmnrls am tim up i-mct if ic tn nnntn nrir.ns nn all nnnris in this announcement but we ciive some sample prices and all other prices are proportionately "low. SALE CONTINUES ONLY UNTIL DECEMBER 30, AND IS FOR CASH ONLY. kir Entire Line of Men's $3.00 Hats for Only $2.1 5: 50c Men's Work Shirts for Only 25c Wool Blankets $4,00 Wool Blankets $3.25 $5,00 Wool Blankets $3.95 Cotton Blankets $1,25 Cotton Blankets 95c $2,00 Cotton Blankets $1.65 Comforters $1,50 Comforters .-.. $1.25 $2,50 Comfortors $1-95 $2.50 Men's Hats, late styles, large assortment, for $ 1 .70 DON'T OVERLOOK THIS OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE MONEY. COME EARLY WHILE YOU HAVE A LARGE ASSORTMENT TO CHOOSE FROM. HOUSE OF QUALITY. PHONE 32 SMUH'frgjr-W-tSSGaiS.IWi smsEssasssasssEssssmsss H $1 CENTRAL AVENUE MARSHFIELD. Jjl STATEMENT OF CONDITION' FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MAHSHFIELD, OREGON ESTABLISHED 18S9. At tliu close of lmslncs, November 2(1, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans niul Discounts $lfS ' Hanking Houbo .m Son on Cash and Sight Exchnngo .uj.&ju.ju Total $797,467.00 LIABILITIES. ,ftnftnnft Cnpltnl Stock paid In 00,000 .00 Surplus and Undivided Profits .Jj''i, UopOSitS Total I7D7.I57.00 jBIG FORCE M J HUH CANAL THE FRIEND OF COOS DAY' S. S.. ALLIANC equipped with wireless SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR. EUREKA SUNDAY DEC. 15 AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON CONNECTING WITH TIIR NORTH HANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NOHTII PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phone 41. 0. F. McGEOHOn, Agent. THE NEW Steamer SPEEDWELL OAPT. 1IU11TIS, Master. Sails from San Francisco, for Coos Bay direct, about Dec. 20, UW She iilll sail from Coos Hay about December SHU foi San Francisco and San Pedro. .riii.nt nassencer nccom- THE SPEEDWELL Is speedy and hMncc"?" ,.PS ffiH and modntloiM, largo cjean and airy rooms and electnc Jiyii ulrclcss. , .,i.. mi Ja a ni f , a ..nlrAfi -li Lai. Hl.t B"ii rnislu' Employment Roll at End of November Had 40,159 Men On It. l IDf AewlitM I'm lo Coot l)r Tlm.l COLON', Dec. 13 Tlio largest forco over uugaged at ono tlmo In tlio construction of tho Panama Cn nnl was working nt tlio end of No vember, when -10,159 men, of whom 5,810 woro American citizens, woro employed. No fowor than 4000 aro ongagod on tho lock gates. CHOl'PV COUGHS AX1 viiiM." rni.iw. Tho quickest, simplest way o rid tho children of dangorotiB croupy coughs nnd wheezy stuffy colds Is to glvo thorn Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. It gives almost In stant relief nnd stops a cough promptly. It soothes and heals. Contains no opiates. For salo by Locklmrt-PareoiiB Drug Co., tho Busy Corner. GEORGIA IB WHIPS ACCUSED Orders Dalton Citizen to Leave Town Because He Did Not Oust Women. IDr AMorUlcJ Titm to Coot lr TlmM.J DALTON, Oa., Dec. 13. Ilocauno ho refused to got rid of boveral al- leged disorderly whlto women living In ono of his houses, John Watklns was taken by masked inon from his homo todny In tho center of tho town, severely whipped, and ordorod