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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREG" SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1912. EVENING ---- -----sl EDITION. eet Me at the People's Toyland iJLSiE During Hie pnst year wo have dcnionslwiicu to you the faci that wo Save Money on your everyday wants. Now wo arc proving to hundreds of sat ,1 customers that wo can save them money on everything i'or the holidays. Sec our windows. Our Stock Is Complete feat remember don't delay. .-"-" ie Early, You Are Invited and Always Welcome at PEOPLE'S 5-10-1 5c STORE SI1FI1CLD OREGON 'mp V 5(f. jQU & mt &- &k ff7. For those whoso homes are lighted by electricity, there are any number of attractive and durable gifts to be found among the innumerable Electrical Appliances that make housework light work and increase the joy of living. Among them are: lliciiit Toasters Cnlfw I'oieolntors Chafing: Dishes l!gg Holler Coffee Pols Tea Kettles (VmniI Cookers Wnfflo Irons .Samovars ONc Ktoes Coin Popitcrs Kitchen Cabinets Washing .Mnrhlues Flat Irons Luminous Hadlatnis Dining Itoom Domes Owns Library Ijinip Piano Lamps Desk Lamps llonilolr Iwunps Floor Lumps Student Lamps Sewing Machine .Motors Massage VllirnloiH Vaenuni Cleaners II u lr lliyers Culling Irons Cm ling Iwn llonlcrs Cigar Lighten Shaving .Mirrors Shaving Mugs Oregon Power Co. AfABSIIFIELD OREGON V 1 " p i mmm i sw iMW Thi e it National Bank Of Coos Bay MARSIIFIELD, OREGOX. CAPITAL FULLY PAID, $100,000.00. '"Mllng biisiiipfia inmiiiKfivii " Intllvldmilu nnnnn..ln..a .....1 !..... .n.nlfml on TIlMn. ...! ,-..... .. .. --...u .1111, DUVIIlgg UCpOSllH. boxes for rcnt at $3.00 and up per annum. solicited. DIRECTORS: :af' Pre3'ilent. DORSEY KREITZBR, Cashier. 3 tA, N C MERCHANT, STEPHEN C. R0QERS, JOHN P. hall. W. P. MURPHY, JOHN S. COKE. Auto Service Driver. 1 Kwtauran &T and night Pictures & Framing Walker Studio TTe Star Transfer and Storage Co. Is prepared to do ell kinds of hauling on short notice. W meet all tTalna and boats and wo also have the latent style Reynolds Piano Mover. We Kuaranteo our work. L. H.Heisner,ProP. Phones 58-R. 120J "L T. J. BOAIFE Sg5A.II. HODGINS Marshfield Pa int (Sh Decorating Co. Furnished. Phone 14).L. Oregoi Estimates AHSFIFIELD. RiiKS Mako Very Acceptalilo Christ iuas presents. Wo weave artistic and durable rag ruga and carpets from old or now materials. Also mako beautiful pillow, couch and tablecovers from silk or woolen rags. Address Gardiner's Rag Car pet Factory. IJov 153, Xorth Uend, or phono 131, STADDEN ALL KINDS of PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK, Rromldo Enlarging und Kodak FinlslUng. I i OF t. .xti. i & : X, '&8i3&Z V i Hwlif -i t TJyHwK' dSaSs MMiP(Ai' tJiMWgHSJyBJ-T aHfciMiUfcMr m ,lJmiA .m.'MikUt WMMHHMA it . 1,11, (,JVW ?1'l'.. il 1 7 i o Eleven Days to Christmas t$&&ite&S'i&S&&i'M'$&&'i Dec. 14 Daily Christmas Hint Last Minute Gifts Tliat Are Useful to Have on Hand No matter how soon ono begins to prepare Christmas gifts or how euro fully one makes out a list of thorn to bo sent to friends, at the Inst minute there Is suro to bo some one thut bus been overlooked. To provide for such SlS3jeiXVt5iK Today Alone Is Ours. Tomorrow NeverComes. Do Your Christmas Shopping TODAY. Every roan has at times In his mind the Ideal of what ho should be. but Is not Pretty Workbag. A pretty workbag Is made JuRt like a pockotbook and Is of drulm or lined sl'k Wlthlu aro rompnrtmeiitH lu which uro the usual thlugs found In such a bag. The ends are gusseted so that the articles are eusy to get at, and, moreover, the capacity of the bag Is thus Increased. THE HILL8. Joy dwells amid the morning- hills. Why muit we seek the dreary plain To plod beneath the burnlnu sun Toward the far readies of tlio inalnT Fair hllla of youth, dear, happy hills, Oh, to be with you once ngaln And not thus Journeying on and on Toward the Inevitable main I -Clinton Scollard. A IllNDKCIICfUIP OASB. a contingency It Is well when making gifts to have on hand a fow simple picbcuts to meet this demand. The handkerchief case pictured will All this want exactly. A Handy Gift. An inexpcnslvo gift for tho woman, who sews or embroiders is n book, nindo of stiff cardboard backs, 4 by 10 inches, and covered with heavy silk or nu art linen In dull colors. Embroider ucross the upper fnco the word "Silk." Run this In a diagonal direction und put u little spray of flow ers nrouiid It. On tho back cover work tho recip ient's monogram or her tlireo Initials In a corded outline Inside the covers nro a dozen manlla envelopes, arranged with tho llap to the outer edgo of tho book, that nro destined to hold as ninny colors of silk. Tho mako and number of tho silk nra to bo marked on the outside, of tho envelopes. Threu holes aro cut through the covers und also In tho envelopes. Itlbbon Is ruu through theso holes uud tied at tho back in small bows. Tho book Is fastened together with, a cord or ribbon to match. Ml " Oregon. -jfin nffriir