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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1912)
i HOLIDAY FURNITURE SALE slashed SPECIAL We want to reduce our stock and to do it auickly have cut prices Jing in we are closhlg Ut at CSt "d n ther goods P are ed to make them move, All goods are marked in plain figures and you can figure the price yoursen, Everything in the Store Will Be bold at w rer ueiu uuum There are a few lines that we are closing out and during this sale you can buy WKJItfcK ROCKERS $4.00 Rockers for.. 0,c $6,00 Rockers for " $$ $7,00 Rockers for M $7,50 Rockers for ""'"" g-JJ Iron Beds, Go Carts and Baby Carriages, Wicker Rockers and Framed Pictures at Cost. GO-CARTS AND BABY CABS $4,75 Go Carts at $3.00 $34,00 Haywood Go Cart $25.00 $25,00 Baby Carriages .--. $20.00 $y.uu rommg otiu wun muhm omuiu Vw.w IRON BEDS $13,00 Iron Beds for $9-00 $12,00 Iron Beds for $8.00 $6,00 Iron Beds for $J.OO fRQ.nn Iron Rfifls for $6.00 yv i vv iiw - - - YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING IS NOT COMPLETE WITHOUT A VISIT TO THIS i STORE ANC AN INSPEC TI0N OF THESE GOODS AT THESE PRICES, COMh tAKLY iu bLuunt a phi icn qu-eumum. FRAMED PICTURES Make Beautiful Christmas Presents. $5.50 THE QUALITY AND STANDARD OF THE JOHNSON FURNITURE IS BACKED BY 27 YEARS C. A. JOHNSON $2,50 to $3,00 Framed Pictures, closing out Sim $4 to $5 Framed Pictures, closing out ""$inn $1,00 Framed Pictures, closing out at.. 60c BUSINESS ON COOS BAY, Sale Opens Tomorrow Morning Thursday, December 12 THIS SALE FOR CASH ONLY. STORE OPEN EVENINGS. ULUtoi rumviiunc oiuntz.uv uuuj ouuiMlr NORTH FRONT STREET, MARSHF1ELD. rmasmBtammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmamBtx W 5 III 1 Newsy Budget from Lively Community in Curry 1 County. (Spcclnl to The Times.) ' DENMARK, Doc. 13. II. I). Stol nor bas t'ono to Bamlon to work In tlio lumbor camps for n couplo of months. Tlio Denmnrk folks who enjoyed lliolr Thanksgiving illnnor nnd pro gram at tlio school Iioubu wore bo well pleased with tlio lindortnklng that thoy doclilod to try It npaln. Accordingly n progrnm of Instru mental music, recitations nnd nn Indian war dnnco In coHtmno Is to lm presented on Sunday nftornoon. Docomhor IB. A ClirlHtmnH troo with progrnm nnd tlio URiinl foatlv- Jtles Ib under way nlHo. Mr. Adolphnon went to Port Or ford Saturday, returning the next day. Ert Rennet nnd wlfo wero plonH nut visitors nt Lnnglols nnd at Lnkoport on Monday of this week. Four now pnpllH nddod to I ho Donmnrk school recontly linn swoll- od tlio numlier to IU, which Is Bald I to lio tlio lnrgost rurnl school In Curry county. Mr. nnd Mrs. Nelson nnd their children hnvo recently moved ovor !to tlio Stnr rnnch to work IIiIh win-tor. Mr. JninoB nnd family linvo ro- Icontly moved Into tlio Iioiibo for merly occupied hy Mr. OhnBtaln, who moved not long ngo. curious facts. A luiKo nnderKround lako Is to lio tnpped In nn effort tt Biipply vntor to n Rcctlnn of Belgium which Ib ulinoHt ontlroly dopendunt m rnln wntor. Ono pound of good coal rolenBea mfflclcnt energy to rnlso nn nvor- figo man to n point 11 miles high. Tlio oponlng nnd closing of somo tt tlio Rntea of tlio ranainn cnnnl dono by n mnsslvo arm wolcliliic vo tons. Thomley O. Prnt. Jr.. of Los VncoloB. ngo 34 months. Is 43 nches tnll, weighs r.fl pounds nnd pokB HKo n boy of flvo years. PLAN TO LEAVE SOON FOR EAST Coos Bay Delegation to Start for Washington About January 1. Wlillo tlio exact dnto of tlio do- pnrturo of tho Coos liny dona tion for Washington has not hecn fixed, It Is expected that they will lenvo about January 1. Cnpt. Miicgonn Ib having plans mndo to get nwny then. ' It Is ex pected thnt Cnpt. II. C. NoIboii, for