to loavo town within thrco days. , At the Churches (Ministers nnd others aro rcquosi ed to hand la tho Sunday church no tices not Inter Minn Friday ovonlng to Insuro Insertion Saturday.) held regularly as above, that Itr. each Sunday morning In MnrHlifloId and each Sundny evening In Nortlx. Dond. - CIIIHSTIAX SCIENCE. Jfc CURIOUS FACTS. - I I a A strnngor wns arrested m uiti cago tho othor day becaiiBO ho had ?320 In his pockets. Out of a totnl number of 54, COO passenger cms In this country 3000 aro stcol, Tho extreme northwestern corner of Slborla will soon bo In wireless touch with Vlndlvostock. Steamer Homer Sails from San Prancisco, for Coos Bay With Freight Only, Friday Evening, December 13 F. 8. DOW, Aget. Ocean Dock. I METHODIST EPISCOPAL O Hoy. II. I Uutlcdgo, Pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning sorvlcos at 11 o'clock. Epworth Longuo nt 0:30. Evening sorvico ai ciu. Junior Lcaguo Thursday aftornoon at 3: -10. Prayer mooting Thursday ovonlng at 7:30 o'clock. You aro cordially Invited to attend theso sorvlccs. e EMMAXUEIj EPISCOPAL. I . . o Rov. Robt. 13. Drowning, Rector. 8 n. in. Holy Communion (2nd and 1th Sundays.) 9:30 a. m., Sunday school. 1 1 a. in., morning prnyor and ser mon. Holy Communion llrat Sunday of each month. 7:30 p. m. Evening prnyor and Sermon. Friday Evening. 7:30 p. in. Evening Sorvico nnd Mlliln atllilv Rnrvlrn 111 St. Mnrv'fl clllircll. North Ilond (2 p. in.) and St. Luko's Church, Einpiro, (3 p. in.) ovory ni tornnto Sunday. . I SEVENTH DAY ADVEXTISTS. . O. J. Colo, Pastor. Sovonth Day Advontlst services aro conducted ovory Saturday as follows: Sabbath school at 2 p. m. Preaching sorvlcea at 3 p. m. Como and spond an hour with us; ID will do VQU ROOd. l : - Chrlstlnn Sclonco hall, 237 Thirst utfnnf Vnrlli. Subject: "Ood tho proaorvcr aXl man.' Sorvico Sunday nt 11 a. ni. Sundny school 12 M., Wednesday Q n. til ' Reading room opon on Tuosunya. Thursdays and Sati rdays, 3 to C p. m. : SWEDISH LUTHERAN. I Dr. John E. Oslnnd, Pastor. Sunday School, 0:30 a. lit. Mm-tiltn? nnrvlpo. 10:45 a. m. Tim unHtor will nrench on th Biibjoct, "Tho Stnnd Heforo tho Vioi .if Mini." Evonlng sorvlcos li English M 7:30 p. ni. Kiilitm-t. for thn lIHim UK BOrmotU "A Prisoner's Query." In tho ovoa-J Imr "A Prnnnr KntllliatO Of tll Christian Mlnlstor." Sorvlcea will bo hold In North llond Monday o; ctilng, Deo. ir, ai s ociock. Children Must Have Good Light for Studying EQUIPPED WITH WIHCLESH Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILINGS FROM POUTLAND, Tucday .ienl8 t each Meek at SAVING FHOM MAHSHFIELD. & !., Saturday, Dec. lltlij 7 A. M., Satuniaj, u SatuiUuy, Dec. US. Phone Main 85-Ii. j. O. MILLED, Agent. A poor light strains the eyes, and the injurious effects may .- ! t!f- A !1 1 J 1- t TU. l.'rU- A-m tha TPatm last ior jue. 111 uii lump is ui. xuc ngj". iuii A.jrvr Lamp is soft and mellow. You can read or work under it for hours without hurting your eyes. Tt. BAVO I. mmlnirLJ . rln t !f !