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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1912. EVENING EDITION. A FEW LAST MINUTE " Don't Go Up CHRISMS GIFTS . ., AL. "KOSTKH & OHEAIt's .Finj: Chocolates -I'W, lpr,, n... roii Tim t, 'U1,'E I AMI IOC All J Mil lli ImX' 4-Ioffl Xk m i IK Charming Presents Thai Gosl Littla In Time or Money, Any pretty tilllo nintlo to contain plus miliar ii n acceptable gift for GliristiiiiiH. A traveling convenience tlmt In iis useful nt liomo us nliioml Is niailo nftor tlio ummier of Hie old tltno iicctllflioiik tlmt lolled Up. The foundation of It Is u strip of illiliou or hIIU inoroei'o mid cliiiniols can 11N0 bo used, likewise uuiwis about sK Inches wide iind twenty lncltex Iouk Lny this lint on tlio cutting boiud mid cover It with two tlilcl.iieses of cot ton batting. Put n luor of co.irsu white llnnuel net to this mid then one of course holed white nut. Kind tlio edges neittly together with u tuiilii rlli bon matching the outside of (ho con venience, nml then tuin up four or flvo Inches of the bottom of tlio stilp nml tneU the ends to form n pocket. About live Indies from the top put u plump plneiiNlilon with corner icwh ing to tho strip edges. IIuvo this mi Inch mid u half deep mid stick It full of vnrlculoicil pins -bine, green, led, pink, white mid the oidlunry hoi la. They will look best If stuck In In soinu orumuentnl uimincr. In tho space nbovo the cushion put black mid whllo nfety plus lu severni sixes. A Noekwear Gift, If you nro In n hurry to get together n very preventable last minute gift tnko a look Into your lacobox and res cue n few bits of Inco mid nut, then 3$" - InlBlT mmmm- iLA''4"?I.V&MMM ?xn .Atfim WvMML wzmzfM AnmeBnon PSiff &. . V srssh -& . fB8BfciT 7TL-ir"" 'ToH I NHT JAI10T. And Then You Will Be Suited DOWN TO THE GROUND! SO WILL THE POOR, TIRED SHOPGIRLS ! I.lbby COAL. The kind YOU have LWAVS 1'SEI). Phono 72, I'nelfir lilvvry nml Transfer Company. wiinvr $1.75 per j oo at HAINES. After all; Christmas would not seem the usual holi day if you fail to give pure Confections We are pre pared to supply your wants best in this line Fine Candies in plain or fancy Holiday Boxes, also in bulk to put in the kiddies' stockings. Ice Cream and Ices for the holiday feast, delivered to your order. LEWIS CONFECTIONERY PHONE 246-J SSS3M.Tr II Home Fade Taffies AND PEXOOJriES .ubim:ys Mmh-mJhJ V A.NDHS mMmimmmmmmmmamjmmmmmmimmmmmmamammimmmmmmmmwmmmmmumrmmi iwwwwmiiiw JiniiBiwiiunn, ZLir- " I jjiLJlXiimJmH'i9iFi'l jyAidlMfck&wrStfS 11 UY SOW. Somo cholco lota tn NORTH BEND ran be litul nt a vory rvnaonublo price If taken now. E. S. GEAR & 00 I'll mi National Rnnk. KSSS?&KSE8E5S3S3K&5r?!c; csiHiasasjansBnaRsacct? Havo your Job printing dono nt Tho Times olllco. fci.r '.i ..'V fe i .iv s ih mkixt, ffdBBBSQBL &I, Handling Bread that is always so frosli, delicious, depontlnblo nml satisfying Is n real pleasure Hating It is n greater one. A loaf of our bread will con vort nuyono Into n big bread enter. And ns bread Is a perfect food tlio J more lonvofi 01 ours you cousuiiiu o hotter for your uonlth. Coos Bay Bakery Tlio plnco for goJil goodies. Market Ave. Phono 111-L "KAMMERER SAYS:" eet to work on n stork collnr nml Jnbol lllio tho one seen lu (he llliiriiriillon A wide piece of III lot hue forms tho hldi collar, which Is cdKcd nt the top with olds of imilliiPH mid black velvet. The "fall" Is of cathciod mallues lu two layers, eiuh one trliiiiiied with lu Fertlou imit IiIiik that uicd for the cob lnr. A pump bow of black velvet tin Ishes the pretty Klft. Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do well to call nt PACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS South Broadway and make sclec tion from tho large stock now on hand. lh.r. "Wilson lias in his employ tho only practical marble and granite ' cutter in Coos County. And nouo but the best work is turned out. An Easy to Made Jacket. A combliiK Jacket Is Mimotliiiii; nny woman would appreciate, especially If it Is as pretty as soiiio of those tho shops m o show lin;. The dainty things in the blK Mores are all but abolute. ly sliapclecs, two perfectly straight breadths helm; used to form a sort of Jaunty kimono sack, with pointed nml fiont. The two leiiKths lime the ends cut