merly of tho Nairn Smith nnd M. F. l'lnnt will bo horo booh from Snn Francisco to tnko Cnpt. Mac genu's plnco on tho Ilrenkwntor. during his absence In Washington. Cnpt. Nelson Is well known horo ns ono of tho best nnvIgntorH thnt Coos Hay linn over hnd. Additional bluo prints Bhowlng the soundings tnken by Engineer. ChnrlRton In his now Hiirvoy of tliOj Coos Hay bar, nro being mndo ho that tho commlttco will hnvo nin-j plo to explain tho situation nt Washington, Cnpt. Mncgonn lias written Son nlor Porklnn of California to nflslHt tho Coos liny dologatlon In Retting recognition for Coos liny. Sonator Pork Inn was for nearly forty years tho nctlvo hoad of tho Ooodnll-l'or-klns company, tho most successful Btenmshlp company on tho Const. As u moiubor of It. ho nt ono tlmo had extoiiHlvo linldhiRS hern In tho Llbby mlno nnd Oregon Conl nnd Navigation compnny holdliiRB, now known ns tho Itoynolds Dovolopment Compnny tract, nnd oporntod tho M. F. Plant nnd othor vessols In hero for awhile. Ho nlwnya has been n friend of Coos Ray. Cnpt MncRonn formerly ran on tho flood nll-Porklns vessolB, hnving received his first nppolntmont direct from Sonntor Perkins 24 yonra ngo, Frank Plxley, then editor of the ArRounut, IntroduchiR tho two. Sen ntor Perkins Is chairman of tho Nnvnl Hoard nnd haB nlwnys oc cuplcd nn Important plnco In tho Rovernmont rlvors nnd hnrbors work. TO W L OGA HBERRIES DAY'S DOINGS IN CONGRESS Coos Bay Fruit Growers Asso ciation Formed to Pro mote Industry. ' As n menus of developing tho fruit Industry nrouiiu Coos' Hay, tho Coos liny Fruit Growers Association has Just been organized. It Is plan ned to linndlo the business on n co oporntlvo bnsls, In plnntlng, grow ing nnd marketing. Tho nBBoclntlon hns been Incorp orated with n cnpltnl stock of $&, 000. Tho Incorporntors nro O. 011 bertBon, OoorRO Cnntlno. S. W. Ilnr mon, D. D. Ilrnlnard, A O. KJoll iind nnd A. 0. Itaab. Tho stock will bo mndo pnyablo In fruit In stcad of cash. One of tho first things to bo tnk en up will bo to dovolop tho log nnborry culture It Is declnred thnt this section la especially adapt ed to tho growth of tho loganber ry nnd thoro Is nlwnya n good mnr kot for It. An nvorngo crop with n minimum price of four cents per pound, which tho now nssoclntlon Is tnlklng of guaranteeing, tt Is on-, tlmntcd thnt nu ncro should pro- duco $500 worth In n year. It Is proposed to put In a fruit dryer nnd ship direct to enHtorn markets, thus Insuring tho greatest posslblo returns. A. O. KJollnud hns given tho mnttor consldornblo study nnd Is enthusiastic over tho prospects. Ho Is cndenvorlng to hnvo many rnuchcrs plnnt tho log nnborry vI"h this fnll nnd wlntor. Tho hill (.iid iionch lands nro said to bo especially good for loganber ry crops. San Francisco Wants $500,- 000 Appropriation for a Marine Hospital. tnjr AMOi'l.lo.l l'ffl. to Cool lltr Tlmm.l WASHINGTON. Pec. 13 Tho ad journment of congrcsB for tho Christmas holidays, December 19 to Jnuunry 2, was authorized today when the scunto adopted tho reso lution nlrendy pnsHcd by tho houso. HMm nnt1liiat mnntlftn nt nnnl la Rild to hnvo beon mndo by Theo- uniitis. Engineers hnvo bogun tho con struction of nn aerial railway 40 miles long, with in or 10 towers to every mllo of cable, to connect Mnulznles and Mnrlultn, Colombia I Times' Wnut Ads brine rosults. Trv Tho TImoB' Want Ads. IF ! "Sairty" Only Knew TIIOS HOWARD Jowolor tibout our fine stock of gift .jewelry ho would mnke our store his headquarters. Suppose you coiue in and look around. Tho fine as sortment of Christmas pres ents will please you and tho low prices will surprise you. All goods sold engraved free. TlnoSo Howard Jeweler Agents for South llcml Watches. Murshflold. Hnvo