-1l W. Illllha best lamp mads yet inoxpeniive and economlcAl, The " . I nmrt m,do 80,ld 1ra nicicei puiea. -" Lighted without removing cnimnoy or shade. Easy to cle'an and rewlck. Made In various styles aad for all purposes. DtaUri Evryuihr STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) . 401 iwar - UNITED HUETIHtE.V CHUHCII f North llond. Mrs. It. N. Lewis, Pnstor. Sabbath school, 10 a. in. Plii'lnllnn Endeavor. 7 n. in. Urnnrlilnir 1 I II. in. lli:il 8 tl. IX. Prayer mcolliiK WodnoBday eve ins at 8 o'clock. FIHST HAPTIST CIIUHOir. Rcxyc At 1 bK Hl COLD RIDE: Santa Clous may feol llko warming his hands on tho kltchon hot wntor boiler. Is yours In good condition?! Hotter havo us look It over to mnko sure. It wouldn't bo very comfortable to havo your plumbing break down on unrisirnas, wamu u.i Willey & Schroeder 303 North Front Street. v PHONE 77-J CIIUUCII OF CIIHIST. I a, Z. O. Downrd. Minister. Dlblo school at 10 a. in. Voung Pooplo's meotlng nt 7 p. m. Thoro will bo communion and tirnnnlilllf HftrvlrOH tOmorfOW IllOrll- Ing nt tho Christian church, corner Sixth stroot and central avonuo. in tho ovonlng Rov. Downrd win spoaK on "Why Must Christ Dlo." Spo clal music. : ' I PHESHVTEItrAN CHUHUH I , Marshflold J. E. Durkhart, Mlnlstor. At tho First Presbyrorlnn church torvlcos may bo expected on sabbath as follows: Sundny school at 10 a. m. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Voung Pooplo'B Mooting At :30. Evonlng worship nt 7:30. Splondld music by a quartot rholr at both morning and ovonlng sorvlccs. .,, Tho Sunday ovonlng sermon will bo tho second In a sorlos on "Somo Vital Questions for Pooplo of To- In.. A pnrillnl WolpOlIlO to all. Hymns that all lovo to sing. Como and bring a frlond. NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN. I R. O. Thorpo, Pastor. Services will bo hold In tho Nor wegian Lutheran church, Marsh field, Sunday, at 11 o'clock. Sun day school at 10. Norwegian sorvlccs will bo held In tho Swedish Lutheran church nt North Dond, Sunday ovonlng, at 7:30. 8unday school at 10. Hencoforth tho services wH bo Aiimrf v. iinRBfnnl. M. A.. Pastor. Our Dlblo school moots prompt! at 10. Classes ior an agon. Morning worship nt 11. with se mnn iiv I'nfitnr RasBiord. Junior Society moots In M nlmrnb nt 2:30. Ymini? I'conlo'a sorvico at 6:! All young peoplo welcomed. l'vmilnir worabln at 7:30 Wl sormoii by pastor on "Jonnh, tj Prophet of Excliislvonofls," Tlio i of tlio sorloa on ino rropaum Vnilnnlnv mil! TodaV." Midweek prayor sorvico on Thul dny ovonlng ni y:ju. OATIIOLIO CHURCH A North Dond. nnv. Fathor Snrlngor, ncctor. Mnsn will bo eolobrnted at o'clock Sundny morning by the Fathor Bprlngor. 4 I OATIIOLIO CHURCH. v Mnrshflold. Ttnv A TJ Mnnro. Thoro will' bo two massos at Mnnlon'n mm at 7 nil(l IUBII 14 nt 10 o'clock. I PRESHYTERIAN CHURCH a North Dond. Rov. D. A. MacLeod, Pastor. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Preaching sorvico, 11 a. m. rtiirintlnn Rndcavor. 0:30 P. Preaching sorvico, 7:30 p. m.j - I METHODIST CHURCH North Dond. Tho sorvlcos Sunday will bo ai lows: a.inrlnv anlinnl inn. m. Vospor Circle and Epworth. L 7 p. in. L Cnnnnnl tiV HlA nnStOT 11 .5"i'"w"" ' ' VI nun o ji. in. If you havo anything to soil or trado, or wan', ueip, iry Adt, ,. f : M -i -"