bias, this shaping makliii; the front and itmr points, ami the sleeves nro made by ciitchliiK the breadth edge to imIko iiiuli'i the iii-in. White limine! combliiK Jackets aro pretty with blue or pink satin ilhbou IiIihHiiks. FAST AND COADIODIOUS Steamer Redondo Equipped with wireless mid submnrlno bell SAILS FROM MA&SHFIELD for SAN FRANCISCO SUNDAY, DEC. 15, at 2 P. M. All PHKsenk'er Itesorrntlons Prom San Frnnclsco Must Ho Mmlo ot 80S Klfo llluIdliiK, or 1'ler No 10. All reservations must bo ta- ken ii 111 Iwurs beforo sallluK. INTlilll-OCIJAN TRANSPORTATION CO. PHONE 44. C. P. McQEORQE. Asont. Make a Crochet Buckle, The jilrl who crochets can tin it out lu n few hours t-overal of the crocheted buckles like the dainty one pictured. n - cnocm r nicuii; Mercerlned white cotton of n rather coaio number Is used. Yohet ribbon is looped through tho buckle with chnrmlut; effect. Marshfield and North Bend Auto Line GOltST & KING. Prosrletors. in CTTOtoK. jf i 1x a iLfl "'Ty' yVOMKlBmnw , . !f $y&J' For the Maim Who Cares Plnlliinrr tnt fnniieliiiirr rrnnrlc q niw elrnnn rnli I !... i wiuuiiiig, hmu luiiuuiMiit, t,wu 10 nijr ouuiis ouiii i umi ii'jio iq pieassjcji supply your most exacting wants, I havo hero merchandise from tho host makers In the land and stard r to defend them as to their merits and style, Xinraas Presenilis That Wfillll Pllease the M NECKWEAR In anion ,t and variety cf tfirns that has nevrr before been . on tno bay, v- CLUETT SHIRTS Any style your heart desiros, IRELAND'S GLOVES. INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS. UMBRELLAS. COMBINATION SETS In Suspenders, wear, Jewelry and Fine Silk Hosieijl EVERWEAR HOSIERY Silk, Lisle and simero, I make good every pair goes wrona ' ' ' LEATHER NOVELTIES llo Rings. Boxes, Glovo Cases, Tio Folds, Bough especially for the holidays. Hats, Caps, Shoes, Etc., Etc. Aenfbs Adieus Fine Ootfaiog for i VH i iwHMM" Yours anxious to please, TJhe To. M mm miiimi . mktmmmmmmmm mamt imm M m I . iM MMMM M . LKAVU MARSHFIELD LEAVE NORTH REND. 7:15 A. M. 7:00 A. M. 8:00 A.M. 7:45 A.M. 8:15 A.M. 8:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:15 A.M. 10:15 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 10:45 A.M. 11:45 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 13:30 P.M. 12:15 P.M. 1:15 P.M. 1:00 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 1:45 P.M. 2:45 P. M. 2:30 P. M. 3:30 P.M. 3:16 P.M. 4:15 P. M. 4:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 4:45 P.M. 6:45 P. M. b:30 p. m. 0:30 P.M. 0:15 P.M. 7:30 P. M. 7;oo P. M. 8:30 P.M. 8:00 P.M. 9:30 P.M. 9:00 P.M. io:30p.m. 10:00 p!m Jl!22 " - 11:0 ' M- 12:30 A. M. 12:00 P. M. . j .l'eavo orth llcna Allen's Nows stand. Lciivo Mnrbhlleld Chandler and Dlanco Hotels and Busy Corner. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY LIVIA EDMAN, - Mecliuno-Tliernplst Sclontlflc Swedish Massngo, Medical Gymnastics 3U5 S. Sixth St. Phono 2D5.R. TOEIj OSTLINI), Piano Tuner mill Repairer. 41b S. Sixth Street. Phono 103-L J. V. HENNETT Oennott Swanton, Tom T. Dennett Attorneys mid Counsellors nt Law. Flanagan & Rennett Rank Rulldlng. Mai-sliflolil. Coos Co., Oregon. pERIi RILEV RALL1NGER Pianist nnd Teacher Resldenco-Studlo, 237 So. Broadway Phono 18-L. Y7M. S. TURPEN. W ARCHITECT. Marshfleld. Oregon. DR. W. MORROW, ' Dentist. 171 Crimes Rulldlng, over Grand Tlieater. Olllro Pliono 820. W.,n . CHANDLER, Architect. Rooms 301 nnd 302, Coko Rulldlng Marshfleld, O rego n . C. A. Smith Lumber &Pi JllTSMh DEPAHTMEXT . LUMI1ER, TATH, SHINOLICS, .MOUWMX09, SH fl ROOFING F.U'IJt, I-" CUT THE FUEL RILL IN TWO RV VSI.VO OW W 1 183S011H1 1 MlW.Ml 1UU, Abstracts, Real Estate, and MarineliMSE Title Guarantee and Abstrac HENitY SKrtuaiAv-.., - Coqullle Offleo Phon 191 "". aTninK" m iMk.. oi inrttnll SB"' . m. 111UUD1 ww n-, !,- General As MrnJ- Farnis T R, A. J. HENDRY'S 'f Modern Dental Parlors. Wo aro equipped to do high clant work on short notlco at the very lowest prices. Examination free. Lady attendant. Coko Bldg., Opp Chandlor Ho'el, phono tlC-j. You Auto Call Foote PRONE 1M-J NIGHT AND IhYl Stand front of Lloyd Hotel TWO NEW OARS After 11 P. M. Pliono B-J- Residence Phono -8-J. Will Muko Trlns to Coqullle. City A Ituuu .i..l reasonable c wW Cigar Store. W fht Ptone ., SinKEB o