your Job printing .ono b Tho Times offlco. Ilavo your Job printing dono at Tho TImos offlco. Trv Tho Times' Want Ads. TIIR WUSY WOMAN'S DAY. It begins early, ends Into, and Is full of work. Sho often has kid ney troublo without kuowlng It. Hor back aches nnd sho Is tired nnd worn out. Sloops poorly, is norvoiiB, no nppotlto. Hor bladdor gives hor troublo, too. Foloy Kld noy Pills will euro all that nnd nro tho best modlclno mado for kldnoy and bladder disorders. For snlo by tho Lockhnrt-Parsons Drug mnko hor strong nnd well. Thoy Co.. tho Busy Corner. l)r AnorllfJ I'rrM to Coot tliigr TlmM. WASHINGTON, Dec. 111. Tho Senate today resumed consideration of tho omnibus claims bill and tlio court Impeachment In tho Arch bald cnBo continued Its work. Tho houso considered private pen sion legislation. Itoprosoittntlvo Introduced a reso lution calling for n report of tho Investigation Into tho Peruvian rub ber ntrocltlcs. Hoprcscntntlvo Kahn urged tho public buildings commlttco provide $500,000 for u mnrlno hospital nt Snn FrnnelBco. Itcndjustmoiit of tho patent feo systom Is proposed In n bill Intro duced y HepreKontntlvo Oldfleld. Contlderatlon of tho Indian ap propriation bill wns resumed. 'I ho "money tniBt" hearing continued. $100 Reward, $100 Tho rtinlori, cf llil impor will lio ii(-mcj lo icitrn that there la lit liit.l mio ilrcncki Uraiu tint iclciico Inn liccn iitilu locuro In all lit tKCi,nnt tlmt la Catiirnl. IIhII'h C'ntnrrl, Cure la tho only ultiv euro now known to tho iiumIIohI Irutcrnlly. Cnlnrni bclnic hcoii (lllntlnnnl tllK-ftic. ri'aiilrra 11 coiiitlttillonal treatment.'ntitrrli cure la tkon Inter tiHl')', KctliiK dingily itiHin tho Mooil nml mil rnm mrhicc" of tint )fcm, thcrcliy ilrtruylni; the (oiitiilAtlnn ol thuIUvK, nml kIvIiik tho VM lent Mr. until In biillilltiK ti the conitltn. lion nnd alolint; tiAluru 111 ilnlnu Ita work, 'the proprietor hnvitao miirh (hIIIi In (Incur Htitepowcn thnt they nffer Ono I In nil red Dot art fur nny chko thntlt full to cure. Bend (or llatof telln.onlH,. o . . . .. K- J. OnENEY A CO., Toledo, O BoU by all r)riislMi.7.Vj. Umbrellas Covered at Marshfield Cyclery Dayton Agents. Phono 15H-K 172 Bronthvny The Sign of Good Candy Always WE WILIi MAIL YOU $1 for each sot of old Falso Teot sent ua. Highest prlcos paid for old Gold, Silver, old Watches broken Jewelry and Preclou Stones. Money Sent by Return Mall. Phlla. Smelting & Refining Co. Established 20 Years. 803 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, P. TO DENTISTS. We will buy your Gold Filling), Oold Scrap, and Platinum. HigU est prlcoa paid. DKCOBATIVK ICLKCTItlC OUT- FITS FOB RENT Fruit nnd Flower lamps at re duced prices. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS in Portnblo Lamps for tho Holidays. Coos Bay Wiring Co. 183 Brondwny N Phono 237-J. TAKE THE BEST CARE OF OLD RAGS Not for their valuo, but bo cntiBO thoy cnuso fires. Mott people do not know that old rags, particularly ollod cloths tiBotl for dusting, etc., will ofton tnko flro spontaneously. Many fires whoro "cnuso la unknown" might bo trncod to carolcssnosa In disposing of rngo. Anybody knows It's wlso to Insuro against loss by fire, nnd anybody may find out, by tho lenst Investigation, thnt wo hnvo Ilvo of tho greatest Inaur nuco companies on onrth. Wo know how to wrlto poli cies thnt protect porfoctly, too. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front Street. Dr. Win. Hauler, nulHoFoPita Cnuso nnd Cure of Colds," , thnt common cohla should bo v on seriously, especially vhcn J "linng on." Foley's Honev ,2 Tft,r, CoI,V"V,ml l8 n mllnMe hoS hold modlclno for coughs and rX otiunlly oRocllvo for children an grown peisoiiB. Talto It when ni feol a cohl coining on. It will aTer, dnngor of serious results and cu quickly. No harmful drugs. For snlo by Loclchnrt-PnrBons Drue Co tho IliiBy Corner, ' FOU A OOOl) WATCH OK FINK JKWKLHY E. C. BARKER IKWKIjKU Fine Watch and Jewelry IlcpalrLifc 2(1(1 I-'ront St., .Mnrsliflcld. Watch Out. Thcso cold days It requires a good not flro to keop tho houso warm. It's'vory EASY for an ACCIDENTAL FIItE to occur. HOW AIIOUT IT7 Hnvo you got your HOUSE and HOUSE HOLD GOODS INSURED In n ro llablo company? If not you aro taking a long CHANCE against LOSS. THE NEWAltlC FIRE INSURANCE CO. Is ono of tho oldest nnd utrnngest In existence. Correctly written policies our specialty. French Realty Co. 315'j No. Front St., Marahflold WHEN YOU WANT A MISSES OKU HOY Something M3t for or delivered V II O N K l'M-h nnd wo'll do It. Charges reuoa ablo. CIIAS OHANIIY, Have That Roof Fixed NOW 8eo GOltrriELl IMIOXr; 3121 R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 244 North Front Street. E. Pale & Co. High ratio Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailoring Importod and Domestic Woolom Fit und Satisfaction Guaranteed Wo do all work right horo. 370 North Front Street Mnrtthflclfl. A modern Brick . ulldlug, Electrls Light, Stoam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL OOOS O. A. Mctlln, Prop, Rates: SO cents a duy nnd upwards Cor. Ilroadway and Market I Will Furnish Your House on the Installment Plan W. KWiseman 811 North Front St. Hub. Phono 296-X: Res. Phono 160-J For GOOD SHOES and GOOD REPAIRING at RIGHT PRICES. Go to August Oleson 215 South Broadway. VOTE FOR New Goods and Second Hand Goods Ilought, sold or exchanged. HARRINGTON, DOYLE Ai CO. 30'J Front Street. Phono 310-L. Unique Pantatorium THE MODERN DYI'RS. ULKANKRS, IHi:SSERH and HAT ItrlNOVATOltS Agent for Kimard II. Strnuu A Co., Fluu Tailoring. Let u tnako your licit Niilt. 255 CENTRAL. Phone g5Q-X WANTED ! ! ! OARPETS UPIIOI.STi:itI.a ANT) PIANOS TO OfiEAN, by the Pnwj. mntlo Cleaning Company. Orderi for work tnken at GOING & HARVEY, Phone 1l . Fisher Auto Service Win. Fisher, Proprietor. Phono ordors to Illllyer's Cigar Stnnd, Phono 18-J. Aftor 11 P. o. phono C-J. Night phono 181-R. SInrshflcId. Oregon. BUILDING AND REPAIR WORK, Houso Moving and Grading. We aro propared to do this work by tho day or contract and guarantee satisfaction. Lot us figure with you, G. 8. FLOYD & CO., Phono 81W, Marahfield, Ore. Barnard & Langworthy See our window display of WOOD ELECTRIC FIXTURES LEADED ART GLASS DOMES PORTABLE STAND LAMPS. PHON1S 1B4.R. HOUSECLEANING AND WINDOW CLEANING Wo make specialty of this work nnd also ofllco janitor work and gunrnnteo satisfaction. Charges rea sonable. O. M. LETTS. Orders may bo sent to phono 298 or left at tho "Busy Corner." REAL ESTATE, INSUR ANCE AND RENTALS Somo fine bargains In Real Es tate. Houses and rooms for rent. AUG. FRIZEEN. 68 Central Avenue. Shoes Mou's Work Shoes nnd JUsscs1 High Top Storm Boots on Snlo Now at The Electric Shoe Store 180 So. Broadway. Mr hM- Marshfield & Nortlf Bend Auto line GORST & KING. Proprietor. Care leave Marshflold everj mlnutoa from 7:15 a. m. un'll XI.W midnight. Leave North Bena on samo Bchedulo, starting at 7 until midnight. Seo Saturday Tlmci for schedule. THE SPANISH GRJLL An Up-to-Dnto Eating Tlsce. Upstairs , Opposite Magnos & Watson. Spanish Dishes a Siecialty. Palmer & Dawson Practical Piano Tuners. Fourteen years tnctovy f P lence. Wo do tuning, nrlc,rDeg,inUb tlon adjusting, polish f re,ey8 cases, make yellow igonaWe. white like now. Rates reasona Satisfaction guaranteed. . Piano boxes for sale, w second-hand pianos for saio. 296-X, or address Box 53d, Held, Oro. ! Lw!iiim'kw K t 1 v r f:m I nc ,. ismi itaiH mmmmim